This Week...Around Town - 2021
By Jodi Robinson |
December 30, 2021
Happy birthday today to Paul Facklam III, Marguerite Fox, Susan Salamone & Patricia Steffans. Happy birthday Friday, December 31st to Candice Mye, Kathy Lazenby, Alan Geldin, Carol Sterzelbach & Nancy Riggs On Saturday, January 1st, happy day to Donna Turner Williams, Carmela (Millie) Attrino, Linda Rader, Nina Leskiw, Nancy Weis, Elaine Clark & Julie Andolin and on Sunday, January 2nd to Raymond Whitbeck & Rick Bonarek. Happy birthday on Monday to Terry Funk & Bonnie Alabiso. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Gail Berti, Karen Woods, Michael Dowd & Christine Ryan and on Wednesday, January 5th happy birthday to Peggy Boettcher Fuller and her twin sister Kathy Boettcher Stisser, Sue Novits, Dennis McCloskey, Bob Zielinski,, Jake Dixon & Marissa Aceti .
Happy New Year and hopes for a healthy, happy 2022!
As of this time: The Town of Grand Island announces that the Inauguration of the newly elected officials will take place on Saturday, January 1, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) at the Sandy Beach Yacht Club, 1851 Winter Road, Grand Island. To be inaugurated are Mark J. Frentzel – Town Justice, Richard Crawford, Jr. – Highway Superintendent, Peter Marston, Jr. – Councilman and Christian Bahleda – Councilman. Eric Fiebelkorn will serve as Master of Ceremonies. The Honorable Joseph Cassata will be the installing officer. The ceremony will be followed with a coffee, juice and light refreshments. The public is invited to attend.
The Golden Age Center lunch program resumes on Monday, January 3rd.
Community groups, organizations & churches...please let me know if you have any upcoming events as we will publicize for FREE!
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
December 23, 2021
Happy birthday today to Karen Lloyd, Andrea Moreau, Renee Fraser Gugino, Mary Ann Nash & Gerarda Payne. Happy birthday Friday, December 24th to Melissa Marlin, Carolyn Furman & Betsy Oshirak On Saturday, December 25th, happy day to JJeff Warning, Bud Yensan, Karen Carr Keefe, Chris Eberhard, Grant Hennigar, Marissa Catanzaro, Cayleigh Fitzsimmons & Ann Dlugokinski and on Sunday, December 26th to Allison Hill, Thomas Dunmire & Geri Stalica. Happy birthday on Monday to Abigail Dallassandro & David Phillips. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Robin Laible, Maggie Gushue & James Soto and on Wednesday, December 29th happy birthday to Judy Tafelski, Li-Anne "Rowswell" Mufson, Susan Magro & Judy Castiglia.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Islanders near & far!!!
The Golden Age Center lunch program is CLOSED for the week of Monday, 12/27/2021. Lunch program will resume on Monday, 1/3/2022.
The DeGlopper Memorial Expansion committee continues to offer the purchase of pavers and granite stones. The bricks are:$150 - 4” x 8” paver; $375 - 8” x 8” paver; $1,000 - 12” x 12” granite stones. Anyone who wishes to honor a loved one or express a general sentiment to those who have served our country may purchase. Additionally, anyone interested in requesting the name of an honorably discharged Grand Island Veteran inscribed on the granite Wall of Honor may do so by completing the Memorial Wall application along with the required supporting documentation of their service. The forms for pavers, granite stones, and the memorial wall are available up at the Charles DeGlopper VFW Post 9249 at 2121 Grand Island Blvd, or on the website Please feel free to call 716.773.4274 for further information.
As of this time: The Town of Grand Island announces that the Inauguration of the newly elected officials will take place on Saturday, January 1, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) at the Sandy Beach Yacht Club, 1851 Winter Road, Grand Island. To be inaugurated are Mark J. Frentzel – Town Justice, Richard Crawford, Jr. – Highway Superintendent, Peter Marston, Jr. – Councilman and Christian Bahleda – Councilman. Eric Fiebelkorn will serve as Master of Ceremonies. The Honorable Joseph Cassata will be the installing officer. The ceremony will be followed with a coffee, juice and light refreshments. The public is invited to attend.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
December 16, 2021
Happy birthday today to Betty Lantz, Lee Zeplowitz & Tom Lak.. Happy birthday Friday, December 17th to Arvilla Kendzierski, Cassidy Louise Kendrick, Jeffrey Crane & Wilhelmina Perdaems On Saturday,December 18th, happy day to Jaylee Maddalena, Jean Brighton, Dan Epstein, Jan Zaborowski, Barbara Graff & Deborah Brennan and on Sunday, December 19th to Pat Coughlin, Lucy D'Alessandro, Sue Braun, Stan Hill, William O’Connor, Bridget Baungartner, Margaret Lawrence, James Purpora & Dale Henniger. Happy birthday on Monday to Kathy Hogrewe Lowes, Gloria Brown, Allyson Wolgast, Christopher Priest, John Duchnik, Nicholas Carey, George Jakab & Brian Mongielo . On Tuesday, happy birthday to Allene Jansen, Nancy Behrns, Christopher Golda, Mike Metzger, Annette Smith & Robert McDonald and on Wednesday, December 22nd, happy birthday to Kim Aceti & Vera Jo Mote Mann.
The Erie County Sheriff Department has scheduled a free car seat check on Saturday, December 18th at the Grand Island Fire Company, 2275 Baseline Road from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
American Red Cross Blood Drive at Grand Island Fire Hall, 2275 Baseline Road, sponsored by Assemblyman Angelo Morinello on Tuesday, December 21st from 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. See FLYER.
Trinity U.M.C Mission Team is conducting a Grand Island Community Christmas Meal Food Drive. Food will be collected through December 17th at the big black bins located outside Historic Trinity or the brown bin in the Family Room of the big church. See FLYER. Monetary donations are also being accepted
Due to the storm on Saturday, December 11th, our main server was knocked out and erased two years worth of data. We have been uploading files for days and will continue to work at fixing the issues. If you see broken links and would like to give me a heads up, email Thank you.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
December 9, 2021
Happy birthday today to Amanda Heftka, Grace Stewart & Ronald Maness . Happy birthday Friday, December 10th to Marianne Tranter, Lisa Dinsmore Szpakowsk, Jake Scott, Christine Mills & Donna Purpora On Saturday,December 11th, happy day to Paul Linenfelser Sr., Duffy Macguire, Joelle Logue & Richard Poveromo and on Sunday, December 12th to Dan Sexton, Stephen Stouter, Reba Conway & Steve Grunzweig. Happy birthday on Monday to Charlie McDonough, Kori Loder , Denise (Stack) Dewey, Daniel Donovan, Emma Santorio, Sandy Sugg & Lorrie York. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Annette Panepinto Grandinetti, Mike Boerschig, Gary Sankes, Claire O'Connor, Nancy Koch, Sue Whitbeck, Amy Fisher, Mary Savoy & Jeff Boreali and on Wednesday, December 15th, happy birthday to Anthony Grillo, Mike Ludwig & Garry Deutschlander.
At the December 6th Town Board meeting, the Board approved a resolution opposing Erie County Mask mandates by a vote of 4-0, with Supervisor John Whitney absent. On December 8th, Supervisor John Whitney posted the following: "While I issued a press release and the Town Board in my absence passed a resolution not in support of the County Executive’s mandates, NOTHING in either of them purports to supersede the County Executive’s mandates. Therefore, I am directing all Town of Grand Island employees to comply with the mandates. I am asking all Grand Island businesses and citizens to comply as well. I hope this clears up any confusion."
The Grand Island Community Chorus will present a holiday concert - Starry Nights and Winter Delights - on Sunday, December 12th at 7:00pm. The concert will be held at St. Timothy Lutheran Church at the corner of Staley and Stony Point. The chorus will present seasonal music both familiar and new. It is free and open to all. Masks will be required in compliance with Erie County regulations. We hope you will join us as we celebrate this holiday season in song.
Trinity U.M.C Mission Team is conducting a Grand Island Community Christmas Meal Food Drive. Food will collected through December 17th at the big black bins located outside Historic Trinity or the brown bin in the Family Room of the big church. See FLYER. Monetary donations are also being accepted
Last week for the Toys for Tots Drive and the Coats for Kids Drive.
Grand Island High School Winter Concert featuring the Chorus, Band & Orchestra of Wednesday, December 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the High Shool Auditorium. Please enjoy the concert and stop by the Music Booster Booth to learn how you can support Grand Island Music Programs.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
December 2, 2021
Happy birthday today to Riley Crosby, Carol Ganster, Marcy Malecki, Dorine Fabiu & Barb Stouter. Happy birthday Friday, December 3rd to Mike Masters, Sara Barbur, Alan Endres, Liz Tucker, Evan Linenfelser,, Kimberly Murchison-Petcu, Robert Ginsburg & Andrew Weinzler On Saturday,December 4th, happy day to Marie Long, Josette Dickinson, Natalie Carter, Aidan MacNeil, Bill Wilson & Cameron Cherenzia and on Sunday, December 5th to Darcey Golde, Mary Beth Lean, Carolyn Kreutz & Luke Gworek. Happy birthday on Monday to James Heberlein, Bob Goulding & Donald Weber. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Joan Staub, Julia Capage & Maxine Eldridge and on Wednesday, December 8th, happy birthday to Robin Shipman & Bobbi Cap.
Pearl Harbor Day - 80th Anniversary is Tuesday, December 7th. To remember those who were there, meet at flagpole in front of Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Boulevard at 11:00 a.m.
The Grand Island Historical Society's Holiday Open Houses are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 3,4, & 5 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Shop in the Christmas Store, view the new displays and enjoy holiday refreshments and music. Everyone welcome to attend. FLYER.
Trinity Church Grand Island is hosting a free family event the first Friday of every month. Join us December 3rd from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Cookie decorating, gingerbread house decorating, crafts and snacks. See FLYER.
Grand Menorah Lighting on Sunday, December 5th at Grand Island Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Music, lights and Chanukah treats.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
November 18, 2021
Happy birthday today to Mark Flash & Geraldine Wornick. Happy birthday Saturday, November 20th to Scott Allaire, Douglas F. Bauer, Gusharan Ghuman, Kathy Menter, Joan Wilkinson & Pam O’Connor and on Sunday, November 21st to Ben Kose, Carol Moscati, Terry Smith, Jeanne Treat, Tyler Lorence & Rob Ratajczak. Happy birthday on Monday to Marilyne Brandoni, Jennifer Przybylski, Kevin Rosman, Arlene Nice & Dr.Chris Gress. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Barbara LaDuca, Mary Ann Lochren & Nick Tomkins and on Wednesday, November 24th, happy birthday to Edna Braddell, Margaret Sutton, Jean Caprio & Allyson Gillies .
Going on vacation! There will not be an update next week. If you would like something posted to the site, send to, after November 22nd.

New sign at the Marion Klingel Town Commons, hand carved by Island resident Tom Proctor.
St. Martin's Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at the Sandy Beach Yacht Club (1851 Winter Rd) and EVERYONE is invited! The date is Saturday, November 20 beginning at 4pm (you can come whenever you want) and you can eat-in or take your meal to-go.
Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a Thanksgiving drive-thru food give-a-way. Come to our white building on Sunday, November 21st , from 11:00 AM - 12:00PM. First come, first served, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or
Coats 4 Kids - Drop off new or gently used hats, gloves, scarves, boots & coats at Howard Hanna Real Estate office, 2139 Grand Island Blvd. until December 16th.
Toys for Tots - New, unwrapped toys and games, preferably around the $10 and up range, along with books. Drop off at the VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., open daily 12 - 7:00 p.m.
The Grand Island Historical Society's Holiday Open Houses are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 3,4, & 5 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Shop in the Christmas Store, view the new displays and enjoy holiday refreshments and music. Everyone welcome to attend. FLYER
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
November 11, 2021
Happy birthday today to Sandy Santorio, Lucia Roesch, Carolyn Gentz, Shane Kinney, Margaret Lawrence, James Purpora, Bridget Baungartner, & Paul Coughlin. Happy birthday Friday, November 12th to Kelly Williams, Maria Burns & Carol Lindelow and on Saturday, November 13th happy birthday to Victor Cap, Mike Madigan, Pamela Barton, Roberta Jean Burke, Sheryl Kutis, Ann Rossiter, Debbie Tront & June Justice Crawford. Happy birthday Sunday, November 14th to Sarah Brand, Antonia Stabler, Ryan Foote, Lucy Kalman. Happy birthday on Monday to Carole Lochte, Thomas Dworak, Mac Myles, Lisa Wendling, Alan Dally, Sue Teater & Gina Silvestri. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Christina Basta Podlucky, Scott Kalman, Vala O’Boyle, Annabelle Linenfelser, Peg Price, Lou Ann Devonshire, Daniel Fuller & Frances Romanchock and on Wednesday, November 17th, happy birthday to Sierra Yarnes , Bobbi McNulty Champayne, Donald & Dayton Fancher, William Hambridge & Constantino Silvestri.
The Strictly Hip is playing at the Falconwood at Beaver Island State Park on Friday, November 12th at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 pre-sale, $25 at the door.
St. Martin's Journey to Adulthood Christian Education class is once again having their Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive. There will be a drive-thru turkey drop off for frozen turkeys at the church (2587 Baseline Rd.) on Saturday, November 13 from 10am-12pm. We thank you in advance for your support!
The Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Auxiliary, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., is hosting a Hot Turkey Sandwich fundraiser on Saturday, November 13th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. or sold out. Open faced turkey sandwich with gravy, vegetable, cranberry sauce and chips. $7.00/$7.50 to go. Desserts available, 50-50 and lottery tree. Public welcome
The Grand Island Historical Society's museum River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park, will be hosting an open house on Sunday, November 14th, from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. A Thanksgiving craft will be available for kids and adults. The downstairs rooms have been painted and new displays have been created in the living and dining rooms.
The Lions Club is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive on Wednesday, November 17th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes, 1887 Whitehaven Road from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. They will be collecting frozen turkeys, canned good and gift cards to benefit the GI Neighbors Foundation. After you donate you can enjoy a free game of bowling. FLYER.
The Grand Island Snowmobile Club in cooperation with the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club will be holding a FREE / NO COST NY State Snowmobile Safety Course on November 18 and 19, 2021 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. Details
The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education holds their General Session Meeting on Monday November 8, 2021 at Huth Road Elementary School in Grand Island, NY. See VIDEO.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
November 4, 2021
Happy birthday today to Marilyn Gullo, Mark Tiede, Alli DeMartin, Bill Salansky & Ricky Whitmire. Happy birthday Friday, November 5th to Alexander Frye, Brian Rinio, Edie Thompson, Edna Kunselman & Linda Nihart and on Saturday, November 6th happy birthday to Joshua Less, David Arch, Sue Ellerton & David Pratt Ph.D.. Happy birthday Sunday, November 7th to John Kaefer, Joe Cushner, Francis Baumler. Gordon Mortenson & Mike Schopp. Happy birthday on Monday to Scott Hammond, Anne Leahy Grace Carey & Princess Vera Grace Lucinski. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Meshkat Assian & Judith Bassette and on Wednesday, November 10th, happy birthday to Katie Samland, Barbara Cook, Emily Nowak & Mary Mack.
Happy wedding anniversary to Sue & Jim Teator on November 8th.

Congratulations to the Lady Vikings Soccer team winning the Section VI Class A Title this week. GI beat the Iroquois team by a score of 3-0 and have a 17-1-2 record. Next up is the Far West Regionals at Webster Thomas High School on Saturday, November 6th at 2:00 p.m. They will be playing Spencerport.
Thompson Farms, 2487 Long Road, is a · drop off/donation location for the Neighbors Foundation on Grand Island! Current needs for the pantry are: canned tuna, canned fruit, chef boyardee and chili type canned goods! Any pantry items that are NOT EXPIRED and toiletries can be dropped off at the farm stand box near the eggs.
The Grand Island Historical Society's November general meeting and program will be held at the Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. on Thursday, November 4th at 7:00 p.m. Our speaker will be Mark Saglian presenting a program on “The Richardson Complex”, (the former state hospital on Elmwood Ave. in Buffalo) Please wear a mask to this event. Programs are open to members only. You may renew or purchase your membership at the meeting. Refreshments will be served.
Hunt RE Realtors is teaming up with the GIHS Business Department for the 2nd annual food drive!! Drop off is on Saturday, November 6th from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., 2098 Grand Island Blvd., Hunt Real Estate office. If you cannot make it on the 6th, you can drop off donations anytime. Non-perishable food items, toiletries and monetary donations are appreciated. Benefits the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. See FLYER.
Hair Envy Salon, formerly in the GI Plaza, has acquired Trend Setters Salon on GI Blvd.
Aceti's Wine & Spirits has new store hours. Monday - Saturday, 10am - 9pm, Sunday, Noon - 8pm.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
October 28, 2021
Happy birthday today to Steve Hunt, Nikki Zimmerman Frye & Brenda Cassoni. Happy birthday Friday. October 29th to Joanne Gesl, Nina Goss & Thomas Roell and on Saturday, October 30th happy birthday to Dave Wilkinson, Bill Pioli, Lynda Black, Teddy Ann Davis, Sharon Moffett & Nancy Beach. Happy birthday Sunday, October 31st to Morgan Proctor, Carolyn Huffman, Penny Panepinto & Jane Wynne. Happy birthday on Monday to Rhonda Arsenault, Emily Fred, Andy Chambers & Lynn Ortiz. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Carol Zimmerman, Dale Brown, Blake Rockwood, Maryl Gavizzi, Paula Manijak, Patti Mazzola and twins Joanne Lozo & Sue McMahon and on Wednesday, November 3rd, happy birthday to Anthony Weis, James Maul & Ed Fitzgerald.
Trick orTreat hours: Sunday, October 31, 2021 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Assemblyman Morinello is hosting a Trunk or Treat at the Grand Island Memorial Libarary, 1715 Bedell Road on Saturday, October 30th from noon - 2:00 p.m. See Flyer.
Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 Auxiliary, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. is hosting a Pork Roast Dinner on Saturday, October 30th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (or sold out).Dinner includes Roast Pork with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and applesauce. $10.00 per plate, take-out $10.50. FLYER.
The Grand Island Historical Society's November general meeting and program will be held at the Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. on Thursday, November 4th at 7:00 p.m. Our speaker will be Mark Saglian presenting a program on “The Richardson Complex”, (the former state hospital on Elmwood Ave. in Buffalo) Please wear a mask to this event. Programs are open to members only. You may renew or purchase your membership at the meeting. Refreshments will be served.
Hunt RE Realtors is teaming up with the GIHS Business Department for the 2nd annual food drive!! Drop off is on Saturday, November 6th from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., 2098 Grand Island Blvd., Hunt Real Estate office. If you cannot make it on the 6th, you can drop off donations anytime. Non-perishable food items, toiletries and monetary donations are appreciated. Benefits the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. See FLYER.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
October 21, 2021
Happy birthday today to Laury Linenfelser, Gunnar Munk, Bob Henschel, Suzanne McDonald & Gabrielle Pulvirenti. Happy birthday Friday. October 22nd to Brianna Hadden, Rick Martin, Michele Namenek & Stanford Harrington and on Saturday, October 23rd happy birthday to Debbie DeGlopper Robinson, Patrick Gallagher, Chase Harding, Zakary Massaro, Gerry Robinson, Judy Wozniak & Kevin Koch. Happy birthday Sunday, October 24th to Douglas Krueger & Thomas Dugan Happy birthday on Monday to John Bidell, Joshua McMahon, Betsy Morrison, Kathryn Brown & Alphia (Liz) Wingert. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Donna Smith Phelan Maxx and Calleigh Anderson, Pete Gottler, & David Russell and on Wednesday, October 27h, happy birthday to Peter Marston, Dominic Cannata & Alyssa Quarantello.
Happy anniversary today to Jacquie & Patrick Foote celebrating 32 years! Happy anniversary to Sue & Dan McMahon on October 27th!
The Town of Grand Island Town Board will have a workshop meeting on Friday, October 22nd at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom and streamed live on the Town’s YouTube Channel. RE: Review Draft Scoping Document Long Road Distribution Facility, 2780 Long Road.
The middle school is presenting Lion King, Jr. this weekend. There are shows Friday, Oct 22 and Saturday, Oct 23 both at 6 pm and 8 pm. To purchase your tickets follow this link..
Upcoming Events -
Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings is Saturday, October 23rd at the Nike Base See flyer.
Trunk or Treat - St. Timothy's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road will host a Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 23rd from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat - Trinity U.M. Church, 2100 Whitehaven Blvd. hosting on Saturday, October 23rd, from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Food and basket raffle available. FLYER
Trunk or Treat - The VFW Post 9249 & Auxiliary, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., will host a Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 27th at 6:00 P.M.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
October 14, 2021
Happy birthday today to Michael Chateauneuf, Stephanie Voyzey, John Turner, Ashley Battaglia, Barbara Krause, Iris Jiscitsno & Sheryl Kutis. Happy birthday Friday. October 15th to Jonathan Wozniak , Kalli Pedlow, Mark Argy , Mike Yensan, Joyce Ernst & Jerry Sitarski and on Saturday, October 16th happy birthday to Clare Conboy & Sue Cinelli. Happy birthday Sunday, October 17th to Stephanie Kowalak, Jenna Giambra, Julius Schopp, Rosemarie McDonald, Kathy Zielinski, Patricia Schafer & Steven Grabiee M.D. Happy birthday on Monday to Alexandra Imperi, Aidan Daly & Sharon Ledwon. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Judy Thaler, Heidi Sue McCormick, Luke Hooper, Bill Winterfield & Chris McCabe and on Wednesday, October 20th, happy birthday to Ryan Pinzel, Michael Madigan, Paula Hahn & David Hiser.
A very special happy birthday tomorrow, October 15th to Shirley Luther celebrating her 97th birthday.
Happy wedding anniversary on October 20th to Carol & Gary Roesch!
Grand Island boys and girls soccer teams will be playing in the NFL championship tonight, Thursday, Oct. 14th at North Tonawanda against Niagara Wheatfield. Girls are at 5:00 p.m and Boys at 7:00 p.m.
Grand Island Highway Dept. will be paving: Thursday, October 14: Ferry Road, West of the Parkway to West River. Fix Road, East River to Baseline. Monday, October 18 - work will begin on the driveway approaches where needed on both Ferry and Fix roads.
Upcoming Events - A representative from Tops will be at the Grand Island Memorial Library on Friday & Saturday, October 15th & 16th from 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The GI Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary Chowder Sale on Saturday, October 16th at 11:00 a.m. at Fire Headquarters, 2275 Baseline Road.
The inaugural GI Kiwanis 5K will take place at Beaver Island State Park on Saturday, October 16th at 9:00 a.m. Register here. FLYER
The Grand Island Historical Society's October Open House at River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park on Sunday, October 17th from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
The Grand Island Central School District holds their General Session Board Meeting on Tuesday October 12, 2021 at Charlotte Sidway Elementary School in Grand Island, NY. See video.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
October 7, 2021
Happy birthday today to Mary Jo Soto, Bob McCormick, Michael Christensen, Morgan Capage, Evan Smith & Paul Leuchner . Happy birthday Friday. October 8th to Casy Galeza & Lana Redell and on Saturday, October 9th happy birthday to Taylor Duscher & Chris Ciechoski. Happy birthday Sunday, October 10th to Willian Barbur, Linda Schneckenburger, Geraldine Burrano & Ray Billica. Happy birthday on Monday to Jacob Mongold, Barbara Shepard & Shannon Zaccaria . On Tuesday, happy birthday to Jean Peters, Gary Larsen, Marissa Mrkall, Ronald Milks, Douglas Carlson, Laura Bonarek & Maria Insalaco and on Wednesday, October 13th, happy birthday to Christopher Conway, Dylan Castiglia, Tom Trader, Priscilla Johnson & Kim Yarwood.
Congratulations to GIHS Girls Soccer clinching the Niagara Frontier League title. They played to a 0-0 draw on Wednesday and have a 8-0-2 record for the season.
Business News - Village Inn owner Mike Carr is opening the old Riverstone Grill as Bridge View Tavern. The Island Deli on Grand Island Blvd. announced they will be closing for good this week.
Upcoming Events - The Grand Island Historical Society's October general meeting and program will be held at River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park tonight, October 7th at 7:00 p.m. Mary Cooke will present a program entitled “Grand Island as Buffalo’s Play Spot”.
The GI Fire Company Open House is on Friday, October 8th at 5:00 p.m. at Fire Headquarters, 2275 Baseline Road.
Talk Saves Veterans' Lives! - A Brief Introduction to Suicide Prevention will be at the Welcome Center on Tuesday, October 12th at 6:30 p.m. See FLYER.
The inaugural GI Kiwanis 5K will take place at Beaver Island State Park on Saturday, October 16th at 9:00 a.m. Register here.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
September 30, 2021
Happy birthday today to Faith Caldwell, Vikki Smith, Carol Luther Dunworth, Lee Cohen, Nancy Kaul & Mike Rossiter. Happy birthday Friday. October 1st to Ariel Brucato, Carol Mihalovich & Allison Mae Walker and on Saturday, October 2nd happy birthday to Richard Warner, Mary Zerilli, Linda D. Davis & Maureen Macguire Kielt. Happy birthday Sunday, October 3rd to Jean Marie Ensminger & Joan Schlueter Wright. Happy birthday on Monday to Margie Walker, Afiza Mojowalla, Lynn Polizzi, Celia Spacone Ph.D., Robert Vaccaro & Dawn Whitbeck. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Dylan Russo, Michele Remmes, Nancy Long, Rebekah Thompson & Carolyn Mesches and on Wednesday, October 6th, happy birthday to Craig Blowers, Jane Consier, & Sandy Warren-Henderson.
Happy wedding anniversary on September 30th to Joanne & John Podlucky and to Patricia & Scott Shaw on October 1st.
Fire Prevention week is October 3 - October 9, 2021. The GI Fire Company Open House is on Friday, October 8th at 5:00 p.m. at Fire Headquarters, 2275 Baseline Road. Please come out and visit your Grand Island Firefighters. There will be numerous agencies, other departments, a dessert truck and much more! We will of course have our live fire demonstration and weather permitting a visit from a helicopter! Entries for our Ride to School on a Fire Truck will be available as well.
The Grand Island Historical Society's October general meeting and program will be held at River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park on Thursday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m. Mary Cooke will present a program entitled “Grand Island as Buffalo’s Play Spot”. Learn about the amusements that Grand Island had to offer in the past. Programs are open to members only. You may renew or purchase your membership at the meeting. Refreshments will be served.
The GI Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary Annual Chowder Sale takes place on Saturday, October 16th at 11:00 a.m. Pre-orders are encouraged, contact Nicole-609-3563 or Darcey-907-3002. Auxiliary supplies containers at $6.00 per quart. Drive-thru pick-up only. Credit cards and Venmo accepted.
The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education conducts their General Session Board Meeting on Monday September 27, 2021 in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School. See VIDEO. The inaugural GI Kiwanis 5K will take place at Beaver Island State Park on Saturday, October 16th at 9:00 a.m. Register here.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
September 23, 2021
Happy birthday Thursday to Kenny Martina, Joyce Cline. Happy birthday Saturday, September 25th to Liz Brock, Dan Bridge, Sam Carpenter & Jim Harrod . Happy birthday Sunday, September 26th to Madison Martin, Kevin Rogoza. Happy birthday on Monday to Roxanne Morgan, Greg Butcher, Alice Gerard, Amy Heist, Kevin Cobello, Dave Grant, Ashley Bleistein, Sharilyn Zarajczyk & Linda Clark. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Cap Cooke, Jordan Davis, Claire Cinelli and Marty Napier and on Wednesday, September 29th, happy birthday to Diane Kowalak, Nancy Blundell, Matthew Hamm, Dana Robinson, Jim Wright Jr. & Samantha Krause.
There is a last minute child passenger safety car seat check by the Sheriff's Department today at Grand Island Veterans Park, 1845 Bedell Rd, 4-8pm.
Dick & Jenny's Restaurant recently announced they will be closed for breakfast and lunch. You can still get a delicious dinner Tuesday - Saturday starting at 5:00 p.m.
Buffalo News Best Fish Fry in 716: The Village Inn.
The inaugural GI Kiwanis 5K will take place at Beaver Island State Park on Saturday, October 16th at 9:00 a.m. Register here.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
September 16, 2021
Happy birthday Thursday to Matthew Wasson, Christie Davis & Beth Pollara. Happy birthday Friday, September 17th to Carmela Bartolomeo & Patricia Klebes. On Saturday, September 18th, happy birthday to Lauren Ann Bermel & Lynn Quarentello. Happy birthday Sunday, September 19th to Peter McMahon, Mike Carr, Lisa Stoddard, Vickie Harnden, Bonnie Sciuk, and Julie O'Connor. Happy birthday on Monday to Pat Foote, Bruce Senn, Becky Peters, Jennifer Fiels, Lisa Dollendorf & Lois Schneider. On Tuesday, happy birthday to Madison Nowak, Glenn Wallace, Pamela O'Brien, ToniMarie Amantia & Henry Olrogge and on Wednesday, September 22nd, happy birthday to Kevin Hagen, Janine Gregoire, Kathleen McCormick & Veronica Spriggs.
Clean Up Grand Island on Saturday, September 18th, is cancelled. The E-Waste Recycling Drive is still on, Saturday, September 18th from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. See FLYER.
The Grand Island Historical Society's museum River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park, will be hosting an open house on Sunday, September 19th, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The downstairs rooms have been painted and new displays have been created in the living and dining rooms.
The Grand Island Town Board is seeking public comments on options to opt-out/or not opt-out of allowing adult-use cannabis retail dispensaries or on-site consumption licenses from locating within the Town of Grand Island. Public comments will be heard on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. during the Regular Town Board Meeting. Comments will be limited to three minutes each.
The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education conducts their General Session Board Meeting on Monday September 13, 2021 in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School. See VIDEO.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
September 9, 2021
Happy birthday Thursday to Mikayla Claus, Jackie McGinty, Elizabeth Carpenter, James O'Brien, William Seifert, John L. Spriggs Sr., Bonita Shevli & Elaine Miller . Happy birthday Friday, September 10th to Jessica Eastwood, Madison Mongold & Cathleen Moore . On Saturday, September 11th, happy birthday to Joseph Mesmer, Lawrence Schupp, Lynn Ryan, June Ann Chadima, Peter Bezan & Jennifer Baney. Happy birthday Sunday, September 12th to Carole Bifano, Elizabeth Belocci, Chris Aronica, Pearl Lane, Christopher Sadkowski, Callie Harding, Sandy Gross & Ben Shaw . Happy birthday on Monday to Makenna Scalise, Bethany Kulikowski Cindy Baker & David Cole, Luann Kalman Pelletier. On Wednesday, September 15th, happy birthday to Ava Staub. I apologize for posting birthdays of those who have passed.
Happy anniversary: to Butch and Julie Meyer on September 9th.
The American Legion Poppy Drive will take place Friday & Saturday, September 10-11th at Top's Market, 7-11 on Love Rd, and Ace Hardware, 1889 Whitehaven Road. Thank you for remembering, and your prayers. Wear your Poppy !
Thompson Farms on Long Road has mums and white pumpkins to decorate for fall. Stop by 2487 Long Road. They also have fruits, vegetables, baked goods, farm raised meats & poultry and home-made crafts. It is open daily (8-8) and on Saturday (9-2).
The Grand Island Varsity football team beat Cheektowaga in their first game last week, 34-0. Up next is Orchard Park, on Friday, September 10th at 7:00 p.m., away. The Connolly Cup/ADPRO Sports Week One top Football performers as chosen by the selection committee, included Viking Justin Horvath.
Splashworld at Niagara Amusement Park (Fantasy Island) will be open throughout September on Saturday & Sundays, from 12 - 7:00 p.m. (weather permitting).

Mary Stewart photo.
Popular Graphics Design & Print Shop and La Grand Ile, Grand Island & Buffalo handmade novelties had a grand opening on Saturday, September 4th. They are located at 2055 Baseline Road and Regular hours are: Popular Graphics and La Grande Ile Monday- Friday 10-6 La Grande Ile Sat. & Sun. 10-2.The Grand Island CLASS OF 1966 ~ 55th Year Reunion will be held Wednesday September 15, 2021 at Niagara Riverside Resort, (same place as 50th reunion, different name now.) 7001 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14304. 5 PM Ice Breaker ~ Cash Bar and social hour. . 6 PM Buffet Dinner. Followed by music and dancing. $50.00 per person. Donations accepted to cover expenses. A new flyer has been mailed out to everyone. Please RSVP with payment to: Grand Island Class of 1966. Mail to: Karen Sugar Oswald ~ 260 Rambling Road, Amherst, NY 14051. Updates will be on our Facebook page. Grand Island Class of 1966.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
September 2, 2021
Happy birthday Thursday to Anthony Webber & Dorothy Click. Happy birthday Friday, September 3rd to Cindy Wagner Sharp , Carol Gress, Sam Linenfelser, Joshua Smith, Ian Conner, Jesse Rosser, Nancy Grabenstatter & Laurence Ledwon. On Saturday, September 4th, happy birthday to Justin Schmadel, Kiersten Winstel, Grace Carpenter, Tom Crawford & Terry Guenot. Happy birthday Sunday, September 5th to Sarah Lange. Happy birthday on Labor Day Monday to Judy Schmidt & Donna Ball. On Tuesday say happy birthday to Collin DeMartin, Anna Hammond, Gretchen Moss Beach, John Monkelban & Kim Yung, and on Wednesday, September 8th, happy birthday to Michael Edwards, Betty Serio & Florence Lorenz .
The operators of Niagara Splash World at the former Fantasy Island Amusement Park on Grand Island announced that the venue will open from noon to 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday, September 3rd - 6th.Tickets are $14.99 and available at the gate only.
Fire Prevention is about a month away and the Grand Island Fire Company Fire Prevention Committee is in search of a few items for the live fire demonstration. They are looking for: 2 wooden dressers; 1 wooden night stand; 1-2 small dresser lamps; 1 floor lamp; kids playroom stuff/toys; a few large stuffed animals If anyone has any of these items that they are looking looking to part with, they will gladly take them! DISCLAIMER: ITEMS WILL BE USED IN LIVE FIRE AND WILL BE DESTROYED. Please messageMegan Stanley on Facebook if you have something you would like to donate. Anything will be greatly appreciated
Grand opening of the new location of The Island Shoppe, 2335 Grand Island Blvd (formerly Adrian's), is Thursday, September 2nd from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Blackberry has announced that their hours will be Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. until further notice.
The Grand Island Memorial Library will be closed on Monday, September 6th in observance of Labor Day. Winter Hours will resume on Tuesday, September 7th.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
August 26, 2021
Happy birthday today to Judy Webb, Marisa Atkinson, Brielle Backland, Herta Krein, Gail Allen & Angelo Palamuso. Happy birthday Friday, August 27th to Luke Staub, Alexander Wright, Raymond Krause, Pat Shickluna & Michael Spalding. On Saturday, August 28th, happy birthday to Jennifer Courtright, Craig Ryan, Judy Meer, Sandra Thompson & Michelle Chasse. Happy birthday Sunday, August 29th to Barbara Macrides, Sharon Nichols, Shirley Rogers & Mandy Becker Myers. Happy birthday on Monday to Peter Hayes II. On Tuesday say happy birthday to Patty Mash, Adrianna Marinucci & Pam Smith Miller, and on Wednesday, September 1st, happy birthday to Chance Luthringer, Justin Figler, Daniel Senn, Mike Sexton, Kay McGuire & Christian Hipp .
Happy wedding anniversary, August 28th to Lee & Pat Smith; August 30th to Bryan & Chrissy Smith; August 31st to JT & Donna Tomkins; September 1st to Lindsey Smith Lucinski & Tim Lucinski.
Congratulations to Grand Island's Ben Steck, chosen to the All-Western New York lacrosse first team, Defense - grade 12.
The GIHS football team should be coming around soon to sell the Viking Discount cards.
The Grand Island Zonta Club, which supports women’s causes, is holding a Fall Mum Sale. 9 inch plants, provided by Russell’s Garden Center, are $10 each. Color choices include white, yellow, red, orange and pink/purple. Pick or delivery will be on September 11 between 12 and 2. Prepaid orders are due by August 31st. If you are interested in ordering, message Agnes Becker on Facebook. She can deliver the mum’s to you on September 11, if you would like. If not, pick up at Veterans Memorial Park, the main pavilion. All proceeds raised support causes such as the Family Justice Center, women Veterans, educational opportunities and ending childhood marriages worldwide.
Next Tuesday, August 31st is the last Town Commons concert of the season. Hello Molly is a Buffalo band, rocking the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, along with some originals. Concert starts at 6:30 p.m.
The Grand Island Memorial Library will be closed on Monday, September 6th in observance of Labor Day. Winter Hours will resume on Tuesday, September 7th.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
August 19, 2021
Happy birthday today toLee Smith, Patrick Lovetro, William Smith, Brenda Mrkall & Darren DelSignore. Happy birthday Friday, August 20th to Mary Ann Stone & Madelyn Forbes. On Saturday, August 21st, happy birthday to Karen Cowart. Happy birthday Sunday, August 22nd to Justin Podgorny, Kenneth DeVantier & Mary E. Maj. Happy birthday on Monday to Gene Dinsmore, Shellie Smith, Kurt Raepple, Colin Pinzel & Deborah Ackerman. On Tuesday say happy birthday to Fahim Mojawalla, Gene Mongan, Ava Brandon, Melaina Ranger, DJ Foote, Donna Baranyl & Mary Ann Fancher, and on Wednesday, August 25th, happy birthday to Arlene Wunsch Anthony .
Happy 37th wedding anniversary today, August 19th to Lisa & Mike Dudley.
After years of vandalism at Fisherman's Landing, the Town Board voted at the Monday workshop to install video surveillance.

Stop in at Mallwitz's Island Lanes to see their renovations and get the best wings in Western New is aweome too!
Do you have serving bowls, salad bowls or platters - any style, in great condition - that just aren't being used? Consider giving them new life by donating them to Kevin Guest House for their Supper in the Street fundraiser on September 11th! Donations can be made at Kevin Guest House through the end of the month, weekdays between 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Contact with any questions - they need 55 of each so don't be shy! Call 882-1818 if you have any questions.
Due to rain outs, Tuesday Night Concert Series will run through the end of August.Schedule.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
August 12, 2021
Happy birthday today, Mathew Aronica, Kodie Shamrock & David Michaud . Happy birthday Friday, August 13th to Bernie Callahan Cyndi Krupp, Ruth Roughsedge, Terri Samplinski Hunt & Kim Ludwig. On Saturday, August 14th, happy birthday to Anne Hipp, Mark Staggs, Genna Nucherno, Carlin Hartman, Lola Wahl & Ronald Tebo. Happy birthday Sunday, August 15th to Bella Duscher, Mike Mongan & Don O'Connor. Happy birthday on Monday to Jim Dlugokinski, Jackson Stewart, Katie Prell & Marietta Rotella On Tuesday say happy birthday to Jean Schlegel, Trudi Shelp, Deborah Tirado, Jill Schopp & Heidi Travagline, and on Wednesday, August 18th, happy birthday to Mark Doldan, Doug Saltzman, Nancy Pioli & Lisa Dudley .
Congratulations to Larry Austin, former editor of the Dispatch, on being named the Grand Island School District's Community Relations specialist.
Congratulations to Amy Boutet for being named the NYS Business Teachers Association - Business Teacher of the Year!
Upcoming Events:
St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, is hosting "Rockin the Grounds" on Wednesday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Live music, Bw's BBQ, 50/50 & basket raffle. Entry is free, see flyer for more details.
Due to rain outs, Tuesday Night Concert Series will run through the end of August.Schedule.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
August 5, 2021
Happy birthday today, Anna Joslyn, George Allen & Charlene Staub. Happy birthday Friday, August 6th to Carol Moore, Philip Buchanan, Katrina Linenfelser, John Fletcher II, Editha Germain, Shelia Ferrentino & Donna Marlin Lavallee.. On Saturday, August 7th, happy birthday to Bonnie Antholzner, Charlotte Tower, Madison Klos, Rebecca Reger & Richard M. Smith . Happy birthday Sunday, August 8th to Scot Millar, Holly "Whitford" Best, Shannon McDonough, Brandon Robinson, Norma Orton & Jeff Kwiatkowsk. Happy birthday on Monday to Daemon Gatti, Sybil Kennedy, Evelyn Lewis & Charlotte (Jean) Yarwood On Tuesday say happy birthday to Joe Zarbo, Lindsey Smith Lucinski, Lillian Beach, Deb Lapore, Neil Hoffman & Kathy Jakab, and on Wednesday, August 11thth, happy birthday to .
Enjoyed a great supper at Taquito Lindo Artisanal Tacos on Tuesday. They are located at 1849 Grand Island Blvd., and serve delicious Margarita's, guacamole and tacos. Fast and friendly service too!
Check out Thompson Farms this week for fresh vegies and fruit. They also have poultry and meat. They are located at 2487 Long Road. Facebook Page.
Upcoming Events:
St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, is hosting "Rockin the Grounds" on Wednesday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Live music, Bw's BBQ, 50/50 & basket raffle. Entry is free, see flyer for more details.
Due to rain outs, Tuesday Night Concert Series will run through the end of August.Schedule.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
July 29, 2021
Happy birthday today, July 29th to Tom Long. Happy birthday Friday, July 30th to Jane Costin Rocks, Diana Taefi Staub & Nicholas Panepinto.. On Saturday, July 31st, happy birthday to Jenna Hutzler, Karen Cooney, Pam Phillips, Mary Vari, & Ann Koeta. Happy birthday Sunday, August 1st to Eileen Sims, JoAnn Holmes, Hannah Linenfelser, Ermina Atkinson & Rita Packard. Happy birthday on Monday to Jackie Brennan, Gabrielle Martell, Parviz Taefi M.D. & Mary Tront On Wednesday, August 4thth, happy birthday to Harry Carter, Jack Bridenbaker & Mark Walker. .
Happy wedding anniversary to Mike & Donette Rayhill on July 29th, Marie & Tom Long on August 1st and Cheryl & Greg Chamberlain on August 4th!
Upcoming Events:
Grand Island National Night Out is happening on Tuesday, August 3, 2021. It will take place in the Town Commons next to Grand Island Town Hall from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. The concert will feature the Erie County Wind Ensemble. Returning for the third year in a row will be the Grand Island "celebrity" dunk tank, with all donations benefitting The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. Additionally, The GI Fire Company is hosting a recruitment event and The Ladies Auxiliary is hosting a chicken barbecue. FLYER.
The Grand Island Historical Society is participating in the Erie County Bicentennial. The Erie County Heritage Passport is a handheld guide to 35 historical societies and museums across Erie County. Each institution is unique and commemorates the diverse nature and history of each town in the county, from the Town of Alden to the Town of West Seneca. The Passports are available at all Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries and at the museums. The next Passport Open House will be on Wednesday, August 4th at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Details.
St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, is hosting "Rockin the Grounds" on Wednesday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Live music, Bw's BBQ, 50/50 & basket raffle. Entry is free, see flyer for more details.
Due to rain outs, Tuesday Night Concert Series will run through the end of August. Schedule.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
July 22, 2021
Happy birthday July 22nd to Theresa Szpala, Tori Pritchard, Adrian Figliotti & Liz Lutnick. Happy birthday Friday, July 23rd to Marion Fabiano, Michelle Botwin, Maya Pecoraro, Nancy Koch & Diane Maness.. On Saturday, July 24th, happy birthday to Kathy Bradley Smith, Mary Grace Egloff, Kaia Lynn Petrie, Emily Mae Klein, Sam DiChristina, Debra Gaudy, Marlene Golden, Suzanne Phillips & John Garey. Happy birthday Sunday, July 25th to Lynne Heim. Happy birthday on Monday to Lindsey Spiker, Liz Reimann, Faith Gworek, Joyce McCloskey & Julia Benjamin and on Tuesday, July 27th to Helen Newkirk, Ruth Englert, Frank Burket, Rosemary Bahgat , Shelly Prange & Tom Redell. On Wednesday, July 28th, happy birthday to Ann Erker, Andrew Spacone, Bob Elias, Trent Gavazzi, Eunice Johnson, Iris Galeza, Mary DiMartile & Elly Zarbo. .
Upcoming Events:
A Moment in Time will be featured at the Tuesday Night Town Commons Concert, July 27th at 7pm. They are a four-piece band that includes keyboard, lead guitar, bass guitar and drums. With all four musicians singing lead, the band performs music from the 60s 70s and 80s.
Grand Island National Night Out is happening on Tuesday, August 3, 2021. It will take place in the Town Commons next to Grand Island Town Hall from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.
The Grand Island Historical Society is participating in the Erie County Bicentennial. The Erie County Heritage Passport is a handheld guide to 35 historical societies and museums across Erie County. Each institution is unique and commemorates the diverse nature and history of each town in the county, from the Town of Alden to the Town of West Seneca. The Passports are available at all Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries and at the museums. The next Passport Open House will be on Wednesday, August 4th at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Details.
St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, is hosting "Rockin the Grounds" on Wednesday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Live music, Bw's BBQ, 50/50 & basket raffle. Entry is free, see flyer for more details.
Tuesday Night Concerts are back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
July 15, 2021
Happy birthday July 15th to Garnet Schopp & Sue Sondel Trammell. Happy birthday Friday, July 16th to Kelly Yarnes, Mary Anne Eglott, Betty Clement, Carolyn Doebert, Luke Austin, Karen Belles & Yvonne Dugan.. On Saturday, July 17th, happy day to Nathaniel Cohen, Jim Pedlow, Mary Warburton & Kathleen Scull. Happy birthday Sunday, July 18th to Alexis Gieselman & Margaret Tyrrell. Happy birthday on Monday to Bob Swedish, Tim Ehde, Pat (Weyland) Barroclough, Jean Bartholomew, Connie Harrod & Bill Shaw and on Tuesday, July 20th to Mike Stamler, Richard Berti & Rene Ford. On Wednesday, July 21st, happy birthday to Chuck Berlinger Jr., Dan Linenfelser, Joan Portik, Bristol Khreis & Betty Phillips. .
  Legislator Kevin Hardwick mentioned in his monthy letter that the Miracle League facility will be receiving money from the county to do repairs and updates. One of which is a splash pad....first of its kind on GI.
The Grand Island Relay For Life is back for 2021. It will take place at Fuccillo Toyota, 1974 Alvin Road on Saturday, July 17th from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The theme this year is "Cruisin For A Cure" and there will be a car show, Family fun includes Kid Zone activities, a basket raffle, 50/50, hot dogs, luminaria, fire performance, Relay For Life store and music by Solid Gold Entertainment. A pre-sale chicken & bbq dinner is available, see flyer for details. See event flyer.
Grand Island School & Business Alliance 9th Annual Golf Outing will take place at River Oaks Golf Course on Monday, July 19, 2021. See flyer for more information.
The Niagara Region of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has announced a second public information meeting to review the landscape plan along the West River Greenway Trail on Grand Island. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 20 from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, NY 14072. A presentation about the landscape plan will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. and be followed by discussion.
For details on the plan or to view a previously held virtual meeting on the landscape plan, please visit A printed copy of the plan is also available in the Beaver Island State Park Office and you may visit between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Grand Island Historical Society is participating in the Erie County Bicentennial. The Erie County Heritage Passport is a handheld guide to 35 historical societies and museums across Erie County. Each institution is unique and commemorates the diverse nature and history of each town in the county, from the Town of Alden to the Town of West Seneca. The Passports are available at all Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries and at the museums. The next Passport Open House will be on Wednesday, August 4th at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Details.
St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, is hosting "Rockin the Grounds" on Wednesday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Live music, Bw's BBQ, 50/50 & basket raffle. Entry is free, see flyer for more details.
Tuesday Night Concerts are back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
July 8, 2021
Happy birthday July 8 to Cathy Thomas. Happy birthday Friday, July 9th to Bill Mancuso, Shannon Robillard, Tyler Liam Dawson & Jenine Linenfelser. On Saturday, July 10th, happy day to Abby Englert, Justin Frentzel, Eric Bellanca & Maddie Mesmer. Happy birthday Sunday, July 11th to Sheila Rader, Mark Frentzel, Ryan Shea & Jessica Doyle. Happy birthday on Monday to Ashley Dragonette, Lindsay Proctor, Becky Stufkosky & Noah Teater and on Tuesday, July 13th to Christian Kessler, Peter Gornicki, Sarah Chamberlain & Michael Fabiu . On Wednesday, July 14th, happy birthday to Mary Johnson & Rocco Piro. .
  The previous Fantasy Island Splash Park is now called Splash World and they are looking for employees. Go to
  St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church is having our Annual Chicken BBQ & Basket Raffle Fundraising Event on Saturday, July 10, 2021 from 3pm-7pm. Our format will be a little different this year again, as we are having drive-thru chicken dinners for $12 each, and will be accepting cash or credit. Our Premium Basket Raffle will have Preview & Presale nights on Thursday, July 8 and Friday, July 9 from 3pm-7pm in the lower level of our church, where you can purchase raffle tickets for $10 per sheet, or 3 sheets for $20. Blind raffle tickets will also be available the day of the BBQ, and will be put in for random baskets.
Trinity Church Summer Breakout will be on Saturday, July 10th from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at 2100 Whitehaven Road. There will be free games, a water slide, obstacfle course, music, free chances to win gift cards and a door prize. Drinks and food will be available for purchase. Fun for the whole family. See FLYER.
The annual Grand Island Garden Walk will take place on Sunday, July 11th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is a free event. Maps will be availabe at the Town Commons Gazebo on the day of the event.
The Golden Age Center is offering kayak classes this summer and fall. One is a two day "how to" and the other is a fun paddle for those comfortable in the Niagara River. See Summer/Fall Kayak Program.
The Grand Island Relay For Life is back for 2021. It will take place at Fuccillo Toyota, 1974 Alvin Road on Saturday, July 17th from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The theme this year is "Cruisin For A Cure" and there will be a car show, Family fun includes Kid Zone activities, a basket raffle, 50/50, hot dogs, luminaria, fire performance, Relay For Life store and music by Solid Gold Entertainment. A pre-sale chicken & bbq dinner is available, see flyer for details. See event flyer.
Tuesday Night Concerts are back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
July 1, 2021
Happy birthday today to Kathy McNally, Joey Cali, Bob Kopf, Gary Roesch. Pat Colosi, Maria Leszczak & Margaret Giles . Happy birthday Friday, July 2nd to Wilma Greenwood, Jason Davis, Joe Khreis, Georgio Panepinto, Natalie Mucci, John Wenner & Megan Pinzel . On Saturday, July 3rd, happy day to Donald Lewis. Happy birthday Sunday, July 4h to Chris Affuso, Alivia Manzo, Ella MacNeil & Bernie Cobello. Happy birthday on Monday to Susan Kowzan and on Tuesday, July 6th to Peter Hayes & Concetta Wadsworth. On Wednesday, July 7th, happy birthday to Susan Willard, Anthony Gugino, Bruce Fuller, Robert Marble, Ellie Zaccaria & Stephen Birtz. .
Happy 54th wedding anniversary on July 1st to Rev. Paul and Eleanor Robinson.
Someone put up chairs and tent in front of Flower A was removed. Remember, 12:01 a.m. on July 4th and not before.
GIHS Reunion News - Class of 66, 70, 71, & 76.
Grand Island High School is offering a facility tour for alumni on Friday, July 2nd at 10:00 a.m.Meet at the main entrance at 9:45 a.m. Your tour guide will be Jude Casey Kuehne.
GI Hockey Vikings - 1970s players. You are invited for a get together at Veterans Park on Monday, July 5th from 10:00 a.m. - noon. Coach Goodfellow and Szafran will be there. Coffee and doughnuts (we will eat them not sell them this time). BYOB and coolers … there may be a little Bocce Ball & Corn Hole competition! For those who wish to, lunch will be planned after.
The Grand Island VFW will be having a Burger Burn offering burgers, hotdogs, chips, soda and strawberry shortcake. The event will be in the front parking lot during and after the parade. COVID guidelines for gathering on the property as that day will be followed. We appreciate your support as always. Hopefully, the 4 of July Open house tradition can return in 2022.
Trinity Church Summer Breakout will be on Saturday, July 10th from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at 2100 Whitehaven Road. There will be free games, a water slide, obstacfle course, music, free chances to win gift cards and a door prize. Drinks and food will be available for purchase. Fun for the whole family. See FLYER.
The annual Grand Island Garden Walk will take place on Sunday, July 11th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is a free event. Maps will be availabe at the Town Commons Gazebo on the day of the event.
The Golden Age Center is offering kayak classes this summer and fall. One is a two day "how to" and the other is a fun paddle for those comfortable in the Niagara River. See Summer/Fall Kayak Program.
The Grand Island Relay For Life is back for 2021. It will take place at Fuccillo Toyota, 1974 Alvin Road on Saturday, July 17th from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The theme this year is "Cruisin For A Cure" and there will be a car show, Family fun includes Kid Zone activities, a basket raffle, 50/50, hot dogs, luminaria, fire performance, Relay For Life store and music by Solid Gold Entertainment. A pre-sale chicken & bbq dinner is available, see flyer for details. See event flyer.
Coming soon to Top's Plaza, Magical Eyebrows, threading, waxing and lashes.
Tuesday Night Concerts will be back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
June 24, 2021
Happy birthday Thursday to Conor Bryan, Linda Roberts Krug, Tom Dahlquist, Sandra Grillo, Daniel Kutis & Jean Marino. Happy birthday Friday, June 25th to Cole Glessner, Nancy Valone, Brian O’Connor, Morgan Blum, Megan Zahradnik, William Gugino, William Palumbo & Roger Williams. On Saturday, June 26th, happy day to Julie Urtel Fiato,Tom Luescher, Jan Rose, Cheryl Gonda, Rose Marie Bugman, Nirmal Singh Kandola & Thomas Luescher. Happy birthday Sunday, June 27th to Lily Panepinto, Tom Rall, Philip Bousquet, Tom Drabik & Kevin Hale. Happy birthday on Monday to Norm Stessing, Eric Beyer, George DeGlopper & Dick Crawford and on Tuesday, June 29th to Justine Vanthoff, Max Costello & Raymond DeGlopper. On Wednesday, June 30th, happy birthday to Brennan Morgan. .
Happy wedding anniversary on June 30th to Barbara & Richard Brzyski and Brian & Dana Robinson. Happy anniversary on June 28th to my hb!
To honor the memory of William B. Fuccillo Sr., and to give the employees an opportunity to grieve this overwhelming loss shared by the entire company, The Fuccillo Automotive Group of Grand Island will be closed Thursday, 6/24/21 and Friday 6/25/21. Fuccillo Chevrolet, Fuccillo Toyota, & Fuccillo Hyundai.The dealerships will re-open on Saturday, 6/26/21.
Upon her retirement in June of 2021, the wonderful career of beloved Choral Teacher Mrs. Annalea Masiello is celebrated through pictures and video to the Chicks version of "Rainbow Connection", throughout her 30 years in education at Veronica Connor Middle School in Grand Island, New York. Thank you for your gifts of music and friendship! Best wishes, and enjoy your retirement! Video.
GIHS Reunion News - Class of 66, 70, 71, & 76.
Grand Island High School is offering a facility tour for alumni on Friday, July 2nd at 10:00 a.m.Meet at the main entrance at 9:45 a.m. Your tour guide will be Jude Casey Kuehne.
The Grand Island VFW will be having a Burger Burn offering burgers, hotdogs, chips, soda and strawberry shortcake. The event will be in the front parking lot during and after the parade. COVID guidelines for gathering on the property as that day will be followed. We appreciate your support as always. Hopefully, the 4 of July Open house tradition can return in 2022.
The Grand Island High School Senior Class of 2021 is celebrated with a lifetime of photos, videos, and memories from all their years in GI Schools, during the Class of 2021 Senior Video. Enjoy!!!
The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education conducts their General Session Board Meeting and Work Session on Monday June 21, 2021 in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School. See VIDEO.
Tuesday Night Concerts will be back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
June 17, 2021
Happy birthday Thursday to Michael Cutini, Karen Wallace, Morgan Santorio, Lloyd Potter, Michelle Driess & Anna Vaccaro. Happy birthday Friday, June 18th to Karen Hogrewe Allenbaugh, Jacob Olszewski, Nancy Linton, Christopher Stessing, Nathaniel Cohan, Nancy Prusak & Helen Harrington. On Saturday, June 19th, happy day to Mira Tetkowski Berkley, Randy White, Reg Schopp, Cindy Cosgrove, Marge Lebrenz, Adriana Kavanaugh, David Stalica & Mary Trachimowcz. Happy birthday Sunday, June 20th to Savannah Kustra, Joseph Verdi, Bev Kroetsch, Melinda Evans, Paula Callahan, Jacob Rowles, Carl Pinzel, Jim Linenfelser. John Frentzel, Andrea Rogers & Cindy Hagan. Happy birthday on Monday to Alexandra Whitford, Warren Dinnis Rimer & Dana Gast and on Tuesday, June 22nd to Melissa Thurnherr-Giambra, Patsy Johnson, Michael Baungartner & Mary Ann Reszel. On Wednesday, June 23rd, happy birthday to Tim Burley, Marilyn Johnson, Bill Lang, Mel Passarelli & Keelan Erhard . .
Susie's Farm Market is opening on Saturday, June 19th at the VFW, 2121 Grand island Blvd.
Grand Island High School is offering a facility tour for alumni on Friday, July 2nd at 10:00 a.m. Meet at the main entrance at 9:45 a.m. Your tour guide will be Jude Casey Kuehne. If you can't make the tour, you can see a video of the Capital Improvements made to the High School / Middle School campus HERE..
The Grand Island VFW will be having a Burger Burn offering burgers, hotdogs, chips, soda and strawberry shortcake. The event will be in the front parking lot during and after the parade. COVID guidelines for gathering on the property as that day will be followed. We appreciate your support as always. Hopefully, the 4 of July Open house tradition can return in 2022.
National Night Out is August 3rd and vendors are invited to partipate. Chuck Grunzweig will again serve as Coordinator (716-570-1488) and Jenn Baney will assist as the Town Board Liaison to the event (716-622-9006). Please reach out to either of them to get involved!
Tuesday Night Concerts will be back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
June 10, 2021
Happy birthday today to Dolores Wojdan & Peggy Skeels. Happy birthday tomorrow, June 11th to Chris Beyer, Richard Furman, Aleida Delgado & Cynthia Lin. On Saturday, June 12th, happy day to Jeff Baumle, Roy Meyers & Randy Whitbeck. Happy birthday Sunday, June 13th to Paul Sommer, Kim Nestark, Jeffrey Wansart III. Danielle (Hassan) Martin, Philip Pack & Linda Hartman. Happy birthday on Monday to Catherine Mancuso, Spencer O'Boyle, David Conboy & Raven Khreis and on Tuesday, June 15th to
Happy Anniversary: June 10th to Kevin & Amanda Brady
Rotary Club of Grand Island will again be providing their annual Shred-it! event behind KeyBank in the Tops Market Plaza Parking lot, Saturday, June 12th from 10 AM to Noon.
The Class of 1966 reunion will take place on September 15th at River Oaks. Check out Reunion Page for details.
The Grand Island VFW will be having a Burger Burn offering burgers, hotdogs, chips, soda and strawberry shortcake. The event will be in the front parking lot during and after the parade. COVID guidelines for gathering on the property as that day will be followed. We appreciate your support as always. Hopefully, the 4 of July Open house tradition can return in 2022.
National Night Out is August 3rd and vendors are invited to partipate. Chuck Grunzweig will again serve as Coordinator (716-570-1488) and Jenn Baney will assist as the Town Board Liaison to the event (716-622-9006). Please reach out to either of them to get involved!
Blackberry's on GI Blvd. is having a petting zoo and pony rides Saturday, June 12th from 12 - 3pm. There will be live music from 5-8pm.
Magic Mist Auto Wash is now open at the North end of Grand Island Blvd. It is open 24/7.
Nike Base Trails are open. Don't venture off the trail as Poisen Ivy is prevalent.
Tuesday Night Concerts will be back....see schedule..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
June 3, 2021
Happy birthday today to Anne Timmerman, Kathy Molnar, Jordan Dixon, Jason Hill, Richard Koch & Willis Schwartz. Happy birthday tomorrow, June 4th to Mike Stewart, Elizabeth Wedrychowicz, Karen Vanthof & Deanna Kutis. On Saturday, June 5th, happy day to Patti Loquasto, Beverly Kudla & Brent Lesser. Happy birthday Sunday, June 6th to Peter Fadum, Victoria Aronica & Joan Mazur. Happy birthday on Monday to Sally Waterson, Sandy Ackerman, Lorraine Dale & Brandon Loder and on Tuesday, June 8th to Russ Colosi, Ryan Osvath & Debbie Becker. On Wednesday, June 9th, happy birthday to Nathan Cook, Jason Wilkinson, Irmgard Hohbach & JT Tomkins turning the big 65! .
Happy Anniversary: June 7th to Jim & Laury Linenfelser.
Island deli will be closed this Saturday, June 5th due to a death in the family.
Tuesday Night Concerts will be back....see schedule..
A Dedication Ceremony Celebration will take place at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park, 2333 Grand Island Blvd., on Saturday, June 5th, 9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. See FLYER.
Upcoming Fundraisers: The Citizens Coalition for Wildlife and Environment is having a fundraiser plant sale on Saturday, June 5th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the historic Alt Family farm at 2489 Whitehaven Road. Native and wildlife-beneficial plants will be offered that help create healthy ecosystems. See Flyer.
The Linda Basta Memorial Foundation fundraising raffle will take place on June 12, 2021. Tickets are $10 each or three for $20.00 All proceeds go to support Pediatric Rheumatology at John R. Oishei Children's Hospital. Check out the webpage to learn more about Linda Basta and to buy tickets.
The Rotary Club's annual Shred-It event will take place on Saturday, June 12th from 10:00 a.m. - noon behind KeyBank in Tops Market Plaza parking lot. It is a drive-thru, in-vehicle service and cost is $10 for 10x16x10 box. Double banker boxes are $20 each.
A article in the Buffalo News on the film, A Quiet Place Part II, quoted the lead actor Millicent Simmonds as recalling her most memorable scene in the movie as being the sunrise scene on the Grand Island Bridges. "It was gorgeous".
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
May 27, 2021
Happy birthday today to Ray Pauley, Cindy Hagen, Richard McClive, Jim Rodriguez & Nancy Aydelotte . Happy birthday tomorrow, May 28th to Sandra Sherman, Scott Wallace, Sally Van Hattum Kelley, Pat Shaw, Chris Sugar, Ian Cameron, Mary Leigh Burke, Mitchell Samplinski & Sophia Myers. On Saturday, May 29th, happy day to Ross Arsenault, Pam Fries, Liam Dodd, Sharon Bauer, Jean Westmoore, & Richard Campangna. Happy birthday Sunday, May 30th to Jim Watz, Jill Stamle & Linda Facklam. Happy birthday on Monday to Bob Backlund & Nikki Roesch and on Tuesday, June 1st to Alan Sexton, Leslie Madigan, Kelly McGarvey, Loretta Leszczak Crvelin & Dave Hogrewe . On Wednesday, June 2nd, happy birthday to Dan Hiam, Diane Gerard, Dianne Tiede & William Berme .
A special happy 80th birthday to Diane Darmofalski on Friday May 28th, from her family!
Happy Anniversary: May 30 - Mark & Pattie Frentzel; May 31 - Chris & Paul Sipson; June 2 - Doug & Janet Saltzman.
Buddy Poppy Days - A VFW fundraiser, poppies will be available on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, May 27-29 at Speedeway, Whitehaven Road, 7-11 on Love Road and Top's Market.
A note on Facebook reported that the new taco place on GI Blvd., Taquito Lindo, will be opening on June 1st.
A Dedication Ceremony Celebration will take place at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park, 2333 Grand Island Blvd., on Saturday, June 5th, 9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. See FLYER.
Upcoming Fundraisers: The Citizens Coalition for Wildlife and Environment is having a fundraiser plant sale on Saturday, June 5th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the historic Alt Family farm at 2489 Whitehaven Road. Native and wildlife-beneficial plants will be offered that help create healthy ecosystems. See Flyer.
The Linda Basta Memorial Foundation fundraising raffle will take place on June 12, 2021. Tickets are $10 each or three for $20.00 All proceeds go to support Pediatric Rheumatology at John R. Oishei Children's Hospital. Check out the webpage to learn more about Linda Basta and to buy tickets.
The Rotary Club's annual Shred-It event will take place on Saturday, June 12th from 10:00 a.m. - noon behind KeyBank in Tops Market Plaza parking lot. It is a drive-thru, in-vehicle service and cost is $10 for 10x16x10 box. Double banker boxes are $20 each.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
May 20, 2021
Happy birthday Friday, May 21st to Cathy Kaegebein, Jacqueline Walker, JT Stamler, Steven Parisi, Dan Fitzgerald & Trudy O'Connor. On Saturday, May 22nd, happy day to Tom McDonough, Nathan DeMartin, Audry Brown & Jayne Playfair . Happy birthday Sunday, May 23rd to Chris Sugar, Dawn Fitzgerald & Ray Ackerman. Happy birthday on Monday to Bonnie Butler, John Gibney, Nancy Tebo, Jordan Hiam, Gayle Piershalski & Debra Coughlin and on Tuesday, May 25th to Connie O'Brien, Thomas Pellegrino, Jan Tyson, Jo Kozek Polinsky, Marissa Cooney, Cathy Contino, Karen Wallace & Mercedes Miles. On Wednesday, May 26th, happy birthday to Lee Tetkowski (98 years young!),Greg Bruenn, Michael Craig Davis, Michael Ball, Liz Wilbert & Carrie Mesmer. .
Happy Anniversary: May 22 - Barb & Bill Wilson; May 23 - Kim & Scott Kalman; May 24 - James & Ann Samplinski: May 27 - John & Ginger Bidell.
Recently diseased raccoons were taken from the north end and were found to be infected with canine distemper. This is a threat to unvaccinated pets, but not to humnas. Avoid sick wildlife, as rabies cannot be ruled out.
The Town of Grand Island announced on May 18th that preparations are underway to hold the Independence Day Parade and Dick Bessel Run. They will take place on Saturday, July 3rd. Applications for participation in parade are available May 21. Race registration is not yet available. See press release for more information.
A Dedication Ceremony Celebration will take place at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park, 2333 Grand Island Blvd., on Saturday, June 5th, 9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. See FLYER.
Upcoming Fundraisers: The Grand Island Historical Society will host a fundraising yard sale on Friday & Saturday, May 21 & 22, 2021 at their museum, River Lea at Beaver Island State Park. Hours are 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. each day.
VFW Post 9249 is hosting Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Wednesday, May 26th. It will be from 4:00 p.m. until sold out and is take-out only. See flyer.
The Citizens Coalition for Wildlife and Environment is having a fundraiser plant sale on Saturday, June 5th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the historic Alt Family farm at 2489 Whitehaven Road. Native and wildlife-beneficial plants will be offered that help create healthy ecosystems. See Flyer.
The Linda Basta Memorial Foundation fundraising raffle will take place on June 12, 2021. Tickets are $10 each or three for $20.00 All proceeds go to support Pediatric Rheumatology at John R. Oishei Children's Hospital. Check out the webpage to learn more about Linda Basta and to buy tickets.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
May 13, 2021
Happy birthday today to Charles Lambert, Kurt Marlin, Linda Fearon, Victoria Cacciatore, Judy Buzby, Dennis McGinn, Tom Rodriguez, Bruce Wojick & Susan Bognar. On Friday, say happy birthday to Katie Olrogge & Carol Volk and on Saturday, May 15th, happy day to Barbara Brzyski, Surinder Kaur Kandola,Teressa Meyer, Gabriel Wansart, Kevin Rustowicz & Edward Bognar. Happy birthday Sunday, May 16th to Barbara Bartus, Michele Drabik, Diana Schwartz, Dorothy Lenehen & Brian Graham. Happy birthday on Monday to Kyle Salley Sr., Jamie Farrell, Nikolas Massaro, Renee Tasevski, Caoimhe Carpenter, Ellen Faber & Viktor Dekany and on Tuesday, May 18th to Bob Pownal, Chase Luthringer & Peggy Winterfield. On Wednesday, May 19th, happy birthday to Adam Garlapow, Peyton Golde, Pattie Frentzel, Carl Flick, Sandy Caffery & Kelly Wagner Yensan .
Story in Buffalo News by Samantha Christman reported an amusement park owner is close to leasing the Fantasy Island property. Gene Staples owns Indiana Beach in Indiana and Clementine Park in New Jersey. Supervisor John Whitney was quoted as saying "It's very, very promising." .
A Niagara Sailing Club fundraiser serving Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ will take place at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road on Friday, May 14th It will be from 4:00 p.m. until sold out and is take-out only. See flyer.
St Timothy’s Childcare Center, 1453 Staley Road, is putting on a Chiavetta’s chicken BBQ Saturday, May 15th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dinners include 1/2 chicken, potato + garden salad, roll & drink all for $13! There is also a *Big ticket item* raffle and *bucket of booze* raffle happening during the BBQ! “The Balloon guy” is there from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. making balloons for the children!
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
May 6, 2021
Happy birthday today to Chris O'Connell, Carol Hugill, Linda Skotnicki, Tammy Violanti, Tina Giambra, Paul Gast & Rosemary Wojick. On Friday, say happy birthday to Deborah Clemens, Robert Kaiser, Carolyn Phillips, James DiCillis, Justin Geisenhoff & Mike Dudley and on Saturday, May 8th, happy day to Patricia Haag, Bonnie Ingalls, Sue Kaiser, Kara Dudley, Michele DiChristina, Lynn Gottler, John Lorenz, Michael Davis & Alice Blain. Happy birthday Sunday, May 9th to Gary Novitz, Jimmy Geblein & Jeff Dinsmore. Happy birthday on Monday to Bob Monoco, Lynn Sargent DeJonghe, Patricia Kraft, Dana Hayes Erickson, Greg DeMike & Donny Dee and on Tuesday, May 11th to Mike Zimmerman, Nikki Fadel, Charlie Lavallee & Barb Swagler. On Wednesday, May 12th, happy birthday to Kim Kinney, Janet Brennan, Lisa Hogrewe & Mary Quinn .
Congratulations to Dorothy Bitner, for her decades of service to Grand Island. Dorothy received a Lifetime Achievement Proclamation on Monday, May 3rd prior to the Town Board meeting.
The American Legion will host a fundraising hanging basket sale on Friday & Saturday, May 7 & 8, 2021 at the DeGlopper Memorial at the corner of GI Blvd. & Baseline. Sales begin at 7:00 a.m.
Passport Day at Grand Island Town Hall is Saturday, May 8th from 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon. Passport photos will be $7.00. For more information contact Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel at 773-9600 ext. 600.
VFW Post 9249 is hosting Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Wednesday, May 12th. It will be from 4:00 p.m. until sold out and is take-out only. See flyer.
The Grand Island Class of 1970 will celebrate their 50th reunion on Friday, July 2, 2021. Those of you who have said they will be attending and haven’t yet sent in their money please do so ASAP.Please make your checks out to: GRAND ISLAND CLASS of 1970. Mail check to: 1963 Grand Island Blvd. Apt #3, c/o Norman Brady, Grand Island, NY 14072.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
April 29, 2021
Happy birthday today to Diane Goupil, Frank Cannata, Herman Black, Bruce Hann & Rick Magro. On Friday, say happy birthday to JP Kennedy, John Podlucky, Jessica Bykowicz, Ava DeFranks, Anna Pullano, Taylor Firth, Janet Pedlow & Georgette Combes and on Saturday, May 1st, happy day to Krystin Hoppel, Amber Spiesz, Cynthia Stamler, Karen Conboy & Mary Ann Beatty . Happy birthday Sunday, May 2nd to Brent Fred Jr. & Joan Fred. Happy birthday on Monday to Joneen Corrao, Katie Hillock, Patrick Smith & Vince Martello. and on Tuesday, May 4th to Sandie Rall-Smith, Emily Harnden, Mark Cunningham, William Gerristead, Mary Pascucci, Rev Paul Robinson & Chris Stedman. On Wednesday, May 5th, happy birthday to Troy Salley, Kathy Dilamarter & Scott Whiting .
Infinity Twirlers are hosting a Chiavetta's Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ on Friday, April 30th from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. It will be located at Step-In-Time Dance Studio, Historic Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. $12,00, cash only.
The 2021 Maple Grove Cemetary Meeting will take place on Monday, May 3rd at the Grand Island Memorial Libary at 5:30 p.m. Due to Covid-19, refreshments cannot be served. Cold beverages will be provided.
The planned reunion with the GIHS classes of 1975 & 1976 has been cancelled for Friday, July 2, 2021. A smaller gathering is being planned at a private home for the class of 1976 only, on Friday, July 2nd in Boston, NY. It will be from 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., outside, under a tent if needed. You are invited to bring your own food, beverages and chairs. There will be music and a bonfire. Please RSVP to by June 25th if you are planning on attending. Hope to see you there.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
April 22, 2021
Happy birthday today to Genna Baldassarre, Laurie Steckelberg, Yvonne Turri & Joseph Synakowski. On Friday, say happy birthday to Sam Aceti, Sydney Neuhaus, Kathy Lechner, Linda Kutzbach, Erica Forbes & Nathan Miles and on Saturday, April 24th, happy day to Brad Robinson, Mary O'Brien & Randolph Johnson. Happy birthday Sunday, April 25th to Florence Lindelow. Happy birthday on Monday to Mark Miles, and on Tuesday, April 27th to Dr. Bob Miller, Bethany Leiner, Brandon Kinney, Henry Mayer & Tom Natale. On Wednesday, April 28th, happy birthday to April Wright, Elijah Linenfelser, Jaimen Wright, Pat Ehringer, Janet Austin, Kim Glessner & Jim Teator .
The 2021 bowling honor roll was named and Joshua McMahon made first team in the Niagara Frontier League.
The Purple Ribbon Warrior 5k is scheduled for Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at Beaver Island State Park. Race limited to 200 and registration ends May 20th. Registration Page.
Celebrate Arbor DayEarth Day on Saturday, April 24th by picking up free tree seedlings at Veterans Park from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Trees will be given away in bundles of three (12 – 16” high) including one White Oak and two Blue Spruces. Handouts are available with planting instructions, some information on the tree species, and activities that can be done at home for Arbor Day/Earth Day. Proceed to parking lot 7 at north end of park where there is a picnic shelter. Volunteers, wearing masks, will bring a bundle directly to your car. This is first come, first served until trees are gone.
Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will is hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday April 25th, from 11am-12pm. At the white building. First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or
Upcoming Fundraisers: Grand Island Lions Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser will take place on Monday, April 26th as a drive-through, take-out at Knights of Columbus, Whitehaven Road. See flyer for details. VFW Post 9249 is hosting Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Wednesday, April 28th. It will be from 4:00 p.m. until sold out and is take-out only. See flyer. Infinity Twirlers are hosting a Chiavetta's Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ on Friday, April 30th from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. It will be located at Step-In-Time Dance Studio, Historic Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. $12.00, cash only.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
April 15, 2021
Happy birthday today to Jim Panepinto, Curt Nestark & Trish Birtz. On Friday, say happy birthday to Peter Stein, Marie Casey & Helen Harrison and on Saturday, April 17th, happy day to Jon Albertson & Rob Kopf. Happy birthday Sunday, April 18th to Mark Hassan, Norma Horton & Nunzio Spacone. Happy birthday on Monday to Lela Mancuso & Paul Brush and on Tuesday, April 20th to JoAnn Podlucky, Tina Marie Miller & Bernadette Brown. On Wednesday, April 21st, happy birthday to Kim Domagala, Cindy Bleich, Rich Ray & Heidi Travagline .
The old Clown House, Helf's, McMahon's and Viking Diner will now be serving Mexican fare.
Tomorrow is the last day to order your flowers.... Grand Island High School PTSA Flower Sale is only accepting presale orders. All orders and payments are due by Friday, April 16. Order forms are available HERE Customers can return the form, along with a check payable to GIHS PTSA, to Jennifer Walowitz at 70 Island Park Circle. Orders can also be placed online using a credit card at
The Grand Island Historical Society's museum River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park, will be hosting an open house on Sunday, April 18th, from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The downstairs rooms have been painted and new displays have been created in the living & dining rooms and the kitchen.
Celebrate Arbor DayEarth Day on Saturday, April 24th by picking up free tree seedlings at Veterans Park from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Trees will be given away in bundles of three (12 – 16” high) including one White Oak and two Blue Spruces. Handouts are available with planting instructions, some information on the tree species, and activities that can be done at home for Arbor Day/Earth Day. Proceed to parking lot 7 at north end of park where there is a picnic shelter. Volunteers, wearing masks, will bring a bundle directly to your car. This is first come, first served until trees are gone.
Upcoming Fundraisers: Grand Island Lions Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser will take place on Monday, April 26th as a drive-through, take-out at Knights of Columbus, Whitehaven Road. See flyer for details. Infinity Twirlers are hosting a Chiavetta's Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ on Friday, April 30th from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. It well be located at Step-In-Time Dance Studio, Historic Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. $12.00, cash only.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
April 8, 2021
Happy birthday today to Tom Crooks, Lucy Delavalle, James Caprio & Daniel Lynch. On Friday, say happy birthday to Wayne Kinney, Rhett Robinson, Becca Zimmerman, Carolyn Marble, Gerald Kutis & Bob Ernst and on Saturday, April 10th, happy day to Sue Kaiser & Bonnie Ingalls. Happy birthday Sunday, April 11th to Roman Jurga, Arlene Edhe, Serena Anzalaco Troyan & Dave Henderson. Happy birthday on Monday to Kathy Elias, Mary McDonnell & Ted Pawlowski and on Tuesday, April 13th to . Peter Santa Lucia, Jude Casey Kuehne & Nicole Butcher. On Wednesday, April 14th, happy birthday to Dan Robinson Nicholas Aronica, & John Leszczak .
A story on WGRZ Daybreak featured 12 year old Karina "Nina" Conta on April 5th. It tells how the young girl turned a hobby for baking, during the pandemic, into a job;. See story HERE.
Grand Island Varsity Football will be playing on Saturday, April 10th at 6:00 p.m. vs. Jamestown at home.
Grand Island High School PTSA Flower Sale is only accepting presale orders. All orders and payments are due by Friday, April 16. Order forms are available HERE Customers can return the form, along with a check payable to GIHS PTSA, to Jennifer Walowitz at 70 Island Park Circle. Orders can also be placed online using a credit card at
Bogey's at Beaver Island opens on Saturday, April 10th at 9am - 4pm. The golf course opens at 8am, go to to make tee times. The V'Randa re-opens Thursday, April 15th at 4pm. They have curtains on three sides for your comfort.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
April 1, 2021
Happy birthday today to Jeremy Figler. On Friday, say happy birthday to Joel Moyer, Sharon Stevens-Downing & Susan Ventry and on Saturday, April 3rd, happy day to Joel Moyer, Sharon Stevens-Downing & Susan Ventry. Happy birthday Sunday, April 4th to Natalie Baldassare, Zoe Dodd, Mike Geblein & Adele Cole. Happy birthday on Monday to Daniel Tagiareni and on Tuesday, April 6th to Sherri Garner. On Wednesday, April 7th, happy birthday to Barb Wilson .
Town Hall will close at noon on Friday, April 2nd in observance of Good Friday.
GIHS Varsity Hockey Coach Don Pray announced his retirement this week. He has been head coach since 2010 and led his team to the first sectional championship in 2019. He will continue as a teacher at GIHS and as boys and girls tennis coach.
GIHS Choir Concert was live streamed Wednesday, March 31st. You can see it HERE.
Upcoming Dining Fundraiser:
The Auxiliary of VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., is having a Lenten Fish Dinner on Friday, April 2nd from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., eat in or take-out. Includes fish, french fries, cole slaw, bread & butter for $12.00 per person. Chicken finger basket also available. 50/50 and raffles.
St. Stephen Friday Fish Fry Dinners will be served from the school cafeteria at St. Stephen School, 2080 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY, 14072. Take-Out Dinners ONLY, will be served from 4 – 7pm. Take-Out orders will be taken by phone at 773-4347 from 3:30 to 7pm on Fridays.
The Town of Grand Island Recreation Department is hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, April 2nd from 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.; it will take approximately 30 minutes to walk the entire trail. Children ages 3-10 are invited to attend. See flyer for complete details. Trail Map
A Drive Thru Easter Celebration will take place at the DeGlopper Memorial Park on Saturday, April 3rd from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. See flyer..
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
March 25, 2021
Happy birthday today to Jim Ehde, Jack Mahnk, Amy Blundell, Sue Ann Mackenna & Rick Ryder . On Friday, say happy birthday to Kendall Duscher, Betty Marinell & Angelo LaDuca. and on Saturday, March 27th, happy day to Brooklyn Landroche, Clive Roughsedge & Frances Tracey. Happy birthday Sunday, March 28thtoSherry Miller, Annalea Masiello, Liza Bowman,Olivia Williams, Barb Wienke, Kenna MacNeil, Jacob Stewart, Valerie Robinson & Jonathan Leiner. Happy birthday on Monday to Margie Southwood Tracey Shickluna, Chloe Fitzsimmons & Michele LaBarre and on Tuesday, March 30th to Sharon Wright & Jonathan Leiner. On Wednesday, March 31st, happy birthday to Barry Smith (60!), Tom Shanor & Anna Kapus.
Happy wedding anniversary on March 31st to Rosemary & Bruce Wojick!
Thank you from the Hayes family for all the support from the Grand Island community after the recent passing of our mom Nancy. We really appreciate your kindness and generosity.
Upcoming Dining Fundraiser:
The Auxiliary of VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., is having a Lenten Fish Dinner on Friday, March 26th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., eat in or take-out. Includes fish, french fries, cole slaw, bread & butter for $12.00 per person. Chicken finger basket also available. 50/50 and raffles.
St. Stephen Friday Fish Fry Dinners will be served from the school cafeteria at St. Stephen School, 2080 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY, 14072. Take-Out Dinners ONLY, will be served from 4 – 7pm. Take-Out orders will be taken by phone at 773-4347 from 3:30 to 7pm on Fridays.
On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday, March 28th, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or
The Grand Island Central School District held their General Session Board of Education Meeting and Work Session in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, and at various remote sites on Monday March 22, 2021. See video.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
March 18, 2021
Happy birthday today to Adam Missert, Nicholas Tim, Audrey Mason & Eddie Krecisz. On Friday, say happy birthday to Carol Sharpe, Lester Lee, Joseph Roberts & Richard McDonald. and on Saturday, March 20th, happy day to Marty Bidell, Mary O'Dea Beyer & David Ames. Happy birthday Sunday, March 21st toPaul Roeder, Ruth Ryan, Daniel Parker, Dolores Laska & Dorothy Martinelli. Happy birthday on Monday to Wendy Stratton-Gross, Peter Baker & Bev Kinney and on Tuesday, March 23rd to Pattie Beauchamp, Jim Olmstead, Pat Harding & Ryan Kernin. On Wednesday, March 24th, happy birthday to Jillian Sheehan & Robin Swedish.
Assemblyman Angelo Morinello (R,C,I,Ref-Niagara Falls) and the Red Cross will be hosting a Community Blood Drive Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, Grand Island. The community event will honor the lives lost and the one-year anniversary of the pandemic. LINK TO REGISTRATION:
No. 1 seed Grand Island Boys Hockey will vie for Section VI Federation small school (in their bracket) against West Seneca East at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday. GIHS Girls Hockey No. 7 seed Kenmore/Grand Island will face Clarence/Amherst/Sweet Home today.
Grand Island Ties to March Madness: Alabama Crimson Tide coach Nate Oats was a resident of Grand Island during part of his time at UB 2013 - 2019. Samantha Bailey played for Grand Island and now plays for Marist as a forward. Her team won the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference women's tournament championship, and is a 15 seed in the women’s tournament. Marist faces No. 2 Louisville at 8 p.m. Monday in San Antonio. Oklahoma: Sooners assistant Carlin Hartman is a 1990 Grand Island graduate, who played in the NCAA Tournament in 1992 and 1993 for Tulane. Hartman has helped the Sooners qualify for their third men’s tournament since 2018; No. 8 Oklahoma opens against No. 9 Missouri at 7:25 p.m. Saturday at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.
The Covid-19 relief package will benefit Grand Island Central School District to the tune of $2.55 million.
Upcoming Dining Fundraiser:
The Auxiliary of VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., is having a Lenten Fish Dinner on Friday, March 26th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., eat in or take-out. Includes fish, french fries, cole slaw, bread & butter for $12.00 per person. Chicken finger basket also available. 50/50 and raffles.
Adrian's Custard & Beef, 2352 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island. Opened March 16.
American Legion is doing their hanging basket sale on Friday/Saturday, May 7 and 8, currently scheduled for DeGlopper Park where they held it last year, due to more room, access to water, and easier to get in and out.
The DeGlopper Memorial Expansion Committee is seeking help from the community to obtain contact information leading to family or friends of the following Grand Island Veterans Killed in Action since World War I: Edward P. Pierce, WWI; Francis K. Goodchild, WWII; Howard W. Salton, WWII; Charles A. Smith, WWII; George E. Smith, WWII; Albert J. Keppler, Korea; George H. Kinney, Korea; Joseph A. L'Huillier, Vietnam. Information.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
March 11, 2021 - Vacation
March 4, 2021
Happy birthday today to Jeff Denler, John Simon, Anne Rollins & Joyce Cowan. On Friday, say happy birthday to Kevin Smith, Mary Trinci & Sally Hoffman. and on Saturday, March 6th, happy day to Hayden Backlund, Eilene Gebrian, Charles Tobe & Pat Bassler. Happy birthday Sunday, March 7th toLinda Leuchner, Glen Shepherd, Leda Barton, Lola Brindisi, Carol O’Connor & Bill Ortiz. Happy birthday on Monday to Rosemary Loth Fischer & Diane Grant and on Tuesday, March 9th to Grace Wenner & Elaine Hardman. On Wednesday, March 10th, happy birthday to Nancy Seifert Dinan, Christie Lewis Hy & Dorothy Hahn.
Last weekend for Rotary Club Undie Sunday clothing drive. See story for details.
The Veronica Connor Middle School DECA Chapter will hold a pet food drive on Saturday, March 13th at Island Pets and Feed, 2099 Grand Island Blvd., from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please contact to arrange drop off of pet food/toy products. See flyer.
Upcoming Dining Fundraisers:
St. Stephen Friday Fish Fry Dinners are back for the Lenten season, take-out only. See details here.
Mary Star of the Sea Council 4752 is selling St. Patrick's Day Dinners on Wednesday, March 17th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at 1841 Whitehaven Road. Dinners are $17.00, see flyer.
Grand Island Lions Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser will take place on Monday, April 26th as a drive-through, take-out at The Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. See flyer for details.
Please consider sending in good news, photos and organization news to Isledegrande!
GIHS Class of 1966 Reunion News: UPDATE: Due to Covid the reunion scheduled for June 26, 2021 has been postponed indefinitely.
The DeGlopper Memorial Expansion Committee is seeking help from the community to obtain contact information leading to family or friends of the following Grand Island Veterans Killed in Action since World War I: Edward P. Pierce, WWI; Francis K. Goodchild, WWII; Howard W. Salton, WWII; Charles A. Smith, WWII; George E. Smith, WWII; Albert J. Keppler, Korea; George H. Kinney, Korea; Joseph A. L'Huillier, Vietnam. Information.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
February 25, 2021
Happy birthday today to Dennis Donovan, Scott Tetreault, Kevin Brock & Mary Williams. On Friday, say happy birthday to David Rogers, Debbie Kennedy-Rogoza, Jay Hollinger, William Madigan & Lynn Dingey. and on Saturday, February 27th, happy day to Gabrielle Robinson, Kevin Koch Jr. & Mike Cali. Happy birthday Sunday, February 28th toMary Ann Love, Barry Conway, David Steggs, Patrick McMahon & Ron Bastian. Happy birthday on Monday to Jane Cooke, Jean Smith, Linda Hermann, Michael William Rayhill, Karie Stedman, Ashley Gorman, Sarah Dollendorf, Gail Click & Bridget McMahon and on Tuesday, March 2nd to Jamie Akers Smith. On Wednesday, March 3rd, happy birthday to Jeff Denler, John Simon & Anne Rollins.
Cornerstone Church, 1290 Whitehaven Road is hosting a High School Senior Ice Skating Night on Friday, February 26 from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. See flyer.
On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday, Feb. 28, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or The Veronica Connor Middle School DECA Chapter will hold a pet food drive on Saturday, March 13th at Island Pets and Feed, 2099 Grand Island Blvd., from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please contact to arrange drop off of pet food/toy products. See flyer.
Upcoming Dining Fundraisers:
St. Stephen Friday Fish Fry Dinners are back for the Lenten season, take-out only. See details here.
Mary Star of the Sea Council 4752 is selling St. Patrick's Day Dinners on Wednesday, March 17th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at 1841 Whitehaven Road. Dinners are $17.00, see flyer.
Grand Island Lions Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser will take place on Monday, April 26th as a drive-through, take-out at The Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. See flyer for details.
The DeGlopper Memorial Expansion Committee is seeking help from the community to obtain contact information leading to family or friends of the following Grand Island Veterans Killed in Action since World War I: Edward P. Pierce, WWI; Francis K. Goodchild, WWII; Howard W. Salton, WWII; Charles A. Smith, WWII; George E. Smith, WWII; Albert J. Keppler, Korea; George H. Kinney, Korea; Joseph A. L'Huillier, Vietnam. Information.
Encourage your young family & friends to enter the VFW Auxiliary National Anthem Singing Contest. It is open to ages six - sixteen. Information.
Rotary Club Undie Sunday returns for the 21st Year! Bring New Underwear, Socks packages to Hampers that will be all over Grand Island! Help Community Mission of Niagara Falls and St. Luke's Mission of Mercy Buffalo help the homeless and those abused of Western NY! Take the items to one of the host locations listed here. Undie Sunday runs from February 22 - March 7.
The Grand Island Central School District held their General Session Board of Education Meeting and Work Session in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, and at various remote sites on Monday February 22, 2021. See video.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
February 18, 2021
Happy birthday today to Michelle Gast, Patrick Stouter, Chris Ciszek, Dave Fields & Barbara Wudyka. On Saturday, February 20h, happy day to Bryan Smith, Melanie Stein, Carol Alt, Daniel Tattenbaum, Marilyn Kinney, Jennifer Watkins, Katie Brady, MaryJo Gill & Dick Bessel. Happy birthday Sunday, February 21st toEugene Corey & Sal Gullo. Happy birthday on Monday to Marilyn Wilkie Watt, Marilyn Kinney, Jim Zilliox & Ralph Quarantillo and on Tuesday, February 23rd to Sherry DeBruyn, Jo Klock, Paula Nakayama, Sophia Black, Linda Gerristad & Supervisor John Whitney. On Wednesday, February 24th, happy birthday to Brian Robinson & Jan Yardley.
St. Stephen Friday Fish Fry Dinners are back for the Lenten season, take-out only. See details here.
The DeGlopper Memorial Expansion Committee is seeking help from the community to obtain contact information leading to family or friends of the following Grand Island Veterans Killed in Action since World War I: Edward P. Pierce, WWI; Francis K. Goodchild, WWII; Howard W. Salton, WWII; Charles A. Smith, WWII; George E. Smith, WWII; Albert J. Keppler, Korea; George H. Kinney, Korea; Joseph A. L'Huillier, Vietnam. Information.
Encourage your young family & friends to enter the VFW Auxiliary National Anthem Singing Contest. It is open to ages six - sixteen. Information.
Rotary Club Undie Sunday returns for the 21st Year! Bring New Underwear, Socks packages to Hampers that will be all over Grand Island! Help Community Mission of Niagara Falls and St. Luke's Mission of Mercy Buffalo help the homeless and those abused of Western NY! Take the items to one of the host locations listed here. Undie Sunday runs from February 22 - March 7.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
February 11, 2021
Happy birthday today to Jackie Walt, Joanne Metzger, Joan Barone, Dominic Mazzola & Amanda Kaiser Wayne. On Friday, happy birthday to Kim Kalman, Carol Roesch, Patty Rink and twin Penny Linenfelse, Jayce Claus & Charles Ackerman and on Saturday, February 13th, happy day to Laura Sexton, Adam Dahlberg, Mitchell Matthews, Nancy Hamm-Johnson, Hans Sterzelbach, & Emma Wheeler. Happy birthday on Monday to Herman Roberts, Philip Sahlem, Todd Sipson, Kellie Kehoe, Daniel Baney & Donna Tomkins and on Tuesday, February 16th to Deborah Parker, Marianne Ward & Lynne Rimer. On Wednesday, February 17th, happy birthday to Kathy Garlapow, Anita DeGlopper, Lillian Brenner, Aaron Delavalle, Chuck Delavalle & Swaran Dhaliwal.
Congratulations to GI Senior Kevin Rogoza, selected as a semifinalist for the National Merit Scholarship program. He is one of 16,000 across the nation who will compete for more than $30 million in scholarships.
The Sidway Playground is almost finished. The last stage is the construction of a brick pathway. Bricks continue to be sold through the playground committee and can be individualized for businesses, families, or individuals. Contact or visit the Sidway Playground Facebook page. Bricks will be sold into the Spring.
The Grand Island Central School District held their General Session Board of Education Meeting and First Budget Presentation for the 2021-22 School Year, in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, and at various remote sites on Monday February 8, 2021. See video.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
February 4, 2021
Happy birthday today to Emma Hall, Christopher Drew, Juliette Caprio, Mark VonWryeza, Mary Lou Jerge and Dan Ryan, Sophie Cane, Pete Marston & Maureen Lewis. On Friday, happy birthday to Geraldine ( Jeri) Benzing & Kip Staub and on Saturday, February 6th, happy day to Linda Tufillaro, Olivia Wenner, Noelle Linenfelser & Cody Okelberry. On Sunday, February 7th wish happy birthday to Glenn Skelly. Happy birthday on Monday to Mary Sitarski, Diane Garey, Diane Gurbacki, Sarah Klock, David Santa Lucia, Jadon Garman, Carleigh Rodriguez, Sheila Strott and Jackson Tower and on Tuesday, February 9th to Elinor Wiant, Linda Tomkiel, Chris Ford & Dory Smith Matwijkow. On Wednesday, February 10th, happy birthday to Kaylee Montana.
Congratulations to GI Seniors signing letters of intent: Carissa Hoover, lacrosse, Lewis University; Camille Burruano, soccer, LeMoyne College; Billy Wieberg, volleyball, Daemen.
The Town of Grand Island; Recreation Depatment is seeking a full-time Recreation Attendant. Deadline for application is 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11th. See full details HERE.
BlackBerry’s Bar & Grill is reopening today! New hours: Thursday: 4-9, Friday: 4-9, Saturday: 4-9.
Take a ride down to Beaver Island Park. The Tundra Swans are hanging out and look hysterical when "butt up"!
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
January 28, 2021
Happy birthday today to Kelly Cunningham, Jason Vallina, Tom Burkman, Barbara Grabiec & Elaine Gibney. On Friday, happy birthday to Arlene Larry, Kevin Kelley, Eric Sharpe , Nicholas Penque & Bonnie Alabiso and on Saturday, January 30th, happy day to David Clayton III. On Sunday, January 31st wish happy birthday to Ronald Duguay, Hailee Clayton, Conner Bolles, Anthony Mondi & Regina Truitt. Happy birthday on Monday to Judith Pack, Mandy Malaney, Ryan Pecoraro, Clyde Hickok & Sydney Mazur and on Tuesday, February 2nd to Lee Richard, Don Kaiser, Cheryl Wasson, Natalie Kopf, Dominic Pullano, Eileen Crane, Robert S. Fraser, Carol Maul & Surjit Kaur. On Wednesday, February 3rd, happy birthday to Joan Savoy Dlugokinski, Ilene Dee & Ryan Timmerman.
On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday Jan 31st, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or
Marshall Dan wrote a Facebook posting about Fantasy Island news. In it he says the park was left in very poor shape. Only remaining features are the Water Park, The Comet and a few Kiddy Land rides, and the Train. He said odds are "pretty good"they will be getting the keys to the park. Type in "Fantasy Island Memories" to get the full post.
Scout Fundraiser - Do you have pop cans or bottles laying you need to make room for next weeks game or from lasts weeks (we aren't picky) Let Cub Scout Pack 630 help take them off your hands as a donation! Your donations stay with the pack and help with programs all year long. We will be have pick ups available from 9am-12:30pm every Saturday. Message Cari Herrmann or Kristen Piurek on Facebook to schedule your pickup today.
The Grand Island Central School District held their General Session Board of Education Meeting and special Work Session in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, and at various remote sites on Monday January 25, 2021. See video.

The Town of Grand Island Parks Department set up a "Go Bills" display last week, before the championship game. Special thanks to Dave Cole & Steve Mrzygut for their efforts!
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
January 21, 2021
Happy birthday today to Pat Caffery Roncone, Mary Cooke, John Gast, Dennis Lach & Ron Pavis. On Friday, happy birthday to Kurt Lorence, Jean Bousquet & Joanne Browne and on Saturday, January 23rd, happy day to Jonathan Minton, Allison Boron, Mark Leffler & Mary Jane Clark. On Sunday, January 24th wish happy birthday to Louie Freitas, Joyce Warning, Hunter Schmidt, Sarah Ramsperger, Benjamin DeFranks, Tyler Meyer & Warren Becher. Happy birthday on Monday to Patricia Webb Scott, Al Ackerman, Jason MacClelland, Colton Wilkinson. Sam Giglia, Judy Polizzi & Carolyn Spacone and on Tuesday, January 26th to John Dudley, Tommy Geblein, Wayne Baumler & Mary Caldwell. On Wednesday, January 27th, happy birthday to Sabrina Butcher, Brent Minet, Mary Stewart, Judi Wakefield & Pat Shickluna.
Happy 38th wedding anniversary to Karen and Rom Figler, who were married on January 23, 1982.
A second Buffalo Bills Parade is scheduled for Sunday, January 24th. Line-up: St. Stephen’s back parking lot no earlier than noon to be respectful of mass.
The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is announcing the cancellation of scheduled ECDOH COVID-19 vaccination Points of Distribution (PODs) for Saturday, January 23, Monday, January 25, Tuesday, January 26 and Wednesday, January 27. This includes locations at Erie Community College South and Erie Community College North. Appointments on Thursday, January 21 and Friday, January 22 are not affected by this announcement.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
January 14, 2021
Happy birthday today to Carolina Luciani, Mike Rustowicz, Evan Carey, Dolores Hoefner & Sylvia McGinn. On Friday, happy birthday to Anthony Masocco, & Jennifer Farrell and on Saturday, January 16th, happy day to Amber Malaney, Don Burrows, Joyce Hornbeck, Sudha Sharma, Earl DeGlopper Jr., Carroll Becker, Sue Fleischauer, Joy Mesmer & Darlene Hewitt. On Sunday, January 17th wish happy birthday to Justin Sondel, Ron Sutton, Hank Kammerer, Nick Kingston, Marvin Mack & Barbara Creighton. Happy birthday on Monday to Caitlin Schwinge,, Gail Becher, Peter and Paul Minton, Robert Davis & Linda Piro and on Tuesday, January 19th to Mackenzie Hassan, Kristyn Brown & Susan Razmus. On Wednesday, January 20h, happy birthday to Fran Burrows, Kaylee Connell, Andrew Masiello, Josh Lange, Dustin Gushue, Brenda Hollfelder & Diane Haney.
Happy anniversary to Donna & Bill Williams on January 14th!
Restaurant News! As of today, ECDOH public health sanitarians will apply “yellow zone” criteria to all permitted food service facilities that are currently located in “orange zones.” Practically, this means all restaurants in Erie County will be able to offer indoor dining at 50% capacity, as long as yellow zone measures including a maximum of four people per table and six feet of distance between tables are maintained.
A Buffalo Bills Parade will take place on Saturday, January 16th at noon at The Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. A 17 mile route is planned around the Island. Decorations encouraged!
The Island Deli & Meat Market Breads and Cheeses and More located at 2092 Grand Island Blvd. will be re-opening on Saturday, January 16th. Hours are: Monday-Friday 11:30 am-5:30 pm, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am-3:00 pm.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
The Grand Island Central School District held their virtual Board of Education Meeting from various sites on Monday, January 11, 2021. See video.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to
January 7, 2021
Happy birthday today to Craig Davis & Eric Reimann. On Friday, happy birthday to Sharon Koehler, Sharon Minet, Nicholas Heftka, Alexandria Anderson, Michael Klipich, Jean Siess, Sherilyn Gillard & Brooks Rimes and on Saturday, January 9th, happy day to Dale Morgan, Richard Brzyski, Sam Loquasto & Martha Merrinan. On Sunday, January 10th wish happy birthday to Patricia & Scott Shaw, Sheila Colan & Darlene Conners. Happy birthday on Monday to Debbie Stack, Joyce Neil, Susan Head, Art Ciechoski, Mark Landroche, Jack Roesch, Bob Marcel & Stephan R. Kovacs, Jr. and on Tuesday, January 12th to Martha Muller, Barbara Fritchey, Lyle Dinsmore & Adam Kopf . On Wednesday, January 13th, happy birthday to James Winter, Greg Bell, Lynn Henschel & Paula Zucarelli.
Happy anniversary to Linda & John Braddell on January 13th!
Jennifer Baneyannounced at the January 4th Town Board meeting, she will not be running for re-election. The Grand Island Republican Committee is actively seeking candidates interested in running for the following elected offices this year: 2 Town Council candidates, a Highway Superintendent candidate and a Town Judge candidate. If you are looking for a treat during the Bills game on Saturday, the Viking Diner is doing a "Bills Box" with all kinds of deliciousness. Check out their Facebook page and order early!
At this time, you can't get past the bridge across Woods Creek in Buckhorn. Word is many dead trees are being taken down due to Emerald Ash disease.
Recovery International is a support group for anyone 18 years of age and older who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, anger management, PTSD, and fears of all kinds. Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM- 9 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church.
If you have any good news, stories, photos, etc and would like to share with your not hesitate. I would love to post positive moments, it just might make the difference in someone's day! Email
Remember....there is no charge to announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday, even with a picture! Only at Isledegrande do you get that kind of service.
Send your news to