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Grand Island High School News Web Page 2012

Grand Island High School Website

2011 News Page
"GIHS Sports Schedules/Information"

Sandra Anzalone

Sports Briefs - Dec. 27 2012

Girls Bowling - Thurs., Dec. 20, 2012
Grand Island 4 - Ken West 3
Lauren Cook (GI) - 189-500
Boys Bowling - Thurs., Dec. 20, 2012
Grand Island 7 - Ken West 0
A.J.Brink (GI) -258-706
Tyler Mondoux (GI) - 265-672
Girls Basketball - Thurs., Dec. 20, 2012
Grand Island 60 - Lew Port 24
Cassie Oursler (GI) - double-double - 28 points - 10 rebounds

Sports Briefs - Dec. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 12/20/12"

GI DECA & Student Council Help Neighbors - 2012

DECA Officers and advisor Cheryl Chamberlain - Click for larger view

Sisters Mary Elisabeth (VCMS DECA) and Maggie Rustowicz (GIHS DECA).

   For the past fifteen years the GIHS DECA Club has sorted food for needy families on Grand Island during the holiday season. The distribution place originally was at the Stony Point Fire Hall, until the generosity of the GI community forced the Neighbors Foundation to find a larger space, the Knights of Columbus. Each year the students take a day to organize, sort and distribute food to those who need it during the holiday season. Over the past few years, students from Interact and Student Council have assisted with the work load. This year, the junior DECA club of Veronica Connor Middle School joined in with Mrs. Mary Jane Fonte, the new DECA advisor for the middle school. “All clubs involved are so proud to be a part of this event and would like to thank the members of the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation for their continued support of the Grand Island Community,” Advisor Mrs. Cheryl Chamberlain said this week.

Toy Collection For Roswell Park - December 2012

   The Venture Yearbook staff along with members of the Grand Island boys’ J.V. Basketball team is collecting new, unwrapped toys for children staying in Roswell Park Cancer Institute over the Christmas holiday. Staff and players will deliver the toys to children between the ages of 4 and 18 on Christmas Eve. Any leftover toys will be donated to the emergency department at Roswell and Children's Hospital. Toys will be collected until December 21st and can be dropped off at the main office or delivered to Mr. Christopher Simpson's room (165) in the high school.

Grand Island High School Annual Winter Concert - December 2012

   The Grand Island High School Annual Winter Concert will be presented on Thursday, December 13th at 7:30 p.m. Listen to the sounds of the season from the choral groups, orchestral groups, concert band and the traditional performance of "Sleigh Ride" by the Wind Ensemble. Go early to get a head start on your holiday cookies. Make your own selections from dozens of trays of delicious and colorful homemade cookies. Cookies will be available by a plate of 1 dozen for $5.00 or snack size of 2 for $1.00. Proceeds will benefit the Grand Island Instrumental Music Boosters.

Sports Briefs - Dec. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 12/6/12"

High School Merit Roll - Dec. 2012

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the merit roll for the first marking period, 2012-1213 school year:
Grade 9 - Benjamin Abbott, Destiny Benjamin, Emily Bognar, Troy Brady, Kyle Burns, Dominique Capizzi, Jeremiah Cooper, Patrick Dansereau, Allison DeMartin, Danielle Duck, Aprill Edwards, Ian Estenoz, Cydney Fairbairn, Lisa Fankhauser, Rachael Farmer, Kyle Frascatore, Alexis Garcia, Nicholas Giancola, Brittany Grant, Daniel Grinchishin, Taj Harris, Jacob Hauer, Briana Hollfelder, Nicole Hollfelder, Kaitlynd Howell, Alexander Jackson, Derek Konopski, Samantha Krause, Victoria Krull, Linsey Lepenven, Samantha Lesinski, Conner Lewis, Courtney Liberte, Sauravdeep Maan, Chad Martin, Madison McNamara, Kiana McQuestion, Joseph Monaco, Tanner Morrow, Nathaniel Nowocien, Anthony Ormsby, Daniel Otto, Miranda Patterson, Mark Piechowiak, Julia Pino, Jakob Ramallo, Mikayla Reading, Margaret Rennells, Haley Rowe, Maximilian Russell, Chelsea Schmidt, Jake Schmidt, Amber Schwinn, Smeen Shah, Christina Sheppard, Dana Simmons, Robert Stolfo, Matthew Tollner, Xavier Vazquez, Samantha Violino, Eric Watt, Hannah Wessner, Alex Whetham, Brianna Wik, Hannah Wiktorowski, Alexis Wood, Michael Ziehm

Grade 10 - Ayman Abdellatif, Eric Ackerman, Michael Brown, Nicole Burley, Patrycia Burley, Colin Carey, Abigail Chambers, Nicholas Colan, Julia Dulbert, Kaitlyn Davidson, Genevieve Davis, Adam El Houssieny, Thomas Euscher, Austin Fisher, Jessica Foote, Ayannah Ford, Nicolette Golden, Kyle Graves, Keegan Hirtreiter, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Scott Holmes, Joshua Horvath, Kimberly Huffnagle, Ryan Kennedy, Matthew Ladouceur, Alexa Lombardo, Jacob Matwijkow, Mark McKenna, Michael McMahon, Sara McMahon, Devlin McMaster, Alanna Mergel, Kevin Minton, David Mongan, Thomas Morgan, Jocelyn Mueller, Stephanie Muranyi, Jenna Neff, Jacob Neumann, Timothy Newbould, Jazmine Nijjar, Nicholas Ortiz, Nicholas Paolini, Mary Kate Petz, Emilie Phinney, Anne Pilie, Drew Pitts, Joseph Pusateri, Paul Roach, Michael Rugg, McKenzie Schaefer, Colin Smith, Mackenzie Smith, Emilie Stinner, Armand Swanson, Mark Valle, Brian Verso, Apelasan Wigneswaran, Jordan Yamonaco, Caitlyn Yensan

Grade 11 - Brian Ailinger, Michele Aronica, Robert Augugliaro, Brielle Backlund, Alexander Baker, Samantha Bartolotta, Keegan Belstadt, Jon Busch, Christina Butcher, Kristen Call, Bryce Callen, Jason Carroll, Aaron Certo, Jason Cichon, Jessica Cieri, Hannah Corrao, Thomas Corrao, Jensen Dorey, Emily Edwards, Hannah Edwards, Ashley Fischer, Cassie Gilcart, Joseph Gioeli, Jack Gorman, Anthony Grana, Abhiraj Grewal, Andrew Hannah, Jake Hawley, Tamya Hegwood, April Hippert, David Holler, Steven Howard, Madeline Jackson, Katlyn Jennings, Kristin Kalman, Alyssa Karb, Michael Kleinschmidt, Stephanie Kowalak, Kyle Krueger, Lauren Kullerkupp, Alexander Lenz, David Madigan, Matthew Madigan, William Madigan, Johnna Marinello, Gregory Nicolia, Anna Niland, Dominique Perri, Sydney Quarantillo, Alex Rallo, Kaitlyn Rose, Ryan Ross, Maren Russell, Alyssa Schmitt, Samantha Sheppard, Lindsey Spiker, Kristen Stark, Jacob Stromberg, Paul Sukmanowski, Christopher Swagler, Max Tafelski, Raymond Tafelski, Victoria VanNorman, Mia Villani, Ashley Weiser

Grade 12 - Paul Arida, Daniel Blocho, Nicholas Bonarek, Eli Brennan, Nathan Bundscho, Zachary Burns, Danae-Grace Busch, Dylan Childs, Alyssa Cinelli, Alexis Cino, Samuel Colao, Courtney Collignon, Aurora Dee, Jacob Dixon, Zoe Dodd, Ty Gallagher, Michael Giambra, Andrew Gilbert, John Holody, Anthony Huff, Jordan Jelks, Robert Johnson, Alexander Kellner, Zaineb Khawar, Julie Kilmer, Matthew Lenz, Mandy Liesenfeld, Jessica LoBrutto, Ayla Marino, Tracy Marrs, Nicholas McKenna, Micaela Mitchell, Tyler Mondoux, Taylor Moran, Kimberlee Moss, Luke Moyer, Samantha Oriani, Matthew Osinski, Catherine Otto, Max Oursler, Michael Palazza, Amanda Passarelli, Dalton Pitts, Rosalie Russell, Alexa Santa Lucia, Taylor Schiffhauer, Cody Smith, Cole Smith, Ronald Steffans, Nicole Swiantek, Dallas Taft, Dominic Tripi, Elena Weis, Megan Wendt, Adam Wilk, Elenor Zaccaria, Anthony Zogaria

High School Honor Roll - Dec. 2012

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the honor roll for the first marking period, 2012-1213 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Tori Aronica, Cailin Atkins, Adam Bevilacqua, Natalie Braun, Adam Dryfhout, Benjamin Freedman, Maya Harper, Joseph Kulikowski, Hope LoHouse, Holly Lutnick, Eric Pease, Maria Ramsperger, Mikayla Rosati, Emelie-jo Scheffler, Cassie Shickluna, Cameron Smith, Brian Wynne

Grade 10 - Jessica Ackendorf, Michaela Bailes, Joshua Barrett, Hannah Bastian, Carly Bernatovicz, Sara Cichon, Kayla Conway, Shannon Driess, Julia Drozdowsky, Eric Dudley, Justin Figler, Katherine Fonte, Ashley Franz, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Sabrina Hausrath, Grey Johnson, Jack Kennedy, Marah Killian, Khristian Kline, Taylor Latvala, Nathan Marino, Alexandra Miller, Robin Neary, Emily Szabo, Laura Taylor, James Wilson

Grade 11 - Grace Bolton, Liana Buscaglia, Magdalyn Chauby, David Cich, Nicholas DeMita, Sara Dollendorf, Jenell Duxbury, Andrew Grinchishin, Amanda Jelonek, Zachary Jones, Kristina Kasprzycki, John Lillian, Emma MacIntyre, Jacob McMahon, Jenna Paternostro, Shane Paul, Kamra Phillips, Tara Stewart

Grade 12 - Alexandra Bahgat, Lydia Bernatovicz, Alexandra Brown, Jane Cooke, Brianna Gibney, Mark Hughes, Bridget Kennedy, Mary Kneer, Christopher Komin, Grace Kulikowski, Evan Leffler, Stephanie LoTempio, Christina McGuire, Cassandra Oursler, Ryan Proctor, Alyssa Quarantello, James Rustowicz, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Rachael Ruszkowski, Javier Solis, Nicholas Soos, Ashley Tillet, Jodie White, Kimberly Yaeger

Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Clare Ahne, Eric Albrecht, Jill Anderson, Jesse Arch, Narmeen Asif, Emily Augugliaro, Adam Bahgat, Sarah Bellinger, Austin Blair, Aaron Bobeck, April Booker, Thomas Botticello, Jarod Brandon, Zachary Breeden, Madison Brown, Caitlyn Bykowicz, Justine Cardone, Andrew Carlson, Taylor Cecere, Charles Cetola, Jesus Cisneros Vilchis, Cameron Colan, Alexis Conway, Patrick Cramer, Colten Deuser, Sari Dickinson, Michael Duda, Emily Eberhard, Jayson Endozo, Bridget Federico, Brenton Fischer, Marissa Freedman, Ashley Giambra, Sabrina Giordano, Olivia Goc, Madison Green, Victoria Gruber, Kali Hausrath, Haylee Heitman, Rebecca Hennessy, Shannon Holt, Kaitlin Hoy, Samara Johnson, Taylor Johnson, Lovepreet Kaur, Julia Kavanagh, Jacob Kawecki, Sydney Keane, Michaela Kozek, Sarah Kustich, Julia Lawley, Zachary Lenz, Kady Liesenfeld, Brianna Little, Edward Logel, Liana Lombardo, Michaela Malesky, Loveleen Mangat, Michael Mankowski, Anna Martinez, Cameron Mastykarz, Tiffany Melendez, Haley Melisz, Jason Miller, Sabrina Mistriner, Manny Montes, Sarah Moseley, Nathan Newell, James Niland, Kalista Nizialek, Emily Nobumoto, Jake Nowak, Eric O’Brien, Ryan O’Neil, Zachery O’Neill, Michael Oldman, Michael Przynski, Hailey Randle, Sarah Rennells, Sammantha Reynolds, Chelsea Robillard, Gabrielle Robinson, Heather Robinson, Christina Serianni, Brendan Sheehan, Cassidy Siebert, Rohan Alexi Smith, Lindsey Spencer, Lindsey Supparits, Brandon Surdi, Evan Valint, Taylor Vanderzell, Ciara Vedella, Maxwell VeRost, Camille Watt, Dakaylah Winfield, Kassidy Wozniak, Douglas Yockey, Spencer-Jon Zukic

Grade 10 - Alwareed Abdellatif, Michelle Adams, Ryan Allen, Nicholas Bonora, Bradley Boreali, Brianna Brandon, Brian Brennan, Nicholas Brink, Sierra Brooks, Vincent Bruno, Alexa Calandra, Giuseppe Campanella, Robert Carroll, Rochelle Cataffo, Dennis Chatkhan, Natalia Christiano, Mariah Ciffa, Nathan Ciffa, Andrew Colautto, Sara Colon, Caitlin Conlon, Charles Corwin, Lillian Cultrara, Alexandra Cutting, Colton Czajka, Enrico D’Abate, Nancy Dahlquist, Anna DeMartin, Isabel Dengos, Karli Deuser, Rajveer Dhaliwall, Katherine Diefenbach, Daniel Edel, Joseph Egloff, Jared Eichel, Ian Eisenberger, Robert Ellegate, Joyce Endozo, McLain Erhard, Joseph Farrell, Alura Fike, Morgan Finn, Halle FitzGerald, Andrew Fred, Jacob Frosolone, Emily Fuoco, Leah Geis, Kathryn Gentz, Graciana Giambra, Marissa Gress, Balraj Grewal, Kasandra Guyette, Carly Hand, Nikolai Harper, Connor Harrigan, Natalie Henderson, Christian Hilts, Benjamin Jensen, Grant Johnson, Jacqueline Kehoe, Kelsey Ketterer, Leah Killian, Kurt Laschinger, Jonathan Link, Austin Mahoney, Thomas Major, Holly Mandura, Ryan Marlin, Colton McGraw, Michaela McMahon, Matthew McNaughton, Donald Meinhold, Nolan Miles, Anthony Mosher, Taylor Nageldinger, Robert Nappo, Meaghan O’Leary, Colin Osborn, Alyssa Pelosi, Kelsey Percival, Devon Perri, Bryce Pfalzer, Miranda Phillips, Jordan Piershalski, Michael Podgomy, Michael Podlucky, Jessica Pontrello, Kayla Popovich, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Jessica Rennells, Andrew Riederer, Eric Riederer, Lauren Rogoza, Raymond Rott, Kaitlyn Rudney, Margaret Rustowicz, Benjamin Shaw, Pushpinder Singh, Meghan Sonnenberg, Alexandra Sponn, Heena Suthar, Hiral Suthar, Melissa Ullrich, Jordan VeRost, Rebecca Wall, Steven White, Scarlett Whitman, Corey Wilkinson, Timothy Winder, Jessica Wing, Jillian Wohlfehrt, Emily Wolcott, Katherine Wolski, Bennett Wright, Bethany Wynne, Brenna Young, Alexander Zimmerman, Jessica Zoldowski, Taylor Zoldowski

Grade 11 - Jennifer Argy, Natalie Argy, Jacob Athoe, Marisa Atkinson, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Natalie Baldassarre, Sierra Besl, Alicia Bianco, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Kirsten Burtch, Amanda Cancilla, June Chadima, Qian Chen, Aaron Cook, Quinton Corrao, Sierra D’Ettorre, Brian DeRubes, Frank DeRubes, Sean DeRubes, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Thomas Doctor, Heavyn Dreher, Alexandra Dzielski, Michael Dzielski, Kai Ellsworth, Elizabeth Figler, Kevin Freedman, Emma Garten, Emily Glose, Benjamin Goc, Alex Gormady, Bianca Gowanny, Ashley Gugino, Patrick Hall, Joseph Halpin, Kara Hazelet, Alyssa Heitman, Ryan Held, Ciara Howley, Henry Huang, Addison Joslyn, Alexa Kalinowski, Alexander Kelly, Julia Kelly, Emily Kernin, Mary Frances Koch, Ashley Kroetsch, Joshua Krstevski, Julianne Lavalle, Justin Lavis, Brittany Little, Elizabeth LoBrutto, Andrew Masiello, Justin McCarthy, Brentyn Mendel, Elliott Michki, Wyatt Mock, Benjamin Morrish, Brooklyn Morton, Catherine Navagh, Anna Nicolia, James Osborn, Shawn Passero, Michael Paternostro, Maygan Payan, Nicholas Pino, Zoann Pittman, Macey Porter, Alessandra Price, Dominic Prine, James Pufpaff, Daniel Ray, Zoe Reda, Emilie Rengler, Shannon Robillard, Kyle Schoener, Natalie Schultz, Derrick Schutrum, Jillian Sheehan, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Chelsea Sinicki, Pamelia Slattery, Jeremy Smith, Tanner Speer, Timothy Sutton, Brock Tetreault, Timothy Utz, Lillian Von Reyn, Stephanie Voyzey, Christian Wallinder, Jadon Wegrzyn, Mitchell Weis, Jackeline Wilson, Brigid Wilton, Madalyn Wright, Brandon York, Matthew Zabaldo, Ashley Zartman

Grade 12 - Ammany Abdellatif, Corey Adamshick, Ciara Alcorn, Jennifer Amato, Jessica Amsdill, Kevin Aronica, Conor Atkins, Rachel Bailey, Kassandra Bennett, Dakota Bower, Liza Bowman, Moriah Bozzo, Alexander Brink, Jessica Brownschidle, Allysa Bush, Sara Carlson, Tiffany Carlson, Meghan Carpenter, Megan Carroll, Anthony Cataffo, Sara Chamberlain, Alyssa Cino, Ronald Clark, Sam Clarke, Ashley Colan, Christopher Connors, Annaliese Corrao, Cody Csendom, Courtney Czajka, Jake DeLong, Jenna DelSignore, William Diefenbach, Laura Dolan, Mark Dryfhout, Nicholas Egloff, Katarina Eichel, Keelan Erhard, Sarah Ernst, Joseph Fanara, Brittany Faulise, Meghan Federico, Alexandra Filips, Ian Freudenheim, Kim Gacon, Shannon Gallagher, Melissa Gibson, Madeleine Goc, Alexandra Griffin, Rebecca Hale, Zachary Harper, Leah Harris, Adam Heftka, Megan Hoople, Kourtney Hoppel, Tyler Jackman, Jacqueline Johnston, Manjinder Kaur, Hayley Keane, Shannon Kieffer, Stephanie Knight, Daniel Konopski, Carolyn Kruszona, Jake Lawley, Alexandria London, Ellen Lutnick, Alexia Malpica, Kiransumit Mann, Taylor Marino, Collin McMahon, Courtney Mergel, Quinn Mikulski, Orendael Miller, Gurwinder Nijjar, Maggie Nobumoto, Grace Olszewski, Samantha Pangborn, Melanie Perla, Marisa Phillips, Kyle Pletcher, Madeline Porter, Russell Potter, Taylor Powell, Benjamin Purrington, Christina Richard, Dominica Roberts, Katrina Rockwood, Kelly Ruminski, Melissa Sainsbury, Kevin Salonek, Marina Scerra, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Scheuing, Matthew Seaman, Ashley Serianni, Christopher Serra, Lauren Shepard, Adam Stanczyk, Emily Steinbrenner, Matthew Sutton, Jacob Sweeney, Alexa Territo, Lillian Thompson, Joshua Tixier, Alexander Tollner, Joshua Ungaro, Gregory VanNorman, Amy-jo VeRost, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Nicholas Winger, Andrew Zarnes, Joshua Zernickel, Emily Ziurinskas, Christina Zytariuk

Cassie Oursler Signs Letter of Intent - November 2012

Cassie with father Chris Oursler.

   Family and friends of Cassie Oursler gathered on Thursday, November 29, 2012 to watch her sign a letter of intent to attend and play basketball at Division I, Robert Morris University in Chicago. Cassie has been a starter on the GIHS girls basketball team since she was in 9th grade. During that time the girls have won three Section VI championships and two NFL championships. Athletic Director Jon Roth noted, "Cassie has been a big part of that success as a staple in the paint on both offensive and defensive ends." As a junior Cassie was named to 1st team All League, 2nd team All WNY, 4th team All State and 1st team All Gazette. Cassie currently has 816 point, 483 rebounds and 100 blocked shots. Congratulations Cassie.

Heftka: Niagara Gazette Player of Year - Volleyball - November 2012

Niagara Gazette - November 28 , 2012 - Jim Hibbard/contributor
      Grand Island High School senior -- plays setter. Controlled the offense for the Vikings who finished 11-2 this season -- Super-athlete used physical ability to push perfect sets to teammates -- jumped right from volleyball to basketball following GI's semifinal loss.
   "Watching him play, there's no question he's the quarterback on the floor. He's very athletic, he's got great hands and he really takes charge out there. He made everybody around him better."
Jon Roth, Grand Island athletic director.

Share the Holiday Magic With Santa - November 2012

   The Grand Island High School Student Council along with the Town of Grand Island Recreation Department and the Grand Island Lions Club are again "Sharing the Holiday Magic." The event takes place on Wednesday, December 3rd from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Island High School Viking Mall. Everyone is welcome to come see Santa, vote for and bid on your favorite tree, and enjoy activities and treats. See flyer for complete details.

GIHS iPad Pilot Project - November 2012

   November 20, 2012 . . .iPad Pilot Project Integrates Technology in the Classroom
   This year, select classes at Grand Island High School will participate in an iPad pilot project. As the district recently invested in a set of iPads for each of the buildings, this was an ideal opportunity to build teacher capacity and comfort with integrating technology using this tool in the classroom. Integrating technology into classroom instruction is an initiative required by the New York State Education Department in an effort to meet Common Core Curriculum standards.
   Beginning September 19th, the iPad project was implemented in two classrooms at the high school. Teachers Jeffrey Green of the Science Department and Tom Gorman of the English Department were chosen to pilot the study led by David Mileham from Erie 1 BOCES. A set of 30 iPads are utilized throughout their classes during the school day. Mileham serves as a technology coach to support the instructional planning and implementation within the classroom.
   In Mr. Gorman’s class the iPads are being used to complete projects such as advertisements and digital vocabulary companions. They are also being used to create visual and auditory notes. Student feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and the use of paper resources has been drastically reduced.
   In Mr. Green’s class the iPads are being used to take notes, complete labs, and submit assignments. “It’s amazing what iPads can do in education. Most people see them for their leisure and entertainment value. I was astounded with the ease of their implementation into everyday classroom activities. I have noticed student improvement,” said. Green. “The students have been more engaged and the use of this tool has increased our instructional time because we don’t have to distribute as much paper.”
   Students agree iPads are an effective classroom tool. “It makes us more willing to do everyday activities like taking notes” said student, Cassie Gilcart. “They (iPads) keep us organized and we can’t lose our notes or assignments” noted student Jake McMahon, Both are juniors currently enrolled in Mr. Green’s Environmental Science course. Green went on to say, “I see that the students are more engaged in the lessons. I believe the iPads give students a modern, hands-on experience, one similar to college. From an environmental standpoint, I haven’t had to use the copy machine as much and it feels good not to use so much paper. I wish I could keep a class set (of iPads) indefinitely.”
   Karen Cuddy-Miller, director of Curriculum and Instruction believes that iPads are one tool that can truly transform education. “We can engage students and teachers at levels that were not available before. It is the true embodiment of technology integration with tools that make a rigorous curriculum more accessible for all students.” The district hopes to continue creating opportunities to make this resource more available for our students in the classroom. “The teachers’ excitement is a great pulse check on the classroom effectiveness,” stated Cuddy-Miller. “When teachers feel that they are transforming what they do in the classroom, we can truly say that we are moving forward in providing our students with a 21st Century educational experience.”

Kevin Borowicz named Gazette Athlete of Year: Golf - November 2012

Niagara Gazette - November 20, 2012 - Jim Hibbard/contributor
   His work ethic is second to none. I'm a member of River Oaks and I don't think I've ever gone a day there without seeing Kevin and (teammate) Aaron Schauger out there practicing. They're constantly working at their game and hard work has paid off." - Grand Island athletic director Jon Roth
School: Grand Island
Grade: Junior
The Scoop: Led Niagara Frontier League with an average nine-hole score of 37 . . . Medaled in 11 of 14 matches . . .Earned an automatic qualification to Section VI Championship in spring, where he finished third last year . . .Only Niagara-area golfer to make State Championship last year as a sophomore.

High School Parent/Teacher Conferences - Nov. 2012

High School Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held from noon to 3 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, November 26, 2012. Appointments not necessary.

Sports Briefs - Nov. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 11/8/12"

WNY DECA Installation Dinner Features Grand Island Graduate! - Nov. 2012

From left are Treasurer Sam Clarke, Sara Carlson, President Sarah Chamberlain, Advisor Cheryl Chamberlain, Honored Speaker Corey McGowan
Click photo for larger view

   Salvatore's Italian Gardens was the setting on Wednesday, November 7th for the annual Region 12 DECA Installation Dinner. This occasion is the official installation of DECA members for the 15 Schools in the WNY region and over 550 students and guests were in attendance. The speaker this year was Corey McGowan, former Grand Island High School DECA president and coordinator of this year's hugely successful Taste of Grand Island/Mural Project. Corey's message to the membership of DECA was that the club prepared him for his future and gave him an edge over other students because of what he learned from competing in DECA at the regional and state levels. Networking, resume building and interviewing were all a part of Corey's DECA experience in high school. DECA is a business and marketing club with 115 members at Grand Island High School and has even started up a chapter with Mrs. MaryJane Fonte for eighth graders at Veronica Connor Middle School this year. In closing, Corey recommended joining DECA to students pursuing any career field, in order to help them be better communicators and ready for the world of work.

GISBA Fundraiser, Sabres Alumni vs. Faculty - Nov. 2012

   The Grand Island School & Business Alliance (GISBA) is sponsoring a basketball game between the Buffalo Sabres Alumni and the Grand Island School District faculty and staff. The game will take place on Tuesday, November 20th at 7pm in the high school gym. Tickets are $5 presale and $7 at the door. See flyer for details and order form.

GIHS Band & Orchestra Fruit Sale - Nov. 2012

   Grand Island High School and 8th Grade Band & Orchestra annual Fruit Sale is underway, November 2nd thru November 14th. The proceeds of this fundraiser help the students pay for their band/orchestra trip. Thank you for your support!! Go to the website, then choose the student's name who you are supporting. You may also contact any band or orchestra member to order. Thank you for your support!!

Sports Briefs - Oct. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 11/1/12"

Vikings For Veteran's 5K - November 2012

   Grand Island High School’s Student Advisory Council and Student Council Organizations have joined forces to begin a new tradition. This year we will be hosting our first “Vikings for Vets” 5K race/walk/jog at Veterans Park on Saturday, November 10th at 9am. The majority of the proceeds from this event will go to WNY Heroes, a local non-for-profit organization that was founded in 2007 to meet the needs of WNY’s Veterans and their families. The mission of WNY Heroes is to provide veterans, members of the armed services, and the widows and children of deceased veterans with access to essential services, financial assistance and resources that support their lives and sustain their dignity. It is an organization that we are proud to support, and we welcome all who are interested to join us. See website for registration information.

Sports Briefs - Oct. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 10/25/12"

Sports Briefs - Oct. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 10/18/12"

GIHS Boys Volleyball Tournament This Weekend - Oct. 2012

The Grand Island High School Boys Volleyball Tournament takes place beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, October 20, 2012 at the GI High School. Eleven teams from Erie and Niagara counties will be competing. Admission is free. Both Grand Island teams, JV and Varsity, are undefeated so far this season!

Students Help at Fall Fest! - Oct. 2012

Shown from left are Shamus Johnson, Ashley Gugino, Ray Tafalski
   Students from Grand Island High School volunteered their time at the biggest event on Grand Island this year, The Fall Fest/Taste of GI/Mural Project! This project was the vision of former Grand Island High School graduate, Corey McGowan, who was grateful for the overwhelming assistance from the high school students. DECA, Student Council, IB CAS, Art Students, Vikingettes, and CupCake Wars were just a sample of the groups that came out to the festival. In addition, many students signed up to help in any way they could by picking up garbage and selling tickets. Corey McGowan, volunteer coordinator Cheryl Chamberlain, and artist Terry Klaaren were very grateful for all of these young students and want to thank them for all of their time and commitment to all facets of the mural and event!

Students Dance To Benefit Fall Fest/Mural Project - Oct. 2012

Shown are Cheryl Chamberlain, Instructors Sandy Chiaravalle, Sydney Khreis, Rachel Gaydosh, and Megan McInerney
   Sandy Chiaravalle took her Zumba class to Sidway School's large gym on Wednesday, October 10th to help raise money for the Grand Island Mural Project. Coordinator of the event, Cheryl Chamberlain, was looking for a creative way to raise money for Corey McGowan's Fall Festival and Sandy suggested a Zumba class. The increasing popularity of Zumba as a form of exercise and the excitement of the instructors, led to a successful fundraising event! For more information on Zumba by Sandy please call 903-7361.

Sports Briefs - Oct. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 10/11/12"

Lady Vikings Swimming - Tuesday, October 9

GI beat NT V 126-42, JV 125-38
Complete Meet Results

Sports Briefs - Oct. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 10/4/12"

Lady Vikings Swimming - Friday September 28

Niagara Wheatfield 108 - GI 76
Marissa Watroba(NW) - Pool Record in the 100 Breaststoke 1:08.77
Complete Meet Results

Students To Sell Cookies at Fall Fest - Oct. 2012

   Looking for just one more reason to stop by the first ever Taste of Grand Island on Saturday, October 13th? Members of the Grand Island High School DECA Chapter, as well as the charter members of the newly formed Veronica E. Connor Middle School Jr. DECA Chapter, will be selling Patriotic Cookies! As a part of their Civic Consciousness, DECA students have prepared Michelle Obama’s White and Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies and Ann Romney’s M&M Cookies, which will be available in non-partisan packaging to encourage Grand Island Citizens to vote in the upcoming election. Pictured are Jr. DECA members Lindsay Proctor and Sam Eichel facing off in a debate on whose cookie is the winner.

Sports Briefs - Sept. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 9/27/12"

Lady Vikings Swimming - Tuesday, September 25

Lockport 133- GI 51
Complete Meet Results

Lady Vikings Swimming - Friday, September 21

Ken East 73 - GI 21
Complete Meet Results

Powder Puff/Bonfire & Pep Rally Slideshows - September 2012

Powder Puff/ Bonfire Slide Show
Pep Rally Slide Show

Sports Briefs - Sept. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 9/20/12"

Lady Vikings Swimming - Friday, September 14

Grand Island 102 - LewPort 84
Complete Meet Results


To access the athletic schedule for GI Varsity/Junior Varsity/Modified sports schedule, please go to www.k12.ginet.org - click on Department and Services, click on Athletics, left side search for sports schedule. This will take you to a link for "www.highschoolsports.net", search for "Grand Island, NY". Click season and pick your sport.

Lady Vikings Swimming - Tuesday, September 11

Grand Island 116 - Ken East 69
Complete Meet Results

Football - Sat., Sept. 8, 2012 - Masters Field

"Grand Island 35 - North Tonawanda 14" Niagara Gazette - by Matt Parrino
Slide Show

Sports Briefs - Sept. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 9/13/12"

Hang Up and Drive –
A Victim’s Story - Sept. 2012

   September 12, 2012 . . . Today, over 1100 Grand Island High School students attended a school-wide assembly to hear the powerful story of Jacy Good - a victim of distracted driving. Recognizing the importance of keeping kids safe, Trooper John Campanella, school community outreach coordinator, arranged the school-wide assembly featuring 26-year-old Jacy Good. Since the crash in 2008, Good and her fiancé Steve Johnson have devoted their life to raising awareness about the dangers of cell phone use behind the wheel.
    Good’s story began four years ago on a drive home with her parents on her college graduation day. Their car was hit by an 18-year-old boy who was talking on the phone while driving - he never saw the red light. The accident claimed the lives of both her parents that day and sent Good on a long, treacherous road to regain her own life. Good shares her emotional story with the students and incorporates testimonials from her fiancé through several video clips. Johnson narrates the events from the day of the accident as they unfolded while Good recalls her personal experience following the accident. Together they tell the amazing journey to recovery and share their efforts to advocate for nationwide legislation to eradicate an epidemic that shatters thousands of American lives each year.
    “Students and staff found Jacy’s message to be powerful and mesmerizing. She captured the attention of our students with her important message about the dangers of distracted driving,” says Andres Rafael Arroyo, assistant principal at Grand Island High School. “I think Jacy said it best when she reminded students that they do not have to be a victim from that car to be impacted by this story.”
    Good and Johnson have appeared on Oprah and Say Yes to the Dress. They continue to work tirelessly to educate the country about the dangers of cell phone use behind the wheel. To learn more, visit the website at www.hangupanddrive.com.

Soccer Team Fundraiser - Sept. 2012

   The Grand Island High School Boys Soccer Teams is selling GI Vikings scarves for a fundraiser this year. They will be available at GIHS open house Wednesday, Sept. 12 and at the home football games or of course any soccer game.

Sports Briefs - Sept. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 9/6/12"

GIHS Open House - Sept. 2012

    Grand Island High School will hold its annual Open House on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. Information and schedules will be available in the main foyer. Parents will follow their child’s “Day 1” schedule. Parents follow that schedule which provides an opportunity to meet with each teacher for 10 minutes and gain an overview of the curriculum for that subject area.

GIHS Summer Graduates - Sept. 2012

Amber Texido and Christopher Sexton.

    On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Grand Island Senior High School held its first ever summer graduation ceremony for five students. Over 200 students enrolled in the summer school program at Grand Island High School in the online APEX credit recovery program, and five of them successfully earned their high school diplomas. The graduates include Brian Argy, Christopher Sexton, Amber Texido, Robert Vantoff, and Eric Wolfe . Congratulations to the summer graduating Class of 2012.

Kevin Borowicz - GIHS Golf - Sept. 2012

See Niagara Gazette for complete story

Grand Island Varsity Vikings Beat Kenmore East 26-14 - Sept. 2012

   Buffalo News story 9/2/12 . . . Grand Island 26, Kenmore East 14: The Vikings overcame a slow start to beat the visiting Bulldogs in Class A North. GI fell behind 7-0 after the first quarter and had two drives stall inside East's 20-yard line in the first half. They went into halftime tied 7-7 when Anthony Zogaria took it in from 3 yards out.
   GI scored on its first two possession of the third quarter and eventually built a 26-7 lead. KE's last score came with 5 minutes left.
   Danny Blocko rushed for 83 yards, including a 29- and 12-yard TD run.
   "It was frustrating, but they're a much-improved team. They played us tough," said GI coach Dean Santorio. "We moved the ball fairly well in the first half, we just didn't come away with many points. In the third quarter on our first two drives we pretty much kept it on the ground and grinded out a lot of yards. We kind of stuck with that."
    For East, Nick Bluff picked up a blocked punt and scored and Adam Geib connected with Connor McMahon on a 19-yard pass.

"Giving Back, It's What We Do!" - Sept. 2012

   The school year started off very exciting for students at Grand Island High School during New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 23. It was also the kick off for a new theme that teachers Cheryl Chamberlain and Carley Antonelli have introduced this year. "Giving Back, It's What We Do!" is a program designed to help all of GIHS volunteer in the school and community. "The tag line was created a few years ago by the class of 2011 because of their huge amount of volunteering," explained Mrs. Chamberlain. Mrs. Antonelli is new to Grand Island High School and wanted to get involved and we thought it would be a great idea to create enthusiasm for our students, it was a perfect fit!" Opportunities in the next month include: The Every Step Walk at Beaver Island, The Grand Island Mural Project, and Open House at Grand Island Middle and High Schools. Contact Mrs. Chamberlain and Mrs. Antonelli at 773-8820 for more information on how you can help our community.

2012 Grand Island Varsity Vikings Football Schedule - Fall 2012

Sept. 1 - Kenmore East - 2 p.m.
Sept. 8 North Tonawanda - 2 p.m.
Sept 15 Starpoint - 2 p.m.
Sept. 21 at Hutchinson Central-Tech - 7 p.m.
Sept. 29 at Williamsville North - 2 p.m.
Oct. 6 at Niagara-Wheatfield - 2 p.m.
Oct. 13 McKinley - 4 p.m.

Banking Lessons For Business Students - August 2012

Click photo for larger view

   Students in Cheryl Chamberlain's high school Career and Financial Management Class have a new way to learn real life skills, courtesy of the Grand Island Federal Credit Union. It is a simulated checking and savings book lesson complete with simulated checks and complete explanations of banking terms that people use everyday. "We trailed this lesson last year and it worked great! Students wrote checks for their bills and kept records for over two weeks." explained Chamberlain. "The students saw how money moved in and out of their bank account and kept track of their own statements." This real world experience is part of the career and college readiness skills every student should have. Casey Coram of the GIFCU was instrumental in supporting this program when Chamberlain approached her with the idea. Coram brings in banking lessons as a guest speaker each semester that the CFM course is offered at the high school. For more information on important life skills in business contact Chamberlain at 773-8820.

Victory Again For GIHS 2012 Chalk Walk Team - 2012

Photos include 2 shots of the design and 2 of the students: receiving trophy photo (student order): Abhiraj Grewal, Ali Price and Marshall Cancilla sitting by drawing: Marshall Cancilla, Ali Price and Abhiraj Grewal
Click photos for larger view

   Although this has been a hot, dry, sunny summer, Mother Nature decided to throw Lewiston a huge curve ball on Saturday, August 11th. Under a cloudy, windy, rain-sprinkling sky, the featured contest’s results were read over the loud speaker and the team of Marshall Cancilla, Abhiraj Grewal and Ali Price proudly accepted the First Place blue ribbon and trophy for Chalk Walk 2012. Surprisingly under such gray and threatening skies overhead, there was a big crowd for the event and a loud, enthusiastic cheer for the talented and skilled Grand Island team. A few times, the team got lightly rained upon but that did not keep them from their individual drawing tasks. They remained focused, determined to finish the 8’ x 10’ drawing in the 4 hours allotted which they did with even a few minutes to spare. During the competition, the students received so many compliments, flattering remarks, and accolades from people attending the Lewiston Art Festival who were impressed with the team’s design image and the visual message. This year’s challenging Chalk Walk theme asked the students to complete the sentence - “Diversity is…” The team completed it with…”Woven into all mankind”. YouTube Video

Grand Island High School Vikingettes Fundraiser - August 2012

   The Grand Island High School Vikingettes Baton Twirling team will have a hot dog fundraiser at Dino-Mart Convenience Store, intersection of Stony Point and Ransom Roads, on Thursday, August 9th from 11am - 4pm.

Grand Island High School Practices for KeyBank Chalk Walk Competition - August 2012

Click photo for larger view

   No heat, humidity, sweat, blisters, or hot asphalt has prevented this year’s Grand Island High School team from practicing their design for the upcoming 28th Annual KeyBank Chalk Walk Competition to be held during the Lewiston Art Festival on Saturday, August 11, 2012. This year’s Chalk Walk team includes two returning members, Marshall Cancilla and Abhiraj Grewal along with newcomer, Ali Price. This year’s theme is “Diversity is…” and the team has spent several practices developing their original concept which has evolved because of their chalk drawing skills, knowledge of art elements and principles, fine-tuning of details, and improved individual talents. They are very excited to complete the 8’ x 10’ street chalk drawing in the 4 hours allotted for the art contest. The competition begins at noon on Saturday. Come support the GIHS team and cheer on the artistic talents of Marshall, Aby and Ali!

Matt Lenz - Vikings Baseball - Biggest Win- July 2012

The path to the Grand Island Vikings' biggest win began as they stood by their teammate, Matt Lenz. A player who in his most difficult days, helped lead a journey to the team's most unexpectaed comeback. See WGRZ for complete story

Grand Island High and Niagara Falls Unite! - July 2012

Click photo for larger view

   Students from Grand Island High School and Niagara Falls High School took part in a unique project this summer to build student leadership and bring the schools together.
   Strive for Excellence, now in its fifth year, is a program that "motivates and coaches high school students to be leaders." Brought to these students by The Irene E. Witkowski Agrawal Foundation, Inc., Strive is a unique program which tutors students to "recognize the great importance of correct usage of the English Language...how to write like a pro, and learn to communicate and lead." Workshops were held at both high schools for two days each and then culminated in a trip to Washington, DC to talk and debate with students from across the country. While in DC students visited the Capitol Building, World War II Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. The ten students from each school completed an application and essay to qualify for this program.

McGinty Named New Era WNY Scholastic Baseball Player of the Year - July 2012

Coach Dean Santorio and John McGinty
Click photo for larger view

   Grand Island Viking pitcher and shortstop John McGinty was recently awarded the 2012 New Era Western New York Scholastic Baseball Player of the Year. McGinty was presented the award in a luncheon ceremony held at Canisius College on Thursday, July 12, 2012. The ceremony was the kickoff event for the annual New Era Cap Classic Showcase Tournament. This is the second year that New Era has presented this award. Last year's winner, Zach Lauricella of Clarence, went on to have an outstanding Freshman season for St. John's University.
   McGinty batted .406 for the Vikings and had a 6 - 0 record on the mound with an ERA of .065 while striking out 85 and allowing only 12 hits during league and sectional play. He was also named to the first team All New York State, All Western New York and All Niagara Frontier League and plans to attend the University of Hartford in the fall to play baseball and pursue a degree in Engineering.

GIHS Potential Graduates - June 2012

   See 2012 Graduates
See 2012 Photo

First GISBA Golf Outing - July 2012

Pictured from left are DECA helpers: Josh Ungaro, James Rustowicz and Jake Lawley, with Paul Krull, Bridget DeDario and Mike DeDario
Click photo for larger view

   Golfers from in and around Grand Island came out on Monday, June 25th for the first Grand Island School Business Alliance (GISBA) Golf Outing at River Oaks Golf Course. The golf outing will generate funding and scholarships for the career oriented programs that GISBA supports at the high school such as Job Search, Shadow Day and Corporate Bowl. GISBA chairperson and school board member Paul Krull came up with the idea after brainstorming possible community events for GISBA support. GISBA continues to aid the business department in an advisory capacity to help students understand what businesses are looking for when it comes to career readiness skills. The next community event is August 25th where families can come out to see a Bison's Baseball Game! For tickets contact Paul Krull at 909-4634.

GIHS Commencement Awards - June 2012

   See Commencement Award Recipients

GIHS Students Named to All-Area Ball Team - June 2012

   The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the Niagara Gazette All-Area Baseball Team.
   John McGinty - Stats: 3-0, 52 Ks, 26 BB, 8 H, 6 R, 2 ER, 150 ERA.    Niagara Gazette Skinny: Pitching Vikings through sectionals before injuring wrist in Class A final . . . Power pitcher clocked at 90 mph, led Niagara Frontier League in strikeouts as well as hits and runs allowed. . . Named to first team all-WNY and first team all-NFL . . . Headed to Division 1 University of Hartford next fall.
   Dylan Kelly - Stats: 10 R, 6 2B, 0 3B, O HR, 2 SB, 12 RBI, .388 AVG.
   Niagara Gazette Skinny: Vikings' clean-up hitter contributed from the plate and the mound, capped by a huge performance in the Far West Regionals . . .Held Honeyeye Falls-Lima (Rochester) to three runs and hit a walk-off, two-run single in the game. . . . Will attend Division III Ohio Wesleyan in fall . . . First team all-NFL and honorable mention all-WNY.
   John Voyzey - Stats: 12 R, 4 2B, 03B, 0 HR, 1:SB, 12 RBI, 530 AVG.
   Niagara Gazette Skinny: Senior left fielder led NFL in hits and batting average . . . Performed at the plate and in the field, racking up 12 assists from the outfield. . . Capped marvelous season with 5-for-5 performance in Far West Regional win over HFL . . . One of two area players named to first team all-WNY, also named first team all-NFL.
   Honorable Mention - GIHS players
Kevin Dobson
A. J. Jasek

Alley Cutting, Member of All-Area Softball Team - June 2012

   Alley Cutting, a freshman at Grand Island High School, has been named to the Niagara Gazette All-Area Softball Team. Her position is P/1B.
   From the Niagara Gazette: SCOOP: Led all Vikings in hits (27), batting average (.443) and RBI (21) . . .Had team-leading nine doubles as well as two triples and one of the team's two homeruns . . . won four games within the circle, striking out 75 batters over 52.1 innings. . . allowed just eight earned runs for a 1.07 ERA . . . First-team All-NFL selection
   Honorable Mentions went to Grand Island High School students Laura Amantia, Ashley Colan and Courtney Collignon.

Justin Canazzi, Athlete of Year: Boys Tennis - June 2012

by Don Pray - Niagara Gazette

   Justin Canazzi was named Niagara Gazette Athlete of the Year: Boys Tennis. He plays First Singles and has a record of 11-2.
"The Scoop": Qualified for sectionals for the second straight season . . . helped GI tie for the NFL title with NT . . . two-time second team All-NFL. . .honorable mention All-WNY scholar athlete. . .honor roll student. . .worked his way up from second doubles to first singles during his four-year varsity career. . .will attend UB and continue to play in local tennis tournaments.

Justin was an excellent role model and superb team leader on and off the court. He was also a gentleman on the court - never an angry moment and always cool and composed. In a sport where there are no referees and you call you own lines, Justin is always honest about line calls. The younger players look up to Justin because he takes the time to get to know them and hits with them in practice.

Vikings Baseball Season Ends - June 2012

The Grand Island Vikings baseball team finished the season with a 9-7 loss to Cornwell in State competition. See Buffalo News Story by Aaron Mansfield.

GIHS Portfolios Take Top Honors - June 2012

Shown from left are Megan Karpie, Debra Pease (Cannon Design), Principal Sandra Anzalone, and Sydney Dudish
   Once again, the Business Education Portfolio Program (BEEP) students earned top honors at the annual competition held at Erie 1 BOCES in May. Sponsored by NFIEC (Niagara Frontier Industry and Education Council), the BEEP students from Grand Island took top honors for their outstanding portfolios and interview skills. Both candidates from GIHS, Megan Karpie and Sydney Dudish, excelled in all areas of the interview and Dudish was the only candidate from the northtown schools to earn a scholarship! A breakfast was held in June at Michael's Banquet Facility where Debra Pease from Grand Island's Cannon Design was the guest speaker.

GIHS Venture Yearbook Scholarship Winners - June 2012

(left) Amanda Blanton, Sydney Dudish, Jordan Davis

    The Venture Yearbook at Grand Island High School and adviser Mr. Christopher Simpson are proud to announce its scholarship winners for the 2012 school year. Seniors Amanda Blanton, Sydney Dudish, and Jordan Davis all received checks for $500.00 to help offset the costs of attending a 2- or 4-year-school next year. All three students have been a part of the yearboook for more than two years and have helped in the overall production of the yearbook.
   Since 2005, the club has sent students to higher institutions of learning with more than $12,000 in scholarship money.

Venture Yearbook Staff Donates - June 2012

(left) Dominique Perri, Maggie Weiser, Amir Abdellatif, Alexa Territo, Cameron Sargent, and Mr. Christopher Simpson (adviser).

   On Friday, June 8th, the staff of the Venture Yearbook and adviser, Mr. Christopher Simpson, presented a check to the Mended Little Hearts organization of Western New York for $1000.00. Cameron McClelland, a young Grand Island youth who was helped by M.L.H., accepted the check on behalf of the organization. Students from the yearbook sold candy, bracelets, and water bottles to raise the funds. Mended Little Hearts is an organization that helps children who have heart defects or heart disease, and their families, with donations, travel, and useful items for long stays. Mended Hearts Inc. has been in existence for over 60 years.
   Students from the Yearbook at Grand Island have helped many organization over the years including the Make-A-Wish Organization, the Lupus Foundation, M.D.A., and other local groups.

Grand Island's Victory Has Mystical Moments - June 2012

See Buffalo News Story by Keith McShea.

Honors Class Reading Winners - June 2012

Click for larger view

   Students in Mr. Tom Gorman's English 9 Honors classes at Grand Island High School, competed in a reading contest where they kept an inventory of the books they read from September to May. One student, Caitlin Conlon, read 27,269 pages! Marah and Leah Killian read 19,528 and 14,099 pages respectively. All three girls were awarded medals: gold, silver, and bronze. The top reader, Cailin Conlon, received a fifty dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble, donated by the high school library. Pictured (left back row) Superintendent Mr. Robert Christmann, Mrs. Karen Cuddy-Miller, Director of Curriculum & Instruction; Senior Library Clerk Mrs. Kristine Bajdas; English Teacher Mr. Thomas Gorman; (front row) Caitlin Conlon, Leah Killian, and Marah Killian.

Students Recognized For Personal Essays - June 2012


Picture 1: Sarah Dollendorf receiving her award for her outstanding personal essay on leadership.
Picture 2: Jacob Athoe with a fellow ambassador from the weekend.
Picture 3: Derek Ciraolo and Molly Meka posing with Emily Ciraolo, a 2003 HOBY alumna and current volunteer. Emily is also a member of Grand Island’s Board of Education and was recognized at HOBY this year with the Volunteer of the Year award.

   HOBY New York West, P.O. Box 1690, Batavia, N.Y. 14021
(June 4, 2012) ROCHESTER, N.Y. – On Sunday, June 3, the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership New York West Seminar concluded its three-day program, recognizing Sarah Dollendorf, a sophomore from Grand Island Senor High School in Grand Island, N.Y., for her outstanding essay on personal leadership. From June 1-3, 120 high school sophomores from across the western region of New York state attended New York’s premier youth leadership program – Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership New York West Seminar or HOBY (pronounced ho-bee) – at the University of Rochester. In addition to Dollendorf, five students residing on Grand Island also attended the seminar: Jacob Athoe (Grand Island Senior High School), Derek Ciraolo (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute), Molly Meka (Holy Angels Academy), Brentyn Mendel (Grand Island Senior High School) and Pam Slattery (Grand Island Senior High School).
    Now in its 29th year, the primary focus of this year’s seminar was to shed light on bullying in light of the tragic regional and national events that unfolded over the past year, garnering significant attention at the local, state and federal levels. Over the course of the three-day seminar, students learned critical life skills and underwent intensive panels, workshops, speakers and community service activities. On Friday, students had the opportunity to listen to the Rodemeyer family (from Williamsville, N.Y.) share their story in memory of their son Jamey who took his life in 2011 due to bullying. Dollendorf was chosen to receive this honor based on personal essays, surveys and interviews in addition to her participation over the weekend.
   “As alumni of the program, we understand and believe in the lasting difference that this program makes in both the life of a young person – like Sarah – and in their community,” said Jeremy Gerevics, HOBY New York West co-chair. “This interactive and encouraging environment allows participants to develop leadership skills and to begin thinking critically about the issues that will impact their futures. By giving them the tools they need to be empowered to go back to their schools and communities with skills and the confidence to make a difference, they do take on new initiatives to be leaders in their communities. Congratulations to Sarah and all of our ambassadors – the HOBY New York West Class of 2012. We welcome them to our HOBY family.”
   About Our Seminar: HOBY New York West has helped cultivate the leadership skills of outstanding high school sophomores since 1983. Our seminar is funded entirely by fundraising initiatives, generous donations and contributions of supplies in addition to the volunteers who have worked tirelessly over the past 29 years to provide this seminar regardless of a participant’s ability to pay. For more information, contact Emily Ciraolo at 716-863-8672.
   About HOBY: Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service and innovation. Founded by veteran actor Hugh O’Brian (best known for his role as Wyatt Earp), HOBY provides lifelong leadership development opportunities that empower individuals to achieve their highest potential. Now, with more than 375,000 alumni leading the way, HOBY is respected worldwide for its youth leadership programs. For more information, visit HOBY.org.

Sports Briefs - June 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 6/7/12"

GIHS Artists Honored - June 2012

The Niagara Police Athletic League honored more than 30 high school seniors from 11 local high schools as part of the third annual Arts Award Gala on Sunday, June 3, 2012. Grand Island High School students, Marshall Cancilla and Nigel Michki, were among the honorees.

GI Wins Class A Title - June 2012

JT Tomkins Photo - Click for larger view

The Grand Island Island High School baseball team won the 2012 Section VI Class A Championship on Thursday, May 31, 2012. The team beat Albion 2-1 at Sal Maglie Stadium in Niagara Falls. The Vikings will play the Section V (Rochester) Class A Champion (undecided) on Tuesday, June 5th at 5pm at Sal Maglie Stadium.

GIHS Final Exam Schedule - May 2012

For schedule of final exams and bus information, see pdf file or jpg .

Vikings, Albion Set For Rematch- May 2012

See Niagara Gazette Story by Niagara Gazette reporter Mike Meiler.

GIHS Boys Win A-1 Baseball Title - May 2012

For Section VI Class A-1 Baseball Championship story, see Niagara Gazette Story by Niagara Gazette reporter Mike Meiler.

Benches Donated For Courtyard - May 2012


Left photo: Seniors Amanda Blanton and Jessica Ungaro
Right photo: Juniors Ellen Lutnik and Sam Clarke

    The Grand Island High School class of 2011 and 2012 recently donated two benches to the school. The benches have been placed in the small courtyard.

Seniors Register To Vote - May 2012

From left: Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Seniors Angelina Stromberg and Jessica Hall - Click photo for larger view

    Grand Island Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel made her ninth annual spring visit to the GIHS senior cafeteria on Wednesday, May 23, 2012. Students who are or will be 18 years of age within the year were invited to register to vote. Town Clerk Frentzel gave the students information about their polling location, about choosing/not choosing a party affiliation, and absentee ballot information if they were going away to college. Approximately 40 seniors were registered. If anyone has any questions regarding voting, registration, upcoming elections, etc. call the Town Clerk’s office at 773-9600.

Sports Briefs - May 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 5/24/12"

GI Hosts Sectional Games - May 2012

The Grand Island Island High School softball teams will host sectional games today (May 22). See Niagara Gazette Story by Brandon Schlager.

Ken-Ton Students Win State & National Competitions- May 2012

Lenny Fike

From left: Michael Avery, Erie 1 BOCES instructor Gary Willis, and Donald Brant at the National Competition.
Click photo for larger view

   Grand Island High School seniors and Erie 1 BOCES Kenton Career & Technical Center students have recently competed in New York State and National competitions.
   Lenny Fike will miss his high school graduation ceremony for the opportunity to compete at the national level in June. Lenny won third place in his category at the SkillsUSA statewide competition in April. Because the first and second place winners are unable to attend the national SkillsUSA competition in Kansas City, MO, Lenny will be competing in their absence.
   Michael Avery and Donald Brant are enrolled in the Automotive Technology program at Erie 1 BOCES Kenton Career & Technical Center. After winning first place at a regional automotive competition, organized by the Niagara Frontier Automobile Dealers Association, they traveled to New York City to compete nationally. While there, the students tested their automotive skills against 29 top teams from across the country. The team finished in eighth place. This placement resulted in the students being awarded more than $30,000 in prizes and scholarships.
   As part of the public education system, Erie 1 BOCES offers more than 25 career and technical programs to high school students in Erie County. High school students interested in learning more about how they can participate in various programs such as nursing, computer networking and automotive during their normal school day should visit http://www.e1b.org/cte or speak with their high school counselor.    The three students were given proclamations by the Grand Island Town Board at the May 21st meeting.

GIHS Assists With Kindergarten Orientation at Sidway- May 2012

Right Photo: Manraj Grewal, James Rustowicz, Josh Ungaro, Alec Metro as the Bear, Ben Whitford, Brent Fred, and AJ Jasek
Click photos for larger view

   Thirty students from Grand Island High School helped with Sidway's Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday, May 15th. This event is a highlight for Cheryl Chamberlain's CEIP/Internship students as they help the incoming kindergarten "Class of 2025" who were excited to meet their teachers for the upcoming school year. Alec Metro did a great job as the Charlotte Sidway Bear and was the star attraction.

230 Attend Jr. Prom - May 2012

Pictured from left are Prom King and Queen, Mark Hughes and Alexis Cino
(right) Class representatives Laura Dolan, Sarah Chamberlain, and Sara Carlson with Advisor Melissa Kosmoski

   Banchetti's by Rizzo was the setting Saturday, May 19th for the Grand Island High School Junior Prom. With over 230 students in attendance the theme was "Cosmic Love," with chosen colors purple, black and silver to complete the theme. Alexis Cino and Mark Hughes were chosen prom Queen and King and the night was a huge success! Melissa Kosmoski and Rachel Grabek, advisors to the Class of 2013 want to thank all who helped make this prom a wonderful evening for all.

Sports Briefs - May 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 5/17/12"

Girls Rugby Car Wash - May 2011

   The Grand Island Girls Rugby will hold a car wash from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 19 at Adrian's Custard & Beef, 2335 Grand Island Blvd. Presale tickets are $4 and regular price is $5.

Sports Briefs - May 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 5/10/12"

"Strike Out Cancer" Game A Winner - May 2012


Rosalie Russell is standing, 4th from left - Click photos for larger view

   The Grand Island Girls Varsity Softball team surprised their teammate, Rosalie Russell, on Wednesday, May 9th by dedicating a tree to her mother, Rosanna Russell, who died in 2009. The tree is placed next to the Varsity softball diamond in Veteran's Park. The game against Lew-Port was designated the "Strike Out Cancer" game with both teams wearing pink shirts with the slogan. Grand Island won the game 4-0, with Rosalie pitching the last 1 1/3 innings. GI Coach Jacqueline Morris`said the game was a "great opportunity because Rosalie's mom was very active in softball and Relay For Life." The dediction plaque reads...In Loving Memory of Rosanna Russell, Dedicated to our Roseanne, "Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is going to be all right"

Megan Karpie Wins Hewitt Awards - May 2011

   The 47th annual Thomas E. Hewitt Sports Award sponsored by the Mount St. Mary's Board of Associates was presented to Grand Island' Megan Karpie. The GIHS senior was presented with a $2000 scholarship in addition to the $100 award she received as a nominee, and a commemorative plaque. See Hewitt Sports Award

GI Wins Basketball Tournament - May 2011

   Niagara Gazette . . . May 11, 2012 weekend - The 16-under Grand Island Vikings went 4-0 on their way to the championship of this past weekend's CYP Summer Blitz at Monroe Community College.
   In the opener, Jack Mulcahy (Niagara-Wheatfield) scored 19 points and both Ryan Ross (Grand Island) and Jadon Wegrzyn (Grand Island) added 12 as GI beat RAP Genesee, 63-50. Mulcahy canned 19, Nick Mansour (Lewiston-Porter) netted 16, Wegrzyn had 15 and Ross added 14 as GI beat the Empire Dragons in game two, 73-64. In the third game, Mansour scored 18 and Quinn Carey (Grand Island) had 14 as GI rolled past RAP-HAC, 54-30. GI beat RAP Elba in the finale, 58-32, behind 14 from Anthony Cappuccilli (Niagara Wheatfield) and 13 each from Mulcahy and Carey.

High School Honor Roll - May 2012

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the honor roll for the third quarter, 2011-2012 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Jessica Ackendorf, Joshua Barrett, Carly Bernatovicz, Natalia Christiano, Sara Cichon, Andrew Colautto, Sara Colon, Kayla Conway, Isabel Dengos, Shannon Driess, Julia Drozdowsky, Eric Dudley, Katherine Fonte, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Kathryn Gentz, Carly Hand, Christian Hilts, Jacqueline Kehoe, Jack Kennedy, Leah Killian, Marah Killian, Kristian Kline, Kurt Laschinger, Taylor Latvala, Nathan Marino, Michaela McMahon, Alyssa Pelosi, Michael Podgorny, Andrew Riederer, Eric Riederer, Raymond Rott, Kaitlyn Rudney, Margaret Rustowicz, Emily Szabo, Laura Taylor, James Wilson

Grade 10 - Alicia Bianco, Liana Buscaglia, Sierra D’Ettore, Sarah Dollendorf, Heavyn Dreher, Alexandra Dzielski, Emma Garten, Andrew Grinchishin, Henry Huang, Amanda Jelonek, Zachary Jones, Kristina Kasprzycki, Ashley Kroetsch, Julianne Lavallee, Justin Lavis, Emma MacIntyre, Anna Nicolia, Jenna Paternostro, Maygan Payan, Jillian Sheehan, Timothy Utz, Jackeline Wilson

Grade 11 - Alexandra Bahgat, Lydia Bernatovicz, Jessica Brownschidle, Sarah Chamberlain, Alyssa Cino, Sam Clarke, Laura Dolan, Meghan Federico, Brianna Gibney, Alexandra Griffin, Kourtney Hoppel, Mark Hughes, Manjinder Kaur, Bridget Kennedy, Shannon Kieffer, Christopher Komin, Evan Leffler, Stephanie LoTempio, Ellen Lutnick, Orendael Miller, Benjamin Purrington, James Rustowicz, Rachael Ruszkowski, Melissa Sainsbury, Kevin Salonek, Marina Scerra, Javier Solis, Adam Stanczyk, Joshua Tixier, Kimberly Yaeger

Grade 12 - Reem Abdellatif, Jeremy Anderson, Marshall Cancilla, Emily Dauphin, Jordan Davis, Megan Karpie, Elizabeth Kowalik, Nathan Kulak, Brendon Lutnick, Mia Michael, Nigel Michki, Dominic Morell, Kenneth Rogoza, Alexandra Seibert, Taylor Sweet

Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Alwareed Abdellatif, Ryan Allen, Hannah Bastian, Nicholas Bonora, Bradley Boreali, Brianna Brandon, Sierra Brooks, Vincent Bruno, Giuseppe Campanella, Quinn Carey, Robert Carroll, Rochelle Cataffo, Dennis Chatkhan, Nicholas Colan, Caitlin Conlon, Lillian Cultrara, Alexandra Cutting, Colton Czajka, Nancy Dahlquist, Karli Deuser, Rajveer Dhaliwall, Katherine Diefenbach, Joseph Egloff, Jared Eichel, Ian Eisenberger, Robert Ellegate, McLain Erhard, Joseph Farrell, Justin Figler, Morgan Finn, Halle FitzGerald, Ashley Franz, Andrew Fred, Jacob Frosolone, Leah Geis, Graciana Giambra, Marissa Gress, Balraj Grewal, Kasandra Guyette, Nikolai Harper, Connor Harrigan, Hatalie Henderson, Kimberly Huffnagle, Benjamin Jensen, Grant Johnson, Grey Johnson, Austin Mahoney, Thomas Major, Ryan Marlin, Colton McGraw, Devlin McMaster, Matthew McNaughton, Alanna Mergel, Nolan Miles, Alexandra Miller, Anthony Mosher, Robert Nappo, Robin Neary, Meaghan O’Leary, Colin Osborn, Devon Perri, Kelsey Percival, Jordan Piershalski, Michael Podlucky, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Lauren Rogoza, Michael Rugg, Benjamin Shaw, Pushpinder Singh, Meghan Sonnenberg, Melissa Ullrich, Jordan VeRost, Brian Verso, Rebecca Wall, Steven White, Scarlett Whitman, Corey Wilkinson, Timothy Winder, Emily Wolcott, Katherine Wolski, Bennett Wright, Bethany Wynne, Brenna Young, Alexander Zimmermann, Jessica Zoldowski, Taylor Zoldowski

Grade 10 - Natalie Argy, Jacob Athoe, Marisa Atkinson, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Alexander Baker, Sierra Besl, Grace Bolton, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Amanda Cancilla, June Chadima, Magdalyn Chauby, Qian Chen, Aaron Cook, Quinton Corrao, Thomas Corrao, Nicholas DeMita, Brian DeRubes, Frank DeRubes, Sean DeRubes, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Thomas Doctor, Jenell Duxbury, Michael Dzielski, Kai Ellsworth, Kevin Freedman, Emily Glose, Benjamin Goc, Anthony Grana, Ashley Gugino, Alyssa Heitman, Ryan Held, David Holler, Ciara Howley, Addison Joslyn, Julia Kelly, Emily Kernin, Mary Frances Koch, Stephanie Kowalak, John Lillian, Brittany Little, Elizabeth LoBrutto, William Madigan, Johnna Marinello, Justin McCarthy, Austin McCoy, Brentyn Mendel, Wyatt Mock, Brooklyn Morton, Catherine Navagh, James Osborn, Michael Paternostro, Kamra Phillips, Nicholas Pino, Zoann Pittman, Alessandra Price, James Pufpaff, Zoe Reda, Emilie Rengler, Kyle Schoener, Natalie Schultz, Derrick Schutrum, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Pamelia Slattery, Tanner Speer, Tara Stewart, Christopher Swagler, Brock Tetreault, Lillian Von Reyn, Stephanie Voyzey, Christian Wallinder, Jadon Wegrzyn, Mitchell Weis, Brigid Wilton, Brandon York, Matthew Zabaldo

Grade 11 - Ammany Abdellatif, Corey Adamshick, Jennifer Amato, Jessica Amsdill, Kevin Aronica, Conor Atkins, Rachel Bailey, Brittney Banks, Allysa Bush, Sara Carlson, Tiffany Carlson, Megan Carroll, Alexis Cino, Ronald Clark, Ashley Colan, Courtney Collignon, Christopher Connors, Jane Cooke, Annaliese Corrao, Aurora Dee, Jenna DelSignore, William Diefenbach, Zoe Dodd, Mark Dryfhout, Katarina Eichel, Keelan Erhard, Alexandra Filips, Melissa Gibson, Rebecca Hale, Leah Harris, Adam Heftka, Tyler Jackman, Jacqueline Johnston, Hayley Keane, Zaineb Khawar, Mary Kneer, Stephanie Knight, Daniel Konopski, Carolyn Kruszona, Grace Kulikowski, Jake Lawley, Mandy Liensenfeld, Alexandria London, Alexia Malpica, Kiransumit Mann, Gurwinder Nijjar, Maggie Nobumoto, Grace Olszewski, Cassandra Oursler, Samantha Pangborn, Michelina Pariso, Marisa Phillips, Alyssa Quarantello, Zachary Re, Christina Richard, Dominica Roberts, Katrina Rockwood, Kelly Ruminski, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Scheuing, Taylor Schiffhauer, Lauren Shepard, Nicholas Soos, Jacob Sweeney, Alexa Territo, Lillian Thompson, Ashley Tillett, Dominic Tripi, Joshua Ungaro, AmyJo VeRost, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Jodie White, Nicholas Winger, Emily Ziurinskas, Christina Zytariuk

Grade 12 - Gabrielle Ailinger, Laura Amantia, Jessica Bamberg, Makallie Banker, Joshua Bastian, Katelyn Benns, Alexandria Black, Amanda Blanton, James Bobak, Conner Bolles, Shannon Boreali, Diana Boulden, Sarah Brady, Sonia Brar, Christopher Brownschildle, Thomas Butcher, Justin Canazzi, Amber Carpenter, Joseph Carrato, Mario Cataffo, Emma Chambers, Jesse Ciffa, Eric Colon, Silvana D’Ettorre, Samantha DeMarco, Shannon Doctor, Allison Donahue, Sydney Dudish, Rebekah Evans, Talia Fabiilli, Kodie Fahrer, Donald Failing, Matthew Foote, Brent Fred, Alyssa Fuoco, Matthew Gannon, Sean Garten, Rebecca Gasiorek, Kaitlyn Gilbert, Ashley Gorman, David Green, Deanna Green, Jonathan Grenda, Charles Grunzweig, Marissa Haley, Jessica Hall, Katlyn Holt, Lynne Huffnagle, Ryan Hughes, Mary Irving, Gabriella Jaramillo, Casey Jelonek, Samantha Kahn, Paige Kippley, Mitchell Lariviere, Kelsie Loos, Kaitlyn Lozo, Michael Malaney, Robin Mangat, Rebecca Masse’, John McGinty, Kallan McMillan, Casey McNamara, Shannon McNaughton, Thalia Melendez, Joshua Miller, Ryan Miller, Kristen Percival, Alyssa Pino, Olga Popova, Ryan Proctor, Brittanee Ramallo, Sarah Ramsperger, Danyelle Redmond, Rachel Ripellino, Genesis Rivera, Gagandeep Singh, Glenn Skelly, Zachary Smith, Brittney Sonnenberg, Jessica Spencer, Jessica Spiesz, Sarah Stanczyk, Angelina Stromberg, Erica Surdi, Chandan Tiwana, Kathryn Turner, Rachel Watt, Laurice Wilbert, Sarah Williams, Nathalie Winder, Jessica Young, Alicia Zartman

High School Merit Roll - May 2012

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the merit roll for the third quarter, 2011-2012 school year:
Merit Roll
Grade 9 - Christopher Barberic, Brian Brennan, Nicholas Brink, Nicole Burley, Patrycia Burley, Alexa Calandra, Ilana Clark, Marcus Cook, Enrico D’Abate, Genevieve Davis, Anna DeMartin, Daniel Edel, Joyce Endozo, Thomas Euscher, Jacob Foote, Patrick Gallagher, Nicolette Golden, Sabrina Hausrath, Keegan Hirtreiter, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Scott Holmes, Joshua Horvath, Ryan Kennedy, Kelsey Ketterer, Matthew Ladouceur, Samara Lanthier, Jonathan Link, Alexa Lombardo, Mark McKenna, Sara McMahon, Kevin Minton, Talha Mojawalla, Courtney Monroe, Thomas Morgan, Jacob Neumann, Ashley Niemann, Jazmine Nijjar, Nicholas Ortiz, Nicholas Paolini, Miranda Phillips, Anne Pilie, Drew Pitts, Jessica Pontrello, Joseph Pusateri, Jordan Russo, Colin Smith, George Smith, Alexandra Sponn, Dylan Stroka, Armand Swanson, Matthew Wellence, Apelasa Wigneswaran

Grade 10 - Rana Abdelal, Brian Ailinger, Robert Augugliaro, Brielle Backlund, Natalie Baldassarre, Kirsten Burtch, Christina Butcher, Bryce Callen, Jason Carroll, Aaron Certo, Bonnie Chelikowsky, David Cich, Jason Cichon, Hannah Corrao, Jensen Dorey, Ashley Dragonette, Hannah Edwards, Elizabeth Figler, Ashley Fischer, Bianca Gowanny, Abhiraj Grewal, Patrick Hall, Joseph Halpin, Andrew Hannah, Vanessa Haynie, Kara Hazelet, April Hippert, Steven Howard, Emira Islami, Madeline Jackson, Katlyn Jennings, Kurtis Johnson, Shamus Johnson, Alexa Kalinowski, Kristin Kalman, Alyssa Karb, Alexander Kelly, Michael Kleinschmidt, Kyle Krueger, Lauren Kullerkupp, Alexander Lenz, David Madigan, Matthew Madigan, Andrew Masiello, Elliott Michki, Adam Missert, Benjamin Morrish, Gregory Nicolia, Anna Niland, Yiannis Papavramidis, Shawn Passero, Dominique Perri, Dominic Petrilli, Angela Pozantides, Dominic Prine, Alex Rallo, Daniel Ray, Shannon Robillard, Kaitlyn Rose, Ryan Ross, Maren Russell, Alyssa Schmitt, Chelsea Sinicki, Jeremy Smith, Lindsey Spiker, Kristen Stark, Brandon Stevenson, Jacob Stromberg, Jenna Stufkosky, Paul Sukmanowski, Rebecca Symon, Max Tafelski, Raymond Tafelski, Victoria VanNorman, Ashley Weiser

Grade 11 - Ciara Alcorn, Kassandra Bennett, Selina Bichler, Dakota Bower, Liza Bowman, Eli Brennan, Alexander Brink, Zachary Burns, Anthony Cataffo, Lauren Cook, Cody Csendom, Jacob Dixon, Timothy Doermer, Nicholas Egloff, Sarah Ernst, Joseph Fanara, Ian Freudenheim, Shannon Gallagher, Andrew Gilbert, Rebecca Green, Nicole Hall, Emily Harnden, Zachary Harper, John Holody, Megan Hoople, Anthony Huff, Robert Johnson, Alexander Kellner, Julie Kilmer, Ryan Kozek, Leanna Lang, Jessica LoBrutto, Taylor Marino, Collin McMahon, Courtney Mergel, Abdullahi Mohamed, Taylor Moran, Matthew Osinski, Michael Palazza, Jessica Pierce, Dalton Pitts, Alyssa Pizzuti, Kyle Pletcher, Russell Potter, Alexa Santa Lucia, Nicklas Schuster, Matthew Seaman, Ashley Serianni, Christopher Serra, Cody Smith, Cole Smith, Emily Steinbrenner, Nicole Swiantek, Alexander Tollner, Joseph Torregrossa, Gregory VanNorman, Megan Wendt, Joshua Zernickel

Grade 12 - Amir Abdellatif, Matthew Beauchamp, Korey Bennett, Benjamin Cliff, Caitlynn Cooke, James Cooke, Alexandra Corrao, Natalee Culbert, Maggie DeMarco, Bridget Doyle, Brittany Ducette, Michael FitzGerald, Jonathan Goc, Thomas Grenke, Brianna Guagliano, Andrew Jasek, Dylan Kelly, Victoria Kostenbauder, Victoria Kustra, Lauren LaRiviere, Jenna Lee, Jodi Lee, Cory Ludwig, Mark Lydle, Madelyn Mankowski, Dylan Martinic, Shannon McDonough, Alec Metro, Kyle R Meyer, Kyle T Meyer, Lindsay Morano, Michelle Morgan, Heather Muranyi, Gabriela Nizialek, Hallie Nowak, Chelsea Null, Alexis Pearce, Jobe Pelenio-Evert, Christopher Prymus, Stefani Rhodes, Matthew Robinson, Jenna Sansalone, Nicolette Scerra, Michael Sendlbeck, Stephanie Senn, Ryan Sharrow, Emily Sommer, Katherine Studley, Harrison Thompson, Jonathan Voyzey, Alexandra Wallinder, Samantha Warden, Dominic Zannin

GIHS Helps at Half! - May 2012

Pictured from left are Meaghan O'Leary, Katie Turner, Sara Colon, Maggie Rustowicz, Lexi Miller, Shannon McNaughton, Brittney Sonnenberg, and Jess Hiser
Click photo larger view.

   Twenty students from Grand Island High School provided water for over 600 half marathon runners this past Saturday, May 5th. The Greater Buffalo Track Club coordinated this picturesque route along the West River Parkway to and from Beaver Island State Park and the weather cooperated. The large group of volunteers from the high school ran the water stop at the half way point in the race.

Sports Briefs - May 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 5/3/12"

GIHS Music Students Receive High Marks - May 2012

Grand Island High School Wind Ensemble
Click photo complete view.

   Grand Island High School musicians certainly rose to the occasion on their trip to the Grand National Adjudicators Invitational in Chattanooga April 27-28, 2012!!! All of the groups played extremely well and the GIHS students certainly showed Tennessee what they are made of!!!
   The orchestra, playing Level 5 music, received a rating of Excellent with solo awards going to Kim Yeager and Julia Drozdowsky.
   Concert Band, playing Level 5, received a rating of Excellent with solo award for sax going to Tim Utz and sectional award going to the Brass section.
   Wind ensemble, playing Level 6, received a rating of Superior.
   "It was an extremely busy but fun trip for everyone and surely very successful at making many wonderful memories for our students and our chaperones as well," a spokesman for the music groups said.
Matthew Ells is the orchestra instructor and Martin Allen directs the band and wind ensemble.

Class of 2014 Sponsors Chicken BBQ - May 2012

   The Grand Island High School Class of 2014 is sponsoring a chicken bbq on Tuesday, May 15th, the day of the district budget vote. The dinners may be picked up in the small cafeteria of GIHS. Chicken dinners will be catered by Krolick’s and include: chicken, salt potatoes, macaroni salad, roll and butter. Each dinner will be sold for eight dollars. Pre-sale tickets can be bought at the high school. Dinners will be served between 2:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!

High School Students Express Thanks - April 2012

Pictured: from left Austin McCoy, Matthew Seaman, intern Alec Metro, Manraj Grewal, Principal Sandra Anzalone, Zack Burns, Hans Kullerkupp/Cannon Design, Dakota Bower, intern Manjinder Kaur, Robert Rennells, Dominique Perri, Internship Coordinator Cheryl Chamberlain
Click photo for larger view.

   Thursday, April 26, 2012 . . .Students from Grand Island High School had an opportunity to thank a local business for being a partner in their educational process at The Niagara Frontier Industry Education Council/Buffalo Alliance for Education Commitment to Education Awards Breakfast at Templeton Landing this past week. Cannon Design was one of 13 local businesses nominated for this prestigious award which recognizes the collaboration between school and business/industry in Western New York. Cannon was chosen as one of the top three businesses in the area that incorporates a strong relationship with students and schools. Cheryl Chamberlain, internship coordinator, nominated Cannon based on its continued involvement with the Internship and Shadow Day programs at the high school. This partnership has lasted over ten years and continues to grow each year.

Sports Briefs - April 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 4/26/12"

Banker, Oursler Named All-State - April 2012

4/21/12 Niagara Gazette Story
   Grand Island girls basketball players Kallie Banker and Cassie Oursler garnered All-State honors, as voted by the New York State Sportswriters Association. Banker, the Niagara Gazette Player of the Year, earned first-team Class A recognition as a guard, while Oursler, a center, was named to the fourth team.

Class of 2014 To Hold Chicken Dinner - April 2012

The Grand Island High School Class of 2014 is sponsoring a chicken bbq on Tuesday, May 15th, the day of the district budget vote, in the small cafeteria of GIHS. Chicken dinners will be catered by Krolick’s and include: chicken, salt potatoes, macaroni salad, roll and butter. Each dinner will be sold for eight dollars. Presale tickets will be available (more information will follow) and additional dinners will be available to purchase the day of.. or the day of the sale. Dinners will be served between 2:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Hope to see you there!

Sports Briefs - April 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 4/19/12"

Sports Briefs - April 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 4/12/12"

Shadow Day 2012 - April 2012

Cannon Design also, WKSE studios - Students with Janet Snyder, Brent Fred, Mario Cataffo, Zack Reese, and Seth Carey
Click photos for larger view.

    The students of Grand Island High School had the unique opportunity once again to "shadow" a career for a day on Tuesday, April 3rd. Beginning the day with breakfast and inspiration from guest speaker, The Honorable Henry Nowak, the students were prepared for a peek into the world of work. Locations this year included: the Buffalo FBI office, 98.5 WKSE radio station, Sweet Beginnings Bakery, Cannon Design, and local Grand Island Schools. This unique program continues because of the efforts of teachers, Sandy Burns and Cheryl Chamberlain, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and the Grand Island School Business Alliance. Career readiness is a large part of the new education initiatives in New York State and Grand Island High School prepares students for the demands of the workplace through programs such as Shadow Day. For more information on the Career Exploration and Internship Program offered by the High School Business Department call 773-8820.

GIHS PTSA Geranium Sale - April 2012

The Grand Island Island High School PTSA will hold the annual Geranium Sale in the month of April. Order by April 26. See Geranium Sale

Instrumental Music Boosters Selling School Calendar - April 2012

The Grand Island Instrumental Music Boosters, in cooperation with the school district, has been given permission to print and sell the calendar for the 2012-2013 school year. It will have a similar look to the past years’ calendars, including holidays, vacations and each building’s activities. In addition to the full size calendar, a pocket calendar is also available. Complete the order form and place in an envelope marked “Calendar Order” no later than Friday, April 27, 2012. Have your child give the envelope to their first period teacher or drop it off at your school’s office.

Sports Briefs - April 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 4/5/12"

Boys Viking Rugby Places 3rd in April Fools Tournament - April 2012

Grand Island Rugby placed 3rd overall in the April Fools Tournament that was held over the March 31/April 1 weekend at Hamburg!
See Tournament for story. Click photo links
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4

Sports Briefs - March 2012
Kallie Banker NFL Player of Year

Click "Sports Briefs 3/29/12"

GIHS Student Olympics A Great Night - March 2012

Winning team, Three Blind Mice & a Farmer: Katlyn Holt, Steph Senn, Ryan Hughes, Jon Goc - Click photo for larger view

Top three winning teams pose for the trophy photo - Click photo for larger view

    What a great night for Student Olympics! Twenty-five teams of four students each raised $2,247 for GI’s Special Athletes Wednesday night, March 21, 2012. Thanks to everyone who participated, volunteered, and donated to this annual event.
    At the end of the night after fun events such as an obstacle course, musical chairs, jousting, egg tossing and a big tug o'war, the winners were crowned.
3rd place Team #27 Lexi Miller, Katie Genz, Joe Farrell, Ben Shaw
2nd Place – Team #8 Julia Kelly, Jes Dhaliwal, Jadon Wegrzyn, Ryan Ross
...and the winners of the 2012 Student Olympics were Team #1 - The Three Blind Mice & a Farmer - Katlyn Holt, Steph Senn, Ryan Hughes, and Jon Goc
   Thanks for a great night. It was a very entertaining evening for the GI Students as well as the spectators!!

Corporate Bowl Champs The S'Burbians - March 2012

Team The S'Burbians

Team Help

Team Recount

Click photos for larger view.

   $3,600 dollars was doled out Tuesday night, March 20, 2012 at the 14th Annual GISBA Corporate Bowl. The remaining nine teams battled in the semifinals and final match to determine who would go home with scholarship money.
• In Semifinal Match #1 – Team Recount was dominant scoring 225 points beating False with 15 points, and The Bakers with a negative - 15.
• In Semifinal Match #2- The Help moved on to the finals with a winning score of 125 points, taking out Les Misses with 75 points, and Team Titans with 45 points.
• In Semifinal Match #3 – The S’Burbians off the strength of both grab bag rounds won the match earning a total of 265 points, overpowering The Illuminati Hotties with 145 points, and the Upper East Siders with negative - 100 Points.
• So 3 teams advanced to the final Championship match, Team Recount, The Help and The S’Burbians…It was a hard fought match, but the in the end, only one could be crowned Corporate Bowl champion…Here are the results.
• In 3rd place splitting $600 in scholarship money, is Team Recount, Alex Ahne, Zach Smith, Josh Miller, and Jon Voyzey……They scored 95 points in the final match.
• In 2nd place splitting $1,000, “The Help”…Matt Foote, Ben Smith, Mike Giambra, and Kevin Salonek earned 140 points in the finals…
• and the champions of the 14th annual GISBA Corporate Bowl, splitting $2,000 in scholarship money is The S’Burbians…John Turner, Bri Gibney, Diana Boulden, and Matt Osinski……earning a top score of 275 points…
   Congratulations to all the winners, and every team who participated in this year’s event. Also, thanks go out to Mr. Williamson, Mrs. Earnst, Mr. Arroyo, Mr. Hennessy, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Billica, Mr. DeDario, Mrs. Kennedy, and Mr. Gorton for all their work during the 2-week event. Special thanks as well to the GISBA Committee and all the Corporate and School Sponsors who contributed time and monetary donations for the Corporate Bowl scholarships.

GIHS Character Council Field Trip "Champions for Change" - March 2012

Click photo for larger view.

   Grand Island High School advisors Andrea Spinelli and Sara Silvestri joined FORCC members Lexi Miller, Chelsey Hartman, Maggie Rustowicz and Miranda Phillips on Character Council field trip "Champions for Change" on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. The youth forum focused on creating a culture of character and building leadership skills. "Becoming All You Can Be" was a leadership seminar that encouraged students to take initiative, be disciplined, and have good character. "Crossing the Line" was an icebreaker activity that encouraged participants to get out of their comfort zone and stand up for what they believe in. Students and advisors also participated in games with the Quizmaster Dennis George, and saw "Inside Out Character," a musical performance from Errol Lee. Everyone had a great time and gathered some wonderful ideas to bring back to Grand Island High School's FORCC!

Graffiti Busters Clean Up - March 2012

(left)Sean, Brian and Frank DeRubes - Click photo for larger view.

   At the February 14th One Island, One Team, One Dream meeting, GIHS teacher Cheryl Chamberlain introduced three of her students, Sean, Brian and Frank DeRubes, the Graffiti Busters. The students have created a community organization designed to enable our residents to report graffiti in our community and empower our youth to take immediate action to remove it. They gave a power point presentation expressing an anti-crime attitude that graffiti is vandalism which scars our community and hurts property values. They suggested that a web site and a hot line are ways for residents to report and document this problem, and they would then dispatch a crew to remove it. Our town has had an unfortunate increase in graffiti in recent months, costing us all money in ruined signs and equipment, and manpower hours trying to clean and combat the problem.
   The DeRubes triplets noticed the graffiti problem last spring in their neighborhood, defaced electrical transformer boxes and a golf course sign. After reporting the problem and not seeing any action, the boys took it upon themselves to clean up. Just recently they cleaned up some signs and posts in Buckhorn State Park. If anyone would like to volunteer for the Graffiti Busters or if you have graffiti to report, call the GI Town Tip Line, 774-TOWN(8696) and leave a message.

14th Annual GISBA Corporate Bowl 2012 1st Round Results - March 2012

The following are the 14th Annual GISBA Corporate Bowl 2012 1st Round Results from Tuesday Night March 13th, 2012 in the GIHS Auditorium
Match 1 – Team Titans (65 points) were victorious beating Da Crew (15 points) and NoobSlayerz (minus-75 points)
Match 2 – “False” earned the victory (200 points), over 3 and a half men(50 points) and The Fellowship (10 points)
Match 3 - Team Recount (100 points) left nothing for debate, defeating Magnum Opus (75 points) and The Know-Nothings (minus-50 points)
Match 4 - The Illuminati Hotties (145 points) won their match, defeating Gold Team (70 points), and the Perpetual Motion Squad (65 points)
Match 5- Les Misses (215 points) won the battle of the musicals against Beauties and the Beast(115 points), while the Blue and White team were unable to attend the match.
Match 6 - The Help (130 points) clearly did not need much help to win their match, beatingTeam 2(5 points) and The Mix (minus-85 points)
Match 7- It took a tiebreaker between Bakers and P.F.R.A.G. to determine the winner. Both teams ended with 70 points after 3 rounds. After the tiebreaker, Bakers won the match with (110 points), P.F.R.A.G. ended with (90 points) and Us Girls Are Fresh was third with (40 points)
Match 8 - The S’Burbians(290 points) scored the most points of the night defeating the Goofy Goobers (10 points) and The Genies (minus-30 points)
Match 9 - The final match of the night proved to be the biggest upset as The Upper East Siders (40 Points) edged out Team Derivative (0 points) and Freshmen Plus 1 Female (minus-70 points)
Congrats to the 9 Corporate Bowl teams who won their matches Tuesday night and advance to the Semifinal round next Tuesday, March 20th at 6 p.m. in the Aud.
The remaining teams will be re-seeded based on the winning scores, and the Semifinal matchups will be listed outside the high school's main office by Friday.

Girls Basketball Team Ends Season - March 2012

The Grand Island High School Varsity Girls Basketball team suffered a loss to Rochester, 59-54 on Saturday, March 10, 2012 in the Far West Regional contest. See Niagara Gazette Store by Doug Smith.

Shakespeare in the Mall - March 2012

Shakespeare in the Mall will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, April 19, 2012 in the Grand Island High School Viking Mall featuring performances in the auditorium and more. See Shakespear

GIHS DECA Discovers New Horizons - March 2012

(left) Alexis Cino (3rd Visual Advertising), Kate Fonte (2nd, Job Interview), Alyssa Cino (1st Visual Advertising)
(left) Jacob Athoe and Sarah Dollendorf (Top Ten Business Law and Ethics team event)

   The new horizons theme was evident as the Grand Island High School DECA Club took 44 finalists to the New York State Career Conference on March 7-9, 2012 and brought home 37 top ten medals and six state trophies. This large group of DECA students joined 1,800 others to compete in business areas over the three-day conference. The judges who assist with this conference are made up of professionals from all over New York State who help students realize what it takes to be successful in the current job market. Students are taught presentation, communication and networking skills and put them to good use during this conference. Advisors Cheryl Chamberlain and Chris Simpson, along with chaperones MaryJane Fonte and Mark Gorton, had the opportunity to coordinate events at the conference and were amazed at the level of professionalism from the Grand Island Chapter of DECA. "Our students excel because they benefit from classroom and event preparation during the school year from CEIP portfolio, marketing, and other business classes," Mrs. Chamberlain said. Grand Island continues to dominate the public speaking, job interview, and advertising fields at the State Conference and Sydney Dudish took first place in the Chapter Scrapbook event which chronicles the year long events in GI DECA. All students in grades 9-12 may join DECA, an International business and marketing club with over 170,000 members.

Corporate Bowl - March 2012

For information and photos for the 14th Annual GISBA Corporate Bowl, See Information/Photos

Girls Basketball Champions - March 2012

Click photo for larger view.
   The Grand Island Viking Girls Basketball Team won its second consecutive Section VI Class A title over Pioneer with a score of 58-38 on Tuesday, March 6. See Section VI Class A Title by Niagara Gazette reporter Doug Smith.
   See March 3rd Game by Niagara Gazette reporter Doug Smith.

Girls Basketball - Banker Feature - March 2012

Click Basketball Champ Banker Featured for Girls Basketball- NFL Champions

Sports Briefs
Girls Baketball Team Wins Class A-1 final - Mar. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 3-1/12" for this week's Grand Island High School Girls Basketball.

Sports Briefs
Boys Basketball Last Second Loss in Pre-Quarter Finals - Feb. 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 2/23/12" for this week's Grand Island High School Boys Basketball.

High School Honor Roll - Feb. 2012

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the honor roll for the second quarter, 2011-2012 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Jessica Ackendorf, Carly Bernatovicz, Giuseppe Campanella, Natalia Christiano, Sara Cichon, Andrew Colautto, Nancy Dahlquist, Isabel Dengos, Shannon Driess, Julia Drozdowsky, Eric Dudley, McLain Erhard, Katherine Fonte, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Carly Hand, Christian Hilts, Jacqueline Kehoe, Jack Kennedy, Leah Killian, Marah Killian, Kurt Laschinger, Taylor Latvala, Nathan Marino, Michaela McMahon, Robin Neary, Alyssa Pelosi, Michael Podgomy, Andrew Riederer, Eric Riederer, Emily Szabo, Laura Taylor, Rebecca Wall, James Wilson

Grade 10 - Alicia Bianco, Magdalyn Chauby, Sarah Dollendorf, Heavyn Dreher, Kai Ellsworth, Benjamin Goc, Andrew Grinchishin, Ashley Gugino, Henry Huang, Kristina Kasprzycki, Justin Lavis, Emma MacIntyre, Anna Nicolia, Jenna Paternostro, Maygan Payan, Jillian Sheehan, Timothy Utz, Stephanie Voyzey, Jackeline Wilson

Grade 11 - Lydia Bernatovicz, Selina Bichler, Jessica Brownschidle, Sarah Chamberlain, Alyssa Cino, Laura Dolan, Brianna Gibney, Kourtney Hoppel, Mark Hughes, Manjinder Kaur, Bridget Kennedy, Stephanie LoTempio, Ellen Lutnick, Orendael Miller, Rachel Ruszkowski, Nicholas Soos, Joshua Tixier, Kimberly Yaeger, Christina Zytariuk

Grade 12 - Laura Amantia, Jessica Bamberg, Christopher Brownschidle, Thomas Butcher, Marshall Cancilla, Emily Dauphin, Donald Failing, Marissa Haley, Megan Karpie, Nathan Kulak, Mia Michael, Ryan Proctor, Kenneth Rogoza, Alexandra Seibert

Honor Roll
Grade 9 - Alwareed Abdellatif, Ryan Allen, Joshua Barrett, Hannah Bastian, Nicholas Bonora, Bradley Boreali, Brianna Brandon, Sierra Brooks, Vincent Bruno, Nicole Burley, Quinn Carey, Robert Carroll, Sara Colon, Caitlin Conlon, Kayla Conway, Lillian Cultrara, Alexandra Cutting, Colton Czajka, Anna DeMartin, Rajveer Dhaliwall, Katherine Diefenbach, Joseph Egloff, Jared Eichel, Ian Eisenberger, Robert Ellegate, Joseph Farrell, Justin Figler, Morgan Finn, Halle FitzGerald, Ashley Franz, Jacob Frosolone, Leah Geis, Kathryn Gentz, Graciana Giambra, Marissa Gress, Balraj Grewal, Kasandra Guyette, Nikolai Harper, Sabrina Hausrath, Natalie Henderson, Kimberly Huffnagle, Benjamin Jensen, Grant Johnson, Grey Johnson, Khristian Kline, Jonathan Link, Thomas Major, Colton McGraw, Mark McKenna, Devlin McMaster, Matthew McNaughton, Alanna Mergel, Nolan Miles, Alexandra Miller, Thomas Morgan, Anthony Mosher, Robert Nappo, Meaghan O’Leary, Colin Osborn, Nicholas Paolini, Kelsey Percival, Devon Perri, Jordan Piershalski, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Lauren Rogoza, Raymond Rott, Kaitlyn Rudney, Margaret Rustowicz, Benjamin Shaw, Pushpinder Singh, Mackenzie Smith, Meghan Sonnenberg, Emilie Stinner, Melissa Ullrich, Matthew Wellence, Steven White, Scarlett Whitman, Apelasan Wigneswaran, Corey Wilkinson, Timothy Winder, Emily Wolcott, Bennett Wright, Bethany Wynne, Caitlyn Yensan, Brenna Young, Jessica Zoldowski, Taylor Zoldowski

Grade 10 - Natalie Argy, Jacob Athoe, Marisa Atkinson, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Natalie Baldassarre, Sierra Besl, Grace Bolton, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Liana Buscaglia, Bryce Callen, Amanda Cancilla, June Chadima, Qian Chen, David Cich, Aaron Cook, Quinton Corrao, Thomas Corrao, Sierra D’Ettorre, Nicholas DeMita, Brian DeRubes, Frank DeRubes, Sean DeRubes, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Thomas Doctor, Jenell Duxbury, Alexandra Dzielski, Hannah Edwards, Kevin Freedman, Emma Garten, Emily Glose, Anthony Grana, Vanessa Haynie, Alyssa Heitman, Ryan Held, April Hippert, Ciara Howley, Amanda Jelonek, Zachary Jones, Addison Joslyn, Julia Kelly, Emily Kernin, Mary Frances Koch, Stephanie Kowalak, Ashley Kroetsch, Lauren Kullerkupp, Julianna Lavallee, John Lillian, Brittany Little, Elizabeth LoBrutto, William Madigan, Johnna Marinello, Justin McCarthy, Austin McCoy, Brentlyn Mendel, Elliott Michki, Wyatt Mock, Catherine Navagh, James Osborn, Michael Paternostro, Kamra Phillips, Nicholas Pino, Zoann Pittman, Angela Pozantides, Alessandra Price, Dominic Prine, James Pufpaff, Zoe Reda, Emilie Rengler, Shannon Robillard, Kaitlyn Rose, Kyle Schoener, Natalie Schultz, Derrick Schutrum, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Pamelia Slattery, Tanner Speer, Lindsey Spiker, Tara Stewart, Jacob Stromberg, Jenna Stufkosky, Christopher Swager, Brock Tetreault, Lillian Von Reyn, Jadon Wegrzyn, Mitchell Weis, Zoe Wilson, Brigid Wilton, Brandon York, Matthew Zabaldo

Grade 11 - Ammany Abdellatif, Corey Adamshick, Ciara Alcorn, Jennifer Amato, Jessica Amsdill, Kevin Aronica, Conor Atkins, Alexandra Bahgat, Rachel Bailey, Brittney Banks, Eli Brennan, Allysa Bush, Sara Carlson, Megan Carroll, Alexis Cino, Sam Clarke, Ashley Colan, Christopher Connors, Jane Cooke, Annaliese Corrao, Jenna DelSignore, William Diefenbach, Jacob Dixon, Zoe Dodd, Mark Dryfhout, Katarina Eichel, Keelan Erhard, Brittany Faulise, Meghan Federico, Alexandra Filips, Ian Freudenheim, Shannon Gallagher, Melissa Gibson, Alexandra Griffin, Rebecca Hale, Leah Harris, Adam Heftka, Tyler Jackman, Robert Johnson, Jacqueline Johnston, Zaineb Khawar, Shannon Kieffer, Mary Kneer, Stephanie Knight, Christopher Komin, Carolyn Kruszona, Grace Kulikowski, Jake Lawley, Evan Leffler, Mandy Liesenfeld, Alexandria London, Alexia Malpica, Collin McMahon, Gurwinder Nijjar, Maggie Nobumoto, Matthew Osinski, Cassandra Oursler, Samantha Pangborn, Marisa Phillips, Kyle Pletcher, Benjamin Purrington, Alyssa Quarantello, Christinia Richard, Dominica Roberts, Katrina Rockwood, Kelly Ruminski, James Rustowicz, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Kevin Salonek, Marina Scerra, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Schiffhauer , Lauren Shepard, Cody Smith, Javier Solis, Adam Stanczyk, Alexa Territo, Lillian Thompson, Ashley Tillett, Joshua Ungaro, AmyJo VeRost, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Nicholas Winger, Emily Ziurinskas

Grade 12 - Amir Abdellatif, Reem Abdellatif, Makallie Banker, Joshua Bastian, Amanda Blanton, James Bobak, Shannon Boreali, Diana Boulden, Sarah Brady, Sonia Brar, Justin Canazzi, Seth Carey, Amber Carpenter, Joseph Carrato, Mario Cataffo, Emma Chambers, Jesse Ciffa, Eric Colon, Alexandra Corrao, Silvana D’Ettorre, Jordan Davis, Maggie DeMarco, Smanatha DeMarco, Shannon Doctor, Allison Donahue, Sydney Dudish, Rebekah Evans, Talia Fabiilli, Kodie Fahrer, Lenny Fike, Michael FitzGerald, Matthew Foote, Alyssa Fuoco, Matthew Gannon, Kaitlyn Gilbert, Jonathan Goc, Ashley Gorman, Deanna Green, Thomas Grenke, Jessica Hall, Katlyn Holt, Ryan Hughes, Mary Irving, Gabriella Jaramillo, Andrew Jasek, Casey Jelonek, Samantha Kahn, Paige Kippley, Elizabeth Kowalik, Prin Laowtrakul, Mitchell Lariviere, Jenna Lee, Kelsie Loos, Kaitlyn Lozo, Brendon Lutnick, Mark Lydle, Michael Malaney, Robin Mangat, Rebecca Masse’, John McGinty, Kallan McMillan, Casey McNamara, Shannon McNaughton, Kyle Meyer, Nigel Michki, Joshua Miller, Ryan Miller, Lindsay Morano, Dominic Morell, Michelle Morgan, Kristen Percival, Olga Popova, Brittanee Ramallo, Sarah Ramsperger, Danyelle Redmond, Rachel Ripellino, Matthew Robinson, Eric Sander, Nicolette Scerra, Michael Sendlbeck, Stephanie Senn, Gagandeep Singh, Glenn Skelly, Zachary Smith, Brittney Sonnenberg, Jessica Spencer, Jessica Spiesz, Sarah Stanczyk, Angelina Stromberg, Erica Surdi, Taylor Sweet, Kathryn Turner, Jessica Ungaro, Rachel Watt, Benjamin Whitford, Laurice Wilbert, Sarah Williams, Nathalie Winger, Jessica Young, Alicia Zartman

High School Merit Roll - Feb. 2012

The following Grand Island High School students have been named to the merit roll for the second quarter, 2011-2012 school year:
Merit Roll
Grade 9 - Nicholas Brink, Alexa Calandra, Rochelle Cataffo, Dennis Chatkhan, Nicholas Colan, Brandon Costolnick, Julia Culbert, Enrico D’Abate, Genevieve Davis, Karli Deuser, Daniel Edel, Joyce Endozo, Austin Fisher, Andrew Fred, Emily Fuoco, Patrick Gallagher, Nicolette Golden, Connor Harrigan, Keegan Hirtreiter, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Scott Holmes, Joshua Horvath, Ryan Kennedy, Samara Lanthier, Austin Mahoney, Ryan Marlin, Kevin Minton, Courtney Monroe, Jacob Neumann, Jazmine Nijjar, Nicholas Ortiz, Miranda Phillips, Anne Pilie, Drew Pitts, Michael Podlucky, Jessica Pontrello, Kayla Popovich, Michael Rugg, Jordan Russo, McKenzie Schaefer, Colin Smith, Alexandra Sponn, Dylan Stroka, Jordan VeRost, Jessica Wing, Katherine Wolski, Alexander Zimmermann

Grade 10 - Rana Abdelal, Brian Ailinger, Robert Augugliaro, Alexander Baker, Samantha Bartolotta, Kirsten Burtch, Christina Butcher, Aaron Certo, Darnell Cleveland, Hannah Corrao, Jensen Dorey, Ashley Dragonette, Michael Dzielski, Elizabeth Figler, Ashley Fischer, Joseph Gioeli, Alexa Gormady, Jack Gorman, Bianca Gowanny, Abhiraj Grewal, Patrick Hall, Joseph Halpin, Andrew Hannah, Jake Hawley, Kara Hazelet, David Holler, Steven Howard, Emira Islami, Madeline Jackson, Katlyn Jennings, Kurtis Johnson, Shamus Johnson, Alexa Kalinowski, Kristin Kalman, Alyssa Karb, Alexander Kelly, Amanda Kinmartin, Michael Kleinschmidt, Jacob Ladouceur, Alexander Lenz, Nathan Link, Austin Loveric, David Madigan, Matthew Madigan, Vincent Malpica, Andrew Masiello, Jacob McMahon, Adam Missert, Benjamin Morrish, Brooklyn Morton, Gregory Nicolia, Yiannis Papavramidis, Shawn Passero, Dominique Perri, Dominic Petrilli, Alex Rallo, Daniel Ray, Ryan Ross, Maren Russell, Chelsea Sinicki, Kristen Stark, Brandon Stevenson, Paul Sukmanowski, Rebecca Symon, Raymond Tafelski, Joaquin Vazquez, Mia Villani, Christian Wallinder, Ashley Weiser, Amanda Weselak, Madalyn Wright

Grade 11 - Paul Arida, Tanner Atkinson, Kassandra Bennett, Daniel Blocho, Nicholas Bonarek, Dakota Bower, Liza Bowman, Alexander Brink, Tiffany Carlson, Courtney Collignon, Daniel Conrad, Lauren Cook, Cody Csendom, Aurora Dee, Michael Dennis, Timothy Doermer, Nicholas Egloff, Sarah Ernst, Joseph Fanara, Ty Gallagher, Bradley Gibson, Andrew Gilbert, Madeleine Goc, Rebecca Green, Emily Harnden, John Holody, Megan Hoople, Anthony Huff, Alexander Kellner, Julie Kilmer, Daniel Konopski, Leanna Lang, Jessica LoBrutto, Kiransumit Mann, Taylor Marino, Christina McGuire, Taylor Moran, Grace Olszewski, Michael Palazza, Amanda Passarelli, Dalton Pitts, Zachary Re, Rosalie Russell, Alexa Santa Lucia, Taylor Scheuing, Matthew Seaman, Ashley Serianni, Christopher Serra, Cole Smith, Emily Steinbrenner, Jacob Sweeney, Nicole Swiantek, Dallas Taft, Codie Thomas, Alexander Tollner, Dominic Tripi, Gregory VanNorman, Megan Wendt, Andrew Yarnes, Joshua Zernickel

Grade 12 - Gabrielle Ailinger, Amin Amin, Jeremy Anderson, Michael Avery, Matthew Beauchamp, Katelyn Benns, Alexandria Black, Conner Bolles, Donald Brant, Elliot Busch, Mikaela Connors, Caitlynn Cooke, Natalee Culbert, Jake DeLong, Brittney Ducette, Connor Frascatore, Sean Garten, Rebecca Gasiorek, Jonathan Grenda, Anmol Grewal, Charles Grunzweig, Kyle Hager, Lynne Huffnagle, Dylan Kelly, Victoria Kostenbauder, Jodi Lee, Cory Ludwig, Madelyne Mankowski, Shannon McDonough, Thalia Melendez, Brendan Mergel, Alec Metro, Kyle Meyer, Kailah Moss, Heather Muranyi, Emily Nitkowski, Gabriela Nizialek, Hallie Nowak, Christopher Osetkowski, Samuel Oursler, Alexis Pearce, Jamison Phillips, Alyssa Pino, Marina Pozantides, Corey Price, Christopher Ray-Castaldo, Jenna Sansalone, Ryan Sharrow, Emily Sommer, Phyllip Stallard, Katherine Studley, Harrison Thompson, Chandan Tiwana, Jonathan Voyzey, Alexandra Wallinder, Samantha Warden, Elizabeth Yensan, Dominic Zannin

Bus Driver Recognition - Feb 2012

(left) Kourtney Hoppel, Karli Deuser, Bus Driver/Amy VeRost and Kelsey Percival
(right photo) Bus driver/Jackie Steckelberg and student Zaineb Khawar
Click photos for larger view

    The F.O.R.C.C. (Friends of Rachael/Character Council), on Friday, February 17, 2012, sponsored the bus driver recognition program, 'Love the Bus.' This is a nationwide campaign to raise awareness and appreciation for the hundreds of thousands of school bus drivers who safely transport children to and from school.
   The Student Councils of both Connor Middle School and Grand Island High School combined their efforts and recognized the drivers by presenting each of them with a certificate, $5.00 Dunkin Donuts gift card, handwritten letters of appreciation, and doughnut holes when they arrived for the afternoon pickup. To say that the drivers were amazed, touched, impressed and truly thankful would be an understatement.
   "We believe that these dedicated men and women are truly, hometown heroes, who deserve this recognition," a student said this week.
   See the website American School Bus Council for additional information.

GIHS Commended Students
In 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program - Feb. 2012

Grand Island High School is proud to announce that Diana Boulden, Christopher Brownschidle and Samantha Kahn have been named Commended Students in the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program. These students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2012 competition by taking the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).

GIHS - Preparing for Future - Job Search Seminar - Feb. 2012

James Rustowicz and Matt Seaman

Andrew Gilbert and Alexa Territo

Mrs. Cheryl Cardone shaking Alyssa Cino's hand

   Dressed for success with resumes in hand, Grand Island students traveled to the Holiday Inn on Thursday, February 16th for the annual Job Search Seminar coordinated by the business department at the high school. Business Teacher Cheryl Chamberlain explains Job Search as an opportunity for students to hone their career readiness skills in an authentic setting. The students were very well prepared to answer tough interview questions posed by local business, education, and community members. Many of the businesses attending this year were looking to hire students for part-time work and this afforded them the opportunity to ask questions and look at resumes. Breakout sessions were provided by Niagara University, Buffalo State College, Men's Wearhouse and Town Supervisor Mary Cooke. "This year, we really wanted students to see what employers are looking for in job candidates," Mrs. Chamberlain said. Breakout sessions dealt with transitioning from high school to college, networking, and business attire. A special note of thanks goes out to the Grand Island School Business Alliance and Mrs. Carolyn Konopski for their help with volunteers for this year's event. For more information on business programs at Grand Island High School please contact Chamberlain at 773-8820.

Girls Basketball- NFL Champions - Feb. 2012

Click Champions" for Girls Basketball- NFL Champions

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Feb. 16, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 2/16/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores. See Girls Basketball- NFL Champions

GIHS Winter Ball - Feb. 2012

Click for larger view.
(left) Mike McMahon, Frank DeRubes, Keelan Erhard, King Brent Fred, Queen Sarah Williams, Stephanie Lo Tempio, Mads Wright and Brianna Brandon

   The Grand Island High School Winter Ball was held Saturday, February 11, 2012 in the high school gym. Chosen king and queen were Brent Fred and Sarah Williams. They are shown above with their court.

GIHS Freshman Quinn Carey - Feb. 2012

Grand Island High School freshman Quinn Carey, a varsity basketball team standout, is featured in a February 14, 2012 Niagara Gazette Story by Ryan Nagelhout.

7th Grader Nick Rallo Bowls 298 - Feb. 2012

   Nick Rallo, a 7th grader at Connor Middle School, was put in to sub in the 10th frame of the second game for Grand Island High against Niagara Wheatfield this past Tuesday (Feb. 7) at a home match at Island Lanes. He followed with the first 11 strikes of the 3rd game to finish with a 298. Nick is 13 and this is his first year on the high school team. He has only been put in to sub a few times. He bowls every Saturday morning on the junior league at Island Lanes where he currently averages 165.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Feb. 9, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 2/9/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Feb. 2, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 2/2/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Stephanie Senn Headed To Kent State - Feb. 2012

Pictured left to right are Mom Sandy Cunningham, Stephanie, and step-father Mike Sexton.

   GIHS soccer goalie Stephanie Senn signed a letter of intent on Thursday, February 2nd to attend Kent State University Stephanie has been a three-year starter on the GIHS varsity soccer team, the last two years in goal. Her career record with Grand Island is 44-8-7 , 192 goals for, 47 goals against and 13 shutouts. Her high school sports honors include two-year First Team All NFL, two-year First Team All Western New York, 2010 Third Team All State and 2011 Second Team All State. Stephanie plans on studying criminal justice at Kent State.

Hockey Standout Mike Malaney - Feb. 2012

See Niagara Gazette Story by Ryan Nagelhout.

Corrao/Colao Sweep High Honors at NFL's - Feb. 2012

Pictured left to right are Quinn Corrao, Coach Craig Davis, and Sam Colao.

   The Niagara Frontier League Bowling championships were held at Manor Lanes in Tonawanda on January 27th. Grand Island was well represented sweeping both the High Game and High Set awards. Quinn Corrao and Sam Colao, currently the top two averages on the team at 201 and 199 respectively, brought home the hardware for the Vikings. Quinn Corrao outshot the top 47 bowlers from the 8 NFL schools averaging 218.67 to take top honors on the day. Colao figured out the lanes in the 2nd game of his three-game set shooting a 279.

Basket Raffle At Musical - Jan. 2012

   The Grand Island High School Class of 2014 (now Sophomores), will be holding a basket raffle during the musical, "Les Miserables" (School Edition) at the Grand Island High School. The performances are scheduled for February 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The raffle will be availbale at the evening only performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Jan. 26, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 1/26/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Kallie Banker Attains All-Time Leading Scorer Status - Jan. 2012

Kallie Banker has taken the record all-time leading scorer record from Carlin Hartman who took the honor more than 20 years ago. See Niagara Gazette Story by Brandon Koch.

GIHS Musical Scheduled For February 2 - 4, 2012

Les Mis Dress Rehearsal at GIHS

Production Thursday - Saturday, Feb. 2-4th.
Bob Kopf Photos

   This year the Grand Island High School musical is "Les Miserables" (School Edition). The performances are scheduled for February 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Jan. 19, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 1/19/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS wins Tech Wars - Jan. 2012

Click photos for larger view.

   See Vikings Win
   See 2012 Results
   Carl Koppmann, Engineering Technology teacher at the high school, is the coach for the Tech Wars team.

Vikings Win Tech Wars - Jan. 2012

NIAGARA GAZETTE 1/12/12 - by Joe Olenick
   ...And that makes it three.
   Grand Island students extended their technology reign for a third consecutive year by taking home the Niagara County Community College Tech Wars title at the 15th annual competition held Wednesday, Jan. 11. Behind the Vikings' 47 points, Cleveland Hill finished second with 17 points, followed by Newfane which notched 12 points.
   And that was just the high schools. This year for the first time, the Tech Wars overall scoring was split into high school and middle school programs. Lockport City Schools, a three-time Tech Wars winner, won the middle school portion of the competition by a slim margin with 12 points. Medina followed in second place with 11, then Tonawanda City Schools with nine.
   But at the end of the day, it was Grand Island students celebrating again in the NCCC gym as they surrounded the grand prize, the Western New York Technology Education Association Tech Wars Cup.
   "It's a great experience for the students," said Carl Koppmann, a Grand Island technology teacher. "We had a lot of great projects."
   Grand Island brought 45 high schoolers and took a number of categories, including sweeping the top three in the hockey robots event.
   More than 900 middle and high school students from 29 Western New York school districts packed NCCC. Some came from as far as Pulaski, which is just north of Syracuse.
   Tech Wars is an academically based technology competition that pits middle and high school students in multiple project-based events of skill, chance and ability. Students in local schools design and build robots, cars and other technology-based projects that they enter into a variety of competitions against other local schools and students.
   Niagara-Wheatfield students Dave Dobmeier and Josh Drummer finished in second place in the sumo robot event. Placed in a center ring, two robots try and knock each other out of the ring.
   Both Dobmeier and Drummer have done other Tech Wars events but this was their first crack at sumo robots. The strategy was to get under the opposing robot.
   "We're pretty pleased, since this is our first time doing this," Dobmeier said. "It seemed fun, you have to go head to head."

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Jan. 12, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 1/12/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

GIHS DECA Dominates Regionals! - Jan. 2012

Click for larger view.
(left) Jazmine Nijjar and Sabrina Hausrath win in Decision Making Marketing; (right) Zoe Reda accepts award.

   Grand Island High School's Business Club, DECA, boasted 53 winners at the Region 12 Competition on Sunday, January 8th at Lew-Port High School. This is the largest group of students who have competed at the local level (86 in all) and most definitely the largest amount to qualify for the state level. DECA is a co-curricular club at Grand Island which prepares students for the demands of the workforce. The competitive event areas in DECA range from Marketing Management and Accounting to Hospitality and Tourism, with over thirty other business related events added in. Many students take a 100 question test and then compete in an authentic role-play situation with local business leaders. This year, over 650 students competed from 15 schools in Western New York. Cheryl Chamberlain and Christopher Simpson would like to thank volunteer judges Donette Rayhill, Maggie Kennedy, Chuck Turner, Rebecca Simpson, Debi McCoy and Mary Cooke for their time and support of this career focused program.

GIHS Sports Briefs - Week Ending Jan. 5, 2012

Click "Sports Briefs 1/5/12" for this week's Grand Island High School sports scores.

Steph Senn Named To First Team All WNY Soccer - Jan. 2012

See Buffalo News Story by Keith McShea.