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Grand Island, New York Photo Album

Previous Photo Albums

The goal of this page is to allow Grand Island residents and others to see the essence of Grand Island. E-mail

Let's show the world what a beautiful place Grand Island really is.

Kevin Cobello - September 2020

    Kevin Cobello took more pictures at East River Marsh. These ducks seem to be having so much fun!!!

Kevin Cobello - September 2020

    Kevin Cobello got a new lens for his camera recently and took a trip to East River Marsh to photograph the locals!

Bob Mesmer- September 2020

    Bob Mesmer took this photo at sunrise on Saturday, September 5th of the South Grand Island Bridge.

Liz Zilbauer - September 2020

    Liz Zilbauer took this photo of an osprey with its dinner at Buckhorn State Park on Saturday, September 5th. Tom Burke thought it could have been either a wild carp of perhaps a koi from a residents pond. After he contacted Connie Adams from DEC she wrote: " Hard to say from the photo. I can tell you that we have caught a number of rudd and goldifsh in the river. Although these species are normally olive colored, we have collected several large/orange individuals (12+ inches). I would put my money on goldfish if it was snatched out of the river. I don’t think it’s a rudd, yet I’ve attached a picture of one that we caught just south of Cayuga Island." See below.

Jerry Sitarski - September 2020

   Jerry Sitarski recently took this photo of a Viceroy butterfly feeding on Meadow Sweet. The viceroy is a Mullerian (Tastes bad to birds) mimic of the Monarch butterfly that can be distinguished by the black line that runs across the veins on the hindwing. It's caterpillar feeds on Willow and cottonwood trees versus the Monarch preferring milk weed. I recommend readers compare this photo to the monarch butterfly submitted below.

Paula McDonnell - August 2020

   Paula McDonnell took this colorful picture of a Monarch butterfly while it was resting in a geranium plant.

Mark Carrig - July 2020

   Mark Carrig took these photos at his West River Road home. The first he refers to as a class of 2020 White Tail Deer aka Bambi. The second is a Hummingbird Moth, looks like a hummingbird but is smaller.

Craig Kopra - July 2020

   Craig Kopra wrote: This photo was taken from West River Parkway on 7-17-2020 with comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) in the northwest sky over the Niagara Falls location. There was a nice small gathering of comet watchers for this evening and made for a really nice time.

Lynn Mikulski - July 2020

   Lynn Mikulski wrote: taken on my porch, "Toad on a toad". We've been seeing a lot of them this summer.

Frank Greco - July 2020

   Frank Greco took this photo of the West River sunset on Sunday, June 19th.

Frank Greco - July 2020

   Frank Greco wrote: We have lived here, on the West River for 44 years and see wildlife keep changing as the food source changes. I have seen coyotes, skunks, groundhogs, raccoons, rabbits, mink,squirrels, red fox, deer, opossum, mice, voles and birds of every kind including hawks and eagles in my back yard, but no chipmunks. Since our fox family has eaten most of the squirrels, the chipmunks have taken their place.

Lisa Fankhauser- June 2020

Click for larger view.

    Lisa Fankhauser took this photo of the South GI bridges on Tuesday, June 9th from her jetski.

Bob Mesmer- June 2020

Click for larger view.

    Bob Mesmer sent in this aerial photo of the south bridge and noted that he is "not the one with the runway that's my Dad." He took this picture on June 5, 2020.

Kellie Russell - June 2020

Click for larger view.

   Kellie Russell wrote:This photo was taken May 24, 2020 at 7:15 AM on East River. Group of turkey vultures sitting on the guardrail, was beautiful to see.

Craig Kopra - June 2020

Click for larger view.

   Craig Kopra wrote:On June 2nd at 7pm it was gorgeous and I was making hamburgers on the grill. Three hour later I was photographing lightning from my backyard. At this point it wasn’t raining, but the mosquitos were sure cruel. This photo is the northern sky when the storm was approaching, it was a light show and a half.

Barb Lamb - June 2020

   Barb Lamb took this photo of a turkey in her Meadow Drive backyard. Bob Lamb wrote that turkey season ended May 31st and this bird visits the bird feeder every few days, enjoying the corn that the other birds knock to the ground.

Donna Monaco - May 2020

   Donna Monaco took these pictures on Mother's Day at Beaver Island State Park. I found the following information on the www.newyorkupstate.com website.
    The American white pelican is one of the largest North American birds, with adults having a wing span of nearly 8 feet. They eat mostly small fish that occur in shallow wetlands, such as minnows, carp, and suckers, according to allaboutbirds.com. American white pelicans winter along the Gulf Coast of Mexico and fly back north each spring west of the Great Lakes. They generally spend summers in the Great Plains and Manitoba and Alberta. They have been spotted over the last few years near Rochester, Montezuma Refuge and Onondaga Lake.

Mary Howard - May 2020

   Mary Howard recently sent in this photo of the Burnt Ship Creek overpass. New York State has dredged the creek up to the overpass and you can now paddle to that point.

Bob Lamb - May 2020

   Bob Lamb took this photo in his back yard on Meadow Drive....he titles it "Between dinner and dessert"!. I have noticed over the last couple months how talented the squirrels and birds are at feeding time.

Kim Kalman - April 2020

Click for larger view.

    Kim Kalman took her maiden voyage on her kayak on Tuesday, April 28th and took this picture of River Lea in Beaver Island State Park. River Lea is the Grand Island Historical Society museum..

Ray Sommer - April 2020

    Ray Sommer builds duck and owl boxes and places them around his property. The photos above show some of his recent visitors.

Alice Gerard - April 2020

    Alice Gerard recently took these photos while visiting Buckhorn State Park.

Mary Cooke - March 2020

    Mary Cooke took this photo on Wednesday, March 25th at the creek near North Colony. The egret appears to be sprucing his/herself up for the day.

Duffy Macquire - March 2020

Click photo for larger view.

    September sunset from West River Trail and Whitehaven. Photo was taken by Duffy Macguire.

Mark Carrig - February 2020

Click photo for larger view.

    Mark Carrig lives on West River near Fix Road. He wrote: "I see a lot of wild life in my yard, birds, deer, turkeys and an occasional coyote. This week there was a coyote hanging out in my backyard. The next day there were three coyotes at the rear of my property but they did not stay around very long." The single coyote is shown above. That is one healthy animal!

Coyote Escorting Information - February 2020

    Has a coyote ever “followed” you or your dog while you’re walking in your neighborhood or in the park? If so, you may have felt afraid, perhaps thought the coyote was stalking you, or that an attack was imminent. But don’t fear. Coyotes are naturally curious animals, and often engage in this behavior called “escorting”. Escorting is when a coyote, sometimes with its mate, makes sure that you are leaving its territory. This behavior is most often seen from early March to late April, when coyote parents are protecting their precious puppies. Escorting most often happens in early morning or in the evening, and because they may see dogs as a threat to their babies, it’s most often seen by dog walkers.
    What do you do if you’re “escorted” by a coyote? Don’t panic; the coyote is much more terrified of you! If you don’t have your dog leashed - which you should in coyote country- immediately leash it and keep it by your side. Calmly keep walking, slowly, as normally. Soon enough, you’ll be out of the coyote’s home and he will stop escorting you! On the off chance the escorting coyote starts to approach too closely, shout and wave your hands to frighten it away. As we humans develop more and more woodlands, coyote coexistence has become even more essential; we simply must learn to speak their language.

Roger Cook - January 2020

Click photo for larger view.

Roger Cook took this photo of approximately 100 Tundra swans in front of his house on the West River on Thursday, January 9th.