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3278 Whitehaven Road

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New Year's Celebration - January 2017


Mary Stewart Photos

   The Grand Island Senior Center held its first birthday lunch on Wednesday, January 4th, celebrating the new year with hats and noisemakers. The birthday luncheon celebrates all the January birthdays and guests were invited to come dressed in country attire, to go along with this month's theme, "country hoe down birthday luncheon". Entertainment was provided by "Just Banjos", with great banjo music. It was an enjoyable afternoon.

Coffee Chat about Cancer at GAC - January 2017

   Tuesday, January 10th at 2:00 p.m. at the Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd.
   Join local American Cancer Sociey volunteers and staff for a afternoon conversation about cancer resources and support. Learn about the Society's life-saving mission, including groundbreaking research, cancer preventation and education, patient services, and advocacy efforts. We'll also share how you can get involved in the cancer fight right here on Grand Island. Light refreshment will be served. RSVP at the Golden Age Center or via email at missy.stolfi@cancer.org.

Volunteers Needed for Respite Program - January 2017

   HELPERS WANTED - The Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, is looking for volunteers to help start up a new community respite program in February which will provide breaks for people who are providing care for loved ones with dementia. Volunteers should be willing to share a few hours of their time on the second Wednesday of each month by providing companionship for people with dementia. The Alzheimer's Association Western New York Chapter will furnish all necessary training at no charge. For info, call Jennifer Menter at the Center at 773-9682 or email jrmenter@grand-island.ny.us. The Alzheimer's Association also trains volunteers and oversees respite programs and 10 other locations in Erie and Niagara counties. For info about respite and the chapter’s other programs, call toll-free 800-272-3900.

Thanksgiving Dinner - November 2016


Mary Stewart Photos

   The Golden Age Center celebrated Thanksgiving with a dinner with all the trimmings on Thursday, November 17th. They also held their nomination of officers for 2017 and learned about the exciting events coming in December. There was such a good turnout that they had to add three tables on the stage to seat all the hungry attendees.

GAC Open Election Day - October 2016

    Attention, Grand Island! We are happy to be open on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, to provide programming, our home-cooked lunch, services, and most importantly, transport senior citizens to vote. Please call (716) 773-9682 for more information and to make an appointment to be transported to the polls to cast your vote. Make each vote count! Call us today.

Halloween Happenings - November 2016


    Mary Stewart enjoyed snapping photos at the Golden Age Center Halloween party. The special lunch just for Halloween was what else but "Ghoul"ash.

Senior Meals on Wheels Info. - October 2016

   Meals on Wheels is offered to our senior citizens that are homebound, elderly, and ill. In 2015, with the incredible help of our volunteers, 4,959 meals were delivered in 2015 to our homebound seniors. Is this a need for your loved one? For your neighbor? For your friend? Please call us at (716) 773-9682 to further discuss any questions you have about Meals on Wheels with our knowledgeable staff. Meals on Wheels Application.

Holiday Happenings - October 2016

    This year's Holiday Happenings at the Grand Island Senior Center was a big success. Fifteen crafters provided an array of hand made items. The event included 163 baskets and gift cards that were raffled. Not only did Grand Island merchants, and individuals donate but several others in western New York supported this year's event. A drawing for the door prize and 50-50 was also held. There was lunch served and a lot of homemade baked goods to take care of that sweet tooth. A big thank you goes out to all those who donated items and helped in any way to make the center's Holliday Happenings one of the best.

Island Ship Center Hosts Seniors - September 2016

Betty Kogler is one super satisfied customer.

Fahim is getting the seniors ready for Shipping Terms Bingo.

   Fahim and Seema Mojawalla of Island Ship Center hosted over 2 dozen Golden Age Center members on Wednesday, September 28th at the newly renovated store. The "Celebration of Gratitude" field trip began with super satisfied customer Betty Kogler telling the group about all the ways the dynamic duo help her with her shipping, copies and gifts. The group then moved over from the mailbox room to the shipping storeroom for refreshments and games with prizes such as a Grand Island sweatshirt, Bills pullover and a new item, light up key chains with Grand Island etched into them, that double as a holiday ornament! Fahim had everyone laughing over his antics and one liners, no wonder the business is doing so well!

GAC Holiday Happenings - September 2016

   The Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings will take place on Saturday, October 1st from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Road. There will be 15 vendors to shop from, a bake sale, 60+ basket raffle (1:00 p.m.), chili, chicken noodle soup & roast beef sandwich lunch sale will be available from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Open House tours will take place from 10-11:00 a.m. Proceeds support the Golden Age Center and the Golden Age Club. Help us continue to provide nutritious, balanced meals at a low price, help us to continue to provide great programs, and help us continue to provide the exceptional services we provide for senior citizens in our community. See Flyer.

University Express Fall Classes - September 2016

Grand Island Classes
   The Golden Age Center is pleased to be able to bring University Express classes back to the Center for a third semester! There are (8) great, FREE classes coming to the Golden Age Center this fall. See complete WNY University Express Class List.

Doings at the Golden Age Center

   Happy Birthday, Bernie Callahan! Bernie Callahan celebrated her 97TH BIRTHDAY this past Saturday! Golden Age Center members wore bright colored leis, a special birthday balloon was presented to Bernie by her friends, and members sang "Happy Birthday" to her to celebrate the day. She made a great wish and enjoyed cupcakes to celebrate this milestone, momentous birthday. Enjoy your birthday to the fullest, Bernie!

   Stop by and join one of our 35 consistent programs offered at the Golden Age Center every week! Above, our Tai Chi group practices this gentle exercise at 9am on Mondays and Fridays. Learn something new and try something new!

Mahjong is a game that originated in China, and it's a game that requires some skill, strategy, calculation, and a bit of chance! Our Mahjong group has been getting together on Fridays at 12:30 p.m. to play, and they are always looking for more players to join them & to teach them the game!

There's something for everyone at the Golden Age Center.

    On July 8, we enjoyed a beautiful day on the water on the Miss Buffalo Cruise! 20 travelers enjoyed a great tour, a delicious lunch, and enjoyed time in downtown Buffalo. We enjoyed making new friends with members of the Lancaster Senior Center.

    Golden Age Center members took a Summer Stroll on the River Lea Trail in Beaver Island State Park. Paul Leuchner was kind enough to give us an eco-tour around the trail, the Bird Viewing Path, and the East River Marsh area. Mary Cooke joined us for the hike and gave us the history behind the River Lea & River Lea path. 10 friends enjoyed the stroll together in the 90 degree heat!

Nike Base Trails

   Enjoy Mother Nature and the beautiful summer days by walking the Nike Base Trails! These trails have been lovingly cleared & manicured by the Recreation Department for all to enjoy. Stop by and see all that’s new and happening on the Nike Base. (top photo)

Successful Gram's Garage Sale - June 2014

From left: Helen Vickers, Lorraine Mangin ran the baked goods sale.

Recreation attendents Liz Wilbert and Jen Menter.

Wilma Greenwood with new friend. - Photos by Mary Stewart

   The Golden Age Center held their annual Gram's Garage Sale on Saturday, May 21st at the center. Many vendors, a baked good sale, hot dogs and a chicken bbq were enjoyed by all.

Gram’s Garage Sale, Hot Dog, Bake Sale & Chicken BBQ - May 2014

   The Golden Age Center is having their annual "Gram's Garage Sale" on Saturday, May 21st from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. There will be a bake sale, hot dogs, pop and many tables to find treasures, along with open house tours from 11:00 a.m. - 12 noon. This will be followed by a Krolick Chicken Barbecue from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. See flyer for details.

Songwriter Carolyn Laskay - May 2014

Carolyn Laskay with her music. - Photos by Mary Stewart

   Golden Age Center member Carolyn Laskay came to Grand Island in 1957. She loved her new home and in 1991, decided to put down on paper her feelings for this island she now lived on. The song and lyrics she penned came to life on Wednesday night, April 27th, when she was honored by having her composition, "Our Grand Island", included in the Kaegebein School spring concert program. Carolyn's mother, Twila O'Malley, was also into music and started the Golden Age Center's chorale in the 1980's. The GAC held their potluck dinner the night of the concert and many members attended.

GAC Volunteer Luncheon - April 2016

Top row from left: Carole Joseph-Total Body Workout, Barb LaDuca-Book Club, Don Hamman-Choral, Lorraine Wilcox-Arthritic Chair Exercise, Carolyn Laskay-Choral.
Bottom row from left: Richard & Barb Brzyski-Line Dancing, Anna Vaccaro-Computer Club, Pam Akinbami-Tai Chi.

   The Golden Age Center recently held a special luncheon to honor the volunteers who give their time each week leading various volunteer activities at the center.

GAC Director Barbara Gannon Celebrates 15th Anniversary - April 2016

Barbara Gannon.

    A picture is worth a thousand words...join us in celebrating such a WONDERFUL milestone with our Director, Barbara Gannon, at the Golden Age Center. Barbara, pictured here, celebrated her 15th Anniversary as Director of the Golden Age Center. Barbara was presented this plate of cookies, specially made by our former Town Supervisor Mary Cooke, to help her celebrate this milestone anniversary. Members of the Golden Age Center enjoyed these cookies with ice cream with Barbara. Congratulations, Barbara! Thank you for your continued service that you give to the Grand Island community!

GAC Celebrates Easter Holiday - March 2016


Photos by Mary Stewart

   The Golden Age Center celebrated Good Friday and the Easter holiday on Friday, March 25th by dressing up in Easter bonnets and participating in a Easter Egg Hunt before sitting down to brunch.

University Express Golden Age Center Programs - March 2016

   The Grand Island Golden Age Center is participating in the University Express, a program on current affiars, history, science, the arts, wellness and more. The programs are given by retired and senior volunteers. The classes for the Spring semester that will be held at the Golden Age Center are:
The 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's Disease - Friday, April 8th at 10:00 a.m.
Embracing Elderhood: Creating a Plan for Aging - Tuesday, April 12th at 1:00 p.m.
What Does An Executor Do? - Thursday, April 14th at 12:30 p.m.
Alice in Wonderland, presentation by Island resident June Justice Crawford - Friday, April 15th at 10:00 a.m.
1946 Montreal: Home to Two of the World's Greatest Sports Hero's - Friday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m.
Hard Times In Western New York - 1812-1844 - Thursday, June 2nd at 10:00 a.m.
Buffalo's Grain Elevators - Thursday, June 9th at 1:00 p.m.
The Evolution of French Fashion - Friday, June 10th at 10:00 a.m.
Active Weather in WNY - Thursday, June 14th at 1:00 p.m.
Register by calling 773-9682. Full Spring Schedule.

GAC Celebrates St. Patty's Day - March 2016


Photos by Mary Stewart

   The Golden Age Center celebrated St. Patrick's Day on Thursday, March 17th by dressing up in festive attire and enjoying a corned beef and cabbage lunch.

Sweetheart Luncheon - February 2016

Richard & Barbara Brzyski - 53 years

Bob & Judy Reynolds, 35+

Brenda & John Cassoni - 39 years

Ray & Sue Whitbeck - 62 years
Mary Stewart Photos

   The Golden Age Center Sweetheart Luncheon celebrated some long married couples on Thursday, February 11th.

GAC Valentine's Day Party - February 2016

   The Golden Age Center Valentine's Day party and Sweethearts luncheon was held on Thursday, February 11th. NYS Senator Marc Panepinto and some of his staff helped serve lunch. The Sweethearts Luncheon celebrates Golden Age members that have been married 50 years or more. There were 7 couples, married 50 to 68 years participating. Music by Lyle Stang completed the luncheon with singing and dancing.

GAC Fat Tuesday Party - February 2016

Mary Stewart photos.

   The Golden Age Center at the Nike Base celebrated Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras on Tuesday, February 9th. The center provided masks and feathers for everyone to decorate and followed with a lunch of shrimp & chicken jambalaya.

GAC Installation of Officers - January 2016

Officers for 2016 are standing: Martha Muller - secretary.
Seated - Mary McClive, vice president; Kathy Lechner, president and Brenda Cassoni, treasurer. Missing is Linda Clark, sergeant at arms.
Mary Stewart Photo.

    The Grand Island Golden Age Club installation of officers was held at the clubs's Christmas party in December.

GAC Seniors Stuffing Tax Bills - January 2016

From left, seated: Deb Mondoux, Martha Muller and Caroline Ungaro.
From left, standing: Gloria Diringer, Dorothy Lew, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Pat Ehinger and Bernie Callahan

    This is the 12th year a group of seniors from the Golden Age Center have stuffed tax bills for the Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel. It used to be called the "Hank annd Nonny Crew" after the husband and wife team of Hank & Nonny Carroll, who started the tradition. Sadly, Hank passed away last summer and Nonny was unable to attend. The seniors spend the day stuffing envelopes and get treated for lunch. They also come back in the fall to take care of the school tax bills.

GAC Thanksgiving Party - December 2015

Top Two photos: GAC members enjoy luncheon.
Bottom: Sen. Marc Panepinto Aides. Mary Stewart photos.

   The Golden Age Center celebrated Thanksgiving on November 19th by hosting a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. NYS Senator Marc Panepinto provided office aides to help serve the hungry folks.

GAC Halloween Party - November 2015

Mary Stewart photos.

   The Golden Age Center had their Halloween Spooktacular on Friday, October 30th at the center. Members were asked to dress up and enjoy Halloween activities and music before lunch which was Ghoulash!

GAC Holiday Happenings - October 2015


Mary Stewart photos.

   The Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings took place on Saturday, October 10th at the Nike Base Senior Center. Many attendees enjoyed the bake sale, lunch and crafts available for purchase. A basket raffle raised over $1000 for the center.

Health, Wellness & Trade Fair -September 2015

   The GAC is hosting a Health, Wellness & Trade Fair on Friday, September 25th from 9am- 11am.
Participants: Grand Island Memorial Library (library/classes/volunteer services/programs), Grand Island CERT Team (safety in community & emergency preparedness services) , DeGraff Adult Day Care People Inc. (Senior Companion Program & Other Programs), Venture Forthe (Personal homecare services), Key Bank, Soma Cura (Yoga/healthy living/massage services), UNYTS (organ donation & blood donation), Walgreens (pharmacists to do blood pressure checks & to answer q's about medicines, vitamins, etc.), Elderwood Residences at Wheatfield (Rehab, Asst. Living, Nursing Home, Transportation), Grand Island Chiropractic (Massage therapy, nutrition, chiropractic), MOG (Medically Oriented Gym) Neighbors' Foundation,Bankers Life (retirement & insurance solutions), Weinburg Campus (health care facility (dementia & etc.), Schofield Residence (adult day care, skilled nursing, etc.) , Grand Island Family Practice.

GAC Holiday Happenings -September 2015

   The Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Road. There will be craft vendors, a bake sale, basket raffle, chili, chicken noodle soup & roast beef sandwich lunch sale and flu shots will be available from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. See Flyer.

Past President's Luncheon - September 2015

From left, seated; Joan Raab, Gloria Diringer, Evelyn Lewis, standing; Dorothy Lew and Nonnie Carroll. Missing from photo; John Roberts, Lorraine Mangen and Kathy Lechner.
Mary Stewart Photo

   The Golden Age Club held its Past President's Luncheon on Wednesday, September 16th. The event honors past presidents for their dedication and contributions that have helped make the Golden Age Center a special place for Grand Island residents over 50 years of age. Current president is Gloria Diringer.

GAC Intergenerational Lunch & Game Day - August 2015

   The Golden Age Center hosted an "Intergenerational Lunch" at the center on Tuesday, August 11th. Members were invited to invite their children and grandchildren for face painting, games, a taco salad lunch and make your own sundae bar for dessert. Lunch was followed by BINGO Bonanza.

GAC Pound Auction - July 2015

   The Pound Auction will take place at the Golden Age Center after the Birthday Lunch on Wednesday, August 5th. The Pound Auction is a fundraising auction of 1 lb. of a item that is placed in a paper bag, and interested parties bid on these bags. The highest bidder gets the item, and the surprise of what they have purchased at 1 lb. of weight! Some of the funny things that have been put in this bag has been: 1 lb. of bananas, 1 lb. of feathers, 1 lb. of nails, etc.! They are looking for donations of 1 lb. items too. It’s fun and it gets a LOT of laughs.

Golden Age Club Holiday Happenings Wish List - July 2015

Holiday Happenings - Saturday, October 10, 2015
This event is our major fundraising project for the Club. Our wish list is as follows:
Ready-made baskets for the basket raffle
Items that can be used to make up baskets
Gift Cards OR Gift Certificates for raffle
Monetary donations to be used to purchase items for basket and gift card raffles
These items can be brought in or sent to the Golden Age Center, labeled for "Holiday Happenings".
Thanking you in advance for any support you can give to help make this event a HUGE success!
Gloria J. Diringer, President - Grand Island Golden Age Club

Senior Volunteers Stuff Tax Bills - January 2015

Top Row: Pat Ehinger, Martha Muller, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Gloria Diringer & Chris Bihler.
Bottom Row: Lorraine Mangin, Caroline Ungaro, Kathy Lechner & Dorothy Lew.

   The "Hank & Nonny Crew" were hard at work on Tuesday, January 6th stuffing town and county tax bills, which they have done for 11 years. Sadly, their fearless leaders, Hank and Nonny Carroll, were unable to attend for the first time as they were under the weather. Twice a year, a group from the Golden Age Center saves the town money by stuffing thousands of bills for town & county and school taxes.

Golden Age Center Christmas Party - December 2014

Mary Stewart Photo

   The Golden Age Club held it's annual Christmas luncheon and installation of officers on Thursday, December 18th. There was a gift exchange for those who wished to participate, a visit by Santa and a delicious lunch enjoyed by all. Supervisor Mary Cooke did the honors of swearing in the new officers for the coming year. Those sworn in were Martha Muller, secretary, Lorraine Mangan, vice president, John Duchnik, treasureer and Gloria Diringer as president.

Grandparent & Grandkid Day of Fun - December 2014

The Recreation Department and the Golden Age Center are teaming up to put together a Grandparent & Grandkid day of fun on Tuesday, December 30th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Golden Age Center. For $7 per person, grandparents and grandchildren together will make a craft, play games, make their own special homemade pizza for lunch, and watch a movie together. See flyer for details. Space limited, reservations needed.

See What's Happening at the GAC - October 2014

October Happenings at the GAC, See article.

Golden Age Center Health Fair - October 2014

The Golden Age Center is hosting a Health Fair with Elderwood at Grand Island on Thursday, October 23rd at the Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Venders will include: M & T Bank, Walgreens, Key Bank, Rite Aid, Island Prescription Center, Weinburg Campus, Quest Diagnostics, Grand Island Chiropractic, ADT, United Health Care. Each vendor will have a basket or prize that attendees have a chance to win. See flyer.

Holiday Happenings at the GAC - October 2014

Mary Stewart Photos

The Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings on Saturday, October 4th at the Nike Base was a well attended event. Many customers were on hand to buy the craft items and baked goods made by the members. There was also a basket raffle and hot dog sale.

Holiday Happenings at the GAC - October 2014

The Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings is on Saturday, October 4th at the Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Road. It will be from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and feature craft items, basket raffle, hot dog sale and baked good sale. See flyer.

See What's Happening at the GAC - September 2014

'So Long Summer Hors D'Oeuvres Party & Birthday Lunch'

   New Recreation Attendant Jennifer Wudyka has sent in a nice article of some of the happenings at the Golden Age Center from the month of September. Open the page and see photos and write-ups from the 'So Long Summer Hors D'Oeuvres Party & Birthday Lunch', a well attended trip to East Aurora, special Past Presidents' Luncheon, and Tall Hat Day & Super Bingo. See article.
   Save the Date: Holiday Happenings is on Saturday, October 4th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - See flyer.

Welcome Jennifer Wudyka - September 2014

From left: GAC Director Barbara Gannon and Jennifer Wudyka

   There is a new addition, besides the new van, at the Golden Age Center at the Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Road. Recreation Attendant Jennifer Wudyka has joined the staff and is very excited to be there. Jennifer has a varied background working with people of all ages. She taught French at St. Andrew’s Country Day School in Kenmore for over 7 years and worked as Service Club Advisor, Mission Coordinator and Talent Show Co-Director for the school. She also has 14 years experience working for the Town of Tonawanda Youth, Parks & Recreation Department in various capacities. Most recently she spent three years with Hospice Buffalo as part of their Special Events & Fundraising team. Jennifer said she is "very excited to now be working for the Town of Grand Island Golden Age Center, and feel that all my experiences will help me greatly in working with senior citizens and working for the Golden Age Center."

New Van for Golden Age Center - September 2014

From left: Town Councilman Gary Roesch, Golden Age Center Director Barbara Gannon, Legislator Kevin Hardwick, Supervisor Mary Cooke and Main Mobility owner Tom Lorentz.

   The Golden Age Center received a Community Block Grant with help from Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick which was used to purchase a 8 passenger, fire engine red van. The van was delivered by Main Mobility owners Don & Tom Lorentz on Tuesday, September 2nd, which also happened to be Center Director Barbara Gannon's birthday!
   Tthe funding was included in the 2014 Erie County Consortium 2014 Community Development Block Grant, and $55,000 was allocated for the Town of Grand Island, Senior Van Acquisition. This was one of nine projects. Legislator Kevin Hardwick, along with the Legislature, approved the item earlier this year. The selected projects are targeted toward a variety of municipal building improvements, public infrastructure, and park improvements which primarily benefit low- and moderate-income residents.
    The projects were recommended for funding by a 15-member Selection Committee, including 12 Supervisors and Mayors from Consortium communities and three members of the Erie County Department of Environment & Planning. The Committee reviewed a total of 37 projects seeking $2,789,151 in federal assistance.

GAC 55th Anniversary Open House - June 2014

Lorraine Mangin, Chris Bihler and Nonnie Carroll show off some of the hand knit items for sale at the center.

Past President/Directors - Standing - Lorraine Mangin {present president}, Gloria Diringer and Nonnie Carroll
Seated - Dorothy Lew and Joan Raab

Past President Kathy Lechner, Debbie Mondoux - recreation and scheduling, Director Barbara Gannon

The Tai Chi group presents their program. - Mary Stewart Photos

   The Grand Island Golden Age Center had an open house to celebrate its 55th anniversary this past Saturday, June 1st. It was a chance for those who don't normally come to the center to get an idea of what the center has to offer. A presentation by the Tai Chi class, which is directed by Pat Akinbami, was enjoyed by those who attended.

Golden Age Center 55th Anniversary Open House - May 2014

   The Golden Age Center is celebrating its 55th anniversary at an Open House on Sunday, June 1st from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., 3278 Whitehaven Road. There will be facility tours and refreshments.

Gram’s Garage Sale, Hot Dog & Bake Sale - May 2014

   The Golden Age Center is having their annual "Gram's Garage Sale" on Saturday, May 17th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Nike Base park, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. There will be a bake sale, hot dogs, pop and many tables to find treasures. The Center is also looking for donations for their annual major fundraising project, "Holiday Happenings". Donations are accepted throughout the year for the event. On the wish list is, ready made baskets for raffle, items for raffle baskets, gift cards and certificates and monetary donations to purchase items for baskets. Items may be brought to the center between now and the event scheduled for October 4, 2014. Rain or shine.

Thanksgiving Dinner - November 2013


Right: Lorraine Mangin and Hazel Rowe
Mary Stewart Photos - Click photos for larger view.

   The Golden Age Club annual Thanksgiving dinner and nomination of officers was held on Thursday, November 21st at the senior center. There were 111 seniors gathered to enjoy traditional turkey with all the trimmings and Supervisor Mary Cooke gave a brief talk on upcoming events.

Holiday Happenings Photos - October 2013


Mary Stewart Photos - Click photos for larger view.

   The Golden Age Club Holiday Happenings took place on Saturday, October 19th at the center. The dining room was so full of crafters that a second room had to be utilized. Baked goods, a basket raffle and hot dogs on the grill were available.

Gram’s Garage Sale, Hot Dog & Bake Sale - May 2013

   The Golden Age Center is having their annual "Gram's Garage Sale" on Saturday, May 18th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Nike Base park, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. There will be many tables with much accumulation from attics & basements, baked good sale & a hot dog sale. Rain or shine.

Holiday Happenings Photos - October 2012

From left: Pat Cruikshank and Mary Walczak

From left: Martha Muller, Chris Bihler, Lorraine Mangin
Mary Stewart Photos - Click photos for larger view.

Golden Age Club's Annual Holiday Happenings Set For Oct. 20, 2012

   The Grand Island Golden Age Club's annual Holiday Happenings will be held at the Golden Age Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, October 20, 2012. Featured will be craft items, baked good sale, basket raffle, and money raffle. Also hot dogs on the grill. Support your local seniors.

Gram’s Garage, Hot Dog & Bake Sale - 2012

   The Grand Island Golden Age Club's annual Gram’s Garage, Hot Dog & Bake Sale is being held Saturday, May 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island, NY.