Band Concert Survey - Tell Us What You Like - 2003

   "East year it becomes more difficult to set up a series of band concerts that I feel you will enjoy," Town Recreation Director said at the end of the summer concert season. She asks that residents help her out by answering the following:

  • Are you satisfied with the location of the cocerts (Town Hall Gazebo)
    ______yes     ______no (if no where would you like to see them?)

  • Concert starting time: circle one:   6 p.m.   6:30 p.m.   7 p.m.   7:30 p.m.

  • What type of music would you like to hear (circle as many as you wish)?
    jazz, big band country western, Dixieland, folk, show tunes, patriotic, spiritual, instrumentals

  • Do you like the idea of food being sold/offered during the concert?
    ______yes     ______no

    "I would appreciate any other comments that you feel would make our concert series more inviting."



