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Golden Age Center Webpage

3278 Whitehaven Road

Previous Golden Age Center News

A mask box is located outside the GAC and replenished daily.
Please call (716) 773-9682 from 8am – 4pm Monday – Friday, to answer your questions and provide assistance during the COVID-19 crisis.
Mask Distribution Info.

Other resource numbers to call: 211 for assistance and questions, 858-8526 for Erie County Senior Services. Erie County Senior Services wants you to stay safe and healthy! We know it can be tough to stay home but here's some things that can keep you busy and stimulated. Combat Social Isolation.

Town of Grand Island Website
To E-mail the Golden Age Center
Membership Application
Meals on Wheels Application
Donation Opportunities

December Newsletter
December Lunch Menu
Tips For Tough Conversations
Community Respite Programs
A Matter of Balance
Mask Distribution Info.
Zumba Wednesday
Adult Zumba - Fridays
Adult Zumba - Tuesdays
Yellow Dot Program    Golden Guide

Golden Age Center Holiday Bake Sale - December 2022

Mary Stewart Photos

   Holiday Bake Sale at the Golden Age Center was held on December 16th. Cookie boxes were sold, $10-dozen & $20-2 dozen.

Golden Age Center Festival of Trees Entry - December 2022

   The Grand Island Golden Age Center has entered a decorated tree to the 45th year of the Festival of Trees. This annual fundraiser benefits the John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital. The center participated as a group in 2019; this year they were able to return to the showcase. The theme chosen was Country Christmas and as you can see in the photo, most everything on the tree was handmade; including the lap quilts done by the sewing and quilting clubs at the center being used as tree skirts for the purchaser of the tree. If you would like to attend this event, Family Day is Sunday, December 4th at the Buffalo Convention Center.

Golden Age Center Halloween Decorating - October 2022


Photos by Mary Stewart

    Members of the Golden Age Center recently decorated the center for upcoming Halloween events. On Wednesday, October 26th, Batty Bites & Bingo takes place with a catered dinner and Bingo! On Monday, Halloween, a Monster Bash is scheduled that will include costumes, lunch, scavenger hunt, pumpkin decorating, mystery boxes and more Bingo.

Golden Age Center Holiday Happenings - October 2022


Photos by Mary Stewart

    Holiday Happenings at the Golden Age Center took place on Saturday, October 22nd. Many crafty members sold their wares at the well attended event.

Golden Age Center Pop-Up Pantry Give A Way - September 2022

From left: Diane Garey, Angelina Anzalone and GAC Supervisor Jen Menter.
Article and photo by Mary Stewart

    Our community has always been ready to help our seniors and others who need assistance with obtaining food and other household items. On August 31st, the Golden Age Club Hearts and Hands and the Neighbors Foundation joined together with a Pop-up Pantry give away. While our Golden Age Club provided food and some other basic needs, Angelina Anzalone, resource development director from Hearts and Hands and Diane Garey from our Neighbors Foundation offered support and were ready to answer any questions those who attended may have had. The project was successful and helped a lot of Grand Islanders.

Golden Age Center Pop-Up Pantry Give A Way - August 2022

    Wednesday, August 31st from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the GAC Dining Room. Seniors Helping Seniors event offers 5 food items and 3 hygiene items to the community. See FLYER. The GAC is also accepting donations of non-perishables and all size hygiene products.

Gram's Garage Sale Photos - August 2022

Mary Stewart Photos.

    There were lots of items available at this years Gram's Garage Sale held at the Golden Age Center on Saturday, August 13th. There was something for everyone plus home made baked goods to satisfy anyone's sweet tooth. Thank to all those who supported this yearly event.

GAC Birthday Lunch Honors Lee Tetkowski - May 2022

Lee Tetkowski.
Mary Stewart Photo.

    This past Wednesday was set aside to honor those having birthdays in May with a special "birthday lunch". One of those celebrating was Lee Tetkowski who turns 99 years young on May 26th. She was surprised with one of the lunch tables set aside just for her plus a birthday cake adorned with candles saying "99". Happy birthday Lee!

Golden Age Club Artisan Show - May 2022

Golden Age Center quilting and sewing club.

Paintings by Jean MacDonald.

Oil & water colors by Peggy Basher.

Paintings by Thom A. Insana.

Photography by Bob Vaccaro.
Mary Stewart Photos.

    The Grand Island Golden Age Club held an artisan show on Wednesday, May 4th in honor of Older Americans Month. Many diverse forms of art by the club members were on display. The Albright Knox Art Gallery truck was also on site, open for all to enjoy.

Golden Age Center Artisan Show - May 2022

   Golden Age Center Artisan Show will take place on Wednesday, May 4th from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the center, 3278 Whitehaven Road. This will be an exhibition of members' talents through works of art. The Albright-Knox Art Truck will be on location from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. and their will be culinary art offerings from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. FLYER.

Mitten Recognition Luncheon - March 2022

From left standing: Don Lewis, Joanne Carcione, Jeri Benzing, Don Hamman, Elaine Miller and Jan Zaborowski.
Seated: Iris Galeza, Evelyn Lewis, Cathy Mancuso, Jam Yardley, Sue Bognar and Anna Vaccaro.
Mary Stewart Photo.

    The Golden Age Club recognized members who used their talents of crocheting, looming and knitting to help those in need. There are forty organizations, including City Mission, who benefit from this outreach. There was a total of 258 hats, 153 scarves, 153 mittens, 118 head bands, 68 pairs of socks, 7 hat and scarf sets and 6 lap blankets.

Afternoon of Games! - March 2022

   Wednesday in March, beginning at 1:00pm - Afternoon of Games!
Did you know that we have some great games inside and outside (weather pending) in the Community Center for all to enjoy? Come and play with us! Enjoy an afternoon of foosball, air hockey, shuffleboard, basketball, ping pong, and other games with us, held by the Recreation Department and the Golden Age Center. Join us for an afternoon of fun! Call us at (716) 773-9682 to register to be a part of this great opportunity.

Valentine's Day at the GAC

    The Golden Age Center celebrated Valentine's Day on Monday, February 14th with a Sweethearts' Luncheon.
Sweethearts’ Luncheon Members married 40 years or longer, who have participated in programs at the senior center were guests, free of charge, for this special lunch. Mary Stewart Photos.

Chuck and Ann Tobe - married 55 years

Bob and Anna Vaccaro - married 45

Joe and Geri Kowalski - married 56 years

Lucy and Chuck DeLavalle. married 30 years

Tom and Michele Drabiik married 37 year

Don and Evelyn Lewis - married 60 years

Bob and Joy Mesmer - married 49 years

Dave and Ann Rogers - married 56 years

Ray and Sue Whitbeck - married 68 years

Bob and Lynn Henschel - married 46 years

Frank and Jo-Ann Greico - married 35 years

Mike and Ann Rossiter married 45 years

   Not pictured: Dick & Barbara Brzyski (50); Buddy & Linda Black (59); John & Brenda Cassoni (40); Jim & Carolyn Huffman (56); John & Linda Harbinger (60); Jerry & Yvonne Turri (46); Phil & Jean Bousquet (40).

Mask Distribution at GAC

    The Golden Age Center has disposable masks or KN95 masks available, limit two per person. Nike Base, 3278 Whitehaven Road, call 773-9682 for information.