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This Week...Around Town - 2020         By Jodi Robinson

Jeff Cooke Photo

Previous Around Town Pages

October 8, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Casy Galeza, Lana Redell & Bil Stanley and on Friday, October 9th to Taylor Duscher, Barb Jarzab, Chris Ciechoski, Marion Assenza, Paula Tickner, Kristina Cutini, Judi Maier & Sandra Kelly Sexton. On Saturday, October 10th to Willian Barbur, Linda Schneckenburger, Geraldine Burrano, Ray Billica & Annette Lobl. On Sunday, October 11th wish happy birthday to Jacob Mongold, Barbara Shepard & Shannon Zaccaria. Happy birthday on Monday to Jean Peters, Gary Larsen, Marissa Mrkall, Ronald Milks, Douglas Carlson, Laura Bonarek & Maria Insalaco and on Tuesday, October 13th to Christopher Conway, Dylan Castiglia, Tom Trader, Priscilla Johnson & Kim Yarwood. On Wednesday, October 14th, happy birthday to Michael Chateauneuf, Stephanie Voyzey, John Turner, Ashley Battaglia, Barbara Krause, Iris Jiscitsno & Sheryl Kutis.

   This week it was reported a pack of three coyotes, in the Fix/Alt/ W. River area attacked a woman's horses. It was during the day and horses are fine. She would like everyone in the area to be aware.

   Went to the Blackberry Grill last Saturday and had a fabulous meal! The atmosphere felt like Downtown and the staff was super friendly.

   GI VFW Post #9249 is bringing back game nights! Starting Thursday, October 15th, Trivia is back at 6:30 p.m. On Friday, October 16th, darts is back at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per person, plus quarters. Facemask rules will be in effect while shooting.

    Rotary Club Adopt-A-Highway Fall Clean up of the Beaver Island Parkway is Saturday, October 10, 8 AM to 11 AM. If you can volunteer, sign up here.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is hosting a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Wednesday, October 14th at 4:00 p.m. Dinner is $10.00.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is having a Stars & Stripes Fundraiser. Order a US 3x5 nylon with embroidered stars for $25.00 or a US 4x6 nylon with embroidered stars for $40.00. Deadline for orders is November 1, 2020. Flag pick-up by November 11th. See order form.

    Upcoming events: GIFC Ladies Auxiliary Chowder Sale is Saturday, October 17th. Pancake Breakfast for GI Relay For Life is at Mallwitz's Island Lanes on Sunday, October 18th.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

October 1, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Ariel Brucato, Carol Mihalovich & Allison Mae Walker and on Friday, October 2nd to Richard Warner, Mary Zerilli, Linda D. Davis & Maureen Macguire Kielt. On Saturday, October 3rd to Jean Marie Ensminger and Joan Schlueter Wright. On Sunday, October 4th wish happy birthday to Margie Walker, Afiza Mojowalla, Lynn Polizzi, Celia Spacone Ph.D., Robert Vaccaro & Dawn Whitbeck. Happy birthday on Monday to Dylan Russo, Michele Remmes, Nancy Long, Robert N. Schwagler, Rebekah Thompson & Carolyn Mesches and on Tuesday, October 6th to Craig Blowers, Jane Consier, R & Sandy Warren-Henderson. On Wednesday, October 7th, happy birthday to Greg Yensan, Mary Jo Soto, Bob McCormick, Michael Christensen, Morgan Capage, Evan Smith & Robert Redfearn.

   Happy anniversary to Patricia & Scott Shaw on October 1st and Karen & Barry Smith celebrating on October 3rd.

   The Grand Island Fire Company is actively seeking volunteers. Check out the Grand Island Fire Company, Inc. Website for more information.

   The Friends of the GI Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Road, will have a Discard Book Sale on Monday, October 5th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on the library front lawn. $5.00 per bag, bring your own bags. On Tuesday, October 6th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., $2.00 per bag.

    The sidewalks adjacent to the Grand Island Memorial Library parking lot are now scheduled to be replaced the week of October 5th. The library will be open during construction. Use Bedell Road entrance.

    Rotary Club of Grand Island will be again coordinating the Adopt-A-Highway Fall Clean up of the Beaver Island Parkway Saturday October 10, 8 AM to 11 AM. Trash will be collected along 2.7 miles stretch of road and bike path from the 190 Interchange to Beaver Island Park. Volunteers are needed. Please sign up.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is having a Stars & Stripes Fundraiser. Order a US 3x5 nylon with embroidered stars for $25.00 or a US 4x6 nylon with embroidered stars for $40.00. Deadline for orders is November 1, 2020. Flag pick-up by November 11th. See order form.

    The Grand Island Central School District held their Board of Education Meeting as well as their Special Work Session in person from the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, as well as virtually from various sites on Monday September 28th, 2020. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

September 24, 2020

   Happy birthday on Friday, September 25th to Robert Tyrrell, Liz Brock, Dan Bridge, Sam Carpenter & Jim Harrod and on Saturday, September 26th to Madison Martin, Kevin Rogoza, Cameron Kolat. Betty Walk, James Walters, Sr. & Jackie Robinson Steckleberg & Lori Robinson Boldon. On Sunday, September 27th wish happy birthday to Greg Butcher, Alice Gerard, Amy Heist, Kevin Cobello, Dave Grant, Ashley Bleistein, Sharilyn Zarajczyk, Linda Clark, Andrew Szolnoky & Jack Kuhn. Happy birthday on Monday to Cap Cooke, Jordan Davis, Claire Cinelli, Ron Webb, Marty Napier & Richard Gaudy and on Tuesday, September 29th to Diane Kowalak, Nancy Blundell, Matthew Hamm, Dana Robinson, Jim Wright Jr. & Samantha Krause. On Wednesday, September 30th, happy birthday to Faith Caldwell, Vikki Smith, Georgina Munk, Michael Rossiter, Barbara Nowakowski, Carol Luther Dunworth, Lee Cohen & Nancy Kaul.

   Happy anniversary to Joanne & John Podlucky on September 30th!!!

   Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a final drive-thru food give-a-way for this summer, on Saturday Sept 26th, from 11am-1pm. First come, quantities limited. Healthy food options.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is hosting a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Wednesday, September 30th & October 14th at 4:00 p.m. Dinner is $10.00 and includes half chicken, coleslaw, potato salad, roll & butter. No walk ups allowed. The post is located at 2121 Grand Island Blvd. and will be closed after 3:00 p.m. on bbq dates.

   Save the date: The Friends of the GI Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Road, will have a Discard Book Sale on Monday, October 5th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on the library front lawn. $5.00 per bag, bring your own bags. On Tuesday, October 6th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., $2.00 per bag.

    The sidewalks adjacent to the Grand Island Memorial Library parking lot are scheduled to be replaced the week of September 28th. The library will be open during construction. Use Bedell Road entrance.

   There have been reports of political signs being stolen on GI. Shame on the idiots!!!

   Because of Covid 19, the Lions Club has been unable to have their annual Spaghetti dinner and White Cane collection. You can donate on their Go Fund Me Page.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is having a Stars & Stripes Fundraiser. Order a US 3x5 nylon with embroidered stars for $25.00 or a US 4x6 nylon with embroidered stars for $40.00. Deadline for orders is November 1, 2020. Flag pick-up by November 11th. See order form.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

September 17, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Carmela Bartolomeo & Patricia Klebes. Happy birthday on Friday, September 18th to DeVonte' Mali'q Johnson, Lauren Ann Bermel & Lynn Quarentell and on Saturday, September 19th to Peter McMahon, Mike Carr, Lisa Stoddard, Vickie Harnden, Bonnie Sciuk, David Long, Julie O'Connor, Donnie Burns & Ann Marie Chartrand. On Sunday, September 20th wish happy birthday to Pat Foote, Bruce Senn, Becky Peters, Jennifer Fiels, Lawrence Runions, Lisa Dollendorf, Lois Schneider & Louise Carlson. Happy birthday on Monday to Madison Nowak, Glenn Wallace, Pamela O'Brien Louise Carlson, ToniMarie Amantia & Henry Olrogge and on Tuesday, September 22nd to William DeGlopper, Kevin Hagen, Janine Gregoire, Kathleen McCormick & Richard Smyth. On Wednesday, September 23rd, happy birthday to Kenny Martina & Joyce Cline.

   Thank you to everyoe who participated in the GI Historical Society Yard Sale. It was a heck of a lot of work for the members manning the tents, but a great success!

    The sidewalks adjacent to the Grand Island Memorial Library parking lot are scheduled to be replaced the week of September 28th. The library will be open during construction. Use Bedell Road entrance.

   Because of Covid 19, the Lions Club has been unable to have their annual Spaghetti dinner and White Cane collection. You can donate on their Go Fund Me Page.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is having a Stars & Stripes Fundraiser. Order a US 3x5 nylon with embroidered stars for $25.00 or a US 4x6 nylon with embroidered stars for $40.00. Deadline for orders is November 1, 2020. Flag pick-up by November 11th. See order form.

   The V'Randa, 2136 W. Oakfield Road, Grand Island (707-3820). Hours: 4 to 10 p.m. daily. Recent story in Buffalo News quotes co-owner Cyndy Montana as saying curtains and space heaters have been installed with the intention of remaining open into November or even December.

   The Grand Island Central School District held their Board of Education Meeting in person from the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, as well as virtually from various sites on Tuesday September 8th, 2020. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

September 10, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Jessica Eastwood, Madison Mongold, Cathleen Moore & Richard Lozo. Happy birthday on Friday, September 11th to Joseph Mesmer, Lynn Ryan, June Ann Chadima, Peter Bezan & Jennifer Baney and on Saturday, September 12th to Elizabeth Belocci, Carole Bifano, Chris Aronica, Pearl Lane, Christopher Sadkowski, Callie Harding, Sandy Gross & Ben Shaw. On Sunday, September 13th wish happy birthday to Makenna Scalise, Bethany Kulikowski, Cindy Baker, David Cole & Luann Kalman Pelletier. Happy birthday on Tuesday, September 15th to Ava Staub. On Wednesday, September 16th, happy birthday to Matthew Wasson, Christie Davis & Beth Pollara.

   Happy anniversay to Judy & Bob Schmidt on September 11th.

   The GI Historical Society Fall Yard Sale Fundraiser will be held on Friday & Saturday, September 11 & 12, from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park. Tons of items to choose from. No early birds, wear your mask! This is the only fundraiser that the Historical Society will have this year and we will appreciate your participation!<

   American Legion Patriot Day - 9/11 Remembrance Day will be observed at Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Friday,September 11th at 7:00 p.m. All good citizens are invited to attend this ceremony.

    American Legion Poppy Sale will take place Friday & Saturday, September 11-12th at Top's Market, 7-11 on Love Rd, and Ace Hardware, 1889 Whitehaven Road. The members and volunteer workers will observe Covid-19 regulations. Thank you for remembering, and your prayers. Wear your Poppy !    The last days of the VFW clothing drive is September 14th. See flyer.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

September 3, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Cindy Wagner Sharp, Carol Gress, Sam Linenfelser, Joshua Smith, Ian Conner, Jesse Rosser, Nancy Grabenstatter & Laurence Ledwon. Happy birthday on Friday, September 4th to Bob Dee, Justin Schmadel, Kiersten Winstel, Grace Carpenter, Tom Crawford & Terry Guenot and on Saturday, September 5th to Sarah Lange. On Sunday, September 6th wish happy birthday to Jean Leiner, Judy Schmidt & Donna Ball. Happy birthday on Monday, September 7th to Collin DeMartin, Anna Hammond, Gretchen Moss Beach, John Monkelban & Kim Yungr. On Tuesday, September 8th to Michael Edwards, Betty Serio, Florence Lorenz & Marie Perry. On Wednesday, September 9th, happy birthday to Ardeth Westrope, Mikayla Claus, Jackie McGinty, Elizabeth Carpenter, James O'Brien & Bonita Shevlin .

   Happy anniversay to David and Carol Dusenbury on September 8th. Happy 43rd wedding anniversary to Butch and Julie Meyer on September 8th.

   Be sure to lock your cars...it was reported cars on Harvey Road were hit this week.

   Adrian's is closing on September 17th. Now is the time to get your roast beef and ice cream fix on!

   The VFW is hosting a clothing drive fundraiser at the end of August thru September 14th. Start collecting your gently used items. See flyer.

    DECA is having a back-to-school school supply drive. See details.

   Next week, Friday & Saturday, GI Historical Society fundraising yard sale at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park, 8am - 2pm. Thousands of items that you cannot live without! Stop in and see what treasures you can find.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

August 27, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Luke Staub, Alexander Wright, Raymond Krause, Pat Shickluna & Michael Spalding. Happy birthday on Friday, August 28th to Jennifer Courtright, Craig Ryan, Judy Meer, Sandra Thompson & Michelle Chasse and on Saturday, August 29th to Barbara Macrides, Sharon Nichols, Shirley Rogers, Lonnie Riggs & Mandy Becker Myers . On Sunday, August 30th wish happy birthday to Peter Hayes II & Michael Owens. Happy birthday on Monday, August 31st to Patty Mash, Adrianna Marinucci & Pam Smith Miller. On Tuesday, September 1st to Chance Luthringer, Justin Figler, Daniel Senn, Mike Sexton, Kay McGuire & Christian Hipp. On Wednesday, September 2nd, happy birthday to Anthony Webber & Dorothy Click.

   Happy anniversay to Lee & Pat Smith celebrating their 55th year of marriage on August 28th. Happy 8th wedding anniversary to Lindsey Smith Lucinski and Tim Lucinski on September 1st!

   The Linda Basta Memorial Foundation had to cancel its annual charity walk in Veterans Park in May. That did not stop them from raising $11,123.70 this year through an online raffle. Proceeds benefit the Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis patients and the Rheumatology Department at John R. Oishei Children's Hospital of Buffalo. Nice job!

   Mallwitz's Island Lanes has open bowling from 4pm-9pm. All safety guidelines will be followed. $20 per hour per lane, up to five bowlers per lane, maximum party size is ten or less. $3.50 shoe rental. Reservations highly recommended. Food and beverage table service will be available. Welcome back!

   The VFW is hosting a clothing drive fundraiser at the end of August thru September 14th. Start collecting your gently used items. See flyer.

    DECA is having a back-to-school school supply drive. See details.

    The Grand Island Central School District held their Board of Education Meeting in person from the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, as well as virtually from various sites on Monday August 24, 2020, where reopening questions were answered for all the district's schools. Scroll ahead to 6:50 for the meeting to begin. See video.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

August 20, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Mary Ann Hayes Stone & Madelyn Forbes. Happy birthday on Saturday, August 22nd to Justin Podgorny, Kenneth DeVantier & Mary E. Maj. On Sunday, August 23rd wish happy birthday to Gene Dinsmore, Shellie Smith, Kurt Raepple, Colin Pinzel & Deborah Ackerman. Happy birthday on Monday, August 24th to Fahim Mojawalla, Gene Mongan, Ava Brandon, Melaina Ranger, DJ Foote, Donna Baranyl & Mary Ann Fancher. On Tuesday, August 25th to Arlene Wunsch Anthony. On Wednesday, August 26th, happy birthday to Judy Webb, Marisa Atkinson, Brielle Backland, Herta Krein, Gail Allen, Angelo Palamuso.

   Diane Lipp wrote that she made the Cowboy Bread and "it was delicious and exactly as I remembered it!!!" See recipe. Another response from Linda Lozo: "Well, today I made the Cowboy Bread. It really is the same as I remembered it... absolutely delicious."

   St. Stephen's School is hosting a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Friday, August 21, from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Cost is $10 and includes chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, roll w/butter and pre-wrapped plastic silverware. Drive - thru only..

   ConnectLife Blood Drive - Wednesday, August 26th from 12 noon - 5:00 p.m. at the Town of Grand Island Highway Department, 1820 Whitehaven Road See flyer.

   Mallwitz's Island Lanes has open bowling from 4pm-9pm. All safety guidelines will be followed. $20 per hour per lane, up to five bowlers per lane, maximum party size is ten or less. $3.50 shoe rental. Reservations highly recommended. Food and beverage table service will be available. Welcome back!

   The Plumeria store at Top's Plaza will be closing to focus on wholesale business. They will be offering local deliveries for Niagara & Erie County. The last business day at the store is Wednesday, September 30th.

   The VFW is hosting a clothing drive fundraiser at the end of August thru September 14th. Start collecting your gently used items. See flyer.

    DECA is having a back-to-school school supply drive. See details.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m. Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, The center’s weekend farm stand also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

August 13, 2020

   Happy birthday today to 101 year-old Bernie Callahan, Cyndi Krupp, Terri Samplinski Hunt & Kim Ludwig. Happy birthday Friday, August 14th to Anne Hipp, Mark Staggs, Genna Nucherno, Carlin Hartman, Lola Wahl & Ronald Tebo. On Saturday, August 15th to Bella Duscher & Mike Mongan. On Sunday, August 16th wish happy birthday to Jim Dlugokinski, Jackson Stewart, Katie Prell & Marietta Rotella. Happy birthday on Monday, August 17th to Jean Schlegel, Trudi Ruefli & Deborah Tirado. On Tuesday, August 18th to Doug Saltzman, Nancy Pioli & Lisa Dudley. On Wednesday, August 19th, happy birthday to Patrick Lovetro, William Smith, Brenda Mrkall & Darren DelSignore.

    Happy 36th wedding anniversary to Lisa & Mike Dudley on August 19th!

    I received a response to my request for a GICSD Cowboy Bread recipe. Ann Williams wrote: My husband John Williams, and his brother, went to GI schools back in the 50s and 60s and always talked about cowboy bread. It was something I'd never heard of being a mainlander so I just hung onto the recipe. Both families are still on the Island. Thanks so much Ann! See recipe.

    There is one Recreation Department Summer Band Concert left in the season. On August 18th, Reflector will play classic and modern rock at 6:30 p.m., at the Marion Klingel Town Common, 2255 Baseline Road.

    Grand Island High School made came in at 10th place in the most first-team ALL WNY selections in the last decade. Clarence was first and Orchard Park 2nd. "Another school with a strong girls soccer program. The sport produced 16 points for the Vikings, led by three-time All-Western New York pick and 2016 Co-Player of the Year Madisyn Pezzino. Remember, she wrapped up her career in fall 2016 as the leader in career goals (251) and goals in a single season (73) in the state (the marks have since been broken). Teammate Marcy Barberic is another three-time All-WNY pick (2014-16). GI also had 10 boys hockey players earn first team and boys soccer posted eight."

   The GIHS Class of 1976 will join the Class of 1975 on Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at the Buffalo Launch Club, to celebrate their 50th Reunion. Details will be available in the new year.

   The VFW is hosting a clothing drive fundraiser at the end of August thru September 14th. Start collecting your gently used items. See flyer.

    DECA is having a back-to-school school supply drive. See details.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m. Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, The center’s weekend farm stand also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

August 6, 2020

   Happy birthday today to John Senall, Katrina Linenfelser, Shelia Ferrentino, & Donna Marlin Lavallee. Happy birthday Friday, August 7th to Bonnie Antholzner, Charlotte Tower, Madison Klos, Rebecca Reger, Richard M. Smith . On Saturday, August 8th to Scot Millar, Holly "Whitford" Best, Shannon McDonough, Brandon Robinson, Norma Orton, Jeff Kwiatkowski & Anna Joslyn. On Sunday, August 9th wish happy birthday to Daemon Gatti, Sybil Kennedy, Evelyn Lewis, Marcy Buell, Charlotte (Jean) Yarwood. Happy birthday on Monday, August 10th to Joe Zarbo, Lindsey Smith Lucinski, Lillian Beach, Deb Lapore Neil Hoffman & Kathy Jakab. On Tuesday, August 11th to Linda Sexton, Betty Clayton, Eileen Krause, Kyle Schutrum & Sally Kaiser. On Wednesday, August 12th, happy birthday to Mathew Aronica, Kodie Shamrock & David Michaud.

   There is a public hearing planned for Thursday, August 13th at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall regarding the Amazon project.

    There are two Recreation Department Summer Band Concerts left in the season. On August 11th, The Roadrunner, an oldies rock and roll party band will perform at 6:30 p.m. On August 18th, Reflector will play classic and modern rock at 6:30 p.m. These take place in Marion Klingel Town Common, 2255 Baseline Road.

   The VFW is hosting a clothing drive fundraiser at the end of August thru September 14th. Start collecting your gently used items. See flyer.

    DECA is having a back-to-school school supply drive. See details.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m. Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, The center's weekend farm stand also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

July 30, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Diana Taefi Staub & Nicholas Panepinto. Happy birthday Friday, July 31st to Karen Cooney, Pam Phillips, Mary Vari & Ann Koeta. On Saturday, August 1st to Eileen Sims, JoAnn Holmes, Hannah Linenfelser & Rita Packard. On Sunday, August 2nd wish happy birthday to Jackie Brennan, Gabrielle Martell & Mary Tront. Happy birthday on Tuesday, August 4th to Harry Carter & Jack Bridenbaker. On Wednesday, August 5th, happy birthday to George Allen & Charlene Staub.

   Happy wedding anniversary to Marie & Tom Long on August 1st! Happy wedding anniversary to Greg & Cheryl Chamberlain on August 4th!

   CRED4GI is hosting their second public meeting on Friday, July 31st at 7:00 p.m. at the Alt Family Farm, 2489 Whitehaven Road. Bring a chair.

    Grand Island Fire Company and the Ladies Auxiliary are hosting a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Tuesday, August 4th from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and pre-sale is encouraged. See flyer.

    Samantha Taylor will be entertaining at Eggsquisite Eats, 1752 Grand Island Blvd., every other Friday evening for the summer. See flyer. She is a great talent you will enjoy.

    Liz Zilbaur asked that I share this WKBW TV story about mysterious seeds from China. New Yorkers who get the seeds should contact the USDA at: erich.l.glasgow@usda.gov. See story.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m. Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, The center's weekend farm stand also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

   Does anyone remember Cowboy Bread on the menu for GI school lunches? I am looking for the recipe. If you have it please share! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

July 23, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Marion Fabiano, Michelle Botwin, Maya Pecoraro, Nancy Koch Diane Maness, & Joe Marino. Happy birthday Friday, July 24th to Kathy Bradley Smith, Mary Grace Egloff, Kaia Lynn Petrie, Emily Mae Klein, Sam DiChristina, Debra Gaudy, Marlene Golden, Suzanne Phillips & John Garey. On Saturday, July 25th to Lynne Heim. On Sunday, July 26th wish happy birthday to Lindsey Spiker, Liz Reimann, Faith Gworek, Gary Leskiw & Joyce McCloskey. Happy birthday on Monday, July 27th to Helen Newkirk, Ruth Englert, Frank Burket, Rosemary Bahgat, Shelly Prange & Tom Redell On Tuesday, July 28th to Andrew Spacone, Bob Elias, Trent Gavazzi, Eunice Johnson, Iris Galeza, Frank Greico, Mary DiMartile & Elly Zarbo. On Wednesday, July 29th, happy birthday to Tom Long .

    Special Happy Birthday wishes to Julia Benjamin turning 8-years-old on Sunday July 26th.

   Happy 42nd wedding anniversary to Donette & Mike Rayhill on July 29th!!!

    Congratulations to Tucker Leggett of Grand Island Boys Federation Hockey, recently awarded the Unsung Hero award from the Hasek's Hero's program. Hasek's Heroes, a youth hockey league in the City of Buffalo that gives children from low to moderate income families the opportunity to learn basic skating and hockey skills, while promoting academic excellence.

    Marco's is opening today, July 23rd at 11:31 a.m. on Ransom Road at Stony Point. "Home of the original sangwich!" Blackberry's Bar & Grill, on the site of the long-time T.C.'s Tavern, is getting a classy look with new paint, concrete and what looks like a patio area. "Coming Soon" is posted on the front door. V'Randa is open at the Beaver Island Falconwood building, everyday fro 4:00 - 10:00 p.m.

    Enter to win a 20 inch bicycle, a 16 inch bicycle, or a giant stuffed dragon! Hey Kids! For every 5 items you check out at the Library this summer, you can get a raffle ticket to enter. Be sure to ask at the desk for your tickets. Raffle drawing to be held AUGUST 10TH. You need not be present to win. Prizes have been donated by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library. Thank you Friends!

   St. Stephen's Church will hold a trunk sale in place of their annual Rummage Sale. It will take place on Saturday, July 25th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the parking lot. See flyer.

   Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a drive-thru food drive on Saturday, July 25th, from 11am-1pm. First come, quantities limited. Healthy food options. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m. Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, The center’s weekend farm stand also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

July 16, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Kelly Yarnes, Mary Anne Eglott, Betty Clement, Carolyn Doebert, Luke Austin, Karen Belles & Yvonne Dugan.. Happy birthday Friday, July 17th to Nathaniel Cohen, Marie O'Hara, Jim Pedlow, Mary Warburton, Kathleen Scully & Frances Havens. On Saturday, July 18th to Alexis Gieselman & Margaret Tyrrell . On Sunday, July 19th wish happy birthday to Bob Swedish, Tim Ehde, Pat (Weyland) Barroclough, Jean Bartholomew, Connie Harrod & Bill Shaw. Happy birthday on Monday, July 20th to Mike Stamler, Richard Berti & Rene Ford On Tuesday, July 21st to Chuck Berlinger Jr., Dan Linenfelser, Joan Portik, Bristol Khreis & Betty Phillips,. On Wednesday, July 22nd, happy birthday to Theresa Szpala, Tori Pritchard, Adrian Figliotti & Liz Lutnick.

   A concerned citizen wrote the following: There were recent car break-ins that happened on Staley and Winkler Drive. Not only did they steal a camera, fishing gear, leather gloves, cell phone, gps and money, they opened every mailbox and stole packages. Police responded and are doing what they can. There are images of the guys and the car.

   St. Stephen's Church will hold a trunk sale in place of their annual Rummage Sale. It will take place on Saturday, July 25th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the parking lot. See flyer.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m.

   TCC and Wireless Zone are donating school supplies & backpacks on Sunday, July 26th. For a list of participating locations in New York, visit https://locations.tccrocks.com/search.html. Each TCC store is donating up to 180 backpacks, and backpacks are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

   The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their annual reorganizational meeting, prior to the general session meeting on Monday July 6, 2020 from various remote locations. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

July 9, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Bill Mancuso, Shannon Robillard, Tyler Liam Dawson & Jenine Linenfelser. Happy birthday Friday, July 10th to Abby Englert, Justin Frentzel, Eric Bellanca, Maddie Mesmer & Elsie Bilyj. On Saturday, July 11th to Mark Frentzel, Ryan Shea, Jessica Doyle & Robert Kifowit. On Sunday, July 12th wish happy birthday to Ashley Dragonette, Lindsay Proctor, Becky Stufkosky & Noah Teater. Happy birthday on Monday, July 13th to Christian Kessler, Peter Gornicki, Sarah Chamberlain & Michael Fabiu On Tuesday, July 14th to Bernadette Childs. On Wednesday, July 15th, happy birthday to Garnet Schopp & Sue Trammell.

   A group has been formed to stop the development of the Project Olive/Amazon Distribution Center. A meeting will take place on Friday, July 10th at a private home at 1583 West River Road at 6:30 p.m. You can also attend via ZOOM. See flyer for more details.
Stop Amazon Petition

   St. Martins Chicken BBQ will be held on Saturday, July 11th at 2587 Baseline Road from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., drive thru only.    Marcos Restaurant will be opening again at the convenience store located at 1441 Ransom Road. Delicious sangwiches and brick oven pizza will be on the menu.

   Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m.

   Rotary Repeat Shred It Event. A second event will be held on Saturday, July 11th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Key Bank Parking Lot in Top's Plaza. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. $20 for double Banker Boxes.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

July 2, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Wilma Greenwood, Jason Davis, Joe Khreis, Georgio Panepinto, Natalie Mucci, John Wenner, Megan Pinzel, Paul Bassette, & Lou Wolentarski . Happy birthday Friday, July 3rd to Donald Lewis. On Saturday, July 4th to Chris Affuso, Alivia Manzo, Ella MacNeil, & Bernie Cobello. On Sunday, July 5th wish happy birthday to Susan Kowzan. Happy birthday on Monday, July 6th to Capt. Pete Hayes. On Tuesday, July 7th to Susan Willard, Anthony Gugino, Bruce Fuller, Robert Marble, Ellie Zaccaria & Stephen Birtz . On Wednesday, July 8th, happy birthday to Cathy Thomas , Anthony Amato & Rosemary Campagna.

   VFW Charles N. DeGlopper Post 9249 re-opened on Monday, June 29, 2020. Everyone is required to sign in and wear masks when not at a table or bar. See flyer.

   The current pandemic prevents the VFW from having the traditional 4th of July celebration, but the Grand Island VFW is having a burger burn Saturday July 4th, from 11am - 2pm. $6 gets patrons a burger or hotdog, chips and soda. 50/50 tickets will be available for purchase. Sales will be drive up style, and 50/50 drawing will be posted on live video on our facebook page. Please come down and visit us and as always, thank you for your continued support to Veterans.

   Fireworks have been a problem lately for many Island residents, seemingly nightly. Parents of young children and scared animals have to deal with the aftermath. A Sheriff's Department PSA stated that the only legal firework is a sparkler, and only in the hands of 18+. All others are illegal.

   Cornerstone Church, 1290 Whitehaven Road is hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, July 7th from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. See Flyer.

    St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church is having our Annual Chicken BBQ Fundraising Event Saturday July 11, 2020 from 3:30pm-6:30pm. Our format will be a little different this year, asthey are having only drive-thru chicken dinners, for $10 each, and will be accepting cash or credit.

    Island Ship Center in observance of Independence Day, will be closed on Saturday, July 4th. They will reopen at 9 a.m. on Monday, July 6th.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

June 25, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Cole Glessner, Nancy Valone, Brian O'Connor, Morgan Blum, Megan Zahradnik & William Gugino. Happy birthday Friday, June 26th to Julie Urtel Fiato, Tom Luescher, Jan Rose & Cheryl Gonda. On Saturday, June 27th to Lily Panepinto, Tom Rall, Philip Bousquet, Tom Drabik & Kevin Halen. On Sunday, June 28th wish happy birthday to Norm Stessing, Eric Beyer, George DeGlopper & Dick Crawford. Happy birthday on Monday, June 29th to Justine Vanthoff, Max Costello & Raymond DeGlopper. On Tuesday, June 30th to Brennan Morgan. On Wednesday, July 1st, happy birthday to Kathy McNally, Joey Cali, Bob Kopf, Gary Roesch. Pat Colosi, Maria Leszczak & Margaret Giles.

    Congratulations to Barbara and Richard Brzyski on their 58h Wedding Anniversary, on June 30th. Happy anniversary to Brian & Dana Robinson on June 30th.

    St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church is having our Annual Chicken BBQ Fundraising Event Saturday July 11, 2020 from 3:30pm-6:30pm. Our format will be a little different this year, asthey are having only drive-thru chicken dinners, for $10 each, and will be accepting cash or credit.

    Rotary Club of GI is sponsoring the annual Document Destruction Event on Saturday, June 27th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Key Bank Parking Lot in Top's Plaza. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. Drop off service is available.

    Starting today: Thursday Night Taste NY Farmers Market at the Western New York Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island. Hours are 4 to 7 p.m. The center's weekend farm stand also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

    Rotary Club of GI is sponsoring the annual Document Destruction Event on Saturday, June 27th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Key Bank Parking Lot in Top's Plaza. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. Drop off service is available.

    Solar Energy Seminar - The seminar is on June 30th at 2:00 p.m. Residents can join the interactive session by logging into the Solar Energy Zoom Meeting at the following direct link:here. The Meeting ID is 898 5615 3493 and the Passcode is 025688.

    The 2020 Senior Class of Grand Island High School presents a special Lip Dub, "Under Pressure", by Queen and David Bowie, describing the unique situation this end of the school year brings to the graduating Class of 2020. Edited by Mark Gorton, with special thanks to Mrs. Tricia Palmeri for filming many segments, as well as all the students and staff who participated and sent in videos. See Video.

   The Grand Island Central School District held their virtual Board of Education Meeting from various sites on Monday June 22nd, 2020, where multiple new hires were introduced to the district for the upcoming school year. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

June 18, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Karen Hogrewe Allenbaugh, Jacob Olszewski, Christopher Stessing, Nathaniel Cohan, Nancy Prusak & Helen Harrington. Happy birthday Friday, June 19th to Mira Tetkowski Berkley, Randy White, Reg Schopp, Cindy Cosgrove, Marge Lebren & Adriana Kavanaugh. On Saturday, June 20th to Savannah Kustra, Joseph Verdi, Bev Kroetsch, Melinda Evans, Paula Callahan, Jacob Rowles, Carl Pinzel, Jim Linenfelser. John Frentzel, Andrea Rogers & Cindy Hagan. On Sunday, June 21st wish happy birthday to Alexandra Whitford, Warren Dinnis Rimer & Dana Gast. Happy birthday on Monday, June 22nd to Melissa Thurnherr-Giambra, Patsy Johnson, Michael Baungartner & Mary Ann Reszel. On Tuesday, June 23rd to Tim Burley, Marilyn Johnson, Bill Lang, Mel Passarelli & Keelan Erhard. On Wednesday, June 24th, happy birthday to Conor Bryan, Linda Roberts Krug, Tom Dahlquist, Sandra Grillo & Daniel Kutis.

    Congratulations to George & Gail Allen on their 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary, on June 20th.


Painted washtub.

    The Buffalo News recently featured outdoor painting projects. GI resident Alice Demmin shared this photo of her old repurposed washtub. "Our old washtub was replaced after 40 years ... I repainted it Rust-Oleum oregano, stenciled it and added chandelier prisms on the faucet. We put in the plug, fill it with water and refresh plants that the hose can't reach," she said. It can also be filled with ice and beverages.

    The Town of Grand Island announced today that Playgrounds are now open. All baseball, softball and soccer fields remain closed for practice and games. Basketball and volleyball courts are also closed.

    Rotary Club of GI is sponsoring the annual Document Destruction Event on Saturday, June 27th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Key Bank Parking Lot in Top's Plaza. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. Drop off service is available.

    There are job openings on GI in many different areas....check out the G.I. Job Opportunities page.

    Exciting news that investors are interested in bringing back an amusement park on Fantasy Island property in 2021.

   Grand Island Optical has 20% Off All In Stock Sunglasses till the end of July. See flyer.

    The Western New York Welcome Center will be used for early voting prior to the elections in New York State, including the 2020 Primary Election on June 23rd. Early voting for State and Federal Primary Elections: Saturday, June 13 - Sunday, June 21, weekends 12 p.m. - 5 p.m., weekdays 12 p.m. - 9 p.m.

    The Grand Island Central School District Celebrates Teachers who have reached Tenure, and Honors this school year's group of Retirees, who have dedicated many years and decades of service to our Students and GI Community! Congratulations to all, thank you for your time and talents, and best wishes to your future! See video

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

June 11, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Chris Beyer, Richard Furman, Aleida Delgado & Cynthia Lin. Happy birthday Friday, June 12th to Jeff Baumler, Roy Meyers & Randy Whitbeck. On Saturday, June 13th to Paul Sommer, Kim Nestark, Jeffrey Wansart III. Danielle (Hassan) Martin & Philip Pack. On Sunday, June 14th wish happy birthday to Catherine Mancuso, Spencer O'Boyle, David Conboy, Jamin Cope & Raven Khreis. Happy birthday on Monday, June 15th to Chris Russell, Ingeborg Haslam & Jennifer Knoll. On Tuesday, June 16th to Ben Tomkins, Amy Schneider George, Claire Neuhaus, Helen Vickers & Maryann Provorse. On Wednesday, June 17th, happy birthday to Karen Wallace, Morgan Santorio, Lloyd Potter, Michelle Driess & Anna Vaccaro.

    Congratulations to the top three academic graduates from Grand Island's class of 2020, Lucas Kruse, Colby Kalp & Luke Hess.

    Mobile Mammo Screenings hosted by Windsong Radiology Group at Adriean's Custard & Beef on Friday, June 12th from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Overdue for your mammogram? Windsong Mobile Mammography will be coming to Grand Island to provide 3D mammography screenings. Need help with: Transportation? No Health Insurance or Limited Coverage? Wheelchair Accessibility? Translation Services? Call 716-929-9494 to make an appointment.

   Join Relay For Life of Grand Island in lighting the Town purple in honor and in memory of Cancer Survivors on Friday, June 12th by picking up a lumi kit (luminaria & purple glow stick) for a $5 donation per kit (if possible) to decorate and display on your porch, by your mailbox, in the window, etc. at Dusk. Details..

    The Heart of Niagara: Highway Superintendent, Richard (Dick) Crawford, The Grand Island Town Board, The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, and resident Debbie Whalen are seeking motivated community-minded volunteers and their family members to mobilize within their neighborhoods to clean up trash as part of an island-wide "Clean-up Initiative" on Saturday, June 13th, 2020, from 9 a.m. to noon. The event is rain or shine. Details

    St. Stephen School is hosting a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Saturday, June 13th from 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Dinners are $10.00 each, pick-up only. Come wave hello to your teachers who will be there from 12:30-1:30!! St. Stephen's greenhouse grown plants also available for only $2 each.

    New developments in food.... China Wok is open. Village Inn has outdoor seating and is taking reservations. Bogey's at Beaver Island State Park is opening June 10th. Island Deli has a goal to reopen Friday, June 19, Susie's Farm Market is opening Saturday, June 20th at the VFW, 2121 Grand Island Blvd.

    The Grand Island Central School District held their virtual Board of Education Meeting from various sites on Monday June 8, 2020. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

June 4, 2020

   Happy birthday today to Mike Stewart, Elizabeth Wedrychowicz, Karen Vanthoff & Deanna Kutis. Happy birthday Friday, June 5th to Patti Loquasto, Beverly Kudla, & Brent Lesser. On Saturday, June 6th to Peter Fadum, Victoria Aronica & Joan Mazur. On Sunday, June 7th wish happy birthday to Sally Waterson, Sandy Ackerman, Lorraine Dale & Brandon Loder. Happy birthday on Monday, June 8th to Russ Colosi, Ryan Osvath & Debbie Becker. On Tuesday, June 9th to Nathan Cook, Jason Wilkinson, Irmgard Hohbach & JT Tomkins. On Wednesday, June 10th, happy birthday to Dolores Wojdan & Peggy Skeels.

    Happy anniversary to Jim & Laury Linenfelser on June 7th and to Kevin & Amanda Brady on June 10th.

    Senior Class Day has always begun with the senior parade around the Island. It will start at 5am, tomorrow, June 5th at the Top's Plaza lot. It will then head south and loop around heading north. Residents are asked to get up early and cheer them on!

    A virtual Senior Class Day Award Ceremony will take place on Friday, June 5, 2020. Scholarships and awards will be announced and students can enter for a chance to win "post prom" prizes. See details.

    Join Relay For Life of Grand Island in lighting the Town purple in honor and in memory of Cancer Survivors on Friday, June 12th by picking up a lumi kit (luminaria & purple glow stick) for a $5 donation per kit (if possible) to decorate and display on your porch, by your mailbox, in the window, etc. at Dusk. Order at the A.C.S. Grand Island Relay Site.

    Trinity Church is hosting a worship service every Sunday through Labor Day in their parking lot at 10:00 a.m. See flyer for more information.

   Grand Island Optical is having a 20% off all stock sunglasses sale until the end of July. They are located in a beautiful new space at 2099 Grand Island Blvd. Website.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

May 28, 2020

Happy birthday today to Sally Van Hattum Kelley, Pat Shaw, Chris Sugar, Ian Cameron, Mary Leigh Burke, Mitchell Samplinski, Sophia Myers & Diane Darmofalski. Happy birthday Friday, May 29th to Pam Fries, Liam Dodd, Sharon Bauer & Richard Campangna. On Saturday, May 30th to Jim Watz, Michael Dinsmore, Jill Stamler & Linda Facklam. On Sunday, May 31st wish happy birthday to Bob Backlund & Nikki Roesch. Happy birthday on Monday, June 1st to Alan Sexton, Leslie Madigan, Kelly McGarvey, Loretta Leszczak Crvelin & Dave Hogrewe. On Tuesday, June 2nd to Dan Hiam, Diane Gerard, Dianne Tiede, William Bermel & Bryce Shipman. On Wednesday, June 3rd, happy birthday to Anne Timmerman, Kathy Molnar, Jordan Dixon, Jason Hill, Richard Koch & Willis Schwartz.

    Happy anniversary to Mark & Pattie Frentzel on May 30th and to Chris & Paul Sipson on May 31st. Happy anniversary to Doug & Janet Saltzman on June 2nd.

    Knights of Columbus Mary Star of the Sea Council #4752 is hosting a Community Food Drive to benefit: The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation and FeedMore WNY on Saturday, May 30th, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1842 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island. Accepting donations of all non-perishable foods. The most-needed items at this time include: canned fruits, canned vegetables, shelf-stable proteins (peanut butter, canned fish or chicken).

    The class of 1970 50 Year Reunion is being postponed until 2021. Date TBA.

    Join Relay For Life of Grand Island in lighting the Town purple in honor and in memory of Cancer Survivors on Friday, June 12th by picking up a lumi kit (luminaria & purple glow stick) for a $5 donation per kit (if possible) to decorate and display on your porch, by your mailbox, in the window, etc. at Dusk. Order at the A.C.S. Grand Island Relay Site.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

May 21, 2020

Happy birthday today to JT Stamler, Steven Parisi, Philip Hy, Clarence Lydle, Dan Fitzgerald & Trudy O'Connor. Happy birthday Friday, May 22nd to Tom McDonough, Nathan DeMartin, Audry Brown & Jayne Playfair . On Saturday, May 23rd to Chris Sugar, Dawn Fitzgerald, Ray Ackerman. On Sunday, May 24th wish happy birthday to Jordan Hiam, Gayle Piershalski & Debra Coughlin. Happy birthday on Monday, May 25th to Jan Tyson, Jo Kozek Stiller, Marissa Cooney, Cathy Contino, Karen Wallace & Mercedes Miles . On Tuesday, May 26th to Lee Tetkowski, Greg Bruenn, Michael Craig Davis, Michael Ball, Liz Wilbert & Carrie Mesmer. On Wednesday, May 27th, happy birthday to Ray Pauley, Cindy Hagen, Richard McClive, Jim Rodriguez & Nancy Aydelotte.

    Very happy 5th birthday Friday, May 23rd to great nephew Wesley James McCandless with much love from Auntie Lynda.

    Happy anniversary to Kim & Scott Kalman on May 23rd and to John & Ginger Bidell on May 27th.

   The Annual American Legion Flower Sale starts tomorrow. It will move to the Charles DeGlopper Memorial Park, at the corner of Grand Island Blvd. and Baseline Road, for better social distancing. It will take place on Friday & Saturday, May 22nd & 23rd beginning at 7:00 a.m. Flyer.

    The U.S.-Canada border will remain closed to non-essential traffic until June 21st.

    The Chiavetta's BBQ fundraiser at the VFW will be Wednesday, May 27th. Flyer.

   On May 17th...Just a heads up for pet owners in Sandy Beach area. Recently an animal was heard screaming in the Huth Road school yard, assumably an attack by a coyote. A neighbor also shared that two coyotes were in the school yard at 11:00 a.m., fairly close to houses, crouched down and waiting.

    Thruway Authority reports traffic at the Grand Island Bridge was off an average of 46.5% on the southbound and northbound lanes since the pandemic started.

    Tom Burke reports that Ospreys are building a nest on the Ferris Wheel at Fantasy Island....uppermost basket on the ride. He also let me know that the DEC has decided to dissuade the Ospreys from further nest building. I tried to get a photo, but they were not active the time I was there.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

May 14, 2020

Happy birthday today to Katie Olrogge & Carol Volk. Happy birthday Friday, May 15th to Teressa Meyer, Gabriel Wansart, Kevin Rustowicz & Edward Bognar . On Saturday, May 16th to Dorothy Lenehen & Brian Graham. On Sunday, May 17th wish happy birthday to Kyle Salley Sr., Jamie Farrell, Nikolas Massaro, Renee Tasevski, Caoimhe Carpenter, Ellen Faber & Viktor Dekany. Happy birthday on Monday, May 18th to Bob Pownall, Chase Luthringer & Peggy Winterfield. On Tuesday, May 19th to Adam Garlapow, Peyton Golde, Pattie Frentzel, Carl Flick, Sandy Caffery & Kelly Wagner Yensan.


New Sunoco sign.

    Big News! The convenience store at the corner of Ransom Road and Stony Point has been bought by the Newman family of NOCO. They are hoping for a quick opening.

   I went to Casey's Cabana in Ferry Village yesterday for lunch....it was great! River view and a lip smacking cheeseburger were perfect, and the kids running the stand are so nice. They are open 11am - 7pm.

   Aceti's Wine and Spirits has announced new hours, Monday through Saturday - 10am to 8pm and Sunday - Noon to 8pm. Sam is also looking to hire. Stop and fill out an application.

    The Chiavetta's BBQ fundraiser at the VFW on Wednesday, May 13th sold 900 chicken dinners!!!! The next one will be held on May 27th. Flyer.

    Try to remember to lock your cars...a video of a ne'er-do-well, riffling through a car on Countryside last Friday is online. I've heard the Sandy Beach area has also been targeted.

    The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their general session meeting virtually from various locations, including the adoption vote for the 2020-2021 School Year Budget on Monday May 11, 2020. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

May 7, 2020

Happy birthday today to James DiCillis, Justin Geisenhoff & Mike Dudley. Happy birthday Friday, May 8th to Kara Dudley, Michele DiChristina, Lynn Gottler, John Lorenz, & Michael Davis. On Saturday, May 9th to Gary Novitz, Jimmy Geblein & Jeff Dinsmore. On Sunday, May 10th wish happy birthday to Bob Monoco, Lynn Sargent DeJonghe, Patricia Kraft, Dana Hayes Erickson, Greg DeMike & Donny Dee. Happy birthday on Monday, May 11th to Mike Zimmerman, Nikki Fadel, Charlie Lavallee, & Barb Swagler. On Tuesday, May 12th to Kim Kinney, Janet Brennan, Lisa Hogrewe & Mary Quinn. Happy birthday on Wednesday, May 13th to Charles Lambert, Kurt Marlin, Linda Fearon, Victoria Cacciatore, Judy Buzby, Dennis McGinn, Tom Rodriguez, Bruce Wojick, & Susan Bognar.

   Happy 35th wedding anniversary to Terry & Mike Endres on Monday, May 11th.

   Congratulations to Lydia Sweeney, named to the second team in all-state Class A Basketball.

   Due to Covid-19 restrictions, and for the safety of all people concerned, the 45-year reunion event for the Grand Island High School Class of 1975 scheduled for Friday, July 3rd, 2020, will be cancelled and rescheduled for Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at the Buffalo Launch Club. Please look for additional information starting after January of 2021.

   Good news! Casey's Cabana in Ferry Village is opening on Monday, May 11th. They posted on Facebook: As we enter our third year in operation we would like to kick off the season by offering pre-ordered quarts of clam broth for $15! Comment down below or DM us to place your clam broth order, to be picked up or delivered on Monday/Tuesday of next week...We would love to give you a taste of the Cabana to bring home to your families🌞(p.s. once you place your order we will be in touch with pick up/delivery details)

    The Chiavetta's BBQ fundraiser at the VFW will be on Wednesday, May 13th starting at 4pm. Get in line early!Flyer.

    FYI: Mike Berlinger recently spotted a coyote running down Warner Drive, then cutting over to Huth Road School. Lots of kids and dogs & cats in that area.

   Looks like the Town Board will decide at the next meeting, May 18th, whether it is feasible to have the July 4th parade.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

April 30, 2020

Happy birthday today to JP Kennedy, John Podlucky, Jessica Bykowicz, Ava DeFranks, Anna Pullano, Taylor Firth, Janet Pedlow & Georgette Combes. Happy birthday Friday, May 1st to Krystin Hoppel, Amber Spiesz, Cynthia Stamler, Karen Conboy & Mary Ann Beatty. On Saturday, May 2nd to Brent Fred Jr. & Joan Fred. On Sunday, May 3rd wish happy birthday to Joneen Corrao, Katie Hillock, Patrick Smith & Vince Martello. Happy birthday on Monday, May 4th to Mary Elisabeth Rustowicz, Sandie Rall-Smith, Emily Harnden, Mark Cunningham, William Gerristead, Mary Pascucci, Rev Paul Robinson, Emily Harnden & Chris Stedman. On Tuesday, May 5th to Troy Salley, Kathy Dilamarter & Scott Whiting. Happy birthday on Wednesday, May 6th to Carol Hugill, Linda Skotnicki, Tammy Violanti, Tina Giambra, Paul Gast & Rosemary Wojick.

   Happy 46th wedding anniversary to Penny & Mike Linenfelser on Monday, May 4th.

   Happy 100th birthday to former Island resident Janet Austin on Tuesday, April 28th. She is now living at Harris Hill Nursing Facility in Lancaster.

    Mike Berlinger wrote the following on Facebook. Lets all get behind this! "Hello fellow Islanders and GI Alumni, this maybe a little early however I think we need to start getting ready.. The Seniors this year are being robbed of the best parts of their final school year with most likely no Graduation or a very scaled back one, No Senior Luncheon and No Class Night among other things. What I propose is on Class Day I hope they take to the streets to wake us all up, this year we should all show our support and be at the end of our driveways cheering them on anyway we can."

    The Chiavetta's BBQ fundraiser at the VFW on Wednesday was CRAZY! They sold out 600 dinners in 1 1/2 hours. The line-up was back to Heron Point's entrance at one time, and my son was in line for 45 minutes, starting at 4:15 p.m. The chicken was delicious! Next fundraiser event is May 13th & again on May 27th. Keep in mind, there will be a wait, .......just relax.

    Back by popular demand. Masks4All will be distributing free face masks in the Town Hall Parking lot on Sunday, May 3rd at 1p.m. Please stay in your vehicle and they will come to you. One mask per family member. Simply let them know man, woman, boy or girl. Child sizes fits 2-10, XL can be requested. If you are compromised or elderly, delivery to you can be arranged. Masks are free. Donations to River Lea Quilters Guild are accepted, but not required.

    Nikki's Eats on Wallace Drive made the following announcement. " It is with great sadness that next weekend will be our last. We want to thank our loyal customers for your support. Please come and pickup your favorite on Saturday and Sunday May 2nd, and 3rd. we will be filling orders until 12pm. We will honor any outstanding gift certificates."

    Jill Ungaro, owner of Live Love Buffalo, a Grand Island based business is donating 30% of the proceeds from the sale of Grand Island High School themed apparel and products to the Neighbors Foundation until the end of May. Please see the website.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

April 23, 2020

Happy birthday today to Sam Aceti, Sydney Neuhaus, Kathy Lechner, Linda Kutzbach, Erica Forbes & Nathan Miles. Happy birthday Friday, April 24th to my hunny bunny Brad Robinson and to Mary O'Brien & Randolph Johnson. On Saturday, April 25th to Florence Lindelow. On Sunday, April 26th wish happy birthday to Mark Miles, Travis & Craig Perno, Lisa Braun, Brooke Christensen, mom & daughter Karen and Tessa DeMartin, Bernadette DiMartile & Scott Driess III. Happy birthday on Monday, April 27th to Dr. Bob Miller, Bethany Leiner, Brandon Kinney, Henry Mayer & Tom Natale. On Tuesday, April 28th to April Wright Elijah Linenfelser, Jaimen Wright, Pat Ehringer, Janet Austin, Kim Glessner & Jim Teator. Happy birthday on Wednesday to Diane Goupil, Frank Cannata, Herman Black, Bruce Hann & Rick Magro.

   Grand Island High School senior Ben Moscala has committed to play football at Washington & Jefferson College. He played quarterback, wide receiver and free safety last season for the Vikings.

Click for larger view.

    Grand Island native (now New Hampshire) and super-fan Mel Passarelli has been posting many Island photos on Facebook during our stay-at-home. The following post resulted in many, many comments. "This is a painting from my childhood friend, Fred (Fritz) Proctor. He is simply one of the most talented artists I have ever known. It is of the Bedell House saloon on Grand Island. Such great memories. There will never be another Bedell House. God, rest its soul. And most of all, thank you, Fred Proctor, for your gift. I will always cherish it."
    In the future, I'm hoping prints will be available and maybe an art show with paintings available for purchase!

    WNY Welcome Center Arbor Day Drive Up, Saturday, April 25th from 10:00 a.m. - noon. See flyer.

    Masks4All will be distributing free face masks in the Town Hall Parking lot on Sunday, April 26th at 1p.m. Please stay in your vehicle and they will come to you. One mask per family member. Simply let them know man, woman, boy or girl. Child sizes fits 2-10, XL can be requested. If you are compromised or elderly, delivery to you can be arranged. Masks are free. Donations to River Lea Quilters Guild are accepted, but not required.

    VFW Post 9249 will have their annual Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ fundraisser on Wednesday, April 29th, take-out only. See flyer.

   The Grand Island CSD Board of Education held its general session meeting from various online locations on Tuesday April 21, 2020. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

< Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

April 16, 2020

Happy birthday today to Peter Stein, Marie Casey & Helen Harrison . Happy birthday Friday, April 17th to Jon Albertsson, & Rob Kopf and on Saturday, April 18th to Mark Hassan, Norma Horton & Nunzio Spacone. On Sunday, April 19th wish happy birthday to Lela Mancuso & Paul Brush. Happy birthday on Monday, April 20th to JoAnn Podlucky, Tina Marie Miller & Bernadette Brown and on Tuesday, April 21st to Kim Domagala, Cindy Bleich, Rich Ray & Heidi Travagline. Happy birthday on Wednesday toGenna Baldassarre, Laurie Steckelberg, Yvonne Turri & Joseph Synakowski.

   Congratulations to Athena & Pete Xanthos on their 67th wedding anniversary Sunday, April 19th.

   Nice story from Diane Darmofalski. A young single mom, living in the south end of Town, had a dead deer blocking her driveway today. She called the Highway emergency phone number and talked to Dick Crawford, our Superintendent of Highways. He told her he (and probably his capable helpers) would take care of the situation. Considering what we are all living with, this really exemplifies our town employees and neighbors going above and beyond to help. Isn’t good news always welcome. Stay safe.

   The Grand Island Memorial Library is hosting a couple virtual classes next week. You do have to register. Get Garden Ready and Book Club - Little Women.

   An announcement was recently made that the Hydroplane Racing League has cancelled the whole of 2020 season. So the Gratwick Park "Thunder on the Niagara" is postponed until next year.

   VFW Post 9249 will have their annual Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ fundraiser on Wednesday, April 29th, May 13th & May 27th, take-out only. See flyer. I would imagine they will be quite busy as this is the first bbq of the year.

    Another nice story is about the River Lea Quilters Guild making thousands of masks for social distancing. Check it out here.

   The publisher was enjoying a walk along the West River Trail when he came upon a couple of interesting sights. New sign regarding COVID-19. He also found a very cool GI Joe figure near Legion Drive. He is facing north if you are missing him.

   Just a reminder for those enjoying the bike paths with your pups, Grand Island does have a leash law. This is for the safety of all on the path, bikers, walkers, runners and everyone's pets.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

April 9, 2020

Happy birthday today to Wayne Kinney, Rhett Robinson, Becca Zimmerman, Carolyn Marble, Gerald Kutis & Bob Ernst. Happy birthday Friday, April 10th to Sue Kaiser & Bonnie Ingalls and on Saturday, April 11th to Roman Jurga, Arlene Ehde, Serena Anzalaco Troyan & Dave Henderson. On Sunday, April 12th wish happy birthday to Kathy Elias, Mary McDonnell & Ted Pawlowski. Happy birthday on Monday, April 13th to Peter Santa Lucia, Jude Casey Kuehne, & Nicole Butcher and on Tuesday, April 14th to Dan Robinson, Nicholas Aronica & John Leszczak. Happy birthday on Wednesday to Jim Panepinto, Curt Nestark & Trish Birtz.

   A very special happy birthday to Betty Killian on April 13th, celebrating her 97th birthday!

   Happy wedding anniversary on April 15th to Paul and Jean Leiner.

   Dr. Brian Graham announced on Facebook the following: The Grand Island Central School District music department has been designated a 2020 Best Community for Music Education. This marks the ninth consecutive year that Grand Island has received this distinguished designation.

   Bogey's at Beaver Island State Park is hoping to open April 15th. Take out only.

   Happy Easter! Hope you enjoy the day. It sure will be different.

   The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their General and Budget Session Meeting remotely on Monday April 6, 2020, streamed Live on YouTube, and broadcast through Google Meet. See Video.    Just a reminder for those enjoying the bike paths with your pups, Grand Island does have a leash law. This is for the safety of all on the path, bikers, walkers, runners and everyone's pets.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.    Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

April 2, 2020

Happy birthday today to Joel Moyer, Sharon Stevens-Downing & Susan Ventry. Happy birthday Friday, April 3rd to Dante LoPresti & David Pelosi and on Saturday, April 4th to my baby girl Zoe Dodd and to Natalie Baldassare, Mike Geblein & Adele Cole. On Sunday, April 5th wish happy birthday to Daniel Tagiareni. Happy birthday on Monday, April 6th to Sherri Garner and on Tuesday, April 7th to Barb Wilson. Happy birthday on Wednesday toTom Crooks, Lucy Delavalle, James Caprio & Daniel Lynch.

   Happy 47th wedding anniversary on April 7th to Vince & Margaret Martello.

   Barstool Buffalo Online has awarded the Official Best Wings of Buffalo title to Mallwitz's Island Lanes. They were the underdogs, the 21st seed, and came out on TOP! You can get those wings by take-out, Tuesday - Saturday from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. They also have their full menu and growlers to go! Congratulations!

   I'm sad to hear Mike Samland is retiring from Northwest Bank after 40 years in the banking biz. But very happy for him to give up the suit after all these years!

Sports News....
   Grand Island linebacker Blake Bielec will continue his football career at Buffalo State this fall.
   The Scotty Bowman Showcase annually consists of three all-star hockey games between players from Buffalo and their rivals from Rochester. They were all cancelled due to he coronavirus outbreak, but the rosters of players who had been chosen to play were released by the Sabres. GI senior Tyler Hunt was named to the Senior team, having scored 46 points during the season. He was also named Division II co-player of the year by the state hockey coaches association. Also named to the seniors team was Brian O'Neill-F, Nolan Massaro-D.

   The Linda Basta Memorial Charity Walk that was to be held on May 9th has been cancelled. You can still donate here.

   Taking a cue from the Buffalo Sabres playing back old classic games on MSG, GICSD video expert Mark Gorton decided to join in on the fun, and share with you classic special episodes of Viking Vision News from throughout the 11 year history at Grand Island High School. Today's E-Blast From The Past features many of our former students who started Viking Vision News, and laid the framework for the future of thebroadcasts. Enjoy our special 100th Newscast from January 24, 2011.

   Rose Liquor recently announced new hours, check them out here.

   Just a reminder for those enjoying the bike paths with your pups, Grand Island does have a leash law. This is for the safety of all on the path, bikers, walkers, runners and everyone's pets.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.    Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

March 26, 2020

Happy birthday today to Kendall Duscher, Betty Marinell & Angelo LaDuca. Happy birthday Friday, March 27th to Brooklyn Landroche & Clive Roughsedge and on Saturday, March 28th to Sherry Miller, Annalea Masiello, Liza Bowman, Olivia Williams, Barb Wienke, Kenna MacNeil, Jacob Stewart & Valerie Robinson On Sunday, March 29th wish happy birthday to Margie Southwood, Tracey Shickluna, Chloe Fitzsimmons & Michele LaBarre. Happy birthday on Monday, March 30th to Sharon Wright. Happy birthday on Tuesday, March 31st to Barry Smith & Tom Shanor and on April 1st to Fay McDonald & Jeremy Figler .

   Happy wedding anniversary on March 31st to Rosemary and Bruce Wojick.

   Congratulations to these ice hockey standouts! Grand Island boys Hockey forward Tyler Hunt was named one of the Division II Co-Players of the Year by the Hockey Coaches Association of New York. The other was Starpoint defenseman Tyler Kalota. GI goaltender Bobby Currie was named to honorable mention. Also, Island native Abigal Blair was named to the Coaches All-Federation Girls Hockey Team for 2019-20. She plays on the Kenmore/Grand Island team.

   All of your favorite restaurants are open for take-out. Please try to support our Island small businesses at this time.

   Word on Facebook is the convenient store at the corner of Ransom & Stony Point will be reopened! Landscapers have been working outside.

    Kelly’s Country Store is still open! They have Easter Chocolate and Hoover Milk in Stock. You can order online for free delivery or call the store at 773-0003, if you want to pick it up they also do curbside pick up. Please support this local business that has been on the Island since 1961. They have hours most days from 9am - 8pm.

    Grand Island Central School District Superintendent Dr. Brian Graham updates the district and public on the latest information on COVID-19 in the town, and the rest of the GI Board of Education held their General Session Meeting remotely, and in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School on Monday March 23, 2020. See video.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.    Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

March 19, 2020

Happy birthday today to Carol Sharpe, Lester Lee, Joseph Roberts & Richard McDonald. Happy birthday Friday, March 20th to Marty Bidell, Mary O'Dea Beyer & David Ames and on Saturday, March 21st to Paul Roeder, Ruth Ryan, Daniel Parker, Dolores Laska & Dorothy Martinelli On Sunday, March 22nd wish happy birthday to Wendy Stratton-Gross, Peter Baker & Bev Kinney. Happy birthday on Monday, March 23rd to Pattie Beauchamp, Jim Olmstead, Pat Harding & Ryan Kernin. Happy birthday on Tuesday, March 24th to Jillian Sheehan & Robin Swedish and on March 25th to Jim Ehde, Jack Mahnk, Amy Blundell & Sue Ann Mackenna.

   Happy wedding anniversary today to Amy & Steve Morgan.

   All of your favorite restaurants are open for take-out. Please try to support our Island small businesses at this time.

   Adrian's opened for the season today, March 19th. Orders are pick-up only. You can call ahead or order directly at the front windows.

   Due to a death in the family, Eggsquisite Eats has been closed for a few days. They will re-open tomorrow, Friday, March 20th from 12 noon - 7:00 p.m. They will be open Saturday & Sunday from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

   If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your neighbors....do not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email jodi@giecom.net.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

March 12, 2020

Happy birthday today to Al Meyer, Madison MacNeil, Ray Hayward, Michele Beauchamp & Jojo Paczynski Sparcino. Happy birthday Friday, March 13th to Karen Hayes Smith, Martha Bojarski, Pat Kendzierski, Adam Kratz, Susan Anstett Marston & Jody Ghianni and on Saturday, March 14th to Jon Grenda, Kathy Shaklee, Rebecca Popiel & Jim Walf On Sunday, March 15th wish happy birthday to Gail Monti, Elizabeth Figler, John Corrao, Mindi Kratz & Henry Lobl. Happy birthday on Monday, March 16th to Megan Malaney, Dan Lee, Cameron Willer, Pat Phillips, Aree Saenger & Debbie Jenkins. Happy birthday on Tuesday, March 17th to Bill Brobeil, Nancy Anderson & Nonnie Carroll and on March 18th to Adam Missert, Nicholas Tim, Audrey Mason, Eddie Krecisz.

   Happy 35th anniversary to Vicki & Ian Harnden on Monday, March 16th and also to Bob & Debbie Guenther married in 1979.

    Congratulations to the Grand Island JV Hockey team on their third straight state JV title, and fourth in five years. The Vikings won on March 1st in Rochester, beating Jamestown by a score of 5-4. With a season record of 14-2-2, 14 year head coach Marvin Pawlowski will be retiring.

    Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 is hosting their 17th annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner on Saturday, March 14th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dinner includes Corned Beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and dessert. Tickets are $11.00 Public is welcome to attend.

    River Lea Open House at Beaver Island State Park. Come visit the Grand Island Historical Society museum, River Lea, on Sunday, March 15th from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    Meet your elected officials at the GI Republican St. Patrick's Day Party on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 773 North, 2749 Grand Island Blvd., from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. . See flyer.

   GI Relay has raised over 2 million in the last 18 years having fundraising events. This month's events are: Saturday, March 21st, TV Trivia Night, Tuesday March 24th, Crockpot Kickoff at Ellden's at River Oaks, Friday, March 27th Bowl For A Cure at Mallwitz's Lanes and Saturday, March 28th Bands & Baskets at Mallwitz's Island Lanes. See flyer.

    The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their General Session Meeting, including the Second Public Info Session for the 2020-2021 School Budget on Monday March 9, 2020 in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School. See video.

   Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    March 5, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Tim Moriarty, David McConnell, Rich Amantia, Missy Fargino & Jeanne Powers. Happy birthday Friday, March 6th to Hayden Backlund, Eilene Gebrian, Charles Tobe & Pat Bassler and on Saturday, March 7th to Linda Leuchner, Glen Shepherd, Leda Barton, Lola Brindisi, Carol O’Connor & Bill Ortiz. On Sunday, March 8th wish happy birthday to Rosemary Loth Fischer & Diane Grant. Happy birthday on Monday, March 9th to Grace Wenner & Elaine Hardman. Happy birthday on Tuesday, March 10th to Nancy Seifert Dinan & Christie Lewis Hy and on March 11th to Emily Bolles, Roman Cacciatore, David Cook & Shirley Norman.

        Every Thursday you can get tacos at the VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., for $1.50 each at lunch and dinner. Dinner hours are 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., followed by a trivia competition. They are also now serving lunch Monday - Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend! March 2-6 Menu. You don't have to be a member to dine at the VFW, just sign in when you get there.

    Update: Game time is 7:00 p.m., Sunday, March 8th at Buffalo State.
        Grand Island Girls Basketball won their Section VI A-2 semifinal against Lew-Port on Tuesday, March 3rd by a score of 43-34. Next up is the Section A-2 final at Buffalo State College on Sunday, March 8th, against #1 seed Willimasville South. Last year Will South beat GI in the final, their sixth consecutive sectional title. Congratulations on your accomplishments so far!

        The annual Kaegebein PTA Family Fun Night is tonight, March 5th from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at the school, with fun games and activities as well as a basket raffle. See flyer.

        The Grand Island Historical Society general meeting and program will take place tonight, Thursday, March 5th at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park at 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker is Chuck LaChiusa with a power point program on "Buffalo's Outstanding Murals." Suggested donation for non-members and guests is $5.00.

        ConnectLife will be bringing their bus to the Town of Grand Island Highway Department, 1820 Whitehaven Road on Monday, March 9th, from 12:00 - 5:00 p.m.

        On Monday, March 2nd the NYS Power Authority started the removal of the Lake Erie Ice Boom. This sure sign of spring, happened at its second earliest removal since 1964. The earliest was on February 28, 2012.

        At the February 10th Planning Board meeting a 65 acre parcel at the corner of East River and Whitehaven was discussed. Proposed are 76 residential lots and 49 townhomes, with 4 units per building. Single family homes will be constructed on the back portion of the site. There is a 40' proposed landscaped open space buffer, which will separate the proposed residential subdivision and the existing homes on the west side of Timberlink Dr. Lot size will be a minimum of 70'x110'. Timberlink lot size is 100'x220'. The last development talked about for that area was in 2014 and called Light House Pointe. A large group of residents made known their displeasure at the plans.

        If you can't wait for spring and gardening, check out a library program on Saturday, March 28, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
       Tina Ames, writer/blogger for Mother Earth News, gives "old-fashioned" tips on gardening, seed saving, composting and all natural techniques for a no spray garden. All students will receive Tina's own heirloom seeds and notes to take home. Individual questions on your garden always welcome! Registration is required. Please call 773-7124.

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    February 27, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Gabby Robinson, Kevin Koch Jr. & Mike Cali. Happy birthday Friday, February 28th to Mary Ann Love, Barry Conway, David Steggs, Patrick McMahon & Ron Bastian and on Saturday, February 29th to Jason Weis, Donna Linenfelser & Greg Chamberlain. On Sunday, March 1st say happy birthday to Jane Cooke, Jean Smith, Linda Hermann, Michael William Rayhill, Karie Stedman, Ashley Gorman, Sarah Dollendorf, Gail Click, Bridget McMahon & Phyllis Martin. Happy birthday on Monday, March 2nd to Jamie Akers Smith. Happy birthday on Tuesday, March 3rd to Jeff Denler, John Simon & Anne Rollins and on March 4th to Kevin Smith & Mary Trinci.

       Congratulations to Grand Island High School hockey player Robert Currie on being named the Sgroi Financial Boys Prep Talk Athlete of the Week. He had his sixth shutout of the season in a WNY Federation playoff game against Kenmore East. Voting is conducted on BuffaloNews.com, beginning each Monday. The voting concludes Thursdays at noon. To nominate an athlete for consideration, send an email to sports@buffnews.com.

        Thanks to Shirley Luther for giving us the heads up regarding her great grandson.... The Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs paid tribute to some of its own the second weekend in February, as it held the group’s annual awards banquet for 2019 in Lockport. The Carl Lass Memorial Award winner for Youth of the Year went to William “Billy” Click of Grand Island, a strong member of the Junior Club at the Three-F Club in Lewiston. He is the top shooter who helps train younger shooters. He carried the NRA Civilian Award for Distinguished Expert Marksman. He will join the Navy after he graduates from Grand Island High School this year.

        ConnectLife will be bringing their bus to the Town of Grand Island Highway Department, 1820 Whitehaven Road on Monday, March 9th, from 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. You can schedule an appointment by visiting ConnectlifeGiveBlood.org, enter sponsor code 000252 or by calling ConnectLife at 716-529-4270. Photo ID is required to donate. See Flyer

        The Ramrods team from Grand Island won the 13th annual Western New York International Rabbit Derby on January 25th, at the Southtowns Walleye Association clubhouse in Hamburg. Almost 600 people were at the fundraiser, in honor of 13-year-old Gracie King of North Tonawanda. Co-captains Tim Conn & Rob Christopher led the Island team, winning with a 3.97 pound rabbit.

        Mallwitz Island Lanes is hosting WBBZ-TV's "Beat The Champ." It will be on WBBZ-TV, Your Hometown MeTV Station; Ch. 67.1; Cable 5; FiOS 5; Dish 5: DirecTV 67, on Saturday, February 29th at 4:00 p.m. Paul Peck is at the Broadcast Desk with Hall of Fame bowler Sue Nawojski. Janelle Sabin is at the Castilone Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram scoreboard. Hometown bowlers competing this week are part of the “Mallwitz’s Island Lane Challenge” featuring Team “Big Easy,” Team “Zack Kelly”, Team “Mike Johnson,” and Team “Mike Mallwitz!” It will also be at a SPECIAL TIME Sunday night at 9pm after the Variety Kids Telethon.

        Save the dates! Band & Baskets For Relay For Life at Mallwitz's Island Lanes, Saturday, March 28th at 6:00 p.m. The Grand Island Zonta's annual Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon is at the Buffalo Launch Club on Sunday, April 26th. The Linda Basta Memorial Charity Walk is on Saturday, May 9th at Veterans Park. Check out the Calendar of Events for more info.

        The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their General Session Meeting in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School on Monday, February 24, 2020. SeeVideo.

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.
  • Come and meet other families that are affected by Autism and other special needs. Meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Howard Hannah real estate office basement, 2139 Grand Island Blvd. from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Contact person: Vienna Haak, 430-5118.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    February 20, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Bryan Smith, Melanie Stein, Carol Alt, Daniel Tattenbaum, Jennifer Watkins, Katie Brady, MaryJo Gill & Dick Bessel. Happy birthday Friday, February 21st to Eugene Corey & Sal Gullo and on Saturday, February 22nd to Marilyn Wilkie Watt, Jim Zilliox & Ralph Quarantillo. On Sunday, February 23rd say happy birthday to Sherry DeBruyn, Jo Klock, Paula Nakayama, Sophia Black, Linda Gerristad & Supervisor John Whitney. Happy birthday on Monday, February 24th to Brian Robinson & Jan Yardley. Happy birthday on Tuesday, February 25th to Dennis Donovan, Scott Tetreault, Kevin Brock & Mary Williams and on February 26th to David Rogers, Debbie Kennedy-Rogoza, Jay Hollinger, William Madigan & Lynn Dingey.

        I BIRD NY - Saturday, February 22, 2020 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Buckhorn Island State Park. Our parks offer incredible birding opportunities for all ages. Join us each season as we explore a different park and learn about our local birds. Registration: Required. For information & registration call (716) 549-1050.

        The American Legion, Grand Island Post #1346 general meeting is Wednesday, February 26th at 7:00 p.m. at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

        Congratulations to Grand Island High School wrestlers' participating last weekend in the Section VI Division I championship tournament at Starpoint High School on Saturday, February 15th. The Bielec brothers earned trips to the state tournament. Senior Blake earned his second straight trip and younger brother and sophomore Brian won his first sectional title. They are headed to Albany for the state tournament taking place on February 28 & 29th.

       Congratulations go to Lydia Sweeney on being named the NIagara PAL Female Prep Athlete of the Year on Saturday, February 16th.

        Grand Island Parks Department is accepting applications for the following positions: Gardener / Park Patrol / General Maintenance. Click here.

       The annual Rotary Club of Grand Island’s “Undie Sunday,” clothing drive is collecting new and unused underwear and socks for local missions from February 10-24th. There are hampers at all the local churches and at Ace Hardware, Island Center, GI Library & Top's Supermarket and many more spots.

        The Grand Island Alumni Association 13th Annual Comedy Show will take place on Saturday, February 29th at Ellden's Grill at River Oaks. This year's comedians are Greg Owens, James Kurdziel & Jeff Arcuri. Tickets are $25 and are available at Platinum Sponsor Aceti's Wine & Spirits in Top's Plaza and Gold Sponsor deSignet Jewelry, 1869 Whitehaven Road.Flyer. It would be nice to see former winners and their parents come out and show their support!

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.
  • Save the Michaels will also be offering a monthly support group right on Grand Island for any individuals with a loved one in active addiction or early recovery. The meetings will be the 4th Wednesday evening of every month at 6:30pm at the Golden Age Center. this month's meeting is Wednesday, February 26th.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    February 13, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Laura Sexton, Adam Dahlberg, Mitchell Matthews, Nancy Hamm-Johnson, Hans Sterzelbach & Emma Wheeler. Happy birthday on Valentine's Day, Friday, February 14th to Shirley Martin & Wayne Anstett and on Saturday, February 15th to Herman Roberts, Philip Sahlem, Todd Sipson, Kellie Kehoe, Daniel Baney & Donna Tomkins. On Sunday, February 16th say happy birthday to Deborah Parker, Marianne Ward & Lynne Rimer. Happy birthday on Monday, February 17th to Kathy Garlapow, Anita DeGlopper, Lillian Brenner, Aaron Delavalle, Chuck Delavalle & Swaran Dhaliwal. Happy birthday on Tuesday, February 18th to Michelle Gast, Patrick Stouter, Chris Ciszek, Dave Fields & Barbara Wudyka and on February 19th to Phyllis Wesolek.

        The VFW Auxiliary is hosting a Pork Roast dinner on Saturday, February 15th, at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. See flyer for details.

        On Sunday, February 16th, the WNY Welcome Center, 1999 Alvin Road, will host Staycation Stations, discover great places to visit in your own backyard. Activities take place from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. See flyer for details.

        Check this out....Forty Days - Forty Items, or in our case, 39 Days, 39 Items. Each day of Lent, remove one item from your closet (or bureau) you no longer wear and put in a trash bag. At the end donate to those in need.

       Congratulations to Melina Aceti, named to the Daemen College Dean's List. A matriculated undergraduate student who attains a grade point average of 3.30 or better in any one semester is eligible.

       An ax throwing venture will soon be on GI. It is to be located in the industrial park off of Bedell Road, on Lang Blvd. by spring.

       The annual Rotary Club of Grand Island’s “Undie Sunday,” clothing drive is collecting new and unused underwear and socks for local missions from February 10-24th. There are hampers at all the local churches and at Ace Hardware, Island Center, GI Library & Top's Supermarket and many more spots.

       Zobud Bistro was reviewed in the Buffalo News this week by restaurant reviewer Andrew Z. Galarneau. See review here.

        The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their General Session Meeting, including the first public info session for the 2020-2021 School Budget on Monday February 10, 2020 in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School. See video.

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    February 6, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Linda Tufillaro, Olivia Wenner, Noelle Linenfelser & Cody Okelberry. Happy birthday on Friday, February 7th to Glenn Skelly and on Saturday, February 8th to Mary Sitarski, Diane Garey, Diane Gurbacki, Sarah Klock , David Santa Lucia, Jadon Garman, Carleigh Rodriguez, Sheila Strott & Jackson Tower. On Sunday, February 9th to Elinor Wiant, Linda Tomkiel, Chris Ford & Dory Smith Matwijkow. Happy birthday on Monday, February 10th to Kaylee Montana. Happy birthday on Tuesday, February 11th to Jackie Walt, Joanne Metzger, Joan Barone, Dominic Mazzola & Amanda Kaiser Wayne and on February 12th to Kim Kalman, Carol Roesch, Patty Rink and her twin Penny Linenfelser , Jayce Claus & Charles Ackerman.

        Thanks to all the reader's donations to Isledegrande this week, from Alan Lee, Frank Pusatier, Stephen Fritschi, Barbara Fritchey, Anonymous, Paul Coughlin, Mike Madigan, Scot Davis & Diane Gollwitzer Doane.

        New videos developed by the GI Economic Development Advisory Board can be seen on the town website. There are three shorts: A Grand Place to Live, A Grand Place to Work, A Grand Place to Play. View here.
       The Town also created a new Facebook page .

       The Town of Grand Island is looking for residents to fill the following board vacancies: • Architectural Review Advisory Board • Conservation Advisory Board • Economic Development Advisory Board • Historic Preservation Advisory Board • Parks & Recreation Advisory Board • Planning Board • Technology Advisory Board • Traffic Safety Advisory Board. Please send your resume and or qualifications to the Town Supervisor, John C. Whitney, P.E., by February 15, 2020. Email: rdiehl@grand-island.ny.us

        ConnectLife will be bringing their bus to the Town of Grand Island Highway Department, 1820 Whitehaven Road on Wednesday, February 12th, from 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. You can schedule an appointment by visiting ConnectlifeGiveBlood.org, enter sponsor code 000252 or by calling ConnectLife at 716-529-4270. Photo ID is required to donate. See Flyer.

        Are your kids bored, stuck in the house with nothing to do?? Pizza Amore "The Wood Fire Way" can help with "Make and Bake"!! For $11 your child can choose their own toppings, make their own pizza, watch it cook in the oven and enjoy their very own personal pizza! Dates are February 8th & February 22nd from 1-3pm. No reservations needed but must be accompanied by an adult!

        The Sidway Playground is scheduled to be built on May 2 & 3, 2020 and they need 100 volunteers each day to help. Volunteers are needed of various skill levels, as well as the use of tools and construction equipment. Help will also be needed in registration, food preparation and construction. All volunteers must be 18 years of age. Please fill out the form and return by Friday, March 13th to Sidway School, 2451 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072, Attention Denise Dunbar.

       The EG tax service office has moved to 2419 Grand Island Blvd. (The Grand Island Plaza).

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    January 30, 2020

    Happy birthday today to David Clayton III & Rich Foks . Happy birthday on Friday, January 31st to Ronald Duguay, Hailee Clayton, Conner Bolles, Anthony Mondi & Regina Truitt and on Saturday, February 1st to Judith Pack, Mandy Malaney, Ryan Pecoraro, Clyde Hickok, & Sydney Mazur. On Sunday, February 2nd to Lee Richard, Bob Hillock, Don Kaiser, Cheryl Wasson, Natalie Kopf, Dominic Pullano, Eileen Crane, Robert S. Fraser, Carol Maul & Surjit Kaur. Happy birthday on Monday, February 3rd to Joan Savoy Dlugokinski, Ilene Dee & Ryan Timmerman Happy birthday on Tuesday, February 4th to Emma Hall, Christopher Drew , Juliette Caprio, Mark VonWryeza, Mary Lou Jerge, Dan Ryan, Sophie Cane, Pete Marston & Maureen Lewis and on February 5th to Dolly D'Orazio, Jeri Benzing & Kip Staub.

        Happy wedding anniversary to Oliver & Anne Stuardi on February 2nd.

        Thanks to all the donations to Isledegrande this week from Liz Barker, Joe Synakowski, Valerie Funk, Nathaniel Slotiuk & Alice Demmin.

        It was reported cars were broken into at Heron Pointe Apartments, Sunday night, and at Hidden Oaks Court on Monday night. Keep your cars locked at all times and take out any valuables.

       Grand Island High School presents the Broadway musical, Disney "Beauty and the Beast", at the GIHS Viking Theater on Thursday, January 30th at 7;00 p.m., Friday, January 31st at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 online presale and $12 at the door. Flyer.

        The 2020 Miracle League of WNY Season registration is NOW OPEN! To register, go to this link and complete the registration process.

        Sidway Elementary is having Family Fun Day and Basket Raffle on Saturday, February 1st, from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. They will have food trucks, snacks, hot chocolate bar, selfie station, games and of course a basket raffle. Fitness with Nichole will be doing a Zumba class at 1:15!

        GI Rotary Meat Raffle is on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 or table of 8 is $70. Admission includes beer, pop, wine & pizza. See flyer, tickets are going fast!

       Thunder on the Niagara is scheduled for August 1 & 2, at Gratwick Waterfront Park, North Tonawanda. If you are interested in volunteering or being a vender at the event, go to their Facebook page.

        The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their General Session Meeting in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School on Monday January 27, 2020. See Video

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    January 23, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Jonathan Minton, Allison Boron, Mark Leffler & Mary Jan Clark. Happy birthday on Friday, January 24th to Louie Freitas Joyce Warning, Hunter Schmidt, Sarah Ramsperger, Benjamin DeFranks, Tyler Meyer & Warren Becher and on Saturday, January 25th to Patricia Webb Scott, Al Ackerman, Jason MacClelland, Colton Wilkinson. Sam Giglia, Judy Polizzi & Carolyn Spacone. On Sunday, January 26th to John Dudley, Tommy Geblein, Wayne Baumler & Mary Caldwell. Happy birthday on Monday, January 27th to Sabrina Butcher, Brent Minet, Mary Stewart, Judi Wakefield & Pat Shickluna Happy birthday on Tuesday, January 28th to Kelly Cunningham, Jason Vallina, Tom Burkman & Barbara Grabiec and on January 29th to Arlene Larry, Kevin Kelley, Eric Sharpe, Nicholas Penque & Bonnie Alabiso .

        Happy 38th wedding anniversary to Karen & Rom Figler today, January 23rd!

        Thanks to Nancy Gorrell & Alice Demmin for being the second & third readers to donate in 2020, we really appreciate your thoughtfullness.

       Grand Island High School presents the Broadway musical, Disney "Beauty and the Beast", at the GIHS Viking Theater on Thursday, January 30th at 7;00 p.m., Friday, January 31st at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 online presale and $12 at the door. Flyer.

       The Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. is scheduled to open Saturday, February 1st. The menu can be seen on the Viking Diner Facebook page.

       The Golden Age Center is hosting "Dinner & a Craft" on Wednesday, January 29th. Dinner will be catered by a local restaurant; menu to be posted. Craft to be announced. Participation is LIMITED in this program, so be sure to sign up and pay early, as payment holds your spot in the program.Cost: $20, payable by cash or check made payable to the Golden Age Cente

       The American Legion, Grand Island Post #1346 general meeting is Wednesday, January 29th at 7:00 p.m. at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    January 16, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Darlene Hewitt, Amber Malaney, Don Burrows, Joyce Hornbeck, Sudha Sharma, Earl DeGlopper Jr., Carroll Becker, Sue Fleischauer & Joy Mesmer. Happy birthday on Friday, January 17th to Justin Sondel, Ron Sutton, Hank Kammerer, Nick Kingston, Marvin Mack & Barbara Creighton and on Saturday, January 18th to Caitlin Schwinge, Gail Becher, Patricia Smith, Peter and Paul Minton, Robert Davis & Linda Piro and on Sunday, January 19th to Susan Razmus, Mackenzie Hassan & Kristyn Brown. Happy birthday on Monday, January 20th to Fran Burrows, Kaylee Connell, Andrew Masiello, Josh Lange, Dustin Gushue, Brenda Hollfelder & Diane Haney Happy birthday on Tuesday, January 21st to Pat Caffery Roncone, Mary Cooke, Ron Pavis, John Gast & Dennis Lachk and on January 22nd to Kurt Lorence, Jean Bousquet, Joanne Browne, Nina Leskiw, Margie Rall Hunter, Karen Geng, Vinny Pascucci & Christian Bermel.

        Thanks to Sandy Nelson for being the first reader to donate in 2020, we really appreciate your thoughtfullness.

       GIHS Senior Lydia Sweeney broke the 1,000 career point mark in a win over North Tonawanda on Friday, January 10th. She had 34 points in the 63-29 win. The next home game will be against Lockport on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:30 p.m. Lydia is planning on attending Cedarville University in the fall.

       The New York State Sportswriters Association has named their all-state selections for football. GIHS defensive back Ben Moskala was named to the fourth-team and kicker Sean Rustowicz was given honorable mention.

        A gentleman from Southtowns Trophy & Engraving came up with these hilarious magnets. They are made of wood, 4"x3.5", are $13 each, and available at deSignet Jewelry, 1869 Whitehaven Road. You can call Kim at 773-6256 to reserve yours or stop in 9-5, Monday - Friday. Saturday - 9-2.

        The VFW Auxiliary Annual Soup Night is on Saturday, January 18th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. There will be more than 20 soups to choose from. Tickets are $8.00 and include all you can eat soup, salad and bread. Dessert will be available to purchase. Take-out soup will be available after 6:00 p.m. for $7.00 per quart. Flyer.

        Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is on Saturday, January 18, 2020. Registration, as well as free throw practice, begins at 12:30 p.m. and closes at 1:30 p.m. Competition begins promptly at 1:30 p.m. It wil be held in the St. Stephen Gym.

       Save the Michaels is offering a monthly support group for any individuals with a loved one in active addiction or early recovery. The meetings will be the 4th Wednesday evening of every month at 6:30pm at the Golden Age Center, January 22nd.

       The Golden Age Center is hosting a potluck and games night on Wednesday, January 22nd from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. They would like participants to register with the GAC office and note what dish you would like to share.

       The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education held their General Session Meeting in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School on Monday January 13, 2020. See video.

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    January 9, 2020

    Happy birthday January 9th Dale Morgan, Richard Brzyski, Rita Desemone, Sam Loquasto & Martha Marrinan. Happy birthday on Friday, January 10th to Patricia & Scott Shaw & Darlene Conners and on Saturday, January 11th to Debbie Stack, Joyce Neil, Susan Head, Art Ciechoski, Mary McClive, Mark Landroche & Jack Roesch and on Sunday, January 12th to Martha Muller, Barbara Fritchey, Lyle Dinsmore, Carol Gioia & Adam Kopf. Happy birthday on Monday, January 13th to James Winter, Carol Kraemer, Greg Bell, Lynn Henschel & Paula Zucarelli Happy birthday on Tuesday, January 14th to Mary Jung, Carolina Luciani, Mike Rustowicz, Evan Carey & Judy Link and on January 15th to Anthony Masocco, Jennifer Farrell & John Harbison.

       Happy wedding anniversary to Linda & John Braddell on January 13th!

        The Family Justice Center of Erie County (FJC) will host a Community Meeting on Thursday, January 9th to discuss plans for a new, permanent location on Grand Island. This meeting will include an introduction to the FJC, information about the new Grand Island Location, and opportunities to get involved. Doors open at 6:30 p.m, with a presentation at 7:00 pm, at Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. All are welcome!

        The GI Alumni Association and Aceti's Wine & Spirits announce the 13th Annual Comedy Night will be on Saturday, February 29th at Ellden's at River Oaks. Tickets will be available shortly. SAVE THE DATE!!!
       In the past 15 years the GI Alumni Association has awarded 38 scholarships to seniors, donated $4000 for cushion wrapping of 100 yards of fence at Gene Master’s Field, donated $4,800 to Gene Masters Scholarship fund, gave $500 to the Sidway School Playground fund, $1,000 to the GIHS Life Skills summer program and donated to the Senior Celebration, held after senior prom each year.

       Another SAVE THE DATE: Grand Island High School presents the Broadway musical, Disney "Beauty and the Beast", at the GIHS Viking Theater on Thursday, January 30th at 7;00 p.m., Friday, January 31st at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m. Flyer.

       The Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. and Aceti's Wine & Spirits are both looking for employees.

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.

    January 2, 2020

    Happy birthday today to Carol Gioia & Raymond Whitbeck. Happy birthday on Friday, January 3rd to Terry Funk and on Saturday, January 4th to Gail Berti, Lynn Vaine, Karen Woods & Michael Dowd and on Sunday, January 5th to Peggy Boettcher Fuller and her twin sister Kathy Boettcher Stisser, Sue Novits, Dennis McCloskey, Bob Zielinski, Jake Dixon & Marissa Aceti . Happy birthday on Monday, January 6th to Michael Lockett, Melissa Clement Hill, Ron Webb, Dale Morgan, Kathy McNulty, Sandy Less, Florence Prawel, Jacqueline Goris & John Bidell Sr. Happy birthday on Tuesday, January 7th to Craig Davis & Eric Reimann and on January 8th to Sharon Koehler, Sharon Minet, Nicholas Heftka, Alexandria Anderson, Michael Klipich, Betsy Tranter Jean Siess & Sherilyn Gillard.

       Happy anniversary to Gary & Emily Dahlstrom on Monday, January 6th.

       Congratulations to Ella Rudney a GIHS freshman, named to the All-WNY girls soccer team. She was the only freshman to make the team and had 15 goals and 14 assists for the Class A co-champions. She scored in overtime in the A-2 championship game. Named third-team all-state in Class A.

       A retirement party for The Honorable Sybil E. Kennedy and Chief Court Clerk Maria C. Burns will be held on Friday, January 17, 2020. You are invited! See flyer for details. RSVP by Saturday, January 4th.

       The Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. will be accepting applications for front of the house serving positions beginning Monday, January 6th, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Looking for 6:30 a.m.servers, 11 a.m. servers and 3 p.m. servers. ***Must be available on weekends no later than 8 a.m. start and work through closing at 2 p.m.

       Save the Michaels will be hosting a presentation to educate the Grand Island community about their organization and services on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30pm in the Viking Theatre. There will also be an opportunity to hear stories from people in recovery.

        The Family Justice Center of Erie County (FJC) will host a Community Meeting to discuss plans for a new, permanent location on Grand Island. This meeting will include an introduction to the FJC, information about the new Grand Island Location, and opportunities to get involved. It will take place on Thursday, January 9th, doors open at 6:30 p.m, with a presentation at 7:00 pm, at Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. All are welcome!

       Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.

    Upcoming Events - See Events Calendar For Details
  • Recovery International is a self help support group for adults 18 and over who are dealing with anger issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and fears of all kinds. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road in the newer church at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the front door, go to the right through the double doors and go to the room with the Recovery sign. Come to learn about various coping skills that can be used in everyday situations to deal with these problems. For more information call Connie at 773-7419 or Judy at 773-1367.
  • Come and meet other families that are affected by Autism and other special needs. Meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Howard Hannah real estate office basement, 2139 Grand Island Blvd. from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Contact person: Vienna Haak, 430-5118.

    Send your news to jodi@giecom.net.