Grand Island DAV Chapter #168
The DAV's Website

Meetings are held at the Moose Lodge #180
2524 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY
7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month.
Previous News Page
DAV Presents Scholarships - August 2012

(left) Commander Mike Cutini, Jr., Vice Commander Jerry Ast, student Elizabeth Kowalik and her mother Margaret Kowalik, Treasurer John Blake, student Jessica Bamberg and her mother, Janet Bamberg, and Sr. Vice Commander Joe Synakowski
Click photo for larger view.
The Grand Island Chapter #168, Disabled American Veterans awarded two scholarships to the students of the Grand Island High School. The Veterans of the Chapter are eager to help our graduating students get a head start with their education. The recipients of this year's DAV scholarships are: Elizabeth Kowalik and Jessica Bamberg. The officers and members wish them a bright and successful future and know that they will work hard to attain their goals.DAV "Forget Me Not" Mem. Day Drive - May 2012
The Grand Island Chapter #168 (Niagara Region) DAV is conducting a one-day Memorial Day Drive at the Niagara Falls WALMART Store, to aid the Disabled American Veterans. The symbolic “Forget Me Not“ flower reminds us to remember the many disabled, wounded and hospitalized Veterans of all Wars. The DAV provides free Counseling to all Veterans, A Mobile Service Van, The Transportation Network at Veterans Hospital and aid to homeless Veterans. The funds from this Drive are 100% used for veterans causes. Thank You for your generous donation.DAV Donates To Pack A Back Pack - September 2011

Pictured from left: Senior Vice Commander Joe Synakowski, Walmart Representative Ms. Cindy Ciccarelli, Shakera McCalister of the Boys and Girls Club, Commander Bert Payne and Chapter Adjutant Dave Birt.
The Grand Island Chapter #168, Disabled American Veterans made a sizeable donation to WGRZ 's Pack - A - Back Pack Program at the Niagara Falls WALMART Store on August 25, 2011. The Chapter which has many members in the Niagara region and holds an annual " FORGET ME NOT " FLOWER DRIVE at the Walmart Store, thought it proper to give back to the Community . The Pack A BackPack seemed an ideal program . The Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club will distribute the back packs and supplies to the children in time for the opening of the school year. Miss Shakera McCalister of the Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club, who will be attending Gaskill Jr. High School, was on hand to receive the donation. The Veterans are pleased to help the children with these supplies, and will help them with support in the future.
DAV Forget Me Not Flower Sale - June 2011
The Grand Island Chapter #168, Disabled American Veterans will conduct its annual “Forget Me Not,“ flower drive Thursday, June 16, Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18 at Tops and Island banks. All funds are used to help our Veterans at the Vet’s Hospital, Transportation Network, needy Veterans, Wounded Warriors, and local community projects, Boy Scouts, High School Scholarships and Neighbors Foundation. We thank you and welcome your Donation.Disabled American Veterans Meeting - June 2011
The Grand Island Chapter #168 Disabled American Veterans will hold its monthly meeting 7 p.m. June 7, 2011 at the meeting rooms of the Loyal Order of the Moose, Lodge#180, 2524 Grand Island Blvd.Disabled American Veterans - May 2011
Grand Island Disabled American Veterans Chapter #168 will hold its monthly meeting May 3, 2011, at 6 p.m., in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of the Moose, 2524 Grand Island Blvd.DAV Announces April Meeting - Apr. 2011
Grand Island Chapter #168 DAV will hold its monthly meeting April 5, 2011, at 6:00 PM, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of the Moose, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. Members are urged to attend.
DAV Donates To Isledegrande - March 2011
The Grand Island Chapter # 168 Disabled American Veterans has made a generous donation to Isledegrande for the third straight year. We are happy to promote the DAV events, meetings and good works. They in turn seem to be pleased with our efforts to publicize the DAV. Thanks so much!DAV Donates Wii Game System To Golden Age Center - Feb. 2011

(from left) DAV Sr. Vice Commander Joe Synakowski, GAC Director Barbara Gannon, Meals On Wheels coordinator Patricia Jo Phillips, GAC President Kathy Lechner, DAV Treasurer Mike Cutini and DAV Commander Burt Payne
Jodi Robinson Photo - Click for larger view.
DAV Treasurer Mike Cutini saw an article in the newspaper about the Cheektowaga Senior Center enjoying a bowling league in which a Wii game system is used instead of bowling lanes. His immediate thought was, does the Grand Island Golden Age Center have one? They didn't, but the GAC does now! After getting DAV approval, a system was purchased and delivered on Monday, February 28, 2011. The DAV loves to help out the community and the GAC members love to have fun.
Disabled American Veterans Meeting - Jan. 2011
The Grand Island Chapter # 168 Disabled American Veterans will hold its monthly meeting at 6 p.m., Tuesday February 1, 2011, in the Loyal Order of The Moose Meeting Room. Members are urged to attend.
American Legion, DAV Provide Water Bottles For Vets - May 2010