Vibrant Green Beans

1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 C. olive oil (for sautéing leeks, add more if necessary)
4 leeks, quartered and chopped into 1/2-inch segments (well washed, rooted and trimmed)
1/3 C. fresh dill, finely chopped
1 lb. green beans

1. Pour olive oil and sea salt into pan at medium to high heat. Prepare leeks by trimming of tops and bottoms, cutting into quarters and chopping into 1/2-inch pieces. Place in pan with heated oil. Saute until leeks start to brown (about 5-10 minutes). Add chopped dill, and stir. Keep on low heat until green beans are finished.
2. Prepare a pot of boiling water for your green beans. Add beans once boiling and let cook for about 3 minutes. Make sure they are still crisp. Strain and cool with cold water. Pat dry and add to pan with leeks. Stir and serve.

Makes: 6 servings.
