If you are a member of this organization, we need your help. GIECOM.Net has partnered with the Connections program to help Grand Island as a community "Get it Together." Please visit our website G-I-Together.ORG and fill out our SURVEY. Every group on Grand Island will have its own FREE web page showing: meeting times and location, contact persons, your Mission Statement and a listing of events. We will also be linking your news events that appear in the local media and on IsledeGrande.Com, Grand Island's E-News Source, to your page, maintaining an archived journal of pictures and news. This is the perfect opportunity for your group to connect with potential new members and the community.
Cub Scout Pack 630 Round-Up - 2009
Calling all boys in grades 1-5. Are you interested in meeting new friends,
trying new things, and having fun? Then Cub Scouts may be for you! St. Stephen’s Cub Scout Pack 630 is having a round up for new scouts on
Tuesday, September 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and also from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, September 22 in the St. Stephen's Old Church Basement. If you
are interested, come on down, or call Stephen Stouter at 609-3574 for more
Boy Scout Sunday - 2009
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Boy Scout Sunday was celebrated on Sunday, February 1, 2009 at Saint Stephen's Church. Six Cub Scouts received their religious emblem awards. Pictured are Parvuli Dei recipients Stephen Stouter and Nicholas Kam; Light of Christ Recipient Patrick Stouter; Light of Christ Recipient Jacob Konopski and Parvuli Dei Recipient Derek Konopski; Father Paul Nagaro, Religious Emblems Counselor Carol Hamm and Boy Scout Ad Altare Dei Candidate Christopher Swagler. Joshua Kam also earned the Light of Christ emblem.
St. Stephen’s Cub Scouts Hold Annual Pinewood Derby - 2009
(Front left) Ryan O'Neil, Cameron Smith, and William Person; (back) Cub Master Greg Robinson, and Den Leader Russ Person.
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Leaders and members of St. Stephen's Cub Pack 630 held their annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday, January 10th. There were over 60 enthusiastic and creative racers. The whole event took over the school cafeteria for four hours. It was a fun-filled afternoon. The winners from each den became the finalists in the pack race with the winners being:
Ryan O'Neil, 1st Place (Webelo II Den)
Cameron Smith, 2nd Place ( Webelo II Den)
William Person, 3rd Place (Wolf den)
St. Stephen’s Cub Pack Round-Up - 2008
Cub Scouting wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth program for boys, Cub Scouting. A sign–up and information night will be held for St. Stephen’s Cub Pack #630 on Monday, September 15th from 6:30-8 p.m. at 2100 Baseline Road in the Old Church Basement.
Designed for boys ages 6-10 (First Grade through Fifth Grade), Cub Scouting combines outdoor activities, sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families teach ideals such as honesty, good citizenship, and respect.
The Boy Scouts of America is composed of more than 1.27 million volunteers working together for the sole purpose of helping its more than 3 million youth succeed in life.
For more information contact Kristen Parisi, Committee Chair at 773-3612; Claudia O’Neil, Assistant Committee Chair at 773-8023; or Greg Robinson, Cub Master at 773-1524.
Cub Pack 630 Join July 4th Parade - 2008
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Members and leaders of Cub Pack 630 of St. Stephen's Church participated in the July 4th parade
Weblos II Members Clean Up Vets Park - 2008
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The Weblos II den of Cub Scout Pack 630 spent Thursday evening, April 10th picking up trash along the roads of Veterans Park. With buckets and bags provided by the Parks Department and leather gloves generously donated by Dival Safety, they went into the brush along the roads from Island Park all the way to the basketball courts collecting paper, plastics, metal, cans, and other debris to clean up the park. After working hard, the Cubs played a game of kick ball.
St. Stephen’s Cub Scouts Receive Awards - 2008
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Boy Scout Sunday was celebrated on February 3, 2008 at Saint Stephen's Church.
Seven Cub Scouts received their religious emblem awards. Pictured are "Parvuli Dei" emblem recipients Kamerer Olin, Connor Harrigan, Steven Gullo, Geoffrey Webb; "Light of Christ" Emblem recipients Jacob and Vincent DiJoseph; "Parvuli Dei" emblem recipient Virgil Castner; Religious Emblems Counselors Sandra Gworek and Carol Hamm; and Fathers Paul Nagaro and Sam Venne.
St. Stephen’s Pack 630 Pinewood Derby Race Winners - 2008
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Cub Scouts of Cub Pack 630 participated in the Pinewood Derby on Saturday, January 5, 2008. Winners shown are (front left) Richard Little (Wolf Den) 1st Place, and Cameron Smith (Webelo I Den) 3rd Place. Zachary Cooney (Webelo II Den) 2nd Place is not pictured. Shown in back (left) are Stephen Stouter, Wolf Den Leader; Greg Robinson, Cub Master; and Kevin O’Neil, Webelo II Leader.
Cub Scouts Hold Race Finals - 2008
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Another exciting year of racing comes to a close with the fastest Cub Scouts being decided in a close race at St. Stephen’s school cafeteria on Saturday, January 5, 2008. N. Paolini car #98 of Pack 254 sprinted to finish 5 hundredths of a second ahead of R. Little of Pack 630 who raced car 23. Coming in 3rd was Z. Cooney of Pack 630 in car 71. Earlier in the day each Pack held an intense competition to determine who went to the Island wide race.
The results were:
Rank Pack 254/510 Pack 630
1 (98) N. Paolini (23) R Little
2 (92) M. Wellence (71) Z. Cooney
3 (100) R. Gorcheck (66) C. Smith
Tiger (105) J. Flash (9) W. Person
Wolf (102) J. Held (23) R Little
Bear (94) M. Kowalski (33) E. Carlson
Webelos I (98) N. Paolini (66) C. Smith
Webelos II (92) M. Wellence (71) Z. Cooney
Most cars were running the 40-foot track in 3 seconds or less meaning that they were traveling about 8 MPH at the finish line. It is a great project for the boys and they enjoy the competition. Congratulations to the winners, and all the boys who worked hard to build their cars for this year’s competition! See you next year.
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