If you wish to have an ad posted, please send your email to:
Teddy Linenfelser or
Jodi Robinson with the appropriate details.
This is a free service for Grand Island residents to post non-commercial classified ads up to $500.
Items $501 - $999, $10 each. Items $1000 and up, $20 each.
PLEASE NOTE: There will now be a $5 charge for each photo. ($7 if scanning is necessary)

For Sale:Couch set:$450.00 firm, Rocker recliner $100.00 firm, if interested please contact
Candy 444-1761 (4/1/11)
For Sale & Rent: Hair salon closing, space for rent, equipment for sale. Call 773-5389. (3/24/11)

For Sale: 25 HP Mercury Outboard 1987, Electric Start, Excellent Condition - $800. Call Chris 404-0088(3/2/11)

For Sale: 2 liberty Casement Windows, Made by Pollard, Screens and Removable wood grills.
Glass NC Low E Argon gas, Stain grade Pine interior, Aluminum brown exterior, Size 19.6875 width, 15.75 height Brand New - $400, call Chris 404-0088 (3/1/11)
For Sale: Sage green 82" couch, 3 years young, like new, no pets or children. $750 new, must sell $295. Call 773-5040. (2/16/11)

For Sale: White washed Harvest Drop Leaf Table 6'x3'2" solid pine wood. Ready for pick up. $125.00 or best offer. Call 716-773-6476 (2/11/11)
For Sale: Reebock Rollerblades, boys size 4. Great condition., originally $130.00. $30.00 call 775-0614. (2/9/11)