Band Concert Survey - Tell
Us What You Like - 2003
"East year it becomes more difficult to set up a series
of band concerts that I feel you will enjoy," Town Recreation Director said at
the end of the summer concert season. She asks that residents help her out by
answering the following:
Are you satisfied with the location of the cocerts (Town Hall
______yes ______no (if no where would
you like to see them?)
Concert starting time: circle one: 6
p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30
What type of music would you like to hear (circle as many as you
jazz, big band country western, Dixieland, folk, show tunes,
patriotic, spiritual, instrumentals
Do you like the idea of food being sold/offered during the
______yes ______no
"I would
appreciate any other comments that you feel would make our concert series more