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Girl Scouts of Grand Island Webpage

Previous News

Jennifer Birtz - Grand Island Girl Scout Service Unit Manager - GSofGISU@gmail.com

Mission Statement: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

. Grand Island Service Unit Manager Email

Junior Troop #30046 Collected for SPCA - May 2019

From left: Hannah, Adrianna, Caylee, Jasmire, Zoe, Sophia and Miranda.

    Members from he 5th grade Juniors Girl ScoutTroop 30046 were at Top's Market on Saturday, May 4th, not to sell Girl Scout cookies, but to "make a difference." They were collecting money and pet food donations for the SPCA. This project helped advance the Girl Scouts Bronze award, they are currently working on. The generosity of shoppers who contributed is much appreciated by the troop and certainly by the SPCA.

Junior Troop #30046 Collecting for SPCA - April 2019

   The 5th grade Juniors Girl Scouts from Troop 30046 are having two upcoming collections for the SPCA. On Thursday, April 18th from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Grand Island High School and on Saturday, May 4th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Top's Market, Grand Island Blvd. See invite, wish list and flyer. Any donations are welcome and none are too small.

Junior Troop #30144 Hosting Wellness Fair - March 2014

   Girl Scouts of WNY Junior Troop #30144 is hosting a family-oriented Wellness Fair at Veronica Connor Middle School, 1100 Ransom Road, on Saturday, March 22nd. The event takes place from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public. The Fair will promote health and wellness to the community by focusing on topics like smart substitutions, healthy snacks, managing stress, transportation safety, and fitness.

Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony - June 2013

Presentation and Honoring of colors.



Chris Swagler Photos

   A Girl Scout "Bridging Ceremony" was held at Veteran's Park on Monday, June 3rd to celebrate the crossing over to the next level of Scouts. Over 50 girls participated in the ceremony. Each girl recited their part of the bridging poem, made a wish for the upcoming year and then crossed from one end of the bridge to the next level of scouting. 27 girls bridged from Daisy scouts to Brownie Scouts, 17 girls bridged from Brownie Scouts to Junior scouts, 2 girls bridged from Junior scouts to Cadet scouts, 2 young ladies bridged from Cadets to Seniors, and lastly 8 ladies bridged from Ambassadors to Adulthood. Each level of girl scouting brings specific challenges to the girls based on their age level.

Sarah Swagler Earns Silver Award - January 2013

From left: Sarah Swagler with Director Guadalupe Pena

   Sarah Swagler spent over 59 hours making blankets for needy infants for Harvest House to earn her Silver Award with the Girl Scouts of Western New York. Sarah raised all the monies needed to purchase the materials to make over 25 blankets. Sarah is a Juliette Girl Scout from Grand Island. A Juliette girl scout is registered individually and not connected with a Troop. Pictured are Sarah Swagler presenting the blankets to Guadalupe Pena, director of Harvest House Baby and Children's Ministry.

Girl Scout News - Dec. 2012

    Grand Island Girls Scout Daisy Troop 30429 spent some of their Girl Scout Cookie profit for Christmas Presents for the Residents of Elderwood on Grand Island. A case of cookies and 110 gifts were delivered on Wednesday. The girls Emilie, Kristina, Hannah, Emma, Ella, Alex, Taylor, Gianna, Lilybeth, Emma, Casey and Sabrina are all First Graders at Sidway and the leader is Sarah Wheeler.

Juniors and Cadettes Help Elderwood Health Care Residents - Dec. 2012

    The Girl Scouts from Junior Troop 31023 and Cadette Troop 30414 assisted the residents of Riverview Nursing Home with their Saturday Afternoon Bingo on December 8th.

Girl Scout Cookies - Dec. 1, 2012

   Members of Daisy Troop 30429 will be at the Key Bank located on Grand Island Blvd. from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, December 1st where they will be selling Girl Scout Cookies! Cookies are $3.50 per box and the scouts will have Caramel deLights (Samoas), Thin Mints, Shortbreads, Peanut Butter Patties (Tag-a-Longs), Peanut Butter Sandwich, Lemonades (Shortbread w/ lemon icing), Thanks-a-Lot (Shortbread w/ fudge) and the NEW Mango Cremes. The Mango Cremes will be available to sample (Tastes like a Pina Colada!!!)

Girl Scout Carnival - Oct. 2012

   Grand Island Service Unit GirlScout Carnival will feature crafts, FREE prizes, Baskets to Win, Silent Cake Auction, a snack bar and more. The carnival will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Road. See Carnival for details.

Girl Scouts Looking For Volunteers - July 2012

    Grand Island Girl Scouts is looking for energetic, enthusiastic, goal oriented, fun loving people who enjoy adventures, smiles and giggles! Leaders and volunteers are needed, see flyer for details.

Girl Scouts To Walk In Parade - June 2012

   Attention all Girl Scouts past and present: It's the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts! Come show your scout pride and walk with us in the 4th of July Parade here on Grand Island! Email Michele Sundeen at grandislandscouts@yahoo.com for more information. Hope to see you there!

Girl Scouts "Rock The Mall" - June 2012

Scouts in front of Washington Monument {click photo for larger view}

    On June 8th-10th, Girl Scout troop 30448 traveled by bus to Washington, D.C. to take part in "Girl Scouts Rock the Mall, the 100th Anniversary". There were troops from all over the country. The scouts met girls from Florida, Texas, California and everywhere in between. 250,000 Girl Scouts flooded the mall for a national sing along and toured the nation's capitol. Island scouts included, Abigail Sonnenberg, Mackenzie Barone, Isabella Ziolkowski, Abi Krull, Hannah Waidell, Claire McCaffery, Haley Kuhn and Gracie Wright. Leader Michele Sundeen was accompanied by parents, Wendy McCaffery, Bonnie Krull, Dayna Waidell, Kimberly Wright and Dena Barone.

Girl Scouts Spring Carnival - April 2012

    Inviting girls of all ages, scouts of past and present....
Grand Island Girl Scouts will be hosting a Spring Carnival...games, prizes, raffles, food ad fun! Saturday, April 21st. 11am-2pm, at the Grand Island Middle School gym/cafeteria. All proceeds to benefit the Grand Island Girl Scout Service Unit of Girl Scouts of Western New York.
See Flyer.

Successful Girl Scout Care Bag Drive - Feb. 2012


Pictured are (back) Morgan Payan, Jada Sokody, Elissa Dojka; (front) Emma Wheeler, Bridget Sander, Maria Pawelczyk, Ella DeRose, Taylor Duscher, Casey Walowitz, Sabrina Butcher, Anna Donlon and Rebecca Sander {click photo for larger view}
The station wagon shows just some of the many care packs to be delivered to "Mended Little Hearts"
Photos by Mary Stewart

   Several Grand Island Girl Scouts gathered at the Grand Island High School Saturday, February 18th, to pack care bags for "Mended Little Hearts." These care packages help families whose children have been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect cope with their child's disease and let them know they are not alone. There are approximately 40,000 families effected each year including one of our own Grand Island Girl Scouts. The scouts and their leaders thank all those who donated to help make February's "Mended Little Hearts" program a success.

Girl Scouts Hosting Care Bag Drive - Feb. 2012

    February is "Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Month". Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defects in the United States. Grand Island Girl Scouts will be hosting a care bag drive on February 18th from 10am-2pm at the Grand Island High School senior cafeteria. The care bags will go to the "Mended Little Hearts of Western New York", part of a nation-wide non-profit organization that provides hope and support to families who have children with heart defects and disease. MLH has been helping families for over 50 years but they are new to our area.
   These bags help to ease the emotional and financial burden on families when they are far from home. Our closest hospital for pediatric heart surgery is the Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong Memorial in Rochester. Please help, please donate......approximately 40,000 families a year are affected, including one of our Girl Scout families.
Items Needed.
Information about MLH or contact Siobhan Pawelczyk at 716-774-1310 or buffaloNY@mendedlittlehearts.org.

Daisies Carol at Elderwood Health Care at Riverwood

    Daisy Scout Troop 30466 recently brought some holiday cheer by caroling to the residents of the Elderwood Health Care at Riverwood.

Girl Scouts Host Sock Hop

   On Friday, December 16th, Grand Island Girl Scouts hosted the 1st Annual "He & Me Sock Hop". Decked out in poodle skirts, pink jackets and pony tails, the girls danced the night away with their special guy (dad) to music of the 50's and 60's.

Girl Scouts Play Elves At Santa Land

   On Saturday, December 10, 2011, Senior Girl Scout Troop 39 spent the day volunteering as elves at Santa Land, held at Chestnut Ridge Park. They helped with a gift raffle and assisted as the children made crafts, wrote letters to Santa, and put on temporary holiday tattoos. To prepare for the event, the girls made their own elf costumes. Proceeds from Santa Land benefit Domestic Violence Shelters of WNY.

Girl Scouts Visit Burchfield Penney Art Center

   Girl Scouts of Grand Island went on a guided tour of the Burchfield Penney Art Center at Buffalo State on Dec 8, 2011. They learned about how different crafting mediums can be used to create art. The girls then had a small sculpture lesson at which they made "pinch pots" and a whistle.

Girl Scout Cookies Available - Nov. 2011

   Didn't order your cookies? It's not too late......find your Grand Island Girl Scouts at the following locations:

Week of Nov. 14-18th -  Creative Leather Concepts
Nov. 12 - McMahon's Restaurant   9am-1pm
          HSBC Bank               10am-1pm
          VFW DeGlopper Post  10am-1pm
          JoAnn's Fabrics- Niagara Falls Blvd, Amherst, 10am-2pm
Nov. 13 - McMahon's Restaurant  9am-1pm
          JoAnn's Fabrics- Niagara Falls Blvd, Amherst, 11am-3pm
Nov. 19 - Key Bank              9am-12pm
          St. Stephen's Church-following mass
Nov. 20 - Island Deli            10am-2pm
          St. Stephen's Church-following mass
Dec. 2 - First Niagara Bank  2pm-5pm

Girl Scouts & Trinity UMC Trunk-or-Treat Slideshow

Trunk-or-Treat Slideshow
Photos by Mary Stewart
   Grand Island Girl Scouts along with Trinity Methodist Church held it's second annual "Trunk-or-Treat" and "Haunted Hallway Walk" on Saturday, October 22nd at the Trinity Church parking lot. Fun was had by all as "trunk-or-treaters", from scary to pretty and in between, collected their "goodies", and took a walk through the "haunted hallway". Instead of the usual "door to door" for Halloween goodies, kids went "trunk to trunk" as participants gave out candy, etc from their car/truck trunks. Donations of food were collected as part of this event were given to the local food banks.

2nd Annual Trunk-or-Treat and Haunted Hallway Walk

    The Grand Island Girl Scouts and Trinity Methodist Church present the 2nd Annual Trunk-or-Treat and Haunted Hallway Walk on Saturday, Oct 22, 3:00pm-5:00pm. Wear your costume and "trunk or treat" in the parking lot of Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road and tour the Haunted Hallway (little ones welcome!) A donation of a non-perishable food item is requested. Food will be donated to local food banks.

Girl Scout Registration - August 2011

    Grand Island Girl Scouts is currently registering for the 100th year of scouting. Come and be part of the magic! Fun and exciting opportunities are waiting for girls K-12. Adults- do you like working with kids? Be a leader, be a volunteer! Product sales, camping, arts and crafts.....We need help in all areas! Contact Michele Sundeen at 704-3964 or grandislandscouts@yahoo.com for more information.

CANCELLED - Informational Meeting Planned - July 2011

    Explore a Whole New World and come see what Girl Scouts is all about!!
Thursday, July 21st at 6pm
Grand Island High School Cafeteria
Please RSVP to Kelly Garrow at 935-6082 by July 19, All girls must be accompanied by an adult.
Troop Representatives of all ages as well as Service Unit Manager, Michele Sundeen, will be there to answer any and all questions. See you there!

Girl Scouts Visit County Historical Society - June 2011


Left: Abigail Sonnenberg, Right: A rapt audience.
Click for larger view.

   On Saturday, June 18, a group of Grand Island Girl Scouts visited the Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society to learn about the Pan-American Exposition that took place in 1901. The presentation was coordinated by a young scout that was working on her Silver Award. The scouts learned about the glory days of Buffalo and why the city was chosen for the exposition, the historical significance of the time period and about the assassination of President William McKinley and subsequent inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt.

Girl Scout News - June 2011

   It may almost be summer break, but Girl Scouts of Western New York has Summer activities! Please check www.gswny.org for programs, camps and registration information.
   Grand Island Girl Scouts will be participating in this year's 4th of July Parade. Come out and support us!
   Do you like working with kids? Do you enjoy fun and challenging experiences? Then be a Girl Scout Volunteer! Positions include leaders, assistant leaders, product sales, camp aids and many more! Contact Michele Sundeen or check www.gswny.org for more information.

Girl Scout News