3278 Whitehaven Road
Previous Golden Age Center News
A mask box is located outside the GAC and replenished daily.
Please call (716) 773-9682 from 8am – 4pm Monday – Friday, to answer your questions and provide assistance during the COVID-19 crisis.
Mask Distribution Info.
Other resource numbers to call: 211 for assistance and questions, 858-8526 for Erie County Senior Services. Erie County Senior Services wants you to stay safe and healthy! We know it can be tough to stay home but here's some things that can keep you busy and stimulated. Combat Social Isolation.
Town of Grand Island Website
To E-mail the Golden Age Center
Membership Application
Meals on Wheels Application
Donation Opportunities
December Newsletter
December Lunch Menu
Holiday Concert - Saturday, Dec.7
Bake Sale - Friday, Dec.13
Matter of Balance
Choose Healthy WNY
Transportation Services
Virtual RN Medical Service
Dementia Caregiver Support
Alzheimer's Awareness Seminar
Community Respite Programs
Mask Distribution Info.
Zumba Wednesday
Adult Zumba - Fridays
Adult Zumba - Tuesdays
Yellow Dot Program
Golden Guide
Bags of Cheer for Friends of the Night People - November 2023

Mary Stewart Photos.
Members of the Golden Age Club gave their time this past Monday, November 13th to make up snack bags and toiletry bags for the participants in the program at "Friends of Night People". This yearly project is one of the ways the club helps others off the island. Students from the middle school helped by decorating the bags.
Holiday Happenings Photos - October 2023

Mary Stewart Photos.
The Golden Age Center hosted "Holiday Happenings" on Saturday, October 21st.
A wide variety of craft items making ideal Christmas gifts, were on sale at this year's event. There was also a bake sale, blanket raffle, 50-50 raffle, 100 + basket and gift card raffle plus lunch. The weather may not have co-operated but but that didn't stop craft lovers from coming.
Shakespeare in the Park at Nike Base - August 2023

Mary Stewart Photos.
The Golden Age Center hosted "Shakespeare in the Park" on Wednesday, July 26th, at the Nike Base Park. There was a good crowd to enjoy this special event. However, the rain decided to come down during the performance causing it to be cut short. The presentation was enjoyed by all.
Past Presidents’ Luncheon - July 2023
Pictured - from left to right - Past presidents Anna Vaccaro, Nancy Tobe, Joy Mesmer (current), Lorraine Mangin, Kathy Lechner, Evelyn Lewis.
Mary Stewart Photo.
The Golden Age Center had their Past Presidents' Luncheon on Thursday, July 20th at the Golden Age Center dining hall.
Mary Stewart Photo.