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Grand Island, New York Photo Album

Previous Photo Albums

The goal of this page is to allow Grand Island residents and others to see the essence of Grand Island. E-mail

Let's show the world what a beautiful place Grand Island really is.

Kathy Barton Photos, East River - November 2013


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Kathy Barton took these photos off of her South Colony dock on Wednesday morning, November 6th, looking east toward the Huntley Plant and Mid River Marina.

James Mulcahy Photos, West River - October 2013


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James Mulcahy took these photos on Saturday, October 19th at sunset at Fix and West River, facing WSW. He wrote...as my dad used to say, "God paints us a new masterpiece every day."

Emily Dahlstrom Photo, East River - September 2013

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Emily Dahlstrom took this beautiful photo on Monday, September 9th at sunrise on East River.

Gregg Roesch Photo, East River - August 2013

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This photo was taken by Gregg Roesch at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 18th on the East River. Gregg and his dad Gary Roesch, Mike Endres and Henry Ensminger were up early to put the buoys in for the "Thunder on the Niagara" hydroplane races.

Wendy Napier Photos, South Bridge - August 2013

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The top photo was taken in the summer of 2012 from Wendy's boat. The bottom photo was taken July 2013 from Fishermans Landing. Wendy wrote, "I love being a Grand Island resident for many reasons, however the bike path and the water access ranks high on my list. I couldn't ask for better place to live!"

Paul G. Leuchner Photo, East River - July 2013

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This photo was taken by Paul Leuchner on Saturday, July 27th at 5:40am on East River. He was headed to Paddles Up Niagara 2013 at Beaver Island Park.

Rick Walworth Photo, West River - July 2013

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This photo was taken by Rick Walworth on Monday, July 22nd on West River.

Mary Stewart Photo, Fireworks - July 2013

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Isledegrande's beloved photographer Mary Stewart recently posted a photo on the website Pixoto that has won an award for being in the top 20% in the "holiday" category. Pixoto is an online community where photographers compete to have the best images in their category. Mary took the photo at least five years ago on July 4th when fireworks were being launched from a barge in the middle of the Niagara River in front of the Holiday Inn. Nice job Mary!

Gary E. McDannell Photos, Beaver Island Park - June 2013


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The top pictures were taken on Friday evening (6/7/2013) at Beaver Island State Park. The first picture is of a Black-Crowned Night Heron that was perched in a tree near Circle Drive. The second photo shows "fishing friends" (Great Blue Heron and an Egret) near the shoreline of the West River in the Park.
The bottom picture is a Black-Crowned Night Heron that was taken at the East River Marsh on Saturday morning. (6/8/13).

Donald Dickinson Photo, Beaver Island Park - May 2013

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The baby deer was found under a bush in front of the Beaver Island Casino on Friday morning, May 31st. Donald Dickinson was out walking his dog and snapped some photos with his phone. How cute is that!

Gary E. McDannell Photos, Beaver Island Park - April 2013


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Left photo: The first picture is of Bonaparte Gulls in the West River near Circle Drive in the park. This species is migratory and usually are found in their summer range in the higher latitudes in Alaska and Canada. However, since the breeding season started some time ago the ones we are seeing in the river are here to stay for the entire year. This species breeds close to bogs and lakes in coniferous forests mostly across Alaska and Canada. They nest in trees and occasionally on the ground.
Right photo: Picture number two shows how Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets share resources. In this case perches on the fallen trees and fishing habitat. The picture was taken in the newly rehabilitated Lagoon habitat in our southerly park.
Left photo: Just for fun I have also attached yet another Blue Heron picture that I took a few days ago. Yes I know I am going to be known as Grand Island's Own Blue Heron Photographer, but this is a pretty neat picture.
Right photo: Tree Swallow that was taken along the East River.

Leaping Deer at Beaver Island Park - April 2013

Gary E. McDannell photos - click for larger view.
Gary took these pictures on April 5th while taking his daily walk.

Winter Birds at Beaver Island Park - March 2013


Gary E. McDannell photos - click for larger view.
   Gary McDannell spends lots of time with his dog and camera taking pictures, even in the cold weather. These most recent photos were taken on Monday, March 18th at Beaver Island State Park. The Red Tail Hawk photos were taken near the Beaver Island Beach. The Great Blue Heron photo was taken flying over the frozen lagoon during a snow storm at the Park.

Beaver Island Park Residents - March 2013


Gary E. McDannell photos - click for larger view.
The Deer and the Great Blue Heron were photographed on Tuesday, March 5th, The Opossum was photographed at the circle on Monday, March 4th. Gary wrote "the cute little guy ran out in front of my car just as I was getting out to take a walk. I was concerned at first because this species is mostly nocturnal, and this was the first time that I have ever seen one out in early afternoon. However, the Opossum was running, and he made a beeline for what I think was his favorite tree in the center of the circle. Therefore, I don't think that he was sick or incapacitated by rabies, he just wanted to get to the other side of the road." Thanks Gary!

Buckhorn Park Coyote - February 2013

Carol Rhonemus photo - click for larger view.
Check out the size of this coyote! This photo was taken in the beginning of February by Carol Rhonemus in the area below the North Grand Island Bridge. Many people walk their dogs at Buckhorn Park. It would be a good idea to keep a close eye on your animals.

Ferry Village Sunrise - February 2013

Ginger Bidell photo - click for larger view.
This photo was taken by Ginger Bidell on Friday, February 22nd at sunrise from a Ferry Village home.

Woodpecker At Lunch - February 2013

Brooks Rimes photo - click for larger view.
Brooks Rimes took the photo on Sunday, February 10th behind his patio home. According to his field guide, he believes this is a female and either a downy, hairy or three-toed woodpecker.

Tundra Swan Landing - February 2013

Frank Larracuente photo - Click for larger view.
Tundra Swans coming in for a landing while gulls watch at Beaver Island.

East River Coyote - February 2013

Frank Larracuente photo - Click for larger view.
This beautiful coyote was spotted roaming the back yards on East River Road.

South Bridge - February 2013

Frank Larracuente photo - Click for larger view.
Frank Larracuente took this picture of the South Bridge on New Year's Eve, Monday, December 31st.

East River Swans - February 2013

Carol Roesch photo - Click for larger view.
Carol Roesch took this picture on Sunday, February 3rd, 2013. The swans were hanging out in front of the Roesch family waterfront.

East River Cloud - January 2013

Emily Dahlstrom photo - Click for larger view.
Emily Dahlstrom took this picture Sunday, January 27, 2013 on the East River, showing nothing but a cloud sitting on the water! No sign of Wheatfield.