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Grand Island Community Chorus

Director - Carolyn Lokken

Spring Session begins February 2nd at 6:30
      We would Love to have you join us . . . .

GI Community Chorus Looking for Singers

   The Grand Island Community Chorus Welcomes Singers of all levels and abilities, come join our ensemble. Rehearsals are Sunday Evenings 6:30 to 8:30PM at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church
1453 Staley Road corner of Staley and Stony Point. Questions? Contact CarolynLokken@aol.com
Cost $30 per term Come Sing with Us!

Director - Carolyn Lokken

GI Community Chorus is Always Looking for Singers

   The Grand Island Community Chorus Welcomes Singers of all levels and abilities, come join our ensemble. Rehearsals are Sunday Evenings 6:30 to 8:30PM at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church
1453 Staley Road corner of Staley and Stony Point. Questions? Contact CarolynLokken@aol.com
Cost $30 per term Come Sing with Us!

GI Community Chorus Spring Concert - May 2022

   The Grand Island Community Chorus is having a spring concert on Sunday, May 5th, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road. Everyone is welcome to attend. PROGRAM.

Community Chorus Christmas Concert December 3rd at 7PM

Come and Join Us - St. Timothy's Sunday December 3rd at 7:00PM

Sing of a Merry Christmas Concert

Sing of a Merry Christmas, The Holly and the Ivy, Autumn Gives Her Hand to Winter
And the Father Will Dance, Best of Everything, Grant Us Thy Peace, Somewhere In My Memory
Merry Christmas Darling, Wassail Song, The Sleigh and Tis the Season

Grand Island Community Chorus Spring Concert May 7th

Director - Carolyn Lokken

Come and Join Us - St. Timothy's Sunday May 7th at 7:30PM

GI Community Chorus Spring Concert - May 2022

   The Grand Island Community Chorus is having a spring concert on Sunday, May 7th, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road. Everyone is welcome to attend.

GI Community Chorus Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service - November 2022

    A Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service with the Grand Island Community Chorus is scheduled for Sunday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road.

GI Community Chorus Summer Concert - August 2022

   The Grand Island Community Chorus is having a summer concert on Tuesday, August 16th, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road. Everyone is welcome to attend.

GI Community Chorus Concert - Musical Merriment - June 12th 2022

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will present our Spring Concert - Show Tunes -on Sunday, June 12th at 7:00pm.
They All Laughed from Shall We Dance, Oklahoma from Oklahoma, Give Me the Simple Life from Wake Up and Dream, More I Cannot Wish Your from Guys and Dolls, Singin' in the Rain, Hernando's Hide Away from Pajama Game, Try to Remember from The Fantastics and City of Stars from La La Land. Come and Sing Along!
The concert will be held at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, 2587 Baseline Road.
The concert is free, with a goodwill offering. We hope you will join us.

GI Community Chorus Holiday Concert - December 2021

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will present a holiday concert - Starry Nights and Winter Delights - on Sunday, December 12th at 7:00pm. The concert will be held at St. Timothy Lutheran Church at the corner of Staley and Stony Point. The chorus will present seasonal music both familiar and new. It is free and open to all. Masks will be required in compliance with Erie County regulations. We hope you will join us as we celebrate this holiday season in song.

Looking forward to a Summer Session . . . with our fingers Crossed :)

Here is a message from our Director Carolyn Lokken . . .

Dear friends in song,
I hope you will take the time to watch and listen to these significant words of Eric Whitacre. on Youtube.com Truer words were never spoken.
Stay safe, Carolyn

Join the Grand Island Community Chorus Spring Sing - January 2020

    The Grand Island Community Chorus welcomes you to join us for our upcoming "Spring Sing". The Grand Island Community Chorus is a multi-generational chorus of WNY residents who love to sing. We meet weekly on Sunday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm at St. Timothy's Church at the corner of Staley and Stony Point Roads. Rehearsals begin Sunday, February 9th. No audition is required to be part of the chorus. We love newcomers. Our theme for this session is Americana and will include music from Broadway, film, the American Songbook, the Wild West and traditional folk songs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to sing with us. For further information contact our conductor, Carolyn Lokken, at carolynlokken@aol.com.

Grand Island Community Chorus Sounds of the Season Concert - December 2019

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its Christmas concert, "Sounds of the Season", at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 8th, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, 2587 Baseline Road. The concert is free, with a goodwill offering. Refreshments will be provided following the concert. The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former choral music teacher at Grand Island High School. The ensemble includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them.

Community Chorus Fall Season Starting Soon - September 2019

   Join the Grand Island Community Chorus for our upcoming season. The Grand Island Community Chorus is a multi-generational adult community chorus directed by Carolyn Lokken. We perform a wide selection of music for our Winter/Holiday concert. We invite you to help us! All voice parts are welcome, no audition is required. We meet on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30 at St. Timothy's Church at 1453 Staley Road. Rehearsals begin Sunday, September 8. We are inviting interested singers to sit in and sing on September 8 and 15th. Our Winter/Holiday Concert is scheduled for Sunday December 8th. Facebook Page.

Summer Concert with Cookies and Lemonade - July 2019

   The Grand Island Community Chorus is having a summer concert with cookies and lemonade on Tuesday, July 30th, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Song List: We're the Choir; Strike Up The Band; Blue Skies, Ain't She Sweet; The Last Rose of Summer; It's A Grand Night For Singing and Go With a Song in Your Heart.
   Facebook Page.

Grand Island Community Chorus Spring Concert - May 2019

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its spring concert at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 5th. The public is invited to this community musical event, which will be presented at St. Martin in the Fields Church on Baseline Road. Concert is titled "Folk Songs from Near and Far."
   The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former choral music teacher at Grand Island High School. The ensemble includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them. The concert is free, with a goodwill offering appreciated. Refreshments will be provided following the concert.
   From America's Past
   Blow The Candles Out - Arranged by Gregg Smith
   The Cuckoo - Arranged by Robert E. Heninger
   Buffalo Gals - Arranged by Lon Beery
   I'm Just a Poor Wayfarin' Stranger - Arranged by Lee Kjelson
   Go Down Moses - Arranged by Mark Hayes

    From the British Isles
   Danny Boy - Arranged by Doug Andrews
   The Water Is Wide - Arranged by Luigi Zaninelli
   Carrickfergus - Arranged by Philip E. Silvey

   Our Folk Future
   Let Everything That Hath Breath - Jeffrey Ames
   Lean On Me - Carl Strommen
   Why We Sing - Greg Gilpin

Grand Island Community Chorus Christmas/Fall Concert - November 2018

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its Christmas/Fall concert, "Here We Come a Carroling", at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 9th, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, 2587 Baseline Road. The concert is free, with a goodwill offering to support a music scholarship for a GIHS graduating senior. Refreshments will be provided following the concert.
   The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former choral music teacher at Grand Island High School. The ensemble includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them. The concert will feature a variety of musical styles including folk songs, music from Broadway, holiday songs, and gospel arrangements.

Grand Island Community Chorus Spring Concert - April 2018

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its spring concert at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 6th. The public is invited to this community musical event, which will be presented at St. Martin in the Fields Church on Baseline Road.
   The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former choral music teacher at Grand Island High School. The ensemble includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them. The concert will feature a variety of musical styles including folk songs, music from Broadway and the movies, and gospel arrangements. The concert is free, with a goodwill offering appreciated. Refreshments will be provided following the concert.

Grand Island Community Chorus Holiday Concert - December 2017

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its fall concert, "Holiday Faith, Hope and Joy," at 7 p.m. Sunday, December 10th. The public is invited to this community musical event, which will be presented at St. Martin in the Fields Church on Baseline Road. The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former choral music teacher at Grand Island High School. The ensemble includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them. The concert will feature a variety of musical styles celebrating autumn and winter as well as religious and secular music of the Christmas season. The concert is free, with a goodwill offering appreciated. Refreshments will be provided following the concert.

Community Chorus Rehearsals Begin - September 2017

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will begin rehearsals for its fall season on Sunday, September 10. Rehearsals are held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Sunday evenings at St. Timothy Lutheran Church on Stoney Point Road at Staley Road. New members are welcomed to join the chorus, which will perform its holiday concert in early December. The chorus is directed by Carolyn Lokken, former choral instructor at Grand Island High School.
   The community chorus is an open singing group with no auditions. It includes singers of all ages from Grand Island and nearby communities. Its repertoire includes folk, patriotic, religious and popular music, as well as show tunes and classical pieces.

Community Chorus Summer Songfest - July 2017

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its "Summer Songfest" at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 1st. The public is invited to this free concert, which will be presented at St. Martin in the Fields Church on Baseline Road.
    The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former music teacher at Grand Island High School. The chorus includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them. This informal summer concert will feature a variety of musical styles, including "It Had to Be You," "Abide with Me," "Me and My Shadow," "You Raise Me Up," and a medley of cowboy favorites, "How the West Was Fun." Join us for good music, fellowship, and post-concert refreshments.

Community Chorus Spring Concert - April 2017

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its spring concert, "Music Among Friends," at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 7th. The public is invited to this community musical event, which will be presented at St. Martin in the Fields Church on Baseline Road. The chorus is conducted by Carolyn Lokken, former choral music teacher at Grand Island High School. The ensemble includes residents of Grand Island and nearby communities, all of them amateur singers who enjoy making music and who extend an invitation to friends and neighbors to join them.
    The concert will feature a variety of musical styles: ballads, show tunes, Welsh and Scottish folk melodies, and songs drawn from classical composers Antonin Dvorak and Guiseppe Pitoni and contemporary songwriters including Sting and Dolly Parton. The concert is free, with a goodwill offering appreciated. Refreshments will be provided following the concert.
   Featured soloist for the concert will be Jill Masters Neuhaus, a 1996 graduate of Grand Island High School. She previously has been featured soloist with the Buffalo Philarmonic Orchestra and Chorus, Buffalo Choral Arts Society, Ars Nova, and Buffalo Chamber Players. Ms. Neuhaus attended Duquesne University as a voice performance major. She received a master's degree in music education from the University at Buffalo. She currently is choral director at Kenmore East High School. In 2016 she received the Music Educator of the Year award from SUNY Buffalo State.

Community Chorus Spring Concert Rehearsal - January 2017

   The Grand Island Community Chorus under the direction of Carolyn Lokken invites singers of high school age and above to join us for our first Spring season rehearsal on Sunday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road at Stony Point. We will rehearse each Sunday evening until our Spring Concert on May 7. Join us for good music, fellowship and fun.

Community Chorus Holiday Concert - November 2016

    The Grand Island Community Chorus, directed by Carolyn Lokken, invites you to "Unwrap the Season," a concert of old and new Christmas and holiday music, at 7 p.m. on Sunday, December 4, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, 2587 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Refreshments will be served after the concert. Free will offerings gratefully accepted.

Community Chorus Summer Session - June 2016

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will host a summer session Tuesday evenings beginning Tuesday, June 7th. Rehearsals are held at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The Grand Island Community Chorus is a multi-generational chorus open to area residents. This year's summer session will conclude with a concert of American music on Tuesday, July 26. Consider a summer of song!

Community Chorus Christmas Concert "A Wreath of Carols" - December 2015

   The Grand Island Community Chorus invites you to a Christmas Concert - "A Wreath of Carols" on Sunday, December 6th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Martin in-the-Fields Church, 2587 Baseline Road. Light refreshments after the concert. Free will offering.

Community Chorus Summer Concert "Music of the Movies" - July 2015

   The Grand Island Community Chorus invites you to "Music of the Movies" on Tuesday, July 21st at 7:00 p.m. at St. Timothy's Church, Stony Point & Staley Rds. Free will offering.

Community Chorus Summer Concert Rehearsals - June 2015

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., June 16 & 23 and July 7 & 14 for a concert themed, a night at the movies. The concert is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21st at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. For more information call Jim Watz at 773.5075.

Community Chorus Spring Concert - April 2015

   The Grand Island Community Chorus invites you to "Sing Into Spring," a fun evening of warm-weather music, at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 3rd at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, 2587 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Voluntary offering. Refreshments after the concert.

Community Chorus Christmas Concert - November 2014

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its annual Christmas concert, "Winter Njghts and Holly Days" at 7 p.m. on Sunday, December 7th, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, 2587 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Free will offering; refreshments will follow.

Community Chorus Fall Rehearsals Planned - September 2014

    The Grand Island Community Chorus will begin fall rehearsals on Sunday, September 14, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road (at Stony Point). Singers of high school age and above are welcome. For more information, please contact Jim Watz at jhwatz@aol.com or 773-5075.

Community Chorus Summer Concert "Family and Friends" - July 2014

    The Grand Island Community Chorus annual "Family and Friends" summer concert, featuring the songs the Chorus members have chosen as their own favorites. The concert will be at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29th, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, 2587 Baseline Road. Refreshments will follow the concert. Concerts are always free; voluntary donations will be gratefully accepted.

Community Chorus Spring Concert "Rivers of Song" - April 2014

    The Grand Island Community Chorus invites you to its Spring Concert, “Rivers of Song,” with our special guests, the Orchard Park Chorale, on Sunday, May 4th, at 7:00 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. There is no admission charge; voluntary offering gratefully accepted. The concert will be repeated on Sunday, May 18th, at 7:00 p.m. at Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, 4369 S. Buffalo Street, Orchard Park.

Community Chorus Spring Concert Rehearsals - February 2014

   The Grand Island Community Chorus will begin Spring Concert rehearsals at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 16th at New Apostolic Church, Bedell and Stony Point Roads. New members of high school age and above are most welcome. For more information, please contact Jim Watz at 773-5075 or jhwatz@aol.com.

Community Chorus Christmas Concert - December 2013

   The Grand Island Community Chorus, with special guests the Grand Island High School Madrigal Singers, will present " A Community Christmas" at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, December 8th, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. Free will offering; refreshments will be served. For more information, please call 773 5075.

Community Chorus Christmas Concert Rehearsals - September 2013

   The Grand Island Community Chorus welcomes new members to join our fall/winter rehearsal session, which begins on Sunday, September 15th at 7 p.m. at New Apostolic Church, Stony Point and Bedell Roads. We will be preparing for our Christmas concert in early December. For more information, please contact Jim Watz at 773 5075 or jhwatz@aol.com.

Community Chorus Spring Concert - April 2013

   The Grand Island Community Chorus invites you to their Spring Concert, "A Concert of Hope," with special guests, The Holland Community Choir, at 7 p.m. on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. Admission is free (donations gratefully accepted) and refreshments will follow. For additional information, please call 773 5075 or email jhwatz@aol.com.

Community Chorus Wants You! - 2013

   The Grand Island Community Chorus invites all singers high school age or above to join us as we begin rehearsals for our Spring Concert. The first rehearsal will be at 7 p.m. Sunday, February 10 at New Apostolic Church, Stony Point and Bedell Roads. Rehearsals will continue each Sunday evening until early May. For more information, please call Jim Watz at 773-5075.

Community Chorus 2012 Christmas Concert - 2012

   The Grand Island Community Chorus invites you to its 2012 Christmas Concert, “Winterlude,” at 7 p.m. on Sunday, December 9, at St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Admission is free.

Community Chorus Spring Concert - 2012

   The Grand Island Community Chorus is pleased to announce that we will be performing our Spring 2012 Concert, Music of the Stage, with the Buffalo State Philharmonia, a 75-piece orchestra under the direction of Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Paul Ferington, and the Buffalo State College Chamber Choir. Please join us for this extraordinary musical event at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 6, 2012, at St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Our concerts are always free. Donations to support our scholarship program will be gratefully accepted. For more information, please call 773 5075.

Calling All singers! - 2012

   The Grand Island Community Chorus, under the direction of Carolyn Lokken, will soon begin rehearsals for its Spring Concerts with the Buffalo State College orchestra under the direction of Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Paul Ferington.
   The first rehearsal is at 6:45 p.m. Sunday, February 12, at New Apostolic Church, Stony Point and Bedell Roads. "If you love to perform choral music at high standards, please join us in this exciting opportunity to expand our musical and community horizons."
   For more information, please contact Jim Watz at 773-5075 or jhwatz@aol.com.

Community Chorus Christmas Concert - 2011

The Grand Island Community Chorus will present a Christmas Concert, "Faith, Hope, and Celebration," at 7 p.m. Sunday, December 4, 2011, at St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Admission is free, and a reception and a homemade holiday baked goods auction will follow. For more information, please call 773 5075.

Community Chorus Fall Rehearsals - 2011

The Grand Island Community Chorus under the direction of Carolyn Lokken will begin fall/winter rehearsal season on Sunday, September 11 at 7 p.m. at New Apostolic Church, Bedell and Stony Point. New members are welcome. Call 773 5075 for further information.

Community Chorus Spring Concert - 2011

The Grand Island Community Chorus will present its Spring concert, "Let's Fall In Love," at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 1, at St. Stephen Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, with special appearance by "Four The Moment." Love songs by Gershwin, Cole Porter, folk songs and madrigals will be featured. Refreshments will follow. Offerings gratefully accepted.