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"Between the Bridges"
by Teddy Linenfelser
Grand Island, N.Y.
Previous Column

Photo courtesy of Rich Call
Class of '85

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Good morning Tyler S. Hinaman, serving his country as a member of the U. S. Navy, and good morning to Pvt Eric J. Sander, serving his country as a member of the U. S. Marines.

Best wishes and happy anniversary to Larry and Dawn (Merrill) Hillock who are celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary today.

Happy birthday to Abigail Dallassandro (Sweet 16 today), to Robin Laible and Maggie Gushue (tomorrow), James Soto (8 years old tomorrow), Jacob Lange, Li-Anne "Rowswell" Mufson and Laurel Waltman-Moher (Saturday), Paul Facklam III (7 on Sunday), Elsie Fleischmann (celebrating her 97th birthday on Monday), Kathy Lazenby (Monday), Nancy Weis, Elaine Clark and Rolland Card (Tuesday).

Get well wishes and a speedy recovery to Cheryl Wunsch who is recuperating from surgery.••••Good to hear that Chuck Dunworth is feeling better and enjoyed the Christmas holiday with family.

Looking Back 60 years - The Sidway School Orchestra was formed under the direction of Anthony "Tony" Ortolano in January 1953.

Looking Back 50 years - The Riverside Review published a letter by Norene Willard, a store keeper, who commended the well mannered Grand Island students attending Riverside High School. Those were the Island kids who came into her store on Ontario Street across from the school every morning. She said they were a credit to Grand Island and that she was overwhelmed by the card with $11.40 in it she received with the following note: "Dearest Norene and family: This is just a token of our thanks. You've been very patient and truly wonderful to let us Island kids fill your store to the brim every morning. We all appreciate it very much. We all love you. Signed: The Island Kids."

Looking Back 40 years - Happy 40th birthday to the Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island. First Foundation Chairman was Bill Petrilla. Other officers were Co-Chair Larry Runions, Secretary Richard O. Robinson, and Treasurer Jack Houck.

Looking Back 30 years - A shuttle bus service began here in January 1983. Service charge was $.75, exact change only and would start/terminate at Baseline Road and Grand Island Boulevard Plaza to coordinate with Metro Bus. It was discontinued soon after due to lack of interest

Our sincere sympathy to the family of Michael E. Heftka. See Deaths for complete information and information for the Stewart Memorial Service.

Click for larger view
Annalea Masiello held her 2nd Annual Christmas Eve Two Mile Walk/Run on Monday, December 24th at 8 a.m. A group of thirty brave souls started out from Fairview Ct. and ended at the Village Inn, where they enjoyed a hot breakfast.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - on Whitehaven just off the Boulevard
Certified Auto Brokers - Excellent service - here on the Island
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Hosting Rockin' New Year's Eve Bowling Party, a family event
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? See Linda's front page ad and give her a call.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

See our Calendar of Events later in the week for Island happenings.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

It has been so much fun meeting so many people through my "Between the Bridges" column and especially through Isledegrande.com. I am retiring as of today. Thank you Reg Schopp for what has been to me, a golden opportunity. See Letter

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good morning Sharon Minet, here on the Island, and good morning to Don McLeod in League City, TX.

Tomorrow, December 21st, is the official first day of winter. The temperature last year on the Island reached 56 degrees with rain most of the day.

According to Regina Marie Guenther Ezquerro, her son, AJ Guenther, who is serving his country in the United States Marine Corps, is back in the states for the holidays after being deployed for five months to Greece, Ireland, Spain and Africa. Enjoy your visit AJ and thank you for serving our country.

The Filosofos family will be celebrating a big 6-0 birthday for Ted (Argerous) Filosofos at sister, Denise's house in Fort Lauderdale tomorrow. Arg and his kids, Sevie and Theo, will be visiting their grandmother, Jackie Filosofos and Aunt Denise to celebrate the birthday and Christmas. Denise writes, "Merry Christmas to all from sunny South Florida."

Please pray for Stephen Bradley who is recuperating from a health issue.

Happy birthday to Gloria Brown (today), to Allyson Wolgast and Christopher Priest (both turning 6 today), Vera Jo Mote Mann (Saturday), Karen Lloyd (Sunday), Melissa Marlin (20 on Monday), Jacob Lange (Monday), Bud Yensan, Chris Eberhard and Grant Hennigar (Tuesday), Marissa Catanzaro (Sweet 16 on Tuesday), Cayleigh Fitzsimmons (9 on Tuesday), and Allison Hill (her 10th birthday on Wednesday).

To Doug and Polly Smith: very nice mention of Fahim Mojawalla and his Island Ship Center in a recent edition of the Niagara Gazette. Doug says, "The attention he pays to our copying needs for a few farthings is remarkable and we always leave better informed than when we came in."

A very happy wedding anniversary to Dawn and Larry Hillock of Kathleen, GA These true blue Islanders are celebrating their 46th anniversary today.

An Island resident has decorated his house with 5000 Christmas lights and is listed on the www.christmaslightfinder.com website. The house is located at 544 Baseline Road and between the hours of 6 p.m and 10 p.m. you can listen to music on 103 FM that is in sync with the lights. The display will be up until January 1st.

Tracey Pici reports a new grandchild, born on 12/12/12. Daughter Emily Pici VanZwietering, GIHS Class of 2004, gave birth to her first child, a girl, Olivia Mairin VanZwietering on 12/12/12. She weighed eight pounds, six ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Emily married her husband Marten on 11/11/11. They live in Burlington, VT. Mom, baby and hubby all doing well! Olivia's grandparents are Paul and Tracey Pici of Grand Island and Patsy VanZwietering of Petersfield, Hampshire, UK

Looking Back 65 years - A cantata, “Petit Noel,” under the direction of Mrs. Doris Schopp and Mrs. Ruth Dunnigan, was presented at the annual Christmas program in the Sidway School auditorium on Thursday and Friday evenings, Dec. 18-19, 1947. The cast included Marilyn Dinsmore (Serfass) as Mary; Tim Sheehan as Joseph; and Shirley Roberts (Ervin) as the Hostess of the Inn. Others in the cast included Lynn Winter (Duggan), Mary Ann Kruse (Arsenault), Stephanie Woods (Mauri), Joanne Rank (Urtell), Bill Dekdebrun, Buddy Link, and John Ekiss.

Looking Back 50 years - Chuck Moore and his Deejays emceed a "Turn-About" Record Hop at the fire hall sponsored by the Islettes majorettes. The dance was a "better dress" affair.

Looking Back 40 years - Cyrena Dixon accompanied a Carol sing on the reed organ during the Historical Society's "Hanging of the Greens" at River Lea on December 17, 1972. The organ once stood in the Island Congregational Church and was given to the Historical Society by the DeGlopper family.

Looking Back 25 years - An official ground breaking for the building of a Burger King Restaurant and Tourist Center took place December 20, 1987.•••• Marge Lippens greeted friends at her Christmas party held at Lippens’ Grill, now the Village Inn. Her son and daughter-in-law, Ray and Shirley Lippens, made everyone feel at home. Ray’s Camcorder was the hit of the party as the dancing and singing couples could see and hear themselves on the television.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Robert E. Eldredge, Linda Lee (Brune) Millar, Ronald R. Norman, Thomas R. Dworak Jr., Michael E. Heftka and former resident, Lee Frank Thomas who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Oscar Smith, son of Barry and Karen Smith, can't wait for Christmas to get here!

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? See Linda's front page ad and give her a call.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Pray for all those involved in the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Click photo for larger view
This 1975 photo was taken at the Fire Company's children's party. That's Gary Roesch at the microphone, and our children, Julie Linenfelser Dee and Jim Jr. Click the photo to also see the late Lanny Kohn on the far right. I believe it was Gail Lazenby in the red and white suit!!

Don't forget the benefit for the Briggs family to be held Wednesday, January 26th. See our Calendar of Events for details.

May your holidays be filled with all the things that matter most.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Good morning Sam and Kim Aceti on the Island and good morning to Kim Ludwig also on the Island.

The Republican Committee Christmas party at Say Cheese Pizza turned into a real surprise party. Bonnie Sciuk was honored for her many years of dedicated service to the Republican Party.

Happy birthday Kori Loder (21 today) , Denise (Stack) Dewey (today), Daniel Donovan (8 today), Emma Santorio (7 today), Mike Boerschig and Gary Sankes (tomorrow), Katie Rustowicz (20 tomorrow), Arvilla Kendzierski (Monday), Cassidy Louise Kendrick (3 on Monday), Jaylee Maddalena (Tuesday), Dan McBride and Sue Braun (milestones on Wednesday), George Wenner (7 on Wednesday) and Stan Hill (Wednesday).

Chris and Jim O'Dea will be married 50 years on Saturday. Happy anniversary, folks.

The good news this week is that George Christensen is doing much better. Hugs to George and to Marianne as well.•••• A speedy recovery to Shirley Reitebach and to Cathy Thomas.

It's my guess that Rich Little totally enjoyed the fashion show following the Historical Society's Friday afternoon holiday luncheon. His attractive wife, Sonja, modeled several stunning 1940s dresses. One of our most active Historical Society members, Maggie Gushue, spends a lot of time on these shows, finding just the right size models and putting together the clothing from hats to shoes and purses to props. She also studies and writes the history of the era such as this year's 1940s show.

Looking Back 60 years - David Yensan, 9, won first prize in WEBR Radio station's writing contest. The subject of the contest was "Why I'd Like to Go to the North Pole to see Santa Claus," and David's prize was a trip to the North Pole in the Adirondacks.

Looking Back 50 years - The Grand Island Taxpayers Association passed a resolution on December 6, 1962 offering a $100 reward for information which would lead to the conviction of those found to be responsible for setting any of the large fires on the Island at the time.

Looking Back 40 years - Ed Parker advertised piano music and dancing girls when he opened his Silver Dollar Saloon December 13, 1972 in the former Edgewater Hotel at 4130 East River Road.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Ernest R. Gasbarro, Gertrude Reimann, Mildred A. Weiser, James E. Stewart and Bob Beach and former resident, Kenneth A. Killian who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.•••• An extra special note of sympathy to my sister, Mary Stewart and her sons, Jim, Ted and Bill, on the death of her husband and their father. Jim passed away Monday morning after a painful, year-long bout with cancer.

Thanks to Jeff Cooke for sharing the following with me. You'll find a lot of interesting Island history here and quite a few photos. See The Buffalo History Gazette for Fix Brothers Rise From Poverty to Rule River Clans.

Island residents Karen and Sascha Stopa-Chavez have recently opened a day spa in East Amherst. The new "Spa Purity" is located at 8770 Transit Road. Check out their website for services available and ask about the 20% off gift card special. Good luck Karen & Sascha!

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
John's Pizza & Subs - delicious pizza, full menu on the Boulevard.
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
Marston Power Equipment - Snow, Lawn & Safety Equipment/Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
Miss Cathy's Dance Academy - A well established dance studio that's keeping up with the times
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

A most interesting and worthwhile website by the Department of Labor has been brought to our attention. Click Western New York Job Opportunities

Here are some of the events happening this week.
St. Stephen is holding Kids' Night Out on Saturday. ••••School District Voting takes place Tuesday. ••••
See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Good morning Pat and Hazel Ann Murphy here on the Island.

A fundraiser is being held for seven-year-old Julien Lamb, son of former Island resident, Patrick Lamb, Class of 1991. Julien, who was diagnosed with Leukemia May 2nd of this year, is battling the fight of his life at this time. A Basket Raffle Benefit for Julien will be held this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Tonawanda High School and is open to all.

The Grand Island Schools 2012-2013 Transportation Facility Referendum will take place from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, December 18th at the Grand Island High School gym. A public information presentation will take place at Sidway School at 1 p.m. on Thursday, December 6th and at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 11th. See our Calendar of Events for details.

Happy birthday to Ruth Stahl (today), Joan Staub (tomorrow), Julia Capage (8 tomorrow), Robin Shipman and Bobbi Cap (Saturday), Amanda Heftka (20 on Sunday), Grace Stewart (3 on Sunday), Marianne Tranter (cheers on Monday), Lisa Dinsmore Szpakowski and Agnes Morgan (Monday), Jake Scott (3 on Monday), Paul Linenfelser Sr., Duffy Macguire and Joelle Logue (milestones on Tuesday), Reba Conway (21 on Wednesday),and Liane Dahlberg, Ron Livingston, Kathy Loncher, Dave Hammond and Ethel Yuhas (all celebrating milestones on Wednesday).

Prayers and cards of cheer are in order for Ron Livingston, Jerry Livingston, Betty Killian, Ruth Stahl, Jim Stewart and Dave Birt.

Have you signed out "Guestbook" recently? It is a big help to those who are planning class reunions for the coming year. We have already set up web pages for the milestone classes (1973, 1983, 1993, 2003) and have heard from Betsy Schopp Cali, Class of '93 and Shirley Lewien-Reitebach, Class of 1973.

The Town of Grand Island Conservation meeting on Thurs. Dec. 13th has been cancelled.

Looking Back 60 years - The annual Home Bureau Christmas party was held at the Buffalo Launch Club on December 2, 1952 and attended by 105 women, the largest crowd yet. A one act play, "Low Bridge," was presented by Alice Sock, Peg Pfohl, Bern Dekdebrun and Charlotte Lewis.••••Kay Valyear's Mariner Troop held a baked goods sale at Smitty's Quick Lunch, now part of the Contract Interiors plaza, on December 6, 1952 to benefit a needy family. •••• Clarence Baumann, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Dance on December 6, 1952, was assisted by Frank Shear, John Gast, Bill Daigler, John Derr, Frank Pinzel and Carl Vella. •••• Deanne Long designed and painted religious Christmas scenes which were placed in the triangle near the fire hall. Members of the various Island civic organizations helped to establish this Christmas observance project which continued for several years.

Looking Back 40 years - The Cushner Building was sold to Francis B. Pritchard and Edward W. Kinney, law partners and co-owners of Holly Agency Inc.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Mary L. Oddo and former resident Chris Schorb who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

At this writing, there are still four seats available for the Historical Society's Christmas Luncheon and fashion show tomorrow. Check with Carol Moore at 773-3817 to make a reservation (prepaid $20).

Congratulations to Mike Mongan of the Beach House Restaurant who has been named Best Restaurant at the 2012 Taste of Grand Island.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Grand Island Optical for all your optical needs
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Lee Tetkowski, UNICEF Chair for Grand Island, sent me the following. "Please help Grand Island reach its goal of $2,000 for UNICEF this year. With the recent donations added to what the kids collected on Halloween, we have come closer. A check for $30.00 made out to U. S. Fund for UNICEF and mailed to Lee Tetkowski at 1530 Whitehaven Road will be sent off promptly and can provide blankets for 6 children! Or a check for $25 can provide immunizations against polio for 45 children! The need is so great. Thanks to all who always help.

Here are some of the events happening this week.
A free Bowlathon by Most Valuable Kids of WNY will take place Friday.•••• Pearl Harbor Day ceremonies are being held on Friday.•••• The Community Chorus Christmas Concert will take place Sunday evening. •••• The Historical Society will hold an open house with harpist and country store on Sunday.•••• The Rotary Club's Undie Sunday is being held on Sunday. See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

Congratulations to Mike Krywcum on his 300-636 game at Island Lanes last week. This was his first 300 and 104 pins over average.

Tell them where you heard it!! Lots of folks have been using the Grand Island Limousine service since it went on the road just a few weeks ago. Peter Montana and his wife, Cyndy are the owners and operators of the huge Limo, wrapped with an image of the bridge. Good luck to the Montanas.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good morning Carol Ganster in Tonawanda, NY and good morning to Vince Martello on the Island.

Happy birthday to JoAnn Vanderheite (cheers today), to Eric Harnden (his 20th tomorrow), John Podlucky (tomorrow), Brian Sullivan (Saturday), Pat McNulty (her 89th birthday on Sunday), Riley Crosby (8 on Sunday), Carol Ganster (Sunday), Lois Kaiser Schoenfeld and Sara Barbur (Monday), Alan Endres (20 on Monday), our grandson Evan Linenfelser (10 on Tuesday), Natalie Carter and Aidan MacNeil (both turning 9 on Tuesday), Claire Card and Bill Wilson (Tuesday), Cameron Cherenzia (16 on Tuesday), Darcey Golde and Carolyn Kreutz (Wednesday), and Luke Gworek (6 on Wednesday).

Best wishes to Dick and Joan Group, marking their 50th anniversary on Saturday and to Bob and Aerika Backlund celebrating their 16th anniversary today.

Congratulations to Jeff Richard who rolled a 300-707 last week with the Friday Night Businessmen's League

Looking Back 60 years - The first service of St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church was held on November 30, 1952 in the American Legion Hall on Ferry Road at the corner of Orchard. •••• Highlights of Grand Island's once-in-a-century centennial celebration were reviewed in a series of colored movies and slides at the November 1952 PTA meeting at Charlotte Sidway School. The movies, presented through the courtesy of the Elmer Kaegebein family, included shots of the grand prix races, the parade and the pageant. Slides shown by Heber Ashley Jr. were of familiar Island personalities in the garb of yesterday as they took part in the events of the celebration. Also shown through the courtesy of Anne Buzby were a number of slides of the cornerstone laying at the William Kaegebein School. ••••Marion and Peace Justice Don Hawley entertained several soldiers from the Staley Road Army Camp in their home on Thanksgiving Day. ••••Cub Pack 254 met at the Sidway School Friday night, November 28, 1952 when some of the Cubs put on skits relating to the theme, "Faith of His Father." New members who became Bobcats were Walter Pankow, Ricky Stefik, Peter Glor, Ronnie Mueller, Jarman Benns, Ronny Anderson and Clifford Smith. Among others in Pack 254 were Dan McMahon, Tom Stedman, Henry Ensminger, Jim Killian, Galen Young, Richard Beardsley, Donald Flessing, Robert Grycel and Ricky Sturm.

Looking Back 50 years - The Casuals and the Isletones, both popular bands on the Island, provided the music for the Islettes Majorettes record hop at the Sidway gym on Friday, November 30, 1962. DJ's were Chuck Moore and Jim Wendell. ••••The newly elected president and fire chief of the Grand Island Fire Company in December 1962 were Don Anderson and Bill Wood respectively.

Our sincere sympathy to the family of June Marie Wakeley who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Those of you who attended Riverside High School in the late 1950s and 1960s will probably remember longtime Riverside coach Charlie Dingboom. Coach Dingboom was recently presented a replica of the 1962 Harvard Cup by that year's co-captain Chuck Rozo. The occasion was the marking of the 50th anniversary of the retirement of the Harvard Cup - awarded for the city championship - after Riverside won it for the third consecutive year.

If you emailed news to our Isledegrande.com office and have not seen it posted this week, please send it again. An email glitch has been corrected.

It was so nice to see Michelle and Paul Linenfelser Jr. at our family get-together on Saturday. Paul and Michelle reside in Santa Monica, CA.

This week's spotlighted Isledegrande.com advertisers follow.
The Beach House Restaurant - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on East River Road
Flower A Day Florist - Flowers for all occasions - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here are some of the events happening this week.
The Grand Island Rotary Club Paper/Document SHRED EVENT is being held Saturday.•••• The Grand Island Historical Society will hold its Christmas open houses this Sunday and next. •••• The Grand Island Historical Society is hosting its first of three holiday luncheons on Tuesday (reservations only)•••• The Daisy Troop 30429 will be at the Key Bank Saturday with Girl Scout Cookies.••••
See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Good morning Marcia Nowak in Oakland, CA and good morning to Greg Butcher right here on Grand Island.

Today is Wednesday, November 21st, the day before Thanksgiving and one day earlier than the "Between the Bridges" column usually appears.

Happy birthday to Marilyne Brandoni, Jennifer Przybylski, and Kevin Rosman (tomorrow), Edna Braddell (Saturday), Lois Morgan (her 90th birthday on Sunday), Ginger Stamler and Dennis Parrino (Monday), Jim O'Dea and Bill Barth (Tuesday), Don Loder (Wednesday), PJ Marston (5 on Wednesday), and Ame'lia Isabelle Haag (her third birthday on Wednesday).

Our Island Historical Society is hosting three holiday luncheons at River Lea this year. The lunch will be followed by a fashion show of 1940s clothing. Call Carol Moore at 773-3817 to make a reservation (prepaid $20). The dates are:
Tuesday, December 4
Friday, December 7
Saturday, December 8.
Featured will be a Country Store that opens at 11 a.m. Luncheon is served at noon.

Looking Back 60 years - The town board in November 1952 was considering the rezoning for the library to provide heat there in the basement (downstairs of town hall) by making necessary changes in the heating system. The town hall was a school house until 1937. ••••Grand Island volunteer firemen learned to use the new resuscitator during a training session in November 1952. The resuscitator was financed by a Kiwanis Club rose sale. ••••Town Board members devoted considerable time to problems arising from the construction of the two anti aircraft bases on the Island (sewage lines on town highway property draining into Gun Creek, and town roads damaged by heavy traffic incidental to construction of the camps as roads were not built for that type of traffic). ••••The American Legion held a Thanksgiving party on Saturday evening, November 22, 1952. Lucky turkey winners were Melvina Williams of Fix Road and Walter DeGlopper of Ferry Road. The Legion cleared $200.

Looking Back 50 years - A November Christmas tree sale was advertised by Marin Evergreens. The ad offered "Scotch Pine at $2 - Choose Now, Cut Later." Edith and Claude Marin ran their business at the end of Kirkwood Drive for many years.

Happy fifth anniversary to Jamie and Jon Dalbo. The Dalbos were married on November 24, 2007.

Our sincere sympathy to the family of former resident, Edward W. Falsetti who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - on Whitehaven just off the Boulevard
Certified Auto Brokers - Excellent service - here on the Island
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? See Linda's front page ad and give her a call.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Santa with his little elf, just before the parade started. Photo by Maureen Toth
Hats off to the members of the Chamber of Commerce for their "Light Up the Blvd & Festival." event last Saturday. Community support was above all expectations. Lots of Christmas lights and the huge crowd can only mean a repeat next year.

We’ve heard via Facebook friends that Doug Smith starred in the role of Morrie in the Niagara Regional Theater Guild’s production of Tuesdays With Morrie. Doug received a standing ovation. . . and not a dry eye in the crowd!" The play was directed by Islander John Quackenbush.

Here are some of the events happening this week.
The Grand Island Class of 2002 holds its 10-year Reunion tomorrow evening.•••• The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce is supporting “Small Business Saturday.” on Saturday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

Thanksgiving, a day set aside to count our blessings, is a perfect time for me to thank my readers for keeping in touch and even becoming my friends though we've never met. Have a great weekend.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Good morning Adelle Cadro in Nashville, TN and good morning to Miriam (Nardini) Kohler in Bradford, PA

A belated happy anniversary to Ted and Lisa Kessler who celebrated their 20th anniversary yesterday.

A speedy recovery to Allison DeMartin. Praying everything goes smoothly, Allison.

Good news! Betty Killian has had her hip surgery and doing very well.

Happy birthday to Carole Lochte (today), to Annabelle Linenfelser (5 tomorrow), Sierra Yarnes (two years old on Saturday), Bobbi McNulty Champayne (Saturday), Mark Flash (Sunday), Douglas F. Bauer and Kathy Mentor (Tuesday), Joan Butcher (Wednesday), Ben Kose (21 on Wednesday) and Tyler Lorence (7 on Wednesday). A belated happy birthday to Barbara Fox Smith who celebrated Monday.

Looking Back 60 years - A ribbon cutting to officially open the West River Parkway was held Tuesday, November 18, 1952 at Big Six Creek bridge. Members of Charlotte Sidway School's Glee Club sang vocal selections under the direction of music teacher Mrs. Carol Thompson.

Looking Back 50 years - The Island's first Tops Market (most recently Wilson Farms and now 7-Eleven) opened on Love Road in November 1962.••••The Sandy Beach Restaurant, being run by the Gibbons family, began serving pizza in early November 1962. •••• The Richard Ray Restaurant in the Grand Island Plaza changed hands, becoming the Beachcombers Restaurant when Islanders Marcy and George Buell took over the operation in November '62.

Best wishes to Kara Duysters who was married to Ed Blaskowski on November 9th. See front page for the photo and story.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Thomas P. Boyle Jr., Barry Vanderbrook, Harold "Bud" Anderson and former resident, George B. Pollock who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Congratulations to Gary Scott on his 290-767 score bowling with the A-Best Roofing League at Island Lanes.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
Marston Power Equipment - Snow, Lawn & Safety Equipment/Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
NFE Sales - Niagara Frontier Equipment Sales - Test drive Kioti's new UTV
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Check out this weeks events.
A Friends of Library Book Sale takes place tomorrow and Saturday.••••"Light up the Boulevard Electric Parade and Festival will be held on Saturday.••••The VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary will host a Hot Turkey Sandwich Dinner on Saturday. •••• Basketball Fundraiser, Sabres Alumni vs. GI School District Tuesday evening in the GIHS gym. The annual Grand Island Ecumenical Ministerium Thanksgiving service takes place at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday evening. See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Good morning Carl Mote in Big Bear Lake, CA and good morning to Saundra Marcel New York, NY.

Happy birthday to Scott Hammond and Doug Smith (today), Katie Samland (20 on Saturday), Sandy Santorio (cheers on Sunday), Richard Benns (Sunday's his big day), Lucia Roesch (four years old on Sunday), Kelly Williams (21 on Monday), Victor Cap and Mike Madigan (Tuesday), and Sarah Brand (8 years old on Wednesday.

Congratulations to Stephanie Voyzey on a great swim season. Stephanie broke the school record in the backstroke with a time of 1:03.03 at the NFL meet, where she also placed second in the league for the backstroke. A junior at Grand Island High School, she is the daughter of Greg and Paulette Voyzey. Commendable, Stephanie!

To George and Marianne Christensen, happy 60th wedding anniversary. The Christensens, longtime residents, were married November 8, 1952. Please say a little prayer that they may enjoy this special anniversary. George and Marianne have been a strong part of our fire company for over 40 years ago and their family is most appreciative of the notes, cards and visits.

Best wishes to Ed and Carol MacDonald Gangster who are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary tomorrow. So glad to be able to report that Carol is working hard and doing better and better.

Best wishes to Danna Kirsch Moles and her husband, Ken ("KC") on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary on Monday, November 12th.

Click photo for larger view
A big congratulations to Allison DeMartin on a great diving season for Grand Island Swimming and Diving team. Allison, a freshman at Grand Island High School, just finished her season with her sectionals competition at Erie Community College where she came in 24th. Alli finished 1st in 5 out of 9 meets. She came in 5th place at Niagara Frontier League competition. Her parents, Mike and Karen DeMartin, are very proud of her for her accomplishments. Shown with her are Coach Candy Kane (left) and GIHS Swim Team Coach Christen Green.

Connor Middle School PTA members have begun their annual Poinsettia & Wreath sale. Orders must be received (Middle School or High School office) by 2 p.m. November 19th. Pickup is conveniently on Teacher Conference Day in the Viking Mall, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, November 26th. For more information, check out the headline on our front page.

Looking Back 60 years - The first dance for the Island's newly arriving soldiers, stationed at our anti-aircraft base, was held in the Fire Hall on November 8, 1952. It was announced that dancing partners would be available to the servicemen attending the dance. Clifton and Ruby Rogers were the sponsors and Lee Forster's orchestra provided the music.••••Charlotte Sidway School's first issue of the monthly school newspaper, "Between the Bridges," was first published on November 5, 1952. Tommy Close, a 6th grader, was the winner of the "Name the Newspaper" contest. ••••The Wayside Furniture store on Express Highway, owned and operated by Dan Linenfelser Sr., was heavily damaged by fire. An alarm at 4:15 a.m. Sunday November 9, 1952 was turned in simultaneously by Dr. Dewitt Bell who resides at the Center (now Contract Interiors plaza) and by Earl LaCouer who was returning from work in the Falls. The fire caused considerable damage to Vern Mooney's Snack Bar which adjoined the furniture store and also caused smoke damage to Harold Long's Appliance Center.•••• Eighty-six teenagers and three chaperones attended what sounds like the very first skating party at the Rainbow Roller Rink in North Tonawanda Saturday night, November 8, 1952. Less than half made reservations so there was difficulty in providing ample bus transportation to the rink. ••••Voters in Voting District #3 in Grandyle Village would no longer vote in the refreshment stand at Stony Point and Love Road. The polls were moved to the new, nearly completed Kaegebein School.

Looking Back 40 years - The Grand Island Life Singers, a group of 25 teens from Trinity UM, Emmanuel UM and St. Stephen's Roman Catholic churches was formed and held their first concert Saturday, November 4, 1972 in Trinity UM Church. Music was under the direction of Rev. Fred Dixon.

Looking Back 30 years - "1982 Girl Swimmers Best in GI History" was the headline of Bill Rohring's column, "To The Point..." in November of that year. Record setters were Sue Samland, Anne Drexelius, Katie McDonough, Tammie Stevens (Gorman), Jennifer Wilkinson, Tracy Roesch (Williams) and Kelly Valone (Maurer) .

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Roger W. Ohnsorg, Jacqueline E. Lamancuso and Frances L. Bonda who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Support our business advertisers.
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
Miss Cathy's Dance Academy - A well established dance studio that's keeping up with the times
Theodore's Red Hots - across from the round-about - full menu - hot dogs and much more
Aceti's Wine & Spirits - conveniently located in the Tops plaza.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Congratulations to Mike Mallwitz on another 300 game (300-790) while bowling on the Rhino League at Island Lanes.

Here are some of the events happening on the Island this week.
The Recreation Dept. Fitness Family Activities will be held Saturday.••••McCarthy Dancers Shopping Extravaganza will be held Saturday evening. ••••Vikings for Vets 5K Race/Walk/Jog takes place Saturday. ••••The VNA will offer Flu & Pneumonia Vaccinations at the Grand Island Memorial Library on Saturday.••••An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Tuesday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Good morning Bob and Val Funk here on the Island and good morning to Ryan Timmerman, serving his country overseas.

Thank you to our American Legion. Post 1346 rocks!

Happy birthday Emily Fred (12 today), Andy Chambers (today), Julie Lockett (a milestone tomorrow), Blake Rockwood (tomorrow), Anthony Weis (8 years old on Saturday), Marilyn Andujar and Mark Tiede (Sunday), Alli DeMartin (14 on Sunday), Alexander Frye (20 on Monday), Brian Rinio (16 on Monday), Joshua Less (16 on Tuesday), David Arch (10 on Tuesday), Helen Radder (95 years young on Tuesday), and John Kaeffer and Joe Cushner (Wednesday).

Marking their 40th wedding anniversary and wished the best on Sunday are George and Hazel Rowe.

Republican candidates, families and friends are meeting at River Oaks Clubhouse Restaurant, 201 Whitehaven Road, to watch the election results come in on Tuesday night.

Grand Island was extremely lucky during 'Hurricane Sandy' on Tuesday. Immense damage was received in much of the East, however, we seem to have escaped with little or no damage and most of us never lost power. Let's pray for those whose lives have been hit hard by severe damage, flooding, fires and power outages. For heartbreaking photos, see 'Hurricane Sandy', the largest Atlantic tropical system on record.

Looking Back 65 years - Democratic supervisor candidate, Daniel J. McNamee, "upset the political apple cart by sliding “home free” in the race for supervisor of Grand Island by a slim margin of five votes (total of 488.) Reginald P. Long, present office holder and a Republican, garnered 483 votes. Gerald A. Weingartner, Independent Republican received 173 votes. •••• The first community Halloween party for the children of the Sandy Beach area was held Friday night, October 31, 1947 at the Sandy Beach Yacht Club. The evening was a huge success with all credit going to Esther Livingston of Wallace Drive. ••••A Halloween party was held at the home of Donna Staly (Mesmer) of West River Road and among the many guests were by Vera Mote, Nancy Mote (Sayre), Dorothy Mahnk, Fay Ehde Valone, Barbara DeGlopper (Butterworth), Robert Stamler, Joan Benton Templeton and Nancy Benton Meister, Cecelia Dunbar, Margaret Dunbar, Noreen Zuchowski and Garey Staly.

Looking Back 50 years - Grand Island Motors, Inc. (Ford) on Grand Island Blvd., across from what is now Contract Interiors Plaza, conducted a football contest which ended Saturday, November 7, 1962. Winners in the 8-year-old group were Charles Bagdy (1st), John Podlucky (2nd), and Jeff Brown (3rd); and 9-year-old winners were Jim Shackleton (1st), Robin Lang (2nd), and Dan Carr (3rd).

Looking Back 25 years - Martin Prast soundly defeated LaVerne Luther in the supervisor race after voters gave the winner 669 more votes (unofficially) than incumbent Luther received.

Looking Back 10 years - The Town Cafe on the Boulevard was opened by the Alessi family just ten years ago. Stop by for lunch or dinner and wish them a happy anniversary.

Looking Back 5 years - NYS diving champ Ian O'Rourke, GIHS Class of 2007, broke the Niagara University's 1-meter diving record with a 6-dive score of 292.55 as the Purple Eagles won at New Hampshire.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Thomas R. Collins Jr., Michael T. Rogan, and Leroy Anthony Pastore who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
DeGeorge - ceilings, windows, doors - check out this website
Budwey's Supermarket - brand names at low prices - and three locations
Rose Liquor Store - Full line of wines and liquors - great discounts
Eddie's Art Shop - The BEST is the least we can do for you.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back early Sunday morning, November 4th, when daylight savings time ends. We will all gain an extra hour of sleep.

Here's what's happening on the Island this week.
"The Union Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps" will be the program at tonight's Historical Society meeting in River Lea. ••••Connor Family Fun Night (aka International Night) takes place tomorrow evening at the Middle School •••• The VNA will offer Flu & Pneumonia Vaccinations Saturday in Memorial Library. •••• St. Stephen School's Shopping Extravaganza takes place Sunday. •••• The VFW Ladies Chili Fest will be held on Sunday. •••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Good morning to Paul and Marcy Malecki here on the Island and good morning to Ron and Nancy Webb in Olcott, NY.

Click photo: Holiday Inn September 1972
The Holiday Inn, just auctioned off at a price of $4.4 million, was still very much under construction in September 1972 (see photo above). Cost to build was estimated at $12 million. For story, see Holiday Inn Auction

Happy birthday to retired St. Stephen School teacher, Ann Samplinski, affectionately known to her students and parents as "Mrs. Sam." Ann's birthday is Sunday, the 28th. •••• Happy birthday to our grandson John Bidell who is celebrating his 23rd birthday today. Happy birthday to Norm Bauman (a milestone today), Joshua McMahon (8 today), Kelly Coram and twins Maxx and Calleigh Anderson (3 years old tomorrow), Peter Marston (cheers on Saturday), Dominic Cannata (21 on Saturday), Ray Gress Jr. and Steve Hunt (Sunday), Jimmie Stewart III (20 on Sunday), Joanne Gesl and Nina Goss (Monday), Dave Wilkinson and Bill Pioli (Tuesday) and Morgan Proctor (9 on Wednesday).

Best wishes to Sue and Dan McMahon who are celebrating their 40th anniversary on Saturday and to Liz and Eric Reimann marking their 45th anniversary on Sunday.

Islander Don Fancher’s Magic Marble Towel Holder Slim model is now available at the Made in America store (http://www.madeinamericastore.com/) in Elma. The Magic Marble Towel Holder is handmade of natural oak and is available in many styles. http://www.magictowelholder.com/.

There are some additional pictures on the mural on the back of the Grand Island Blvd. plaza. Added are the names, in loving memory, of deceased Islanders, John P. McGowan and Holly Vaine Rovison. Click Mural for photo by Maureen Toth.

Looking Back 60 years - Sidway School's 9th grade Class of '53 elected the following officers on October 17, 1952: President Joan Lafferty (Kivett), Vice President Carl Miller, Secretary Gail Burgstahler (Rothenberg) and Treasurer Roger Killian.

Looking Back 50 years - The town board adopted the Niagara Rose, a bright red hybrid flower, as its official flower. Originated and developed by West River Road resident Clarence Davis, the beautiful rose was the result of nearly ten years of experimentation and cross pollination. The recommendation that it be adopted by the town came from Cinderella Isle Garden Club members.

Looking Back 40 years - The Trinity Church Middle School Youth Group held a Halloween party on October 22, 1972 when Cindy Bleich, Vicki Bidell (Wilkinson), Kevin Lipp and Abby Baker were the winners of the costume contest. ••••Kiwanis Club members elected President Clark Nesbitt, Vice Presidents Fred Haefner and Earl Eastman, Secretary Al Raepple and Treasurer Art Miller.•••• Miss Magdelene Miller, a new high school faculty member, was working with the Spotlighters on her first attempt in Island theater with the production of Life With Father. "Maggie" is now Mrs. Scott Kennedy.

Looking Back 10 years - Tops Markets announced that plans for the proposed convenience store and gas station at the corner of Ransom and Stony Point had been scrapped. A Tops Xpress was already under construction to the left of the Tops Market on the Boulevard and was expected to open before the end of the year (2002). According to the local papers, "That makes four "quick stop convenience stores" within 'skipping' distance!"

It was another win for the Varsity Vikings last Saturday. Final score, Grand Island 27 - Iroquois Chiefs 20. The Vikings play Sweet Home at Sweethome at 2 p.m. Saturday. Go Vikings.

Congratulations to Mike Johnson who rolled a 290-717 with the A-Best Roofing league at Island Lanes this week.

This picture was taken by my sister, Mary Stewart. In order to pose the kitty, she hid some cheese in a pumpkin. Mary and her family are going through a very sad time. Husband, Jim, needs prayers to help quell the pain.

Halloween is just around the corner and for a fantastic visual treat, be sure to go by 871 Baseline Road. The folks there have put up a wonderful display of lighted Halloween decorations.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
John's Pizza & Subs - delicious pizza - full menu - on the Boulevard.
Sherry McDonald/RealtyUSA - A local real estate agent who knows the Island
Blue Water Marina - storage, docking, and boating and fishing supplies - East River Road in historic Ferry Village
Island Ship Center Inc. - Convenient FedEx agency on Whitehaven Road and a full line of leather goods
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
St. Stephen's Ice Cream Sundae Bar takes place this evening.••••The official tricks-or-treat hours on Grand Island are from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday ••••The Grand Island Fire Company will host a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Wednesday. ••••A fundraiser is being held for Dave Kaiser on Saturday afternoon. •••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good morning Dorothy Wilson in Phoenix, AZ and good morning to David Anderson in Kenmore, NY.

Thanks to Corey McGowan, the Fall Festival/Taste of Grand Island was such a major success. Click for some thoughts on the day.

A belated happy birthday to Willa Dusenbury who turned 95 years old on October 10th.••••Happy birthday to Barb DeMaria (today), Alexandra Imperi (21 today), Aidan Daly (5 today), Judy Thaler, Robert Skotnicki and Heidi Sue McCormick, (tomorrow), Luke Hooper (9 tomorrow), Ryan Pinzel (9 on Saturday), Michael Madigan (16 on Saturday), sweet Laury Linenfelser (cheers on Sunday), Norm Bauman (Sunday), Brianna Hadden (18 on Monday), Rick Martin (25 on Monday), Patrick Gallagher (20 on Tuesday), Chase Harding (8 on Tuesday), Zakary Massaro (3 on Tuesday), and Douglas Krueger (Wednesday)

Remembering "Puppet" Ditullio on what would have been his 70th birthday. Puppet is sorely missed by his family and many, many friends. See "RIP Pup".

Happy anniversary to dear friends Gary and Carol Roesch who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, the 20th. Also wished the very best on their anniversary this week are Earl and Rita DeGlopper, married 62 years on Sunday.

Looking Back 60 years - Over the summer of 1952 earth moving equipment had been digging a canal from the East River to a few feet from the East River Road under the direction of Michael Steffen who was creating the private canal and selling ranch type homes there. On Friday, October 17, 1952 the last of the earth was moved and the canal filled up with water in about 1/2 hour. •••• The chorus at Trinity EUB Church presented "Marrying Marion" with Marion Pinkow and Wally Simms in the leads in October 1952.

Looking Back 40 years - - The Grand Island Vikings remained undefeated in league play by edging Cleveland Hill, 7-6 on a rain-soaked field 40 years ago this week. Coach Gene Masters cited team effort, especially the play of Glyn Lipp, Bill Mancuso and Terry McDonnell as factors in this important victory. ••••The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation held its first of many Charity Balls in October 1972 in the Buffalo Launch Club.

Looking Back 10 years - Two performances of the Historic Sesquicentennial Pageant of music and Island history was presented on the stage at Huth Road School. Elizabeth Beach was the director and her husband, Bob, was the narrator. ••••It was official! Greg Barker was the United States #1 High Point champion in the 2.5 Litre class; Ken Brodie II in the GNH class; and Bob Catipovic in the KRR class in October 2002. The High Point championships were won by the three Island residents after they traveled thousands of miles to boat races throughout the country. Greg Barker and his wife, Liz racked up 11,300 miles that summer, traveling with their The Rewinder. "Was it worth it? You bet!"

The Varsity Vikings suffered their first loss of the season against McKinley, 22-16, last Saturday. The Vikes play Iroquois at Iroquois tomorrow night.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Alice M. Beauchamp, Reginald A. Pike, Daniel J. Carroll, Carlton A. Porter and former resident Paula L. Diefenbach Grimm who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Maryanne McMahon continuously helps out in so many ways to provide things for the less fortunate kids who would otherwise not have them. Her latest drive was a collection of Halloween costumes and from what we hear, this has been very successful with a few hundred kids getting something their family would have to struggle to give them.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Dr. Thomas C. Lepenven, DMD - Island Dental PC - 2095 Baseline Road at the center of the Island
Magic Towel Holder - Craftsman Don "Bones" Fancher- clever gift creations
Serene Gardens - Café & Garden Center right here on the Island
Riviera Theater - Ticket and Events - Historic Riviera just across the river
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
St. Stephen's Basket Raffle will be held tomorrow evening.•••• The Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary's annual chowder & baked goods sale is scheduled for Saturday. ••••The Historic Preservation Advisory Board seeks old Island photos and will have volunteers available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, October 20 at the Grand Island Memorial Library. •••• A fundraiser to help Jim McQuestion will be held Saturday. ••••The Grand Island High School Boys Volleyball Tournament takes place Saturday. ••••The Golden Age Club's annual Holiday Happenings will be held on Saturday. ••••A Fall Fest is being held at Trinity UM Church on Saturday. ••••Island Presbyterian Church presents "The Blind Side" at 6 p.m. Saturday.••••The Historical Society will be open to all on Sunday. •••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good morning Dexter "Corky" Lewis in Trenton, FL and good morning to Ron and Nancy Webb in Olcott, NY.

That's artist Terry Klaaren who is finishing up the last of the painting on the mural behind the Grand Island Boulevard Plaza. The Taste of Grand Island Fall Festival and the unveiling of the mural begins at 11 a.m. and runs through 7 p.m. Lots going on Saturday. Don't miss it. Click Fall Festival for complete information.

St. Stephen Church and the Respect Life Group would like to invite you, your family, friends and neighbors to join in a “Prayer for our Nation” at 7 p.m. tonight (Oct. 11th) in the main church, 2100 Baseline Road. Please see Pray for Our Nation

Happy 16th birthday to Jacob Mongold, celebrating today. Happy birthday to Jean Peters and Gary Larsen (tomorrow), to Marissa Mrkall (6 tomorrow), Christopher Conway (16 on Saturday), Dylan Castiglia (5 on Saturday), Tom Trader and Michael Chateauneuf (sharing the same milestone on Saturday and Sunday respectively), Stephanie Voyzey (Sweet 16 on Sunday), John Turner (his 18th birthday on Sunday), Ashley Battaglia (8 on Sunday), Shirley Luther (marking her 88th birthday on Monday), Jonathan Wozniak (a milestone on Monday), Kalli Pedlow (20 on Monday), Mark Argy (his 21st on Monday), Clare Conboy (4 years old on Tuesday), Marissa Booker (21 on Wednesday), Stephanie Kowalak (Sweet 16 on Wednesday), Jenna Giambra (10 on Wednesday), Julius Schopp (3 on Wednesday) and Jack Hammond (Wednesday).

Cards and prayers are in order for George and Marianne Christensen.••••Glad to hear Bob Beach is back home and his hospital stay is behind him.••••Sandy Krecisz is also home and healing well.

John Burns and Tracy Cummings are receiving congratulations from their families on the occasion of their recent wedding. The couple was married on October 6, 2012, the 61st wedding anniversary of John's late parents, Eileen and Bill Burns.•••• Best wishes to John and Pamela Cacciatore who are celebrating their 22nd anniversary this Saturday (Oct. 13th).

Looking Back 65 years - The Sandy Beach Property Owners sponsored a meeting October 13, 1947 with 150 people attending. Three supervisor candidates spoke, with the present supervisor, Reg Long, saying it was the first time in 16 years he was asked to speak before a group of taxpayers. •••• The Town Board on October 13, 1947 moved that "Mr. J. Dale Janes be permitted to maintain a temporary sales office on East River “Parkway,” east of Wallace Drive until such time that all property in the subdivision has been disposed of." This motion was carried and building is now the The Beach House Restaurant.

Looking Back 60 years - The cornerstone laying of the $1,250,000 William M. Kaegebein School on Love Road took place at 2 p.m. October 12, 1952. ••••Roy Graham Motors, 1902 Baseline at the Thruway was advertising his collision shop and garage where he offered body work and painting and used cars bought and sold among other things. ••••Annual state aid for Grand Island was boosted by $16,057 as a result of a recent special census. The town had the largest population increase for any upstate town – 146.38%.••••Island college students Richard Hogue Jr., Eddie Pfohl and Ernie Hoefner organized a new football team, "The Islanders," for boys ages 9 to 12. About 45 boys were at the first practice at Kaegebein School ball diamond and included Don Kutzbach, Dave Pinkow, Johnny Barrus and Bob Tranter. Ed Lewis, former semi pro football player with the Buffalo Bulls, volunteered to serve as the coach. ••••Mrs. Pierson’s 4th grade class at Kaegebein School presented a Columbus Day program entitled “The Egg and Christopher Columbus.” Among the cast members were Nina Braddell (Goss), Mike Podlucky, Sandra Johnstone (Munzert), Rita Satterlee (Rosensteele), John Linenfelser, Suzanne Beam, Billy Young and Gregory Goss.

Looking Back 50 years - President John F. Kennedy crossed the Island on the Thruway on Sunday, October 14, 1962. Does anyone have the group photo of the Grand Island Girl Scouts, leaders, parents and siblings who gathered at the south bridge to see the President? •••• Ground was broken for a new "Tops" supermarket and gas station to be built on Love Road. The grocery store was going up next to the Grandyle Pharmacy building and the service station was being built west of Mesmer's Dairy. •••• Sidway Junior High School's last 9th grade graduating class held an election of officers on October 11, 1962. Elected to serve the class were President John Killian, Vice President Kathy McFee, Treasurer David Schaefer and Secretary Jayne Pless (Miller). •••• Scott Hennigar, 11, found an 1867 nickel in the west riverbed at Fix Road.

Congratulations to the Varsity Vikings on their win over Niagara Wheatfield, 14-7, on Saturday. The Vikes (6-0) will play McKinley on Saturday at 4 p.m. Go Vikings. ••••Congratulations to Andy Moran who bowled a 299-706 with the Rhino Pro Painting League at Island Lanes this week.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Eunice W. Gibney and former resident, Wayne Vincent Miller who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Metro Town Center - 1980 Whitehaven Road - Betty Harris - President/NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker
Island Prescription Center - Consumer wellness tips - Cholesterol Lowering Foods
Sandi's Family Restaurant - reasonable prices - Your Hosts......Dan and Sandi Clark
Sam Long's Landscaping & Excavating & Plumbing - Tom Long does it all
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

It's going to be a busy weekend on Grand Island. Our Calendar of Events is a record setter so please take a look.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good morning Michele Remmes in St. Petersburg, FL and good morning to Carol Kobza here on the Island.

The Grand Island Blvd. mural, located at the back of the Grand Island Plaza, is ahead of schedule thanks to ambicious volunteers under the leadership of Artist Terry Klaaren. The mural will be unveiled at 11 a.m. Saturday, October 13, the kick off for the 2012 Taste of Grand Island and fall fest taking place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. See Fall Festival for complete information.

Happy birthday to Margie Walker and Joe Padlog (today), to Dylan Russo (11 tomorrow), Michele Remmes , Nancy Long and Robert N. Schwagler (tomorrow), Rebekah Thompson (8 tomorrow), Craig Blowers (20 on Saturday), Jane Consier and Roy Campbell (Saturday), Lorraine Willcox, Ann Weingartner, Greg Yensan, Mary Jo Soto and Bob McCormick (Sunday), Michael Christensen (8 years old on Sunday), Morgan Capage (3 on Sunday), Andy Dinsmore (Monday), Evan Smith (9 on Sunday), Taylor Duscher (her 6th birthday on Tuesday), Barb Jarzab and Diane Hassan (Tuesday), and Roger Thaler, Willian Barbur, Linda Schneckenburger and Ray Billica (Wednesday).

On this week's prayer list are Jackie Filosofos, Chuck Dunworth, Jim Stewart and Gail Click. ••••Prayers are also in order for Wayne Baumler who is having total knee replacement next Wednesday "out here in Omaha.

Wishing Ted and Cyndi Stewart a very happy 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday. Best wishes also to Ted’s parents, Jim and Mary Stewart, who will mark their 48th anniversary on Wednesday.••••Yoo-hoo, Jim! Our 44th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. I don't think he hears me!!

Heard from former Island resident Carl Mote who has let me know that members of the Tonawanda High School Class of 1952 are getting together for their reunion dinner in the Buffalo Launch Club on Friday, October 12. Carl, an 8th grade graduate of Sidway School in 1948, went over to Tonawanda as most of the Island's high school students did, due to the fact that we did not have a high school back in those days. Carl, who lived on the West River between Love and Fix roads, encourages all grads to attend, and that dinner is only $22.50. Contact Ted Campus in North Tonawanda for further information. To contact Carl, email to lcminbigbear@aol.com

Looking Back 60 years - The Ashley family provided movies and over 150 color slides of the town's 1952 Centennial pageant, the Union Church Service, the Centennial grounds south of Sidway School, the grand prix auto race, Island memorabilia exhibits, beard contest, Old Timers' Reunion, and individual costumes etc. which were shown at the Emmanuel Chapel of Trinity Church, located on Ferry Road just west of East River Road in Ferry Village.

Looking Back 50 years - The second span of the south bridge was completed in October 1962. ••••Vivian Smudski served as Horticulture Chairman for the East Park Garden Club. Hostesses were Mrs. Leon Shippy and Eleanor Cullen when the Club met October 10, 1962 in the Undercroft of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church. •••• Mrs. Richard Bensman was the new president of the Willow Lawn Garden Club. Other officers in 1962 were Vice President Betty Killian, Treasurer Mrs. Joseph Demo Jr., and Secretary Ellie Zarbo. •••• Boy Scout Troop 510 participated in a weekend campout with 600 area Boy Scouts in Beaver Island State Park.

Looking Back 25 years - The very well liked Rev. Earle King offered his first church service at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church on Sunday, October 11, 1987. ••••A landmark house was the “victim” of a Grand Island Fire Company drill, at the state's request. It was burned on Sunday, September 27, 1987. The house was part of the Sidway Estate before the state took over the land for Beaver Island State Park. Occupants at the time of the drill were Roberta and Harry Lorence and their children who lived there for 21 years. Previous to the Lorence family were Ed and Sophie Zuchowski and their family who lived in the house for about 25 years when Ed was employed by the State Parks Commission. They were responsible for renovating it from a cottage to a year round home.

Congratulations to the Varsity Vikings on their win over Williamsville North, 26-21 on Saturday. The Vikes (5-0) will be at Niagara-Wheatfield this Saturday at 2 p.m.

Albert "Burt" Payne Jr. passed away Tuesday, September 25th. After service in the U. S. Army, he was the Commander of the Disabled Veterans of America Grand Island Chapter 168 NY, a member of the American Legion Grand Island Post 1346, and a member of Grand Island's Charles DeGlopper Post 9249 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Thanks to Dave Burt for this information, not all included in the death notice.

Our sincere sympathy to the families of Kali J. (Mordaunt) Korzelius, Leonard J. "Andy" Anderson, Janet M. Weyland, Bernice T. Maras and former residents Robert K. Kaiser Sr. and William F. Diefenbach who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Congratulations to Mike Mallwitz who bowled a 299 (718) with the A-Best league and a 290 (652) with the Friday Night Businessmen last week at Island Lanes. This week's champ is Zack Kelly who rolled a 300-746 bowling with the Rhino Pro Painting league at Island Lanes.

Nice to hear from Dexter "Corky" Lewis. Corky, as we called him in grade school, started off his email with, "Just want to let you know how much I wait for Thursdays." He has also let me know that he has Island photos and postcards that he will scan and send to me. Love this kind of email. Thanks so very much for writing, Corky. I will be sharing your pictures with the rest of my readers.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Grand Island Teachers Association - Thank you teachers for your support!
Riverview Chiropractic - Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski - Just for kids
Kaiser Funeral Home - Professional and Caring - 1950 Whitehaven Road
Michael Anthony Rossi - Rossi Law Firm - Committed to providing competent and cost effective legal services
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
A pet blessing will be held Saturday at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church.•••• The Grand Island Moose Lodge is hosting a Sportsman Gun Raffle on Sunday. •••• A One Island, One Team, One Dream to be Drug Free meeting will be held on Tuesday afternoon. ••••A "Zumba with Sandy" fundraiser to benefit the plaza mural project will be held at Sidway School Gym on Wednesday. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Good morning Leonard Riordan in Avon Park, FL and good morning to lifelong Islander Don Loder.

Happy birthday to Dave Grant, Ashley Bleistein and Sharilyn Zarajczyk (milestones today), Cap Cooke (20 tomorrow), Jordan Davis (18 tomorrow), Claire Cinelli and Ron Webb (tomorrow), Nancy Blundell, Joann Hasselbeck and Matthew Hamm (Saturday), Faith Caldwell (8 on Sunday), Vikki Smith (Sunday), Ariel Brucato and Allison Mae Walker (21 on Monday), and Jean Marie Ensminger and Joan Schlueter Wright (Wednesday).

Please pray for Chuck Dunworth who is seriously ill.••••Hopefully, Jim Stewart has been made a little more comfortable with new medication. Please keep him and Paula "Diefenbach" Grimm on your prayer list.••••Cards and notes of cheer are in order for Jackie (Sullivan) Mau. Her address is 38 West 5th Street, Depew, NY 14043.

Looking Back 65 years - The Frank Butcher family of East River Road became homeless due to a fire from a defective furnace that caused $6000 damage Saturday morning, September 27, 1947.••••Clem Scheuerman, in the fall of 1947, turned the cabin of the old "Toledo" into a house that still stands at the corner of Ferry and Orchard roads. It was Scheuerman who opened up Maccabee Hall as a restaurant in 1936. Maccabee Hall was built and opened around 1890 by the Maccabee Life Insurance Policy Holders, and is now Dick & Jenny's Bake & Brew since 2008.

Looking Back 60 years - Fran's Tot Shop, formerly located in Fran Brennan's kitchen on West River Road, moved into the Grandyle Plaza on Love Road on October 2, 1952. It was the last of the five stores to occupy the "new" Love Road plaza.

Looking Back 25 years - The theme of the Grand Island High School Homecoming Dance held Saturday, September 24, 1987 was “We Are The Vikings - the 25th anniversary of the high school.” Kellie Fergen (Williamson) was chosen Homecoming queen and Josh Fischer served as king. Others in the court were John Braddell, Carrie Mazza-Meaney, Kevin Thompson, Michelle Atkins, Steve Samplinski, Jill Mason, Tim Huttenlocker, Lisa Wrench, Tom DeBole and Tina DiMartile. Senior Jeff Birt took charge of huge packages of helium balloons that made a spectacular presentation at the evening event.

Rumor mill? Heard this week that the River Stone Grill will be opening again. ••••Not a rumor!! The second Tim Horton’s building is underway on the Boulevard next to the Town Cafe.

The Varsity Vikings beat Hutch Tech 24-6 on Friday night and will play at home 2 p.m. on Saturday against Williamsville North. Go Vikings!

Our sympathy to the families of Liesel Serzelbach, Albert Payne Jr. and former residents, James K. Fuller, Karen Ranum who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Fuccillo Chevrolet - Huge dealership right on Grand Island
Century 21/Gerrie Andolina - Grand Island's longtime, #1 real estate agent
State Farm - Bob Piatek - Insurance & Mutual Funds - save up to 40%
MARK S. NEMETH, Attorney at Law - insurance defense litigation with an emphasis on asbestos and nursing home litigation
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
A Steak Roast Fundraiser will be held for Chris Aronica on Friday.•••• A St. Stephen's Parish Kids Party, in celebration its 150th birthday, is planned for Saturday. ••••A National Prescription Drug Drop Off will be held on Saturday.•••• Island Presbyterian Church will present "Joyful Noise" on Saturday evening. •••• The Grand Island Autism Support Group will meet on Tuesday (Presentation: Parent Network of WNY) •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good morning Dawn and Larry Hillock in Warner Robins, GA and good morning to Peter A. Lew in Tonawanda, NY.

A speedy recovery to Chris Gress who says she's well taken care of by her daughters, husband, and sons-in-law! ••••A cheery hello to Carol (MacDonald) Ganster. ••••Sending sunshine and happy days to Tom Zarbo. Hope you’re feeling fine, Tom.••••Very good news!! Chamber President Eric Fiebelkorn who has been fighting Cancer for the last seven months, is now in remission.

Happy birthday to Bruce Senn and Becky Peters (today), Jennifer Fiels (20 today), Lawrence Runions (8 today), Madison Nowak (11 tomorrow), Glenn Wallace (tomorrow), H. William DeGlopper and Kevin Cobello (Saturday), Kenny Martina (20 on Sunday), David Dee, Lucy Floss and Dan Bridge (Tuesday), Sam Carpenter (9 on Tuesday), Madison Martin (a teenager on Wednesday), Kevin Rogoza (9 on Wednesday), Liz Glor Allen (best wishes on Wednesday), and Cameron Kolat (10 on Wednesday).

Looking Back 65 years - A new, automatic bowling machine, "Strikes and Spares," was installed at the Bedell House.••••Charlotte Sidway School's first PTA meeting of the year drew 125 people. An “Early Date” quiz program was conducted by Don Hawley, providing much fun for audience and contestants. And a play, written by Paul Stefik, “A Teacher’s Dream and Nightmare,” was presented Alice Kirkwood, Elsie Blaydon, Rodney Harper, Virginia Costen, Ann Buzby and Paul Stefik.•••• Dances were very popular on Grand Island in the 40's and 50's. Members of the Grandyle Village Property Owners Association held their Harvest Dance in September 1947 with music by Johnny Gast’s orchestra, and the Grand Island Memorial Library’s first dinner dance was held at the Buffalo Launch Club on September 20, 1947 with dancing to the "Launch Club Orchestra."

Looking Back 60 years - The first contingent of Army personnel arrived on the Island in the fall of 1952 and set up sites for the installation of barracks for the men who were about to arrive on the Island. Lt. Carl Schirmer and six men were busy at the Staley Road site and a similar group was doing the same on Ransom Road.

Looking Back 30 years - Gloria Brown became the women's 50-and-over champion at the "Run for the Grapes" in St. Catharines, Ontario 30 years ago.•••• On September 17, 1982, the newspaper guild of the Buffalo Courier-Express voted to turn down an offer from Rupert Murdoch’s News America Publishing Company to buy the failing Buffalo morning daily. The vote meant that Buffalo would be left with one newspaper.

Check out the latest news on the Taste Of Grand Island Fall Festival. The large event taking place at the Grand Island Blvd. Plaza will be held on Saturday, October 13th.

Congratulations to the Varsity Vikings on another win over Star Point with a score of 31-14 last Saturday. The Vikings play Hutchinson Central-Tech at Hutchinson Central-Tech 7 p.m. tomorrow night. Go Vikings!

Our sympathy to the family of Priscille Rose Mitchell Burket who recently passed away. A memorial service for former resident Jack W. Senn Jr. is being held at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 22nd at Bible Fellowship Church, 1136 Baseline Road (note change of time). A memorial service will be held for Doris R. Pettitt Memorial. Click Mrs. Pettitt's name for additions.
See Deaths for complete information.

It's happening on Saturday, September 29th. Serene Gardens at 2800 Grand Island Blvd. will host a Moon Viewing Festival from 6 p.m. featuring Sake, Wine and Tea Tasting, Tapas Style Japanese Food, Japanese Poetry Reading, and Live Traditional Music (bamboo flute) and more.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Wavelengths - Stay In Style - Wavelengths has a new hair style for you - 2289 Grand Island Blvd.
Attorney Mark J. Frentzel - Experience in all courts and all areas of law - 1763 Baseline Road, Harbor Towne Centre
JJFashionTrends - featuring Freshwater Cultured Pearls, Stainless steel Jewelry, Sterling silver for both Men and women and much more.
Kelly's Country Store - Come visit Kelly's for WNY's Largest Display of Homemade Chocolates!
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
See above for the Varsity Vikings Friday night game.••••Island Presbyterian Church hosts a Krolick's Chicken Barbeque on Saturday. ••••Grand Island Shoreline Sweep takes place Saturday morning.•••• The Historical Society's 50th Birthday/Open House (with cake!) will be held Sunday. ••••"Special Spaces Buffalo" will make a presentation Wednesday evening at the Buffalo Launch Club. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good morning Sandie Rall Smith in Auburn, CA and good morning to lifelong Islander Shirley Luther.

Please pray for Jim Stewart and Paula "Diefenbach" Grimm who are fighting serious health issues.••••Jackie Pritchard also asks friends to pray for her daughter, Kali Korzelius, "who is in a brave fight for her life!"

Congratulations to Mike and Sandy Beauchamp who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday. A very happy wedding anniversary to Tim and Irene Ehde who mark their 45th anniversary on Sunday.

Happy birthday to Makenna Scalise (turning 10 today), Bethany Kulikowski (8 today), Gert Reimann (an amazing 103 tomorrow), Ava Staub (9 on Saturday), Matthew Wasson (a big one on Sunday), Carmela Bartolomeo (10 on Monday), DeVonte' Mali'q Johnson (6 on Tuesday), Lauren Ann Bermel (3 on Tuesday), Mike Carr, Lisa Stoddard and Vickie Harnden (cheers on Wednesday), Bonnie Sciuk (best wishes on Wednesday), and David Long (Wednesday).

Click photo for larger view
That's Lyle Dinsmore in his "Gangway," taking part in the Antique and Classic Boat Show at the BLC this past Saturday. The weather wasn't perfect but the hardcore boat owners and antique boat enthusiasts didn't let the weather hold them back. The photo was taken by Sandie Rall-Smith of Auburn, CA who was on the Island visiting friends and family. See Mary Stewart's photos on the Sports page at Isledegrande.com.

Thank you, Grand Island Fire Company volunteers. The Fire Company made its 1000th response of the year 2012 on Thursday, September 6th with a "Police Emergency" standby at Fire Headquarters.

Looking Back 65 years - The Grand Island Post No. 1346 American Legion held its first field day on the Firemen's grounds at Baseline and "Express Highway" on Saturday, September 6, 1947. The celebration was being held for the purpose of raising funds to build a Legion clubhouse. Highlight was the famous Grand Island chowder. General chairman was Andy Kirkwood and committee members included Melvin Dinsmore, Alan Kaiser, Art Kingston, Abe Milner, Edna Milner, Ruth Maurer, Henry Killian, Betty Killian, Charles Stack, Ken Maurer, Don Loder and Mike Meyers.

Looking Back 50 years - Under the direction of Assistant Chief George Downs, an early morning barn fire was fought by the Grand Island Fire Company on Sunday, September 16, 1962. Isadore Carline's barn burned at 2389 Whitehaven Road. Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary members Helen Peck, Helen Hy, Alma McTigue, May Capizzi, Kay Haller and Vera Ferguson prepared and served coffee and sandwiches for the firefighters. ••••The Rod & Gun Club members challenged the American Legion Post to a game of Donkey Baseball. A photo of Bob Weatherbee, Ken Maurer, Mike Meyer and Charlie Stack in wigs, dresses, skirts, blouses and all that frilly stuff appeared in the weekly paper in 1962. Does anyone have the picture?

Looking Back 40 years - Co-chairing the annual Republican Party picnic on September 16, 1972 were Liz and Eric Reimann and Diane and Clark Nesbitt. "More and more young people are taking an active role in party politics," the weekly paper said 40 years ago.
Varsity Viking quarterback Mike Rodriguez (left) led the Viking offense to its first victory of the 1972 season, passing for three TDs, kicking four extra points and setting up the final score on a great option play which center Mike Costello ran for 38 yards. Pete Hayes, for the second week in a row, led all defensive tackles with seven. End results? Grand Island 28 - Tonawanda 8.

To donate materials needed for the mural work on the back of the Grand Island Blvd. Plaza, contact Corey McGowan at 716-341-1040. Items needed: Ladders and stepstools, rollers, roller trays, 5 gal and 1 gal buckets, new or used housepainting brushes, stirring sticks and rags. See Mural In Progress

Our sympathy to the family of Robert J. Riordan who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Welcome to our newest advertiser Grand Island Optical and new owner Dr. William Waldron, OD, still in the same convenient location on Baseline Road across from St. Stephen Church
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
St. Stephen School - Roman Catholic Elementary School located on Grand Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Congratulations to the Varsity Vikings Football Team on their 35-14 win over North Tonawanda on September 8th and the previous win over Kenmore East, 26-14, on September 1st. The boys play the homecoming game against Starpoint at Master's Field 2 p.m. Saturday.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Good morning Sergeant First Class Michael Zaremski Jr. in Afghanistan and Private Brandon Robinson in Fort Drum, NY.

Happy birthday to Jean Leiner (today), Collin DeMartin (11 tomorrow), Anna Hammond (8 tomorrow), Gretchen Moss Beach (tomorrow), Michael Edwards (Saturday’s the big one), Ardeth Westrope (Sunday), Mikayla Claus (a teenager on Sunday), Elizabeth Carpenter (7 on Sunday), Jessica Eastwood (Monday), Madison Mongold (a teenager on Monday), June Ann Chadima (Sweet 16 on Tuesday), Chris Aronica (Wednesday), Christopher Sadkowski (6 on Wednesday), and Callie Harding (5 on Wednesday).

Best wishes to long time Islanders David and Carol Dusenbury who are celebrating their 50th anniversary on September 8th. Good luck to the Dusenburys on their move to a warmer climate. ••••Happy 35th anniversary to Butch and Julie Meyer, married on September 9, 1977 – and we were there!

Looking Back 60 years - Fred Strauss’ Shoe Store, complete with X-ray machine for accurate fit, opened in the new Grandyle Plaza in September 1952. Fran's Tot Shop and Frank Amato's barber shop completed the plaza tenants that also included a grocery store and pharmacy. ••••Terry Thompson opened her new beauty shop in her home on the Stony Point extension 60 years ago. ••••Sidway School, the only school on the Island, opened on Monday, September 8, 1952 to 885 registered students, 162 more than the previous year. Lillian Shear was a new first grade teacher and Lyn Mauri (Laman) and JoAnn Hasselbeck were the new art and girls’ physical education teachers.

Looking Back 50 years - Nicholas A. Roeder filed an appeal for the Niagara River Station Fishing Club, requesting that the Howard Benns property at 355 East River Road be rezoned for a private club.

Looking Back 40 years - Among the youth of the Island who helped to make the blood drive a success in September 1972 were Donna Robinson, Donnette Hennigar (Rayhill) and Betsy Dannels (Payn). The girls took charge of babysitting during the drive. Other teens who assisted during the day were John Dudley, Sherry Shaw (Watkins), Mike Cap, John Watkins and Dave Wuensch.

This week's spotlighted Isledegrande.com advertisers follow.
The Beach House Restaurant - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on East River Road
Flower A Day Florist - Flowers for all occasions - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening in our town this week.
The Historical Society’s Potluck and Underground Railroad Program takes place tonight.••••The Antique & Classic Boat Show takes place Saturday at the BLC. ••••The American Legion’s Annual Poppy Drive is set for tomorrow and Saturday.•••• Vikings play North Tonawanda at Master's Field on Saturday. ••••A One Island, One Team, One Dream, To Be Drug Free meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11th.••••The VFW will conduct a 911 memorial service on Tuesday, September 11.••••It's Sabres Game Night on Wednesday under the lights at Miracle League Field. •••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Good morning Craig Wood in Harrisburg, PA and good morning Drew Cady in San Diego, CA.

Happy birthday to Patty Mash (tomorrow), to Adrianna Marinucci (4 years old tomorrow), Chance Luthringer (8 on Saturday), Justin Figler (16 on Saturday), Daniel Senn ( 8 years old on Saturday), Anthony Webber (a milestone on Sunday), Carol Gress (best wishes on Monday), Sam Linenfelser (12 on Monday), Joshua Smith (18 on Monday), Ian Conner (21 on Monday), Jesse Rosser (10 on Monday), Bob Dee and Ilona Lang (Tuesday), Justin Schmadel (10 on Tuesday), Kiersten Winstel (8 on Tuesday), Grace Carpenter (5 on Tuesday), and Deb Remson and Sarah Lange (Wednesday).

Very best wishes to former Islanders Dave and Arliss Lantz who will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on September 6th in Batesburg, SC.

Prayers and cards of cheer are in order for Jim Brown. We miss you at the Historical Society, Jim!

Click photos for a larger view.
Schools opened yesterday and most students headed back in very appropriate clothing. (left) These four Tracey Lane middle school girls are MaryLis Rustowicz, Jordan Eckrote, Hailey Geyer, and Julianna Desimone. The Tracey Lane kids headed to Huth Road Elementary are Michael Marino, Sean Christian Rustowicz, Matt and Nick Aronica, Ezekiel Michaels, Rebecca Dilliot, and Ashley Maras.

Looking Back 100 years - Before rural free delivery in 1902, mail for the Island was delivered to the main PO at the Bedell House on Ferry Road and three sub post offices scattered over various parts of the Island. Residents had to pick up their mail from these stations. It was delivered a couple times a week.

Looking Back 65 years - Enrollment at Charlotte Sidway School hit an all-time high on September 3, 1947 with 398 children attending. Hallways and classrooms had been painted in pastel shades of green, peach, yellow and blue. ••••Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hope and Joan Livingston (Fred) spent the weekend at the Buffalo Canoe Club, where they competed in the Lake Erie District Lightning championships.

Looking Back 60 years -

Click photo for a larger view.
A Whisker Contest was held on Sunday afternoon, August 31, 1952 as part of the Old Timers' Reunion during the Island's Centennial. First prize for full beard with a mustache went to Joe D'Ingillo with runner-up Ford Cowden. Other winners were Bill Goodwin. Roy Trautman, Floyd Brockwell, Clayton Ames and Carl Vella. Judges were Fred Kaegebein, William Rhode and local barber Frank Amato. The photo shows contestants Ed Fitzsimmons, standing at left and Roy Trautman sitting below with Contest Co-chair Betty Woods and Chairman Joe D'Ingillo.•••• A greased pig contest was also held during the Centennial’s "Oldtimers' Reunion" and won by Eddie Redinger.••••During the Centennial wrestling matches in August 1952, Art Staley won over The Iron Talon of Buffalo and Jim Welfare defeated Bill Muscato of Buffalo. ••••The crowd for the Grand Prix was estimated by Buffalo newspapers as 100,000. This figure was considerably narrowed by local officials of the Centennial who estimated 40,000 persons attending the race.

Looking Back 10 years - The “Connections” board and all those responsible for the new sign at Whitehaven and the Boulevard were receiving rave reviews. It was and is a perfect place for non-profit Island groups to promote their events. ••••Isle residents Leonard and Louise Alessi were the new owners of the former Showcase Restaurant, now known as the Town Cafe on the Boulevard. Len and Louise did a great deal of remodeling to get ready for a grand opening.

Congratulations to Marshall Cancilla and Lydia Bernatovicz of Grand Island High School who were among this year's recipients of the Allentown Village Society's visual arts scholarships.

Our sympathy to the families of Elaine Belstraz, Ardys J. (nee Miller) Hamm, Clara Brown and Roy Gerard who recently passed away. A celebration of life is being held for former resident Tom Hayes on September 2nd. See Deaths for complete information.

Congratulations to Nicole Gerber who was recently elected chairwoman by the Erie County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Nicole is the emergency and biosafety manager of Roswell Park Cancer Institute. The LEPC is responsible for developing, testing/exercising and revising the county's plan for dealing with hazardous materials.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
Sweet & Harding - Estate Sales and Liquidations serving all of WNY
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Grand Island Optical for all your optical needs
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Varsity Vikings play Kenmore East at Master's Field 2 p.m. Saturday.•••• Hoffman's Hospice Fundraiser Golf Outing takes place Sunday. •••• The Cycle-paths annual Labor Day pub crawl will be held Sunday. •••• An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held in Fire Headquarters on Tuesday. ••••See our Calendar of Events for other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good morning Bob and Eileen Drumm in The Villages, FL and good morning to Sue McMahon forever here on the Island.

Congratulations to Rob Cieri, Scott McCormick, Adrian Pilliod and Don Turner. These Grand Island Fire Company volunteers are newly certified New York State Paramedics.

Happy birthday to Gene Dinsmore, Shellie Smith, Kurt Raepple and Betty Ellis (today), Colin Pinzel (3 today), Gene Mongan (tomorrow), Ava Brandon and Melaina Ranger (both turning 7 tomorrow), Arlene Wunsch (21 on Saturday), Judy Webb (cheers on Sunday), Marisa Atkinson and Brielle Backland (Sweet 16 on Sunday), Luke Staub (7 on Monday), Alexander Wright (9 on Monday), Jennifer Courtright (best wishes on Tuesday), Craig Ryan, Judy Meer and Sandra Thompson (Tuesday), and Andy Boehm (Wednesday).

Best wishes to Jim and Jackie Stewart, married five years on Saturday, and to Don and JoAnn Hughes, celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. A belated happy anniversary to Joanne and Frank Spinner who marked their 50th on August 9th.

Looking Back 70 years -

1942 - Grandyle Village - New Love Road homes - looking east up Love Rd. toward bridge
About 50 Grandyle Village families began moving into their new Love Road houses in early 1942. The families on the north side of Love Road were fortunate to have as many as three large trees in their front yards. The East Park homes were finished in 1943, forming a horseshoe between the Beaver Island Parkway and Stony Point Road.

Looking Back 60 years - The mayors of surrounding towns were asked to judge the prize waltz and best costume contests at Grand Island’s upcoming August 27, 1952 Centennial Ball in the Beaver Island Casino.

Looking Back 50 years - Val Gardner won first prize with her water color painting at the Erie County Fair in 1962. Paulene Wagner won first in oil painting.••••The Republican Committee candidates sponsored a Grand Island party at the Glen Casino in Williamsville on Tuesday, August 28, 1962 with 375 attending. Picked to take part in the floor show were Town Attorney Sal Capizzi, Democratic Committeeman Ed Burns, and William Click.

Looking Back 40 years - Joey Fusco's Muscular Dystrophy Circus netted $38.50 for the cause.••••Grand Island's JV cheerleaders who attended a clinic at Seton Hill College in Pennsylvania 40 years ago were Joann Ward, Cheryl Samrany, DeDe Bonsack, Leslie Rosene, Kim Wagner, Debbie Gillen, Meg Buckley, Jodi Whelan and Maureen McDonnell.

Looking Back 10 years - "Tractor Show Attendees Date Back Generations on Island" was a headline at Isledegrande.com 10 years ago. Names included George DeGlopper, Ray DeGlopper, Peter Dinsmore, Eugene and Jim Dinsmore, Lyle Dinsmore and Don Burrows.••••"Auditions Set For Historic Pageant" was also a front page headline, advertising for all to get involved in the Sesquicentennial historic pageant to be presented later in the year. •••• "Greg Barker's 'Rewinder' Wins 2.5 Litre U.I.M. World Championship” and “Pataki Announces $150,000 Grant For Vets Park” also made the front page 10 years ago this week.

Our sympathy to the families of Shirley A. Gerspach and former residents, Valerie Watts Bush and Jack W. Senn Jr. who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

This week's spotlighted Isledegrande.com advertisers follow.
The Beach House Restaurant - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on East River Road
Flower A Day Florist - Flowers for all occasions - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Good morning Cathy Prell here on the Island, and good morning to Michele Remmes in sunny Florida.

Please pray for David S. Kaiser. A benefit for Dave will be held Saturday, October 27th at noon at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club.

Happy birthday to Jim Dlugokinski (a milestone today), Jackson Stewart (6 today), Katie Prell (7 today), Maisie Mrkall (9 tomorrow), Jean Schlegel (cheers tomorrow), Joan Templeton, Mark Doldan, Doug Saltzman, and Nancy Pioli (Saturday), Brenda Mrkall (cake and candles on Sunday), Darren DelSignore (21 on Sunday), Charles Hall, Mary Ann Hayes and John Martin (Monday), Madelyn Forbes (4 on Monday), Joseph Martin (7 on Monday), and Justin Podgorny (10 on Wednesday). A special happy birthday to my sister-in-law, Mary Cook, celebrating this week.

Click for larger view
This Terry Klarren painting of the Marion Klingel Town Commons Gazebo is being raffled off to benefit the painting of a mural behind the Grand Island Plaza. The former Islander and artist painted the gazebo while attending a recent Town Commons concert. Tickets ($1 each, six for $5) are available at deSignet Jewelry, 1869 Whitehaven Road, and at the Chamber of Commerce office, 2257 Grand Island Blvd. where the painting is on display. Be sure to click the photo above for a better view of this popular Island scene.

Looking Back 65 years - A total of 235 people, 15 years of age and over, were X-rayed when the Tuberculosis Association’s Christmas Seal Mobile Unit visited on Saturday, August 2, 1947. The mobile unit was stationed near the bathhouse at Beaver Island State Park.

Looking Back 60 years - Members of the American Legion held a grand opening of their new post hall with games of skill and dancing in the evening to Johnny Gast's four-piece orchestra on the grounds of the former Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Ferry Village.•••• Net profit of the firemen's field day Aug. 3, 1952 exceeded expectations according to Treasurer Gene Bucher. Proceeds would go toward helping to pay for the rest of the new hall under construction. •••• A news article was boosting the centennial parade theme "Old and New" and gave an example as farm work being shown by a team of horses drawing a wagon and contrasted against it, a modern farm tractor.

Looking Back 50 years - The annual inboard-outboard boat races, sponsored by the Grand Island Boating Association, took place Sunday, August 12, 1962 off the Bedell House dock. Terry Pinzel was first, Jim Hartman came in 2nd and Jerry Livingston took 3rd place in the BU (B Utility) event. Among other local racers were Dennis Yakam driving "The Menace" and Rollie Radder racing his "Red Fish." •••• In the sailing races department, the Ronald Keel Cup for women resulted in victory for "Y'All," skippered by Stella Baylis with Melba Lexo, navigator. •••• Six Islettes majorettes gave a baton twirling demonstration during the Grand Island Community Band concert held in the Boulevard plaza parking lot in August 1962.

Looking Back 30 years - Jim Ackerman was a gold medal winner in the NYS Empire Games in Open Men's one-meter diving. Troy Normandin was a key figure on the Western Ice Hockey team that took a gold. Several other Islanders won gold medals the same year, 1982, including Masters Swimmers Maureen Graesser and Don Ehinger who each took home three apiece.

Looking Back 10 years - This story is from August 2002. "Wow! Greg Barker's "The Rewinder" has had a great boat racing season this summer. Read all about his grand championship and the success of Islander Bob Catapovic's racer, "Fission," on our sports page."•••• Grand Island High School students, Adam Rivers, Katie Gaudy, and Katie Manijak, won the Lewiston Art Festival's 18th annual Chalk Walk competition on Saturday, August 10, 2002. Grand Island High School Art Teacher Miss Megan Hoy served as the Island team's advisor - just as she did this year. And the Grand Island team won again.

Our sympathy to the family of former resident, Jack W. Senn Jr. who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Certified Auto Brokers - Excellent service - here on the Island - We are so happy with our purchase of a new used car this week.
Grand Island Community Federal Credit Union - Offering members first mortgages and much more
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - on Whitehaven just off the Boulevard
Family Medicine Center - Wholehearted Care
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
Thunder On The Niagara takes place in the East Niagara River off Gratwick Park on Saturday and Sunday. •••• Creative Islanders Integrate Film & Art, a Film premier starts at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. ••••See our Calendar of Events for these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Good morning Ellen Faber in Camarillo, CA and good morning to Jan Tyson in Kenmore, NY.

The Vikingettes baton twirlers of Grand Island High School will be at the Dino-Mart parking lot on Ransom Road "today" where they will be selling hot dogs and also performing periodically. The girls will be there from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. so stop by and buy a hot dog.

Happy birthday to Daemon Gatti (9 years old today), Joe Zarbo ( 21 tomorrow), Carolyn McFarland and Betty Clayton (Saturday), John Ryan (25 on Saturday), Eileen Krause (7 on Saturday), Kyle Schutrum (20 on Saturday), Mathew Aronica (10 on Sunday), Kodie Shamrock (20 on Sunday), David Michaud (4 on Sunday), Bill Click (10 on Monday), Genna Nucherno (21 on Tuesday), Carlin Hartman (cheers on Tuesday), Lola Wahl (3 on Tuesday), Sharon Zimmerman and Peggy Bastian (Wednesday) and Bella Duscher (4 on Wednesday).

A belated happy anniversary to Frank and Amber Penque, married 15 years on August 2nd.••••Happy 15th anniversary to Chad and Stacey Zahradnik, celebrating their 15th anniversary today, and to Jenine and Dan Linenfelser celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday. Best wishes to the Zahradniks and the Linenfelsers.

Click photo for larger view.
Sharon Nichols and members of the Grand Island Historical Society are looking for pictures, artifacts or memorabilia from the Eagle Park Disaster. They are also looking for any items from any of the amusement parks on Grand Island during the early 1900s. Call Sharon at 773-2421 if you can help.

Congratulations to Amy Stewart who was honored during the Miracle League game this past Saturday. Click photo for larger view and see front page for photos and story.

Longtime Islander Bob Beach reports the following: "I phoned our Grand Island Water Department about 9 p.m. Saturday evening to report a water main leak in front of my West River Road home. Within a half hour a crew arrived with a heavy duty equipment to repair the damage. Two hours later they were finished and cleaned up the site. Impressive service."

Looking Back 65 years - The following items were printed in the August 4, 1947 Island Dispatch:
"Mesmer’s," one of the oldest taverns on the Island, is up for sale. It seems all the old-timers are getting out of the business." ••••Across the Mahogany with “Willie” wrote “About time we had a liquor store over here – what’s the delay?” •••• Also in “Willie's” column was: “Andy and Ceil Alt were sure happy last Monday night after the town board decision that they could go ahead with their proposed restaurant and tavern. They have a beautiful set-up and should do a terrific business." Ceil and Andy's Restaurant was at the corner of East River and North Colony roads. The building is still there.

Looking Back 50 years - Members of the Niagara Frontier State Parks Commission agreed to a proposal by the Grand Island Historical Society to take over River Lea at 8 East River Road (Beaver Island Park). The agreement was to turn over the house to the Society either by lease or deed for a one-year trial.

Looking Back 40 years - The Grand Island Men's Slow Pitch Softball League was won by the Hennigar Travel-Realtor team, coached by Robert "Clod" McDonnell who defeated the USMC 20-4 for the league championship on Wednesday, August 9, 1972. Highlighting the 9-1 season for the champs was the hitting power of B. A. Aydelotte and the classic base-running techniques (as displayed) by Kevin "Ski" Zoldowski and William "BH" Hennigar.

Our sympathy to the family of former residents, Lloyd J. Long who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? See Linda's front page ad and give her a call.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

The 28th Annual KeyBank Chalk Walk Competition takes place this Saturday during the Lewiston Arts Festival. The Grand Island High School team of Marshall Cancilla, Abhiraj Grewal and Ali Price has been practicing the contest theme, "Diversity is . . . " Competition begins at noon. Come out and cheer on the artists, Marshall, Aby and Ali.

The last town sponsored band concert of the season will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening at Marion Klingel Town Commons. The concert will feature The Boomers (oldies, pop, standards, classic rock). A rain date has been scheduled for Thursday, August 16th. See our Calendar of Events for other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Good morning Drew Cady in Del Mar, CA and good morning to Ann Weingartner in Osprey, FL

Happy birthday to Samantha Gieselman (21 today), Brandon McDonough (25 tomorrow), Gabrielle Martell (10 tomorrow), Harry Carter (Saturday), Jack Bridenbaker (8 on Saturday), George Allen (Sunday), Carol Moore and Philip Buchanan (cheers on Monday), Katrina Linenfelser and John Fletcher II (tenth birthdays on Monday), Bonnie Antholzner (Tuesday’s the day), Charlotte Tower (4 on Tuesday), Madison Klos (two years old on Tuesday), Holly "Whitford" Best (a milestone on Wednesday), Shannon McDonough (18 on Wednesday), and Brandon Robinson (21 on Wednesday).

Marie and Tom Long celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary yesterday. Best wishes to the Longs.••••Happy anniversary to Adam and Becky Mason. The Masons celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary today.

Click photo for larger view.
Pictured are member of the GIHS Class of '82, Jodi Anne Rider and Michele Beauchamp, showing off the paint job on the high school's "rock". The painting was done during the Class of 1982's reunion last month.

Unfortunately, Fred Mumm suffered a bad fall. He is in McAuley Residence for rehabilitation. Heidi Sue McCormick, speaking for her dad said, "I'm sure he'd love well wishes from any of the former Islettes' Elite twirlers and families."

Looking Back 60 years - Al Endres drove his runabout, "The Sliver," to victory in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, August 3, 1952 and came home with the world record. Al's time was 80.7453 mph, beating the previous record of 75.6 mph. Bill Nogle of Tonawanda built the boat and Al's dad, Ed Endres, installed the mechanical features and took care of the engine repairs, etc. "It took them a year and a half to build that boat, but it only took me a minute and a half to win the race," Al said. •••• The local paper suggested home bureau members "get on the party line" and call Mrs. Walter Kinney, Bertha Bucher, Mabel French or Mrs. Leroy Carlson "if you can help out the Home Bureau with its display of hobbies, handiwork and skills during the Centennial." •••• The Island's historic centennial pageant committee was in need of 170 costumes in August 1952. Costume chair Anne Buzby said ladies wore hoop skirts when Grand Island became a town 1852.

Looking Back 40 years - The River Oaks 18-Hole Championship Golf Course officially opened for play on August 5, 1972.

Looking Back 10 years - Mary Haggerty was the new principal of the Huth Road Elementary School. The former principal of Pinehurst Elementary, she resigned that post to head the staff at Huth. She is currently the principal of Kaegebein Elementary.

A story on the Ed Ball Playground at Love Road and Stony Point was featured at Isledegrande.com last week. These photos were submitted by Ray Gress and really show off the play equipment. Thanks, Ray.
See Photo 1
See Photo 2
See Ed Ball Park Story

Our sympathy to the families of William Gebrian, Doris R. Pettitt, J. David McGraw and former resident, John J. Turley who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
NFE Sales - Niagara Frontier Equipment Sales - Test drive Kioti's new UTV
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
Marston Power Equipment - Snow, Lawn & Safety Equipment/Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
Miss Cathy's Dance Academy - A well established dance studio that's keeping up with the times
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

National Night Out takes place Tuesday in the Marion Klingel Town Commons with music by the Barroom Buzzards and Islander Casey Bolles. See our Calendar of Events for other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Good morning John and Carol Jean Linenfelser in Brockport, NY and good morning to Fred and Andrea Bidell in Hornell, NY.

Couldn't be happier to tell everyone that Kali Mordaunt's critical surgery is over and her recovery has been deemed by the surgeon at Roswell as spectacular. Keep the prayers coming.

Sixteen-year-old Casey Bolles, a singer/songwriter from Grand Island, will perform at the Marion Klingel Town Commons Gazebo as part of the National Night Out on Tuesday, August 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Click photo for larger view.
Best wishes to Eileen and George Minton of East Park who are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary today. George and his bride, the former Eileen Deeley were married July 26, 1952 in St. Martin's Catholic Church in South Buffalo.

Very best wishes to Kathy and Ed Stisser marking their 50th anniversary on Saturday and Peggy (Kathy’s twin sister) and Tony Fuller also marking their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday. The couples were married July 28, 1962 in Historic Trinity Church on Whitehaven Road.

Looking back on our Independence Day parade, a huge community event that drew a record crowd this year, I'd like to mention a few people I was lucky enough to see. Ninety-six-year-old Elsie Fleischmann who seldom misses the parade, was in her usual spot in her red, white and blue and happy to be there. Winnie Zarbo, 91, is another old-timer who loves the parade and I love to see her. Karen DeMartin put in a great appearance in the Dick Bessel Road Race until an injury took her out of the running. Better luck next year, Karen. Seeing former residents Jason and Jon Weis made me wonder how the time has gone so quickly. Nice to see former residents Danny McNamee of Sultan, Washington who I went to Sidway School with, and also the Livingston boys, Ron and Jerry. I'm leaving out so many but must mention longtime, good friend Barbara Anderson, spending the summer with her family.

Happy birthday to Lindsey Spiker (her Sweet 16th today), to John MacNeil, Steve Barnhart and Liz Reimann (today), Faith Gworek (11 today), Tom Cope (25 on Monday), Jane Costin Rocks and Diana Taefi Staub (cake and candles on Monday), Nicholas Panepinto (16 on Monday), Jenna Hutzler (21 on Tuesday), Janet Wenner and Ray Fisher II (best wishes on Tuesday), JoAnn Holmes (cheers on Wednesday), and Hannah Linenfelser (15 on Wednesday).

Looking Back 75 years -

Members of Charlotte Sidway School's first eighth grade graduating class in 1937 are shown here with their teacher, Miss Veronica Connor who also served as the principal for many years. Members of the 8th grade were Geraldine Schutt, Randall Kaiser, Mae Webb, Raymond Sommer, Gertrude Cannon, Eugene Dinsmore (names of "pages" unknown), Shirley Kreger (Luther) (Class of '38 & "Queen of Learning"), Edward Tucker, Lester Yensan, Betty Forsythe, Woodrow Babcock, Betty Ziehm and Robert Ottwiller. The Class of 1937 shared the classroom with the 7th grade class.

Looking Back 65 years - A meeting was held at the home of Gerald A. Weingartner of Harvey Road to discuss the formation of a Grand Island Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was presided over by Chairman Pro-Tem, Franklin Klocke.•••• Announcing his candidacy for town supervisor in the November 1947 election was Gerald A. Weingartner, a registered Independent Republican. His opponents were Reginald P. Long, a Republican and present office holder; and Daniel McNamee, a Democrat. •••• Andrew Alt of East River Road, who had been waiting for the town board to rezone his property from residence B to Business D for the operation of his new restaurant, Ceil & Andy’s, was notified that the board approved his application with the restriction that if the property is sold it will immediately revert to the original residential classification. The place, last known as the River Stone Inn, is closed now. •••• Carl Kaegebein was general chairman of the Trinity Church Community Picnic held on East River Road just east of Sandy Beach in July 1947. Committee members included Eric Parish, Betty and Charles Campbell, Clayton Ames, LaVerne Harding, Ralph Westerman and Frank Schutt.

Looking Back 60 years - The Grandyle Plaza on Love Road was built by Carl Weinheimer and opened in the summer of 1952. First occupant was the pharmacy operated for years by Chuck Threiss.

Looking Back 50 years - A CYC record hop committee chaired by Cathy Haller (Contino) , included Caryl Denler (Kershner), Mike O'Dea, Beth Beach (Glaze), Roslyn Ortolano (Moore), and Linda Allen (Rayborn). The teens ran the "barn dance" in St. Stephen's barn on July 20, 1962.

Looking Back 10 years - "Lyn Laman's 1948 MG TC Makes Repeat Performance In Saturday's Grand Prix Re-Enactment" was the headline on the front page of the July 25, 2002 edition of Isledegrande.com. The story is below.
Click Photo For Larger View
Lyn Laman's 1948 MG TC, entered in the town's Centennial Grand Prix race on August 30, 1952, will be part of the Sesquicentennial Reenactment of that race on Saturday, July 27, 2002. The car, driven in 1952 by Fred Woodmansee and numbered "45," was later purchased by Lyn's husband, the late Carl Laman. Lyn will be driving her MG, which has been put back to its original 1952 race condition for Saturday's Sesquicentennial re-enactment (motorcycle fenders and windshield down).

A reader has contacted Isledegrande.com regarding break-ins and robberies in the 4700-4800 section of East River Road. Keep doors and cars lock and don't take any chances.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Theodore's Red Hots - across from the round-about - full menu - hot dogs and much more
DeGeorge - ceilings, windows, doors
Aceti's Wine & Spirits - conveniently located in the Tops plaza.
Budwey's Supermarket - brand names at low prices - and three locations
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The seventh annual "Paddles Up Niagara" along the southeastern shore of Grand Island will be held on Saturday.••••The Dick & Carol Pendleton Mem. Super Cruise takes place on Sunday at the VFW Post 9249. •••• The Town-sponsored band concert will feature Janice Mitchell and Jim Beishline Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Marion Klingel Town Commons on Whitehaven Road. ••••See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good morning Phyllis and Bill Tanner in Arizona and good morning to Amy Hillock, GIHS Class of 2005 whose career is taking her all over the world.

Happy birthday to Tim Ehde, Pat (Weyland) Barroclough and Jean Bartholomew (today), Mike Stamler (a big one tomorrow), Dan Linenfelser and Joan Portik (milestones on Saturday), Bristol Khreis (3 on Saturday), Marion Fabiano (special greetings on Monday), Michelle Botwin (21 on Monday), Maya Pecoraro (9 on Monday), Kathy Bradley Smith and Ray Kaiser (cheers on Tuesday), Mary Grace Egloff (21 on Tuesday), Kaia Lynn Petrie (3 on Tuesday), and Emily Mae Klein (11 on Tuesday).

Looking Back 65 years - Fifty-one women and twenty-one children attended the Home Bureau picnic Tuesday, July 15, 1947 at Rose Blampin’s home on Oakfield Road. •••• Grand Island joined the nation in a protest against the high prices on all cuts of meat during “Don’t Buy Meat” week, July 18-25, 1947. •••• Blanche Lapine was the lucky winner of two prizes at St. Stephen’s church picnic. She went home with a stuffed billy goat and a boudoir doll. •••• Donna Hawley (Rodriguez), Mary Ann Kruse (Arsenault), Geraldine Mrkall (Serba), Gloria Peck (Thompson), Sally Smith (Detally), Jean Webb (Bleich), Stephanie Woods (Mauri), Carol Schwagler (Brown) and Barbara Sock (Russell), were among the members of Girl Scout Troop 337 who spent the week of July 20-26, 1947 at Camp Sky High in the Boston Hills. Boondoggle bracelets, belts, pottery and flower blueprints occupied the hours spent outdoors.

Looking Back 25 years - Tiny little Ashley Carminati won first place in the Jack and Jill Pageant July 19, 1987 in the Ramada Inn. She was also judged most photogenic to the delight of her family. •••• The 50-unit apartment complex for the elderly and disabled, Islandview Apartments at 2136 Baseline Road, was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, July 17, 1987. •••• Ames Department Store on Grand Island Blvd. announced its 30th birthday celebration in July 1987.

Click photo for larger view
Jim Nogle has finally got his "Trophy" back from the taxidermist and shares it with my readers. Jim writes, "Since this deer seems to be so much involved in GI controversy or is at least very well known, I figured I would send a picture along. When I went to pick him up yesterday the taxidermist said when he was at the draw for a duck blind, on the Island, and there was a picture of my deer there. He said I know that deer... Yup it's in our shop! And of course someone there knew me as well.... I never thought this would be so crazy with getting a buck of a lifetime. Had to share though and thought you would enjoy! I know some people think otherwise but he fed us well for a good while and now will keep an eye over us forever!" Thanks, Jim.

Our sympathy to the families of Brenda Young and former residents, Michael F. Ford and Richard L. Webb who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Had a nice visit with Bill and Phyllis Lafferty Tanner over the weekend. The Tanners and several family members came in to our Ferry Road house where Bill reminisced about when he was a boy living there many years ago. Bill and Phyllis are living in Arizona.

Our niece Anne Linenfelser Stuardi and her year-old son, Oliver III, spent the last two weeks with her family on East River. Baby Oliver held our attention most of the weekend. We’re all looking forward to their next trip when daddy, Oliver II, will join them for a visit to the island.

We are introducing a new column today, "Young Writers & Poets," and the first entry to the page is a poem by GIHS student T.J. Acker. Young people interested in submitting to the new page are asked to click Young Writers & Poets for information.

Congratulations to former Islander Peter Hayes who was recently named to the 2013 Tonawanda High School Athletic Wall of Fame. He is shown meeting with Brad Halgash, Coordinator of Athletics & Physical Education for Tonawanda. An induction ceremony will take place in February 2013.

Click photo for larger view
Parker Cinelli (pictured) is helping his dad Chris monitor their bluebird boxes on Staley Road. The guys report a banner year for the eastern bluebird on Grand Island with resident pairs producing large multiple broods of healthy offspring. In addition to natural forage of ground dwelling insects, the Cinellis often supplement the diet of their charges with mealworms to ensure survivability. (It's also a lot of fun!!) Bluebirds are in the thrush family and, like their relative the robin, generally produce two or even three clutches of eggs every season. (At our latitude, two broods are more common). Tom Burke is aware of ten nesting pairs of bluebirds within a mile and a half of his home including nests on Staley, Love, Whitehaven and West River roads. I'd like to thank Tom for this interesting information, and hope we see some beautiful bluebirds.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Rose Liquor Store - Full line of wines and liquors - great discounts
Eddie's Art Shop - The BEST is the least we can do for you.
John's Pizza & Subs - delicious pizza, full menu on the Boulevard.
Grand Island Chiropractic - Why leave the Island for the help you need?
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Please remember to water your trees and shrubs. See Paul Leuchner's story on the subject at Isledegrande.com

Here's what's happening this week.
An American Red Cross Blood Drive takes place on Sunday at St. Stephen Church. ••••A town sponsored band concert takes place on Tuesday at Marion E. Klingel Town Commons. •••• Historical Society members will be offering root beer floats during the Tues., July 24 band concert in Klingel Town Commons.
See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Good morning Ron and Nancy Webb in Olcott, NY and good morning Mary Battaglia here on the Island.

Prayers are requested for Carolyn Manzo who suffered a massive brain aneurysm early Friday morning.

Happy birthday to Ashley Dragonette (Sweet 16 today), Lindsay Proctor (a teenager today), Christian Kessler (8 tomorrow), Matisse Haag (5 on Saturday), Kelly Yarnes and Mary Anne Eglott (cheers on Monday), baby Garnet Schopp (her first birthday on Sunday), Betty Clement and Carolyn Doebert (Monday), Luke Austin (10 on Monday), Nathaniel Cohen (7 on Tuesday), and Alexis Gieselman (Wednesday). A belated happy birthday to Jenine Linenfelser who celebrated on July 9th.

Happy anniversary to Joan and Kip Staub, celebrating 45 years on Saturday; to Mary Ellen and Frank Pfohl who will celebrate their 50th on Saturday; and to JoAnn and Gene Hasselbeck, married 60 years this week.

Heard that Kester Bleich took a tumble in the park last week. I mean he fell down and got all black and blue. Keep on keepin’ on Kester.

Looking Back 50 years - Bee Hillock, Masie Dommell, Phyllis Schmidt, Shirley Kaiser, Marge Gonzo, Midge Schmidt, Bonny Downey, Dianne Richards and Janice Crawford, members of the Town Recreation Department's new women's softball team, played their first game on July 11, 1962. •••• Richard Gerspach and Philip Mergel were one up on contractors planning the new Beaver Island Golf Course in the summer of '62. Dick and Phil, proprietors of the Putt-O-Bit Miniature Golf Course, were about to open next to the Clown House on Grand Island Blvd. Cost of a game of golf? 30 cents!

Looking Back 25 years - A grand opening of the Island View apartments for senior citizens was held on July 17, 1987.

Looking Back 20 years - Fire destroyed much of the Mesmer's Dairy on Love Road on July 16, 1992••••Subway opened a new store on Grand Island Blvd 20 years ago. Owner is/was Don Zartman.

Our sympathy to the family of Raymond A. Wilson who recently passed away and to the family of Lewis D. Rindone who died in 2010. See Deaths for complete information.••••A memorial service is being held for Marion A. Pinkow at 1 p.m. Sunday in Trinity UM Church.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Sherry McDonald/RealtyUSA - A local real estate agent who knows the Island
Blue Water Marina - storage, docking, and boating and fishing supplies - East River Road in historic Ferry Village
Riviera Theater - Ticket and Events - Historic Riviera just across the river
Island Ship Center Inc. - Convenient FedEx agency on Whitehaven Road (and a full line of leather goods)
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
Historic Trinity Garden Tour takes place on Saturday.••••The weekly town sponsored band concert will be held on Tuesday evening at the Gazebo in Marion E. Klingel Town Commons. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Good morning Bertha von Craigh of Molalla, OR and good morning to Judy Schneider here on the Island.

Happy birthday to Susan Kowzan (today), Ted Kessler Sr. and Earl DeGlopper (marking 85th birthdays on Saturday), Susan Willard (Saturday), Cathy Thomas and Mary Ellen Pfohl (cheers on Sunday), Shannon Robillard (Sweet 16 on Monday), Bernice Dinsmore (93 on Monday), Tyler Liam Dawson (two on Monday), Abby Englert (20 on Tuesday), and Mark Frentzel and Ryan Shea (Wednesday).

Click photo for larger view
Airman Anthony Gugino will be spending his 21st birthday (July 7th) serving our country in Qatar. Thank you, Anthony and happy birthday.

Congratulations and best wishes to Michael C. Davis on his new job and move to Virginia this week.

Looking Back 60 years - Capacity crowds of 25,000 were reported at Beaver Island State Park on July 4, July 6 and July 13, 1952.

Looking Back 50 years - The Melrose Subdivision on Bronson Road was being planned by Christianson Homes Inc. Richard H. Christianson was president of the 40-home development, to be built on a man-made waterway and offering docking facilities on most of the 75 ft. lots. •••• Pete and Tom Hayes were advertising their latest business, Hayes Displays, located at 2249 Stony Point Road. Slightly amazing at the time was their offer to "show you a pool that can be constructed above ground."

Looking Back 40 years - Cindy Bleich, Steven Morgan, Randy White and David Scalise were among the 18 recipients of the Huth Road School's H Pin.•••• Supervisor Ray Griffin cut the ribbon at the dedication ceremony for Tower Park tot lot at Blackmon and Carl roads on Saturday July 8, 1972.

Looking Back 10 years - McMahon's Family Restaurant opened on July 8, 2002.

Lee and Sid Cohen just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 24th. Happy days, folks.••••Happy anniversary to Renee and Dan Gietz, who will be married 35 years on Monday, and to Tom and Cathy Thomas, celebrating their 20th anniversary on Tuesday, July 10th.

Our sympathy to the families of Frederick P. Zajdowicz and former St. Stephen Church Priest Rev. Msgr. Rupert Wright who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Dr. Thomas C. Lepenven, DMD - Island Dental PC - 2095 Baseline Road
Magic Towel Holder - Craftsman Don "Bones" Fancher- clever gift creations
Serene Gardens - Café & Garden Center right here on the Island
Sam Long's Landscaping - Excavating, Site Work, Septic Systems Installed and Repaired - and on the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Class of 1972 Reunion will be held tomorrow evening. •••• The Class of 1987 Reunion is also being held tomorrow. •••• The Class of 1972 Reunion dinner is scheduled for Saturday. •••• The 5th Annual Leon Carr Memorial Golf & Disc Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday. ••••A Town-sponsored band concert will be held on Tuesday. •••• An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held Tuesday. ••••See our Calendar of Events and our front page for other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good morning Barbara and Gordon Bucknam of Indialantic, FL and good morning to David Ames of Mayfield, NY.

All of the pieces are in place for our Independence Day races, parade and the VFW’s picnic. See our front page for information.

A big happy birthday to Mary Loder who celebrated her 60th birthday last Thursday. •••• Celebrating milestone birthdays today are Norm Stessing, Eric Beyer, and my former classmate, George DeGlopper. Happy birthday, guys.••• • Happy birthday to Councilman Dick Crawford (today), Mary Martin (marking her 93rd birthday today), to Justine Vanthoff (21 tomorrow), Max Costello (a teenager tomorrow), baby Brennan Morgan (first birthday on Saturday), Joey Cali (10 on Sunday), Bob Kopf (Sunday), Councilman Gary Roesch and Pat Colosi (cake and candles on Sunday), Jason Davis and Joe Khreis (both turning 21 on Monday), Georgio Panepinto (his 30th on Monday), Natalie Mucci and John Wenner (milestones on Monday), Megan Pinzel (her 7th birthday on Monday), Chris Affuso (a milestone on the 4th of July), Alivia Manzo (her 8th birthday on July 4th), and Ella MacNeil (3 years old on Wednesday)

Best wishes to Marijane and Tim Smith, celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary today; to Heather and Bill Stewart, marking 5 year on Saturday; to Rev. Paul and Eleanor Robinson, married 45 years on Sunday; and to Jim and Mary Dunbar-Daluisio, married 20 years on the 4th.

Please pray for Dave Kaiser who we hope is headed back to good health. Cards of cheer may be sent to Dave at Kenmore Mercy Hosp, 2950 Elmwood Ave, Kenmore NY 14217. ••••Glad to report that Craig Wood is doing somewhat better.

The Eagle Park disaster that left 39 picnickers dead 100 years ago now has a marker commemorating the sad event. The dedication will take place at 1 p.m. Sunday, July 1st and everyone is invited. See Eagle Park Marker Dedication for information.

Looking Back 60 years - A house fire destroyed the 125-year-old Staley homestead, rented by the Granskofski family and located at Staley and West River. Firefighter Tom McMahon of Love Road prevented Mr. Granskofski from re-entering through a window by pulling him back and saying, "It would be suicide to try and enter.”•••• Cub Scouting was organized on Grand Island in May 1925 and had a strong beginning, and then the organization dwindled in the 1940s. Gaining in popularity, the much larger Cub Scout Pack 75 held its picnic in Beaver Island Park in July 1952. At that time the pack was officially divided into two packs, #254 for boys north of Staley Road and Troop #75 for Cubs south of Staley Road. Committee Chairman of Island Cubs was Marshall Sawdey. Charles Ford received his Weblos award and was accepted into Boy Scout Troop 75 by Scoutmaster Bill Vanthoff. ••••Oliver and Elsa Glessner had a new beer license for their Glessner's Delicatessen at Kirkwood and East River Road, formerly Haefner's before they took it over in the spring of '52. •••• A serious water shortage was ongoing in the summer of '52. Residents in the Grandyle Village, Duplex, Ferry Village, Oakfield, and Colony Road areas as well as Beaver Island State Park had been asked to refrain from any unnecessary water usage. Water Superintendent Horace French said the water plant was operating 24 hours a day for the past three weeks to try to keep up with the shortage.

Looking Back 25 years - Among the outstanding students in the Huth Road Elementary School’s fifth grade who were honored with the gold “H” pin in 1987 were Nate Pannullo, Michelle Kopf (Pinzel), Jerry Bruno, Jennifer Sipson (Stenerson), James Gorton and Peter Lin.•••• The 10th annual Lawn Mower Race was held on the West River service road in July 1987. Ed Satterlee was the winner, and runner up was Smokey Rhodes. Anita Wierzba one of the first two women to compete in the race, finished last. Chairman was Chris Ciszek with assistance from Bill Berger, Pat Murphy and Floyd Doring.

A Memorial Mass will be celebrated for Mary Carminati at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 30 at St. Stephen's Church, Grand Island. Interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery to follow. Mary died on April 11, 2012.

Our sympathy to the family of former resident, Lawrence J. Desemone who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Michael Anthony Rossi - Rossi Law Firm - Committed to providing competent and cost effective legal services
Metro Town Center - 1980 Whitehaven Road - Betty Harris - President/NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker
Island Prescription Center - Consumer wellness tips - Cholesterol Lowering Foods
Sandi's Family Restaurant - reasonable prices - Your Hosts......Dan and Sandi Clark
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Planners for the reunion of the Tonawanda High School Class of 1962 are still accepting reservations for its 50th class reunion that is to be held at the Classics V Restaurant on July 14th. Additional information may be found at 1962classreunion.com or contact Robert Mileham at 694-7655 or John and Diane Henningham Penberthy at 692-2919. Many of our Islanders traveled to the Tonawanda school due to the lack of a high school here on the Island.

Here's what's happening this week.
The GIHS Class of 1992 class reunion will be held tomorrow.•••• A fundraiser to benefit six-year-old Austin Irons and Autism will be held tomorrow. •••• St. Stephen’s Youth Group will host its 3rd annual Junk in The Trunk Sale on Saturday. ••••The Eagle Park Plaque dedication is scheduled for Sunday afternoon.•••• A 2nd Annual Grand Reunion at Mallwitz Lanes will be held on Tuesday evening ••••The first of many town-sponsored band concerts will be held Tuesday evening at the gazebo in Marion E. Klingel Town Commons. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good morning Joel Conti in Virginia Beach and good morning to Kylelynn (Hogrewe) Fubelli in Summerfield, FL.

Happy birthday Alexandra Whitford (21 today), Melissa Thurnherr-Giambra (cheers tomorrow), Tim Burley, Marilyn Johnson and Bill Lang (milestones on Saturday), Mel Passarelli (Saturday), Keelan Erhard (his 17th on Saturday), Conor Bryan (21 on Sunday), Linda Roberts Krug (Sunday), Tom Dahlquist (his 30th on Sunday), Cole Glessner (16 on Monday), Nancy Valone and Brian O’Connor (Monday), Morgan Blum and Megan Zahradnik (turning 5 on Monday), Tom Luescher (Tuesday), Jan Rose (cake and candles on Tuesday), Cheryl Gonda (Tuesday), Lily Panepinto (7 on Wednesday), and Tom Rall (Happy birthday to you on Wednesday).

Best wishes to Donald and Eleanor Swain, married 65 years ago today. A very happy wedding anniversary to Lee and Sid Cohn married 50 years on Sunday. Happy anniversary to Barbara and Richard Brzyski, married on June 30, 1962.

Bugs biting? Here are two remedies printed in the June 13th edition of the Buffalo News. The first one is to drink a shot of tonic water each day. And the second one is to drink 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of hot water daily. Let me know if any of you try these and what the results were.

July 4th Parade information may be found by clicking Independence Day.

Looking Back 100 years - The dedication of a plaque in the area of the Eagle Park Disaster on West River Road will take place on Sunday, July 1st at 1 p.m. It was 100 years ago that the Eagle Park Disaster took place on June 23, 1912. At the end of that day, picnickers filled the pier and began swaying to the music of a popular song as they waited for the ferry boat to pick them up and take them back to Buffalo. The mid-section of the pier collapsed and loss of life was numbered at somewhere around 39 women and children. See the front page of Isledegrande.com for a feature story on the tragedy.

Looking Back 60 years - Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary member Martha Tardiff held a "Come As You Are" party in her Love Road home on Wednesday morning, June 18, 1952. Among Auxiliary members who attended were Alice Benton, Bertha Bucher, Fay Higgins, Jessie Loder, Laura Winters, Eva Wohlfehrt, Helen Peck, Mabel Bartlett and Pearl Shrugrue. •••• The Cub Scout Circus parade on June 21, 1952 formed at Trinity EUB Church and marched to the circus grounds at St. Stephen's barn when the ringmaster was none other than Mr. Felix Grycel. •••• Many of the 27 Sidway School ninth grade graduates were recognized in June 1952 when Senator Walter J. Mahoney gave the address. Some of those honored were Gail Burgstahler (Rothenberg) (Excellence in Weekday Religious Education Program), Phyllis Miller (Safety Patrol), and Charles Albright, Rod Alt, Bob Buzby, William House, Wesley Link. Ernest Marin, George Mayer, and Stanley Ziomek (Athletic awards).

Looking Back 40 years - St. Stephen School’s 19-member eighth grade had the distinction of being the very first graduating class in June of 1972.•••• Supervisor Ray Griffin was master of ceremonies of the Grand Island Theater Group’s annual awards dinner in the Buffalo Launch Club In June 1972. Among award winners were Allen England, Betty Beach, Joan Milovich, Linda Beach and Ronald Gallatly.

Hi Jim Brown. Hope you are ready to go a few rounds in the boxing ring.•••• A cheery hello to Carol Ganster. Cards may be sent to Carol at the following address:
Schofield Residence - Room 216
3333 Elmwood Ave.
Buffalo NY 14217

Our sympathy to the families of George C. Reid, Beverly J. Kroetsch, Ronald Paul Kemsley, Jennifer Dawn Jaegers and Cynthia Ann (nee Riordan) Miller who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Grand Island Teachers Association - Thank you teachers for your support!
Riverview Chiropractic - Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski - Just for kids
Kaiser Funeral Home - Professional and Caring - 1950 Whitehaven Road
Mark S. Nemeth, Attorney at Law - insurance defense litigation with an emphasis on asbestos and nursing home litigation
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Donna Forde Beauchamp Benefit will be held Saturday. ••••The Chamber of Commerce "Island Happenings" is also scheduled for Saturday. ••••The Recreation Department will hold a fishing contest on Saturday. ••••A Relay For Life Benefit at River Oaks Clubhouse is scheduled for Saturday. ••••The Grand Island High School Graduation Ceremony will take place on Sunday.••••The Battle of the Books informational meeting will be held Monday.••••A fundraiser for Council Candidate Chris Aronica is being held on Wednesday. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good morning Pat (Williams) Meyer in Elyria, OH, and good morning to Dave and Carol Hamlin here on the Island.

Please pray for Craig Wood’s recovery. He is recuperating from emergency triple by-pass. •••• A speedy recovery to Jim Brown and to Jane Duffy.

Do you know when the first traffic signal on the Island was put up? Grand Island's first signal was put into operation in November 1964 at Baseline and Grand Island Blvd. The light at Whitehaven and the Boulevard followed in 1975, and the light at Love and Beaver Island Parkway in 1976, followed by the signal at Staley Road and Grand Island Blvd. in 1978 and one at Whitehaven and Stony Point in 1981. Those at Baseline and Love roads, and at Baseline and Bedell were installed in 1987. A signal went up at Bedell and Grand Island Blvd. in 1993. Residents in January 1984 were bitterly opposing the still flashing yellow light at Broadway and the Parkway.

Marilynn Ford Fortner and I are celebrating milestone birthdays this week. Happy birthday to Marilyn, born on June 14 (today). My big day is Tuesday, June 19th. Happy birthday to our Sidway School 9th grade Class of 1957. Look how far we've come.

A belated happy 35th birthday to Danielle (Hassan) Martin who celebrated yesterday. •••• Happy birthday to David Conboy (his 18th today), Jamin Cope (30 today), Raven Khreis (6 today), Tim Mordaunt and Bohdan Pikas (milestones tomorrow), Chris Russell and Frank Zahm (tomorrow), Claire Neuhaus (3 on Saturday), Rosemary Whiting and Karen Wallace (cheers on Sunday), Morgan Santorio (8 on Sunday), Jacob Olszewski (his 25th on Monday), Kester Bleich (Monday’s the big day), Christopher Stessing (20 on Monday), Nancy Linton (happy day on Monday), Nathaniel Cohan (7 on Monday), Mira Tetkowski Berkley and Randy White (the big one Tuesday), Savannah Kustra (20 on Wednesday), Joseph Verdi (16 on Wednesday), Bev Kroetsch, Melinda Evans and Paula Callahan (milestones on Wednesday), Jacob Rowles (21 on Wednesday), and Carl Pinzel and our son, Jim Linenfelser (Wednesday).

Celebrating wedding anniversaries and wished the very best are Peggy and Norm Bauman (50 years on Saturday), Bob and Eileen Drumm (50 years on Saturday), Jim and Cris Sugar (40 years on Sunday) and Ray and Ann Dlugokinski (20 years on Wednesday).

Looking Back 65 years - Charlotte Sidway School's 8th grade graduating class in 1947 was addressed by Rev. Franklin Beck at their Baccalaureat ceremony on Sunday, June 15, 1947 in the gym/auditorium. A party including dinner and a movie, was held for the graduates of Sidway on the evening of June 18th. Still enjoying life on the Island are classmates Joan Livingston Fred and Ellie Nachbauer Zarbo.

Looking Back 50 years - Got a dime? Corey's Clown House was advertising 10-cent custard. ••••The Sidway 9th grade class of 1962 was the final class to be bussed off the Island for high school. The Island's Jr./Sr. High opened in September 1962.

Looking Back 25 years - The Niagara Sailing Club sponsored a Sea Explorer group of Boy Scouts of America, extending use of its facilities to the sea explorers. Adults were skipper Ken Shobert, Scouting coordinator Chuck Meyer Jr., mates Greg Chamberlain, Kevin Birt, Maria Clements and Robert Nichols, and advisor Dave Birt. Some of those attending the first meeting were Rich Briand, Greg Fox, Dawn Gworek, Renee Ruthel, Julie Swain and Karl Rasch.

Looking Back 10 years - Joe Menter and Chris Wozniak received Contribution and Achievement awards for their contribution to Niagara County Community College student activities in June 2002. ••••The town board, Monday, June 3, 2002 tabled a decision to vote on the revised SDEIS (Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement) for Parkland Plaza/Wilson Farms complex proposed for the corner of Ransom Road and Stony Point.

Happy National Flag Day. Let's fly our American Flags today and every day.

Our sympathy to the families of Paschal "Patsy" Giancola, Beverly J. Kroetsch and Jan Matthews who recently passed away. Also sorry to report the death of Catherine Budway Durgin's son, Timothy, on June 7th. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Wavelengths - Stay In Style - Wavelengths has a new hair style for you - 2289 Grand Island Blvd.
Fuccillo Chevrolet - Huge dealership right on Grand Island
Century 21/Gerrie Andolina - Grand Island's longtime, #1 real estate agent
State Farm - Bob Piatek - Insurance & Mutual Funds - save up to 40%
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Lawn Mower Race and Car Show to benefit Relay for Life will be held Sunday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Good morning Chris and Jim O'Dea and good morning to Diane and Mark Hassan here on the Island.

What a pleasure it is to wish Ora Glor-Newton a very happy 100th birthday. Ora was born on June 10, 1912, moved to Grand Island in 1942 where she and her husband, Eldon, raised their six children. Ora is very much looking forward to her birthday party in celebration of her milestone year. Cards may be sent to her daughter, Elizabeth Allen, 9180 White Oak Lane, Westerville, OH 43082.

Please pray for former resident Jamie Milne, GIHS Class of 1988, who became seriously ill last week. ••••A speedy recovery to Bob Soluri, also hospitalized last week.••••Add Tom Volk to your prayer list. I'm sure he and Carol would appreciate it.

Best wishes to Doug and Janet Saltzman who celebrated their 30th anniversary last Saturday and to Jim and Laury Linenfelser who will mark their 15th wedding anniversary today.

Happy birthday to Victoria Aronica (her 13th birthday yesterday), to Lorraine Dale (today), Brandon Loder (9 today), Russ Colosi (a big one tomorrow), Ryan Osvath (20 tomorrow), Debbie Becker (cheers tomorrow), Nathan Cook (Saturday), Jason Wilkinson (25 on Saturday), Betsy Kinsey Sims (Sunday), Chris Beyer (cake and candles on Monday), Rosemary Whiting (Tuesday), Tim Mordaunt and Jeff Baumler (milestones on Tuesday), Paul Sommer (a big one on Wednesday), Kim Nestark (Wednesday), and Jeffrey Wansart III (7 on Wednesday).

Life long Islander Casey Bolles is competing in a band competition at the Elmwood Art Festival's Teen Band Contest and looking for votes. See VOTE NOW!

Looking Back 65 years - Though Ceil and Andy Alt's "perfectly round" building at North Colony and East River was just about complete, the town was standing firm on its decision to decline a request to rezone the property. Ceil and Andy eventually open their very successful "Ceil & Andy's" restaurant/tavern, most recently known as Riverstone Grill.

Looking Back 60 years - Members of the Sidway School 9th grade graduating class including Carol Kingston Ulrich, Bob DeGlopper, Bill House, Vera Jo Mote (Mann), and Joan Dietzer Herrington enjoyed dinner at the Park Lane in Buffalo on June 11, 1952.

Looking Back 50 years - Katrein's Edgewater Park Hotel, run at the time by Lydia and Joe Katrein, was advertising dancing on Saturday nights with music by the "Esquires." The hotel and park were located on East River Road south of Kirkwood Drive.

Looking Back 40 years - Joe Smith was asked by Lawrence Welk to come up and direct his orchestra in the Memorial Auditorium on June 9, 1972. Joe, who directed a spirited version of "Bye Bye Blues," was a middle school music student of Victor Chiodo, a woodwind specialist who received his Master of Music from Fredonia State College.

Looking Back 25 years - The eighth grade middle school class night began with a buffet dinner for the 170 middle school graduates. Corsages and boutonnieres, made by the middle school PTA, were pinned on the students as they arrived. Dancing to the “Music-go-Round Sound” topped off the night.

Students of Miss Cathy's Dance Academy will be performing on the Grand Island High School stage at 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. This is Miss Cathy's 42nd year.

Click photo for larger view
Chuck Berlinger captured Sunday's impressive rainbow in the 1200 block of East River Road. Thanks for sharing, Chuck.

Our sympathy to the families of Kenneth D. Lenz, Martha R. Lewis, Ellen L. Strickland, Richard P. Fox and Jostein J. “Joe” Vadla who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

The Grand Island High School boys' baseball team is headed to the State tournament this weekend after an incredible 10 inning, 7-6 win against Honeoye Falls-Lima! Go Vikings!

The following loyal advertisers are spotlighted here in the Between the Bridges column. Please support them.
JJFashionTrends - featuring freshwater cultured pearls, stainless steel jewelry, sterling silver for both men's and women's and much more.
Kelly's Country Store - Come visit Kelly's for WNY's Largest Display of Homemade Chocolates!
Attorney Mark J. Frentzel - Experience in all courts and all areas of law - 1763 Baseline Road, Harbor Towne Centre
Adrian's Custard & Beef - Open for the season - Check out Adrian's fabulous menu
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Click photo for larger view
Having played percussion in school band for many years, I enthusiastically share this photo by my sister, Mary Stewart, taken at the town's Memorial Day ceremonies. Shown from left are Eric Dudley (timpani), Sam Clarke (cymbal) and McLain Erhard (snare), and an unidentified band member.

Here's what's happening this week.
Grand Island's Relay For Life takes place at the GIHS track tomorrow.••••Island Presbyterian Church community yard sale opens on Saturday. ••••Little League will hold its annual food drive on Saturday•••• One Island, One Team, One Dream, To Be Drug Free meets Tuesday ••••See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good morning to Islanders Dan Buckley and Jackie Carpenter.

Happy birthday to Bob Backlund (turning 38 today), to Terry Swain (tomorrow), Dan Hiam, Diane Gerard and Dianne Tiede (all celebrating on Saturday), William Bermel (4 on Saturday), Anne Timmerman and Kathy Molnar (Sunday), Jordan Dixon (21 on Sunday), Jason Hill (7 on Sunday), Janet Mumm, Catherine DiVizio, and Mike Stewart (cheers on Monday), Franklin Mesmer (4 on Tuesday), and Peter Fadum (cake and candles on Wednesday).••••A belated happy birthday to Carlton Schutt who celebrated on Monday

A very happy anniversary to Marcy and Joe Craddock who celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary yesterday.

Looking Back 65 years - The Sidway School 8th grade graduating class was invited by Mr. Roswell Cluckey, principal of the Kibler High in Tonawanda to spend a day at the high school. •••• A new refrigerator was purchased for the Sidway School to fill a need at the school that has been felt for some time. Milk, delivered in the morning, has to be kept for the afternoon snack for the first grade and for reasons of health should be kept cool.

Looking Back 50 years - Ed Dunshie and Bob Smith moved their Grand Island Lumber and Builders into its new quarters on "Express Highway" on June 1, 1952. ••••

Looking Back 40 years - Scout Master Tom Ott of Troop 254 presented Eagle Scout awards to George and Philip Barker on June 5, 1972.

Looking Back 25 years - A traffic light blinking red on Love Road and yellow (caution) on Baseline was put into operation 25 years ago.••••Front Row Video opened in the Grand Island Plaza on Saturday, May 30, 1987.••••A record turnout of 1609 voters saw the budget and bus proposition defeated, and Ken Arena and incumbent Dean Rech elected to the school board on Wednesday, June 3, 1987.••••Among students taking part in the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution commemorated in a play by the 4th graders at Hugh Road School were Michael Cutini, Jonathan Monti, Paul Michaud, Patricia Oliverio, Kimberly Bialek, Anne Cane, Kim Thaler, Nikki Schiro and Jim Havens.

Please prayer for comfort and pain-free days for Jim Stewart Sr. who like so many, is fighting the cancer battle.

JoAnn Linenfelser is really enjoying her retirement and looking forward to lots of rides on the river with Dan in their new boat.••••Annie Stuardi, who calls home “Grandy Land,” and baby Oliver III spent the week with Anne’s parents, Mike and Penny Linenfelser. Oliver, who will celebrate his first birthday this coming month, was the center of attention for much of the holiday weekend.••••Our grandchildren, Amy Bidell and Evan Linenfelser, spent time during the family picnic in the East River enjoy the 65 degree temperature, so unusual for the end of May.

A large and beautiful shadow box in remembrance of Grand Island's WWII hero, Charles N. DeGlopper, who lost his life saving his platoon, is the recent gift of Joe Synakowski to the Grand Island Historical Society. Society members will have a chance to see this at the installation of officers on June 7th.

Our sympathy to the families of Joseph L. Muranyi, Edward J. O’Keefe and former resident, Richard "Dick" Byron who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

A Memorial Service for Floydette Uonites Gannon is being held at 10 a.m. on Saturday (June 2nd) at Trinity UM Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, corner of Stony Point and Whitehaven roads. A family and friends gathering follows at Mallwitz's Island Lanes. Floydette lost her battle with cancer on Sunday, May 13th.

The following loyal advertisers are spotlighted here in the Between the Bridges column. Please support them.
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
Sweet & Harding - Estate Sales and Liquidations serving all of WNY
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
St. Stephen School - Roman Catholic Elementary School located on Grand Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

I'd like to join Ivy Dodge in her hopes that our entire community will fly an American Flag on July 4th. The number of flags flying on Memorial Day was a small percentage according to Ivy. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see a flag of any size in every yard on the Island?

Here's what's happening this week.
A Friends of Library Meeting/Special Program takes place this evening.••••A Relay For Life Annual Bowl-a-thon will be held tomorrow.••••The Kaegebein Relay For Life Team will be selling hot dogs on Saturday.•••• •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good morning Terry Endres on the Island, and good morning to Gregg Roesch in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

Happy birthday to Mary Leigh Burke who is turning 60 on Monday and wished a great day and a great year.••••Happy birthday to Jordan Hiam and Catherine Long (today), Marissa Cooney, Cathy Contino and Karen Wallace (tomorrow), Lee Tetkowski (Saturday), Michael Craig Davis (23 on Saturday), Pat Shaw and Chris Sugar (Monday), Ian Cameron (8 on Monday), Mitchell Samplinski (7 on Monday), Sophia Myers (2 on Monday), Pam Fries and Liam Dodd (Tuesday), Sharon Bauer and Jean Westmoore (milestones on Tuesday), Jim Watz (cheers on Wednesday), and Michael Dinsmore and Jill Stamler (Wednesday).

Happy anniversary to John and Ginger Bidell, celebrating their first anniversary on Sunday. ••••Best wishes to Pattie and Mark Frentzel who will mark their 20th wedding anniversary on Wednesday.

Hello to Sarah Williams and lots of good wishes for a speedy recovery following your recent surgery.

It has been announced that the Grand Island EZ Pass Walk In Center will be closing - the last day of operations is June 8. However, Supervisor Mary Cooke is working hard to make sure this doesn't happen. See her front page story.

Looking Back 80 years - The Buffalo Launch Club held a formal opening of the new club house on “Decoration Day, May 30, 1932. The original building, built in 1906, burned to the ground the previous year, just as final 25th anniversary party plans were put into place.

Looking Back 60 years - With so many Island boys going into the service, the Grand Island Young Men's Club was disbanded "at least until after the emergency (Korea) was declared over." ••••The seventh graders, including Richard Smith, Phil Simpkins and Ron Webb, won the 2nd annual Charlotte Sidway School Field Day held behind the school on May 29, 1952.

Looking Back 50 years - Proprietors Donna and Larry Tidd held a grand open for their Larry's Supermarket in Sandy Beach on May 24, 1962 and advertised an ice machine in front of the store. Could it have been one of the first on the Island?

Looking Back 40 years - Mr. Manuel Alverez conducted the Grand Island High School Concert Band in a Memorial concert on the lawn of River Lea on Memorial Day 1972. ••••It was on May 29, 1972 that a dedication ceremony for the Charles DeGlopper VFW Post 9249's eternal flame took place in DeGlopper Memorial Park.

Looking Back 10 years - Fran and Joe McMahon signed a lease for the Islander Restaurant and were in the process of renovating and looking forward to opening in May 2002.

Our sympathy to the families of Barbara A. Haefner, Mary Margaret Hipp and former residents, Floydette (Uonites) Gannon and Carol A. Woodfine who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Cheryl Chamberlain has found a very friendly cockatiel bird in her yard on Stony Point near Ransom. If this is your pet, call her at 472-9244.

This week's spotlighted Isledegrande.com advertisers follow.
The Beach House Restaurant - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on East River Road
Flower A Day Florist - Flowers for all occasions - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening on the Island this week.
Individual Veterans grave site flags may be picked up at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post, Thursday, May 24th, Friday, May 25th, and Saturday, May 26th, between the hours of 12 Noon and 9 PM. •••• Relay for Life Team APP will host an electronics recycling program on Saturday.•••• World Class Judo competitors will meet all day Saturday and Sunday in the high school. •••• Boy Scout Troop 510's Hot Dog Sale is set for Saturday.••••The Island Cycle Paths will hold the third annual Memorial Day pub crawl/ride on Sunday.•••• A fundraiser for Marcia Witte Robison will be held Sunday.•••• Memorial Day services in DeGlopper Park begin at 10 a.m.•••• The Grand Island Chapter #168 DAV is conducting a "forget-me-not" sale on Monday. ••••Junior Viking Football and Cheerleading registration takes place on Tuesday. ••••See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good morning Eric and Liz Reimann here on the Island, and good morning to Jim Milne in The Villages, FL.

The Grand Island Teachers Association's list of "Pride of the Island" recipients was posted at Isledegrande.com last week. However, second grader Caralyn Reynolds' name was in advertently left off and Brandon H. Surdi's name was misspelled. Congratulations to Caralyn, Brandon and all of the Pride of the Island students.

A cheery hello to Lynn Yensan who is recuperating from recent surgery.

A special happy birthday to Esther Lockwood Lozo who will mark her 98th birthday on Saturday.••••Happy birthday to Stephanie Senn (her 18th today), to Nikolas Massaro (6 today), Renee Tasevski (3 today), Caoimhe Carpenter (2 today), Ellen Faber (today), Bob Pownall (tomorrow), Chase Luthringer (10 tomorrow), Adam Garlapow (cheers on Saturday), Peyton Golde (5 on Saturday), JT Stamler (Monday), Steven Parisi (a teenager on Monday), Philip Hy (Monday), Tom McDonough and Joan Kingston (milestones on Tuesday), Nathan DeMartin (8 on Tuesday), and Chris Sugar (best wishes on Wednesday).

Paul and Maryjo Soto are celebrating their 11th anniversary tomorrow and Dan and Crystal Harding will be married eight years on Tuesday. Happy anniversary, everyone.

Looking Back 60 years - The first Masonic Lodge ever to be organized on Grand Island was consecrated and dedicated on May 19, 1952 before 300 Masons assembled at Trinity Fellowship Hall. First Lodge #1138 Master was Cecil A. Manchester.

Looking Back 50 years - The Rotary Club presented its "Food, Fun and Fashion Show" on May 19, 1962 at the fire hall. Models, wives of members, included Lois Orchard, Carol Askew, Jeanette Courey, Jan Crocker and Florence Roberts. •••• More than 70 female softball players signed up for a new league sponsored by the Grand Island Recreation Commission in the Spring of 1962.•••• A Mississippi Sternwheel "Paddle" boat was launched Friday, May 18, 1962 at Fantasy Island. The boat was built by Edwin "Pop" Schroeder and christened "The Mark Twain." Fantasy Island was about to open for its 2nd season. •••• Members of the Gear Jammers, a teen car club on the Island, presented $100 to the Cancer Crusade from funds raised at their recent "record hop".••••Jane Holcombe and Thasia Goodman (Woodworth) received the highest academic awards at the 2nd annual awards assembly May 14, 1962 at the Sidway Junior High School.

Looking Back 40 years - Arlene Kay, Beth Killian, Kathy Thompson, Sue Arcouet (Hillock) and other Campfire Girls paddled canoes a total of 30 miles on a two-day trip from above Calicoon, NY and finished at Minisink, NY in May 1972. ••••Miss Cathy Parisi (Thomas) presented her first dance recital on Sunday, May 21, 1972 in St. Stephen's cafetorium. "Adventures in Dance" featuring dancers of Norma Ferrara's Young Dancers Workshop also took part in the show. Miss Cathy's Dance Academy will present this year's recital on Satuday, June 9th at 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 10th at 2 p.m.

Looking Back 30 years - The Sandy Beach Park Club, celebrating its 40th year in 1982, elected Mike Lemaster, Ron Easton, Pete Mayor, Chet Dulak and Robbie Davis to its board.

Click photo for larger view
Thanks to Michele Beauchamp who took this amazing sunset over the Falls on Monday evening, May 14th.

A benefit, a 4-member team running the Buffalo Marathon for former resident Marcia Witte Robison who suffered a stroke in December 2011 is being held May 27th. This event is to help defray mounting medical costs attributed to her stroke and subsequent home health care costs. Monetary donations may be mailed to:
Judy Shaddock
561 Walnut St.
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Checks payable to Miles 4 Marcia should be sent c/o M&T Bank, 5737 S. Transit Rd. Lockport, N.Y. 14094

Our sympathy to the families of Clayton W. Clark, Elizabeth Turner and former resident, Thomas J. Hayes II who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.••••Floydette Uonites Gannon has lost her battle with cancer. A notice will be posted as it becomes available.

Interesting story from Kelly Petrie. "On Tuesday evening, a US Customs and Border patrol helicopter could be seen circling the Ferry Village neighborhood and hovering over Blue Water Marina. Residents then heard the agents speaking over the aircrafts speaker system demanding that a group of jetskiers go to shore. Police arrived on scene at Blue Water as well as other supporting Border Patrol. The chopper then landed in the empty state park field near the marina and one agent climbed out and walked to the marina where the jetskiers had docked. The helicopter took off again and circled the area again before landing in the same field. The agents interrogated the group of jetskiers. It was determined that they were Canadian citizens who illegally crossed into American water." Thanks, Kelly.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Grand Island Community Federal Credit Union - Offering members first mortgages and much more
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - on Whitehaven just off the Boulevard
Family Medicine Center - Wholehearted Care
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Grand Island Girls Rugby will hold a car wash on Saturday.•••• Beaver Island State Park will be offering a Safe Boating Course on Saturday.•••• River Lea in Beaver Island State Park, will be open on Sunday afternoon. •••• Junior Vikings Football/Cheerleading Registration takes place on Tuesday. ••••The VFW Post #9249 hosts another Chiavetta's Chicken event on Wednesday. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Good morning Shawn Scott in Gillette, WY, and good morning to Marian (Cornwell) Rhodes in Phoenix, AZ.

An extra special happy birthday to Sam Monaco who celebrates another birthday, his 100th, tomorrow.•••• Happy birthday to Bob Monoco, Lynn Sargent DeJonghe, and Elsa Peters (milestones today), Nikki Fadel and Charlie Lavallee (21st birthdays tomorrow), Charles Lambert (cheers on Sunday), Kurt Marlin (a milestone on Sunday), Linda Fearon (Sunday), Victoria Cacciatore (20 on Sunday), Teressa Meyer (20 on Tuesday), Gabriel Wansart (8 on Tuesday) and Joe McMahon (the big 6-0 on Wednesday),

Michele Beauchamp (GIHS Class of 1982) is back on the Island today. She will be having surgery on the 14th but is home to enjoy a few days prior catching up with family and friends! Welcome home, Michele.

Carol (MacDonald) Ganster's re-hab continues at Kenmore Mercy Hospital. Please continue to keep Carol and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Cards and notes may be sent to:
Kenmore Mercy Hospital (Room 2212)
2950 Elmwood Ave.
Kenmore, NY 14217.

Please prayer for Clayton Clark, Jim Stewart Sr., Bridget Anderson and Jane Duffy.

Looking Back 65 years - Eleven Girl Scouts were presented with thirty-three activity badges at a court of awards ceremony at the fire hall on Friday afternoon, May 2, 1947. The first class badge, the highest award given to any Girl Scout at the time, was presented to Luella Landel and Diana Moore (Loveland). Others receiving various awards were Joan Burgstahler (Bridge), Donna Hawley (Rodriguez), Loretta Knab (Daley), Mary Ann Kruse (Arsenault), Shirley Roberts (Ervin), Gloria Peck (Thompson), Patricia Tiffany, Lynn Winter (Duggan) and Stephanie Woods (Mauri).••••The Tonawanda High School senior class of 1947 presented "What A Life!" in the spring of that year. Roger Kaiser Sr. played the part of George Bigelow. Other students from Grand Island on the production staff were Gertrude Nachbaur (Wendt), Alice Kress (Oetinger), Bob Consier, Irene Noras (Thompson) and Willard Bell.

Looking Back 60 years - Phyllis Miller was in charge of decorations that included balloons and streamer, for the Trinity Jr. High Youth Fellowship May Day Party. Bernice Glor (Pagliaro), Carlton Schutt, Nancy Mote (Sayre), Sally Swalm (Hansen) and Noel Dilliot served on the refreshment committee. Youth Fellowship officers in 1952 were President Carl Miller, Vice President Connie Godfrey (Millikan), Secretary Gail Burgstahler (Rothenberg) and Treasurer Miss Miller. ••••A dance to help finance parade uniforms for the Fire Company Drum Corps was held May 10, 1952 in the "old" fire hall. The trousers were to be navy blue with gold stripes to go with red fitted jackets with navy and gold trim and styled similar to a "bell hop's" jacket.••••The Grand Island Fire Company volunteers began new hall construction by staking out the foundation in preparation for excavation. The new fire hall was to contain a garage for two trucks, meeting room, kitchen, bar and lavatories at an estimated cost of $50,000. A ground breaking took place on Sunday May 11, 1952.

Looking Back 50 years - Members of the Huth Road School PTA presented a musicale, "Kavestone Kapers," at their Carnival of Fun May 12, 1962 when Torgier Fadum, Elise Heiser, Melody Measures, Billy Burke, Joe Sheehan, Nancy Wanacott, Johanne Colosi and John Shaeffer put on a skit titled "The Case of the Frustrated Corpse." And it was artist and PTA mom Margaret Villano who created several prehistoric creatures that wagged their tales and bobbed their heads to welcome those attending the Huth Road PTA Carnival. ••••An organizational meeting was held May 13, 1962 at 8 East River Road, the summer home of Lewis F. Allen where the future president of the United States, Grover Cleveland, spent time with his uncle. The meeting was under the direction of William R. Callahan and Island resident Richard D. McCarthy and James Montanari of Buffalo whose goal was to save the former Hussey estate from destruction. Said at that time to have been built around 1832, the preservation of the landmark house was also in the trio's plans. The land had been taken over by the State for a golf course.

Looking Back 40 years - Dancing on the Dialing for Dollars show under the direction of choreographer Norma Ferrara on May 10, 1972 were Denice Adcock, Deborah Bronzino, Timothy MacKenzie, Dawn Marcolini, Jackie Martin, Kathleen Robinson and Valerie Voisard.

Looking Back 25 years - When the River Oaks Restaurant and Clubhouse on Whitehaven Road was renovated in 1987, the veranda was made part of the dining room and ran the full length of the building. The tables overlooked the golf course and the bar had been relocated, giving bar patrons a view of the course.

Grand Island Little League's opening day ceremonies are being held this Saturday in Vets Park, Bedell Road with the parade starting at 9 a.m.

The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY, providing a safe and fulfilling environment for handicapped children and young adults announces Opening Day, 2 p.m. Sunday, May 20th at the beautiful, new field in Vets Park. Let's support the players and those who made this possible.

Our sympathy to the families of Joan D. Pirson, Charlotte Mrkall, Mary Agnes Farrell, William "Bill" Barto and former residents, Richard J. "Rich" Arsenault and Marie S. McIntosh who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? See Linda's front page ad and give her a call.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
NFE Sales - Niagara Frontier Equipment Sales - Test drive Kioti's new UTV
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Click photo for larger view
Mary Stewart captured the big, bright moon on Saturday night when it was closer to the earth than it's been in many years.

Here's what's happening this week.
The American Legion flower basket sale will be held tomorrow and Saturday. •••• Also being held Saturday are Little League opening day, a Relay For Life Chicken BBQ, the Golden Age Club's Gram's Garage Sale, and a benefit for Auto Fix mechanic, Jim Chatterton. •••• The Republican Committee Golf Tournament will be held Monday. ••••The School District Budget Vote takes place on Tuesday. ••••The Grand Island High School Class of 2014 will sponsor a chicken BBQ on Tuesday. ••••The VFW Post #9249 hosts a Chiavetta's Chicken event on Wednesday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

Did you know this is teacher appreciation week? Count your blessings for the nice teachers you or your children have had.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there." Thank you to all who are serving our country, including Michael Zaremski Jr.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good morning to Lynne (Cullen) Euse in Stuarts Draft, VA and good morning to Barbara Fox Smith in North Tonawanda, NY.

Happy birthday to Katie Hillock (21 today), to Mary Elisabeth Rustowicz (a teenager tomorrow) Sandie Rall-Smith (tomorrow), Emily Harnden (17 tomorrow), Mark Cunningham (cake and candles tomorrow), Carol Hugill (cheers on Sunday), James DiCillis (a milestone on Monday), Justin Geisenhoff (21 on Monday), and Kara Dudley (20 on Tuesday). A belated happy birthday to Amanda Brady who celebrated this past Tuesday.

Best wishes and happy 50th wedding anniversary to Jeanne and Ken McMahon, celebrating on Saturday.

Rick Raepple is trying to find someone who remembers the "circus" that came to Grand Island and set-up in the fields across from the Fire Company. Do you remember the circus and do you have any photos? Rick said that when recently talking with old-time Islanders, "They said I was crazy, that Grand Island never had a circus come to town." According to Kevin Brady, "I do remember this. Set up where Debbie Court and Town Hall Terrace are. My mother almost hit an elephant with the car. But no photos. Sorry."

Congratulations to Nicole Roesch who entered the St. Anthony's triathlon in Florida on April 29th, with a time of 2:47:53.

Looking Back 65 years - Various campsites for scout camping purposes on the Island were offered by the following residents: Allen E. Klopp, Carl Larson and John W. Wheeler. Investigating the campsites for suitability in May 1947 were Troop #75 committeemen LaVerne Harding, Lee Kirk, Earle Saunders and Paul Stefik Jr. ••••The Sidway School 8th grade graduating class of 1947 produced the first school yearbook, The Oracle, with Joan Livingston (Fred) serving as editor. Jim Ehde was the artist and Charles Marlin, the manager.

Looking Back 60 years - Grandyle Village mail boxes on Harry Tucker's mail route and also those on Bob Weatherbee's route were moved from the north side to the south side of the road in May of 1952. ••••Dan Linenfelser Sr.'s Wayside Furniture business was being expanded to double the floor space, and at the same time an addition to Jessie and Bill Reese's building/grocery store became the home of the Grand Island Quick Lunch. Contract Interiors is now in what was the Wayside building, and the Reese building still stands across from the Burger King Restaurant.

Looking Back 50 years - Ruth Baker was elected to the school board in May 1962 when a total of 814 eligible school voters registered in the Charlotte Sidway School.

Looking Back 25 years - Todd Wisner, Amy Schneider (George), Kelly Wisner (Meckes) and Sondra Galoppo (DeFrank) participated in a Mad Dash for Cash Contest in April 1987 at the Summit Park Mall and ran a best time of 10 minutes and 58 seconds to win $100.

Looking Back 10 years - Eight-year-old Liam Dodd was named player of the game Monday night, May 6, 2002 when the Boston Red Socks tied the Royals in their first game of the season under a lengthy downpour at Vets Park. Liam was a member of the Red Socks and a third grader at Huth Road Elementary School at the time. •••• The (Paul) Malecki Plowing Men's bowling team took first place in the A-Best Roofing league at Island Lanes 10 years ago. Not to be outdone, the Malecki Plowing Women also took first place in their A-Best league. This was the first time anyone remembered a sponsor having two winning teams.

Our sympathy to the families of Jean Jerge and Jerry Russo who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
John's Pizza & Subs - delicious pizza, full menu on the Boulevard.
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
Marston Power Equipment - Snow, Lawn & Safety Equipment/Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
Miss Cathy's Dance Academy - A well established dance studio that's keeping up with the times
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Historical Society meets tonight in River Lea.•••• St. Stephen's Sizzling Spring Meat Raffle is being held tomorrow.•••• West River Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up invites volunteers to meet on Saturday to help out.•••• The Historical Society headquarters, River Lea, will be open on Saturday afternoon.•••• The Community Chorus & Buffalo State Philharmonia concert is scheduled for Sunday.•••• The VFW Post #9249's Chiavetta's Chicken event is being held Wednesday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for information on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good morning Judy Blackmore Testa in Hammonton, NJ and good morning to Denise Blackmore in Buffalo, NY.

It's garage sale time. We do not charge to announce your garage sales taking place on Grand Island. Click Garage Sales Galore for details.

Best wishes and happy birthday to April Wright who will celebrate her big 5-0 on Saturday. Happy birthday also to Travis and Craig Perno (21 today), Lisa Braun (20 today), Brooke Christensen (5 years old today), Tessa DeMartin (6 years old today), Dr. Bob Miller (tomorrow), Bethany Leiner (20 tomorrow), Verna Wohlfeil and Rita Hagerman (Saturday), Britny Matthews (21 tomorrow), Elijah Linenfelser and Jaimen Wright (6 on Saturday), Diane Goupil (Sunday), Jessica Bykowicz (21 on Monday), Ava DeFranks (9 on Monday), Cheryl Loree (Monday), Anna Pullano (8 on Monday), Taylor Firth and Joe Aladeen (21 on Monday), Krystin Hoppel (20 on Tuesday), Rosemary Madejski (Tuesday), Joe Zilbauer (turning 85 on Tuesday), Amber Spiesz (20 on Tuesday), and Brent Fred Jr. (his 18th birthday on Wednesday)

Anne Timmerman has posted some good information on Facebook for anyone who would be interested in helping a child get through a deployment while their father or mother is gone. See "Flat Daddy Information" and become a sponsor! Anne's little daughter, three-year-old Chloe, whose dad, SSG Ryan Timmerman is in Afghanistan for his third tour of duty, got a "flat daddy," a life size picture of Ryan. It's hanging over her bed and she says goodnight to daddy and good morning to daddy everyday! Anne expressed thanks to the sponsor who donated Chloe's Flat Daddy. "We don't receive names, but THANK YOU so much to the person who sponsored Chloe's flat daddy! Click Flat Daddy for photo.

Michael Dinsmore, a member of the Grand Island High School Class of 2008, is in a contest to win a wheelchair assessable vehicle. We can cast one vote every day. See Wheelchair Contest, read the story about Michael, and then give him your vote.

Long time friend, Charlotte Mrkall could use some prayers, notes and cards right now. Thinking of you, Charlotte.

Notes and cards would be appreciated by Ruth Stahl.••••A speedy recovery to Don "Bones" Fancher who is recuperating from eye surgery. ••••Floydette Gannon's family requests that we keep the prayers coming. Flo was moved to a rehab facility for a short time but has since been taken back to the hospital.

Cindy (Austin) Zurek has hopefully had the last of the surgeries caused by a car accident. She had a shoulder surgery on Monday and will soon start therapy. She asks that I convey her thanks to her Island friends for the emotional and spiritual help that came her way during this lengthy process. A speedy recovery to you, Cindy.

Signatures are still being collected to bring about the naming of the Grand Island High School auditorium in memory of Bill and Marion Pinkow. I'd like to remind those in the Sidway 8th/9th grade graduating classes (1937-1963) to consider "getting on the band wagon," and signing the petition.

Congratulations on some fine bowling by Brandon Digati who rolled a 290-277-300 for an 867 series with the Friday Night Businessmen. This is the highest set ever shot at Island Lanes. Brandon's first 800 series was 259-248-300 (807) on April 3rd with the Heatwave H&C League.

Best wishes to Terry and Linda Greenwood Cantwell celebrating their 15th anniversary tomorrow. Happy anniversary to Bill and Nancy Weis who celebrate tomorrow. Happy days to Nancy who has recently retired after many years with the Grand Island School District. In the "time goes by" department, Wendy and John Gaydica will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday.

Congratulations to Dan and Ashley (Carminati) Misko. The Miskos welcomed a daughter, Kennedy Elizabeth, on April 5, 2012. Born in Sisters Hospital, baby Kennedy weighed in at seven pounds, one ounce.

Looking Back 65 years - Members of the Launch Club, which was closed for the winter, held their opening party, a dinner dance, on April 26, 1947. Davern’s Tavern in Ferry Village, now the Niagara River Station Fishing Club, also opened for the season. ••••Eighth grader John Fleming and 7th grader Joan Burgstahler (Bridge) were the winner and runner up in a Sidway School spelling bee. ••••A list of the Grandyle Village Property Owners Association’s medical supplies available for use was given to the members at an April 16, 1947 meeting at the home of Ed and Helen Ball.

Looking Back 60 years - Sidway School sixth graders, on May 2, 1952 attended a dance from 8 p.m. to midnight in the Sidway gym. Students participated in 30 dances including the Rhinelander, Green Sleeves, a polka, Red River Valley, Buffalo Gal and several square dances, all taught by music teacher, Carol Thompson. Ice cream, pop and potato chips were served and Claire Ann Rupp Bishop stated in the report in the Island Dispatch that this was the "best event in our school year."

Looking Back 10 years - The Grand Island High School String Orchestra, under the direction of Debra Remson, accepted the invitation to attend the Dixie Classic National Adjudicator Competition in Virginia Beach, Virginia where the students received a Superior rating on their level 6 performance. The competition was held in April 2002. See photo

Did you know that Grand Island was part of Niagara County until April 2, 1822 when the Legislature created Erie County out of that portion of Niagara County which lies south of Tonawanda Creek? For an interesting book on Grand Island history, pick up a copy of Rob Roy McLeod's "Cinderella Island" at the Chamber office.

If you are interested in ordering a school calendar for the coming school year, orders must be in by tomorrow (April 27th). See 2012-13 School Calendars

Our sympathy to the families of Ann R. Georgeson, Marcella S. Williams, Valentina M. "Val" (nee Calvano) Valore, and former resident Gary Gene Glasgow who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.••••James A. Labarbera, who was employed by the Grand Island School Board where he taught for over thirty-nine years, passed away on April 22, 2012 at the age of 61.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Theodore's Red Hots - across from the round-about - full menu - hot dogs and much more
DeGeorge - ceilings, windows, doors
Rose Liquor Store - Full line of wines and liquors - great discounts
Eddie's Art Shop - The BEST is the least we can do for you.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Awards dinner is being held tonight •••• The PTSA Geranium Sale orders are due today (April 26).•••• The Odd Couple will be presented by St. Stephen's Parish Players this weekend. •••• A nature event, "Buckhorn Theater by Candle Light," takes place in Buckhorn State Park tomorrow evening. ••••For Relay for Life events, see our Calendar of Events. ••••A Suicide Prevention Fundraiser is being held Saturday. •••• Island Presbyterian Church presents the movie, The Way, on Saturday. •••• A Miracle League of Grand Island meeting takes place on Monday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good morning Gail Allen and Bob Gormady, both of Grand Island, NY.

Click photo for larger view
Lisa Boulden who captured this Red Admiral Butterfly, explains that hundreds of these were kind enough to fly around her weeping cherry tree and allow her to take plenty of pictures. See "More Butterflys".

I received an email that at first glance, looked like it was from Earl and Rita DeGlopper. The mail was explaining their situation overseas when all of their belongings and cash had been stolen and they were asking for financial help. I immediately recognized it as a scam. I'd seen something similar last year. Earl called me this week and said whoever got into his computer and sent the note to everyone in his email list also wiped out everything else on his computer. He asks that I warn my readers to be careful and to certainly not send money.

Happy birthday Jim Stewart Sr., Lela Mancuso, Jane Baedeker and Adam Garlapow (today), to Cassidy Smith (18 today), Barb Macaluso and Andrew Henry Fix (tomorrow), Jessica Martina (turning 21 tomorrow), Jacob McMahon (16 tomorrow), Paige McMahon (8 tomorrow), Sam Akinbami and Jim Wagner Jr. (Saturday), Samantha Banas (21 on Sunday), Kevin Kud, Peter Gollwitzer, Russell Hill and Erin Tower (all celebrating on Sunday), Genna Baldassarre (a teenager on Sunday), Mark Ramsperger (9 on Sunday), Alexandra Dzielski (Sweet 16 on Monday), Sydney Neuhaus (4 on Monday), Bonnie Janowsky (Wednesday) and Lucas Soto (3 on Wednesday).

Bill and Lois Koch are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversaries on Sunday. Happy anniversary to the Kochs.

I'm hoping that Barbara Macaluso is resting comfortably since her surgery earlier this week.••••A speedy recovery goes out to Tom Rall and Sue Braun who also had surgery this week.

Bob Gormady reports that his whole family (Mom and Dad and the remaining seven brothers and their children) all refer to Isledegrande.com every week. "You can take the Islander off of the Island.........but ya can't take the Island out of the person." Thanks, Bob.

Looking Back 65 years - Members of the Grand Island American Legion Post decided to have a parchment scroll made with all Grand Island names of those who served in WWII inscribed and presented to the Town of Grand Island to replace a former plaque in front of the town hall which was too weather beaten to properly repair. ••••This advertisement for "the gayest spot on the Island," was printed in the Island Dispatch in the spring of 1947. "Hi-Ya Chum. We’ll meet you at the Bedell House to pitch some horse shoes and have a spot of Cy’s tasty brew.” Cy Gay was host and Maude Fix, the proprietor.

Looking Back 40 years - Huth Road PTA life memberships were presented to Kay Brown and Madeline Colley by Twin Projects chair Mary Ann Arsenault, in April 1972.

Looking Back 25 years - Grand Island Middle School students Rob Kopf, Judy Barlow, Sandy Sandusky, Bob Voelker, Dave Eichler, Heather Robert and Sue Szczublewski took 2nd place in the regional Odyssey of the Mind Contest. The students had worked for at least five months on a problem of using 50 mousetraps in a chain reaction that would also perform designated tasks. James Szafran was their advisor.

Our sympathy to the families of Dorothy J. Borden, Mary E. Carminati, Everett C. Reinauer, Adam N. Fischer, Helmut R. Stinner and former resident, Catherine (Gibson) Weiss who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Adi's Closet, a clothing consignment shop, will open on the Boulevard across from the Burger King Restaurant on Tuesday, May 1st. Jody (Lloyd) Rider tells us there will be a ribbon cutting at noon, and prizes and refreshments. Good luck, Jody.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Grand Island Chiropractic - Why leave the Island for the help you need?
Island Ship Center Inc. - Convenient FedEx agency on Whitehaven Road
Aceti's Wine & Spirits - conveniently located in the Tops plaza.
Allstate Mastantuono Agency - get an online quote in minutes - the best choice for insurance is an informed choice
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
Shakespeare in the Mall takes place tonight in the Grand Island High School Viking Mall. •••• St. Stephen's Parish Players present "A Pocketful of Rhymes," a musical review tomorrow evening.•••• An Earth Day 2012 spring shoreline cleanup at Buckhorn State Park is scheduled for Saturday. ••••A neighborhood clean up "challenge" on Love Road from Wilson Farms to East River is planned for Saturday.•••• A Relay For Life Bowl-a-thon for kids only will be held on Saturday.•••• Thirty-One Party for Relay, a shopping experience for Relay for Life is planned for Sunday. ••••The One Island, One Team, One Dream to Be Drug Free meets Tuesday afternoon. ••••See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Good morning Donna Krehl in Florida, and good morning Teresa Gormandy on the Island.

Happy birthday to Rita Madia and John Hart (today), Brian Ruotsi and our granddaughter Amy Bidell (21st birthdays today), Tim Canti, Bill Linton and Bob Kingston (tomorrow), Magdalyn Chauby (Sweet 16 tomorrow), Nicholas Aronica (8 on Saturday), Tyler Ranger (5 on Saturday), Jameson Hiam (7 on Monday), Tom Arrigo, Jeremy Pullano and James Pinzel (cheers on Tuesday), Stephanie Hunt (21 on Tuesday), Hailey Nowak (18 on Tuesday), Andrew Stange and David Domagala (21 on Wednesday), and Alexis Soluri (7 on Wednesday).

Gene and JoAnn Hasselbeck are wished the very best as they celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary today. Happy anniversary also to Anne and Ryan Timmerman who will mark their fifth anniversary on Saturday. Thanks goes out to SSG Timmerman who was recently deployed to Afghanistan for his third tour of duty. ••••Teresa and Matthew Linenfelser are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary today. Happy anniversary to the Linenfelsers.

Please keep Floydette Gannon in your prayers. She's been faced with a couple of tough weeks and we're so hoping better ones are just ahead.

John Grycel writes that his dad, Phil Grycel, is recuperating from cancer surgery and pneumonia in a rehab facility in Carlsbad, CA. "His condition is much improved in the past couple of weeks but he has a long way to go for complete recovery and could do with prayers and well wishes," John wrote. Send your cards and notes to Felix Grycel, c/o Las Villas de Carlsbad Hospital, 1094 Laguna Dr, Rm 113 - Bed B, Carlsbad, CA 92008.

Looking Back 60 years - Fifth graders in Mrs. Adamine Kennelly's class in 1952, including Mary Ellen Klingel (Stewart), Judy Kuehling (Semler), Bob Stamler, Myron Ortolano, Nancy Benton (Meister), and Bob Webb, visited the Wonder Bread Bakery and received little loaves of bread with "balloons on the wrapper." ••••The Ladies of Trinity EUB Church served dinner to the Fire Company members and wives in Trinity Fellowship Hall on the occasion of the Company's 14th anniversary 60 years ago. A dance band was hired to play in the fire hall after dinner, however only half of the musicians showed up due to the others becoming lost trying to find the place (which was right around the corner from the church). Toastmaster for the evening was Glen "Smitty" Smith and Fire Company President Ed Kruse was in charge of arrangements. •••• Gertrude Gay and Charlotte Guenther (Roesch) entertained at a farewell party for Harold "Buzzy" Anderson, Melvin Webb and Robert Killian who were leaving for the Army in the spring of '52.

Looking Back 50 years - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corey leased the Clown House restaurant from Bob Wright and opened it in April 1962 after it had been closed the previous season. ••••The Gear Jammers, a car club for teenagers, was under the sponsorship of the Grand Island Recreation Department in 1962.

Congratulations to Brandon Digati on his 300 game (807 series) bowling with the Heatwave league at Mallwitz's Island Lanes this past week.

The Grand Island Instrumental Music Boosters, in cooperation with the school district, has been given permission to print and sell the calendar for the 2012-2013 school years. It will have a similar look to the past years’ calendars, including holidays, vacations and each building’s activities. See School Calendars

A service to honor the memory of Jacquelyn Marie Pauley will be held at Island United Presbyterian Church of Grand Island this Saturday, April 14th at 2 p.m.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Sherry McDonald/RealtyUSA - A local real estate agent who knows the Island
Blue Water Marina - storage, docking, and boating and fishing supplies - East River Road in historic Ferry Village
Budwey's Supermarket - brand names at low prices - and three locations
Riviera Theater - Family Film Series - "Big Miracle" PG, on Saturday. - Historic Riviera just across the river
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Tonight is Opening Night for the Parish Players' production of The Sound of Music at St. Stephen School. The show starts at 7 p.m. and will also take place on Friday (7 p.m.), and Saturday, (1 p.m. and 7 p.m.). Call Kim Kalman for tickets (465-5574)

Here's what's happening this week.
See above for "Sound of Music." ••••The Historical Society will hold an Open House on Sunday. ••••The annual Lions Club spaghetti dinner will be held at the Holiday Inn on Monday.••••A One Island, One team, One Dream To Be Drug Free meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon.••••A blood drive will be held from 1-6 p.m. on Tuesday at the Knights of Columbus. •••• An open public meeting to review the proposed 2.4% property tax increase will be held Tuesday.••••See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Good morning Kevin "Skee" Zoldowski in Billings, MT, and good morning Catherine (Waite) Prell on the Island.

Please keep Airman Anthony Gugino in your prayers. He will be overseas for six months and is leaving for Qatar on Saturday.

Click photo
Happy birthday Ruth! Ruth Elgar, mother of Trey and Kathie Elgar, was born on April 14, 1912, making her a fabulous 100 years old on the 14th. Click her picture for full view of her family - son Trey, Ruth, granddaughter Harmony with great granddaughter Lexie on her lap, and daughter Kathie. Friends will surely want to send her a birthday card or note to:
2519 W. Night Owl Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85085

Good lookin' boy - still is. Happy birthday to Henry Ensminger who will celebrate a milestone tomorrow.

Happy birthday to Peter Figliotti (his 80th today), to Heather Aronica, Clark Nesbitt and Shari Cooney (milestones today), George Smith Sr. (today), Nicholas Ratajczak (10 tomorrow), Eden Krebs (5 tomorrow), Nathan Busch and Sarah Griffin (20 on Saturday), George Minton (Saturday), Eric Dahlstrom (his 30th on Saturday), Emory Gott (Sunday), Kaitlyn Affuso (20 on Sunday), Vincent Ricotta (9 on Sunday), Trevor Matte (21 on Sunday), Dave Whitney (25 on Sunday), Mary Ann Arsenault and Wayne Kinney (Monday), Rhett Robinson (11 on Monday), Dorothy Dillemuth and Dodie Meyer (Tuesday), Dustin Coryn (21 on Tuesday), Evan Ackerman (9 on Tuesday), Jim Boettcher and Roman Jurga (Wednesday), Andrew Cerrillo (21 on Wednesday), and Gwendolyn Slachciak (11 on Wednesday).

Attention golfers! The Beaver Island State Park Golf Course opens today. See Golf Course for details.

Congratulations to Dave Burke of Panama City, FL on being named employee of the month at the Gulf Correctional Institution, Wewahitchka, FL. Dave, a 1971 graduate of Grand Island High School, is an RN at the Florida Dept. of Corrections. Dave (center) is shown with (left) Assistant Warden Sloan and Nursing Supervisor Ward.

Jose Palma of the Riverstone Grill reported on Facebook Monday, April 2, 2012 that ongoing litigation among the partners who own the operations, building and land made the closing of the restaurant necessary. The complete letter may be found by searching Riverstone Grill on Facebook.com.

Looking Back 60 years - Grand Island Girl Scouts and Brownies sold 2,124 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in March 1952. •••• The Fire Company's Ladies Auxiliary members bowled against the firemen on a Saturday night in April 1952 at LaSalle Grand Alleys. Alice Benton hit a wet spot on the floor and fell and skinned her knee, and then Eva Wohlfehrt fell down and bruised her wrist. After the bowling, the ladies put on a big feast for everyone back at the fire hall.

Looking Back 50 years - It was announced in the spring of 1962 that there would be no more racing at Bob Wright's Grand Island Karting Raceway, once in the area of the Clown House, now McMahon's Family Restaurant. The kibosh on Bob's venture was probably due to neighbors' complaints of noise. Karts of light weight were to be made available to rent. ••••The State of New York announced the sale of several beautiful mansions south of Cox Road along East River, to make way for the Beaver Island golf course. The sale would commence by sealed bid at 10 a.m. on April 17, 1962 in Beaver Island Park.

Our sympathy to the families of Gwendolyn Sommer, Marjorie Tetreault and former resident, Jackie Pauley who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

As you may have seen on our front page this week, there is a campaign in the works to have the Grand Island High School auditorium named for the late Bill and Marion Pinkow in recognition of their many contributions to the community, especially in the field of music. If you haven't signed the petition and would like to, see Pinkow Petition.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Dr. Thomas C. Lepenven, DMD - Island Dental PC - 2095 Baseline Road
Magic Towel Holder - Craftsman Don "Bones" Fancher- clever gift creations
Island Prescription Center - Consumer wellness tips - Cholesterol Lowering Foods
Sandi's Family Restaurant - reasonable prices - Your Hosts......Dan and Sandi Clark
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
Tonight's Historical Society program meeting will feature "Pioneer Cemeteries." ••••The Trinity United Methodist Women will host a Krolick's Fish Fry/Chicken Finger Dinner tomorrow.•••• The VFW Post 9249 will hold a Lenten fish fry tomorrow.••••The Recreation Department will make sure that the Easter Bunny will be at town hall tomorrow. See "Bunny" for details.•••• A “Monkey Business” program (registration necessary) will be presented at the Library on Wednesday afternoon. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

Spring recess at all schools begins today (Thursday). The kids will be out of school until Monday, April 16th.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

Happy Easter and may spring weather prevail.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good morning Betty Clement in Laguna Woods, CA and good morning David Burke in Panama City, FL.

Happy birthday to Margie Southwood and Tracey Shickluna (today), to Chloe Fitzsimmons (5 today), Sharon Wright (tomorrow), LCpl Tom Shanor (Saturday), Jeremy Figler (his 20th on Sunday), Rob DeMita (21 on Tuesday), Mike Beauchamp (Tuesday), Ben Greenwood (25 on Wednesday), Natalie Baldassare (Sweet 16 on Wednesday), Zoe Dodd (sassy 17 on Wednesday), and Sharon Priest and Mike Geblein (Wednesday).

Best wishes to Ginger and Bob Stamler who will mark their 50th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, April 3rd. •••• Happy anniversary to Rosemary and Bruce Wojick celebrating on Saturday.

A speedy recovery to Kathy DeLoughry who is recuperating from recent foot surgery.

Congratulations to Kallie Banker, a GIHS senior guard, just named Niagara Frontier League Player of the Year for NFL girls basketball.

Looking Back 65 years - The first troop of Brownies on Grand Island was organized in Grandyle Village and was being led by Ellen Turnbull and assisted by Helen Sunderland and Wynonne Davidson. Girls who became charter members in 1947 were Lynne Hoerig, Bernice Glor (Pagliaro), Dorothy Noth (Miller), Millicent Ball, Judy Nailor (Meer), Janet Lee Sunderland (Bangs), Susan Turnbull, Mary Ann Benns (Miller), Marianne Lehane (Ward) and Doris Harding (Watson). ••••Work on the first addition to Sidway School was progressing in the spring of 1947. The addition was to include five classrooms, a library, teachers’ room on the second floor as well as the reconversion of one of the first-floor rooms into a kindergarten. The large bay window on the south end of the building is to be part of the kindergarten. This room had its own lavatory and cloak room facilities.

Looking Back 60 years - The Sidway School's Spring Operetta, "Behind Castle Walls," was presented on the stage in the gym on April 3-4, 1952. There were sixteen musical numbers and among those taking parts were Ron Livingston, Jack Boehm, Marilyn Ekiss, Connie Godfrey (Millikan), Jim Pierson, Lee Thomas, Bob DeGlopper, Carl Miller, Albert Glose, Melinda Link, Bob Buzby and Carol Kingston (Ullrich). ••••When Richard Franklin and Elaine Macoomb moved to the Island and joined Mrs. Margaret Webster's 1st grade at Sidway School, the classroom had a total of 44 students.

Looking Back 50 years - The Sandy Beach Supermarket at Wallace Drive and Middle Road was under new management and operating as Larry's Supermarket in the spring of 1962. Anthony Calvano and his three sons opened their new "Sandy Beach Supermarket" in December 1953.

Looking Back 40 years - Kevin Zoldowski was coordinating a program of citizen involvement in an all out quest for the freeing and return of our Prisoners of War.

Members of the Grand Island High School Class of 1972 have announced that their 40th reunion will be held 6:30 p.m. Friday, July 6th with an Icebreaker under the pavilion at the VFW. A Dinner will be held at the Holiday Inn Settlement Room at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 7th. Classmates, see Invitation, Missing List and Information Questionnaire.

It is hoped that the naming of the high school auditorium in recognition of the late Bill and Marion Pinkow becomes a reality. The community minded Pinkows are credited with many contributions in the school district music departments as well as the community's band and chorus and much more. For information on showing your support, see "Petition".

This week's Connor Middle School Play, "Willy Wonka Junior," continues to get rave reviews. See Annmarie Schneider's Letter To The Editor.

The following loyal advertisers are spotlighted here in the Between the Bridges column: Please support them.
Michael Anthony Rossi - Rossi Law Firm - Committed to providing competent and cost effective legal services
Metro Town Center - 1980 Whitehaven Road - Betty Harris - President/NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker
Grand Island Teachers Association - Thank you teachers for your support!
Riverview Chiropractic - Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski - Just for kids
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening on the Island this week.
A used book sale will be held tomorrow and Saturday in the Grand Island Memorial Library.•••• The Mallwitz Purple Cancer Crew Relay 2012 will hold a fundraiser at Island Lanes on Saturday. •••• Dueling Clerics Organ Recital will be given on Sunday evening. ••••See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good morning Steve Fleming in Norfolk, VA, and good morning William Gormady in Phoenix, AZ.

Spring is here! We've been blessed with record breaking temperatures all week and no doubt another record setter today. Bring it on!

A belated happy 81st birthday to Dottie Parker who celebrated on Tuesday.••••Happy birthday to Charlotte Mrkall (today), to Wendy Stratton-Gross and Peter Baker (milestones today), Jim Olmstead (celebrating his 70th tomorrow), Pat Harding (enjoying life as she celebrates her birthday tomorrow), Ryan Kernin (12 tomorrow), Jillian Sheehan (Sweet 16 on Saturday), Jack Mahnk (cake and candles on Sunday), Amy Blundell (Sunday), Bill Dekdebrun (a milestone on Monday), Kendall Duscher (2 on Monday), Brooklyn Landroche (3 on Tuesday), Liza Bowman (Sweet 16 on Wednesday), Morgan Green (18 on Wednesday), Olivia Williams (10 on Wednesday), Barb Wienke (cheers on Wednesday), Kenna MacNeil (4 on Wednesday) and Jacob Stewart (3 years old on Wednesday).

Miracle League President Teresa Hooper reports that if anyone knows anyone with a disability who would like to play baseball with The Miracle League, the League is currently accepting registration forms, "and for those looking to volunteer we are accepting those as well." See WWW.MIRACLELEAGUEWNY.ORG. The season will start soon.

Looking Back 60 years - The Trinity Greys bowling team beat the Trinity Maroons with Gene Howland and Rev. Franklin Beck, stars of the winning team at Kaliber's Alleys, somewhere off the Island in March 1952. ••••Girl Scouts of Grand Island celebrated their 12th anniversary Friday evening March 22, 1952 in Sidway gym when Melinda Link was awarded her first class award, and the Brownies marked their 5th anniversary on the Island.

Looking Back 40 years - The third annual Grand Island High School musical production, "Guys and Dolls," was presented on the high school stage on March 24-25, 1972. In the leads were John Russell as Sky Masterson , Sally Oberkircher (Foks) as Sarah Brown, Joanne Robinson (Podlucky) as Miss Adelaide, and Chuck Bagdy as Nathan Detroit. Director was Adel Robinson and musical director was Nick D'Angelo.•••• Cub Scout Terry Lunney and Webelo Richard Volaro were winners of Cub Pack 425's "Fire Engine Race Derby" at Huth Road School on March 24, 1972. Other race winners were Chris Affuso, Phillip Stoddard and Bernard DeLong. Cubmaster was Hank Kammerer. ••••A new "tot lot" playground was in the works by the town recreation department and located at the water tower property in the area of Ward Park and Carl Road in the spring of 1972.

Our sympathy to the families of Joseph S. Edel who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

"Hidden History in Delaware Park," an interesting story about our fallen American soldiers of the War of 1812, has been brought to my attention by Chuck Berlinger. See Grave Yard. See also Steve Cichon. Credit for sharing this little known part of WNY's history goes to Steve Cichon, founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of staffannouncer.com, a website dedicated to preserving and celebrating Buffalo's pop culture history.

Congratulations to Rich Freer who rolled a 300-722 with the A-Best Roofing league this week at Mallwitz's Island Lanes. This is one of his many perfect scores!

Hats off to the DeRubes triplets, Sean, Brian and Frank, for their efforts to clean up Grand Island. See Graffiti Busters for the story.

Islanders Josh and Matt Smith are getting ready to open Serene Gardens at 2800 Grand Island Blvd., a garden center and café. Opening day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 11th at 8:30 a.m. Everything you need for your garden will be available, with an emphasis on Japanese Design. The café will be open for breakfast and lunch. Stop by on April 11th and welcome the brothers and their new endeavor.

If you didn't see this story in the Buffalo News over the weekend, click Grover Cleveland. The article describes Sunday's Historical Society Cleveland display by longtime resident and Buffalo News writer Dick Baldwin.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Kaiser Funeral Home - Professional and Caring - 1950 Whitehaven Road
Mark S. Nemeth, Attorney at Law - insurance defense litigation with an emphasis on asbestos and nursing home litigation
Century 21/Gerrie Andolina - Grand Island's longtime, #1 real estate agent
State Farm - Bob Piatek - Insurance & Mutual Funds - save up to 40%
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
••••The VFW will hold a Lenten fish fry dinner on Friday. ••••A Movie Night will be held Saturday in the Island Presbyterian Church.•••• An End of Life seminar takes place Saturday morning at St. Stephen Church. ••••A Lenten Luncheon will be held Wednesday at noon in Trinity UM Church. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Good morning Michele Remmes and Terry Sledziewski, both here on the Island, and good morning to Sharon Claffey in Brewerton, New York.

A big happy birthday to Dee DiTullio who will celebrate her 90th birthday on Monday. Click the photo for Dee and her children, Dick, Diane and Judy•••• Happy birthday to Gail Monti (today), Elizabeth Figler (Sweet 16 today), Dan Lee (cheers tomorrow), Cameron Willer (4 tomorrow), Chloe Timmerman (3 tomorrow), Bill Brobeil and Nancy Anderson (cake and candles on Saturday), Nonnie Carroll, Bob Tranter and Ruth Lougen (all on Saturday), Steve Cane (his 25th on Saturday), Patty Lou Exley (best wishes on Saturday), Adam Missert (16 on Sunday), Nicholas Tim (25 on Sunday), Audrey Mason (5 years old on Sunday), Eddie Krecisz (Sunday), Carol Sharpe (Monday), Lester Lee (a milestone birthday on Monday), Marty Bidell and Mary O'Dea Beyer and David Ames (turning 50, 60, and 70 respectively on Tuesday), and Paul Roeder (Wednesday).

A speedy recovery to Lisa Szpakowski who is home recuperating from shoulder surgery.

Congratulations to Tim Marble who bowled a 300-798 with the Friday Night Businessmen's League.

Grover Cleveland's 175th birthday will be celebrated on Sunday at the Historical Society's headquarters, the Lewis F. Allen farm house (River Lea) in Beaver Island State Park where the former president spent time in his youth with his uncle, Mr. Allen, and cousin, William Cleveland Allen. Grover was also a charter member of the Beaver Island Club which was located in the Park. River Lea will be open on Sunday afternoon from noon to 5 p.m. where a Grover Cleveland display will be set up in the huge living room. Items will include photos, documents, books, campaign badges and even his campaign top hat.

Looking Back 60 years - The new Grand Island Citizens Association asked the school board to investigate the large number of students being failed at Sidway School each year.

Looking Back 50 years - The first planning meeting to form Grand Island Historical Society was held on March 21, 1962

Looking Back 40 years - A luncheon was held on March 15, 1972 at the Inn in the Park in the Beaver Island Casino to form a Democratic Women's Club. First officers were President Jackie Filosofos, Vice President Nancy Samrany, 2nd Vice President Kathy Meosky (Head), Recording Secretary Donna Schoenle, Corresponding Secretary Rita DeGlopper, Treasurer Joyce O'Brien and Historian Norene Griffin•••• A Lay Witness Mission was held March 17, 1972 by members of Trinity United Methodist's Lay Committee that included Bay Ellson, Dan Danielson, Rev. Allyn Foster, Joan and Frederick Bidell and Rev. A. Walker Hepler. Caroline Gentz designed the mission banner.••••The third annual Grand Island High School musical production, "Guys and Dolls," took place 40 years ago, with John Russell as Sky Masterson, Sally Oberkircher (Foks) as Sarah Brown, Joanne Robinson (Podlucky) as Miss Adelaide, and Chuck Bagdy as Nathan Detroit. Director was Adel Robinson and Nicholas D'Angelo was musical director.

Looking Back 10 years - McCarthy School of Irish Dance teacher/director and Island resident Beth McCarthy opened a new dance studio in the plaza across from St. Stephen's Church 10 years ago.

I am so sorry to report the sudden death of Ellen (Hopkins) Faber's husband, Hans. My heart goes out to Ellen and her family.

Our sympathy to the families of Harry Gibbs, Betty Brinda and former resident Joanne McKnight Hartman who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Jeff Bykowicz was a guest DJ on 97 Rock from 4-5 p.m. last Sunday. I didn't find out about this until it was over but one of my star reporters assured me Jeff was doing a fabulous job.

Georgia residents Heather and Bill Stewart and children, Elizabeth and Gracie, have been visiting Bill's parents, Mary and Jim Stewart Sr. this week. Keep the prayers coming for the Stewarts as they deal with Jim Sr.'s illness.

Congratulations to Jack Burns who is being honored today with an Award for Excellence from the Western New York Educational Service Council. SeeTransportation Supervisor Burns for the story.

The following loyal advertisers are spotlighted here in the "Between the Bridges" column: Please support them.
Fuccillo Chevrolet - Huge dealership right on Grand Island
Wavelengths - Stay In Style - Wavelengths has a new hair style for you - 2289 Grand Island Blvd.
Attorney Mark J. Frentzel - Experience in all courts and all areas of law
Adrian's Custard & Beef - Just opened for the season - Check out Adrian's fabulous menu
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
A Grand Island 13U Travel Baseball Fundraiser takes place Saturday evening. ••••A Chamber of Commerce Networking Event is scheduled for today. •••• A spaghetti dinner fundraiser will be held tomorrow at Kaegebein Elementary School. •••• A Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner will be open to the public Saturday at the VFW Post 9249. •••• The Historical Society celebrates Grover Cleveland's 175th birthday on Sunday. •••• A Lenten Luncheon will be held Wednesday at noon. See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good morning Ellen Faber in Camarillo, CA, and good morning Marcia Robison in Lockport, NY.

Happy to report that longtime Island resident Pat McNulty continues to recover and is doing much better.

Michael Anderson, has served the U. S. Army in Afghanistan (2008 and 2009), dealt with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, five months of aggressive chemo therapy, liver failure, kidney failure and two brain surgeries. He has had to learn to walk, to talk and to eat again and is currently battling an immune disease as a result of the bone marrow transplant that his body is rejecting. On top of all of this he has learned that his employment has been terminated. Let's pray that some good news is right around the corner for Mike.

Happy birthday to Rosemary Loth Fischer (a milestone today), Diane Grant (today), Grace Wenner (9 tomorrow), Nancy Seifert Dinan (cheers on Saturday), Emily Bolles (20 on Sunday), Barbara Anderson and Tim Smith (Sunday), Roman Cacciatore (a teenager on Sunday), Madison MacNeil (10 on Monday), Ralph Hoover (Tuesday), and Jon Grenda (his 18th birthday on Wednesday).

Jim and Jean Snyder are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Happy anniversary to the Snyders.

Looking Back 70 years - It was 70 years ago that families, including my own family, began moving into their brand new homes on Love Road between Stony Point and East Park. The East Park development was underway but those homes weren't ready for occupancy until the following year, 1943.

Looking Back 65 years - Lewis (Vince) Phillips was granted a zoning change by the town board on March 10, 1947 to permit the establishment of a general repair, welding, and machine shop on his Baseline Road property. Tim Phillips Garage is a loyal advertiser at Isledegrande.com.

Looking Back 60 years - A Grand Island Citizens Committee was formed to study conditions in the town and Island schools with Norman Hause serving as president.

Looking Back 50 years - An organizational meeting of the Homewood Taxpayers Association took place in March 1962. Property owners in the area of First, Second, Third, Fourth streets, Falls Link and avenues in this section between Whitehaven and Bedell roads were invited to join. •••• James A. Malaney of West River Road was appointed town recreation director for the remainder of the year. ••••Ford Strong and William House served as co-chairmen for the Rod & Gun Club's Fox Hunt in March 1962.

Looking Back 30 years - Sidway School had just entered the Computer Age with the purchase of an Apple II computer with money from a Title IVB Federal grant. "Children who are now in grade school will be in the job market in the year 2000 when computer literacy will be as vital as knowing the basic skills," Sidway Principal Catherine DiVizio explained at a School Board meeting at the time.

Our sympathy to the families of June A. Marble, Paula E. Amand, Everett P. McQuaid and former resident, Charles M. Lalloz Jr. who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Congratulations to Jeff Richard who bowled a 300-743 game with the A-Best Roofing League at Mallwitz's Island Lanes this week.

The following loyal advertisers are spotlighted here in the Between the Bridges column. Please support them.
JJFashionTrends - featuring Freshwater Cultured Pearls, Stainless steel Jewelry, Sterling silver for both Men and women and much more.
Kelly's Country Store - Come visit Kelly's for WNY's Largest Display of Homemade Easter Chocolates!
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
St. Stephen School - Roman Catholic Elementary School located on Grand Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
A Grand Island 13U Travel Baseball Fundraiser takes place Saturday evening. ••••A Passport Day At Town Hall will be held 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday•••• A Benefit For Ken Lenz will be held Sunday afternoon.••••Adrian's Custard & Beef opens Monday. •••• The Republican Committee St. Pat's Get-Together is scheduled for Wednesday. ••••A One Island, One team, One Dream To Be Drug Free meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon.•••• A Lenten Luncheon will be held Wednesday at noon. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Good morning Darcey Golde on the Island, and good morning Don Baldwin in Chandler, AZ.

Happy birthday to Jean Smith and Linda Hermann (today), Mike Rayhill (20 today), Karie Stedman (10 today), Ashley Gorman (18 today), Jamie Akers Smith (tomorrow), Roy Gerard, Jeff Denler and John Simon (Saturday), Kevin Smith (Sunday), Tim Moriarty and David McConnell (25th birthdays on Monday), Rich Amantia (20 on Monday), Missy Fargino (Monday), Hayden Backlund (11 on Tuesday), and Rosemary Loth Fischer (cheers on Wednesday).

Good news! Little Charlotte Ann Tower, 3, is home after a five-day stay in the hospital. She is the daughter of Darren and Erin (Fred) Tower, granddaughter of Joan and Skip Fred and the great-granddaughter of Isle resident Norma Fred.

A cheery hello to Maureen Montana-Toth. Hoping you'll be back on track and feeling like dancing in the streets real soon.

J and Kelly Petrie are introducing their beautiful new baby, Jamin John Petrie, on our Islanders in the News page. Congratulations to the Petries.

Looking Back 65 years - A mention in the Riverside Review 65 years ago suggested that “it’s about time Grand Island was taken out of the darkness.” The paper claimed that “flocks of people are asking us to launch a campaign to secure electric light bulbs for the darkened roads of your beautiful island, but it’s not our territory . . .”

Looking Back 60 years - Mrs. Margaret Webster was teaching 43 first graders in her Sidway School classroom in 1952 which seemed impossible until I realized we still had only one school. Kaegebein School was under construction at the time and Charlotte Sidway School was bursting her seams with overcrowded classrooms.

Looking Back 50 years - A fire at the 125-year-old landmark Riverhaven Lodge was a total loss Saturday afternoon, March 3, 1962. Fire Chief Paul McTigue, who directed Fire Company operations from 1-7 p.m., estimated damage at between $50,000 and $75,000. The building was the home of Grand Island's first supervisor and originally part of the Whitehaven sawmill settlement. It was rented out to Island families until it was opened as Mesmer's Supper Club in November 1946, and later the Riverhaven Lodge and was a popular eatery at the time of the fire.

Looking Back 40 years - The town board, in a 5-0 vote at the March 6, 1972 meeting, abolished the old Recreation Commission and created a new Parks and Recreation Department.

Looking Back 25 years - The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, under the leadership of President Philip Buchanan, joined others in circulating petitions asking the State Department of Transportation to complete its feasibility study on building a third bridge between the Island and Tonawanda.

Our sympathy to the families of Charles H. Warner and former residents, Gary R. Burnworth and Susan Beth (Williams) Jackson who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Click photo for larger view.
Brandon Surdi, a Veronica E. Connor Middle School eighth grader, took this picture of the Grand Island South Bridge on Monday (Feb. 27). It is certainly an attractive photo and I thank Brandon very much for sharing it with our "Between the Bridges" readers.

Doug and Gail Burgstahler Rothenberg are celebrating their 54th anniversary on Wednesday, March 7th. Happy days, folks.

Congratulations to A-Best Roofing bowler, Prince Browne, who rolled a 290-749 this week at Island Lanes.

Don't forget that the Chamber of Commerce deadline for submitting your nomination for a Citizen of the Year award is Friday, March 9th. For more information, see Chamber of Commerce Citizen of Year Banquet

The following loyal advertisers are spotlighted here in the "Between the Bridges" column. Please support them.
Town Cafe - Best pizza in town - Full menu - on the Boulevard
Sweet & Harding - Estate Sales and Liquidations serving all of WNY
Village Inn - An Island favorite located in Historic Ferry Village and serving Corned Beef and Cabbage all month
Grand Island Auto Tech - owners Ron and Mike Cook - they do it all - 2509 Grand Island Blvd.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Paula Sciuk has written what I think is an excellent Letter To The Editor in support of legislation currently pending in the New York State Senate to ban minors under the age of 18 from using indoor tanning devices in our state. Everyone who is tanning on a regular basis should read this.

Here's what's happening this week.
A Grand Island Historical Society meeting is open to the public tonight. ••••An All-Island band concert takes place 7 p.m. tonight in Grand Island High School.•••• A World Day of Prayer service will be held tomorrow morning.••••A Choral Kaleidoscope Concert (MS and HS choirs) takes place 7 p.m. Tuesday in the High School. ••••A Lenten Luncheon will be held Wednesday at noon in Trinity UM Church.•••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Good morning Paula (Collins) Payne in Canisteo, NY, and good morning Colleen Petrus in Niagara Falls, NY.

A speedy recovery to Joe Beauchamp, recuperating from last week's surgery.••••A speedy recovery also to Pete Martin, Karen Fahrer Geng, Kim Cich, Hallie Nowak and Mark and Diane Hassan.

Happy birthday to Sherry DeBruyn, Jo Klock and Paula Nakayama (today), Sophia Black ( 8 today), Ed Stisser and Dottie Carter (tomorrow), Scott Tetreault (cheers on Saturday), Debbie Kennedy-Rogoza (Sunday), Kevin Koch Jr. (10 on Monday), Mike Cali (Monday), Mary Ann Love (extra special happy birthday on Tuesday), David Steggs (21 on Tuesday), Patrick McMahon (Tuesday), Jason Weis (the leap year baby will be 40 on Wednesday), Donna Linenfelser (also celebrating Wednesday), and Lin Bauer (this week).

Best wishes to Gretchen and Don Beyer who mark their wedding anniversary tomorrow.

Looking Back 60 years - Sheds, formerly used for horses and wagons, and being dismantled to make way for the new fire hall, were auctioned off to high bidders Earl Mattison of Huth Road ($105) and Howard Killian of Whitehaven Road ($165).••••Dan Heimbach and Roger Dohn were lead scorers with 20 and 22 points respectively 60 years ago this week when the "Islanders" basketball team beat the Tonawanda Griffons (Tonawanda sophomore intramural champs) with a score of 48-47. ••••Richard "Dick" Narad won the back stroke event in a time of 1.16 when his high school swim team, the Tonawanda Warriors, defeated Lockport, 49-17. ••••Phil Killian was crowned Grand Island's undisputed ping pong champion in a tournament held at the Young Men's Club of Grand Island which met in Larson's Soda Bar on Baseline Road across from St. Stephen's Church. In his last game to win the championship, Phil beat Ed Zuchowski Sr. in a very close match.••••George J. Burgstahler was appointed supervisor, to fill the term of the late Edward C. Oberkircher.

Looking Back 50 years - Shirley "Kreger" Luther served as secretary for her Tonawanda High School Class of 1942 twenty-year reunion committee in 1962. •••• LaVerne Harding showed movies of Grandyle Village events of the 1940s when 32 original Love Road residents who moved into the Sears and Roebuck homes in 1942 met at Del & Herb's for a 20-year celebration. ••••The Fire Company was called out during a blizzard on Friday evening, February 23, 1962 when 30 "merrymakers" found themselves snowed in at the Buffalo Launch Club. ••••The Rogues provided live music for a Gearjammers record hop at Sidway School 50 years ago.••••A total of 250 fathers and 350 children enjoyed a potluck supper, movies and sporting events at Kaegebein School Tuesday night, February 27, 1962. The PTA program was arranged by Doris Rees and Miriam MacGuire.

Looking Back 40 years - The Island Theater Group produced "Ninety Day Mistress" staring Norma Richards as Leona Hastings, Paul Baerkley as Danny, Dorothy Ginsburg as Judith Hastings and Bob Beach as Leona's long lost father.

Looking Back 30 years - Grade school boys from St. Stephen School's basketball team won the Father Duffy League title Feb. 28, 1982. Lead scorers were Captain Mark Dzielski with 18 points and Ted Kessler with 7. The team was coached by Vince Fisher assisted by Joe Vaganek.

Our sympathy to the families of James W. Ritzenthaler, Richard C. Schenk and Michael G. Kargatis Sr. who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Congratulations to Brandon Digati who earned an honor score of 290-746 with the A-Best Roofing League and congratulations to Shawn Vaine who rolled his second 300 in a 707 series bowling with the Heatwave H&C League this week.

The following Loyal Advertisers are spotlighted here in the Between the Bridges column. Please Support them.
The Beach House Restaurant - Delicious food and cozy atmosphere on East River Road
Flower A Day Florist - Flowers for all occasions - Sue Berger - 2119 Grand Island Blvd.
MJ Peterson-Doug Gregory - Representing MJ Peterson Real Estate - check out Doug's Website
Tim Phillips Garage - full-service automotive repair - preventive maintenance center - and on the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

These 1950s and 1960s movies of our favorite radio announcers should bring back some good memories.They are from from youtube.com and I'm sure there are more
See Rats in My Room 1963 with Joey Reynolds and Danny Neaverth
See Danny Neaverth 1961 - Forgotten Buffalo
See Sound of the City - WEBR - Johnny Mann Singers

A World Day of Prayer service will begin at 10 a.m. and close at 11 a.m., March 2, 2012 in St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, with a brunch served in the Hospitality Room.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good morning Pat Gill in California, and good morning Marcia Morgan Nixon in Lewiston, NY.

Good news. Michael Dinsmore is home from the hospital following his kidney transplant. •••• Amanda Brady is recuperating from foot and ankle surgery. Heal quickly, Amanda.••••A speedy recovery to Greg Barker who has had shoulder replacement surgery this week.

Best wishes to Stephen and Kathy Olszewski, celebrating their 25th anniversary on Tuesday.

Did you see Vicki Harnden on Winging It! Buffalo Style last Thursday on CW23? Vicki was called by "Tastefully Simple" of which she has been a representative for many years and asked if she would like to go on and prepare Valentine's Day dishes. "It was a lot of fun and I hope to go back sometime," Vicki said. Be sure to see the Video

Hi, Johnny!
Happy 70th birthday to John Grycel, born on February 22, 1942. The Grycel kids were part of our Grandyle Village gang until their family moved from the Island in the late 1950s. I'm wondering if John remembers celebrating his 10th birthday with Mike Edwards, Peter McMahon, Richard Prange, Spike Vampotic, Dennis Yakam and his brother, Robert Grycel.

A belated happy 17th birthday to Kassie Bennett, born on Valentine's Day. ••••Happy birthday to Bill Hackett, Bob Pownall, and Kathy Garlapow (cheers tomorrow), Pat Kostenbauder (tomorrow), Charlie Dalbo (2 tomorrow), Michelle Gast (drum roll on Saturday), Patrick Stouter (double digits, his 10th birthday on Saturday), MaryJo Gill, Dick Bessel and Ben Castleberry (Monday), Madeline Porter (her 18th on Monday), Chere Rupp (Tuesday), and Jim Zilliox (25 on Wednesday).

Looking Back 150 years - Parishioners of St. Stephen Church are celebrating the 150th birthday of the church this year. First service in the first St. Stephen Church was held on February 16, 1862. The first church building is still standing just north of the Thruway on Baseline Road.

Looking Back 120 years - One hundred twenty years ago (1892) the boys and girls in Island schoolhouse #8 took turns drawing water from the river, often breaking the ice to do so. But only the girls were taught grammar because it wasn’t deemed a necessary subject for the boys. Number 8 school was located on Bedell Road near Stony Point.

Looking Back 60 years - Announcement was made in February 1952 that the town's Centennial celebration would open with a ball on Wednesday evening, August 27 and run through Labor Day. ••••Marion Pinkow was named the new choir director at Trinity EUB Church.

Looking Back 40 years - For the second year in a row, Den 81 Webelos of Cub Pack 452, under the leadership of Paul Blake, outscoring Marty O'Dea's Den 51 in a 10-event meet in the high school pool in February 1972. Jeff Schutrum won three first place ribbons. Others winning 1st place ribbons were Jeff Certo, Tom McInerney, Jeff Rogan, Bob Pownall and Tom O'Dea.

Looking Back 25 years - Winter Weekend was held in Beaver Island State Park at the casino. Winners of the youth team snowball roll were (1st) Carie McGinty and Brad Greenfield; (2nd) Heather Ryan and Amy Patcher; and (3rd) Adria Ryan and Jamie Sawers.•••• A third bridge between Grand Island and Tonawanda was being considered by the Department of Transportation, and would operate toll free, Legislator Charles M. Swanick told the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce directors at their meeting in February 1987 in Del and Herb’s Restaurant.

Looking Back 5 years - The New York State Thruway Authority board of trustees voted Wednesday, January 17, 2007 to change the speed limit on the Grand Island section of the Thruway from 55 to 65 mph.

Our sympathy to the families of Robert W. Sieben and former resident Betsy Morris Waters, Marilyn Radder Sprague and former supervisor Jim Pax who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Grand Island Community Federal Credit Union - Offering members first mortgages and much more
deSignet International - Custom Jewelry and more - come in and see for yourself - on Whitehaven just off the Boulevard
Family Medicine Center - Wholehearted Care
Mallwitz's Island Lanes - Family oriented - at center of the Island
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
An "All You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dinner will be held at the VFW Post 9249 on Saturday. ••••Island Girl Scouts host a care bag drive on Saturday for "Mended Little Hearts of WNY." •••• Island schools are closed from February 20-24th for mid-winter recess. ••••The Recreation Department will host a street hockey tournament Feb. 21-23.•••• Grand Island Memorial Library presents Nickel City Reptiles on Wednesday. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

The stork has been flying over Ferry Village this week. I'll let you know where he lands and the details as soon as I hear!

Members of the Grand Island High School Class of 1972 have reunion plans in the works. See Class of '72 for information, and check out the "missing students" that the committee is looking for.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Good morning Mary Ehde on the Island, good morning Jim Lewis in Lexington Park, Maryland and good morning Tom Prast in Huron, OH.

Happy birthday to Chris Ford and Ellie Wiant (today), Kaylee Montana (7 tomorrow), Richard Dobmeier (Saturday), Kim Kalman (Sunday), Carol Roesch and Patty Rink and her twin sister Penny Linenfelser (cheers on Sunday), Jayce Claus (11 on Sunday), Adam Dahlberg (his 30th on Monday), Mitchell Matthews (8 on Monday), Nancy Hamm-Johnson (Monday), Todd Sipson (hats and horns on Wednesday) and Kellie Kehoe (21 on Wednesday).

Good news! Maureen Montana-Toth came through her recent surgery with flying colors.••••So good to hear that Ellie Zarbo is home and doing well.•••• Please keep Joe McMahon, Michael Dinsmore, Jim Stewart Sr., Floydette Gannon and Dee DiTullio in your prayers.

Looking Back 60 years - Grand Island Supervisor Edward C. Oberkircher, in office for only a few weeks, died suddenly on February 13, 1952. •••• A Gay Nineties Revue was produced by Island residents and teachers in February 1952. Parts were taken by Mae Thomas, Tom Hogan, teacher Marilyn Trick, Chris Cotter, Bud Link and school principal Veronica Connor. A feature of the show was a Bowery Dance by Gert Radius and Lou Jerge. The production took place on the stage of the Island's only school, Charlotte Sidway. •••• Purchasing six lots at Love and East Park roads was defeated 25-15 by voters at Sidway School Friday night, February 8, 1952. One voter remarked that the school could spend the $5000 to better advantage by improving the drinking water at the (Sidway) school. "Sulphur makes the water particularly unpalatable." Remember?

Looking Back 50 years - Marion Klingel's editorial in the February 8, 1962 edition of the Island Dispatch promoted the idea of forming a historical society on Grand Island. ••••Hank Alt moved his Grandyle Mart, a sporting goods store, from the Love Road Plaza to the Island Lumber & Builders Supply on Grand Island Blvd. where he was advertising "ice skates sharpened for 25 cents."

Looking Back 40 years - Scout leaders honored for their time and interest in Boy Scouting activities during the Tuesday, February 8, 1972 Kiwanis Club meeting were Steve Kneidle of Troop #630, Del Krause of Troop #575 and Tom Ott of Troop #254. Making the presentation was Kiwanis President Emery Ashley.

Thanks to the mild weather, progress has been faster than anticipated at the Dino Mart store on Ransom at Stony Point Road. The gas canopy and dispensers are scheduled to be installed on February 20th.

Our sympathy to the families of Michael J. Fahey and former resident Joan M. "Pinky" (nee Anderson) Dekdebrun who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Linda Kutzbach, RE/MAX North - Looking to buy or sell a home? See Linda's front page ad and give her a call.
McCarthy School of Irish Dance - Beth McCarthy shares her knowledge of Irish culture through dance - activities abound
Five-Star Landscaping - a locally owned and family operated company that prides itself on providing a "five-star" level of customer service
Niagara's Choice FCU - Your Credit Union is a great place to begin adult financial responsibilities.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Relay for Life Kick Off is being held Saturday.•••• Grand Island Community Chorus rehearsals resume on Sunday.•••• A One Island, One Team, One Dream, To Be Drug Free meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon.•••• An Island Re-Assessment Presentation will be held on Tuesday evening.•••• •••• See our Calendar of Events for details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good morning Christine Maier Phillips in Hopedale, MA and good morning Linda (Baldwin) Jennings in Max Meadows, VA.

A belated happy birthday to Wayne Baumler who celebrated a milestone on January 26. ••••Happy Birthday to Bob Hillock (today), to Don Kaiser and Cheryl Wasson (cheers today), Natalie Kopf (5 today), Dominic Pullano (6 today), Ilene Dee, Rita DeGlopper and Ryan Timmerman (tomorrow), Christopher Drew (25 on Saturday), Juliette Caprio (21 on Saturday), Mark VonWryeza, Mary Lou Jerge and Dan Ryan (milestones on Saturday), Sophie Cane (5 on Saturday), Kip Staub (cake and candles on Sunday), Erin O'Brien (21 on Monday), Olivia Wenner (5 on Monday), Noelle Linenfelser (8 on Monday), Cody Okelberry (7 on Monday), Glenn Skelly (18 on Tuesday), Diane Gurbacki (Wednesday), Sarah Klock (21 on Wednesday), David Santa Lucia (25 on Wednesday), Jadon Garman (10 on Wednesday), Carleigh Rodriguez and Sheila Strott (both turning 8 on Wednesday), and Jackson Tower (2 on Wednesday).

A belated happy 30th wedding anniversary to Karen and Rom Figler who were married on January 23, 1982.••••Oliver and Anne Stuardi are celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary today. Happy days to Annie and Oliver.

Looking Back 60 years - St. Stephen's Church, beginning February 3, 1952, began offering four masses each Sunday at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to accommodate the growing parish population. •••• Lee Tetkowski and Deane Long were busy as beavers preparing the scenery for a Gay Nineties Revue which was presented by the Sidway School PTA on February 14-16, 1952. ••••The builder of the new Coldbrook development behind the Love Road homes in Grandyle Village promised home buyers he would donate a community hall to their neighborhood. ••••Fire Chief Henry Ehde reported a total of 47 calls for the year 1951. Our Fire Company responded to a total of 1492 calls in 2011. •••• The Post Office substation in the Grandyle Plaza on Love Road was closed in January 1952. Postmaster at the time was Edward T. Sheehan, appointed in 1945. The Post Office was being run from his home on Love Road.

Looking Back 35 years - See Remembering The Blizzard Of ‘77. A few memories are included in this feature posted at Isledegrande.com in 2007. Feel free to submit your own Blizzard memories to me at Teddy@giecom.net.

Looking Back 30 years - Linda Braddell's "Snow Wonders" won the co-ed, one-pitch softball tournament championship beating out the "Mean Machine" 12-2 in a field of 14 teams at the 2nd annual Recreation Department's Annual Winter Weekend activities at Beaver Island Park.

Looking Back 10 years - Forty-one Grand Island firefighters responded to 137 emergency calls during the two-day period of January 31 and February 1, 2002, according to Grand Island Deputy Chief Greg Butcher, who maintained operational control through a 'Storm Command Center' at fire headquarters. See 2002 Storm Story.

Our sympathy to the families of Jamie Spanton-Gasbarro, Constance Reitmulder and former resident Norman "Mike" Meyer who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Congratulations to Mike Mallwitz, bowling with the Heatwave H&C league. His honor score this week was 278-809.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
John's Pizza & Subs - delicious pizza, full menu on the Boulevard.
Mr. Best Wrench - Got a Classic or Exotic car that needs repair? "We repair everything foreign or domestic."
Marston Power Equipment - Snow, Lawn & Safety Equipment/Supplies and much more - Grand Island Blvd.
Miss Cathy's Dance Academy - A well established dance studio that's keeping up with the times
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

It's Groundhog Day. Click for the Washington Post report.

Here's what's happening this week.
••••The Grand Island High School Music Department's musical, “Les Miserables, School Edition,” takes place tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. •••• The Rotary Club and the Grand Island High School Interact Club are sponsoring a Chili Sale on Saturday. •••• Sidway School's Family Fun Day/Basket Raffle is being held on Saturday afternoon. ••••A party, "Celebrate Your Friendship", is planned for Charlie Warner on Saturday. ••••The Fire Company's annual Chili Sale will take place Saturday. ••••Grand Island Little League registration will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Grand Island Memorial Library. ••••See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good morning Sandie (Rall) Smith in Auburn, CA and good morning Laureen (Zelonis) Hess in Woodlands, TX.

Happy birthday Tommy Geblein (today), Sabrina Butcher (6 years old tomorrow), Jason Vallina (born on January 28th during the Blizzard of '77), Sidway Phys. Ed teacher Kelly Greene (Saturday), Barbara Grabiec (Saturday), Eric Sharpe (21 on Sunday), Nicholas Penque (cheers on Sunday), David Clayton III (16 on Monday), Rich Foks and Art Haller (milestones on Monday), Hailee Clayton (15 on Tuesday), Conner Bolles (16 on Tuesday), Ryan Pecoraro (10 on Wednesday), Clyde Hickok (the big one on Wednesday), and Sydney Mazur (11 on Wednesday).

Hmmmm! Last week I reported that there were no sledders on the Beaver Island State Park Hill. Could this be why? I caught this note on Facebook.com. A Grand Island mom took her kids to go sledding in the Park. A guy pulled up and told her no sledding on the hill. She thought he was joking but he was serious. "Mom" showed him the big sign that says sledding rules and he still insisted and told her she could explain it to the cops when they show up. Mom, being the polite person that she is, said bring it on! Needless to say park police drove past but didn't stop. Let the sledding begin!

Gordon and Barbara Bucknam have just returned from a cruise to South American, Around the Horn. Barb wrote that they enjoyed two weeks of fun. The Bucknams, born and raised on the Island, reside in Indialantic, Florida, just a half hour away from their two daughters and their families.

Here's a guy who is enjoying life! Teddy (Argerous) Filosofos and his children are featured this week on our Islanders In The News page. "Your only as young (old) as you feel," Ted wrote. "My sister, Denise is down here (Florida) as well and I think she will be making sure our insurance policies are up to date! Say hello to all of my GI friends."

Looking Back 75 years - Happy birthday Charlotte Sidway School. See feature story including photos and the history of the school as it celebrates its 75th birthday on Wednesday, February 1st.

Looking Back 50 years - A runaway barge in January 1962 smashed Grand Island power lines when a tall crane boom aboard the work boat snapped a 230.000 and six 60,000-volt lines. The barge was being used in construction of the then new South Grand Island bridge.

Looking Back 40 years - Pete Hayes and family were running Helf's on Grand Island Blvd. and advertising 59 cent "Treasure Chests" with a free gift tucked in with the hamburg, French fries, and soft drink. Daughter Jodi "Hayes" Robinson remembers her "cous" Ross Kaiser making furniture out of milk crates while working for her father. Helf's, by the way, was originally opened as The Clown House and is now known as McMahon's Family Restaurant. ••••Among Webelos Cub Scouts receiving awards at the January 28, 1972 Pack 423 meeting were David Doebert and Greg Lewis.••••Cub Pack 452's Pinewood Derby winner was Den 2 member Arnold Jonathan whose car came in first in a field of 50 in the William Kaegebein School. Charles Huff and Russell Certo took 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Looking Back 30 years - Chamber officers in 1982 were President Bob Bonsack, First Vice President John McCarthy, Vice President Paul Harper, Secretary Nancy Job and Treasurer Reginald Schopp.

Our sympathy to the families of Barbara Haefner and Janet Brady who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Theodore's Red Hots - across from the round-about - full menu - hot dogs and much more
DeGeorge - ceilings, windows, doors
Rose Liquor Store - Full line of wines and liquors - great discounts
Eddie's Art Shop - The BEST is the least we can do for you.
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

The GI Alumni Association's 5th annual Comedy Night is being held at the Holiday Inn on Saturday starting at 7 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Alumni Association's scholarship program. See Comedy Show for information.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good morning Gretchen and Don Beyer here on the Island and good morning Franklyn Green in League City, TX.

We finally got a good dose of snow last Friday. The weather bureau reported the Island as getting over five inches. A couple of after school activities at the high school were cancelled.••••Took a ride on sunny Sunday to see if the newer sledding hill in Beaver Island State Park was open. It looked like it, and there were many sled tracks. However, there wasn't one car parked in the area and no sledders at 1:30 p.m. We also noticed a "We Have Karaoke" sign in front of San-Dee's Pub, not in the Beaver Park but a stones throw if you have an excellent arm.

Tom Burke has submitted another photo of an even bigger beaver he trapped this past week. See "Photo". "This brute weighed 65 lbs. with trap still attached. Allowing two lbs. for the trap, gives us a 63 lb. beaver," Tom said. For more information on the trapping, see Tree Damage In Area Caused By Beavers

A speedy recovery to Neil Hoffman. Hope you're doing much better this week, Neil.••••So sorry to report that Jan Brady has been ill. Wishing you well, Jan!••••Paul Reger could use your prayers and a speedy recovery is wished for Gretchen Beyer and Roland Powers after their recent surgeries.

I have heard rave reviews about the Trinity Church Harmony Circle's recent program, "Dearies, Do You Remember When?" Speakers were Island natives Betty Killian, Catherine Long and Shirley Luther who are each a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Island history. The women, all in their late 80s, described among other things, transportation on and off the Island by ferry boat, one-room schools, World War II, and working hard on their family farms.

Happy birthday to Phyllis Lange and Mackenzie Hassan (today), Kristyn Brown (11 today), Kaylee Connell (7 tomorrow), Andrew Masiello (16 tomorrow), Fran Burrows, Betty Brinda and Josh Lange (tomorrow), Dustin Gushue (25 tomorrow), Margie Rall Hunter and Karen Geng (Sunday), Vinny Pascucci (4 on Sunday), Christian Bermel (6 on Sunday), Jonathan Minton (8 on Monday), Allison Boron (21 on Monday), Mark Leffler (cheers on Monday), Hunter Schmidt (5 on Tuesday), Sarah Ramsperger (her 18th birthday on Tuesday), Benjamin DeFranks (10 on Tuesday), Tyler Meyer (3 on Tuesday), Jason MacClelland (10 on Wednesday), and baby Colton Wilkinson (his first birthday on Wednesday).

Looking Back 60 years - Grandyle Village residents Gert and Chris Cotter, Hank and Ann Boehm, MaryEllen and Art Hau, Velma and Laverne Harding and Bill and Betty Wheeler, the wives of which were members of a neighborhood babysitting club, the Sitting Hens, met at Mesmer's Supper Club in honor of Andrew and Helen Sunderland who were moving from the Island. ••••Betty and Carlton "Joe" Killian moved into their new home on East River Road on Sunday, January 20, 1952

Looking Back 50 years - When Dick Morgan's boat lift floated down the Niagara on January 23, 1962, deputies and the US Army helicopter from the Missile Base in Sanborn, NY were dispatched to the river due to a Buffalo resident's attempt to rescue the "run-away" Grand Island dock. The man made it to shore safely, but empty-handed. The report was from the pages of the January 25, 1962 edition of the Island Dispatch.

Looking Back 40 years - A brand new YWCA "Mom's Club" was formed on Wednesday morning, January 19, 1972 in Trinity UM Church. The following officers were chosen from the 30 women who attended: President Ella Gisman, Vice President Barb Brennan, Treasurer Gloria Worley and Carol Berlinger, Hospitality. •••• The New York Telephone Company, at 2:01 a.m. January 22, 1972 activated its new electronic communications center at 1717 Baseline Road. The new telephone office, which would allow Isle customers to dial long distance without having to give their telephone number to the operator, "is one of the most advanced in the world."

Looking Back 20 years - It was in January 1992 that the Frontier Development Partnership (Southpointe) outlined plans for developing the 284-acre site fronting Love, Baseline, Staley roads and South State Parkway. After years of presentations, meetings, public hearings, petitions, mailers, reports and studies, Southpoint was given the go-ahead by the Town Board in 1998. In 2009, Supervisor Peter McMahon said that next to Southpointe he couldn’t remember a more problematic project, but he assured residents that all the facts were looked at and though it was a difficult decision there just wasn’t a valid reason to deny the project. The land is still vacant.

A very happy 30th wedding anniversary to Karen and Rom Figler who will be celebrating on Monday.

Our sympathy to the families of Caroline Sadowsky, John N. "Jack" Brown, and William R. Luff who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Grand Island Chiropractic - Why leave the Island for the help you need?
NFE Sales - Niagara Frontier Equipment Sales - Test drive Kioti's new UTV
Aceti's Wine & Spirits - conveniently located in the Tops plaza.
Allstate Mastantuono Agency - get an online quote in minutes - the best choice for insurance is an informed choice
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week. ••••The Parish Players audition for its adult production will be held tonight.••••It will be Soup Night At VFW Post on Saturday.••••The annual Grand Island Hockey Alumni Game will be held at Hyde Park on Saturday. •••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Good morning Nancy (Buckley) Valone in Campbell, CA and good morning Susan (Gilmore) Spaulding in Beech Island, SC.

Chuck Berlinger, in his Grand Island Crime Update, posted the following information on Facebook.com Tuesday morning. "Break-ins and attempted break-ins around 4 a.m., on Long Road this morning! Dirtbags got away after an extensive search by lots of police, including K-9's."

Sandie Rall-Smith writes that she saw our article about Brian O'Connor's new Go-Go Diner. Sandie and friends had a great meal and she advises anyone heading to the west coast of Florida this year to stop and visit Brian. "The food is fantastic!" See Sandie and Friends Photo. Shown from left are Sharon Ullrich, Brian O’Connor, Sandie Rall-Smith and Carol Turner-Gross.

Happy birthday to Greg Bell (tomorrow), to Carolina Luciani and Mike Rustowicz (both turning 21 on Saturday), Evan Carey (20 on Saturday), Judy Link (cheers on Saturday), Jennifer Farrell (25 on Sunday), Happy birthday to Greg Bell (tomorrow), to Carolina Luciani and Mike Rustowicz (both turning 21 on Saturday), Earl DeGlopper Jr. (cake and candles on Monday), Felix (Phil) Grycel (93 on Monday), Amber Malaney (Monday), Jenna Saltzman (18 on Tuesday), Caitlin Schwinge (21 on Wednesday), and Billy Williams (a big one on Wednesday).

Good morning Terry Burns Millette. Hope you are feeling much better.

Welcome to Snap Fitness at 2055 Baseline Road. Snap Fitness is a 24/7 community adult gym with brand new, state of the art Cybex equipment. Stop in and see General Manager Maryanne Fechter who will give you a tour of this beautiful facility.

Auditions for the April 2012 Parish Players adult production of "The Odd Couple" take place 7 p.m. Tuesday, January 17th and 7 p.m. Thursday, January 19th at St. Stephen School cafeteria. Auditions for the April 2012 Parish Players Youth Production of "The Sound of Music" will be held tonight from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in St. Stephen School cafeteria.

Looking Back 60 years - Sidway students and their teachers began visiting the Grand Island Memorial Library in the basement of the old town hall on Thursday and Friday afternoons. Chosen in abc order, fifth graders Gary Bartlett and Shirley Benton were the first to serve as assistant librarians for their class in January 1952. The town hall was located in the former School #9•••• New Cubmaster Lloyd Brockwell was introduced at the January Cub Pack #75 meeting in the Sidway School gym when Cub Scouts made Indian headdresses and performed skits. Barry Hamilton, John Gast Jr., Galen Young and Donald Flessing were welcomed into Pack #75 as Bobcats. ••••Grand Island organizations pledged $1045.45 for Centennial operating expenses when they met in January 1952. Merton McElroy, named temporary chairman, appointed a nominating committee of six to select 15 candidates to act as a Board of Directors of the Grand Island Centennial Inc

Looking Back 25 years - The Sunday, January 11, 1987 service at Trinity United Methodist Church was conducted by Bishop Forrest Smith, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver, district superintendent and the Rev. George B. Haley, pastor of Trinity. The occasion was the dedication of a recently completed Education Wing.

Looking Back 10 years - State Park Police in January 2002, put into operation their first snowmobile safety patrols of the year and were to be running unannounced snowmobile patrols all winter, according to Officer Eric Schlenker. Two snowmobilers were charged with operating a snowmobile without a state permit on the South State Parkway after police received complaints about snowmobilers speeding and driving recklessly in the area. Fourteen snowmobilers were issued warnings when Park officers found them operating their vehicles illegally on a Friday night on the South State and West River parkways. (For 2012 information see State Parks Issues Snowmobile Permits )

The Grand Island High School Music Department is staging the musical “Les Miserables, School Edition”. Evening shows are scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd and Friday, February 3rd and a matinee and evening performance will be presented on Saturday, February 4th. Details to follow.

Our amazing weather continues. While Gregg and Nikki Roesch were recently in town visiting families on East River, Gregg built a bon fire for his little ones, Luci and Jack. First bon fire of the new year? I think so.••••Jamie Dalbo and baby Charlie spent a good time at the beach at Beaver Island this past week. Can you believe that?••••The temperature here on the Island remained at 50 degrees until sundown yesterday.

Click photo for larger view.
Carol Giambra
took this picture on January 7th in her yard on Forest Creek Court. The squirrels are also enjoying the weather.

Supervisor Mary Cooke has announced that Fisherman's Landing is open! It's located on East River Road just south of the Grand Island Bridge. What a nice addition to our Island.

Our sympathy to the families of Shannon Peters, Cecilia Agnes Stack, Robert E. Bille, Harold Ronald Mueller, Kenneth W. Tollner, Margaret E. "Peg" Malican and former resident Barbara A. (Kaiser) Spaulding who recently passed away. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Sherry McDonald/RealtyUSA - A local real estate agent who knows the Island
Island Ship Center Inc. - Convenient FedEx agency on Whitehaven Road
Blue Water Marina - storage, docking, and boating and fishing supplies - East River Road in historic Ferry Village
Budwey's Supermarket - brand names at low prices - and three locations
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

A lot of work and planning has gone into the St. Stephen School Vegas Night being held tomorrow evening and open to all (adults only event). It's being held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1841 Whitehaven Road. See flyer for details and take advantage of a really good time.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Good morning Wesley Billstone in Avon, CO and good morning Gretchen and Don Beyer on the Island.

These three little kids were attending Charlotte Sidway School when their photos were taken in 1949 and they are all celebrating special birthdays. From left to right are Peggy Boettcher Fuller and her twin sister Kathy Boettcher Stisser who were born on January 5th and Eric Reimann who will celebrate on January 7th. A very happy birthday to my former schoolmates. ••••Others wished the best on their day are Melissa Clement Hill and Ron Webb (tomorrow), Fran Clarke (her 90th tomorrow), Kathy McNulty and Sandy Less (special birthdays tomorrow), Norm Mrkall (former Highway Superintendent, Fire Chief and current wonderful guy turning 75 on Saturday), Betsy Tranter and Sharon Minet (cheers on Sunday), Nicholas Heftka and Maggie Rustowicz (15 on Sunday), Hank Carroll (a fabulous 90 on Sunday), Alexandria Anderson (10 on Sunday), Mary Ellen Kovacsev, Ellen Glor Dunston and Caryl Kershner (Monday), Peter Fabiano and Scott Shaw (milestones on Tuesday), Tricia and Scott Shaw (both celebrating on Tuesday), Susan Head (her 20th on Wednesday), Art Ciechoski (Wednesday) and little Jack Roesch (two on Wednesday).

Christine Rayhill McLimans posted this beautiful view of the South Grand Island Bridge, taken at Fishermen's Landing. See South Bridge Photo

Looking Back 60 years - A special meeting was held in the Buffalo Launch Club January 3, 1952 for all organizations to consider a Grand Island Centennial celebration.•••• Maury McFee (Davidson), newest member of Leader Marion Robertson's Brownie Troop 221 was elected its president. Other officers chosen were Vice President Marianne Shear (Tranter), and Treasurer Kathy Boettcher (Stisser).•••• The town highway department's truck on which a new plow was soon to be mounted, was equipped with fully automatic hydraulic controls, and noteworthy enough to be mentioned in the local paper.•••• Members of St. Martin-in-the-Fields parish and special guests attended the dedication of their new church on January 6, 1952. •••• A new policy went into effect for the Island Dispatch on January 10, 1952, when Publisher George Pagan began printing it weekly and for the first time on a cylinder press. The Dispatch, first published by Ollie and Dorothy Howard, had previously been delivered every other week since its inception in March 1944. •••• John Hall, Jerry Livingston and Diane Hamilton (Adams) had major parts in the Christmas play, "The Legend of the Snowman," produced on the Sidway School stage in December 1951.

Looking Back 50 years - Winner of the Jaycees lighting contest was the Walter Maday property at 4850 East River Road.~~~~A fire Friday night, January 5, 1962 caused extensive damage to the second floor of the Buffalo Launch Club. Charter fire company member Cyril Diebold remembered the 1931 fire that destroyed the original BLC clubhouse. Kenmore firefighters came by ferry with equipment to fight that fire to no avail.

Looking Back 40 years - Grand Island officially became a first class town as of January 1, 1972.

Congratulations to Brian O'Connor, GIHS Class of 1986, who recently opened an already popular eatery in North Fort Myers. See Islanders In The News.

Perhaps not so unusual was a boat in the East River on sunny Friday afternoon.

Our sympathy to the families of Marge Costello, Robert M. Goulah, Bernard "Ben" Vanderbles, John R. MacNeil and former residents John I. Vinovrski, Deborah (nee Kramer) Celler, and Robert E Webb, who recently passed away. Frank P. Dash, 85, of Amherst, died on Thursday, December 29th. In early 1962, Mr. Dash opened the first new-franchise Tops Market on Grand Island. See Deaths for complete information.

Please Support Our Loyal Advertisers.
Riviera Theater - Annual "Big Lebowski" event at 7 p.m. ($10-$17) - Historic Riviera just across the river
Dr. Thomas C. Lepenven, DMD - Island Dental PC - 2095 Baseline Road
Magic Towel Holder - Craftsman Don "Bones" Fancher - clever gift creations
Island Prescription Center - Consumer wellness tips - Cholesterol Lowering Foods
For information on advertising at Isledegrande.com, email Jodi Robinson at jodi@giecom.net.

Here's what's happening this week.
The Grand Island Music Boosters "Night at the Races" will be held Saturday evening. •••• TeaNewYork will host a meeting on Monday.•••• The One Island, One Team, One Dream, To Be Drug Free meets on Tuesday.•••• See our Calendar of Events for complete details on these and other Island happenings.

"Email me" your news, your cares, concerns, successes, and your birthdays and milestone anniversaries.

"Say a prayer for our guys over there."