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Grand Island High School News Web Page 2010
July - December

Grand Island High School Website

2010 News Page - JAN. - JUNE
2009 News Page

"GIHS Sports Schedules/Information"

Sandra Anzalone

Annual Tradition Continues! - Dec. 2010

Students with Mrs. Briganti, Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Chamberlain
Click photo for larger view

    The Grand Island High School DECA Club has been sorting food for the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation at Christmas time since the 1990's. Interact Advisor Laura Briganti began the tradition a few years ago with her students, and Mr. Robert Simpson and his Student Council students joined this year. According to DECA advisor Cheryl Chamberlain, "Bringing three service clubs together for the Grand Island community is wonderful!" In addition, donations filed in from the GIHS School Store - Casey's Corner, The Grand Island High School Dress Down Fund, and Student Council. Hank Kammerer from the Neighbors Foundation accepted the donations and was equally as happy for all of the assistance from the Grand Island High School students! The sorting was held at the Knights of Columbus on Tuesday, December 21st. 45 families were helped this year.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Dec. 23, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 12/23/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Dec. 16, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 12/16/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Dec. 9, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 12/9/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Girls Basketball Team Wins Memorial - Dec. 2010

12/5/10 Buffalo News Story

Viking Liam Dodd Hits Half Court Shot

WGRZ.com Story

Grand Island's Banker tops 1,000 points - Dec. 2010

12/3/10 Buffalo News Story

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Dec. 2, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 12/2/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Football Team Awards - Dec. 2010

Varsity Team Photo - Click photo for larger view

   The Grand Island Viking Football teams held their year-end banquet on Tuesday, Nov. 30th at Classics V. JV & Varsity team and league awards are listed below:
2010 Varsity Team Awards
Viking Award: Steve Vitello, Scott Rogers and Nick Kellner
Offensive Player of the Year: Tom Dzielski, Nick Kellner
Defensive Player of the Year: Ben Tomkins, Scott Rogers
Lineman of the Year: Zach Smith
Gene Masters Memorial Award: Ben Tomkins

All League Awards
1st Team: Nick Kellner(WR), Tom Dzielski(QB), Ben Tomkins(LB), Scott Rogers(DE)
2nd Team: Steve Vitello(TE), Pat Gallagher(RB), Eddie Krecisz(WR),
 Zach Smith(OL), Nate Benoit(K)
Honorable Mention: Glenn Skelly(LB), Nick Rossi(DT), Sam Oursler(DE),
 Chuck Grunzweig(DL)

League Awards
Cross Training Football Heart of a Champion Award: Liam Dodd
Connolly Cup Nominations: Tom Dzielski
Trench Trophy Nominations: Scott Rogers, NIck Rossi
Football Weekly All Area Team: Scott Rogers-2nd team lineman, 
 Nick Kellner-4th team wide receiver
Niagara Gazette All Area Team: Nick Kellner, Ben Tomkins, Tom Dzielski,
 Scott Rogers, Pat Gallagher, Nate Benoit

GIHS Girls Basketball Feature - Nov. 2010

11/29/10 Niagara Gazette Story by Ryan Nagelhout

GIHS Boys Basketball Feature - Nov. 2010

11/29/10 Niagara Gazette Story by Ryan Nagelhout

Grand Island High School Honor Roll - Nov. 2010

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the honor roll for the first quarter, 2010-2011 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Kali Aronica, Jacob Athoe, Samantha Bartolotta, Magdalyn Chauby, Sierra D’Ettorre, Nicholas DeMita, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Sarah Dollendorf, Jenell Duxbury, Abhiraj Grewal, Ashley Gugino, Amanda Jelonek, Zachary Jones, Kristina Kasprzycki, Emily Kernin, Justin lavis, Emma MacIntryre, Brentyn Mendel, Jenna Paternostro, Pamelia Slattery, Tara Stewart, Timothy Utz, Mitchell Weis
Grade 10 - Alexandra Bahgat, Rachel Bailey, Lydia Bernatovicz, Jessica Brownschidle, Brianna Gibney, Alexandra Griffin, Kourtney Hoppel, Mark Hughes, Manjinder Kaur, Bridget Kennedy, Mary Kneer, Stephanie LoTempio, Ellen Lutnick, Orendael Miller, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Rachael Ruszkowski, Marina Scerra, Javier Solis, Nicholas Soos, Joshua Tixier, Jodie White, Kimberly Yaeger, Christina Zytariuk
Grade 11 - Sonia Brar, Marshall Cancilla, Alexandra Corrao, Talia Fabiilli, Kaitlyn Gilbert, Jonathan Goc, Katlyn Holt, Samantha Kahn, Megan Karpie, Elizabeth Kowalik, Brendon Lutnick, Rebecca Masse’, Kallan McMillan, Nigel Michki, Joshua Miller, David Mohr, Dominic Morell, Ryan Proctor, Sarah Ramsperger, Rachel Ripellino, Kenneth Rogoza, Zachary Smith, Sarah Stanczyk, Taylor Sweet, Nathalie Winder
Grade 12 - Tyler Ciffa, Bethany Cinelli, Sara Diletti, Julie Hasselbeck, Emma Henderson, Ryan McCarthy, Ariana Mendel, Shannon Moody, Emily Pease, Evan Shaw, Sarah Stewart
Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Brian Ailinger, Natalie Argy, Marisa Atkinson, Robert Augugliaro, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Natalie Baldassarre, Sierra Besl, Alicia Bianco, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Kirsten Burtch, Liana Buscaglia, Bryce Callen, Amanda Cancilla, June Chadima, Qian Chen, David Cich, Aaron Cook, Brian Cooper, Quinton Corrao, Brian DeRubes, Frank DeRubes, Sean DeRubes, Thomas Doctor, Jensen Dorey, Heavyn Dreher, Alexandra Dzielski, Michael Dzielski, Elizabeth Figler, Kevin Freedman, Emma Garten, Joseph Gioeli, Emily Glose, Benjamin Goc, Bianca Gowanny, Anthony Grana, Andrew Grinchishin, Andrew Hannah, Vanessa Haynie, Alyssa Heitman, Ryan Held, Ciara Howley, Henry Huang, Madeline Jackson, Addison Joslyn, Alexa Kalinowski, Alyssa Karb, Julia Kelly, Mary Frances Koch, Stephanie Kowalak, Ashley Kroetsch, Lauren Kullerkupp, Kathryn Lamarco, Julianne Lavallee, John Lillian, Brittany Little, Elizabeth LoBrutto, Matthew Madigan, Vincent Malpica, Johnna Marinello, Justin McCarthy, Austin McCoy, Jacob McMahon, Elliott Michki, Wyatt Mock, Catherine Navagh, Anna Nicolia, James Osborn, Michael Paternostro, Maygan Payan, Zoann Pittman, Macey Porter, Alessandra Price, Dominic Prine, James Pufpaff, Zoe Reda, Marissa Ruffolo, Grace Scherrer, Kyle Schoener, Natalie Schultz, Derrick Schutrum, Jillian Sheehan, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Chelsea Sinicki, Tanner Speer, Lindsey Spiker, Jenna Stufkosky, Christopher Swagler, Brock Tetreault, Lillian von Reyn, Stephanie Voyzey, Christian Wallinder, Jadon Wegrzyn, Jackeline Wilson, Brigid Wilton, Brandon York, Matthew Zabaldo
Grade 10 - Corey Adamshick, Ciara Alcorn, Jennifer Amato, Jessica Amsdill, Paul Arida, Kevin Aronica, Conor Atkins, Shelby Bailes, Kassandra Bennett, Eli Brennan, Alexander Brink, Alexandra Brown, Allysa Bush, Sara Carlson, Megan Carroll, Sarah Chamberlain, Alyssa Cinelli, Alexis Cino, Alyssa Cino, Sam Clarke, Ashley Colan, Samuel Colao, Courtney Collignon, Christopher Connors, Lauren Cook, Jane Cooke, Annaliese Corrao, Courtney Czajka, Jenna DelSignore, Jacob Dixon, Zoe Dodd, Laura Dolan, Mark Dryfhout, Nicholas Egloff, Katarina Eichel, Keelan Erhard, Sarah Ernst, Brittany Faulise, Meghan Federico, Shannon Gallagher, Madeleine Goc, Rebecca Green, Kristen Greinert, Leah Harris, Adam Heftka, Jessica Hiser, Anthony Huff, Tyler Jackman, Jacqueline Johnston, Hayley Keane, Zaineb Khawar, Shannon Kieffer, Stephanie Knight, Christopher Komin, Daniel Konopski, Grace Kulikowski, Christian Lamarco, Evan Leffler, Mandy Liesenfeld, Jessica LoBrutto, Alexandria London, Collin McMahon, Robert Meer, Taylor Moran, Kimberlee Moss, Gurwinder Nijjar, Maggie Nobumoto, Matthew Osinski, Cassandra Oursler, Samantha Pangborn, Michelina Pariso, Marisa Phillips, Kyle Pletcher, Benjamin Purrington, Alyssa Quarantello, Zachary Re, Christina Richard, Dominica Roberts, Kelly Ruminski, James Rustowicz, Kevin Salonek, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Scheuing, Ashley Serianni, Christopher Serra, Lauren Shepard, Adam Stanczyk, Emily Steinbrenner, Jacob Sweeney, Codie Thomas, Lillian Thompson, Ashley Tillett, Joshua Ungaro, Gregory VanNorman, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Megan Wendt, Adam Wilk, Nicholas Winger, Andrew Yarnes, Elenor Zaccaria
Grade 11 - Reem Abdellatif, Gabrielle Ailinger, Laura Amantia, Makallie Banker, Matthew Beauchamp, Korey Bennett, Katelyn Benns, Alexandria Black, Amanda Blanton, James Bobak, Conner Bolles, Shannon Boreali, Diana Boulden, Sarah Brady, Christopher Brownschidle, Thomas Butcher, Justin Canazzi, Amber Carpenter, Alanna Cedrone, Jesse Ciffa, Silvana D’Ettorre, Emily Dauphin, Jordan Davis, Maggie DeMarco, Allison Donahue, Sydney Dudish, Rebekah Evans, Donald Failing, Matthew Foote, Brent Fred, Alyssa Fuoco, Matthew Gannon, Rebecca Gasiorek, Ashley Gorman, Olivia Graziano, Deanna Green, Anmol Grewal, Marissa Haley, Ryan Hughes, Mary Irving, Casey Jelonek, Korey Kostek, Nathan Kulak, Jodi Lee, Kelsie Loos, Kaitlyn Lozo, Mark Lydle, Michael Malaney, Madelyne Mankowski, Shannon McNaughton, Mia Michael, Ryan Miller,, Kailah Moss, Hallie Nowak, Alexis Pearce, Kristen Percival, Danyelle Redmond, Matthew Robinson, Nicolette Scerra, Alexandra Seibert, Gagandeep Singh, Emily Sommer, Jessica Spencer, Harrison Thompson, Kathryn Turner, Jessica Ungaro, Jonathan Voyzey, Rachel Watt, Laurice Wilbert, Sarah Williams, Alicia Zartman
Grade 12 - Danya Abdellatif, Karl Albrecht, Samira Amin, Matthew Arida, Robert Arsenault, Dale Baran, Shannon Becker, Taylor Bedford, Scott Bennett, Alexandria Bleich, Nicholas Bruno, Justine Call, Jenna Cardone, Brianna Catanzaro, Brooke Chamberlain, Andrew Cleveland, Nicholas Colao, Kevin Colman, Aden Cook, Nicolette Corrao, Samuel Cummings, Andrew Dale, Alexandra DeMita, Kaleigh Deuser, Robert Dickinson, Liam Dodd, Thomas Dzielski, Chelsea Fairbairn, Geoff Federspiel, Anna Ferrante, Korin Frantz, Carmela Gentile, Christian Gibson, Vincent Golda, Rebecca Hammett, Lucas Hazelet, Amanda Heftka, Angelina Howe, Ava Jackson, Ryan Jackson, Emily Jones, Matthew Killian, Taylor Kozlowski, Justin Lee, Kelly Lorence, Jaime Magaris, Nicholas Masiello, Sariyya Melikova, Shelbi Milkas, Kevin Neary, Jessica Osvath, Michael Paasch, Jack Pilie, Michael Pless, Jenna Raepple, Jeremy Rockwood, Paige Rockwood, Chelsea Rupert, Kathleen Rustowicz, Miranda Santa Lucia, Rachel Schauger, Laura Schirling, Amy Schooping, Michael Seaman, Nicholas Sexton, Michael Sharon, Christopher Shemik, Benjamin Sherman, Tara Sozio, Catherine Sponn, Allison Stewart, Rebecca Sturniolo, Amanda Sutter, Megan Tates, Eugenia Taylor, Benjamin Tomkins, Sara Victor, Stephan Vitello, Danielle Wegrzyn, Courtney Weiser, Nils Wernecke, Alyssa Yaeger, Jessica Yarnes, Megan Young, Melissa Zytariuk

Grand Island High School Merit Roll - Nov. 2010

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the merit roll for the first quarter, 2010-2011 school year:
Grade 9 - Rana Abdelal, Michele Aronica, Alexander Baker, Keegan Belstadt, Grace Bolton, Jon Busch, Jason Cichon, Hannah Corrao, Thomas Corrao, Ashley Dragonette, Kai Ellsworth, Elijah Fields, Cassie Gilcart, Alex Gormady, Jack Gorman, Patrick Hall, Joseph Halpin, Kara Hazelet, Nicholas Hernandez-Rojas, April Hippert, Steven Howard, Amber Internicola, Kurtis Johnson, Shamus Johnson, Kristin Kalman, Alexander Kelly, Amanda Kinmartin, Kyle Krueger, Alexander Lenz, William Madigan, Benjamin Morrish, Brooklyn Morton, Gregory Nicolia, Anna Niland, Yiannis Papavramidis, Shawn Passero, Dominique Perri, Nicholas Pino, Angela Pozantides, Shannon Robillard, Kaitlyn Rose, Ryan Ross, Maren Russell, Alyssa Schmitt, Jeremy Smith, Kristen Stark, Brandon Stevenson, Jacob Stromberg, Paul Sukmanowski, Raymond Tafelski, Emily Valint, Victoria VanNorman, Mia Villani, Ashley Weiser, Amanda Weselak, Zoe Wilson, Madalyn Wright, Ashley Zartmen
Grade 10 - Ammany Abdellatif, Brittney Banks, Daniel Blocho, Dakota Bower, Zachary Burns, Tiffany Carlson, Meghan Carpenter, Ronald Clark, Daniel Conrad, Cody Csendom, Adam Cummings, Aurora Dee, William Diefenbach, Aubrie DiTullio, Jamie Dobson, Timothy Doermer, Dylan Dorey, Mitchell Fachko, Joseph Fanara, Alexandra Filips, Christopher Foote, Michael Giambra, Bradley Gibson, Andrew Gilbert, Nicole Hall, Emily Harnden, John Holody, Megan Hoople, Jordan Jelks, Julie Kilmer, Carolyn Kruszona, Jake Lawley, Matthew Lenz, Cassondra LoBrutto, Alexia Malpica, Ayla Marino, Taylor Marino, Tarndeep Mattu, Brianna McGuire, Christina McGuire, Nicholas McKenna, Quinn Mikulski, Micaela Mitchell, Abdullahi Mohamed, Luke Moyer, Rachel Orton, Michael Palazza, Amanda Passarelli, Melanie Perla, Dylan Phillips, Jacquelyn Phillips, Dalton Pitts, Alyssa Pizzuti, Russell Potter, Katrina Rockwood, Rosalie Russell, Taylor Schiffhauer, Matthew Seaman, Andrew Sendlbeck, Cole Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Ronald Steffans, Matthew Sutton, Dallas Taft, Alexander Tollner, Kayleigh Weselak, Tyler Yockey, Joshua Zernickel, Anthony Zogaria
Grade 11 - Amir Abdellatif, Alexander Ahne, Sumr Ali, Jeremy Anderson, Jessica Bamberg, Elora Bascello, Joshua Bastian, Brianna Beadles, Elliot Busch, Emma Chambers, Andrew Chorey, Natalee Culbert, Samantha DeMarco, Shannon Doctor, Kodie Fahrer, Michael FitzGerald, Sean Garten, Jonathan Grenda, Thomas Grenke, Manraj Grewal, Charles Grunzweig, Joseph Guenther, Kyle Hager, Jessica Hall, Lynne Huffnagle, Gabriella Jaramillo, Andrew Jasek, Dylan Kelly, Paige Kippley, Laura Kondziela, Victoria Kustra, Mitchell Lariviere, Jenna Lee, Robin Mangat, Shannon McDonough, Casey McNamara, Thalia Melendez, Brendan Mergel, Alec Metro, Kyle R Meyer, Kyle T Meyer, Lindsay Morano, Michelle Morgan, Heather Muranyi, Gabriela Nizialek, Samuel Oursler, Alyssa Pino, Marian Pozantides, Christopher Prymus, Kayla Pyc, Brittanee Ramallo, Christopher Ray-Castaldo, Eric Sander, Ryan Sharrow, Glenn Skelly, Cassidy Smith, Brittney Sonnenberg, Jessica Spiesz, Phyllip Stallard, Adam Stoddard, Angelina Stromberg, John Turner, Samantha Warden, Jessica Young, Dominic Zannin
Grade 12 - Nathanial Benoit, Nathaniel Beyer, Kathryn Boutet, Kathleen Brady, Brian Brink, Brennan Carey, Mario Cataffo, Andre Certo, Jason Chadwick, Amanda Cinelli, Stephanie Cleveland, James Corrao, Elizabeth Davis, Dominique DeGregorio, Brooke DeMarco, Sara Dzielski, Matthew Edwards, Christopher Ernst, Jennifer Fiels, Carson Filips, Craig Fusco, Edward Gauthier, Heather Graff, Katherine Hannah, Kyle Held, Steven Henderson, Molly Higgins, Tyler Hinaman, Lindsay Hodan, Alex Howard, Mark Jurga, Thomas Kalman, Nicholas Kellner, Alex Killian, Krysta Kinmartin, Allen Knutson, Seth Kozek, Domenic Luciani, Bradley Ludwig, Chelsea Mazurkiewicz, Jennie McCoy, Christopher Meyer, John Mosley, Jaclyn Nusstein, Daniel Olszewski, Katie Oursler, Alaina Pariso, Robert Petrilli, Cameron Pezzino, Noah Rothberg, Daniel Ryan, Kyla Schmidt, Julie Schopp, Jeremy Seiling, Rachel Spiker, Victoria Sutton, Ashley Swiantek, Ambria Tim, Adam Townsend, Philip Valore, Richard Yager

Nick Masiello
Player of Year - Nov. 2010

N I A G A R A G A Z E T T E - (11/18/2010) - niagara-gazette.com

Click For Photo
Niagara Gazette Player of the Year: Boys Cross Country
School: Grand Island
Grade: Senior
Scoop: Led Grand Island to a Class A and second straight Niagara Frontier League title. Took the tape at the NFL Championships with a 17:06, finished second at Section VI Championships, running a 17:40.60 and qualified for States. Vikings have gone 28-0 in last two seasons.
Quote: "He's in with the best kids in the state . . . Sometimes he gets hung up on times, but I told him 'you can't worry about your times, run a good race, have a good race time.' The key is to go out and compete. That's what this sport is all about." Vikings cross country coach Don Sauer
BIG STRIDES: Grand Island High School cross country runner Nick Masiello is the Niagara Gazette Player of the Year. The senior won the NFL Championships and finished second at the Section VI meet at Elma Meadows.

GISBA Sponsors Basketball Fundraiser - Nov. 2010

JT Tomkins photos - Click photos for larger view
   The Grand Island School & Business Alliance hosted a fundraiser basketball game between the Buffalo Sabres Alumni and the GI schools faculty and staff on Tuesday, November 16th. The Sabres team featured Richie Dunn, Morris Titanic, Yuri Khmylev, Mike Boland, Ric Seiling, Derek Smith and Rob Ray. There were 20 players on the teacher/faculty squad, made up from many gym teachers and coaches, along with sport enthusiasts. The game was quite comical, in a Globetrotters kind of way. The two referees were over 7 feet tall and ended up being ringers, who came into the game for the Sabres in the last minutes to win the game. The proceeds of the game and raffles are to support GISBA activities including Corporate Bowl, Job Search and Shadow Day.

High School Supports Honor Flight - Nov. 2010

   Grand Island High School is the first high school in Erie and Niagara county to partner with Honor Flight Buffalo (HFB). HFB was presented a check by Mr. Kevin Murray, coordinator of Dress Down Fridays, in which money collected goes to help numerous charities on behalf of the faculty and staff of GIHS.
   At a special assembly on November 10th, the Orchestra and Choir participated by performing patriotic selections. Alan Lee and Dan McMahon from the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249, presented the five w's on the importance of remembering Veteran's day.
   Charles Dunkle gave an overview on HFB and the service they provide veterans. Mr. Dunkle then did a question and answer period with Mr. Norman Hamister, a Navy See-Bee who served in WWII from 1942-1946. Mr. Hamister explained how he quit school to serve his country, the conditions he endured and how happy he was to see the younger generation interested in his story and the many others like his.
    Approximately 120 ninth grade English students, under the direction or Mr. Tom Gorman, presented letters and a video montage to retired Colonel Jim Germain, who was forwarding them to the troops in Afghanistan. In both formats, students described what freedom means to them. After seeing the emotional reaction from the student body, faculty and staff, it was decided that it would be a worthwhile pursuit to mass produce the montage and distribute it to service personnel overseas. "Through the generosity of the Sheridan Drive and Galleria Best Buy stores, we were able to secure 300 DVD-Rs and are reproducing the video for shipment in time for the holiday season," Kristine Bajdas, assembly coordinator, said.
    Colonel Timothy McCoy, Mission Support Group Commander at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Base, did a presentation comparing schools in the United States and those in Central America.
    To date the Island students have donated enough to send three World War II Veterans to Washington, DC on Veterans Day (expenses paid). Each flight ticket is $300.00. The day starts early in Buffalo and ends in Buffalo in the late afternoon or early evening the same day. For more information, see http://honorflightbuffalo.org/default.aspx

Soldiers Overseas To Have Cookies - Nov. 2010

   Grand Island High School students, faculty and staff are conducting a drive for our soldiers overseas. The drive is called "Jingles for GIs," and the goal is to collect 1200 boxes of Jingles cookies and send them overseas to our soldiers for the holiday season. Residents are invited to make their donation on the community donation day, Monday, November 29 at the high school

GIHS Parent/Teacher Conferences - Nov. 2010

   Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 29, 2010 in the High School from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Teachers will be in their rooms – a list of room assignments will be posted. Appointments are not necessary.

Lady Vikings Fabulous Season - Nov. 2010

   The Lady Vikings Soccer Team had a fabulous season, finally suffering their first loss on Saturday, November 13, 2010 in a championship match. See
Niagara Gazette Story

High School Venture Yearbook News - Nov. 2010

Click photo for larger view

   Members of the Grand Island Venture Yearbook staff spent two days at the Walden Galleria Mall selling stars and candy bars for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western New York.
    Students sold magnetic stars and paper stars which will be hung in the high school large cafeteria. Students who volunteered their time included Bridget Kennedy, Courtney Collignon, Alexis Cino, Alicia Zartman, Grace Kulikowski, Courtney Czajka, Melanie Perla, Alexa Territo, Kathleen Rustowicz, Nikki Scerra, Marina Scerra, Sydney Quarntello, Kristi Kalman, Alyssa Heitman, Lexi Kalinowski, Jessica Cieri, Joey Halpin, Vinny Malpica, Lexi Malpica, Cody Smith, Catherine Navagh, and Shannon Robillard.
   Special recognition goes to sophomore Dan Rott, student liaison to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, who is the yearbook fundraising chairperson. He spent the entire day on Saturday selling items.
   The staff members raised over $400 dollars in the bid to send a wish child on his/her wish vacation with his/her family.
   Both paper stars and magnetic stars will be available from Mr. Simpson, Yearbook Advisor, at the high school or the Venture Yearbook staff will accept a donation on your behalf and your name in the patron section of the yearbook.

Youth Mentors Assist With Fall Festival At Middle School - Nov. 2010

Front Left Alexandria Bleich, Cameron (middle school student), and Courtney Weiser; (back) Dan Stinson, Sariyya Melikova, Linda Stinson, Kelly Lorence, Steve Vitello, Katie Rustowicz, Donna Finny
Click photo for larger view

    Dan and Linda Stinson of Live, Love, Laugh Ministries held the annual "Fall Festival" at Conner Middle School on November 4th. This after school program featured pumpkin bowling, pumpkin bocce, and a pumpkin launch and was assisted by trained mentors from Cheryl Chamberlain's internship classes. Fall Festival is a safe alternative for Connor Middle students and other programs are being planned for the near future.

NHS Spaghetti Dinner - Nov. 2010

   The annual NHS Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser will be held on Friday, November 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. Adult cost is $7 and children 12 and under, $5. The price includes dinner, a beverage and dessert. Take out is also available. The dinner is being held in the high school large cafeteria. This is a great time to enjoy dinner and a show (Spotlighters present Fall play, Into the Frying Pan).

Lady Vikings To Play In Far West Qualifier - Nov. 2010

   The Lady Vikings beat Starpoint in the Class A championship game on Saturday, Nov. 6th by a score of 2-1. They are now 19-0-1, heading into the Far West Qualifiers. The Regionals game will be on Saturday November 13th, 4:30 pm at Genesee Community College where the ladies will take on Pittsford Mendon. The team welcomes their fans to join them and cheering them on to States!
Buffalo News Story
Niagara Gazette Story

GIHS Band & Orchestra Fruit Sale - Nov. 2010

   Help support the high school band & orchestra by purchasing oranges and grapefruit fresh from the Florida Indian River Groves. Orders and payment are due by Monday, Nov. 15th. See
information sheet for details.

DECA Installation 2010 - Nov. 2010

See Photo #1
See Photo: James Rustowicz and Alex Ahne
   Salvatore's Italian Gardens was the setting for the annual DECA Installation Dinner for students from over 15 WNY Schools. DECA is a very active business and marketing club with state and national rankings. The Grand Island High School Chapter boasts over 60 members who will compete in business areas such as Job Interview, Hospitality, Management, and Advertising. The continued success of DECA at Grand Island is due in part to advisors Cheryl Chamberlain and Christopher Simpson and their focus on DECA co-curricular lessons within the business classes at Grand Island.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Nov. 4, 2010

Lady Vikings soccer team headed to Class A Championship.
Saturday, November 6th at 4pm, Amherst High School.
Click "Sports Briefs 11/4/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Grand Island girls lead local hopefuls - Oct. 2010

N I A G A R A G A Z E T T E - (10/26/2010) - niagara-gazette.com

Soccer: Vikings bring unbeaten 15-0-1 mark into sectional play
By Tim Schmitt
The goals have been well-defined. First, Grand Island girls soccer coach Dave Bowman said his team wanted to capture the Niagara Frontier League title.
   With all-state striker Jenna Raepple leading the offensive attack and unheralded junior Jodi Lee solidifying an already potent defensive corps, the Vikings did just that, marking the 10th finishing undefeated, a hurdle they cleared with a sterling 13-0-1 record.
   Next up on the team's checklist, Bowman said, is to capture the Section VI Class A crown, a quest that begins today when the Vikings kick off the postseason by hosting Lake Shore in a prequarterfinal. The playoffs started on Monday, with a few qualifying games - Lew-Port captured one in Class A - but the playoffs begin in earnest today.
   Bowman knows his team in heavily favored this afternoon and will be so through the Class A final on November 6 at Amherst High School, but he's not worried about his team's approach.
   "They've had a small goal every step of the way and they've done a great job staying focused and accomplishing those goals," Bowman said. "We might be playing a lower-seeded team in the first round, but we need to go out and play our possession game and communicate the way we have, making our opportunities count."
   While Raepple, Brooke DeMarco, Jeannie Taylor and goalie Stephanie Senn get many of the headlines, Bowman said Lee's emergence has helped his team become more well-rounded and deep.
   "Jodi has stepped up and far exceeded my expectations," Bowman said. "She's just taken charge of our defense. And that's allowed me to use somebody like Taylor - who has a lot of all-around talent - and it lets me move her around the field. Jodi reads the game extremely well. And she's given me a comfort level back there."
   The Vikings aren't the only local team with high hopes heading into the postseason. . .

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Oct. 21, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 10/21/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GISBA Basketball Game Fundraiser - Oct. 2010

   The Grand Island School & Business Alliance (GISBA) presents the Buffalo Sabres Alumni vs. the Grand Island schools faculty and staff basketball game. The game will take place on Tuesday, November 16th at the GIHS gym, 1100 Ransom Road, tip off at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 presale and $7.00 at the door, but there is limited seating, so get your tickets early. See order form for details.

Girls Soccer Team Celebrates - Oct. 2010

Seniors honored at the game (and in the picture) are: (Top Left) Alaina Pariso, Jess Yarnes, Meghan Tates, Brooke DeMarco, Sara Victor, Allison Kaminski, Jenna Raepple; (Bottom Left) Jess Osvath, Jeanne Taylor, Chelsea Mazurkiewicz, Danielle Wegryzn, Amanda Cinelli
Click for larger view

    The Lady Vikings Soccer team celebrated their final home game on Monday, October 18th, with a tribute to their Seniors and a big 3-0 shut out against Lockport. With one final game to play at Niagara Wheatfield on Thursday, October 21 at 4:30, the ladies are 14-0-1 this season! GIHS 2010 seniors on the team are Alaina Pariso, Jess Yarnes, Meghan Tates, Brooke DeMarco, Sara Victor, Allison Kaminski, Jenna Raepple, Jess Osvath, Jeanne Taylor, Chelsea Mazurkiewicz, Danielle Wegryzn, and Amanda Cinelli.
   A special thank you to the fans and families who have cheered them through this season. Please join us in continuing to cheer our ladies through Sectionals!!

Boys and Girls Club 2nd Annual BobKat 5K brings out GI Volunteers! - Oct. 2010

(front) Kate Boutet, Courtney Weiser, Shannon Moody, Ala Bleich, Richard Shanor; (back) Cheryl Chamberlain, Shelbi Milkas, Rebecca Sturniolo, Taylor Reynolds, Aren Shanor, Paige Rockwood
Click for larger view

    Ten Grand Island students woke up bright and early on Sunday, October 17th to volunteer for a 5K race to honor longtime Town Boys and Girls Club director, Bob "BobKat" Nowak. This is the second year for this growing family gathering at the foot of Sheridan Drive and it raises money for a very worthwhile cause: the youth of the Town Boys and Girls Club. Race director and Grand Island resident Scott Henderson would like to thank the volunteers and runners for their continued generosity and hope that this event continues to grow each year.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Oct. 14, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 10/14/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Christian Gibson - GIHS Soccer Star - 2010

See Christian Gibson for story by Ryan Nagelhout - Oct. 13, 2010 Niagara Gazette.

GIHS Boys Volleyball Team To Host Tournament - October 2010

   The Grand Island High School Boys Volleyball Team will host a volleyball tournament beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, October 23, 2010 at Grand Island High School. The parents of the players will sponsor the food/refreshment portion of this event. The community is urged to come out and enjoy the competition and take advantage of the concessions (breakfast pizza, pizza, coffee, hot chocolate, orange juice, donuts, sandwiches, subs, soup, chili, chowder and much more). The tournament committee is seeking donations from local businesses and would welcome monetary donations and/or product specific donations such as breakfast pizza, pizza, coffee, hot chocolate etc.
   All proceeds from the volleyball tournament will be used solely to support the Grand Island Boys Volleyball Team. To make a donation, contact parent representative Ann Bolton at 773-9223 or 418-2107 as soon as possible. You may mail monetary donations to 3464 East River Road as soon as possible. "We would love to have you join us at this event to cheer for our hometown youth," Mrs. Bolton said this week.

Aaron Schauger - GIHS Golf Star - 2010

See Aaron Schauger for story by Ryan Nagelhout - Oct. 10, 2010 Niagara Gazette.

Tyler Hinamin - GIHS Volleyball Star - 2010

See Tyler Hinamin for story by Ryan Nagelhout - Oct. 7, 2010 Niagara Gazette.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Oct. 7, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 10/7/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Homecoming Dance - Oct. 2010


Left: King Geoff Federspiel and Queen Beth Cinelli.
Right: Court: Rob Petrilli, Alaina Pariso, Kelly Lorence, Steve Vitello, Beth Cinelli, Geoff Federspiel, Brooke Chamberlain, Nate Beyer, Jeannie Taylor and Ben Tomkins.
Click for larger view

   The Grand Island High School Homecoming dance was held Saturday, October 2nd in the high school gym. The dance was sponsored by the GIHS Student Council and was attended by over 650 students. Homecoming King & Queen were Geoff Federspiel and Beth Cinelli and their court consisted of seniors Rob Petrilli, Alaina Pariso, Kelly Lorence, Steve Vitello, Brooke Chamberlain, Nate Beyer, Jeannie Taylor and Ben Tomkins.
We are happy to post your Homecoming photos.

Spirit Week Activities - Oct. 2010

   Grand Island High School celebrated Spirit Week from Monday, September 27th - Friday, October 1st, 2010. Each day was a designated dress-up day, Harry Potter Day, black & white day, mis-match/toga(for the seniors) day, class color day and culminating in blue/white for the pep rally. The school spirit is amazing at Grand Island High School. Check out the following slideshows for a glimpse.

See Powder Puff Football
Pep Rally

Kayla Pyc - GIHS Volleyball Star - 2010

See Kayla Pyc for story by Ryan Nagelhout - Oct. 4, 2010 Niagara Gazette.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Sept.30, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 9/30/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Class of 2012 Fundraiser - Sept. 2010

   The GIHS class of 2012 is having a blanket fundraiser. The heavy, fleece blanket is 50" x 60", features the Vikings logo and is $40.00. If you are interested, print out the form and mail to Amy Kessel c/o the GIHS, 1100 Ransom Road. Order by Nov. 1st, all proceeds go to help cover prom costs and senior activities fees.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Sept.23, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 9/23/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Students Volunteer for Every Step! - Sept. 2010

Click for larger view

    Students from the Grand Island High School Band and DECA volunteered their time on Saturday, September 18th at the Every Step Walk sponsored by the Hunter's Hope Foundation. The students also received an unexpected surprise by meeting Hall of Fame and former Buffalo Bills quarterback, Jim Kelly. The Every Step Walk is a national walk to educate our country on the inequality of Newborn Screening from state to state. The band played the National Anthem and other musical selections for the walkers, while student's from DECA volunteered their time to help setup, serve, and clean up after the walk.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Sept.16, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 9/16/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Sept. 9, 2010

Click "Sports Briefs 9/9/10" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Lady Vikings Soccer - Sept. 2010

Click for larger view

    The GIHS Ladies Viking Soccer Team posted a win in their first game of the season, against Rochester's Aquinas Institute, on Saturday morning, Sept. 4 at GIHS. The match was well attended by family and friends rooting our Lady Vikings to victory! A beautiful set by Katlyn Holt to Sara Victor resulted in a 1-0 win in the second overtime, and provided goalkeeper Steph Senn with a shut out for her first Varsity start in net.
    The next match, against rivals NT will be Thursday evening at North Tonawanda, under the lights.
The line up for our 2010-11 Lady Vikings Soccer Team:
 Jeannie Taylor
 Jenna Raepple
Sara Victor
Danielle Wegryzn
Allison Kaminski
Chelsea Mazurkiewicz
Amanda Cinelli 
Alaina Pariso 
Brooke DeMarco 
Jess Yarnes 
Jess Osvath 
Megan Tates 
Jodi Lee
Jenna Lee 
Katlyn Holt 
Steph Senn 
Sydney Dudish 
Waggie Weiser 
Emma Chambers 

High School Open House - 2010

Grand Island High School will hold its annual Open House on Thursday, September 16, 2010 from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. Parents will be given schedules in the Viking Mall starting at 6:15. Parents follow that schedule which provides an opportunity to meet with each teacher for 10 minutes and gain an overview of the curriculum for that subject area.

GIHS Varsity Football Wins First Game - Sept. 2010

Grand Island 31 - Niagara Wheatfield 0
   The Grand Island Viking football team won their first game on a cold, blusterly day at Master's Field, Saturday, September 4th. Senior quarterback Tom Dzielski was 9 of 20 for 203 yards and two touchdowns. Nick Kellner caught two touchdown passes and completed six catches for 175 yards. Pat Gallagher had a touchdown and rushed for 134 yards on 19 carries. Defensively, Scott Rogers had a great game making eight tackles, blocking a punt and recovering two fumbles. Ben Tomkins had 11 tackles and a 62 yard interception for a touchdown. The next game is against Williamsville South at home, Saturday, September 11th, 2:00 p.m.

Volunteers Set the Stage for New Student Orientation at GIHS - Aug. 2010

Student volunteers at new student orientation night
   Over 30 students volunteered on Tuesday, August 24th for the New Student Orientation night at Grand Island High School. The incoming class of 2014 enjoyed a hotdog barbeque before being presented with the rules of Grand Island High School by staff and students. The volunteers are current seniors, juniors and sophomores who gave their advice to the incoming students about what life is like each day as high school students. Vice Principal Mr. Jerry Parisi organized the orientation and was impressed by the overwhelming response of volunteers coordinated by Mrs. Cheryl Chamberlain.

GIHS Varsity Football Schedule - August 2010


Coach Santorio and Coach Steck
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photos for larger view

   September 4, Niagara Wheatfield, 2 p.m.
   September 11, Williamsville South 2 p.m.
   September 17, McKinley played at Riverside, 7 p.m.
   September 25, at Starpoint, 2 p.m.
   October 2, Williamsville East, 2 p.m.
   October 9, Sweet Home, 2 p.m.
   October 16, at Kenmore East, 2 p.m.
   October 23, Playoffs

GIHS Chalk Walk Champions - August 2010

(left) Jason Chadwick, Alissa Bailey and Sean Burke
Click photo for larger view

    Late in the sweltering, hot afternoon on Saturday, August 14th, the talented artistic team representing Grand Island High School took First Place honors at the 2010 Chalk Walk competition at the Lewiston Art Festival. This year's theme was Unity in Diversity and had to be in a graffiti style. Alissa Bailey, Jason Chadwick and Sean Burke produced a fabulous, brightly colored, clean, graffiti-influenced design while literally hopping from wet towels to mats to keep their feet from burning on the blistering pavement. Taking frequent refreshment breaks in order to stay hydrated, the team completed the 9 foot circle drawing in little over 3 1/2 hours. Although exhausted at the end, the team was excited and extremely pleased with their accomplishment. The judges agreed and the blue ribbon was awarded to the Grand Island team as the crowd cheered their victory!
    Summary of drawing submitted to judges written by Sean Burke:
Jimmy Carter once said, "We have become not a melting pot, but a beautiful mosaic" Diversity is vital to society. It enhances the beauty and uniqueness by giving a new breath and breaking the normal societal acceptance. Different people, different ideas, different viewpoints and different dreams create a diverse globe. If we are able to achieve unity in these diverse yearnings, we can make the world a better place. Our chalk drawing emphasizes the world with Jimmy Carter's quote on a banner which gently drapes around the world. Midway in the banner, it morphs from a mosaic pattern of many colors into conjoining hands of different colors as it wraps and hugs more closely around the world. Diversity of the color makes an immediate striking image. The banner also twists around a spray can which is spreading color onto the world representing all our individualities. Indulging in diversity allows our world to enhance itself and allow a kaleidoscope of people's thoughts and ideas to bring upon positive change and results.

Same School Store, New Name! - August 2010

The Grand Island High School Book Store has been renamed Casey's Corner School Store! Casey's Corner, named after the late George Casey beloved school board member, will be open during the last week in August for new students and parents. The store is fully stocked with new spirit wear products and will have a limited quantity of last minute school supplies. The store will be open during the school year from 1-3 p.m. daily and by appointment. Please contact Mrs. Cheryl Chamberlain, store advisor, with product inquires at 716-773-8820.

GIHS Football Blitz Night - August 2010

The GIHS JV & Varsity Football teams will be out selling their Viking Discount cards as their team fundraiser, on Wednesday, August 25th. The team members will be going door to door from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The discount cards are good at island and off-island businesses and are $10.00. Proceeds go to new equipment, jerseys and end of year banquet.

GIHS Cheerleaders' Car Wash - August 2010

The Grand Island High School Cheerleaders will hold a Car Wash from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, August 21, 2010 at Adrian's Custard & Beef. Presale $4/$5 at car wash

GIHS Artists In To Compete In Annual Chalk Walk - August 2010

(left) Alissa Bailey and Sean Burke; (right) Jason Chadwick and Sean Burke
Click photos for larger view

    On Saturday, August 14th, Grand Island High School will be sending three talented artists to compete in the 26th Annual WNY High School Chalk Walk Competition being held in conjunction with the Lewiston Art Festival. Proudly representing the team this year are returning members Alissa Bailey and Jason Chadwick and newcomer, Sean Burke. The many practices in the hot, humid heat on top of the asphalt allowed the members to fine-tune details, further develop the composition, perfect individual skills and unite as a strong team. This year's theme is: Unity in Diversity and it has to be completed in graffiti style. The format is a nine-foot diameter circle which is a departure from the 8' x 10' rectangle. The contest begins at noon and ends at 4:00 p.m. with judging immediately following. Please support the arts and come watch this team draw!

GIHS Scholarship Winners - 2010

Click on the link to see the Grand Island High School class of 2010 scholarship winners.

Grand Island High School Honor Roll - August 2010

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the honor roll for the fourth quarter, 2009-2010 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Alexandra Bahgat, Rachel Bailey, Lydia Bernatovicz, Jessica Brownschilde, Megan Carroll, Sarah Chamberlain, Alyssa Cino, Sam Clarke, Jane Cooke, Jenna DelSignore, Meghan Federico, Brianna Gibney, Alexandra Griffin, Adam Heftka, Kourtney Hoppel, Mark Hughes, Manjinder Kaur, Bridget Kennedy, Zaineb Khawar, Shannon Kieffer, Mary Kneer, Christopher Komin, Grace Kulikowski, Alexandria London, Stephanie LoTempio, Ellen Lutnick, Orendael Miller, Michelina Pariso, Marisa Phillips, Dominica Roberts, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Rachael Ruszkowski, Marina Scerra, Lauren Shepard, Nicholas Soos, Adam Stanczyk, Joshua Tixier, Kimberly Yaeger, Christina Zytariuk
Grade 10 - Reem Abdellatif, Sonia Brar, Marshall Cancilla, Alexandra Corrao, Jordan Davis, Katlyn Holt, Ryan Hughes, Casey Jelonek, Samantha Kahn, Megan Karpie, Elizabeth Kowalik, Brendon Lutnick, Nigel Michki, Joshua Miller, Ryan Miller, Dominic Morell, Rachel Ripellino, Kenneth Rogoza, Nicolette Scerra, Zachary Smith, Sarah Stanczyk, Taylor Sweet
Grade 11 - Bethany Cinelli, Sara Diletti, Anna Ferrante, Julie Hasselbeck, Emma Henderson, Ava Jackson, Ariana Mendel, Jessica Osvath, Amy Schooping, Evan Shaw, Stephen Vitello, Danielle Wegrzyn, Alyssa Yaeger, Jessica Yarnes, Melissa Zytariuk
Grade 12 - Jonathon Anderson, Catherine Aughey, Luke Burkhart, Alexandra Buscaglia, Victoria Cacciatore, Kathryn Cobello, James Cooke, Samantha Darby, Sarah Dolan, Hillary Figler, Victoria Fleming, Lauren Fonte, Mary George, Tara Hook, Krystin Hoppel, Ramandeep Kaur, Seth Kline, Joel Klock, Lauren Kucharski, Brian Kulak, Megan McInerney, Michael Mucci, Andrea Nicolia, Erika Osberg, Sarah Palazza, Breanne Rafferty, Courtney Silsby, Vincent Spada
Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Corey Adamshick, Jessica Amsdill, Kevin Aronica, Conor Atkins, Kassandra Bennett, Alexander Brink, Danae-Grace Busch, Allysa Busch, Sara Carlson, Alexis Cino, Ashley Colan, Courtney Collignon, Christopher Connors, Lauren Cook, Annaliese Corrao, William Diefenbach, Zoe Dodd, Laura Dolan, Mark Dryfhout, Nicholas Egloff, Katarina Eichel, Keelan Erhard, Brittany Faulise, Shannon Gallagher, Melissa Gibson, Madeleine Goc, Rebecca Green, Kristen Greinert, John Holody, Tyle Jackman, Jacqueline Johnston, Hayley Keane, Daniel Konopski, Christian Lamarco, Evan Leffler, Mandy Liesenfeld, Jessica LoBrutto, Cody McConnell, Collin McMahon, Maggie Nobumoto, Cassandra Oursler, Samantha Pangborn, Benjamin Purrington, Alyssa Quarantello, Christina Richard, Kelly Ruminski, James Rustowicz, Kevin Salonek, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Scheuing, Ashley Serianni, Christopher Serra, Jacob Sweeney, Lillian Thompson, Joshua Ungaro, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Megan Wendt, Jodie White, Adam Wilk, Andrew Yarnes
Grade 10 - Gabrielle Ailinger, Sumr Ali, Jeremy Anderson, Nicholas Antonelli, Jessica Bamberg, Makallie Banker, Elora Bascello, Joshua Bastian, Matthew Beauchamp, Korey Bennett, Katelyn Benns, Alexandria Black, Amanda Blanton, James Bobak, Conner Bolles, Shannon Boreali, Diana Boulden, Christopher Brownschidle, Justin Canazzi, Amber Carpenter, Alanna Cedrone, Emma Chambers, Jesse Ciffa, Emily Dauphin, Maggie DeMarco, Shannon Doctor, Allison Donahue, Sydney Dudish, Rebekah Evans, Talia Fabiilli, Donald Failing, Michael FitzGerald, Matthew Foote, Brent Fred, Alyssa Fuoco, Matthew Gannon, Rebecca Gasiorek, Kaitlyn Gilbert, Jonathan Goc, Ashley Gorman, Olivia Graziano, Deanna Green, Jonathan Grenda, Thomas Grenke, Marissa Haley, Marissa Haley, Jessica Hall, Mackenzie Howe, Mary Irving, Andrew Jasek, Dylan Kelly, Robert Kerr, Korey Kostek, Victoria Kustra, Mitchell Lariviere, Jenna Lee, Jodi Lee, Cory Ludwig, Mark Lydle, Michael Malaney, Madelyne Mankowski, Rebecca Masse’, Shannon McDonough, John McGinty, Kallan McMillan, Casey McNamara, Shannon McNaughton, Mia Michael, David Mohr, Lindsay Morano, Hallie Nowak, Samuel Oursler, Alexis Pearce, Kristen Percival, Alyssa Pino, Ryan Proctor, Sarah Ramsperger, Danyelle Redmond, Matthew Robinson, Alexandra Seibert, Stephanie Senn, Gagandeep Singh, Glenn Skelly, Brittney Sonnenberg, Jessica Spencer, Angelina Stromberg, Bridget Thompson, Kathryn Turner, Jessica Ungaro, Jonathan Voyzey, Christina Ward, Sarah Williams, Nathalie Winder, Dominic Zannin, Alicia Zartman
Grade 11 - Danya Abdellatif, Karl Albrecht, Alexandria Bleich, Kathyrn Boutet, Jenna Cardone, Jason Chadwick, Brooke Chamberlain, Nicholas Colao, Kevin Colman, Aden Cook, Andrew Dale, Austin Dee, Brooke DeMarco, Matthew Edwards, Christopher Ernst, Chelsea Fairbairn, Korin Frantz, Rebecca Hammett, Kyle Held, Steven Henderson, Angelina Howe, Emily Jones, Mark Jurga, Allison Kaminski, Alex Killian, Justin Lee, Kelly Lorence, Nicholas Masiello, Ryan McCarthy, Christopher Meyer, Shannon Moody, Kevin Neary, Emily Pease, Jack Pilie, Alexzander Prine, Jenna Raepple, Taelor Reynolds, Jeremy Rockwood, Paige Rockwood, Chelsea Rupert, Kathleen Rustowicz, Rachel Schauger, Michael Sharon, Christopher Shemik, Benjamin Sherman, Tara Sozio, Catherine Sponn, Sarah Stewart, Rebecca Sturniolo, Ashley Swiantek, Megan Tates, Sara Victor, Megan Young
Grade 12 - Alyssa Accardo, Sarah Ali, Stephanie Aronica, Adam Asbach, Elisabeth Asbach, Kimberly Asbach, Alissa Bailey, Benjamin Bakula, Steven Boyle, Eric Breier, Anthony Bruno, Sean Burke, Nathan Busch, David Campuzano, Evan Carey, Kenneth Cerrillo, Kaitlyn Chapin, Krystal Chapin, Britanny Cieri, Kayla Deuble, Renee’ Doermer, Kara Dudley, Maria Edel, Marwa Eltagouri, Kearney Erhard, Nicholas Ernst, Kayla Fermoile, Christopher Franklin, Alexander Fry, Kate Garten, Jonathan Gebhard, Anthony Genova, Krista Glownia, Lena Gormady, Sara Grana, Maria Grant, Jill Greinert, Amy Grenke, Maria Guidotti, Brandon Hagen, Susan Head, Kelly Hooven, Sara Huttenmaier, Courtney Justus, Nicholas Kelly, Zachary Kelly, Kristy Knickerbocker, Savanna Kustra, Jeffrey Lariviere, Joshua Little, Jonathan LoTempio, Daniel Major, Daniel Mathes, Keran Mattu, Thomas McDonnell, Nicole McGuire, Sara McNulty, Jennifer Mellett, Christopher Moody, Kelsey Mulvey, Jared Northrup, Ryan Osvath, Courtney Papaj, Deanna Paternostro, Danielle Perri, Michael Rayhill, Alexander Re, Ian Rogers, Ashley Rutland, Kaitie Samland, Mary Scherrer, Kyle Schutrum, Spencer Seese, Zaeem Shah, Kodie Shamrock, Margaret Shonitsky, Allison Snell, Jamie Sobieski, Thomas Sommer, Benjamin Soos, Amber Spiesz, Jonas Stalyga, Blake Stanwick, Christopher Stessing, Rachel Surdi, Jameela Syed, Caitlin Taylor, Samantha Tilkins, James Toney, Maritina Tsembelis, Patricia VeRost, Kristin Wegrzyn, Eric Weigold, Sara Wilczek, Aria Yanicki

Grand Island High School Merit Roll - August 2010

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the Merit Roll for the fourth quarter, 2009-2010 school year:
Grade 9 - Clara Alcorn, Cyle Alcorn, Jennifer Amato, Nicholas Bonarke, Dakota Bower, Liza Bowman, Eli Brennan, Alexandra Brown, Alyssa Cinelli, Ronald Clark, Samuel Colao, Cody Csendom, Courtney Czajka, Aurora Dee, Jacob Dixon, Jamie Dobson, Timothy Doermer, John Endozo, Sarah Ernst, Christopher Foote, Nicole Hall, Jessica Hiser, Megan Hoople, Anthony Huff, Jordan Jelks, Robert Johnson, Stephanie Knight, Carolyn Kruszona, Jake Lawley, Matthew Lenz, Cassondra LoBrutto, Alexia Malpica, Taylor Marino, Tarndeep Mattu, Courtney Mergel, Taylor Moran, Kimberlee Moss, Gurwinder Nijjar, Grace Olszewski, Matthew Osinski, Michael Palazza, Melanie Perla, Dalton Pitts, Alyssa Pizzuti, Russell Potter, Katrina Rockwood, Alexa Santa Lucia, Taylor Schiffhauer, Cole Smith, Javier Solis, Emily Steinbrenner, Ashley Tillett, Alexander Tollner, Joseph Torregrossa, Gregory VanNorman, Kayleigh Weselak, Tyler Yockey, Joshua Zernickel, Anthony Zogaria
Grade 10 - Amir Abdellatif, Laura Amantia, Megan Ambellan, Brianna Beadles, Sarah Brady, Thomas Butcher, Andrew Chorey, Eric Colon, Natalee Culbert, Germaine Davis, Samantha DeMarco, Christopher Fadel, Connor Frascatore, Sean Garten, Morgan Green, Anmol Grewal, Manraj Grewal, Charles Grunzweig, Lynne Huffnagle, Gabriella Jaramillo, Ashley Johnson, Paige Kippley, Nathan Kulak, Elise Lenzner, Kelsie Loos, Anthony Mallais, Thalia Melendez, Alec Metro, Kyle R. Meyer, Kyle T. Meyer, Michaelle Morgan, Kailah Moss, Gabriela Nizialek, Chelsea Null, Jamison Phillips, Corey Price, Christopher Prymus, Kayla Pyc, Brittanee Ramallo, Jenna Sansalone, Loretta Scherrer, Michael Sendlbeck, Ryan Sharrow, Phyllip Stallard, Adam Stoddard, Erica Surdi, Harrison Thompson, Alexandra Wallinder, Samantha Warden, Rachel Watt, Laurice Wilbert, Jessica Young, Tyler Zoldowski
Grade 11 - Samaria Amin, Matthew Arida, Dale Baran, Shannon Becker, Taylor Bedford, Nathanial Benoit, Christopher Boulden, Kathleen Brady, Brian Brink, Nicholas Bruno, Justine Call, Michael Campanella, Brianna Catanzaro, Amanda Cinelli, Nicolette Corrao, Samuel Cummings, Dominique DeGregorio, Kaleigh Deuser, Robert Dickinson, Liam Dodd, Sara Dzielski, Thomas Dzielski, Carson Filips, Patrick Gallagher, Larissa Gelyon, Carmela Gentile, David Gerfin, Christian Gibson, Alexis Gieselman, Heather Graff, Amanda Heftka, Molly Higgins, Ryan Jackson, Thomas Kalman, Matthew Killian, Taylor Kozlowski, Jaime Magaris, Kelly Maloney, Chelsea Mazurkiewicz, Jennie McCoy, Shelbi Milkas, Jaclyn Nusstein, Cameron Pezzino, Daniel Ryan, Miranda Santa Lucia, Julie Schopp, Michael Seaman, Nicholas Sexton, Lawrence Smith, Rachel Spiker, Allison Stewart, Amanda Sutter, Victoria Sutton, Hayley Szyklinski, Eugenia Taylor, Ambria Tim, Benjamin Tomkins, Nicholas Wallinder, Courtney Weiser, Tyler Wunsch, Richard Yager, Andrew Yockey
Grade 12 - Isam Abdellatif, Kaitlyn Affuso, Richard Amantia, Patrick Antonelli, Conrad Baker, Samantha Banas, Kelsey Bettinger, Jason Bogue, Christina Borden, Patrick Brady, Amber Burdick, Danielle Canazzi, Mary Chiaravelle, Seana Chirico, Courtney Cox, Ryan Darnley, Alexander Fabiilli, Jeremy Figler, Joseph Fischer, Christophner Gibney, Anthony Grande, Samantha Green, Chelsea Hall, Eric Harnden, Michael Higgins, Brandon Imerese, Julia Johnston, Matthew Kasprzycki, Raman Kaur, Timothy Krecisz, Timothy Lang, Kori Loder, Michael Lydle, Meghan Mahiques, Aman Mattu, Hayley Metro, Intisar Mohamed, Michael Montaldi, Christopher Mornelli, Sean O’Donnell, Dhriti Ramesh, Kellsi Rassega, Anthony Russell, Zachary Russell, Keith Skelly, Michael Sperrazza, Kelly Stark, Rachel Starr, Sean Steele, Alexander Strauss, Kasey Sumner, William Sundeen, Scott Suszczynski, Abram Thompson, Brittney Wall, Zakiyyah Wilbert, Nicole Winter, Colton Wright, Molly Wynne, Rebecca Zimmerman

12th MERIT Isam Abdellatif, Kaitlyn Affuso, Richard Amantia, Patrick Antonelli, Conrad Baker, Samantha Banas, Kelsey Bettinger, Jason Bogue, Christina Borden, Patrick Brady, Amber Burdick, Danielle Canazzi, Mary Chiaravelle, Seana Chirico, Courtney Cox, Ryan Darnley, Alexander Fabiilli, Jeremy Figler, Joseph Fischer, Christophner Gibney, Anthony Grande, Samantha Green, Chelsea Hall, Eric Harnden, Michael Higgins, Brandon Imerese, Julia Johnston, Matthew Kasprzycki, Raman Kaur, Timothy Krecisz, Timothy Lang, Kori Loder, Michael Lydle, Meghan Mahiques, Aman Mattu, Hayley Metro, Intisar Mohamed, Michael Montaldi, Christopher Mornelli, Sean O’Donnell, Dhriti Ramesh, Kellsi Rassega, Anthony Russell, Zachary Russell, Keith Skelly, Michael Sperrazza, Kelly Stark, Rachel Starr, Sean Steele, Alexander Strauss, Kasey Sumner, William Sundeen, Scott Suszczynski, Abram Thompson, Brittney Wall, Zakiyyah Wilbert, Nicole Winter, Colton Wright, Molly Wynne, Rebecca Zimmerman

GIHS's Joel Klock - 2010

Click and scroll down for "Buffalo News 6/29/10" story by Mary Jo Monnin.

Alex Brown Star Athlete - June 2010

Click photos for larger view

    Named rookie of the year in 8th grade, Alex Brown has quietly moved up the ladder in sports at Grand Island High School. Just completing her freshman year, she broke the ninth grade high jump record at 5' 3", tied the 30-year high jump record held by Laura Lewis at 5'3", was first in NFL's and placed second in Section 6 Sectionals. She was named to the 1st Team NFL All Stars both years. In the most recent competition on June 12, 2010, Alex placed second in Section 6 with a jump of 5'3" and tied for sixth place in the New York State PHSAA Championship for Track and Field at 5'2". Alex was the only member of the GIHS Track Team to qualify for the NYS competition.
   As an 8th grader Alex placed first in the Niagara Frontier Track League and third in Section 6 Sectionals.
   Alex has also excelled in volleyball. As a ninth grader she started on varsity as the middle blocker contributing to a second place finish in Section 6 Sectionals. When the school volleyball season finished, Alex tried out for a national volleyball team and made it as a middle hitter/blocker traveling all over the country. Her team made the playoffs and she will finish this year off at the end of June on a trip to Reno, Nevada where the national playoffs are being played.
   Alex is 6'1" and 14 years old and more often than not, she is on the honor roll. She is the daughter of Amy Schneider-George and Darren Brown