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Grand Island Fire Company News 2023

Grand Island Fire Company, Inc. Website

For Emergencies Dial 9-1-1 or 773-7508
To contact the Fire Company Dial 773-4334

Previous Fire News

Firematic Officers 2023: Fire Chief Mark Sadkowski; Deputy Chief Chief Omar Sortino; 1st Assistant Chief Pat Hahn; 2nd Assistant Chief Don Turner, EMS Chief Robert Meyer, Fire Captains: Zach Berenfeld, Cory Rozell, Tom Shanor; EMS Captain Joe Torregrossa; Fire Police Captain Joe Savage.

Administrative Officers 2023: President Ron Warner, Vice President Carl Finn, Recording Secretary Katie Ireland, Financial Secretary Nicole Gerber, Treasurer Tony Mastantuono Sr., Line Secretary Mike Anderson, Sergeant at Arms Stephanie Senn

Board of Directors 2023 Jeremy Pullano, Chairman; Matt Osinski, Mike Anderson, Nicole Gerber, Stephen Souter, Tammy Gorman, Saed Shafie. Mike DeMartin, Peter Coppola, Benevolent Assoc. trustees.

Friday Fire at GI Auto Tech - September 2023

Motor Home burns behind GI Auto Tech.

    At 11:35 AM on Friday, September 22nd, Grand Island Firefighters responded to a “Structure Fire” at Grand Island Auto Tech located on Grand Island Blvd. The caller advised the dispatcher that a motor home was on fire and it was spreading to the structure. 1st Assistant Chief Pat Hahn arrived on scene within three minutes of the dispatch and established command along with Engine 3, Engine 4, and Rescue 1 to find a fully involved motor home and fire from the eves of the roof.
   Crews made a quick attack and knocked the fire down from the eves and worked to contain the motor home from spreading to other parts of the structure. Mutual Aid assistance was received from Sheridan Park Fire and the City of Tonawanda Fire Department along with Twin City Ambulance. The fire was declared out at 11:49 AM. Damage was estimated at $60,000 to the motor home and $5,000 to the structure. The exact cause remains undetermined according to Chief Hahn. All participating units returned in service by 12:56 PM.

Fire Company Scholarship Awards - August 2023

From left Michele Jones and Ellen Valera.

    The Grand Island Fire Company (GIFC) is proud to announce that two company members, Michele Jones and Ellen Valera, have been selected to each receive a $1,500 Lou and Reta D’Orazio Scholarship to support their 2023-2024 academic endeavors. The D’Orazio family annually donates funds to the scholarship to honor their parents and to support Grand Island Fire Company members pursuing formal education in the medical field.
    The Grand Island Fire Company members are all volunteers, working jobs and attending school as they volunteer their time to respond to emergency calls and attend fire and emergency medical training. The D’Orazio family knows the time and commitment it takes to be a volunteer firefighter and EMT as their father, Luigi “Lou” D’Orazio, served as a Grand Island firefighter and advanced Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for 56 years. Lou’s wife, Reta, supported health initiatives and medical studies that advanced cardiac health in women. Lou and Reta were both dedicated to helping others and supporting community endeavors, so the D’Orazio family established the scholarship fund to honor their parents’ commitment and legacy of helping people.
    As the family has donated funds for the scholarship, so has the community. Through the generosity of many donors, the D’Orazio scholarship fund provides much needed financial support for higher education pursuits of the Island’s volunteer emergency responders. The D’Orazio family was very appreciative of the community support of the scholarship through the donations made in 2022. Brian D’Orazio said, “We loved our parents and are proud of how they cared for others. It was wonderful to see community members honor them with contributions to the D’Orazio scholarship. We thank everyone who is helping us recognize our parents’ legacy, as well as support our volunteers.“
    The fire company members who will receive a D’Orazio Scholarship for their 2023/2024 studies are both currently enrolled in an accredited institution of higher learning in a medical field and demonstrate a commitment to voluntary emergency service through their actions in the Grand Island Fire Company.
    Michele Jones is in her second year of the Doctor of Nurse Practice program at the University at Buffalo. This is a graduate level degree program, representing the highest career level in nursing practice. Michele is a nurse practitioner and is committed to the healthcare profession and to providing quality and compassionate patient care in both her career and as a volunteer paramedic with the fire company. While working full time in a hospital, she joined the fire company in 2013 and received the Rookie of the Year award.
    Ellen Valera is enrolled at Erie Community College where her field of study is nursing. She has been an active member of the GIFC for five years and last year became an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician. While attending school, she also works for Twin City Ambulance, works as a medical scribe, and is a 911 Dispatcher for Grand Island. Ellen’s passion for the medical field developed while practicing as a first responder for the fire company and she aspires to continue providing quality care to patients both in the community and in a medical setting.
    The Lou and Reta D'Orazio Scholarship Fund assists GIFC members with financial support toward pursuit of an advanced medical field of study, which in turn also helps the community. This was the intent of the family when starting the scholarship fund, to help as many people as they can by supporting the education and work of the fire company volunteers. Becky D’Orazio-Orton stated, “My daughter, Rachel Orton, the only grandchild of Lou and Reta D'Orazio, was inspired by them to become a person that treats others as if they are family. Most people will need medical care at some point in the future. We all want to see our extended family have the best healthcare possible. Dad might not be here to physically respond to EMS calls anymore, but both of them are probably happy that their spirit of helping others lives on with this scholarship award.” To support the Lou and Reta D’Orazio Scholarship Fund, donations can be sent to the Grand Island Fire Company, 2275 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072.

Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary Chicken Dinner - July 2023

    The Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary Chicken Dinner will be held on Tuesday, August 1st from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., or sold out. At Grand Island Fire headquarters, drive-thru only. Tickets are $15 and are available pre-sale, contact Vicki Mock at 716-471-0713 or email sweetvic19@aol.com. FLYER

Fire Company Celebrates 85 Years - June 2023

Story: Ron Stipp - Public Information Officer

    Last month, Grand Island Fire Company members attended their 85th Anniversary Dinner. President Ron Warner kicked the evening off by welcoming GIFC members, their guests, and guests from other neighboring fire departments. Board Chairman Jeremy Pullano read off the “Current State of the GIFC” thanking volunteers for their dedication to the community, day and night. To date, Grand Island volunteers have responded to 764 EMS and Fire related calls, putting Grand Island on-track with the number of incidents from past years.
   Fire Chief Mark Sadkowski and President Warner both presented the Service Awards to members whom achieved 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 45, and 50-years-of-service to the Grand Island Fire Company and the community. Receiving 5-years, Katie Ireland, Kevin Chalupka, Adam Crist, Justin Szykowny, Thomas Shanor , Ellen Valera and Noah Teator. Receiving 10-years, Richard Nichols and Michelle Jones. Receiving 15-years, Nicole Gerber. Receiving 25-years, Joseph Lavango and Brandon Wright. Receiving 40-years, Michael Dallessandro, William Wilson Jr and Norman Mrkall II . Receiving 45-years, David Cole and Albert Meyers. Receiving 50-years, Howard Oakey and Keith Wood. Returning back up to 20-years, which for Grand Island Firefighters marks a milestone in their status as a “Life Member”, Deputy Chief Omar Sortino. A huge congratulations to Chief Sortino on this accomplishment and thank you for your dedication to the GIFC! Photos and videos can be found on our Facebook Page @GrandIslandFireCompany.

Afternoon Garage Fire in Sandy Beach - April 2023

Story: Ron Stipp - Public Information Officer

    At 12:11 p.m. on Wednesday April 26th, Grand Island Fire Dispatch received a call of a structure fire on Sandy Beach Road. Within minutes, firefighters were on-scene reporting a 2.5-story wood frame house, with a fully involved garage fire beginning to extend into the house. Fire Chief Mark Sadkowski called on Sheridan Park as a fast team and requested the City of Tonawanda to backfill Fire HQ during the incident and established command once on-scene.
    Engine 3 was the first on scene and began laying an 1-3/4” hose to begin fire suppression. Engines 2, 3, 4, Rescue 1, and Rescue 2 joined on-scene to combat the garage fire alongside apparatus from the fast team. Utilities were phoned for support as well as a fire investigator.
    As the fire intensified, City of Tonawanda was requested to additionally join the fast team at the scene. Kenmore was requested to backfill Fire HQ. Crews attacked the garage and surrounding structures and operations reported that the fire was under control by 12:54PM. Overhaul began shortly thereafter and was concluded by 2:30 p.m.
    Around 600FT of 1-3/4” hose was used along with 50FT of high-flow LDH hose, with an additional use of 36FT of ground ladders for suppression. Damage was estimated at $200,000 to the structure, $50,000 to contents, and another $50,000 to a vehicle that was in the garage. There was also minor exposure to the house next-door which sustained an estimated $1,000 in damage due to melted siding as an outcome to the hot flames from the garage. The cause at this time remains under investigation. All participating units returned in service by 2:40 p.m.
    So far to date, Grand Island Volunteers have responded to 570-calls ranging from structure fires to EMS calls, to good intent, transportation accidents, and citizen-assist calls. Photos and videos can be found on our Facebook Page @GrandIslandFireCompany.

Grandyle Village Fire - March 2023

Story: Ron Stipp - Public Information Officer

    At 2:00 a.m. on Thursday March 9 th , Grand Island Firefighters were awoken to the tones of a "Structure Fire" at a residential home on Grand Island. With multiple callers advising dispatch of the structure fire, GI chiefs that responded within minutes were advised of a fully involved structure fire by the Sheriffs Office. All residents were out of the house at the time of their arrival with two dogs unaccounted for.
   Fire Chief Mark Sadkowski called for a fast team and established command once on scene along with Engines 3, Engine 5, and Truck 6 shortly thereafter. Upon arrival, there was heavy fire on the back side of the house along with a electrical line down in the back yard. Utilities were phoned for support.     During the fire suppression, crews made initial entry into the residence with a line and had water on the fire. A 2nd crew also went in with a line assisting in suppression and later working defensively operating on opposite sides of the structure keeping the fire contained to the rear of the house. High winds were an additional factor that lead to the quick but heavy spread of fire throughout the structure.
    Mutual Aid assistance was received from Sheridan Park Fire. Operations reported by 2:47 a.m. that the bulk of the fire knocked down and declared the fire under control. Overhaul began shortly thereafter and was completed around 4:45 a.m. Around 900FT of 1-3/4” hose was used along with 200FT of high-flow LDH hose. Damage was estimated at $200,000 to the structure and $75,000 to the contents. The exact cause remains undetermined at this time. It was later reported that both dogs were accounted for. All participating units returned in service by 5:15AM.
    So far to date, Grand Island Volunteers have responded to 337-calls ranging from structure fires to EMS calls, to good intent and citizen-assist calls. With the “spring ahead” clock change this weekend, it’s a good time to remind residents to check batteries in their smoke detectors and make sure they are good, working order. Minutes matter.

Sunday Evening Fire - February 2023

Story: Ron Stipp - Public Information Officer

    At 6:04 p.m. on Sunday, February 19th, Grand Island Firefighters responded to a “Structure Fire” at the Chateau Motor Lodge Motel located on Grand Island Blvd. The caller advised the dispatcher that smoke was seen coming from one of the rooms windows.
    1st Assistant Chief Pat Hahn arrived on scene along with Engine 3, Truck 6, Rescue 1 to find smoke coming from the eves of the roof and from the door of the apartment. During the fire suppression, crews located two puppies and removed them from the smoke filled room. GIFC personnel were able to treat and revive one puppy, and that puppy was transported to a local animal hospital and is recovering.
    Mutual Aid assistance was received from Sheridan Park Fire and the City of Tonawanda Fire Department. Fire Suppression Crews made entry and the fire was declared out at overhaul commenced at 6:24 p.m. The fire was contained to original room of origin. Damage was estimated at $40,000 to the structure and $15,000 to the contents. The exact cause remains undetermined according to Chief Hahn. All participating units returned in service by 7:15 PM. Photos and videos can be found on our Facebook Page @GrandIslandFireCompany.

GI Fire Company Installation & Awards - February 2023

Story: Ron Stipp - Public Information Officer

   Grand Island Town Supervisor John Whitney administered the oath of office to newly elected Grand Island Fire Company officers on Saturday, January 14 th, at fire headquarters. Both firematic and administrative officers were sworn to uphold their 2023 community protection duties. Honored guests and family members joined in praising the steadfast commitment of these volunteers. Fire Chief Mark Sadkowski noted that 2110 calls answered during 2022 represents a continual and steady increase over the past few years (1875 calls from 2021) and requires solid leadership to ensure successful firefighting and EMS results.
    Chief Mark Sadkowski continues his leadership role as Fire Chief and is joined by Deputy Chief Omar Sortino, 1st Ass't Chief Pat Hahn, and 2nd Ass't Chief Donald Turner. New for 2023 promotes Robert Meyer as EMS Chief.
    Fire Captain's elected include Cory Rozell, Zach Bernfeld, Thomas Shanor; Joe Torregrossa as EMS Captain, and Joe Savage as Fire-Police Captain. Newly elected President Ron Warner is joined by Vice President Carl Finn, Recording Secretary Katie Ireland, Treasurer Tony Mastantuono, Financial Secretary Nicole Gerber, Line Secretary Mike Anderson, and Sgt at Arms Stephanie Senn.
    The Board of Directors, led by Chairman Jeremy Pullano, is comprised of Matt Osinski, Mike Anderson, Nicole Gerber, Saed Shafie, Stephen Stouter, and Tammy Gorman. Mike DeMartin and Pete Coppola were added as Benevolent Assoc. Trustees.
    Ladies Auxiliary President Vicki Mock is assisted by Vice President Jennifer Woroniecki, Corresponding Secretary Arlene Soluri, Recording Secretary Nancy Davis, Treasurer Maura Rustowicz, Sgt at Arms Emma Woroniecki, Chaplain Michelle Chalupka, Trustees Nicole Butcher, Karen Dallessandro, and Barbara Wilson.
    Past President Sean O’Donnell recognized “The Families of the GIFC” for the 2022 President’s Award for their dedication to the community of Grand Island. Chief Sadkowski recognized Captain Zach Bernfeld for the 2022 Chief’s Award for his excellence in firematic accomplishments and community assistance throughout the year. Chief Turner awarded both Austin Disanto and Brendan Atkins with their Certificate of Completion in joining the ranks of firefighter status. Additionally, Austin Disanto received the Rookie of the Year Award for his commitment and involvement throughout the past year.
    Chief Sadkowski awarded Robert “Butch” Meyer (Citizen of the Year recipient of 2022) with the EMS Award of 2022 for his unsurpassed dedication and commitment to the GIFC and the GI Community responding to over 1300 calls for 2022!
    Lastly, Chief Sadkowski recognized Squad 6 with the EMS Commendation Award for going above and beyond at a specific call in 2022. Congratulations to Brendan Atkins, Austin Disanto, Madison Senger, and Christopher Tybor whom have been accepted from the Rookie Class of 2022 to full membership. For 2023, we welcome in new rookies Brandon Lysenko, Benjamin Croom, Bryan Semski, Samuel Winski, and Daniel Cleveland. We also welcome in cadets Nikolas Massaro, John Cane, Austin Shores, and Justin Shores.
    Top ten responders for 2022 were led by Robert “Butch” Meyer with 1310 calls, followed by Zach Bernfeld, Joe Torregrossa, Tim Woroniecki Jr, Carl Finn, Brendan Atkins, Austin Disanto, Megan Stanley, Joe Savage, and Cory Rozell. Photos and videos can be found on our Facebook Page @GrandIslandFireCompany.