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Golden Age Center Webpage - 2010

3278 Whitehaven Road

Golden Age Center News 2005
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Holiday Happenings - Oct. 2011

The Golden Age Club will host its Holiday Happenings Sunday, October 23 at The Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Road, (Nike Base) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch items will be on sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Crafters will have their wares for sale, and a money tree will be raffled.

Gram’s Garage, Hot Dog & Bake Sale - June 2011

Nike Base 3278 Whitehaven Rd. Grand Island, New York
Saturday, July 4th - 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. NO EARLY BIRDS

Golden Age Club's Holiday Happenings - October 2010

The Grand Island Golden Age Club presents Holiday Happenings from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, October 24th in the Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Road. Lunch items will be available as well as crafts, baked goods and much more. This is the Club's big fund raiser of the year.

Golden Age Club Holds Successful 50th Anniversary Celebration - May 2010

(left) Don Hamman entertained with his organ playing - (right) Martha Mueller and Chris Bihler cut the "anniversary cake"

(left) Golden Age Center's director, Barbara Gannon and past director, Dorothy Roswell who gave 26 years of service to the center - (right) Past presidents Gloria Diringer and Dorothy Lew

John Duchnik was one of the lucky basket raffle winners.
Mary Stewart Photos - Click for larger view
   An open house and cake cutting was held Sunday, May 23rd at the Golden Age Center to celebrate its 50th year anniversary. Pictures from past years, shown on a big screen TV, was a special treat especially to those who have been members of the center for many years. A basket raffle was held with donations made by several area merchants. Organ music was provided by Don Hamman.
   Elected official in attendance were Senator Antoine M. Thompson, Legislator Kevin R. Hardwick, Supervisor Peter McMahon, Councilwoman Mary Cooke.
    An enjoyable time was had by all who attended.
See President Kathy Lechner - Letter of Appreciation

Golden Age Club Celebrates 50 Years - May 2010

Click photo for larger view
   The history of the Senior Citizens Clubs began with The Rose Institute in Cleveland, Ohio. With the cooperation of other agencies a program was launched to develop clubs through other communities in that area. Soon the movement mushroomed throughout the U. S., demonstrating a need for seniors to collaborate on relevant issues to enhance the later part of their lives. The Grand Island Golden Age Club was organized in December 1959. Mrs. Eileen Coulter in conjunction with the Recreation Commission Chairman, Ann Goodman, recruited help from Dorothy Bascomb, an Island resident and Alice Moordian, who was from the Niagara Falls Chapter. Their first meeting was held with 26 people in attendance. The meetings were sponsored by the Rotary Club in the Sidway School and eventually at various sites throughout Grand Island. The Knights of Columbus Hall was home for the club from 1961-1974. Still without a site they could call home, the members launched a search for a permanent location where they could expand their meetings and services. When the Whitehaven Road Nike Base building became available the seniors sent in a request to take over the site to be used as their permanent Club headquarters.
    When they received approval, a committee was established and By-laws were written. These by-laws are still followed today. Programs and other events were suggested and eventually organized for the seniors on Grand Island. A newsletter was developed to inform the public of the functions and upcoming events of the Senior Center. Without a name for the publication a contest was held for the most suitable title; “The Golden Voice” was entered by Josephine Liable. Josephine was the winner and the newsletter has been published monthly since that time.
    Eileen Coulter was the first director in 1960. When she moved from Grand Island, Dorothy Bascomb replaced her until 1962. In December of ’62 Gladys Smith took over until her retirement in 1978. During her reign a hot luncheon program was established. The charge then for lunch was 70 cents considering we now charge $2.00. "Inflation hasn’t affected the Center as much as other parts of our daily lives," a spokesman for the Club said.
    Dorothy Rowswell became the Golden Age Club director in 1978. She established a daily schedule of programs and events reaching a wide range of enthusiasms. She encouraged seniors to attend center activities and meet new people. This started a new beginning for widow and widowers, who previously sat at home becoming lonely and depressed. Word of mouth spread the news and more people wanted to join in the fun. Program expansion came with the development of a Senior Citizens Transportation program, bringing people to the Center and to doctor appointments, shopping, and banking. In 2001 Barbara Gannon took the reins and continues today as director of the Club. Club members are proud of their accomplishments at the Center and wish to encourage others to join.
    Membership is open to all Island residents “who will admit to being 50 or over.” Everyone should take a little time to join the Golden Agers at their 50th Anniversary Open House on Sunday, May 23rd, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. There is no fee to attend and those attending will be given a chance to win a free door prize, with a drawing every half hour. There will be plenty of people to greet you and show you around. There will be demonstrations of line dancing, tai chi and music. You will be given a chance to buy tickets for a basket raffle. Punch and cookies will be served all day and a cake cutting ceremony at 3 p.m. COME JOIN OUR FUN!!!!

Golden Age Club's Gram’s Garage Sale - May 2010

The Golden Age Club's Gram’s Garage Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 15 at the Center, 3278 Whitehaven Rd. (Nike Base) and will feature hot dogs and a bake goods sale.