Blueberries with Creamy Banana Sauce

3/4 lb. Driscoll's blueberries, rinsed and drained
1/3 cup skim ricotta cheese, or part-skim
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 medium banana, peeled and sliced
2 Tbs. plain yogurt
1-1/2 Tbs. sugar

1. In food processor or blender combine banana, ricotta and all remaining ingredients except blueberries. Process or blend until very smooth, about 2 minutes. Divide blueberries among serving bowls or dishes. Spoon Banana Cream Sauce over the berries. Sauce is best used within a day.

Per Serving: calories 112, fat 2.3g, calories from fat: 17%, protein 3.3g, cholesterol 7mg, dietary fiber 2.6g

Yield: 4 servings