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Friends Of The Library
1715 Bedell Road, Grand Island, NY 14072

Friends of Grand Island Memorial Library Election & Program - May 2022

   Friends of Grand Island Memorial Library Nominations for Election at 2022 Annual Meeting, taking place on Thursday, May 19, 2022 in the Library Meeting Room at 6:00 pm. All positions have 2-year terms, expiring May 2024.
   Vice-President - Jill Banaszak
   Corresponding Secretary - Joyce Thornton
   Treasurer - Nancy Vizzi

Three Board Members:
    Phyllis Galie (Book Sale Volunteer Coordinator)
   Richard Smyth
   Jan Yardley (Membership)

    Annual Meeting Program: "Grand Island's Historic Bedell House" presented by Curt Nestark, President of the Grand Island Historical Society. Artifacts from the Society's collection and Curt's personal collection will be on display. Refreshments will be served.

Growing Readers Inititiative - July 2019

Pictured from left to right are three members of the Growing Readers initiative: Mary Cooke, President of the Friends of Grand Island Memorial Library; Stephanie Pritchard, Librarian at Kaegebein Elementary School and Bridgette Heintz, Director of the Grand Island Memorial Library.

Award on display at GI Memorial Library.

   The 2019-20 Hodgson Russ Excellence in Collaboration Award recognized several Grand Island groups who collaborated to launch the very successful Growing Readers initiative. Presented to Dr. Brian Graham, GI School Superintendent, at a dinner in June, the trophy and certificates are now touring the town, spending time in each place involved in the program. "Growing Readers - Working Together to Grow a Passion for Reading in our Community" is the official title of the effort that provides books for the doctors at Island Pediatrics to "prescribe reading to children" when parents have their 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 month well baby visits.
   Groups involved in Growing Readers are Grand Island Pediatrics, GI School District, GI Memorial Library, Neighbors Foundation, GI Rotary, Friends of GI Memorial Library, GI Teachers Assn, GI School Related Professionals, GI School District Administrators' Union, Fuccillo Automotive Group, GI Golden Age Center and several private community donors. . The awards are currently displayed in one of the showcases in the lobby of the Grand Island Memorial Library.

Cookbook Author Presentation - November 2017

    Local author presentation sponsored by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library at the Library, 1715 Bedell Road, on Thursday, November 30th at 6:45 p.m. Linda Critelli, author of Sicilian With a French Accent cookbook will be doing a presentation including a cooking demonstration. Tasting samples will be included! Refreshments for the program include specialty cookies prepared by the author. Copies of the cookbook will be available for sale. Holiday cookies may also be ordered. All are invited to attend.

Friends of the Library Used Book Sale - September 2017

    Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library will be sponsoring a used book sale at the Library on October 27th and 28th. On Friday, the sale will be from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for Friends members only. Memberships are available at the door. Saturday will include "Fill a bag" for $5 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., followed by $2 a bag from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Donations of used books will be gratefully accepted at the library. For library hours, call 773-7124.

Book Sale Room Hours - September 2017

    The Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library book sale room announces new hours:
Monday and Thursday: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    These hours are subject to change, depending on Meeting Room Availability. Proceeds from the book room benefit the Grand Island Memorial Library.

Friends of the Library Annual Meeting & Speaker - April 2017

    The Friends of the Library Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at the Grand Island Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Road at 6:45 p.m. There will be an election of officers, followed by a presentation by Michele DeLuca. DeLuca is the auther of "Forever More: A Love Story from the Edge of Eternity". It is a mystical love story, set in Lily Dale. There is only one thing keeping Rebecca and Sebastian apart - she is living and he is dead.
   The slate of officers proposed includes Mary Cooke (president), Carole Joseph (recording secretary), Marie Volpe and Sharon Watz (board members). Refreshments will be served. All are invited.

Friends of the Library Annual Meeting - June 2015

From left to right: Marie Volpe, Carole Joseph, Treasurer Jill Banaszak, Corresponding Secretary Liz Engl, President Mary Cooke, Recording Secretary Grace Kammerer, Sharon Watz, Vice-President Nancy Vizzi and Board Member Charlotte Senulis. Missing from the photo are Friends Board Members Candy Broman and Crystal Krantz.

    At their annual meeting each May, the Friends of the Library elect officers and board members for new two year terms. Terms of the Board are staggered so that half of the Board positions expire each year. Recently elected for new terms expiring in 2017 were President Mary Cooke, Recording Secretary Grace Kammerer and Board Members Carole Joseph, Marie Volpe and Sharon Watz. Carole Joseph was named Volunteer of the Year. The Friends accept used book donations anytime the Library is open and sort and sell the books to raise money for library programs and equipment. Donated books are sold in three ways. Books on the shelves to the left of the library entrance are on sale anytime the library is open. Several times a month the Friends operate the Book Sale Room at the back of the Library Meeting Room. Each April and November, a weekend Used Book Sale is held in the Meeting Room. If you'd like to help the Friends in any capacity, please contact the Library at 773-7124 or e-mail the President at maryscooke@roadrunner.com.

Annual Meeting - May 2014

The Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, May 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the library’s meeting room. There will be a short business meeting, which will include election of Board Members and officers. Nominations include: Nancy Vizzi, Vice-President, Liz Engl, Corresponding Secretary, Jill Banaszak, Treasurer, Candy Broman, Crystal Krantz and Charlotte Senulis Board Members. The program for the evening will be a presentation by Jackie Albarella, “The Hotel Lafayette, Restoring Louise Bethune’s Masterpiece”. See Ms. Albarella’s website for more information on her project and upcoming book. Refreshments will be provided; all are welcome.

Used Book Sale at Grand Island Library - March 2014

   A used book sale sponsored by the Friends of the Library will take place at the Grand Island Memorial Library on April 4th and 5th. On Friday evening, members of the Friends of the Library are invited to attend between 5 and 8 pm. Memberships are available at the door; an annual membership is $3. Friday evening provides the best book selection, with many recent fiction and non-fiction authors. General book prices are $1 for hardcovers and $0.50 for pocket size paperbacks. A special children’s and young adult readers’ section will be provided. Saturday’s sale will run from 10 am until 3 pm, with the ever popular “fill a bag” sale for $2 from 1 to 3 pm. Proceeds from used book sales benefit the Library; funding is used for programs, materials. Revenue from book sales even helped purchase the new sign for the Library. Donations of used books may be dropped off at the Library any time during operating hours. If you would like to help with book sorting or book sales, call the Library at 773-7124.

Annual Meeting - May 2013

   The Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library announce that its annual meeting will be held on Thursday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the library’s meeting room. There will be a short business meeting followed by a review of "Unbroken: A World War II Story of Redemption" by Laura Hillenbrand. Local presenter Bob Poczik will review the book.