"Between the Bridges" |
![]() Photo courtesy of Rich Call Class of '85 |
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Good morning Jim Lewis in Lexington, MD and good morning Timothy Geisenhoff in Somerville, AL.
Topping the list of those celebrating birthdays this week is Elsie Fleischmann who turns 95 tomorrow. Wishing you the best, Elsie. Happy birthday Paul Facklam III (5 today), Alex Bowerman (13 today), Christopher Podlucky (20 today), Mark Klein (today), longtime friend Donna (Horner) Anderson (tomorrow), Jim O'Connor (tomorrow), Tracy Goc (celebrating tomorrow and wished a very good year), Jessica Mae Conrad (10 on Saturday), Dominique Capizzi (13 on Saturday), Rolland Card (Saturday), Ray Whitbeck (cheers on Sunday), Aimee Tredo (20 on Sunday), Sarah MacNeil (Sunday), Joseph Kuszczak (10 on Tuesday), Michael Dowd (Tuesday), Marie Lorence (21 on Wednesday), and Ramona Blackmore (this week).
National Guard Airman First Class Peter M. Setlock Jr., son of Peter Setlock of Grand Island, recently completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. Peter is a Kenmore East High School graduate, Class of 2007.
Sadly I report a note I received from former resident, Carole Ford. Carole wrote to thank me for posting her sister, Connie's birthday in last week's column. "It will be her 50th birthday and sadly her last." Connie has been battling a very rare form of lymphoma with multiple brain tumors.
Looking back 60 years - Baker's Cleaner on Staley Road advertised a grand opening of its new plant on January 2, 1951. Norm and Mary Parisi took it over, running it for 40+ years and in 2004, their daughter, Cathy Parisi Thomas, moved her dancing school to the same building.
Looking back 50 years - Ice skating rinks in Sandy Beach and Grandyle Village were flooded and are being used by skaters in those areas. Upon completion of work on lighting and a shelter house, supervision was to be provided by members of the Chamber of Commerce. It was on Saturday, January 7, 1961 that I began teaching baton twirling to girls in Jr. High grades 7-9 in the Grand Island Fire Hall. The classes were the forerunner of a marching unit to parade with the firemen at field day parades.Richard G. Buzby, clerk of the school board since 1947, was appointed business manager of Grand Island Central School District 1. With Fantasy Island set to open for the first time in May 1961, Norma Ferrara's dance students entertained at Fantasy Island's Birthday House in the Richard Ray Restaurant in the Grand Island Blvd. plaza. Among them were Penny Tranter (Croot), Jane Holcombe, Rori Fadum (Petros), Kathy Donovan, Terry Iacuzzo, Jackie Pritchard, Judy Huff (Froman), and Patty Tudor.From an editorial in the January 1961 Island Dispatch: "...The official national returns show that Mr. Kennedy's margin over Mr. Nixon was under 112,000 votes - out of a total which approached 70 million. The President elect's edge was the smallest in relation to the total vote in all of our history..."
Looking back 40 years - The new snowmobile club, organized on December 17, 1970, elected the following officers in the Buffalo Launch Club on January 5, 1971: President Paul Buell, Vice President Jerry Livingston, Secretary Bud Long, Treasurer Jim Hawley, Sgt.-at-Arms Rod Alt and Bob Benton and directors Fred Bidell, Paul Long and Jim Tomkins. According to Supervisor Ray Griffin there were several other snowmobile clubs in the organizational stage on Grand Island.
Looking back 20 years - The Island's newest organization, Quality Quest, scheduled its second meeting Tuesday, January 8, 1991 in the library. "Preserving the quality of life on the Island is our overall goal," Lynn Daniels, one of the co-founders said.
Our sympathy to the families of Rebecca L. Daunce, Victor J. Gagliardi and former resident Joan Louise Hall who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.

Emily Dahlstrom took this photo at the Tops gas station on Thursday, December 23rd. Emily wrote, "Gas prices are way too high in NY State!"
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Mediation Center - Timothy Mordaunt - natural optimist, an experienced attorney and a professional mediator
Dr. Thomas C. Lepenven, DMD - Island Dental PC - 2095 Baseline Road
Magic Towel Holder - Craftsman Don "Bones" Fancher - clever gift creations
Grand Island Teachers Association - Thank you teachers for your support!
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
What's Happening in Our Town?
Mighty Taco opens Monday!
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to my faithful readers, especially those serving our country here and overseas. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2011.
Good morning James Allick in Palm Beach, FL and good morning Marcia (Morgan) Nixon in Lewiston, NY.
It's official. The long awaited Mighty Taco will hold a grand opening on Monday, January 3rd in the Grand Island Blvd. plaza.
Good news! Michele Beauchamp, GIHS Class of 1982, is home and recuperating. Please keep the prayers coming for her complete recovery. For those of you who know Ernie Underwood, GIHS Class of 1975, I've heard he "could use some smiles and positives...and a little help from his friends." Ernie is seriously ill with pancreatic cancer. A fundraiser for Ernie will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, February 20th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes.
A very happy birthday to Andrea Moreau (today), Melissa Marlin (18 tomorrow), Ryan Vertino (20 tomorrow), Jeanne Webb (a milestone tomorrow), Christmas babies Sean McMahon and Kristen Franklin (their big 4-0 birthdays on Saturday), Carol Burridge and Liz Barker (cheers on Sunday), Bradley Stone (a teenager on Sunday), Allison Hill and Jack Buzby (8 on Sunday), Tyler Nogle (10 on Monday), Chelsea Schmidt (a teenager on Tuesday), Rob Meyer and David Tolejko (Tuesday), Connie Lynn Ford (special greetings on Tuesday), Molly Hyland (20 on Tuesday), James Soto (6 years old on Tuesday), Stephanie McMahon (Wednesday), Wayne Benton (a big one on Wednesday), and Yvonne Martin (94 on Wednesday).
Congratulations to Mike Steckelberg who rolled a perfect 300 game at Island Lanes on Friday with the Friday Night Businessmen’s League.
Looking back 50 years - The Catholic Diocese of Buffalo in 1960, purchased 15 acres of land on the north side of Ransom Road, about one mile east of Stony Point. The property with 330 ft. frontage was part of the Grehlinger estate, and was to eventually be used for a church, school or cemetery.
Looking back 40 years - The town's second annual Snow Carnival was held December 29, 1970 behind the high school. It was announced in the local weekly paper that the Historical Society would take over the school house at Kelly's Country Store. The Grand Island Ballroom, now True Value Hardware Store, was being used for a classroom for Western Lakes Training Club of Buffalo (dog training and obedience) in December 1970.Robert Fraser of Boy Scout Troop 575 was presented scouting's highest award, the title of Eagle Scout, by his scoutmaster DeLoss Krause at the troop's mid year court of honor Dec. 22, 1970.
Looking back 25 years - The Haller family of Del & Herb’s Restaurant was advertising New Year’s Eve with Don Burns at the ragtime piano. A brand new $160,000 fire truck was recently purchased by the Grand Island Fire Company to replace one that had been in service for 25 years.
Our sympathy to the families of Dorothy A. Costanzo, Harriet J. Currey, Jaroslaw Bilyj and John A. Casey who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Park Place Subdivision - Most picturesque executive residential building lots in WNY!
Island Prescription Center - Consumer wellness tips - Cholesteral Lowering Foods
Giecom.net - Web Hosting, Web Site Design, Custom Graphics - right here on the Island
Sandi's Family Restaurant - reasonable prices - Your Hosts......Dan and Sandi Clark
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
A blood drive will be held Tuesday at the Grand Island Fire Hall. Be sure we have your organization and church events for our Calendar of Events.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Good morning Cheryl (Call) Dean in Loganville, GA and good morning Robert Miller in Marathon, FL.
Please remember the Neighbors Foundation. To make a tax deductible donation to the Neighbors Foundation, mailing it to P.O. Box 155, Grand Island NY 14072. For more information on this worthwhile organization, see Neighbors Foundation. It is never too late.
Little Dominic Pullano, 4, has "hopefully" been taking it easy after his recent surgery.
DeSignet Jewelry, "in the heart of the Island," is running an "enter to win" contest through the holiday season. Be sure to see deSignet Contest. Hey, you never know!
Sorry to report that the sledding hill in Beaver Island State Park will not be available this winter. See Sled Hill Closed for complete information.
Staff Sergeant Stephanie Hopkins, daughter of Mike and Bobbi Hopkins, sang the national anthem at Ralph Wilson Stadium before the Buffalo Bills/Pittsburgh Steelers game on Sunday, November 28th. A member of the GIHS Class of 2006, Stephanie is with the 107th Airlift Wing New York Air National Guard and has served in Baghdad, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
Happy birthday to Joey Guenther (his 17th birthday today), Alma Senn and Nancy Hayes (today), Heather Goris (20 tomorrow), baby Cassidy Louise Kendrick (first birthday tomorrow), Shelbey Bidell and Scott Clinton (Saturday), Jaylee Maddalena (4 on Saturday), Roseanne Panzica, Sonia Steckelberg, Ed Weiser and Morgan Petrie (all celebrated milestones on Sunday), George Wenner (5 on Sunday), Alexis Elizabeth and Grace Marie Fredricks (teenagers on Monday), David Duysters (cheers on Monday), Allyson Wolgast and Christopher Priest (4 on Monday), Shirley Gilmore (special greetings on Tuesday), Kristine Schlifke (10 on Wednesday), and Kahla Cerrillo (21 on Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - Sidway School students put on "The Maji's Gift" under the direction of Music Teacher Carol Thompson with assistance by teachers Catherine DiVizio and Marjorie Ehde (Anderson) on Tuesday, December 19-20, 1950. Libby Smith (Borgese), Bob Robinson, Ronnie Livingston and Jim Brady had the leads. The very beautiful street scene for the play was planned and designed by art teacher Mrs. Beatrice Nies and Industrial Arts teacher Hank Fessard. Ed Pfohl, Bob DeGlopper Harrison Carter and Ernest Hoefner did the excellent job of painting it.Jack Boehm, Stewart Ellis, Michael Costin, Ernest Haefner, Allen Howland, Peter McMahon, Thomas Sheehan and Edwin and Frank Pfohl were members of the newly formed boys' choir. Under the direction of Marion Pinkow, they entertained at a Christmas party in the Buffalo Launch Club for 78 members of the Home Bureau.
Looking back 50 years - The new G & S Laundry Speed Wash opened at 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Ann Burns (Dlugokinski) was chosen queen of the Riverside High School Snowflake Whirl in December 1960.
Looking back 40 years - WUTV began broadcasting at 3:30 p.m. Monday, December 21, 1970 from towers on Whitehaven and Harvey roads.
Looking back 10 years - The following was announced in this column in December 2000: “The Grand Island Foundation, the island's newest helping hand whose disbursements will be for educational purposes not covered by the school district is up and running with a mailing to every household this week. The Foundation is most appreciative of a very generous donation from Councilman Dick Crawford at a recent press conference.”
Our sympathy to the families of Siegfried A. Wasse, Ted Kumlander, Raymond G. Gress Sr., Patricia G. "Pat" Board, Ernest "Richard" Wisner and Mark S. Brown who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Can any of my readers shed some light on Doug Godfrey who most likely lived on the Island and attended Sidway School in the 1950s and early 1960s? A former classmate of Doug's is looking for him.

Click the photo for a larger view
Bob Beach, founder of Beach's Motorcycle Adventures, Ltd. right here on Grand Island, NY, was recently recognized in the BMW Motorcycle Magazine's summer issue. He and his wife, the late Elizabeth Beach, started the business in 1972. Click for a larger photo and more information.
Great bowling! Dave Arch rolled a 298-700 with the A-Best Roofing league this week at Mallwitz's Island Lanes, and Mike Mallwitz had a perfect 300 (743) bowling with the Friday Early Men's league. And by the way, Mike had a 298 (756) last week cracking the pins with the Friday Night Businessmen.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers and check out their websites.
Chateau Motor Lodge - Out-of-town company? "We Offer Cheap Deals Daily"
Kelly's Country Store - Christmas time at Kelly's - Don't miss it
Michael Anthony Rossi - Rossi Law Firm - Committed to providing competent and cost effective legal services
Riverview Chiropractic - Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski - Just for kids
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Congratulations to the following Tops Market employees who were recently recognized for years of service: Patricia Bianco (30 years), Michael Boerschig (35), Pam Moraca (35), Wendy Peters (25) and Marjorie Robillard (30).
Why not support the Lions Club Christmas Tree Sale and save a trip off the Island.
To submit items for our Calendar of Events or for the Between the Bridges column, email to teddy@giecom.net.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Good morning Kevin Foley in New York, NY and good morning Amy Venturini in Raleigh, NC.

My very best wishes to Nan Haller who will celebrate her 70th birthday on Sunday. Nan and her husband, Del who spent their childhood and beyond here on the Island, are now living in Bradenton, FL. Nan was a 9th grader at Sidway School when this 1955 photo was taken.
A speedy recovery to Michele Beauchamp. Will be glad to see your cheerful notes back on FB!
The lucky winner of the Grand Island Historical Society's Redwork Square Baby Quilt is Pat Gervase of Tonawanda. Historical Society members thank all who took a chance on the Quilt raffle and also to those who attended the luncheons and Christmas open houses.
Happy birthday Amanda Heftka (18 today), baby Grace Stewart (first birthday today), Zach Adams (20 tomorrow), baby Jake Christopher Scott (first birthday tomorrow), Dave Hammond (Sunday), Jackie Carpenter and Tammy Sexton (cheers on Sunday), Lauren Whitney (her 20th on Monday), Kim Duscher (Monday), Daniel Donovan (6 on Monday), Emma Grace Santorio (5 on Monday), Mark Zilliox and Peter Passino (Tuesday), Katie Nordvik (20 on Tuesday), Katie Rustowicz (18 on Tuesday), Parker Glessner (10 on Tuesday), and Dolly Dilliot, Beth Boron and Kathy Kemp (Wednesday).
The note posted here on Thursday, December 9th about sending cards to Walter Reed Army Medical Center was incorrect information. The cards would only be delivered if the address includes an addressee.
And speaking of our men and women serving our country, John MacGaffick recently retired from the Air Force as a Master Sergeant. Congratulations and thanks, John.
Looking back 60 years - Mrs. Alice Steck's dancing and baton twirling classes in attractive costumes were the high point of entertainment at the 4th annual Altar Society Christmas party for children of the St. Stephen's parish on Saturday afternoon, December 9, 1950. Over 150 children talked to Santa, received a gift from Father Edward Schwegler and were served ice cream and candy from the ladies. The Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary elected Evelyn Alt as its president and then proceeded to Ceil and Andy's (now Riverstone Grill) for their Christmas party on December 13, 1950. Thirty-three members attended.
Looking back 40 years - Golden Age Club members used 700 pine cones to construct an eight-foot wreath, a gift to the Knights of Columbus to show appreciation for allowing the Golden Age Club to meet in its hall. Among the members making the presentation were Director Gladys Smith, Millie Doyle, Larry Doyle, Sophie Zuchowski, Mae Anderson, Emil Anderson, Max Kortum and Lucy French.
Looking back 30 years - Matt Anderson received the champion award when Cub Pack 423 held its Pinewood Derby. David Capelli was runner-up. First Best Paint Job award went to Danny Linenfelser and Sean McMahon took the "Coolest." Quinn Wright was chairman of the event and made all of the awards for the Cubs.
Looking back 20 years - Yellow recycling boxes were first distributed December 15, 1990 from the Highway Garage and through the efforts of Councilwoman Marion Fabiano and Highway Superintendent Norm Mrkall. Collection of recyclable items was to begin January 2, 2001.
For GIHS senior Liam Dodd's half court basket at the Friday night basketball game, see Liam Dodd video. The Vikings lost to Amherst, however Liam's outstanding score was the highlight of the game.
Our sympathy to the families of Ron L. "Buffy" Borden, Lester H. Herrmann, Kathleen M. "Marge" Darby, Robert F. Cosgrove, Helen M. (Eck) Simpson, Fred R. Parks and former resident David "Nutzy" Yensan who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
A huge thank you to the members of our volunteer fire company who assist citizens and save lives on a daily basis. The company fought a working house fire for four hours Monday night, hampered by frigid temperatures and a frozen, out of service fire hydrant. We are truly sorry for what the homeowners, the Clarence and Yvonne Beard family, are going through.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Kaiser Funeral Home - Professional and Caring - 1950 Whitehaven Road
Century 21/Gerrie Andolina - Grand Island's longtime, #1 real estate agent
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
Mark J. Frentzel - Attorney At Law - Experience in all courts and all areas of law - 1763 Baseline Road
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
Santa will make his annual visit to Grand Island Town Hall on Friday.Rotary Club members will be at Top's Market Sunday for their annual “Undie Sunday” clothing collection. Trinity’s annual Christmas Concert will be given directly after church service on Sunday.Members of Harbor Lights Fellowship Church are having a Million Dollar Chili Fundraiser at the Riverstone Grill Monday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Good morning Debbie Becker in Watertown, NY and good morning Robert Bruno in Kenmore, NY.
To those of you across the country wondering about our Grand Island weather, thankfully we did not get any of the heavy snow that the surrounding areas got. It's dry and bright and sunny at the moment this Thursday afternoon. However, we are sorry to report that many of our off-Island friends are still stranded.
Happy birthday to Pat McNulty and Marcy Malecki (today), Tim Shaw (the big 4-0 today), Riley Crosby (her 6th birthday today), Tim Phillips (cheers tomorrow), our grandson Evan Linenfelser (a big 8 years old tomorrow), Natalie Carter (7 years old tomorrow), Jerry Thomas (best wishes on his 75th birthday Saturday), Pamela Lynne Cacciatore (Saturday), Aidan MacNeil (7 on Saturday), Arthura Vanheerde (hats, horns and confetti – Sunday’s her big day), Emily Englert and Jamie Raepple (20th birthdays on Saturday), Bob Bors (a big one on Saturday), Luke Gworek (4 on Saturday), Ruth Stahl (85 on Monday), Miranda Proctor (10 on Monday), Mike Cole (30 on Monday), Julia Capage (6 on Tuesday), Polly Smith (cheers on Wednesday) and nephew Danny Linenfelser (a fabulous 40 on Wednesday).
Bring on the holidays! Our Grand Island Community Chorus will present their holiday concert on Sunday evening and besides their beautiful choral music, they invite you to stay for a reception and pastry auction after the concert.
Wishing a speedy recovery to eight-year-old Mathew Aronica who is recuperating from surgery. Mathew is the son of Heather and Bob Aronica.
Drum roll! Lorie Digati rolled her first 300 (705) game bowling with the A-Best Ladies and earning the Century Award with 124 pins over her average. Congratulations to Steve Kessler on a fine 299 (771) game he rolled with the Friday Night Businessmen at Island Lanes this week.
Looking back 60 years - Charlotte Sidway School's PTA Recreational Committee sponsored a "Junior-Senior Teenager" dance in the gym from 8 p.m. to midnight on December 2, 1950. "Dude" McMullen, king of the accordion, and his boys provided the music and Mrs. Steck's Grand Island Baton Twirlers strutted their stuff during intermission. Boy Scouts Dick Hogue, Earl Long and Stuart Ellis passed requirements for 2nd class. Ed Zuchowski made the 1st class rank. During the meeting Boy Scout Melvin Butcher told of his thrilling experience in saving his baby brother's life by administering artificial respiration which he was trained in through the Boy Scout program
Looking back 50 years - Ricky Elias and Dan Stambaugh led the flag ceremony to open the Friday night Cub Pack 254 meeting in Kaegebein School. Cub Master Bill Kantenwein was assisted by Jim Brady.Members of the newly organized PTA Council, composed of the three Island schools (Sidway, Kaegebein and Huth), elected Mrs. Donald (Betty) Schopp president.
Looking back 40 years - Peter A. McMahon was elected president of the Grand Island Fire Company. The Grand Island Red Beret Junior Drum Corps officers for 1970-71 were President Jim Kaiser, Vice President Rom Figler, Secretary Barbara Krause, and Historian Patty Kaiser. The Red Berets were under direction of Bob and Etta Krause. Grand Island High School students Kyle Atkinson, John Russell, Vincent Stouter, Sally Sutter and Brooke Wood (Raham) were selected to the Erie County high school choir by audition and sang with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra in December 1970 in Kleinhans Music Hall.
Looking back 10 years - Grand Island's newest civic organization, the "Connections Program," was supporting collaborative efforts between various organizations to support youth through a mini-grant program.
Our sympathy to the family of Kelly Stein-Witt and former resident John "Sonny" Vinovrski Jr. who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Why leave the Island? Members of the Lions Club are selling Christmas trees at Kelly's Country Store . See Lions Club Christmas Tree Sale for days and times.
I've heard that the car break-ins are again happening in various parts of the Island. Lock your cars, folks.
The Historical Society's headquarters, River Lea in Beaver Island State Park, will be open Sunday from 1-4 p.m. A special feature will be harpist, Nellie Brown of East Amherst. Nellie provided very beautiful background music on her harp throughout this past Sunday's Christmas open house. Another feature of the day is an old fashioned country store where you can purchase all kinds of holiday decorations, Christmas cookies and lots more. The winner of the Redwork Square Baby Quilt raffle will be drawn on Sunday.
National Guard Airman First Class Michael A. Haner, son of Mitch and Marcia Haner, recently completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. Michael is a GIHS graduate, Class of 2008. Also completing basic training at Lackland Air Force Base is Airman Blake T. Rockwood, son of Timothy and Janice Rockwood. Blake is a GIHS graduate, Class of 2008.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
The Beach House Restaurant. - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on East River Road
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
X-Press One Hour Dry Cleaners - Charles and Carol Dunworth, 2275 Grand Island Blvd. - There is nothing like a fresh, crisp, commercially laundered dress shirt to help you feel good about yourself.
Metro Town Center - 1980 Whitehaven Road - Betty Harris - President/NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
For what's happening in our town, see our Calendar of Events
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, November 24, 2010
Good morning Donna (Crombie) Elliott in Northport, AL and good morning Patricia (Williams) Meyer in Elyria, OH.
Today is Wednesday, November 24th - the day before Thanksgiving and one day earlier than the Between the Bridges column usually appears.
Glad to hear that Jackie Filosofos' hip replacement surgery went well. Pray for her complete and speedy recovery.Happy Thanksgiving to Marianne and Jim Tranter. The good news is that Jim is on the mend and doing much better.To Harry Carter - Looking forward to hearing you are finally back to good health. We miss you, Harry. Friends of Dave (Nutsy) Yensan and Scott Wiesenberg are asked to keep them in your prayers.
A fundraiser is being held for Islander Joann Santospirito who has been diagnosed with cancer. The event will be held at Mallwitz's Island Lanes on Sunday, November 28th starting at 1 p.m.
Happy birthday to Chris Sipson and Betty Kaeffer (today), Judy Daggett (special greetings today), Al Rowswell (cheers today), Lois Morgan (tomorrow), Chuck Staub (a milestone tomorrow), Joe Samrany and Donna Rodriguez (best wishes on Friday), Tim Carr (a big one on Friday), Don Loder and Gladys Benzing (Sunday), Peter James Marston (his 3rd birthday on Sunday), Tom Volk (a big one this week), Jordyn Giambra (a teenager on Monday), Tim Burns (his 21st birthday on Monday), Chris Carter (21 on Tuesday), Mike Hillock (20 on Tuesday), Pat Yell (this week), and Scott Thompson (Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - Over 50 Masons met at the Buffalo Launch Club November 28, 1950 to discuss the formation of a lodge on Grand Island. Betty O'Dea (Carr) helped the Brownies of Troop 46 make wreath pins of green shells as Christmas presents.The Island's Civil Defense Director, Frank Klocke, reported in the weekly paper that Grand Island was being looked upon as an evacuation center as was the Hamburg Fair grounds. "In other words, should a bomb be dropped, either in Buffalo or Niagara Falls, we (Grand Islanders) will be called upon to care for the stricken populace." From the Across The Mahogany With Willie column in the Island Dispatch 60 years ago: "Speaking of TV, have you seen Dan Linenfelser on the Shoppers Guide? He does a nice job."
Looking back 40 years - Split end Mike Podlucky was named Ithaca College football team's most versatile performer for 1970.Mike McNulty shot a nine point deer while hunting in the area of Bedell Road with Terry Swain who helped him drag the big 213 pounder out. Builder Jack Lindelow's new apartments at Baseline near Bedell Road were completed.
Looking back 35 years - The Grand Island Fire Company put a new squad into action Monday, December 1, 1975. Squad Number 10 was to be composed entirely of members of the Ladies Auxiliary. The women were to be alerted via home receivers when they were needed to prepare food and coffee for volunteers fighting a fire. Fire Chief Donald Barth explained that the squad assignment would eliminate the need for numerous phone calls when the auxiliary’s service was needed. Chief Barth also announced the appointment of a fire-police squad in accordance with the company’s bylaws. Those assigned were Earl Eastman Sr., Nicholas Hy, Lawrence Runions, Arthur G. Wade, Thomas Tierney and Herbert Kranzman.
Our sympathy to the families of Alan J. Emery, G. James Frank, Raymond F. Jarzyniecki, and Pamela Helman who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Contour Financial Planning, L.L.C. - a financial planning and advisory firm
Dr. Kevin Augustine Chiropractic - Fast pain relief center
JJFashionTrends - featuring Freshwater Cultured Pearls, Stainless Steel Jewelry, Sterling Silver for both Men and Women and much more.
DeSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - Whitehaven near the Boulevard
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Remember to donate a box of "Jingles" cookies if you can. The High School kids are collecting the boxes for our soldiers overseas. Residents are invited to make their donation on the community donation day, Monday, November 29 at the high school.
Congratulations to E-1 Alexander R. Seyler who recently completed boot camp in the U. S. Navy. Alex, a Seaman Apprentice, is a Grand Island High School graduate, Class of 2009 and will be working in the field of intelligence.Congratulations to Cadet Kyle R. Oursler, son of Robert G. Oursler and Liane M.Guidotti. Kyle completed the Army Reserve Office Training Corps leader development and assessment course at Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Wash. He is a GIHS graduate, Class of 2007 and is a student at Canisius College.Accolades also to Pfc Thomas Shanor, U.S. Marines. See Pvt Shanor.
The Parks and Recreation Department has announced that temporary football fields will be set up at various locations for your Thanksgiving Day football games. See the football picture on our front page for exact information.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
A Community Thanksgiving Dinner presented by the parishioners of Island Presbyterian Church takes place on Thanksgiving Day.The annual Historical Society Christmas open house will be held Sunday (and again on Sunday, December 5). See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Happy Thanksgiving. In these difficult times, let's count our blessings and thank the Lord for all those things he's given us.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Good morning Diane (DiTullio) Muscoreil in Wilson, NY and good morning Kate (Koch) Nelson in Paradise, TX.
Jeff Stone has a lead role in the Niagara Regional Theatre Guild's production of "12 Angry Men," playing the persuasive Juror #8, "a role he was born to play." Rob Beach will be Juror No. 10, Tom Slaiman is Juror No. 6, and John Hageny is No 7. All are Island residents. The production will be performed this weekend at the Ellicott Creek Playhouse in Tonawanda.
"We are seeing increased calls for help, and lesser donations,” Neighbors Foundation President Hank Kammerer said this week. Please see the front page article and consider helping the Neighbors Foundation help those families in temporary need on Grand Island.
Happy anniversary to Don and Fran Burrows, married 45 years on Saturday; to Chris and Ray Gress celebrating 35 years on Monday; and to Vala and Spencer O’Boyle, marking their 30th wedding anniversary on Monday.
Happy birthday to Mike Gast and Kathy Podgorny (sharing a birthday today), Neil Tetkowski and Shani Hunt (tomorrow), Tom Boehm and Patrick Sexton (Saturday), Brad Wendling (Sunday), Tyler Lorence (5 on Sunday), Nathan Jayme and Chris Gress (Monday), Toireasa Bryan (Sweet 16 on Tuesday), Nick Tomkins (Tuesday), Chris Sipson and Betty Kaeffer (Wednesday), Judy Daggett (special greetings on Wednesday), and Al Rowswell (cheers on Wednesday).
The GIHS Class of 1986 will hold a 25th reunion on Saturday, July 2, 2011. More information is posted on Facebook or contact Marijane Smith.
A fund raiser for baby James Fox will be held at Island Lanes on Sunday. See Baby James for information.
For the truth about wireless phones and the National Do-Not-Call List, see the Federal Communications Commission's "Do Not Call" message. This is about our wireless telephone numbers being listed in a wireless 411 directory, making them available to telemarketers.
Looking back 60 years - Carleen Alt, in an elimination contest in the 8-10 age group, won a bike rodeo sponsored by the Safety Council of WNY and held in the 65th Armory on Saturday, Nov. 18, 1950. Carleen was considered one of the county's six best riders.
Looking back 40 years - The 1970 census listed Grand Island’s population at 13,827.
Looking back 10 years - The following was included in my November 20, 2000 column and refers to Monday, November 20, 2000. “Monday's snow storm had many of us more than a little concerned about our loved ones who were stranded on the thruway for seven or more hours. Grand Island was a blanket of snow with the trees heavy and beautiful when I left work at 4 p.m., but it was long before that, that a snow storm the likes of '77 was pelting Buffalo and south. My husband, Jim and son, Jim Jr., traveling from different areas, were both stranded for many hours on the New York State Thruway as were so many others. Daughter-in-law Laury, "Aunt" Penny and Uncle Dan Linenfelser never made it home until Tuesday. Niece Annie Linenfelser told me she left college about 1:30 p.m. and drove 15 mph for most of the distance back to the Island. A family friend who got caught up in a gridlock situation on Rt. 33 (Kensington Expressway) at 3 p.m. Monday, made it back to the Island early Wednesday morning after spending 36 hours going no where! Island roads remained clear and wet.” Remember?
Our sympathy to the families of Donna Anderson Walker, Anton Vogel and Robert E. Goelz Jr., who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.

P-39 Bell Airacobra
The following note was sent to me from former Love Road resident, John Grycel. “My Dad worked as an engineer for Bell Aircraft from 1941 to 1956. Most if not all of his time was spent at the Niagara Falls facility. His projects ranged from helicopters to rocket planes, I don't know if he had much to do with the P-39 but he shared many stories of it, the people and other Bell aircraft from his 15-year tenure at Bell; really a great place to work as a young aircraft engineer.” For this extremely interesting story, click After 60 yrs ... Bell Aircobra found intact! Thanks, John. John's dad, Felix Grycel, mentioned two other Islanders who worked at Bell - Bob Woods, a designer; and John Wheeler, a landing gear engineer.
Don't forget the Historical Society's two Christmas open houses at River Lea on Sundays, November 28th and December 5th from 1-4 p.m. The members of the Society have decorated their headquarters, the Lewis F. Allen farm house in Beaver Island Park, from top to bottom for Christmas.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Flower A Day Florist - Treat someone with flowers for Thanksgiving - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
Grand Island Central Federal Credit Union - Looking to buy or sell a home? Call Linda.
Pepper Mill Restaurant - good food, great menu on the Boulevard
Family Medicine Center - Wholehearted Care
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Katie Oursler reports that she has collected 2,481 boxes of stuffing mix and $1800 but that there are still many more donations coming in. For those who aren't aware of Katie's efforts, see "Stuffing." We'll have a full report soon.
Our Grand Island High School students, faculty and staff are conducting a drive to send Jingles cookies to our soldiers overseas. See "Cookies". What a great idea.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The annual Grand Island Memorial Library discarded book sale takes place tomorrow and Saturday. A Hot Turkey Sandwich Dinner takes place at the VFW Post on Saturday.The annual Grand Island Ministerium Ecumenical Thanksgiving service will take place Sunday at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. The Rotary Club’s annual clothing collection (Undie Sunday), starts on Monday and continues for two weeks. A Community Thanksgiving Dinner is being held on Thanksgiving Day at Island Presbyterian Church. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Next week's Isledegrande.com will be posted on Wednesday.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Good morning Mike Skotnicki in Ecorse, MI and good morning Kenneth Mock in Tonawanda, NY.
A new baby has arrived and his grandparents are excited to share the news. George and Gail Allen's grandson, Nicholas Anthony Rogers, arrived on October 8th weighing five pounds, 12 ounces and is 19 inches long. He is the son of Mark and Bonnie Rogers of Niagara Falls and has a brother, Noah who will be 2 years old on November 29th. Grandparents also include Dorothy Rogers of Niagara Falls. The baby's great grandparents are Dorothy Lovelee of Grand Island and Harold Allen of Niagara Falls.
Congratulations to Andy Wheeler on his 300-733 game this week while bowling with the A-Best Roofing league at Mallwitz's Island Lanes.
Happy birthday Helen McMahon (9 today), Carolyn Gentz (today), Lucia Roesch (two today), Elaine Stedman (tomorrow), Pam Barton (Saturday), Brooke VeRost (9 on Saturday), Mary Burngasser (Sunday), Sarah Ann Brand (6 on Sunday), David Butcher (cheers on Sunday), Mike Madia II (cake and candles on Monday), Cyndi Booker (Monday), John Gaydica (Drum Roll . . . on Tuesday), Sierra Maras (10 on Tuesday), Scott Kalman (Tuesday), Annabelle Linenfelser (3 on Tuesday), Carol Rae (her 60th on Wednesday), and Judy Penque and Joe Lovetro Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - The Sidway School fifth grade classes of Mrs. Adamine Kennelly and Mrs. Beatrice Cady traveled by bus to Tonawanda and on to Lockport along the banks of the Erie Barge Canal where they witnessed the passage of a number of tugs and barges through the locks. Trinity Choir members recorded two hymns under the technical supervision of Tom Zarbo, a member of the Young Adult Fellowship. The 10", 78 rpm record was available at $1.25.
Looking back 50 years - The Fire Company’s new truck house at the corner of Stony Point and Huth roads was completed and Truck #2 transferred there.The PTA Council composed of the three Island schools was organized on Thursday, November 16, 1960. Tonawanda High Will Not Accept Island Grads was the headline in the weekly paper on November 17, 1960. The school board immediately began to look to other areas to accept the 135 ninth graders who would graduate from Sidway Jr. High in June.George L. Thorne was appointed town supervisor to fill the vacancy of George J. Burgstahler who resigned.The PTA Council composed of the three Island schools was organized on Thursday, November 16, 1960.
Looking back 40 years - The Grand Island Art Society was founded 40 years ago and the Grand Island Snowmobile Club had its beginnings when Don Bartlett organized volunteer snowmobile assistance by Island residents in 1970. The Art Society is no longer, however, the Snowmobile Club is still going strong.
Our sympathy to the families of Henry Olrogge Jr., John Eichel, Luke C. Owens Jr., Robert K. Busch, and former resident Shari Ann (Castiglia) DeBellis who recently passed away. Friends of Mary L. Parker are invited to attend a Memorial Service, 11 a.m., Saturday, November 13 at Council #4752 Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Family Medicine Center - Wholehearted Care
Dr. Kevin Augustine Chiropractic - Fast pain relief center - Grand Island Blvd.
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself or see our front page for a Mothers Monogram Bracelet - Whitehaven near the Boulevard
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Speaking of Jodi Robinson, her recipe column this week features pies - Cranberry Chocolate Nut, Mile-High Caramel Apple, Cherry-Cranberry and Caramel-Pecan French Silk Pie. Sound good? Check out Food/Recipes. Yummy!
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Town of Grand Island's annual Veterans Day program is being held at 11 a.m. this morning. A Wine Tasting Party to benefit Dollars For Scholars will be presented tomorrow. The annual NHS Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser will be held tomorrow in the High School's large cafeteria.Members of the GIHS Spotlighters will present their fall production, Into the Frying Pan on Friday. GISBA sponsors a basketball game between the Buffalo Sabres Alumni and the Grand Island schools' faculty and staff on Tuesday. A Comprehensive College Planning Workshop is being held at the Library on Tuesday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Veterans, we salute and thank each and every one of you on this Veterans Day. We must remember those who served in all wars, and those who are serving or will serve our country now and in the future. Thanks to our armed forces, we have much to be grateful for.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Good morning Vince Laible in Boca Raton, FL and good morning Dorothy Dillemuth in Washington, PA.
Unofficially, approximately 8000 Grand Island residents voted on Tuesday. According to Supervisor Peter McMahon, there are approximately 13,500 registered voters on the Island and about 60% turned out at the polls. No final "official" numbers yet, due to several hundred emergency paper ballots left to be counted.
A very happy anniversary to Evelyn and Krist Haag celebrating their 5th anniversary today, and to Cathy and Noel Wilhelm who will mark their 40th anniversary on Monday, November 8th.
Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 7th.
Click the late Puppet DiTullio for an interesting interview by former resident Gary Larsen. A Google search of James "Puppet" DiTullio brings up 5,160 results including the following:
www.cycledrag.com and scroll down
and www.cycledrag.com/news
Happy birthday to John Pedlow (today), Jared Billica (20 today), Jacob Schmidt (21 today), Alli DeMartin (12 today), John Pullano (cheers tomorrow), Casey Carminati (her 20th tomorrow), Alyson Czerwonka (7 tomorrow), Ashley Braddell (20 on Saturday), Robert Arch (8 on Saturday), Ian Estenoz (a teenager on Saturday), Jackie Mordaunt (Sunday), Lois Affuso and Carl Lamancuso (cake and candles on Monday), Scott Hammond (Monday), Grace Kulikowski (15 on Monday), Gary Long (65 on Tuesday), Becky Mason (Tuesday), Lee Becker (his 20th on Wednesday), Paul Prange (a milestone on Wednesday), and Katie Samland (18 on Wednesday).
Congratulations to Tom Scott on his first 300 in a 754 series, bowling this week with the Mixed Couples Belles & Beaus league at Mallwitz's Island Lanes.
Looking back 60 years - Ground breaking ceremonies for the first St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church took place Sunday, November 5, 1950. The new building would be Grand Island's first post war church. Members of the Sandy Beach Property Owners Association laid the pipe for a skating rink on the first Saturday in November 1950.
Looking back 50 years - November 1960 election day saw a record voter turnout, 4117, on the Island with 2622 cast for the Nixon-Lodge ticket, 1424 for the Kennedy-Johnson team, and one vote for Socialist Worker Harry Dobbs. The nation elected JFK .Declared best square dancers at the 7th grade Halloween dance at Sidway Jr. High were Blaise Rindone and Pam Pettitt.
Looking back 40 years - Night O Memories, a talent show held in the Grand Island High School auditorium on November 6-7, 1970 was for the benefit of restoring St. Stephen's Church on Baseline Road. Bill Mohan served as master of ceremonies. Co-Chairs were Pat Rupp and Eleanor Mulcahy; props Joan Pax; costumes, Rosemary Sweeney; makeup, Irene Bates; publicity, Marion Klingel; Posters, Jo Sceusa and Maureen Kehoe; tickets, John Drexelius; wardrobe mistress, Miriam Macguire. Father Tom Mitchell and Jim Lindelow played a banjo and guitar duet. Monsignor Paul Eberz and Don Burns accompanied the sing-a-longs and Sybil Kennedy accompanied the other acts.
Looking back 30 years - James R. Sharpe was elected new president of Grand Island Taxpayers Association on November 5, 1980.
Looking back 25 years - Grand Island Republicans whooped it up at Holiday Inn while Democrats cheered at the Bedell House on election night 1985, when the GOPs and the Dems celebrated election victories as the final votes were counted. Candidates on both sides of the political fence waged clean campaigns. Fingerpointing and mudslinging were just about nil. High vote-getter was Councilman James H. Pax and high vote-getter for the Dems was Daniel A. Linenfelser Jr. who was elected town councilman. LaVerne Luther beat out Marty Prast for supervisor.
Our sympathy to the families of Joseph J. Stefaniak and former resident Mary F. DeMike who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? Call Linda.
Five-Star Landscaping - a locally owned and family operated company that prides itself on providing a "five-star" level of customer service
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Hats off to Coach Traci Goc and her championship Jr. Viking White Team Cheerleaders. See Jr. Viking Cheerleaders for details.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Grand Island Historical Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight. The VNA will offer Flu & Pneumonia Vaccinations at the Grand Island Memorial Library on Saturday. St. Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center will host a Fall Festival and Basket Raffle on Saturday. One Island, One Team, One Dream, To Be Drug Free will meet 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Good morning Frank Budwey in North Tonawanda, NY and good morning Peter Fahrer in West Seneca NY.
A speedy recovery and happy birthday to Maria Territo. Maria will turn 14 on Monday and is presently in Boston recovering from an accident back in July. Be sure to see Maria's Journal. For those who would like to send her a card or note, her address is:
Crescent Suites
287 Crescent Street
Waltham, MA 02453
Fire Chief Greg Butcher invites all Grand Island children to visit all three Grand Island Fire Company Truck Houses for treats on Halloween between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Katie Oursler, a senior at GIHS, is heading up a campaign to collect 4000 boxes of stuffing to be donated to the Buffalo City Mission. The Mission will be providing hot Thanksgiving dinners to people in need of food and comfort and delivery people are also needed. For details, see Katie's Letter To The Editor
Best wishes to Kari and Dan Klos who will celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Good news! Kari and Dan are about to move back to the Island.
Happy birthday to Jimmy Stewart (18 today), Rosemary Fiolkowski (today), Jim Sargent and Cindy Prine (tomorrow), Julie Dee and Allen Glessner (sharing a birthday on Saturday), Tommy Krause (20 on Sunday), Morgan Proctor (7 on Sunday), Emily Fred (10 on Monday), Andy Chambers (Monday), Tom Hayes and Carol Gross (Tuesday), Don Livingston (a milestone on Wednesday) and Mary Carminati (Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - Neighborhood children in the West River Road/Sunset Drive area who were treated to a Halloween party in October 1950 were Annette Smith, Marianne Shear (Tranter), Melanie and Norene Miller, Bobby Tranter and Terry Swain. Party hostess was Miss Gail Burgstahler (Rothenberg). Prize winners at the Sandy Beach Halloween Party for the older children in 1950 were Margaret Linton (Ciccarellli), Doreen Gerg (Ingram), Evelyn Sarokon (Maryanski), Lois Etta Taylor, Ronny Livingston and Arthur Taylor. Carl Anderson, Marion Schnitter and Kenny Maurer tied for first place costumes at the Bedell House that same year. Sidway School costume winners in 1950 were Ann Wallace (Arlessi), Carlton Schutt and Larry Bell.
Looking back 50 years - Ground breaking for the Bible Presbyterian Church on Love Road took place on October 30, 1960. Pictured on the front page of the Island Dispatch 50 years ago were Sonja Miller, Richard Gibbons, Linda Schuecker, Ruth Burkhardt, Jerry Breazeale, Peggy Cotter (Will), Richard Yensan, Sara Staub and Karyl Reinauer. Some of those students were ninth graders who did the Sidway Class of ‘61 initiation and others were 7th graders who were initiated. Bells IGA employees dressed 'western' 50 years ago to promote Chuckwagon Beef. Those pictured in the local weekly paper included Floyd Anderson, Robert Davisson, Charles (Bob) Smith, William Dunshie, Manager James Rogan, owner Jessie Reese, Jane Langdon, Edna Sarokon, Mary Ford, Dorothy Wielenbeck, Marcy Mulvena, and Ken Andrus. The store was located on the north west corner at Whitehaven and the Boulevard on what is now town hall property. Bernie Callahan, dressed as a cannibal, “shot one of the highest sets rolled by a woman at the Grand Island Recreation" - 239-206-158 (603) in the Wednesday Grand Island Belles League.” GI Recreation is now Mallwitz’s Island Lanes. Cub Pack 254 held its monthly pack meeting October 28, 1960 with 36 boys and their families attending. Mrs. Rae Wiedemer showed slides taken at the Cub Scout Circus three years before.
Looking back 25 years - The GIHS Girls Swim Team ended the season as Niagara Frontier League champions with a 9-0 record,. The Island's Teachers Conference Day on Friday, November 2, 1985 included workshops on “Word Processing” and “What’s New in Software,” by Huth Road teacher Jackie Kazmierczak; “Launch” (Gifted and Talented Program) presented by Launch teacher Anita Romagnoli (DeGlopper); and “Elements of Instruction” by Huth Road Principal Peg Koppmann and teacher Lillian Wosilait.
Our sympathy to the families of Michael R. Panowicz, John E. Achkar, Michael M. Cutting, Paul V. Harper, Mary L. Parker, Beverly Ann Gerwitz and former residents Rose H. Reid, Doris M. Michaels and Beth (Robinson) Judson who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
The Fire Company Ladies had a successful chowder sale on Saturday. There is still a small quantity of frozen quarts available. Call Auxiliary President Nicole Butcher, 773-1685, to pick up a couple quarts for your freezer. Hunters, take note!
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
White, White & Cich Financial - Specializing in producing informative seminars
Dog Crate Central - high quality wood dog crates, pet crates and portable dog crates - and she's local
Bergen & Schiffmacher, LLP - Read their record - they get it done
Tim Phillips Garage - full-service automotive repair - preventive maintenance center - and on the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
A benefit race, “Strides for Stewart 2 Benefit ECMC,” takes place on Saturday.Trinity Church and the Grand Island Girl Scouts will hold Trunk or Treat and Haunted House from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. Tricks-or-Treat hours on the Island will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. Polls will be open on Tuesday, Election Day.See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Good morning Stan Pasek in Homosassa, Fl and good morning Terry Guilfoil Aycrigg in Maitland, FL.
Happy 60th wedding anniversary to Earl and Rita DeGlopper and may you celebrate many, many more anniversaries. The DeGloppers were married October 21, 1950. Best wishes also to Tracy and Bobby Williams marking their 5th anniversary tomorrow, and to Sylvia and David Long who will be married 45 years on Saturday.
Tricks-or-Treating hours here on the Island are from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Halloween night, Sunday, October 31st. The hours were previously announced incorrectly.
A speedy recovery goes out to Harry Carter who is dealing with a painful health problem.

Kevin Koch is celebrating a milestone birthday on Saturday and even though I ran this photo only a couple years ago, it is a classic worth enjoying again. Right, Kevin? Hope your birthday is as much fun as you are. A very happy birthday to Danielle Soluri and Laury Linenfelser (today), to Marge Costello (a milestone birthday today), Rom Figler (tomorrow), Anthony Daubney (20 tomorrow), Chase Harding (six on Saturday), baby Zakary Joseph Massaro (first birthday on Saturday), Ed Moore (Sunday), our grandson John Bidell (21 on Monday), Joshua McMahon (6 on Monday), Kathy Ricci (Monday), Richard Lozo (a big one on Tuesday), twin babies Maxx Russell and Calleigh Lynn Anderson (first birthdays on Tuesday), Jovana Bichler (Tuesday), baby Kelly Lynn Coram (first birthday Tuesday), and Dominic Cannata (19 on Wednesday).
Looking back 40 years - "The Case of the Giggling Goblin" was produced by the Kaegebein School 4th grade classes of Mrs. Louise Baldwin and Miss Betty Long and assisted by student teacher Miss Susan Fleming (Brusino). Sheila Boss took the part of Giggling Gladys and Drew Chapman was Judge Jack-o-lantern. Among other cast members were Charles Allaire, Charles Carter, Mary Moynihan, Janice Muoio, Billy Joe Gorrell, Mike Dillemuth and Laura Davern.
Looking back 25 years - Aries Triangle #131 of Grand Island elected Debra Couch as Beloved Queen and Mrs. Irene Ehde as Jr. Deputy at its annual election dinner in the Masonic Temple on Ferry Road on October 14, 1985.The GI boys cross country team won Niagara Frontier League championship for the second consecutive year by winning the NFL meet at Beaver Island on October 26, 1985. The opening service for the new Whitehaven Road Baptist Church was held in 1985.
Looking back 10 years - I posted this announcement just ten years ago as we began the Isledegrande.com that turned out to be Grand Island's #1 news source. "Keep an eye on this website for you are about to see some major additions in the form of Grand Island news stories and pictures. Island business owners should take a look at GIECOM.net where all local businesses should be listed with phone numbers and addresses. It is a free service and if you find yours is not there, just let us know."
Please support our troops. Family members, let us know about your sons and daughters, our soldiers.
The Town of Grand Island will be honoring Veterans of past military campaigns during its annual Veterans Day program and you may be able to help. See "Veterans Day" for complete information.
Congratulations to Jason Meinhart who bowled a 290 in a high 807 series at Island Lanes.
Our sympathy to the families of Lyn Finney, James "Puppet" DiTullio and former resident Charles V. Wermuth Jr., who recently passed away. A memorial service is being held for Margaret Villano and Dr. Jeri A. Villano. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Marston Power Equipment - Snow, Lawn & Safety Equipment/Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
Robert M. Ratajczak, Jr., Attorney - Striving to make legal services simpler and cost effective.
Realty USA/Liz Wilbert - Local, experienced realtor - Buying? Selling? Give her a call.
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

The Driscoll family at 26 Bluejay Lane has some delightful Halloween decorations. The whole yard is decorated. "It seems every year it gets bigger!" a family member said this week. Take a look, folks!
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Grand Island Fire Company’s Ladies Auxiliary will hold their annual Fall Chowder and Baked Goods Sale Saturday. The Grand Island High School Boys Volleyball Team will host a volleyball tournament beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday. A fundraiser for Mike Anderson, Grand Island Firefighter and Army National Guardsmen, will be held on Saturday, October 23 at the Ellicott Square Building in downtown Buffalo.The Grand Island Golden Age Club's Holiday Happenings takes place on Sunday. A community presentation on bullying takes place Monday evening in the High School auditorium. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Good morning Wayne Hallett in Warner Springs, CA and good morning Wendy Gaydica in Clarence, NY.
It's a pleasure to wish Gary and Carol Roesch a happy anniversary. They will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, the 20th.
Keep the prayers coming for Shorty Vanthoff and Pup DiTullio. It's been a tough week for both of them.
Happy birthday to Kyle Oursler (21 today), to Ashley Battaglia (6 today), Shirley Luther, Vickie Wright and Jim Criddle (tomorrow), Kalli Pedlow (18 tomorrow), Margie Cinelli (special greetings on Saturday), Clare Conboy (two years old on Saturday), Jack Hammond and Karen Figler (Sunday), Sue Bauer (cheers on Sunday), Jenna Giambra (8 on Sunday), baby Julius Byron Jeraquel Schopp (first birthday on Sunday), Aidan Daly (3 on Monday), Heidi Sue McCormick and Paul Linenfelser Jr. (Tuesday), Lucas Hooper (7 on Tuesday), Ryan Pinzel (7 on Wednesday), and Joe Macaluso (best wishes on Wednesday).
Our Grand Island Historical Society Christmas Luncheons are being brought back this year by popular demand. Call Carol Moore at 773-3817 for information and reservations.
For an interesting story on Bob Weaver see www.vsca.com. Thanks to Ed McCaffery for sharing this.
Looking back 60 years - Crosley and G.E. television sets were available at Service Center Appliances on Express Highway (GI Blvd.) in the same building that now houses Dave Pelosi's Contract Interiors and Lynda Gieselman’s Island Pets and Feed.
Looking back 50 years - Former Supervisor George J. Burgstahler turned the first shovel of dirt in ground breaking ceremonies for Fantasy Island on Saturday October 15, 1960. Commander Kenny Maurer and members of the American Legion requested permission from the town board to move the WWII Placque with names of those who died in that war, to the triangular park at Baseline and Grand Island Blvd. Beginning October 16, 1960, we no longer needed to dial "9" for our phone calls to Buffalo and Tonawanda.
Looking back 20 years - John Amschler and Alison Smith (DeGlopper) were voted King and Queen of the GIHS Homecoming in 1990.Among winners of the School Transportation Department's School Bus Safety contest in October 1990 and receiving prizes of portable radios were Jeff Ryan and Kristen Koch.
Our sympathy to the families of Louis R. Macchioni, Skip Oursler, Robert John “RJ” Miller Jr., Irene L. Piszczek and former residents Carmen B. Herlan and Scott W. Shipman, who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Our Grand Island High School Lady Vikings Soccer Team is still undefeated 11-0-1 as of Monday, October 11th! Go Vikings!The high school boys volleyball team will host the annual Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, October 23rd at the high school. All proceeds will be used solely to support the Grand Island Boys Volleyball Team. To make a donation, contact parent representative, Ann Bolton, at 773-9223 or 418-2107 as soon as possible. See Volleyball Tournament for complete information.
Congratulations to Mike Johnson who rolled a 300 (769) while bowling with the A-Best Roofing league at Island Lanes.
Attention, pet lovers! Please check our "Classifieds" if you have recently seen or acquired what seems to be a lost/abandoned pet. Over the past six months, we've posted several missing cats.
Just a reminder that the Ladies Auxiliary of the Grand Island Fire Company will hold their annual Fall Chowder and Baked Goods Sale "next" Saturday, October 23rd. Mark your calendar.
Bob Beach sent this "roundabouts" link to me and I found it very interesting. Hope you do, too. You may have to click the 15 mph sign for a larger view.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
John's Pizza & Subs - Delicious Pizza - wonderful menu - Grand Island Blvd.
Grand Island Chiropractic - Why leave the Island for the help you need?
Rose Liquor Store - Full line of wines and liquors - great discounts
Miss Cathy's Dance Academy - Talented Faculty - Classes for All Ages including Adult Tap Class
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The VFW Ladies Auxiliary will host their annual Chili cook-off on Saturday.The Historical Society will hold an open house on Sunday. Grand Island Professional Women's Chapter, NYS Women, Inc. will present a Health Seminar on Wednesday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Good morning Laurie (Henderson) Braddell in Las Vegas and good morning Betty (Dohn) Ashley in St. Petersburg, FL.
Terry Endres turns 50 today and according to Mike, will celebrate with their kids who are coming home for the occasion. Jill is coming in from Sydney, Australia where she is living and working, Katie is coming in from Manhattan where she is a college senior at F.I.T (Fashion Institute of Technology), and Al is coming in from Pottstown, PA where he is a high school senior at The Hill School. Happy birthday, Terry.
Best wishes to Molly and David Linenfelser who just celebrated their first wedding anniversary yesterday.Happy 10th anniversary to Karen and Reed Wright, married 10 years ago on this date.

Pvt. Anthony John Guenther, serving his country with the U.S. Marines and stationed in Little Rock, Arkansas, will celebrate his 20th birthday on Saturday. Happy birthday, AJ.
Happy birthday to Carol Ann Weingartner and Bev Mikulski (today), Ryan Ayers (21 today), Michael Christensen (6 today), baby Morgan Elizabeth Capage (her first birthday today), Jacqueline Kenney (cheers tomorrow), Rosemary Ryan and Jerry Page (tomorrow), Taylor Duscher (4 on Saturday), Paula Tickner (Saturday), soccer mom Sandi Cunningham (Saturday), Carl Lamancuso (Saturday’s Carl’s big day), Lauren Brindisi (20 on Saturday), Gary Bartlett (cheers on Sunday - see below), Ray Billica (Sunday), Jim Kaiser (Tuesday), Marissa Mrkall (4 on Tuesday), Janet Lee Sunderland Bangs (Wednesday) and Dylan Castiglia (3 on Wednesday).
Nanette Jacobs Haller sent me this link that lets you find details for members of the Armed Service who lost their lives in the Viet Nam War. Thanks, Nan. See http://www.virtualwall.org/iStates.htm.

Click the photo for a larger view
Paul Malecki is still pretty thrilled with his skydiving adventure, part of his 70th birthday celebration in June. He reports that 20 friends (18 women) are anxious to join him the next time. No sense slowing down now, Paul!
Looking back 60 years - The single span north and south Grand Island Bridges were operated by the NYS Thruway Authority as of Tuesday, October 10, 1950 and, according to the weekly paper, would "continue as a toll bridge for possibly two years or until the Authority issues special licenses for those using the new road system." Gary Bartlett celebrated his 10th birthday on October 10, 1950 by taking 14 friends to see the movie, "Broken Arrow," and then treating them to pop, cake and ice cream at Larson's across from St. Stephen's Church. Happy birthday, Gary!
Looking back 40 years - Andy Chambers, racing his all-terrain for the first time, brought home three 1st place trophies from the Jaycee's Rally in Akron, Ohio on October 11, 1970. Driving a 6-wheel Sperry Rand "Wedge," he took first in his class, 2nd in 4-wheel division and 3rd in 3-wheeler class. He also took a 2nd in drag racing. Wearing brand new uniforms purchased through the efforts of Dr. Sam Long and the Chamber of Commerce, the Grand Island High School Marching Band presented a half time program on October 10, 1970 featuring music from the "Sound of Music." For their finale, band members went into two huge "C" formations in thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for their new uniforms.
Looking back 30 years - Island resident Elsie Berger's Niatross, referred to as a wonder horse, won the $175,522 Messinger Stakes at Roosevelt Raceway Saturday, October 11, 1980.
Looking back 25 years - Swimmers Ann Walker, Kim Wetterau, Ann Marie Wozniak and Dana Anello helped the GI Varsity Girls Swim Team make history October 1, 1985 when the team beat Lockport, defending Section VI champions, 45-30, the first time in five years. GI boys’ and girls’ cross country teams remained undefeated. The boys shut out both Nichols and Tonawanda. 15-50 (lowest wins) as reported in the local weekly paper. Team leaders were Jim Dunlop, Todd Moses and Dan Laughlin along with John Furgele, Brent Fred and Pat Birt. The girls defeated Tonawanda 8-13 with Jackie Ekiss winning the race and Sandy Lare and Carol deNeufville in 2nd and 5th respectively.
Please keep the prayers going out for Keith Sciandra. Praying for your complete recovery, Keith.
Mike Mallwitz was top bowler in the Heatwave H&C League at Island Lanes this week with a 297 in a 742 series. Congratulations, Mike.
Our sympathy to the families of Antoinette Bojan, Reta D’Orazio and Sheryl Anne Fiedler who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please support our local SPCA. We are the extremely happy owners of a tiny calico kitten and have found a multitude of reasons to adopt a pet from the SPCA. We're calling her Callie Nicole. It was our grandson, Evan's suggestion to name her after his aunt, Nicole Roesch! We're sure Nikki will be very pleased!
For those of you who don't know, Grand Island high school students traveled to Riverside High School in Buffalo as well as other high schools for years before our own high school was built and opened in 1963. So thanks to Bill Marble, a member of the Riverside High School Class of 1961, who has sent information on Friday evening's dedication of the school's newly renovated football field that will take place at about 6:30 p.m. - before the 7 p.m. game between Riverside and Lockport. The stadium is being named "for our beloved Coach, Charlie Dingboom."
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Elderwood at Riverwood - convenient healthcare center on Grand Island Blvd
Blue Water Marina - storage, docking, and boating and fishing supplies - East River Road in historic Ferry Village
Sherry McDonald/RealtyUSA - A local real estate agent who knows the Island
Keller Insurance Group - Keller Cares - a full service insurance agency
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Grand Island Historical Society meets tonight and offers what sounds like a very interesting program!The Fire Company has a lot going on tomorrow evening during its Fire Prevention Open House including hot dogs, hamburgers and snacks by the Ladies Auxiliary.Schools are closed Monday (Columbus Day holiday).One Island, One Team, One Dream, To Be Drug Free meets Tuesday afternoon.An assembly on 'Cyber-Bullying' will be presented to parents and the community in the Grand Island High School Auditorium on Tuesday evening.The VFW Ladies Auxiliary's annual Chili cook-off is a week away. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Good morning Fred Schutt in Billings, MT and good morning John MacGaffick in Rome, NY.
Now this music makes my heart sing! Brought to my attention by Earl DeGlopper is a video of Gene Simmons & the band, "KISS," filmed in Iraq at a USO tour of a US Marine Base. Just click www.youtube.com for the music of our armed forces.
Happy birthday to Shorty Vanthoff, Vikki Smith and Mary Minton (today), Faith Caldwell (6 today), Betty Jane Penque (cheers on Saturday), Jaidan Hiam (10 on Saturday), Kevin Doring (a milestone on Saturday), Lindsey Boyle (20 on Saturday), Meaghan Russell (21 on Saturday), Mark Eberhard (21 on Sunday), Rick Krystof and Shirley Beck (Sunday), Jim Goulah (a big one on Monday), Marilyn Gratto and Betty Magnuson (best wishes to both on Tuesday), Dylan Russo (9 on Tuesday), Mallory Zilliox (21 on Tuesday), Rebekah Thompson (6 on Tuesday), and Matthew Pietrzak (his 21st birthday on Wednesday).
Best wishes to the following who are celebrating wedding anniversaries: Steve and Dr. Barb Stouter (15 years today), Janet and Jack Sentz (45 years on Saturday), Barbara and Gordon Bucknam (also 45 years on Saturday), Richard and Diane Gurbacki (40 years on Sunday), Donna and Paul Linenfelser (25 years on Tuesday), and Chuck and Carol Dunworth (15 years on Wednesday),
The next Historical Society meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 7:30 p.m. will feature a program on "Privies - A Time Capsule in Your Backyard" by Peter Jablonski. The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the Society's headquarters, River Lea in Beaver Island State Park. The building will also be open from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, October 17th.
Looking back 60 years - Pat Hoctor's latest catch in the Niagara River in late September 1950 was a 120 pound, six-foot sturgeon. The Club rooms of the Grand Island Fire Company were raided Thursday, October 5, 1950 by State Troopers. Five slot machines were seized and a fine of $50 for possession of the machines was levied against the corporation. Justice Harold Long suspended the sentence and ordered the machines destroyed.
Looking back 30 years - New Catholic Youth Organization officers of St. Stephen's Church were honored in September 1980 at a Folk Mass followed by dinner with their families at Smugglers Inn, just over the south Grand Island Bridge. Officers at the time were Brian Sullivan, Janet Hawley, Annie Fabiano, David Dietrich and Frank Cannata.
Looking back 25 years - Grand Island’s first liquor store, operated by Harold Goldbach at 1736 Grand Island Blvd., closed on September 30, 1985. Quarterback Dean Santorio threw for three touchdowns, two to Jamie Eichel and one to Mark DiMartile to help the Varsity Vikings shut out the Niagara Falls Power Cats 34-0 on Saturday, September 21, 1985. Running back Todd Petrilla and Brett Buzby each scored once. The luncheon committee for the 75th anniversary celebration of Emmanuel United Methodist Church included Leona Hopper, Maryan Traun, Emory Ashley, Stella Ashley and Yvonne Martin. The celebration was held Sunday, September 29, 1985 recognizing the founding of the congregation, which first met in homes and then in a district schoolhouse before its first church was built on Ferry Road near East River Road and dedicated in August 1913. First services in the little chapel, then known as the Bush Mission, were conducted by the Rev. Jacob Rothen. Louisa A. Pettit served for many years as Sunday School superintendent, with the help of Lillian Tucker.
Looking back 20 years - Beth Pusatier was the recipient of the Marcia Witte Award, "for doing without ever asking why," during the Islettes Baton and Drum Corps awards banquet in September 1990. The coveted Most Valuable Islettes Award went to Susan Marie Wozniak. Director of the baton twirlers was and still is Heidi Sue Mumm (McCormick).
Our sympathy to the families of Mieko "Mikki" Miller, Alfreda Chapin and Thomas G. Sander who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Former resident and well known physician, Dr. David Johnson, was featured in the Buffalo News yesterday. For the very interesting story, see Buffalo News Feature by News staff reporter Gene Warner.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Allstate Mastantuono Agency - Not sure if you have the insurance coverage you need? Contact the Mastantuono Agency.
Aceti's Wine & Spirits - Watch for new and larger location next to Tops Market.
Inside & Out Home Imp. - Locally owned and operated - FREE estimates
Justin Tyme Cafe On The River - Best beef on weck in the Falls - Buffalo Avenue
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Our GIHS Girls Soccer Team continues to shut out their opponents a couple times a week. See the GIHS Sports Briefs page for details. The Varsity Vikings Football Team beat Starpoint 28 - 21 last Saturday and will meet Williamsville East at 2 p.m. this Saturday for the Homecoming game on Masters Field behind the high school. Go Vikings!
It may seem early to announce Halloween hours for tricks-or-treating on the Island, however I have had several requests for the information. Supervisor Peter McMahon has announced hours are from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, October 31st.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Shredd & Ragan Show will broadcast from the Beaver Island Club in the park today from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The twelfth annual St. Stephen’s Golf Challenge will take place on Monday at the Niagara Frontier Country Club in Youngstown.See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Good morning Pat Stamler in Nampa, ID and good morning Marcia (Hughes) Woerman in Chandler, AZ.
Dale Sandish, GIHS Class of 1979, has come back to town from years of success in theatre to direct the current production of Forever Plaid at the Kavinoky Theatre (D'Youville College). The production runs through October 10. A "Director's Note" in the Kavinoky Play Bill mentions his nostalgia of driving past his former family home on Colonial Drive while he was at Niagara U taking theatre courses. Dale has made a career out of Forever Plaid, performing and directing it at sea on cruise ships, and across the country, most recently in Las Vegas. According to friend and "reporter," Henry Kammerer, "The play is great, even better than a good version of "Forever Plaid" we saw at Artpark at the Church several years ago." Thanks, Hank, and thanks especially for the note about my being much too young to feel "the nostalgia we feel for those 50's and early 60's songs they feature in Forever Plaid!" See 9/14/10 Buffalo News for a great review by News Arts Reviewer Colin Dabkowski and featuring Grand Island's own Dale Sandish.
Best wishes to Gifford and Barbara Peck who will mark their 50th anniversary tomorrow, and to Dave and Laurie Williams who will be married 25 years on Monday.
Happy birthday to Kenny Martina (18 today), Sandy Larsen (today), Frank Penque (cheers today), Betsy Cali and Eric Stefik (tomorrow), David Rodriguez (a teenager tomorrow), John Jasper (tomorrow’s the big day), Rick Pelham (Saturday), Samuel Carpenter (7 on Saturday), Jackie Robinson Steckleberg and her twin sister, Lori Robinson Boulden (special greetings on Sunday), Sean Christian Rustowicz (9 on Sunday), Nicholas Csendom (20 on Sunday), Alice Gerard and Kathleen Stein (Monday), Jacob Cali (6 on Monday), Corky Carter (his 75th on Monday), Anthony Ramirez (21 on Tuesday), Nicholas Dodge (Tuesday), Bridget Anderson (best wishes on Tuesday), Cappy Cooke (his 18th on Tuesday), Claire Cinelli (Tuesday), and Joanne Grycel Casey (a milestone on Wednesday).
A cheery hello to Pat McNulty. Hope you are feeling better today.
We've all read or heard about the 33 minors trapped 2230 feet underground in Chile. Click Underground Minors for a very interesting link, sent to me by Bob Beach. Thanks Bob.

That's Jean and Paul Leiner's kitty who disappeared sometime last week. The good news is that she came home to the Leiners and now doesn't want to leave their sides.
Looking back 60 years - About 125 members of the Buffalo Launch Club Ladies Auxiliary including 60 Islanders attended the final luncheon of the season September 27, 1950. Agnes Endres of Colony Road was co-chair and Marion Steffen served as mistress of ceremonies.Cy and Gert Gay were granted a zoning ordinance change from Residence "C" to Business "D" to permit the use of their Ferry Village property for a drive-in restaurant, though the "drive-in" never materialized.Carol and Don Bonner left the Island where they had been running Bonner's Island Inn on the Mesmer property at Baseline and Staley roads. The Mesmer family returned to the "corner" and continued to run their tavern which eventually became known as the Isle Inn.
Looking back 30 years - Danny Reese, driving his boat, "Dan's Delight," won the 280 championship in the Frostbite Regatta, probably due to the fact that Mike Endres and Howie Benns "jumped the gun." Mike Stamler came in first in the 5-liter race driving Marty Prast's "Blind, Crippled and Crazy." Those were the days when we knew everybody in the racing circuit.
Looking back 25 years - Sue Whitbeck bowled the high single, 233 and Betty Kaefer had the high triple, 623 (198, 223, 202) when they bowled with the Thursday Morning Early Birds League at Island Lanes on September 26, 1985.
Congratulations to Jon McGinn who had a 300-747 while bowling this week with the Friday Night Businessmen.
Our sympathy to the families of Jerry Hawley, Thomas Violanti and Michelle A. Burke who recently passed away. A Memorial Reception will be held for Mary Matthews at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 26th in Trinity United Methodist Church. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Budwey's Supermarket - brand names at low prices - and three locations
Riviera Theater - Theater and atmosphere - Historic Riviera just across the river
Mediation Center - Timothy Mordaunt - natural optimist, an experienced attorney and a professional mediator
Dr. Thomas C. Lepenven, DMD - Island Dental PC - 2095 Baseline Road
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
A special election (town board downsizing) is being held today in Fire Headquarters. An Octoberfest sponsored by the DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 VFW will be held from 3-7 p.m. Saturday. The Grand Island Crop Walk is set for Sunday."Have a New Kid by Friday" Parenting Class will be held Sunday in the Trinity UM Church family room. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Good morning Ken White in Fresno, CA and good morning Nancy (Gardner) Landroche in Lockport, NY.
Please keep Jimmy Geblein and his family in your prayers. Jimmy was seriously injured in an industrial accident.Keith Sciandra is facing major health problems and his family is asking for our prayers. A speedy and complete recovery to Jimmy and to Keith.
The South Bridge will close at 10pm on Friday evening, September 17th, and re-open at 6am on Monday morning, September 20th. See front page headline for complete information - and plan ahead!!
Happy birthday to my husband, Jim Linenfelser (yesterday), to Sharon Watz and Nichole King (today), Mark Kowzan and Jean Hoover (tomorrow), Kelsey Patterson (20 tomorrow), Lauren Chadwick (10 tomorrow), Carmela Bartolomeo (8 tomorrow), DeVonte' Johnson (4 on Saturday), Lauren Ann Bermel (first birthday on Saturday), Vienna Haak, Sandy Arch , Peter McMahon and Mike Carr (Sunday), Jared Clark (20 on Sunday), Christian Mason (a teenager on Sunday), Lawrence Runions (6 on Monday), Melissa Chanen, Jeri Schopp, Sandy Smith Cunningham and Rev. Jeff Childs (Monday), Madison Nowak (9 on Tuesday), and Rachel Hamlin, Alissa Bailey and David Haller (Wednesday).
Happy anniversary to Marian and John Burns celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday, and to Brooke and Rod Raham who will be married 30 years on Monday).
Looking back 60 years - Joe Shugrue, Ed Kruse, Cy Diebold and Fred Redinger were the organizers of the Grand Island Drum Corps that first met on Tuesday evening, September 19, 1950 in the fire hall under the direction of Bill Pinkow.The Sample Fair in Trinity Fellowship Hall September 22, 1950, sponsored by the Women's Society of Trinity EUB Church and chaired by Mrs. Roy Tenbrook, drew an attendance of 400 people. As a child, this event was a wonderful way of collecting a bag full of interesting stuff offered by the many vendors. Does anyone else remember the Sample Fairs?
Looking back 20 years - Though it never happened, the School Board, at its September 18, 1990 meeting, approved the building of a new elementary school. The Ferry Village Residents Association had a beautiful day for its first neighborhood picnic held in the Cox Road playground in September 1990. Games included a wheelbarrow race and water balloon toss and Tookie the Clown (Ted Kumlander of Cox Road) entertained the kids with his balloon animals. Jean Pirie and John McGinty were kept busy with 18 children playing baseball. Adults played horseshoes, had a bean bag toss and enjoyed getting reacquainted with neighbors and former residents including Bill Dommell who grew up in Ferry Village. The successful event was chaired by Larry and Ann Landel and over 20 families attended. A potluck dinner ended with plans for the 1991 picnic.
Good news! The Grand Island school district scored in the top 10 percent of all Western New York school systems in science during the past four-year period, winning a subject award from Business First. See Business First for details.
Our sympathy to the families of Carol L. Dworzack, Mary (Barron) Matthews, Jerry Hawley and former resident Mark G. Waldow who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Magic Towel Holder - Craftsman Don "Bones" Fancher - clever gift creations
Park Place Subdivision - Most picturesque executive residential building lots in WNY!
Grand Island Teachers Association - Thank you teachers for your support!
Island Prescription Center - Consumer wellness tips - Cholesteral Lowering Foods
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
St. Stephen Walk-A-Thon is scheduled for tomorrow. The Historical Society will host a Garage Sale on Cox Road on Saturday.The Hunter’s Hope Walk takes place in Beaver Island Park on Saturday.Members of St. Timothy Church will hold a spaghetti dinner on Sunday.The Historical Society will host an open house on Sunday. The 2010 Relay For Life awards ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Good morning Jeff Meyer in Wilmington, NY and good morning Regina Benson in Buffalo, NY.
Someone asked the following question, "Who is the oldest family on the Island?" while visiting the town hall recently. By looking as far back as an 1840 map of the Island, I would say relatives of the Bedell, Webb, Stack and Morgan families have roots going back that far.
Dave Colbert submitted a photo of the fun loving group, the Grand Island Cyclepaths, taken Sunday, September 5th when they held their Labor Day ride. "We saw you!" See "photo"
Bob and Heather Aronica are marking their 15th wedding anniversary today and wished the very best. Happy anniversary to Bob and Judy Schmidt who will be married 45 years on Saturday.
Hi Scottie! Hope Scott Duscher is feeling much better than he was last week.
Happy birthday to Mikayla Claus (11 today), Gail Lazenby and Angelo Grande (today), Elizabeth Carpenter (5 today), Danielle Conlon and Chuck Bagdy (tomorrow), Madison Mongold (11 tomorrow),Ted Stewart (Saturday), Dalton Pitts (16 on Sunday), Christopher Sadkowski (4 on Sunday), Callie Harding (three on Sunday), Ron Viavada (a big one on Monday), Rachel Olszewski (20 on Monday), Jan Kirkpatrick and Dave Cole (Monday), Matthew Wellence (a teenager on Monday), Makenna Scalise (8 on Monday), Bethany Kulikowski (6 on Monday), Gert Reimann (101 on Tuesday), Barb Voegelin (best wishes on Tuesday), Walter Killian (Tuesday), Frankie Truesdale (25 on Tuesday), Ryan Dolly (20 on Tuesday), Barbara Gaskill (cheers on Tuesday), Brooke Raham, Luke Chambers and Sue Doane (Wednesday), and Ava Staub (7 on Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - The Kiwanis Club was formed here at the American Legion Hall on Ferry Road. Officers were President Bill Goodwin, Vice President John Wheeler, Treasurer Lester Moyer and Secretary Laverne Harding. One of its first meetings was held in Mesmer's Supper Club on East River Road where the Holiday Inn is now located.
Looking back 50 years - Casa di Pizza at 1957 Whitehaven Road, now the Klingel Town Commons, was advertising 23 varieties of their famous pizza.Grand Island’s population was at 9603 fifty years ago.
Looking back 40 years - The first of several modular four-bedroom homes was built on Ransom Road 40 years ago. The house was transported in two halves. Valerie Smith (Funk), 14, won Reserve Championship awards in "horse jumping" at Sprucelands camp where she competed against 12 experienced jumpers. Championship boat racer, Jerry Hawley, was injured in a boating accident, Sunday, September 14, 1975 while test driving Joe Less’ new 25-foot craft.
Looking back 25 years - The Grand Island Vikings opened the 1985 season with a 32-0 blowout of Kenmore West on Saturday afternoon, September 14, 1985 at the high school. Leading the scoring was Todd Petrilla with three touchdowns. Other Viking standouts in this game were Noel Blair and Dean Santorio along with Jamie Eichel and Rodney Haynes. Dean is now the coach of the GIHS Varsity Viking Football Team who will play Williamsville South at home on Saturday at 2 p.m. Go Vikings!
Wonderful wedding! Wonderful time! Best wishes to Karen Cross and Sascha Stopa-Chavez who were married Saturday in the Buffalo Launch Club.
Our sympathy to the families of Barbara M. Cannon and former residents Donna E. McQuade, Richard J. Barter and Susan A. Barter, who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Giecom.net - Web Hosting, Web Site Design, Custom Graphics - right here on the Island
Sandi's Family Restaurant - reasonable prices - Your Hosts......Dan and Sandi Clark
Adrian's Custard & Beef - Best beef on the planet, soft ice cream, too - GI Blvd. Plaza
Chateau Motor Lodge - Out-of-town company? "We Offer Cheap Deals Daily"
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The American Legion Poppy Drive takes place on Friday and Saturday. Members of the VFW Post 9249 will host a Patriots Day ceremony on Saturday. The Antique and Classic Boat Show at the BLC will be held on Saturday. The Grand Island Community Chorus will hold its first fall rehearsal on Sunday evening. A blessing of Backpacks and Supplies will take place at St. Martin's on Sunday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Good morning Charlie Nilsson in Warren, PA and good morning Susan (Phillips) Czajkowski in Getzville, NY.
Pup DiTullio, still hospitalized and in a certain amount of pain, is missing hearing from friends due to no internet connection. Notes of cheer may be sent to his brother, Dick, who will make sure he hears from you. A cheery hello to Dolly Dilliot. Keep her in your prayers.
Happy birthday to George Panepinto (turning 70 today), Sean Dinsmore (a teenager today), Joshua Smith (16 tomorrow), Jesse Rosser (8 tomorrow), Ilona Lang (Saturday), Zachary Scheuing (20 on Saturday), Justin Schmadel (8 on Saturday), Kiersten Winstel (6 on Saturday), Grace Carpenter (3 on Saturday), Bryce McDonnell (16 on Sunday), Deb Remson and Sarah Lange (Sunday), Collin DeMartin (9 on Tuesday), Anna Hammond (6 on Tuesday), Kim Kernin (Tuesday), Ryan Enser (Wednesday), and Dylan DeGlopper (10 on Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - Students were returning to the Island's only grade school where a new addition opened in September 1950, doubling the size of Sidway School and providing a cafeteria for the first time. Bus drivers that year were Charlie "Huck" Trautman, Carl Schutt, Tom Benton Sr. and John Wagner. My own memories of entering the third grade in September 1950 include my class meeting in the gym for several weeks while our new classroom was being finished. My teacher was everyone's favorite, Marjorie Ehde (Anderson). Evelyn Alt, Marion Hawley and Ann Kruse chaired the Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary's 11th anniversary celebration - a corn and wiener roast. Seventeen-year-old boat racer Ron Ehde, owner and driver of the Miss G.I.,won the NYS Class C Utility runabout championship trophy at Alexandria Bay. He was also leading in high points for the regent 2 trophy, and to date (Sept. 7, 1950) had won a total of 12 trophies on display at Grand Island Marine on Whitehaven Road.
Looking back 40 years - Underground utility wires were first required in all new subdivisions built on Grand Island. It was announced that Mike McDonnell and John Stickl would serve as co-captains of the Varsity Vikings Football Team.
Looking back 5 years - The Grand Island High School team of Justine Kirsch, Chris Damiani and Andy Sharpe won the first place prize in the Western New York Chalk Walk Competition 2005 for the second year in a row. Grand Island also won the 1st place Juror’s Official Award of $500. The Chalk Walk was held during the Lewiston Outdoor Art Festival.
Dave Carminati and all the golfers in the Swift Adhesives Monday Night League at Beaver Island were mighty excited to witness Jim Wagner’s hole-in-one last Saturday during their year ending 18-hole event. Jim aced the par 3, 12th hole with a 6-iron.
Congratulations to Greg Barker whose "Rewinder " took a first in the Thunder on the Niagara boat races over the August 21-22 weekend. For results, see Thunder on the Niagara. Thanks to Liz Barker for the results.
Our sympathy to the family of Norman S. Matteson who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Riverview Chiropractic - Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski - Just for kids
Kaiser Funeral Home - Professional and Caring - 1950 Whitehaven Road
Mark J. Frentzel - Attorney At Law - Experience in all courts and all areas of law - 1763 Baseline Road
Kelly's Country Store - Step back in time and shop for every gift occasion - 3121 Grand Island Blvd.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Good morning Susan (Phillips) Czajkowski in Getzville, NY and good morning Tom Crump in Lutz, FL.
Due to computer problems at Isledegrande.com, there were articles, garage sales and more that did not reach us for this August 26th edition. We apologize for this and hope you will resend your news. The computer problems also prompted us to post the Thursday edition a day earlier (Wed., Aug. 25th)
Celebrating wedding anniversaries this week and wished a world of happiness are Donna and JT Tomkins (25 years on August 31st), Joe and Patty Mash (August 31st), and Lisa and Skip Mrkall (their 10th wedding anniversary on September 1st). A belated happy anniversary to Fred and Kelly Claus who marked their 14th anniversary on Tuesday.
A belated happy first birthday to Colin Andrew Pinzel, born on August 23, 2009. Happy birthday to Virginia Narad Parsons (special greetings today), Paul Meosky (his 80th today), Sascha Chevez (today), Dan Dinsmore (cheers tomorrow), Desire' Link (her 20th tomorrow), Luke Staub (5 tomorrow), Alexander Wright (7 tomorrow), Bill Jacobs, Sharon Nichols, Bob DeGlopper and Katie Swain (Sunday), Michael Mulvena (a big one on Monday), Ken Killian (96 on Monday), Larry Wilson (Monday), Ivy Dodge (best wishes on Monday), Charlie and Tom Dewey (25th birthdays on Tuesday), Patty Mash (Tuesday), Adrianna Marinucci (two on Tuesday), Chance Luthringer (6 on Tuesday), Dave Hamlin (Wednesday), and Daniel Senn (six on Wednesday).
Looking back 60 years - The August 31, 1950 weekly paper reported that "Due to the seriousness of the news abroad... there will be four firemen on duty all night every night at the fire hall. The firemen are asking for four beds, either donation or loan. The same issue also reported the following: "That strange vehicle driving up and down Oakfield Road lately isn't an invasion from Mars. It is the one and only BudMel-Mobile manufactured by Buddy Link and Mel Rupp Jr. Roger Kaiser and Doris Dekdebrun (Meyer) starred in "Dream Boy," a musical comedy presented August 31 and September 1, 1950 in the Sidway auditorium to benefit the Sandy Beach Community Center. A "Dream Girl" contest to promote the show was won by Miss Dekdebrun. Other contestants were Wilma McDonald (Greenwood), Jean Webb (Bleich), Barbara McVittie, Edna Sarokan, Winnie Matison, Luella Landel (Wike), Joan Livingston (Fred) and Harriet Kirsch.
Looking back 25 years - About 100 Grand Island Teachers Association members picketed in front of the Middle-High School Complex while the school board held a long executive session inside. When the regular board meeting was called to order, the teachers filled the Middle School Little Theater to show further protest against their lack of a contract for the 1985-86 school year. The former Roxanne’s team and Contract Interiors team merged in 1985 to win the Monday A. Division Women’s Softball League. The girls went on to win the playoff Championship as well. Karen Lunsford (Conboy) had four home runs in one game and the team’s record was 12-1.
Our sympathy to the families of Margaret Villano and Lucy C. Hayes who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Michael Anthony Rossi - Rossi Law Firm - Committed to providing competent and cost effective legal services
Century 21/Gerrie Andolina - Grand Island's longtime, #1 real estate agent
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Just For Kids before & after school program will hold a Mini Carnival this afternoon (Thurs.) at the high school.The Grand Island Community Veterans Awareness Day activities will be held tomorrow (Fri.) at McMahon’s Family Restaurant. An open discussion regarding town board downsizing will be held Tuesday in the Grand Island Memorial Library. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Good morning Wolfgang Herzog in Hohenschaeftlarn, Germany and good morning Barb (Lecksell) Carroll in West Palm Beach, FL.
Happy birthday to Skip Fred (today), Joseph Martin (5 tomorrow), Madelyn Forbes (two tomorrow), Bob Shackleton (a big one on Saturday), Mike Anstett and Richard Schwagler (Saturday), Joelle-Yvette Scheffler (10 on Saturday), Mary Elizabeth Maj (cheers on Sunday), Lydia Senger (a teenager on Sunday), Justin Podgorny (8 on Sunday), Reed Wright (the big 4-0 on Sunday), Donna Always, Shellie Smith and Marianne Hoffman (Monday), Gregg Roesch and AnnMarie Stewart (Tuesday), Ava Lyn Brandon and Melaina Ranger (5 on Tuesday), and Arlene Wunsch (her 19th birthday on Wednesday).

Very best wishes to Wayne and Jeanne Anstett who will be married 50 years tomorrow. As a gift to their parents, their daughter, Susan Marston and sons, Dave, John and Mike Anstett took Jean and Wayne on a vacation to Old Orchard Beach, ME. The get-away also include spouses and grandchildren.
A belated happy anniversary to Scott and Shelly Smith who were married 25 years ago, August 17, 1985.
Looking back 60 years - Publisher Ollie Howard wrote the following in his editorial in the August 28th edition of his paper: "It is with complete confidence that we hand over the reins of editorial control of the pages of the "Island Dispatch" to George M. Pagan." The International Regatta was held off the Buffalo Launch Club the weekend of August 19-20, 1950 when the 48 cu. in. runabouts were the newest class of racing. Proceeds of the Regatta, to the tune of $3000, were taken during an early morning robbery in the Launch Club August 21, 1950. See 1950 Buffalo Launch Club Regatta website for race information.
Looking back 50 years - Grand Island Golden Age Club members enjoyed a boat ride provided by Joseph D. Creighton, owner of Creighton's Edgewater Hotel. Agnes Stack, an enthusiastic charter member of the Club, assisted in piloting the boat.The 15th annual Sandy Beach Park Club picnic was co-chaired by Lee Krueger and Jacqulyn Stickle. The 65th annual picnic on the riverfront Park Club property was chaired this year by Diane Hassan.The Masons Grand Island Lodge No. 1138 F. & A.M. purchased the old Mary Star of the Sea Church from the American Legion and were in the midst of remodeling the building, still standing at the corner of Ferry and Orchard roads.
Our sympathy to the family of Margaret Villano who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Flower A Day Florist - Say it with flowers - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
X-Press One Hour Dry Cleaners - Charles and Carol Dunworth, 2275 Grand Island Blvd. - There is nothing like a fresh, crisp, commercially laundered dress shirt to help you feel good about yourself.
Metro Town Center - 1980 Whitehaven Road - Betty Harris - President/NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
Grand Island Community Veterans Awareness Day will be held at McMahon’s Family Restaurant tomorrow. The "Thunder on the Niagara" Hydroplane Regatta takes place on Saturday and Sunday.The Grand Island High School Cheerleaders will hold a Car Wash on Saturday at Adrian's Custard & Beef. The GIHS JV & Varsity Football teams will be out selling their Viking Discount cards as their team fundraiser, on Wednesday, August 25th. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Please Support IsledeGrande.Com
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Good morning Jim Board in Sandy, UT, and good morning Valerie (Sanders) Ritterbusch in Parker, CO.
A belated happy birthday to Christie Gress Lesser who celebrated on August 9th! Happy birthday to Tom Carter (cheers today), Mike Madia (today), Mathew Aronica (8 today), Kodie Shamrock (18 today), David Thomas Michaud (2 today), William Click (8 tomorrow), Bernie Callahan (tomorrow), Michael Podgorny (a teenager on Saturday), Mitchell Clayton (10 on Saturday), Sean Patrick Higgins (2 on Saturday), Peggy Bastian (Sunday), Bella Duscher (two on Sunday), Vivian Gerard and Scott Steckleberg (Monday), Jackson Stewart (4 on Monday), Maisie Mrkall (7 on Tuesday), Liz Stoklosa (Tuesday), and Elizabeth Blundell and Doug Saltzman (Wednesday)

A Grand Island Shetland Sheepdog, “Jade” took third place in the most attractive female dog category at the Eden Corn Festival Annual Pet Show on August 5th. Jade is a pure bred Merle Blue Shetland Sheepdog and a rescue from the SPCA shelter in Tonawanda. She lives with island residents Paul and Linda Leuchner.
Supervisor Peter McMahon submitted the following in regard to the Access Road E Closed story. Please keep in mind that this is going to be a major change for motorists on the south end of the Island. They have been accustomed to using access road E under the south Grand Island Bridge to get to the northbound I-190 on ramp at Burger King and possibly to the southbound on ramp at Whitehaven. They will likely be detoured to the East River, north to Staley Road and then back to Grand Island Blvd.
Looking back 50 years - Boat races off the Island shore continued to be most popular in 1960 with the third annual A.P.B.A. sanctioned International Inboard Regatta held July 31st off of Edgewater. Members of the Knights of Columbus Mary Star of the Sea Council finalized a lease agreement and began holding their meetings in the Offermann estate home in Ferry Village. Work on the new second span, South Grand Island Bridge was underway.
Looking back 25 years - Speaking to the crowd at a fundraiser in the Bedell House August 9, 1985 was Frank Cannata, Democratic town councilman candidate running in the November 1985 election.Whitehaven Road Baptist Church held its first Vacation Bible School in August 1985 with a total of 87 children and 40 staff members taking part in the week-long activity. Two contests for Bible memorization and number of visitors brought along were won by four-year-old Johnny Stickl.
Looking back 20 years - The week of August 12-19, 1990 was designated Save Old Trinity Week by the Town of Grand Island. A community walk-thru of the old church was scheduled during that week when residents were advised to admire the unique woodwork, tin ceiling and windows. Trinity Chapel, originally known as Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church, still in use today, was built in 1907 and is of the gothic revival architecture era.Chuck Randazzo and Lou Macro defeated Ed Stacey and Reg Schopp 6-3, 6-1 in the final round of the Whitehaven Tennis Club Men's Doubles Tournament in August 1990.A large contingent of League of American Wheelmen on their 100-year-old bicycles rode around the Island for five 20-mile laps so they could earn a 'century pin' for a strenuous 100 miles in August 1990. (See "photo")
Our sympathy to the families of Rev. Deacon Dorothy H. Myers, Boris Politziner and former resident D. Jeanne McDougald who recently passed away. A memorial service for Thelma "Honey" Austin Atkins will be held tomorrow. Click Deaths for complete information.
George and Gail Allen are grandparents again. Ashely Jewel Allen was born on July 8th to Denise Schmadel and Albert Attea and weighed in at five pounds, 15 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. Great grandparents are Dorothy Lovelee and Harold Allen.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Beach House Restaurant. - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on the East River Road
Gross Plumbing & Heating - plumbing, heating and more
Contour Financial Planning, L.L.C. - a financial planning and advisory firm
Dr. Kevin Augustine Chiropractic - Fast pain relief center
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The last town sponsored, summer band concert of the season will be held tonight at 6:30 p.m. in Klingel Town Commons.The Annual Grand Island Republican Family Picnic will be held Saturday.The Town of Grand Island will Honor the Airborne, proclaiming August 16, 2010 as National Airborne Day at Monday's Town Board Meeting. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Getting Your Money's Worth? Support IsledeGrande.Com
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Good morning Ken Oakey in Tampa, FL, and good morning Floydette Gannon in Pinellas Park, Florida.
Happy birthday to John Stickl (today), to Alexis Ouchakov (5 today), Katrina Linenfelser and John Fletcher II (both turning 8 tomorrow), Donna Lavallee (tomorrow), Charlotte Ann Tower (two on Saturday), Brandon Robinson (Sunday), Les Smith (cheers on Sunday), Shannon McDonough (Sweet 16 on Sunday), Millie Weiser and Marcy Buell (milestones on Monday), Peter Wunsch (Monday), Lindsey Smith and Doug Harding (Tuesday), Joseph Fusco III (21 on Tuesday), Barbara Birt and Jane Boyle (Wednesday), Eileen Krause (5 on Wednesday), and Dave Benko (20 on Wednesday).

Amazing! That's Gary Yeager with his trophy fish (32-pound, 18-inch girth, 38" Carp), that he caught locally last Thursday. Be sure to click the photo.
A cheery hello to Joe LoVetro, who is unfortunately battling MRSA again. A big hug goes out to Shellie Smith. Please say a prayer for both Joe and Shellie.
Best wishes to Bill and Barb Bagdy who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in style. A party was held for friends and family at the Buffalo Launch Club where Bill has been a member for over 50 years.
Looking back 60 years - Good-Night Irene sure gets a work-out at Sugier's Grill where the belle of the family is named Irene! This was printed in the "Across the Mahogany With Willie" column in the Island Dispatch in August 1950. Sugier's Grill, at corner of Ferry and Elmwood roads, is still operating as San-Dee's Pub.Eight-year-old Danny McNamee Jr. swam from the Island to Motor Island 60 years ago.
Looking back 50 years - The Firemen's Field Day and parade on Saturday August 6, 1960 was chaired by Art Wade, with the help of the following committeemen: Cy Diebold (games & rides), Joe Measer (parking), Carlton Alt ("Smash-the-Car" game), Edwin Davison, (beer), Fred Redinger (canes), George Pollack (raffle), Paul McTigue (band), Ed Kruse Sr. (grounds), Nick Hy (chowder), Bob Pedlow (publicity), Roy MacKinnon (French fries), Larry Runions (posters) and George Downs (sound).
Looking back 40 years - Askew Real Estate clinched a 2nd consecutive Grand Island Softball League championship when Dave Fisher pitched a five-hitter and Jerry Livingston, Joe Giambra and Ron Weise all had 2 hits each. Team sponsor was Bill Askew.
Looking back 30 years - Howie Benns driving Marty Prast's "Fantasy" won the 5-liter National Championship in Dayton, Ohio on August 9, 1980. Howie was then the holder of four national crowns, taken in three different boats in 12 years. James E. O'Dea was promoted to Lieutenant Commander USN.
Looking back 10 years - Maureen O'Donnell was the winner of five first place Gold medals while competing in Masters Swimming in the Empire State Games in July 2000.
Pretty Emily Smith, a CBS newscaster who calls Grand Island, NY her home town, is featured in a newscast video. See cbsnews.com
Our sympathy to the families of Mary Anah "Mac" Fadum, Claire M. Wisnowski and Diane M. Ciamaga who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Tonight's Grand Island Community Chorus concert at the high school sounds like a good one. Members of the chorus will include the following in their program: The Scarlet Tide, Bewitched, It's Only a Paper Moon, Over the Rainbow, and Waitin' for the Light to Shine. The concert includes the community education bands and starts at 7 p.m.
Heard from Cheryl Frailey this week who received an e-mail from the CEO of Mighty Taco with the official announcement that it will open a store on the Island. The former Blockbuster Video in the Grand Island Blvd. plaza will be ready for Mighty Taco to open this fall. "Yeah can't wait!!!!" says Cheryl!

"Milo" is missing and last seen in the area across the road from the Bedell Road apartments. If you've seen Milo, pass the information on to his family. See our Classified Ads for more information.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Heart Center of Niagara - Wholehearted Care
Grand Island Central Federal Credit Union - Current Loan Promo! - Grand Island Blvd.
DeSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - Whitehaven near the Boulevard
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at the center of the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
A sincere thank you to the reader who sent an anonymous and very generous donation to Isledegrande.com.
River Oaks Golf Club will host an Open Invitational Golf Outing on Monday. See the River Oaks front page ad for details.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Good morning Jim Board in Sandy, UT, and good morning Kathy Goodman Kellogg in Schenectady, NY.
Happy birthday to Janet Badame and Tim Krecisz (today), Lee Wheeler and Haley Breier (Saturday), Hannah Linenfelser (a teenager on Sunday), Marissa Lange (20 on Sunday), Elaine Gorman (cheers on Sunday), Sarah Lynn Williams (Sweet 16 on Monday), Samantha Gieselman (Monday), Eileen Drumm and Maureen Glor (Tuesday), Mathew Riley (20 on Wednesday), and Jack Bridenbaker (6 on Wednesday).
The fifth annual Paddles Up Niagara 2010 was a whopping success. Paul Leuchner is the originator of this event and has been the event chair since its beginning. See Paddles Up Photo. See our front page for story and slide show.
Sorry to report that Jerry Hawley is very ill. Please pray for his comfort.
Michelle and Mark Pinzel are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary today. Best wishes to Michelle and Mark.

(left) Ben Smith, Pete Killian, Marci Conn, Kristen Percival, Maggie Weiser, Courtney Collignon, Pat Chopra
Click photo for larger view
Shown above are members of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church at Oskar Schindler's tomb in Jerusalem, just outside the Old City. See St. Martin's Pilgrimage To Holy Land 7/1/10 story.
Talk about a blast from the past! Harry Roberts, Sidway School 9th grade class of 1958 and a Riverside High School graduate, Class of '61, stopped by the office where we did quite a bit of reminiscing about the "good old days." You made my day, Harry!
The Niagara Gazette just recently gave coverage to that Sunday, July 18th boat fire many of us saw from our riverfronts. The Gazette described it as a 1982 21-foot Four Wins boat that caught fire in the River and was towed by the Coast Guard to a dock on Rivershore Drive. The fire is being investigated by the Niagara County Sheriff’s Department.

That's Dick Planavsky with his prize catch, an eight-pound silver bass caught off the end of his East River dock. Dick posed for the picture and released the trophy to navigate up the Niagara River.
Congratulations to the Islettes Elite baton twirlers who did extremely well at America's Youth On Parade, a major national competition. Hoping to have a full report for next week.
Looking back 60 years - Walt Disney’s “Cinderella” was playing at the Sheridan Drive-In and I saw it once with my family and once with my best friend, Sharon Bauer, her mother and dad, Eleanor and Fred, and her little brother Lin. Going to the Drive-In was a very special occasion for my sister, Mary Ellen and me. As an eight-year-old, going twice in one week was amazing!
Looking back 50 years - Paul J. Hicks, 50, of Snyder crashed into the Whitehaven overpass, causing the first fatality on the Grand Island section of the NYS Thruway. Jim Donlon took over the Idle Hour Inn on East River Road. The place was redecorated and offered daily specials.
Looking back 30 years - A resident bridge book issued only to passenger vehicles owned by and registered to residents of Grand Island, was to go on sale July 30, 1980 at a cost of $5 for 55 trips with no expiration date. However due to trouble with the printers, the Thruway Authority reported there would be a one-week delay. Meanwhile, the Authority sold the old 30-day $2.50 books to Island residents only. Paul Harper Jr., who worked to get special bridge consideration for Island residents, bought the first of the new Residents Toll Books. Rob Beach and Jeff Waterson took 1st and 2nd place in the Amateur Speedway Class in the Canadian National Motorcycle Championship in Welland, Ontario 30 years ago.
Our sympathy to the families of Anne Perkovich, James A. Worley III, Earl V. Marshall and former resident Lester C. Webb who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Attention, residents 50 and over. Want to get out for lunch but have no transportation? The Golden Age Center is offering van service for over 50s for their new Lunch Only schedule. Pickup and return home after lunch may be scheduled by calling the Center at 773-9682.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Heart Center of Niagara - Wholehearted Care
Dr. Kevin Augustine Chiropractic - Fast pain relief center - Grand Island Blvd.
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself or see our front page for a Mothers Monogram Bracelet - Whitehaven near the Boulevard
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island - kids bowl free all summer
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
According to Sandy Beach resident Chuck Berlinger, last night's storm seems to have hit mostly the north end of the Island. Chuck estimates the straight line winds at 70 to 80 mph for at least five minutes. The National Weather Service will be sending an investigator today to check out the damage. The television trailer repeatedly warned of severe weather however the south side of the Island had only minor wind and rain.
I received this from an avid reader who questioned her phone company when she discovered charges she had not signed up for. "Look at your phone bill . . . do you see any third party billing you do not understand? If there is anything listed in Miscellaneous charges or credits, check it out and discuss it with your phone company. These charges can be removed from your account."
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
"National Night Out" takes place on Tuesday at Klingel Town Commons with all kinds of activities.The Town sponsored band concert on Tuesday evening will feature Creek Bend, a Eclectic Bluegrass group. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Getting Your Money's Worth? Support IsledeGrande.Com
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Good morning James McMoil in Medina, NY, and good morning Norm Bristow in Tonawanda, NY.
Norm and Charlotte Mrkall will be married 50 years tomorrow. Best wishes to the Mrkalls and also to Russ and Patty Colosi and Pat and Ron McNamee, celebrating their 30 anniversaries on Monday.

Celebrating milestone birthdays and pictured above as they looked in their Sidway School yearbook photos are (left) Bil Loth and Bill Buckley (July 23), Vincent Laible (July 24) and Libby Smith Vorgeose (July 25). Happy birthday everyone. Happy birthday to Victoria Mordaunt (today), Tom Pedlow and Michele Breier (tomorrow), Maya Pecoraro (7 tomorrow), Jim Dahlquist (25 on Saturday), baby Kaia Lynn Petrie (first birthday on Saturday), Jim Board (Sunday), Lisa Podlucky (cheers on Sunday), Betty Olmstead and Chip Schopp (Monday), Faith Gworek (9 on Monday), Jackie Kew and Suzanne (Krebs) Strecker (Tuesday), Sam Clark (Wednesday), and Kathy O'Dea Donath (wishing you the best on Wednesday!).
We all enjoyed a nice lunch at the Bake & Brew last week for our annual get-together with Liz Glor Allen who grew up here and has been living in Ohio. Attending were JoAnn Radius Vanderheite, Sandra Macoomb O'Hara, Lorraine Walgate, Kathy Boettcher Stisser and Diane Mistretta Goupil from our class along with Elizabeth's sister, Barbara Martin, my sister, Mary Stewart and Nancy Mote Sayre.

Click for larger view
"Fire In The River!" Kim Ludwig writes, "We were anchored at Grass Island on Sunday, and across the river we saw a boat started on fire. Boats in the near vicinity were rushing over to help, and jet skis rushed over to help put out the fire by circling around and spraying water on the flames. I hope everyone is okay. It was a scary sight to see in the river!" Thanks for the photo, Kim. We also saw the heavy smoke but were too far away to see what was burning.
The Grand Island Historical Society headquarters, River Lea, in Beaver Island State Park will be open on Saturday in conjuntion with Paddles Up Niagara. "Grand Island Celebrates 75 Years of the Bridges," a joint effort of the Grand Island Historic Preservation Advisory Board and the Grand Island Historical Society, will be on display for the first time.
Looking back 50 years - Marty Wolverton opened his new Mobil Gas Station on July 28, 1960 on Grand Island Blvd. at Baseline Road next to the M&T Bank.
Looking back 30 years - A group of registered Conservatives met and formed a Grand Island district Conservative Committee and elected officers in July 1980 including first chairman Donald C. Smith. Paul Gast of Fast by Gast won first place at the N.M.R.A. Summer Nationals in Indianapolis, Indiana where his 1974 Kawasaki 750cc set a national record of 9.71 seconds at 138 mph in the standing start quarter mile.Boy Scout Troop 510's twenty-six Scouts and three adults were led by Senior Patrol Leader Skip Ullrich at a week's campout at Camp Stonehaven in July 1980. Troop 510 won the Cleanest Campsite award and the Waterfront Carnival. Dan Grobe won the Class C title in the 27-mile run around the Island in the B&T Marathon July 27, 1980. Picking up second place honors were Bob Dee and his son, Donnie Dee, a well-respected engine man among car and boat racers. Bob was extremely proud of their finish as his son did all the work on the boat and engine. "It was his project and he did a great job."
I loved seeing so many familiar Island faces when I found this YouTube link and maybe you will, too. See GIHS Honors Fiddler On The Roof Alumni for the GIHS 2009 performance that included students from the classes of 1974 and 1992.
Our sympathy to the families of Emma E. Perkovich, Elizabeth M. Ford, Robert Clement, Edward J. Pettinato and former resident John F. Costanzo who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
There are at least 15 Island residents taking part in the Empire State Games this week. See "Games." See also "Subaru Buffalo 4 Mile Chase" that also includes numerous Islanders.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Anchor Marine. - new and used boats, Bombardier ATV's, Sea Doo's, & Honda outboard motors and much more.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Hizair Hair Salon - Convenient hours, convenient location on the Boulevard
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? Call Linda.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Island Blast! Taking place tomorrow evening at Whitehaven Baptist Church sounds like a fabulous time. The 5th Anniversary Paddles Up Niagara will be held on Saturday and River Lea will be open at the same time (special display, see above). The annual Dick Pendleton Memorial Classic Car Show/Super Cruise will be held Sunday at the VFW Post. The Roadrunners will provide oldies music at Klingel Town Commons Tuesday evening. River Lea in Beaver Island State Park will be open Wednesday afternoon. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
Getting Your Money's Worth? Support IsledeGrande.Com
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Good morning Ehdebeth Stamler Parrish in Murray, KY, and good morning Beverly Billica Benton in Lady Lake, FL.
Celebrating their 50th anniversary tomorrow are Sherrie and Bob Wendling. Best wishes to the Wendlings and also to Mike and Jen Pusatier, who celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary yesterday and to Tom and Ellie Zarbo, marking their 54th anniversary on July 21st.

Click photos for full view
The Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School float (left) in our Independence Day parade was one of the best. Can you identify the children? My sister, Mary Stewart, is the photographer and it sure looks like GICoop teacher Vicki Wilkinson on the right when you enlarge the picture. Mary's photo of this dear little runner bringing up the rear of the kids race needs a name also. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you can help with the names.
A cheery hello and welcome home to Floydette Gannon, in town for a nice warm vacation on good old Grand Island.
Jack and Bev Mikulski had the opportunity to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends from as far away as Alaska, Kansas and Florida with a picnic supper and Jon Seiger's Ragtime Jazz band from Rochester. A super time was had by all. Thank you from the whole Mikulski family.
A special happy birthday to Henrietta Hunt, celebrating her 102nd birthday on Monday. Happy birthday to Sue Sondel (today), Carolyn Doebert (tomorrow), Marie O’Hara (Saturday), Nathaniel Cohen (5 on Monday), Pat Sciandra (cheers on Monday), Bill Shaw (Monday), Russell Certo (cake and candles on Tuesday), Tracy Senn (Tuesday), Dan Linenfelser Sr. (Wednesday), Joe Menter (a milestone on Wednesday), and baby girl Bristol Riley Khreis (first birthday Wednesday).
Looking back 75 years - An official dedication of the new Grand Island bridges by New York State Governor Herbert Lehman took place on July 15, 1935. See Feature Story/Photos.
Looking back 60 years - Bob Robinson and Don Bartlett brought their horses to the Western themed Girl Scout/Brownie day camp behind Sidway School for the closing day roundup when Scouts and Brownies were able to take a ride. The George Senn house on Elmwood Road in Ferry Village was purchased by Tony and Charlotte Guenther (Roesch).Editor/Publisher Ollie Howard wrote in his "Round the Island" column in the by-weekly Island Dispatch that "American boys are dying on foreign soil and once again they are getting the wholesale support of the folks at home." Ann Mitchell, Eva Smith, Jean E. Stamler, Elsie E. Stamler, Louise Killian and Millie Vanthoff, all members of the neighborhood "Kozy Korner Stichery Klub," had dinner together on July 26, 1950 in the Louis Restaurant in Niagara Falls.
Looking back 50 years - Young Islander Denny Yakam came in 3rd in the 9th annual Marathon Race around Grand Island on July 17, 1960. Other familiar names that year were Noel Blair, Ed Zagonce, Don Less, Johnny Gast Jr., Ray Lippens and Jack Allen. The Grand Island Volunteer Fire Company announced it no longer needed the water hole at the corner of Whitehaven and Baseline roads and until such time as the town highway department could fill it up, it was to be fenced to eliminate danger to neighborhood children.
Our sympathy to the families of Laurel Anne Gibbs, Eleanor R. Kessler, David J. Lautz and former resident Paula W. Brobeil who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Hats off to Island resident Tom Elmer who was featured in a very interesting story by Steve Brachmann in the 7/12/10 Buffalo News.
Tuesday evening's town sponsored "Friends of Harmony" (barbershop) concert at the Klingel Town Commons was most enjoyable, with the patriotic slant absolutely heart warming for many of us. Thanks to the audience for supporting our historical society's root beer float fundraiser which was a complete success. See Historical Society Page for photos.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Dog Crate Central - high quality wood dog crates, pet crates and portable dog crates - and she's local
Five-Star Landscaping - a locally owned and family operated company that prides itself on providing a "five-star" level of customer service
White, White & Cich Financial - Specializing in producing informative seminars
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
My childhood friend, John Grycel sent me this tick remedy and I pass it along as they are so prevalent here on the Island. The remedy is to apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The Historic Trinity Garden tour is scheduled for Saturday.A town sponsored band concert starts at 7 p.m. on Tuesday evening at Klingel Town Commons. Historic River Lea will be open from 1-4 p.m. on Wednesday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Good morning Darren Moscoe in Reading, PA, and good morning Tracy Senn on Grand Island, NY.
Happy birthday to Mary Ellen Pfohl (today), Lois Martene and Bernice Dinsmore (tomorrow), Colin Gallagher (21 tomorrow), Theodore Slipko III (20 tomorrow), Justin Frentzel (16 on Saturday), Richard Vella and Tray Elgar (Saturday), Ryan Shea (Sunday), Jon Weis (a big one on Monday), George Watt Jr. (a milestone on Tuesday), Taylor Benton (10 on Tuesday), Christian Kessler (6 on Tuesday), Jonathan Voyzey (16 on Wednesday), Lisa DeValentino and Kim Cich (Wednesday), and Matisse Haag (3 on Wednesday).
Happy anniversary to Fran and Joe McMahon who opened their McMahon's Family Restaurant on Grand Island Blvd. eight years ago today.
Best wishes to Carrie-anne and John Vieceli, married five years tomorrow.
So nice to see Hazel Murphy out and about this week. Hazel had a bone marrow transplant in February and has been recuperating until recently.

Click photo for larger view
Congratulations JoAnn! JoAnn Vanderheite, chosen for the Kenan Center 100 American Craftsman Show in June, was awarded for best display booth.
Our sympathy to the families of Thelma "Honey Austin" Atkins, Francis "Sonny" Knowlton, Mia Rose Hurley, Patricia M. Piacente and Mike Ralston who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Americana is alive and well on Grand Island. One only had to attend Saturday's road races, parade and VFW picnic to see the huge display of stars and stripes and red, white, and blue. What a tremendous holiday. To my former Teddy’s Islettes twirlers, seeing each one of you made my day, and yes, I made a promise to the Bleich girls that we will “do it again.”
It was so very nice to meet Mark Anderson at the parade and he looks great despite a serious ATV accident on May 15th. His injuries included a fractured skull, cracked C3 vertebrae, and broken collar bone. Mark was in Trauma ICU for 19 days, unable to talk or communicate for 27 days, and at ECMC for a total of 46 days. His ongoing issues are the broken collar bone, the cracked vertebrae, and the loss of vision due to blood clots in his eyes. Surgery, which should hopefully repair his eyesight, is scheduled for August. Mark was discharged from ECMC on June 29th A fundraiser to help with medical bills will be held tonight from 6-10 p.m. at Manor Lanes in Amherst. Mark is the son of Richard and Bridget Anderson.
Our niece, Annie Stuardi and husband, Oliver, are winding up a relaxing and fun-filled vacation, mostly at the river with mom and dad, Mike and Penny Linenfelser, and lots of friends and relatives. The outdoor Sunday service over at Trinity UM Church was joyful, even more so for me as granddaughter Amy Bidell, a violinist in the Praise Band, played a beautiful solo. Erin Fred Tower and her children, Charlotte Ann (Charlie) who will be two next month and Jackson Robert, five months, have also enjoyed a few weeks on the river with her parents, Joan and Skip Fred, and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings including her brother, Skip Fred Jr., in town from London, England.
Looking back 75 years - Town residents attended a major celebration for the opening of the new north and south Grand Island bridges on July 13, 1935.
Looking back 50 years - Wild Bill Cantrell driving the Gale V, won the unlimited hydroplane championship in the International Regatta held at the Buffalo Launch Club July 9-10, 1960. Islander Frank Reichlin's Miss Peggy took 4th. Lil' Miss Ruffett driven by Bill Loth of Love Road failed to start. Earl Long driving "I-Goofed," was third in the 280 cu in, two-heat race. The Grand Island Fire Company installed louder 5 HP fire sirens on the handful of poles around the Island. The Edgewater Hotel on East River Road near Kirkwood Drive was sold and was being operated by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Katrien. Bob Wright's grand opening of the Grand Island Karting Raceway Inc. took place on July 10, 1960.
Looking back 30 years - Members of the Grand Island Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9249 dedicated and renamed the post the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post on July 4, 1980.
There is still time to buy tickets for the eighth Garden Tour sponsored by the Historic Trinity Committee and being held on Saturday, July 17th. Check with Sharon Nichols, 773-2421 or Martha Martin, 773-4946.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Bergen & Schiffmacher, LLP - Read their record - they get it done
Tim Phillips Garage - full-service automotive repair - preventive maintenance center - and on the Island
Marston Power Equipment - Safety Equipment & Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
Robert M. Ratajczak, Jr., Attorney - Striving to make legal services simpler and cost effective.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Reunion was the name of the game over the July 4th weekend. Grand Island High School classes, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000 were all celebrating milestones of their graduations. The Class of 1970 had a good contingent of classmates visiting their alma mater that truly brought the "kids" full circle. Reunion Chairman Diane Hassan has posted numerous photos at Facebook.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
Friends of Mark Anderson are hosting a benefit tonight to help him with medical bills. St. Martin-in-the-Fields annual Chicken Barbeque, Silent Auction and Basket Raffle takes place Saturday.The Historical Society will offer root beer floats at the band concert Tuesday evening that will feature a Barbershop group. An Open House will be held at Grand Island Historical Society headquarters, River Lea on Wednesday.See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Good morning Paul Farrell in Bella Vista, AK, and good morning Laurie (Chaisson) Carlo in Sarasota, FL.

Click photos for larger view
A little piece of Island history is no longer. This barn, recently torn down, was part of the Fremont H. Simons farm on East River Road just north of the South Grand Island Bridge. The original farm house that burned in 2000 was eventually known as the Idlehour Inn, a restaurant/tavern. Mr. Simons came to the Island with his parents in 1863.

Click photo for larger view
Shown (left) in this most attractive photo are Steve Boyle, Katlyn Holt, Mary George, and Korey Hagen attending the Grand Island High School senior prom. The annual event was held on Friday, June 18th.
If you are planning on attending the Meet-n-Greet for the Class of ’70 being held at the Brick Oven Restaurant, the start time is 7 p.m. tomorrow evening.
Happy birthday to Joey Cali (8 today), to Gary Roesch (today), Margaret Giles (cheers today), Krist Haag (the big 4-0 tomorrow), Cassidy Hogrewe (21 tomorrow), Megan Pinzel (5 tomorrow), Kevin Lipp and Gen Dobmeier (Saturday), Kyle Staub (a teenager on Saturday), Alivia Manzo (6 on Sunday), Karen Ackerman and Tom Rusert (Monday), Fred Mumm (Tuesday), Susan Willard, Ted Kessler Sr. and Earl DeGlopper Sr. (Wednesday), Ryan Link (21 on Wednesday) and Autumn Kaiser (20 on Wednesday).

Mark Anderson, son of Richard and Bridget (McMahon) Anderson, was seriously injured in an ATV accident, suffering significant head trauma. He is expected to come home this week. A fundraiser is being held to help him with medical bills. See July 8th Benefit, and please keep Mark in your prayers.
Celebrating wedding anniversaries this week are Nancy and BillyJoe Gorrell (50 years tomorrow), Kelly and J Petrie (five years tomorrow), Barb and Mike Wienke (34 years on Saturday), Tom and Kathy DeLoughry (35 years on Monday), and John and Zdenka Gast (their 40th on Wednesday). Happy anniversary and congratulations to everyone.
Our sympathy to the families of Jeffrey A. Wendling, Monsignor Edward J. Ulaszeski, Wesley Hughes, Joseph F. Foresta, Richard C. Graff and former residents Julius J. Stenis and Paul J. Denler, who recently passed away. Click Deaths for complete information.
Looking back 60 years - The first duplex apartments at Love Road and the Parkway were occupied on July 1, 1950 with an open house scheduled at 7 Blackmon Road.The Town Board moved to allow the janitor to spend $25 for flowers for the town hall yard.
Looking back 50 years - Johnny Gast suffered a broken leg in the July 3, 1960 Swiftwater Regatta off Isle View Park. "Papa's Bundle," the boat he was driving, flipped in the 2nd heat of the E Racing Runabout event. Noel Blair gave up his chance of winning when he stopped to rescue John after his boat overturned.Curious about calls to the Volunteer Fire Company 50 years ago? Click Fire Calls July 1-7, 1960. Those were the days when firemen's wives Marion Klingel, MaryLou Kohlhagen and others were doing fire dispatching from their homes.
Looking back 40 years - Relics of an Indian campsite were unearthed by bulldozers clearing the East River/Whitehaven Road area for the River Oaks Golf Course.
Looking back 30 years - The Grand Island Youth Foundation, an organization established in 1967, was being reactivated with aid of funds received from the Erie County Youth board. Officers of the group, inactive since 1970 were President Paul Sommer, Board Chair Adele Sommer and Directors Penny and Mike Linenfelser and Patricia Smith.
Hats off to one of my avid readers, Sandie Rall-Smith of Auburn, CA, who found the Flower A Day Florist ad at Isledegrande.com. She not only ordered her flowers but also thanked Sue Berger for advertising at Isledegrande.com as it is a big help to out-of-towners. Sandie also wrote to Sue to let her know the recipient said the arrangement was beautiful and Flower A Day went above and beyond.
The Grand Island Historical Society, River Lea, located in Beaver Island State Park, will be open from 1-4 p.m. each Wednesday in July.
Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
John's Pizza & Subs - Delicious Pizza - wonderful menu - Grand Island Blvd.
Grand Island Chiropractic - Why leave the Island for the help you need?
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
Realty USA/Liz Wilbert - Local, experienced realtor - Buying? Selling? Give her a call.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.
Here's What's Happening in Our Town!
The first town sponsored band concert of the summer and the Youth Wagon Decorating Contest will be held this evening in Marion Klingel Town Commons.The Grand Island Class of 1975 35th class reunion event is scheduled for tomorrow evening at the BLC. The Class of '70’s meet-n-greet takes place tomorrow night at the Brick Oven. Members of the Class of 1978 are turning 50 and celebrating with a 50th birthday get together tomorrow at the Holiday Inn, Blues on the River. The Class of ’80 holds an ice breaker tomorrow evening at the Moose Lodge.The Class of ’90 will get together at Crazy Jake's in North Tonawanda on Saturday. The class of ’95 meets at Riverstone Grill tomorrow. Grand Island’s Independence Day Parade, Race and VFW Picnic will be held Saturday. The Class of ’70 will be at River Oaks on Saturday. Trinity UM Church offers an outdoor service followed by a day of events including a picnic, band concert, viewing fireworks and a bon fire.The 3rd Annual Leon D. Carr Memorial/Redbone Classic Golf & Disc Golf tournament takes place in Beaver Island Park Sunday. A town sponsored concert is schedule for Tuesday evening. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings. There are lots of reunion events not mentioned here so please check the Calendar of Events.
A big Welcome Home to all of those who are back on Grand Island for family get-togethers and class reunions. Show your patriotism, fly your flag, come out and cheer our parade participants - and have a great 4th of July.
"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Please pray for our country. God bless America.