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Conservative Committee Webpage

Grand Island Conservative Party Seeks Candidates - January 2025

    The Grand Island Conservative Party is seeking qualified candidates to fill town positions of Councilmember (2), Town Justice and Highway Superintendent for this fall’s election. Individuals committed to the Conservative Party platform should send a letter requesting an interview for candidacy/endorsement to the:
Contact: Conservative Party Chairman: Ethan Huber Grand Island Conservative Party, PO Box 914, Grand Island, NY 14072.
Letters must be received by January 20th, and must include a resume and contact information.

Grand Island Conservative Committee as of January 2025

   The Conservative Committee endorses candidates, advocates for them through voter outreach and get-out-the-vote efforts and support their fundraisers. Committee persons also provide feedback to elected officials on their perfor-mance and campaign promises. The primary objective of a committee person is upholding and promoting their party’s values and principles while working to grow and strengthen the party. There are two seats in each election district. Note: the Committee person does not have to live in the District they represent. A Conservative Committee person serves as a crucial link between their party leadership and grassroots members within their voting district.

   On April 4, 2024 these Conservative Party Committee Petitons were filed with the Eric County Board of Elections, all seats were uncontested.

District #1
Catherine C. LoVullo  1
Joseph A. LoVullo 1  

District #2
Thomas F. Rodriquez 6  
Andrew W. Stanbro 5  

District #3
Tina Huber 4  
Philomena M. Dworak 7  

District #4
Ethan Huber 4  
Timothy S. Carr 13  

District #5
John Gast Jr. 5  
Kathleeen Franz 10  

District #6
Robert M. Rarajczak. Jr. 6  
Christine Rarajczak 6  

District #7
Frank R. Williams III 8  
Florence A. Williams 8  

District #8
Arthur (skip) J. Mazenauer 8  
Judith A. Mazenauer 8  

District #9
Thomas J. Franz 8  
Chris K. Aronica 8  

District #10
Paul L. Aronica 8  
Michael D. Carr 13  

District #11
Kevin M. Backus 11  
Sharon D. Backus 11  

District #12
Tony K. Rains 11  
Kathleen M. Aronica 8  

District #13
Paul A. LaManna 10 
Christine M LaManna 10  

Results courtesy of Erie County Board of Elections 7/1/2024

Here is a link to the NEW Grand Island District Map. We will soon have contact information.

Conservatives Seek Candidates - January 2019

    The Grand Island Conservative Party is seeking qualified conservative candidates to fill town positions of Supervisor, Councilmember (2), Town Clerk, and Town Justice for this fall's election. Individuals committed to the Conservative Party platform should send a letter requesting an interview for candidacy/endorsement to the Grand Island Conservative Party, P.O. Box 76, Grand Island, NY 14072. Letters must be received by February 1st, and must include a resume and contact information.

Conservative Party Fundraiser - August 2013

    The Grand Island Conservative Party announces its first Annual Destination Fundraiser to be held Thursday, Sept. 12th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the USS Little Rock at the Buffalo Naval and Serviceman's Park, Canalside in Buffalo. The evening will feature food, beer, wine and raffles. Donation is $50 per person or $85 per couple. Committeeman rate is $25. For more information, email the Grand Island Conservatives at giconservativeparty.com. Checks may be mailed to Conservative Party of Grand Island, P.O. Box 76, Grand Island, NY 14072.

"The Right To Bear Arms Debate" - February 2013

   The Conservative Committee of Grand Island invites the public to attend round 2 of "The Right to Bear Arms Debate" at the Holiday Inn Grand Island on Thursday, March 7th from 7-9 p.m. Moderated by Kristy Mazurek from WGRZ's "2-sides," the debate features Budd Schroeder, Chairman of SCOPE (Shooters' Committee On Political Education) and Steve Pigeon (Former Democratic Party Chairman). Sheriff Tim Howard is the evening's special guest. The debate will take place during the first hour of the evening, followed by a 45-minute question and answer session. Sheriff Howard will then present his position statement on the arms debate. There is a donation of $15 per person prepay and $20 at the door. Patron sponsorships for the program are at the $100 (bronze), $150 (silver), and $200 (gold) levels. For tickets, sponsorships and more information, contact the Conservative Committee of Grand Island at 773-6337.

Conservative Party Endorse Aronica - March 2012

Left: Chris Aronica and Chairman Kevin Backus

   At a recent meeting of the Grand Island Conservative Party, committee members interviewed and endorsed Chris Aronica as candidate for councilman of the Grand Island Town Board. Chris was appointed to the Town Board at the January 17, 2012 Town Board meeting to fill Supervisor Mary Cooke's seat. A special election will be held in November for the council seat. Chris is a registered Conservative.

Conservative Party Calls For Candidates - Feb. 2012

   The Grand Island Conservative Party is putting out a call for qualified conservative candidates to fill the position of town council member for this fall's election. Individuals committed to the Conservative Party platform should send a letter requesting an interview for candidacy/endorsement to the Grand Island Conservative Party, P.O. Box 76, Grand Island, NY 14072. Letters must be received by February 24th and must include a resume and contact information, including e-mail.
   Dr. Kevin Backus, chairman of the Grand Island Conservative Party, commented, "As the independent voice of conservative voters, we hope all candidates seeking this office take the time to make the case for our party's endorsement."

Grand Island Conservative Party to Honor Schimminger With Integrity Award - Feb. 2012

   Members of the Grand Island Conservative Party will gather at the Buffalo Launch Club from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, February 9 to present Assemblyman Robin Schimminger, D-C-I-Kenmore, with the "Integrity Matters Award."
   "The Grand Island Conservative Party is presenting Robin with this award because he has regularly stood with the Conservative Party on the issues that matter here in Western New York. Call the roll of issues - controlling state taxes and spending, reforming the Medicaid system, enacting the property tax cap, and on and on - and you'll find Robin on the right side," said Grand Island Conservative Party chairman, Dr. Kevin Backus. "This reception was planned to honor the senior-most representative of the Western New York Delegation because of his leadership and for always standing up for his position regardless of any consequences that may result, and we appreciate that consistency and integrity."
   The cost of attending the reception is $40 pre-sale, $50 at the door, $100 for Silver Level Sponsorship, and $250 for Gold Level Sponsorship. Checks may be payable to the Conservative Party of Grand Island at P.O. Box 78, Grand Island, N.Y. 14072.

Conservatives Call for Qualified Candidates - March 2011

   The Grand Island Conservative Party is calling for qualified conservative candidates for the following Town of Grand Island positions:
Town Council (2 members)
Town Justice (1)
Town Supervisor (1)
   The vote for the positions will take place in November 2011.
   Individuals committed to the Conservative Party platform should send a letter requesting an interview for candidacy endorsement to the Grand Island Conservative Party, P.O. Box 76, Grand Island, NY 14072. Letters must be received by Thursday, March 3 and must include a resume and contact information, including e-mail.

Conservative Party News - Jan. 2011

The newest slate of officers and members of the Grand Island Conservative Party recently met to plan for 2011. Shown are (front left) Zone Officer Skip Mazenauer, Secretary Gary Roesch, Chairman Rev. Kevin Backus, Treasurer Frank Williams; ((back) Zone Officer Larry Furnia, Committeeman Tony Raines, Sergeant of Arms Jeff Cooke, Vice Chairman Ethan Huber. The phone number for the Conservative party is 773-6337. Missing from the photo are Judy Mazenauer, John Gast and Paul Lamanna, Zone Officers.

GI Conservatives Host Senator Mark Grisanti - Jan. 2011

   The Grand Island Conservative Party invites all interested parties to an evening with New York State Senator Mark Grisanti at the Buffalo Launch Club, 503 East River Rod., Grand Island, from 6 to 9 p.m., on Thursday, Jan. 27. Tickets are $40 per person or $75 per couple and are available at the door, by contacting any committee member, or by writing the Grand Island Conservative Committee, P.O. Box 76, Grand Island, NY 14072. Tickets will be available at the Launch Club the evening of the event, or visit www.grandislandconservativeparty.com.

GI Conservative Party To Hold Meeting - May 2010

   The Conservative Party of Grand Island invites the public to attend a meeting on Tuesday, May 18 at 7 p.m. at the Niagara Sailing Club, 3619 East River Road. The featured speaker will be Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick Other Grand Island town officials will be available to give updates on Grand Island town activities and to answer questions. Light refreshments will be served.
   Devoted to traditional American values, the Conservative Party has grown to include 155,000 members statewide. Membership is open to those who believe in its platform and are interested in political action at the local level.
   For more information on the Conservative Party platform, contact the Grand Island Conservative Party at
GIConservatives@gmail.com, or visit the state website at www.CPNYS.org.

GI Conservative Party To Hold Reception - A NYS Legislative Update - 2005

   The Grand Island Conservative Party will hold a reception themed NYS Legislative Update from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, June 23, 2005 at the Niagara Sailing Club, 3619 East River Rd. "Speakers from the Town, County and State will discuss various issues that effect the appreciate governments," a spokesman said this week. There is no charge and light refreshments will be available. For additional information, contact Eric Berger at 773-1500.

Conservative Party Candidates Announced

Jon Sandino Photo - Click For Larger View

   During a gathering at Grand Island Town Hall Monday, May 5, 2003 Conservative Party Chairman Eric Berger announced the party's endorsed candidates for the 2003 November election. They are (left) Town Council Candidate Gary Roesch, Incumbent Supervisor Peter A. McMahon, Incumbent Town Justice Hon. Sybil Kennedy, Party Chair Eric Berger, Town Clerk candidate Patricia Frentzel, and Incumbent Councilman Richard W. Crawford Jr. (photo by Jon Sandino)

Conservatives Seek Candidates

   The Grand Island Conservative Party is seeking qualified conservative candidates to fill town positions of Councilmembers (2), Town Justice (1) and Highway Superintendent (1).
The Conservative Party of Grand Island has a long history of supporting candidates who share its views. Today's conservative political dialogue deals with reducing taxes, and promoting economic growth and strong family values.
   Those interested in running for office are asked to send a letter of request for an interview for endorsement to Grand Island Conservative Party Chairman Eric Berger, P.O. Box 188, Grand Island, NY 14072 by Friday, April 6, 2001. For further information contact Eric Berger, 773-1500.