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Principal Michael Lauria

Community Use of Track/Outside Athletic Fields at Ransom Road

Madisyn Pezzino Signs With Florida State - December 2016

From left: stepfather Jim Beatty, mother Tabitha, Madisyn, brother Jim Jr., dad Jim, brother Cameron and Training Coach John Opfer

   Grand Island Lady Viking Soccer star Madisyn Pezzino signed her letter of intent on Thursday, December 22, 2016. She has earned a full athletic scholarship to Florida State University. Some of her accomplishments in her career so far include New York State record for career goals (251) and season goals (73), which she accomplished this fall. Maddie is third in the nation in career goals. She is a NSCAA All American, 1st Team All State, 1st Team WNY, Section 6 All WNY Co-Player of the Year 2016, Niagara Gazette Player of the Year, Super 7 Athlete of the Week, Buffalo News Prep Athlete of the Week. Maddie committed to Florida State, the 2015 NCAA Champions, in her sophomore. year. Her record for the six years she played for Grand Island is 89-17-12.

Boys Swimming Results - December 2016

    The GIHS Boys Swim Team defeated Kenmore West on Tuesday, December 20th, 97-62. See results.

Neighbors Foundation Food Disbursement - December 2016

GIHS students participating in the food packing.

    Students from DECA, Interact and Student Council once again assisted the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation with the collection of non perishable food items for the holiday season. Students from the High School Student Council went door to door with their efforts and collected an all time high record of items. DECA, along with Middle and High School Interact clubs, packed the items for pick up at the Knights of Columbus. 57 families were assisted this year. This twenty year tradition of helping at the holidays is cherished by the Neighbors Foundation committee and Coordinator Hank Kammerer applauds the students for their work.

Hearts for the Homeless Gifts Donation - December 2016

Cookies made by Life Skills class.

Gifts purchased by class and donated by teachers and staff.

Students surround the gift table.

    DECA and the Life Skills class have been working very diligently in collecting donations for Hearts for the Homeless. The Life Skills class made 650 cookies in two days, made cookie trays and sold them for $12. Half of the proceeds went directly to Hearts for the Homeless. Many donations were received by teacher and staff (monetary donations as well as toys). A total of $690 was collected. On Monday, December 19th, the Life Skills class went on the annual holiday shopping trip with their Peer Buddies from DECA. The monetary donations bought "teen" items for Hearts for the Homeless. The group shopped at Target, Walmart, and the Boulevard Mall, followed by lunch at Red Robin. The students really enjoyed shopping for others. The gifts will be passed out by volunteers of the "Christmas Eve Delivery Project". This group has been delivering toys for 26 years on Christmas Eve between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. This year 35 families with over 100 children will be visited. If you know anyone that could be helped by this group in the future, contact any GICSD social worker.

Boys Swimming Results - December 2016

    The GIHS Boys Swim Team defeated Kenmore East on Tuesday, December 13th, 94-77. Grand Island's record is 2-3. See results.

GIHS 1st Quarter High Honor Roll - December 2016

Ronald Appoloney, William Atkinson, Eve DiCarlo, Allison Fay, Alexa Fox, Mitchell Fusillo, Jasmin Gill, Luke Hess, Mackenzie Heyden, Victoria Huang, Colby Kalp, Trevor Knight, Lucas Kruse, Cecelia Kubanek, Marissa Lewis, Katrina Linenfelser, Sarah Moore, Emily Reynolds, Sean Rustowicz, Eliza Sarigiannis, Kalynn Savoy, Karie Stedman, Joseph Steinagel, Anna Thompson, Madeline Tribby, Luke Webb

Lauren Baeumler, Samantha Bailey, Hannah Cool, Lexie Diaz, Allison Fluker, Sara Gorton, Nicholas Hess, Gianna Horvath, Nathan Hunt, Celia Jones, Elizabeth Koyn, Allisen Lepenven, Grace LoHouse, Elisabeth Lupp, Rhys Mendel, William Person, Nathan Reichel, Dylan Russo, Eric Scalise, Laura Schultz, Emma Sullivan, Benjamin Szabo, Natalie Turck, Hannah Ullrich, Joy VanderMey, Kaitlyn Warakomski, Christian Whetham, Bethany Wolcott, James Worrall, Grace Wright, Amanda Ziehm

Tyler Bernatovicz, Maddison Bower, Sarah Burns, Jenette DiLaura, Jordan Eckrote, Jessica Gonda, Marissa Hovey, Cross Kalp, Elisabeth Krstevski, David Lesinski, Alyssa Luzak, Hallie Mingoia, Dominic Nappo, Chika Shimotsu, Jack Steinagel, Hannah Tribby, John VanderMey, Sara Wolcott

Jordan Anthony, Kristen Atkinson, April Booker, Thomas Botticello, Sophia Castillo, Cole Ellsworth, Adam Frosolone, Olivia Johnson, Sheila Kelly, Julia Koprevich, Lauren LoTempio, Hannah Mahon, Gracie McNamara, Madison McNamara, Owen Morrish, Kaylee Richard, MaryElisabeth Rustowicz, Emma Schultz, Sarah Swagler, Noah Teator, Marianthi Vasiliadis, Cameron Watt, Madelyn Webb

GIHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll - December 2016

Hamzah Al-Naji, Avery Andrews, Matthew Aronica, Aizaz Asif, Brooke Bartolotta, Gabriella Bergstrom, Abigail Blair, Maria Buscaglia, Joseph Cali, Kenneth Carter, Samuel Castellino, Alyssa Cline, Madison Conway,Erin Cool, Donovan Cornelius, Zoe Coutu, Emily Czyrny, Benjamin DeFranks, Rhianna Enright, Autumn Gagliardi, Louis Genovese, Alex Gottler, Sean Heffley, Tyler Hunt, Iris Hutchins, Kira Hutton, Cassidy Jensen, Michael Juntunen, Joshua Kam, Caitlin Kleinschmidt, Kristian Krantz, Abigail Krull, Robert LeFevre, Patrick Loss, Dominic Loss, Michael Marino, Maggie McNamara, Lauren Merletti, Tyler Meyer, Ben Moskala, Brian O'Neill, Morgan Payan, Grace Pearse, Nicholas Ratajczak, Rebecca Rebmann, Mikayla Robinson, Brandon-Kace Samol, Makenna Scalise, Brett Shickluna, Amritpal Singh, Elzbieta Sorel, Mark Steck, Anthony Surace, Lydia Sweeney, Patricia Tavarez, Aleksandra Tirone, Chloe Tolsma, Vanessa VanNorman, Olivia Williams, Gabriel Wright, Alexa Yamonaco, Brook Zdrojewski

Melina Aceti, Ava Ackerman, Brianna Bachman, Quinton Becker, Charley Benz, Sarah Berlinger, Brianna Beyer, Adam Burns, Nicholas Carey, Alexander Castillo, Justin Chadima, Alexa Chiarenza, Hannah Chorey, Jagger Click, Ryann Colan, Jacob Corrao, Mia Devirgilio, Annaliese DiCarlo, Lindsey Diehl, Samin Durrani, Brigitta Eichel, Henry Grunzweig, Trevor Hauer, Brady Hofmeyer, Alyssa Jaenecke, Kaylee Kavanaugh, Megan Kennedy, Madison Koeppel, Margaret Kubanek, Emily Kurtzhalts, Alex Laschinger, Amanda Lawrence, Nicolas Lindaman, Madison Liss, Emma Mahoney, Allison McDonald, Alexander Melisz, Jacob Nelson, Madison Nowak, Christopher O'Connor, Jordan Pachla, Olivia Pino, Lydia Pratt, McKenna Prochaska, Miranda Proctor, Rhett Robinson, Lindsay Robinson, Trevor Samplinski, Camryn Santa Lucia, Ciara Scalzo, Kristine Schlifke, Maria Sciortino, Jordan Simon, Cameron Sionko, Savannah Sipe, Julia Slazyk, Shay Sommer, William Soos, Easton Speer, Joshua Tamsen, Samantha Terrana, Grace Thorpe, Wyatt Tollner, Sean Tuohy, Konstantinos Vasiliadis, Marie Wagar, Ryan Wellence, Kelsey Wilson, Bryce Wolf

Tima Abdellatif, Luke Ailinger, John Bellia, Colin Bellinger, Evan Bender, Ruby Benz, Jackson Besl, Eva Bobeck, Victoria Botticello, Breonah Brown, Victoria Busch, Ryan Buzby, Liam Carey, Dean Cataffo, Lauren Chadwick, Aleece Cruz, Gabriel D'Addario, Jaynie Decker, Julianna DeSimone, Alexander Dodge, Alana Enright, Abigail Fay, Grace Federico, Mariana Floro, Maricella Fusillo, Philip Gentz, Mark Giancola, John Griffin, Kaitlyn Grybel, Alicia Haak, Jennifer Hinaman, Nicole Hoy, Joshua Hoy, Anam Hussain, Conner Hutton, Ryan Kernin, Joseph Killian, Angelina Koloshuk, Autumn Krantz, Tess Lariviere, BrendanLarsen, Anthony Leone, Laura Link, Richard Little, Matthew Logel, Sierra Maras, Arthur Meaney, Jason Messing, Brian Minton, Elizabeth Mitchell, Amanda Moran, Tyler Myszka, Nicholas Nowocien, Natalie O'Brien, Edward Payan, Steven Pufpaff, Samantha Pusatier, Taylor Raine, Katherine Riederer, Kate Riniolo, Laurel Salvaggio, Joseph Samplinski, Maria Schnettler, Megan Shickluna, Vanessa Shores, Allison Sorri, Megan Stanley, Kayla Staub, Breanna Stedman-Pate, Grace Stranahan, Stephen Sweeney, Jenna Tavano, Andrew Thompson, Gracie Tompkins, Luke Traina, Anna Ungaro, Olivia VeRost, Michelle Wadell

Ayah Abdelal, Giana Aiello, Liam Atkins, Genna Baldassarre, Samantha Bartolotta, Theresa Baughman, Hayley Becker, Cassandra Brooks, Julia Buscaglia, Conner Buzby, Nicholas Capizzi, Nicole Castiglione, Jesus Cisneros Vilchis, Mikayla Claus, Rachel Colan, Alexandra Colucci, Kaylee Conta, Savannah Cramer, Jessica Culbert, Mallory DelSignore, Nicholas Dingey, Jacob Dollendorf, Samuel Eichel, Anthony Emmi, Gabrielle Gagliardi, Alexis Gallup, Angelica Marie Garcia, Jacob Gleave, Kelsey Harrigan, Alexis Hofmeyer, Richard Hoover, Robert Jankowiak, Brennen Joslyn, Natalie Kaminski, Sydney Khreis, Julie Klein, Katherine Kovacs, Matthew Kowalski, Genavieve Koyn, Justin Kozlowski, Adam Krathaus, Jason Kubanek, Hayley Latvala, Kelsey Mahoney, Alexa Mallare, Jacob Masucci, Alyssa Maxwell, RyanMcDonald, Catherine Merletti, Zackery Messier, Tyler Moskala, Kassie Moss, Tyler Muggli, Kayli Nelson, Katelyn Newbould, Nathan Newell, Claire O'Connor, Ashley Parmelee, Julianna Passarelli, Madisyn Pezzino, Kaila Powell, Lindsay Proctor, Lucas Robinson, Garrett Robinson, Sarah Saleh, Varinder Sandhu, William Scalzo, Kelly Schlifke, Brandon Schoener, Cassandra Shores, Brianna Smith, Jacob Spencer, Alexis Studley, Jessica Surace, Lauryn Swanson, Ryan Tetreault, Brooke Thomas, James Thorpe, Collin Tolsma, Marie Tomasula, Kaitlynn Tuohy, Olivia Turck, Jenna VeRost, Eric Watt, Cassidy Wilkinson, Wesley Wolf, Joelle Woodard, Gillian Worrall, Caitlin Young, Nicholas Yung

GIHS 1st Quarter Merit Roll - December 2016

Tala Abdellatif, Marion Averhart, Carmela Bartolomeo, Mia Belstadt, Derek Blanchard, Emily Brooks, Timothy Carlson, Ruby Chen, Vincenzo Ciffa, Stephanie Cox, Gianna D'Addario, Adam Daghestani, Gianna DePalma, Emma Dickinson, Patrick Dworak, Ava Eichel, Samantha Fluker, Jenna Foglia, Jack Hammond, Muhammad Issa, Nicholas Keller, Blake Kenney, Kevin Koch, Juliana Koloshuk, Erika Krueger, Emily Kwiecinski, Alexis Labin, Anna LeBrasseur, Stephanie Longo, Michael Loss, Jack LoTempio, Jahdiaum Love, Madison MacNeil, Sebastian Melendez, Josiah Meyer, Breckin Morris, Sean Murray, Carly Pannullo, Ryan Pecoraro, Justin Podgorny, Connor Raine, Jack Randle, Luke Rizzo, Zayan Shaheen, Thomas Shemik, Brandon Smith, Rachel Soluri, Benjamin Spiesz, Phillip Thomas Kyle, Vanderzell, Brooke VeRost, Leo Wain, Morgan-Lynn Wieberg, Amiah Wilkes, Jenna Wilkinson David Wynne

Jack Anthony, Brendan Atkins, Hayden Backlund, Brandon Beiter, Jared Berard, Vincent Bonura, Joseph Botticello, Anthony DeSimone, Jasmin Dhillon, Jacob Doeble, Elissa Dojka, Julia Eichel, Cameron Fairbairn, Gabriella Gasiorek, Justin Gorrell, Faith Gworek, Emma Halpin, Liam Hart, Austin Hogan, William Hoover, Seth Jackson, Ryan Jellinick, Diamond Jones, Nicholas Kawecki, Connor Kenney, Brandon Kinney, Matthew Mahon, Clarice McCaffery, Laura McKenna, Hailey Mefford, Madeline Mesmer, Colby Muggli, Bridget Neeson, Dalton Nyitrai, Nicole Paolini, Joseph Parker, Anthony Pirinelli, Jonathan Prell, Shandi Putzbach, Zachary Reading, Olivia Ruiz, Tyler Russell, Michael Sadkowski, Amanda Samplinski, Trisha Sander, Gabriella Sciortino, Anthony Seifert, Anthony Serra, Pravdeep Singh, Gwendolyn Slachciak, Dylan Stickney, Nathan Stroh, Nicholas Tillett, Brandon Vedella, Brienne Westfall, Olivia Wright, Kenneth Yockey

Jonathan Abbott, Sama Abdelal, Bayan Abdellatif, Leah Amenta, Nicholas Anzalone, Tori Appoloney, Naushairwan Asif, Cameron Blair, Kayla Booker, Rosemarie Boyko, Claire Brandon, Victoria Brawn, Jason Breeden, Sarah Bykowicz, Gionna Cafarella, Derek Callen, Nathan Canazzi, Matthew Carlson, Thomas Cecere, Emily Cordero, Abigail Czerwonka, McKenna Davis, Dylan DeGlopper, Sam DiBello, Michael Ellegate, Daniel Fabiano, Jessica Faso, Joseph Figliola, Cole Fischer, Jacob Ford, Emily Fred, Ryan Frost, Samantha Garcia, Matthew Giordano, John Glose, Taylor Gojmerac, James Grinchishin, Joshua Hannibal, Charles Hegarty, Madelyn Heyden, Robert Hodan, Jerry Huang, Elizabeth Ishmael, JaQuan Johnson, Nicholas Kam, Shannon Klein, Hannah Kurek, Nicholas Lenz, Jason Lupp, Ethan Lynch, Kayla McCauley, Chloe McQuestion, Nathan Miller, Justin Mock, Muhammad Mojawalla, Angelina Morales, Margaret Morgan, Parker Morrow, Colin Navagh, Mark Nicoletti, Collin Payne, Shane Pfohl, Nicholas Phinney, Michaela Preston, Julie Pusateri, Alexandra Robertson, Alyssa Ruminski, Kevin Sander, Joshua Schaefer, Zack Schmidt, Cora Schuerholz, Mark Seibert, Madison Senger, Emma Sickles, Katelyn Simpson, Brandon Snyder, Joseph Stolfo, Kobe Swain-Bruyere, Dominic Tagliarino, Jacob VeRost, Theresa West, Sulamita Zherebilov

Victoria Aronica, Marcella Barberic, Joseph Boyko, Devin Brandon, Liam Bryan, Roman Cacciatore, Erik Carlson, Virgil Castner, Connor Cinelli, Raymond Cleveland, McKenna Collignon, Juliana Cousins, Megan DiBerardino, Julia Diehl, Todd Domowicz, Louis Estrella, Louis Fabiano, Madison Finn, Joseph Frailey, James Franz, Mikala Gallagher, Chloe Groff, Lenin Harper, Jessica Harvey, Timothy Howard, William Hughes, Erika Jaegers, Emily Jelonek, Amanda Jordan, George Katholos, Maxwell Keller, Kelsey Kenney, Madelyn Konopczynski, Lily Anna Leffler, Rachel Madigan, Julianna Major, Faith Martell, Jerome Masters, Sean McFarland, Heather Michki, Zachary Morano, Nicholas Mouery, Juleeann Nyitrai, Kevin O'Leary, Jennalise Olson, Simon Pannullo, Stephen Parisi, Madison Phillips, Connor Pignatora, Sean Pufpaff, Michael Pyzynski, Thomas Riniolo, Jamie Saucier, Ryan Schwinn, Jack Stieringer, Kristine Sutton, Joseph Tamsen, Randy Thomas, Jacob Tucker, Madison VeRost, Samantha Wakefield, Aruran Wigneswaran, Jeremiah Wilkes, Dakota Wolf

Boys Swimming Results - December 2016

    The GIHS Boys Swim Team defeated North Tonawanda on Tuesday, December 6th, 101-80. See results.

Girls Soccer All-Western New York Team - December 2016

    The Girls Soccer All-Western New York team, chosen by WNY coaches named Grand Island's Madisyn Pezzino and Marissa Birzon (Williamsville East), as Co-Players of the Year. Also named from Grand Island: First Team: Alexa Chiarenza (D), Marcy Barberic (M), Madisyn Pezzino (F). Honorable Mention: Grace Stranahan.

2016 Football Honor Roll: League All-Star Teams - December 2016

    The GIHS Boys Football team had a selection of players named to the All-Star team in Class A North. Offensive Player of the Year: Conner Buzby (Grand Island).
Pos. Player School Year
QB Conner Buzby Grand Island 12
WR Zane Johnson Grand Island 11
WR Will Hughes Grand Island 12
DE JB Wilkes Grand Island 12
LB Zach Valvo Grand Island 12
GRAND ISLAND: Jim Thorpe, Ryan McDonald, Tyler Muggli, Tyler Moskala.
GRAND ISLAND: Frank DePalma-11, Cam Sionko-10, Alex Jennings, Jaquan Johnson-11, Nino Calandra.

All WNY Boys Soccer - December 2016

    The GIHS Boys Soccer team had a 22-1 record this season, losing at the end of the second overtime to Somers (Westchester County) in the NYS final. Players Garrett Robinson and Jacob Gleave were named to the All-Western New York team. The Buffalo News has a nice story written by Budd Bailey, see here.

Boys Soccer Stellar Season Recap - December 2016

Click photo for larger view.

Story by Scott Pufpaff
   The 2016 Boys Grand Island Soccer team has had a great run these last 2 seasons, 41-1-3 in the last 45 games! They have done a great job of representing the Town of Grand Island and the Western NY community, always receiving compliments from opposing coaches and players. It takes time to build teamwork, trust and camaraderie and these players have played together from a young age in house soccer then travel soccer and then HS soccer. They play at Vets on off days and kick the ball around the house when their teammates are there. They love to play this game for what it is but more importantly they play for the coaches/teammates/friends that they have because of it. How else would they all consider dying their hair blond for the Sectionals! It is the epitome of what anyone would want in a HS team in any sport.
   After many regular season games and certainly after every playoff game they are at the Brick Oven looking like a huge family at Thanksgiving dinner. Ask any one of them and they will tell you that nothing compares to playing with your friends and for your High School! The GI soccer coaches treat these boys like their family, pushing them hard when needed while building that team first philosophy. These boys would run through walls for their coaches and each other, year after year the emphasis remains the same and so do the results. GI has a great soccer tradition and the future looks bright.
    Since the point when NYS High Schools started the state championship format in the mid 80's, it has always been difficult for the Section 6 schools to get through Section 5 in the Far West Regional games. In the last nine years this has only happened three times at the Section A level with our GI boys taking two of those wins! This GI team joins only one other Section 6 large school team to make it to the final game in the last 30 years.
    It has been a very special 2 years and along the way this is what the coaches and players have accomplished:
2015/2016 NFL Champions
2015/2016 Section A Champions
2015/2016 Section 6 Champions
2015/2016 Far West Regional Champions
2015 State Semi Finalist
2016 State Finalist
19 game win streak in 2015
22 game win streak in 2016
2016 Broke the All Time Section 6 scoring record with 131 goals, previously held by Akron in 2007 (127)
2016 Broke the All Time Section 6 goal differential record with +122, previously held by East Aurora in 2007 (+107)
2016 Made it to 4th place All Time Section 6 consecutive wins with 22
2016 Made it to number 6 for the All Time New York State Team Record Consecutive Shutout list with 11 in a row
2016 Made it to number 9 for the All Time New York State Team Record Total Shutout one season with 17
2016 Sent 7 players to the 1st Team All NFL: Garrett Robinson; John Griffin; Lou Fabiano; Anthony Emmi; Nemanja Simic; Jake Gleave; Steven Pufpaff
2016 Sent 2 players to the 2nd Team All NFL: Sean Pufpaff; Justin Kozlowski
2016 Sent 1 player to the 3rd Team All NFL: Joe Boyko
2016 NFL Coach of the Year: Frank Butcher
2016 Sent 5 players to the All WNY teams: Garrett Robinson; Jake Gleave; John Griffin; Steven Pufpaff; Nemanja Simic
Garrett Robinson 2016 All State
Garrett Robinson 2016 NFL Player of the Year
Frank Butcher 2016 WNY Coach of the Year
2015 Sent 3 players to the 2015 All WNY Teams: Troy Brady; Andrew Carlson; Joe Kulikowski
Troy Brady 2015 NFL Player of the Year
Troy Brady 2015 All State
Troy Brady 2015 WNY Player of the Year
Frank Butcher 2015 WNY Coach of the Year
    The names of the players are: (alphabetical order): Luke Ailinger; Jackson Besl; Cam Blair; Joe Boyko: Dylan Deglopper: Anthony Emmi: Dan Fabiano; Lou Fabiano; James Franz; Jake Gleave; John Griffin; Conner Hutton; Nick Kam; Justin Koslowski; Cole Kramer; Justin Mock; Yusuf Mojowalla; Steven Pufpaff; Sean Pufpaff; Lucas Robinson; Garrett Robinson; Nemanja Simic; Will Soos; Anthony Stolfo; Joe Stolfo; Stephen Sweeney.
    Coaches: Frank Butcher; Rom Figler; Brian Ailinger; Matt Waddington
   Trainer: Jeff Green

Alyssa Maxwell & Hayley Latvala Sign - November 2016

Father Bob, mom Sue and Alyssa Maxwell.

   Two Girls Lacrosse seniors signed letters of intent on Monday, November 21st in the high school gym.
Alyssa Maxwell - Committing to Roberts Wesleyan
2016 Niagara Gazette Player of the Year
2016 All WNY- 2nd Team
2016 1st Team NFL
2015 2nd Team NFL
15-16 Season 70 goals (School Record)
107 Goals Career (School Record)
Attacker on varsity since Freshmen Year

Hayley Latvala with mom Patrizia Porcari.

Hayley Latvala- Committing to Gannon
2016 1st Team NFL
2015 2nd Team NFL
58 Ground Balls Career
20 Takeaways Career
Defender on varsity since Freshmen Year

High School Parent/Teacher Conferences - November 2016

    The Grand Island High School Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 28 in the High School from 12-3 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. Teachers will be in their rooms, a list of room assignments will be posted. Appointments are not necessary.

Lindsay Proctor Signs Letter to Attend W. Virginia University - November 2016

From left: top row: Assistant Coach Ann Boutet, Head Coach Johnathan Head, Assistant Coach Bob Simpson.
Mom Jill Proctor, Lindsay Proctor, Dad Thomas Proctor.

    According to Athletic Director Jon Roth, Lindsay Proctor is the best volleyball player to come through Grand Island High School. Lindsay signed a letter of intent to attend Division 1 West Virginia University on Wednesday, November 9th. She made a verbal committment to the school two years earlier as a sophomore. Some of her honors include: 3 time varisty captain, school career leader in digs and aces, All League 2nd team grades 8/9, All League first team 10/11/12, All Western New York 10/11, Niagara Gazette Player of the Year 2014, school athlete of the year 10/11. Lindsay's team was Niagara Frontier Champs in 2011-2012-2016. Coach Johnathan Head called her up to Varsity when she was playing modified volleyball in middle school (grade 7). He said "she makes every kid better on the team", "she is a selfless leader and player".

GIHS Shadow Day - November 2016

Center left: Ryan McDonald and Aruran Wigneswaran shadowing employees at Thermo Fisher.

   On Friday, October 27th, students had the unique opportunity to shadow a business or career during this year's Shadow Day program sponsored by the Grand Island School Business Alliance (GISBA) and the High School Business Department. Coordinator of the event, Cheryl Chamberlain, explains that Shadow Day has become an event that students look forward to because they can get a glimpse of what a future career might look like. After a send off speech from local business owner, Mr. Fahim Mojawalla, students traveled all over Western New York to visit sites which included: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital, The Harbor Center, WKSE 98.5, Grand Island schools and the FBI headquarters. Students come away with a better understanding of the requirements for various positions and what kind of college prep they should investigate. For more information on the business programs at GIHS contact cherylchamberlain@grandislandschools.org.

Girls Soccer Win Section 6 Class A Championship - November 2016

UPDATE: The Girls Soccer team lost to Spencerport after a scoreless game to penalty kicks, 5-3. Grand Island earned a share of the regional title, its first since 2005, despite being eliminated from the state playoffs since the victor was decided by PKs.
   The GIHS girls Soccer team are now 19-1 after defeating Amherst by a score of 4-1 on Tuesday, November 1st. Next up is the Far West Regionals on Saturday at SUNY Geneseo against Spencerport at 6:30 p.m. See Buffalo News story by Miguel Rodriguez.

Boys Soccer Win Section 6 Class A Championship - November 2016

UPDATE:The GIHS boys varsity soccer team is advancing to the NY State semifinals in Middletown next weekend by beating Greece-Athena 2-1 on Friday night.
   The GIHS Boys Soccer team are now 20-0 after defeating Iroquois by a score of 5-2 on Tuesday, November 1st. Next up is the Far West Regionals on Friday night at Sweet Home. against an undetermined team. See Buffalo News story by Budd Bailey

Girls Soccer Advance to Class A Championship - October 2016

   The #1 Lady Vikings beat #2 Will. East on Saturday, October 29th at Will North, 3-1. Senior Madisyn Pezzino scored all three goals. Next up is for the overall Class A title on Tuesday, November 1st at Will North againast A-2 winner Amherst. The game will be at 7:30 p.m.

Boys Soccer Advance to Class A Championship - October 2016

   From Coach Frank Butcher: Grand Island Boys soccer defeats Mckinley in the A1 sectional final, 6-0 on Thursday, October 27th. Back to back A1 champs for the Grand Island Vikings. So far on the season 120 goals for, 4 against (2 were pks) Hopefully we can keep it going next week when we take on A2 champ Iroquois for the overall class A championship on Tuesday at 5PM at Sweet Home High School. Thanks have to go out to Matthew Waddington, Brian D Ailinger and Rom Figler for all their help getting this team to where it is! Here are some of the highlights (Rain made the cameraman miss one) YouTube highlights.
John Griffin leads the way with 3g 1a
Justin Kozlowski 1g
Jackson Besl 1g
Connor Hutton 1g
Nemanja Simic 2a
Jake Gleave 1a
Luke Ailinger 1a
Steven Pufpaff 10th shutout of year in 10 games played.

GIHS Girls Swimming - October 2016

Girls 2016 NFL Swimming and Diving Championsip -- Finals - October 28th.
Girls 2016 NFL Swimming and Diving Championsip Prelims - October 26-28. - Results.
Diving results.
The results for JV diving are:
1. Emma Binner - 167.65
2. Casey Zakrewski - 114.95
3. Lea Shaffer - 101.10
4. Jamie Drury - 83.60

GIHS Girls Swimming - October 2016

Wednesday, October 19 - Girls Swim (69) vs. Niagara Wheatfield (113) Results. Overall 4-4, League 3-4.

Grand Island High School Instrumental Music Fruit Fundraiser - October 2016

   The Grand Island High School music program is having their annual fruit sale from October 17 - November 2, 2016. Monies earned on the fundraiser are used to off set the students' cost of future trips. You can order online at www.floridaindianrivergroves.com/ecommerce/173920 or by calling the fundraiser chairperson, Chris Riederer at 775-1316. The cost of the fruit is $25 for a 10 lb. box; $30 for a 20 lb. box; $40 for a 40 lb. box. Fruit is shipped directly from Vero Beach, FL and will be ready on Saturday, December 10th.

GIHS Girls Swimming - October 2016

Friday, October 14 - Girls Swim (38) vs. Lockport (64) Results.

Madisyn Pezzino Sets State Goal-Scoring Record - October 2016

   GIHS senior Madisyn Pezzino set the New York State goal record on Tuesday, October 11th at Gene Masters Field, scoring three goals to reach 237. That most likely will go higher as there is one regular season game left against Ken East (away) on Thursday, October 13th and the post season. See Buffalo News story by Miguel Rodriguez, published October 11, 2016.

GIHS Girls Swimming - October 2016

Friday, October 7 - Girls Swim (58) vs. Lockport (128) Results.

Santorio Named Buffalo Bills Coach of the Week - October 2016

   The Buffalo Bills are once again proudly partnering with ADPRO Sports in 2016, to recognize some of the best high school football coaches Western New York has to offer through the High School Coach of the Week program. The Buffalo Region Coach of the Week for Week 3 is Dean Santorio, head coach of the Grand Island Vikings. Playing the North Tonawanda Lumberjacks on the road on Friday, September 23, Grand Island put together a 38-35 comeback win. Down 21-0 early in the second quarter, the Vikings rallied behind quarterback Conner Buzby, who put up 357 yards passing and four touchdowns, to come away with the victory.

GIHS Girls Swimming - October 2016

Tuesday, October 4 - Girls Swim (89) vs. No. Tonawanda (70) Results.

Madisyn Pezzino Named Prep Talk Athlete of Week - September 2016

   A story in the Buffalo News named GIHS senior soccer standout Madisyn Pezzino as Prep Talk Female Athlete of the Week. She recently scored the 200th goal of her career in a win over North Tonawanda, plus four more. See story by Budd Bailey.

GIHS Girls Swimming - September 2016

Friday, September 23 - Girls Swim (94) vs. Ken East (64) Results.
Tuesday, September 20 - Girls Swim (23) vs. Ken West (73) Results.
Friday, September 16 - Grils Swim Quad Meet Results.

High School Open House & Chicken BBQ - September 2016

   Grand Island High School will hold its annual Open House on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. Information and agendas will be posted in the front foyer directing parents to report to designated classrooms where they will receive a copy of their child's "Day 4" schedule. Parents follow that schedule which provides an opportunity to meet with each teacher for ten (10) minutes and gain an overview of the curriculum for that subject area.
    The Grand Island Student Council will be selling Krolick's Chicken Dinners on Wednesday, September 21st during High School Open House. Tickets are $10 presale and will be $12 the night of. Included in the price is a half chicken, two sides, and a roll. This can be a great option for a quick dinner as you come to Open House! If you are interested in pre buying a dinner please email Bob Simpson at RobertSimpson@grandislandschools.org. You can pick it up at GIHS anytime after 2:30pm.

First Place Honors at Chalk Walk - August 2016

From left: Lovepreet Kaur, Alexis Hy, and Julie Klein.
Click top photo for larger view.

      On Saturday, August 13th, the talented Grand Island High School Chalk Walk team received the coveted First Place ribbon, trophy, and cash prize. Although it rained heavily in the morning, the streets were dry enough to begin the contest promptly at noon. Grey skies gave way to sunshine and strong gusts of wind which eventually brought more storm clouds to worry the participants. Fortunately, the rain held off and all schools were able to complete their drawings.
   Alexis Hy, Lovepreet Kaur, and Julie Klein remained focused and determined to finish their detailed and elaborate composition even though the wind was annoying and the temperature reached 92 degrees. Their final drawing was beautiful, colorful, clean, thematic, and creative. The following passage is the team's statement regarding their concept:
"This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Lewiston Art Festival. To commemorate this occasion, this year's Chalk Walk theme incorporates 50 years of modern art from 1966 to present day represented by a famous artist who lived and created art during that time period.
    Our drawing this year exhibits the style and characteristics of Fernando Botero, who is an 84 year old Colombian figurative artist. Botero was born on April 19 in 1932 and currently lives in Italy. His signature style, known as "Boterismo", depicts people and figures in large, exaggerated volumes, which often represents humor and whimsy.
    We wanted to capture the atmosphere of the art festival in our composition so we placed Botero in his exhibition tent where he is selling reproductions of famous artworks painted with his Boterismo style. People attending the festival are taking in the sights, purchasing KeyBank sculptures, walking the business lined streets and being directed to the Chalk Walk competition. What a wonderful day in Lewiston!"

GIHS LYNC Students Camp Out! - August 2016

From Left are half of the GIHS participants: Eric Scalise, Ben Szabo, Dylan Russo, Dalton Nyitrai, Jenna Tavano, William Soos, Jessica Faso, Sara Gorton, Anna DiCarlo, Alex Castillo.

    Grand Island High School is proud to offer the Leadership for Youth of Niagara Communities program (LYNC). Twenty students from Grand Island High School attended a weekend orientation at Camp Kenan with students from other area schools and worked on teamwork and collaboration.
    The website describes LYNC as "an eight month leadership development program designed for youth to discover the leader within while learning about our community. The program is available to 100 students from 14 local high schools each year through a multi-year grant from the Irene E. Witkowski Agrawal Foundation. Participants in the LYNC program receive a highly structured, open-ended opportunity to collaborate, to examine important institutions and programs across Western New York, to analyze complex social trends and social problems in the nation and across the globe and to investigate avenues for personal success in society, business, and schooling. The LYNC Class is taught and mentored by a team of leadership experts and LN graduates.
   New in 2016, participants my extend their learning and participation in LYNC in a course taught by Dr. Paul Vermette of Niagara University. The 3-credit course focuses on the issues of diversity and globalization, democratic citizenship, leadership in personal and organizational frameworks and individual development." Cheryl Chamberlain is the liaison for LYNC at Grand Island High School and can be contacted at 716-773-8820 for more information.

Students Volunteer for Back to School Mailing - August 2016

From left: Gianni Ford, Kelsey Wilson, Amanda Ziehm, Maddie Mesmer, Kevin O'Leary, MaryElisabeth Rustowicz and Sean Christian Rustowicz.

    Seven Grand Island High School students gave up a few hours of their summer vacation to help the district with its annual back to school mailings. The student volunteers were at the district office to copy, stuff envelopes and adhere mailing labels for several thousand letters the district sends out to inform parents about the start of the school year. The hours that Gianni Ford, an incoming senior, volunteered will help fulfill her senior government leadership volunteer requirements. She had been at work for several hours putting mailing labels on envelopes. "We started at 8 a.m. and will be here until it's done," she said.
    Incoming sophomores Kelsey Wilson and Maddie Mesmer came at the request of their friend Amanda Ziehm, who was asked by Cheryl Chamberlain, a high school business teacher and DECA advisor. All three girls said they were there to help out. Other student volunteers were incoming seniors Kevin O'Leary and MaryElisabeth Rustowicz and incoming freshman Sean Christian Rustowicz.

Sarah Swagler Attends Leadership Conference - August 2016

    Incoming GIHS senior, Sarah Swagler, attended a leadership academy at Mercy College this past week in New York City. The week long summit covered business practice, management and exposure to entrepreneurship. A highlight of the trip was visiting the corporate offices of Viacom and ESPN in downtown Manhattan. Sarah is the upcoming Regional Representative for the Grand Island DECA club and a past graduate of the Leadership Youth Niagara Program (LYNC), she is the daughter of Barb and Scott Swagler.

High School Freshman/New Student Orientation - August 2016

    Grand Island High School will hold its annual Freshman/New Student Orientation on Tuesday, August 23, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Student schedules, expectations, and academic/extra-curricular information will be presented. The event will be held in the high school auditorium. Student agendas will be on sale for $8. PTSA memberships will also be on sale for $7. All incoming Freshmen and new students and their families are invited to this event.

Summer School Regents Schedule - August 2016

See Schedule.

Jamie Milne Scholarship at GIHS - July 2016

From left: Assistant Principal Mike Carter and Austin Blair.

   GIHS 2016 graduate Austin Blair was the recipient of the 2016 Jamie Milne Memorial Scholarship at the Grand Island High School Commencement on June 26th. The scholarship, in memory of GI Alumni Master Sgt. James Duncan Milne, is awarded to a graduating senior pursuing a bachelor's degree or military service. Austin will attend The University of Pittsburgh and major in chemical engineering this fall.

Epic Year for GIHS DECA - June 2016

From left: graduates Marissa and Ben Freedman, DECA advisor Cheryl Chamberlain, with their brother, former Grand Island grad and DECA President, Midshipman 2nd class Kevin Freedman

Pictured are the seniors who competed in Nashville, TN at DECA Nationals this year.
From left: Nick Gioeli, Tom Stedman, RJ Stolfo, Natalie Braun, Maria Ramsperger and Cassidy Siebert.

    Sunday, June 26th marked the end of four years of high school for many GIHS DECA members at Kleinhan's Music Hall and summer officially began for these elated graduates. This year's National DECA theme was "BE EPIC" and the graduating students exemplified this as they crossed the stage and received their diplomas. Class valedictorian and DECA co-vice president, Ben Freedman gave an inspiring speech and told students "one thing about our class is we break down barriers...if you have a dream go and reach it!" Grand Island DECA students did just that this year at regional, state and national competitions where they achieved countless awards and even an international scholarship. DECA advisor and graduation coordinator, Cheryl Chamberlain, reflected on the epic year at the ceremony by saying, "Each year I am more impressed with the students in our DECA program, they achieve great things and will continue to in their career futures!"

Zachary R. Zarbo Scholarships Announced - June 2016

From left: Katie Riederer & Melanie Sweeney.

    The Zachary R. Zarbo scholarship committee is pleased to announce the following scholarship award winners: Zachary R. Zarbo 2016 Spotlighters Memorial Scholarship - Melanie Sweeney, Zachary R. Zarbo 2016 NYSSSA Choral Memorial Scholarship - Katie Riederer. These awards are dedicated in the memory of Zachary Zarbo. Zachary was involved in drama and choral studies at Grand Island High School. Melanie Sweeney, the Spotlighters recipient, had to write an essay, show community and faith involvement, and be an active member of the drama club Spotlighters. She received $500 towards college tuition. Melanie will be attending Niagara University majoring in linguistics and communications and is studying for a career as a sign language interpreter.
    Katie Riederer received $500 towards her tuition at the New York State Summer School of the Arts School of Choral Studies (NYSSSA). NYSSSA is a summer program at Fredonia State College where students from all over New York State study choral and music theory at a high level. Students have to audition to be accepted into the school. They perform several concerts throughout the summer including a free concert on July 24 at 2:30 p.m. at The Chautauqua Institute. NYSSSA was one of Zac's most memorable experiences. Congratulations to Katie and Melanie on winning these awards.

GITA Members Present Scholarships - June 2016

From left to right: Mike Grosso (Delegate at Large), Marlene Winkler (Representative), Tori Aronica and Emily Augugliaro, Karen Surdyke (Representative), President Mike Murray

    The Grand Island Teachers' Association members presented a $1,000 scholarship to Grand Island High School seniors Tori Aronica and Emily Augugliaro at Senior Class Day on Friday, June 6th. The winner of the Paul Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship is Tori Aronica. Tori is headed to Buffalo State College majoring in Early Childhood Education. The winner of the GITA Scholarship is Emily Augugliaro. Emily Augugliaro is headed to Canisius College majoring in Spanish and Education. The Grand Island Teachers' Association would like to congratulate both young ladies on an outstanding career at Grand Island Schools. All seniors are invited to apply for a number of scholarships each year by writing an essay and listing their activities, volunteerism and qualifications. Parents of Tori are Tonette and Joseph Aronica. Lisa Augugliaro is the proud parent of Emily.

GIHS Regents Exam Schedule - May 2016

Regents Exam Schedule 2016. There are no regularly scheduled classes for any high school student after Friday, June 10th.

Zach Breeden Signs with Mercyhurst - May 2016

Seated from left: brother Jason, mom Margie, Zach Breeden, dad Ray, Head Coach Craig Hoplight.
Standing from left: coaches Max Tafelski, Anthony Zogaria, Stephen Liebler and Michael Loaiza.

   On Monday, May 9th, GIHS Viking wrestling star Zach Breeden signed a letter of intent to attend Mercyhurst college in Erie, PA. Zach is only the 6th Viking wrestler since 1965 to win a sectional championship & qualify to the state tournament. He finished his career with 98 varsity wins, tying the single season win record with 43 wins and the most takedowns in a single season. Zach has also done well in academics and Coach Hoplight calls him a "special guy".

LYNC Park Cleanup at Beaver Island - May 2016

From left: Jacob Masucci, Yaling Chen, Yusuf Mojawalla, Jordan Eckrote, Chloe McQuestion, and Kelsey Harrigan

   Six members of the GIHS Leadership Niagara Youth Team (LYNC) spent their Saturday afternoon cleaning three miles of the nature walk at Beaver Island State Park. The idea for the project was developed by the students as part of the capstone event for their program.

GIHS 3rd Quarter High Honor Roll - May 2016

Melina Aceti, Lauren Baeumler, Samantha Bailey, Quinton Becker, Lexie Diaz, Sara Gorton, Gianna Horvath, Nathan Hunt, Megan Kennedy, Margaret Kubanek, Grace LoHouse, Elisabeth Lupp, Rhys Mendel, Dylan Russo, Eric Scalise, Laura Schultz, Emma Sullivan, Benjamin Szabo, Grace Thorpe, Natalie Turck, Hannah Ullrich, Marie Wagar, Christian Whetham, Bethany Wolcott, James Worrall, Grace Wright

Tyler Bernatovicz, Maddison Bower, Ryan Buzby, Jaynie Decker, Julianna DeSimone, Jenette DiLaura, Jordan Eckrote, John Griffin, Marissa Hovey, Anam Hussain, Cross Kalp, Ryan Kernin, Angelina Koloshuk, Elisabeth Krstevski, Anthony Leone, Alyssa Luzak, Sierra Maras, Hallie Mingoia, Brian Minton, Natalie O’Brien, Edward Payan, Taylor Raine, Vanessa Shores, Allison Sorri, Megan Stanley, Jack Steinagel, Stephen Sweeney, Jenna Tavano, Andrew Thompson, John VanderMey, Sara Wolcott

Kristen Atkinson, Theresa Baughman, Nicole Castiglione, Sophia Castillo, Adam Frosolone, Brennen Joslyn, Lauren LoTempio, Kristopher Masiello, Catherine Merletti, Owen Morrish, Kassie Moss, Lucas Robinson, MaryElisabeth Rustowicz, William Scalzo, Kelly Schlifke, Jessica Surace, Lauryn Swanson, Brooke Thomas

Emily Augugliaro, April Booker, Thoms Botticello, Natalie Braun, Justine Cardone, Adam Dryfhout, Benjamin Freedman, Kali Hausrath, Kaitlin Hoy, Lovepreet Kaur, Joseph Kulikowski, Yizhi Lu, Emily Nobumoto, Sammantha Reynolds, Githa Rizkiani, Joshua Rizzo, Alexa Rogers, Emelie-jo Scheffler, Cassie Shickluna, Lindsey Spencer

GIHS 3rd Quarter Honor Roll - May 2016

Noemi Bekteshi, Sarah Berlinger, Brianna Beyer, Joseph Botticello, Nicholas Carey, Justin Chadima, Alexa Chiarenza, Jagger Click, Ryann Colan, Hannah Cool, Jasmin Dhillon, Samin Durrani, Julia Eichel, Linda Eichler, Allison Fluker, Trevor Hauer, Nicholas Hess, Austin Hogan, Celia Jones, Elizabeth Koyn, Emily Kurtzhalts, Alex Laschinger, Amanda Lawrence, Nicolas Lindaman, Emma Mahoney, Allison McDonald, Jacob Nelson, Jordan Pachla, William Person, Olivia Pino, Lydia Prattt, McKenna Prochaska, Miranda Proctor, Nathan Reichel, Lindsay Robinson, Rhett Robinson, Trevor Samplinski, Ciara Scalzo, Cameron Sionko, Savannah Sipe, Julia Slazyk, William Soos, Wyatt Tollner, Joy VanderMey, Konstantinos Vasiliadis, Kaitlyn Warakomski, Ryan Wellence, Brienne Westfall, Bryce Wolf, LeeAnn Wright, Amanda Ziehm

Sama Abdelal, Bayan Abdellatif, Tori Appoloney, Evan Bender, Ruby Benz, Jackson Besl, Victoria Botticello, Rosemarie Boyko, Sarah Burns, Victoria Busch, Alyssa Butcher, Sarah Bykowicz, Derek Callen, Nathan Canazzi, Matthew Carlson, Dean Cataffo, Emily Cordero, Aleece Cruz, Gabriel D’Addario, Dylan DeGlopper, Isabel Dickinson, Alexander Dodge, Alana Enright, Daniel Fabiano, Abigail Fay, Grace Federico, Emily Fred, Ryan Frost, Maricella Fusillo, Philip Gentz, Mark Giancola, John Glose, Jessica Gonda, James Grinchishin, Alicia Haak, Joshua Hannibal, Charles Hegarty, Madelyn Heyden, Jennifer Hinaman, Madeline Hjalmarson, Robert Hodan, Sydney Hoemer, Joshua Hoy, Nicole Hoy, Anna Hupperten, Conner Hutton, Elizabeth Ishmael, Joseph Killian, Shannon Klein, Tess Lariviere, Brendan Larsen, David Lesinski, Laura Link, Matthew Logel, Jason Lupp, Chloe McQuestion, Arthur Meaney, Nathan Miller, Elizabeth Mitchell, Muhammad Mojawalla, Angelina Morales, Tyler Myszka, Dominic Nappo, Nicholas Nowocien, Steven Pufpaff, Samantha Pusatier, Katherine Riederer, Kate Riniolo, Alyssa Ruminski, Laurel Salvaggio, Alban Savary de Beauregard, Zack Schmidt, Maria Schnettler, Megan Shickluna, Emma Sickles, Katelyn Simpson, Breanna Stedman-Pate, Grace Stranahan, Dominic Tagliarino, Gracie Tompkins, Luke Traina, Anna Ungaro, Jacob VeRost, Olivia VeRost, Michelle Wadell, Theresa West, Sulamita Zherebilov

Giana Aiello, Jordan Anthony, Liam Atkins, Joseph Boyko, Karli Burford, Julia Buscaglia, Conner Buzby, Nicholas Capizzi, Rachel Colan, Jessica Culbert, Megan DiBerardino, Nicholas Dingey, Jacob Dollendorf, Todd Domowicz, Samuel Eichel, Cole Ellsworth, Anthony Emmi, Simon Estenoz, Louis Estrella, Joseph Frailey, Meghan Frisch, Alexis Gallup, Angelica Marie Garcia, Kelsey Harrigan, Jessica Harvey, Richard Hoover, William Hughes, Robert Jankowiak, Olivia Johnson, Amanda Jordan, Natalie Kaminski, Maxwell Keller, Sydney Khreis, Madelyn Konopczynski, Katherine Kovacs, Genavieve Koyn, Justin Kozlowski, Adam Krathaus, Hayley Latvala, Rachel Madigan, Hannah Mahon, Kelsey Mahoney, Julianna Major, Jacob Masucci, Alyssa Maxwell, Ryan McDonald, Sean McFarland, Gracie McNamara, Heather Michki, Tyler Moskala, Tyler Muggli, Kayli Nelson, Claire O'Connor, Jennalise Olson, Trevor Palamuso, Connor Pignatora, Lindsay Proctor, Sean Pufpaff, Kaylee Richard, Thomas Riniolo, Garrett Robinson, Sarah Saleh, Varinder Sandhu, Brandon Schoener, Emma Schultz, Brianna Smith, Jacob Spencer, Anthony Stolfo, Alexis Studley, Sarah Swagler, Nicholas Szabo, James Thorpe, Kaitlynn Tuohy, Olivia Turck, Marianthi Vasiliadis, Jenna VeRost, Cameron Watt, Madelyn Webb, Dakota Wolf, Gillian Worrall

Eric Albrecht, Jill Anderson, Cailin Atkins, Adam Bahgat, Samantha Bartolotta, Alexis Belstadt, Destiny Benjamin, Adam Bevilacqua, Austin Blair, Christopher Bookhagen, Zachary Breeden, Madison Brown, Andrew Carlson, Taylor Cecere, Yaling Chen, Tyrone Chillis, Jesus Cisneros Vilchis, Cameron Colan, Matthew Crist, Colten Deuser, Danielle Duck, Michael Duda, Emily Dudziak, Jayson Endozo, Cydney Fairbairn, Marissa Freedman, Ashley Giambra, Olivia Goc, Madison Green, Victoria Gruber, Maya Harper, Sydney Keane, Michaela Kozek, Julia Lawley, Sabrina Lemme, Brianna Little, Edward Logel, Hope LoHouse, Liana Lombardo, Anna Martinez, Madison McNamara, Sabrina Mistriner, Nathan Newell, James Niland, Ryan O’Neil, Michael Pyzynski, Hailey Randle, Sarah Rennells, Gabrielle Robinson, Mikayla Rosati, Amber Schwinn, Christina Serianni, Cameron Smith, Rohan Alexi Smith, Lindsey Supparits, Melanie Sweeney, Matthew Tollner, Evan Valint, Taylor Vanderzell, Samantha Violino, Alex Whetham, Jeremiah Wilkes, Brian Wynne

GIHS 3rd Quarter Merit Roll - May 2016

Ava Ackerman, Brianna Bachman, Hayden Backlund, Charley Benz, Jared Berard, Alexander Castillo, Zachary Caughill, Hannah Chorey, Jacob Corrao, Joseph Coughlin, Collin DeMartin, Mia Devirgilio, Anna DiBello, Annaliese DiCarlo, Jacob Doebler, Cameron Fairbairn, Camryn Fisher, Maxwell Gojmerac, Henry Grunzweig, Liam Hart, Brady Hofmeyer, Kaitlyn Hollederer, William Hoover, Alyssa Jaenecke, Ryan Jellinick, Diamond Jones, Kaylee Kavanaugh, Nicholas Kawecki, Brandon Kinney, Madison Liss, Matthew Mahon, Alicia Martin, Laura McKenna, Alexander Melisz, Madeline Mesmer, Dalton Nyitrai, Christopher O'Connor, Nicole Paolini, Joseph Parker, Amber Pelletier, Zachary Reading, Tyler Russell, Camryn Santa Lucia, Anthony Seifert, Jada Sokody, Shay Sommer, Easton Speer, Benjamin Starr, Joshua Tamsen, Nicholas Tillett, Sean Tuohy, Kelsey Wilson, Kenneth Yockey

Tima Abdellatif, Luke Ailinger, Nicholas Anzalone, Naushairwan Asif, John Bellia, Colin Bellinger, Eva Bobeck, Kiana Bracero, Claire Brandon, Jason Breeden, Madilynn Brydalski, Gionna Cafarella, Thomas Cecere, Lauren Chadwick, McKenna Davis, Michael Ellegate, Joseph Figliola, Mariana Floro, Samantha Garcia, Matthew Giordano, Taylor Gojmerac, Kaitlyn Grybel, Molly Hammer, Jason Held, Jerry Huang, Zane Johnson, Nicholas Kam, Taranpreet Kaur, Hannah Kurek, Nathan Lindaman, Ethan Lynch, Justin Mock, Amanda Moran, Margaret Morgan, Collin Payne, Shane Pfohl, Kyle Podgorny, Joshua Schaefer, Cora Schuerholz, Mark Seibert, Madison Senger, Kayla Staub, Joseph Stolfo, Michele Sutton, Zachary Vanderzell, Logan von Reyn,

Genna Baldassarre, Marcella Barberic, Andrew Boryk, Devin Brandon, Liam Bryan, Erik Carlson, Virgil Castner, Raymond Cleveland, Andrea Colan, Kaylee Conta, Juliana Cousins, Mallory DelSignore, Julia Diehl, James Franz, Jacob Gleave, Chloe Groff, Lenin Harper, Marilyn Hess, Alexis Hofmeyer, Timothy Howard, Bryce Jellinick, George Katholos, Julie Klein, Matthew Kowalski, Jason Kubanek, Lily Anna Leffler, Nathaniel Massaro, Jerome Masters, Zachary Morano, Matthew Mosher, Katelyn Newbould, Ryan Newman, Kevin O’Leary, Simon Pannullo, Ashley Parmelee, Arjun Patel, Madisyn Pezzino, Robert Sadkowski, Jamie Saucier, Dariene Seifert, Alexia Shivers, Nemanja Simic, Angela Smith, Samuel Sommer, Jack Stieringer, Kristine Sutton, Noah Teator, Ryan Tetreault, Randy Thomas Collin Tolsma, Jacob Tucker, Mary Valle, Samantha Wakefield, Jamie Warren, Aruran Wigneswaran, Cassidy Wilkinson, Wesley Wolf, Caitlin Young

Clare Ahne, Tori Aronica, Narmeen Asif, Nicholas Bailey, Adam Beiter, Aaron Bobeck, Emily Bognar, Dominique Capizzi, Catherine Carver, Alexis Conway, Jenna Corrao, Frank Cotroneo, Austin DiSanto, Aprill Edwards, Ian Estenoz, Bridget Federico, Jordyn Fisher, Nicholas Giancola, Sabrina Giordano, Jacob Hauer, Briana Hollfelder, Nicole Hollfelder, Kaitlynd Howell, Marianthi Katholos, Brendan Kenney, Kady Liensenfeld, Holly Lutnick, James Martin, Kiana McQuestion, Kalista Nizialek, Jake Nowak, Michael Oldman, Jakob Ramallo, Maria Ramsperger, Heather Robinson, Jake Schmidt, Cassidy Siebert, Brandon Surdi, Bryce Turri, Xavier Vazquez, Brianna Wik, Hannah Wiktorowski, Dakaylah Winfield, Amber Woodard, Kassidy Wozniak

Venture Yearbook Staff Helps Make-A-Wish - May 2016

Venture editors at Make-A-Wish Foundation of WNY. - Click for larger view.

By Christopher Simpson, Yearbook Advisor
   The editors and staff of the 2016 Venture Yearbook have done it again...literally! The organization has made its 3rd contribution of fulfilling a young person's wish in conjunction with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western New York. The group participated in fundraisers including catalog chocolate at Easter and Christmas, chocolate bar sales, and sales of paper and magnetic stars. The students sold the items at school, in neighborhoods, and in the Walden Galleria Mall near Christmas. In total, the group donated $8500 to the organization to build a child a playhouse which was her wish.(see Morgan's story.)
   This will mark the 3rd time in Mr. Christopher Simpson's advisorship of the Venture Yearbook that the group has funded a Make-A-Wish grant. In the past, students have raised money for Make-A-Wish, MDA, the Lupus Foundation, Mended Little Hearts, and local families in need, in and around Grand Island. The club has also given away over $20,000 in scholarship money since 2005 (including this year: winners TBA).
   On April 15th, editors of the club visited Make-A-Wish to present the check and to also learn about the organization, its work with the community, and how to become a volunteer. The group also learned about some of the careers that are found at Make-A-Wish from different departments from the group. Finally, the group learned about the child whose wish was granted through the program.

GIHS DECA Takes on Tennessee at ICDC - May 2016

From left: Celia Jones, Faith Gworek and Gianna Horvath

From left: Gianna Horvath, Faith Gworek, Celia Jones, Tom Stedman, Advisor Cheryl Chamberlain, Nick Gioeli, Robert Stolfo, Cassidy Siebert, Natalie Braun, and Maria Ramsperger.

    Nine Grand Island High School DECA students attended the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Nashville, Tennessee from April 22-27th, where the theme "Be Epic" resounded for over 17,800 members from all over the world. Opening ceremonies featured country and American Idol start Lauren Alaina and from there students went on to compete during the following days against some of the toughest and most prepared business students. Trio, Faith Gworek, Celia Jones, and Gianna Horvath took their "Mini Ride for Roswell" business plan to a National audience while senior Natalie Braun accepted a scholarship from DECA sponsor Otis Spunkmeyer. Natalie was the only New York DECA student to receive a national scholarship this year and advisor Cheryl Chamberlain was proud of her and the rest of the students accomplishments on this exciting and worthwhile trip. DECA is an international, competitive marketing and business club which enables students to become prepared emerging leaders in communication, leadership, management and entrepreneurship. Grand Island is proud to offer DECA at the middle and high school levels.

Coach Santorio Wins 200th Baseball Game - April 2016

   Congratulations to Coach Dean Santorio on his 200th win as the Grand Island Varsity Baseball coach. The 3-2 win came on Wednesday afternoon, April 20th, with an extra inning victory over Lewiston Porter to keep the Vikings undefeated (4-0) at the top of the NFL. Over the years his teams have won several NFL titles, 2 Section VI championships and a second place finish in the state back in 2012. Santorio has been more than just a coach to the young men he has coached at Grand Island High School. He has been a role model, a mentor, a friend and much more. When his athletes need advise he is there to listen. He has helped guide so many of the athletes he has coached in the right direction and each one of them are extremely grateful for his commitment to both themselves and the team. On behalf of every athlete and assistant coach he has worked with, we thank him for his dedication to the Grand Island school and community. Congratulations Coach!
   Submitted by Brian Willats, Physical Ed. - Sidway Elementary, Head JV Baseball and Head Modified Basketball.

National Technical Honor Society Inductees - March 2016

From the Harkness Career and Technical Center are: (left to right): Cydney Fairbairn, Michaela Kozek.

From the Kenton Career and Technical Center are:
Front (left to right): Allison DeMartin, Sabrina Lemme, Dominique Capizzi, Kiana McQuestion
Back (left to right): Brittany Grant, Jayson Endozo, Jake Nowak, Kali Hausrath
Missing: Liana Lombardo

   Eleven Grand Island students inducted into National Technical Honor Society . A total of 152 students representing 19 local school districts were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) this month. Students from Erie 1 BOCES' three technical centers - Harkness, Kenton and Potter - were recognized for their academic performance and commitment to learning.
   The 11 Grand Island students inducted into NTHS included: Dominique Capizzi, Allison DeMartin, Jayson Endozo, Cydney Fairbairn, Brittany Grant, Kali Hausrath, Michaela Kozek, Sabrina Lemme, Liana Lombardo, Kiana McQuestion and Jake Nowak. The students represented a total of seven programs offered by Erie 1 BOCES, including: Basic Nursing Skills, Criminal Justice, Animal Science, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Cosmetology and Welding. The student candidates were inducted into Erie 1 BOCES chapter of the NTHS at 7 p.m. on March 17 at Maryvale High School's auditorium. They were supported by family and friends, their career and technical education teachers and administrators, as well as administrators from area school districts.
    Frank Todaro, president and chief executive officer of Collision Masters and an alumnus of the Harkness Career & Technical Center, was the keynote speaker. The induction ceremony was then followed by the presentation of student certificates and closed with the NTHS pledge of excellence. Over the course of the past several years, the number of students inducted into NTHS has increased, with this year being among the most successful. In order to qualify for acceptance into NTHS, a student must be nominated by his or her teacher, have a 90 percent or higher in their career and technical education course, and maintain an overall GPA of 85. Furthermore, students must have demonstrated skill development, leadership, hone responsibility and good character. NTHS takes a holistic approach to evaluating students’ success in the classroom.
   As part of public education, Erie 1 BOCES offers a variety of career and technical programs during the normal school day to high school students in Erie County. High school students interested in learning more about how they can participate in various programs such as Web Technologies and Game Programming, Basic Nursing Skills, or Aviation Technology, should visit www.e1b.org or speak with their high school counselor.

New Program Prepares Students for Business Careers - April 2016

   Grand Island High School Marketing Program Receives CTE Endorsement from NYSED.
   Grand Island High School (GIHS) students interested in pursuing a career in Marketing Management now have an opportunity to enroll in a new program recently approved by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). The Marketing Management Career & Technical Education (CTE) program will be offered to students in the Grand Island Central School District beginning September 2016. This is Grand Island's first career and technical education endorsement from the New York State Department of Education.
   "The Marketing Management CTE program will provide our interested students a clear path to further their studies in the field of business. Much like a college major, the program offers students the opportunity to specialize in something before they graduate. We wanted to offer a program that students could feel they are a part of," says Grand Island High School teacher, Amy Boutet. "It's like a school within a school - we're preparing them for college." Starting in September 2016, the program will allow students to complete a sequence of course work in marketing management. Graduates of the Marketing Management CTE program will receive a CTE high school diploma indicating that they are prepared to pursue further education and employment in their field of study. Students may also earn Regents or Advanced Regents designation on their diploma. Program courses are open to all students. They may choose to take a particular class as a single elective or opt to follow this sequence of study in the field of marketing management. See flyer for details.

Abby Blair-Gazette Player of the Year - March 2016

   The Niagara Gazette announced Thursday, March 31st that Grand Island eighth grader Abby Blair was named Player of the Year for Girls Hockey. The scoop; "Her 20 points (9+ 11) were good for seventh among Section VI Girls Varsity Ice Hockey Federation teams....Scored the first goal in the Section VI semifinals to spark a 4-1 victory over No. 1 seed Williamsville. ...Helped Kenmore/GI capture its fifth straight sectional title and advance to the state finals for the second straight year." In the article, Coach Jeff Orlowski is quoted as saying, "She's a firecracker. She's one of the hardest working players that I've coached. A real spark plug. ...She's going to ge a leader for us in the years to come. ...She's a big part of the reason why we got as far as we did this year." Super effort Abby! Congratulations!

JV Vikings Hockey Win State Championship - March 2016

Click photo for larger view.
Left to Right: 1st row: Nathan Reichel, Nathan Stroh, Jason Lupp, Jacob Neff, Jaden Riley
2nd row: Nick Phinney, CJ Falcone, Jimmy Horwitz, Nolan Massaro, Anthony Desimone, Joshua Conta, Joseph Coughlin, Cam Blair, Parker Morrow, Matt Giordano, Colin Bellinger,
3rd row: assistant coach - Tom Giordano, assistant coach - Dean Massaro, manager - Rich Little, Ryan Jellinick, Dalton Nyitrai, Rhys Mendel, Ricky Little, Anthony Leone, Brandon Snyder, assistant coach - Bill Cline, head coach - Marvin J. Pawlowski Jr., franchise holder -Scott Morrow not present: Thomas Cecere

    The Grand Island JV Hockey Team won the State Championship!!! The state tournament was held in Jamestown the weekend of March 4-6th. GI beat North Tonawanda 11-0, Port Washington 8-2, tied Ithaca 2-2 and beat Bellmore-Merrick 5-1 in the semi-final to earn a trip to the Championship game against Canisius. Grand Island defeated Canisius 3-2 in the Championship Game that went into 5 Overtime Periods. Congratulations guys!

GI DECA is Epic at States - March 2016

Emily Kurtzhalts, center.

   DECA's national theme this year is to "Be Epic," and Grand Island lived up to that expectation at the NYS Career Conference in Rochester last week. Advisor Cheryl Chamberlain was recognized by NYDECA for her service to the organization and was rewarded even more with 64 students earning 48 medals and 11 top five trophies! State level trophy winners included Emily Kurtzhalts with a first place trophy for Management Decision Making and VCMS eighth grader Gabriella Bergstrom with a third place trophy in Sales Demonstration. There were eight National award winners who advanced to Nashville, Tennessee including the first team to complete a 30 page business plan for their community service project "The Mini Ride for Roswell." Faith Gworek, Gianna Horvath, and Celia Jones, who took second place, were even recognized by Roswell Park's "Ride for Roswell" organization on Twitter when they won! This business plan was written and submitted in January, and the trio then worked on a 15 minute presentation with help from local DECA judges Fahim Mojawalla of Island Ship Center and Steve Marchitte from the Grand Island M&T branch.
   The support from the community is overwhelming and GI DECA would like to thank local business leaders for helping prepare the students with multiple meetings and sessions on presentation skills. Assistant principal, Corey Gray, visited the event on Thursday and was impressed with the students and the competition as a whole, with over 100 business areas being organized and proctored by advisors from all over NY state. Middle school advisor Mary Jane Fonte and high school business teachers Christopher Simpson, Amy Boutet, and Mark Gorton were a huge help as chaperones on the trip. DECA is an international business and marketing club with over 210,000 members worldwide, and Grand Island is proud to offer students a middle and high school membership with over 160 student members.

Indoor Track State Championship Results - March 2016

From left: Genna Baldassarre, Joe Frailey and Kaitlyn Tuohy.
Photos courtesy of Bill Wende/Section6Runs. Click for larger view.

Genna Baldassarre: 7:36.55, placed 10th overall - 1500 meter race walk
Joe Frailey: 1:24.24, placed 10th overal l- 600 meter dash
Kaitlyn Tuohy: 7:44.14 placed 14th overall - 1500 meter race walk.
State Championships were held Saturday, March 5th at Cornell University (Barton Hall).

JV Vikings Win Small School Championship - March 2016

Click photo for larger view. Left to Right: 1st row: Nathan Stroh, Jason Lupp
2nd Row: Nolan Massaro, Nathan Reichel, Jacob Neff, CJ Falcone, Anthony Desimone, Nick Phinney
3rd Row: Manager-Rich Little, Asst. Coach-Tom Giordano, Anthony Leone, Asst. Coach-Bill Cline, Joseph Coughlin, Jaden Riley, Joshua Connta, Cam Blair, Ryan Jellinick, Dalton Nyitrai, Ricky Little, Jimmy Horwitz, Matt Giordano, Rhys Mendel, Head Coach-Marvin J. Pawlowski Jr., Asst. Coach-Dean Massaro, Franchise Holder-Scott Morrow
Not Present: Parker Morrow, Brandon Snyder, Colin Bellinger, Thomas Cecere.

    The Grand Island JV Hockey team won the Western New York Club Hockey Small School Championship. The game was held on Saturday, February 27th (Super Saturday). Grand Island defeated Starpoint 2-1 in overtime and advanced to the state championships held in Jamestown on March 4-6. This is Grand Island's 4th consecutive JV Small School Championship!

Life Skills Class Bake Dog Biscuits - March 2016

    The Grand Island Senior High School Life Skills Program spent time helping out the Grand Island New York Dog Park, Inc. by making dog biscuits, which will be sold at this weekend's Island Park Expo. The Island Park Expo takes place from 10am - 2pm in the Community Building on the Nike Base, located at 3278 Whitehaven Road. The Life Skills Program students used all their culinary skills to make and bake these great, healthy dog biscuits! The students spend a lot of time cooking at the High School through their Yummy Tummy program, making lunch meals for faculty and staff, showcasing their culinary skills. They also help each Tuesday morning at the Golden Age Center!

GI Seniors Sign National Letters - March 2016

Troy Brady and mother Lynn Brady.

Top: Lacrosse coach Jen Shalke, athletic director Jon Roth, soccer coach Dave Bowman.
Bottom: Mom Andrea Melendez and Tiffany Melendez.

   GIHS senior Troy Brady signed his National Letter of Intent with Canisius College on Tuesday, March 1st to play soccer for the Golden Griffins. In 2015, Troy was named 1st Team All-State, WNY Player of the Year, Niagara Gazette Player of the Year, NFL Player of the Year, two time All WNY Player, two time All NFL First Team. Over three years playing for the Vikings, he has 61 goals and 34 assists. Troy helped the team to the #1 ranking in WNY for the first time in school history and Far West Regional Champs for the first time. The team also spent most of the year ranked #1 in the state.
   GIHS senior Tiffany Melendez also signed her National Letter on Tuesday to play lacrosse and soccer at Roberts Wesleyan. Tiffany has been a starter on the lacrosses team since her freshman year. Coach Jen Shalke said "her energetic and hardworking attitude contributes into her overall accomplishments, with a total of 88 ground balls and 20 game changing interceptions." Tiffany was named First Team NFL and 2nd Team All WNY in 2015 for lacrosse. Tiffany's varsity soccer career began in 10th grade, scoring a total of 19 goals and 17 assists. The overall team record in those years was 50-3-4 and in 2014 and 2015 they were NFL Champions and Section VI Finalists.

Vikings Headed to State Championships - February 2016

Top row: Joe Frailey, Genna Baldassarre and Kaitlynn Tuohy.
Bottom row: Coaches Jason Bibler and Tim Fargino.

   Congratulations to GIHS Indoor Track team members Kaitlynn Tuohy, Genna Baldassarre and Joe Frailey on qualifying for the State Championships, at the Section VI meet at Houghton College last weekend, Saturday, February 27th. Juniors Tuohy and Baldassarre came in 1st and 2nd respectively, with times of 7:27.98 and 7:31.49 at the meet in the girls 1500 Meter Race Walk finals. Frailey, also a junior, came in 1st place in the boys 600 meter, breaking his old school record with a time of 1:22.06. The athletes are headed to Cornell University in Ithaca NY this weekend for the NYSPHSAA Championship on Saturday, March 5th.

GIHS 2nd Quarter High Honor Roll - February 2016

Melina Aceti, Lauren Baeumler, Samantha Bailey, Quinton Becker, Lexie Diaz, Sara Gorton, Nicholas Hess, Gianna Horvath, Nathan Hunt, Celia Jones, Megan Kennedy, Margaret Kubanek, Alex Laschinger, Allisen Lepenven, Grace LoHouse, Rhys Mendel, Miranda Proctor, Lindsay Robinson, Trevor Samplinski, Eric Scalise, Laura Schultz, Emma Sullivan, Ryan Wellence, Christian Whetham, Bethany Wolcott, James Worrall, Grace Wright

Tori Appoloney, Evan Bender, Tyler Bernatovicz, Maddison Bower. Ryan Buzby, Julianna DeSimone, Jenette DiLaura, Jordan Eckrote, Jessica Faso, Philip Gentz, Jessica Gonda, John Griffin, Jennifer Hinaman, Marissa Hovey, Nicole Hoy, Anam Hussain, Elizabeth Ishmael, Cross Kalp, Elisabeth Krstevski, Anthony Leone, Matthew Logel, Alyssa Luzak, Hallie Mingoia, Muhammad Mojawalla, Natalie O'Brien, Taylor Raine, Alban Savary de Beauregard, Vanessa Shores, Megan Stanley, Jack Steinagel, Stephen Sweeney, Jenna Tavano, Andrew Thompson, John VanderMey, Sara Wolcott

Giana Aiello, Liam Atkins, Kristen Atkinson, Theresa Baughman, Karli Burford, Sophia Castillo, Adam Frosolone, Olivia Johnson, Amanda Jordan, Brennan Joslyn, Genavieve Koyn, Lauren LoTempio, Hannah Mahon, Kristopher Masiello, Owen Morrish, Kassie Moss, Kaylee Richard, MaryElisabeth Rustowicz, Sarah Saleh, William Scalzo, Kelly Schlifke, Jessica Surace, Kaitlynn Tuohy, Marianthi Vasiliadis, Cameron Watt, Madelyn Webb

Thomas Botticello, Natalie Braun, Madison Brown, Taylor Cecere, Benjamin Freedman, Marissa Freedman, Kali Hausrath, Katilin Hoy, Sydney Keane, Emily Nobumoto, Sammantha Reynolds, Githa Rizkiani, Alexa Rogers, Cassie Shickluna, Eric Watt, Brian Wynne

GIHS 2nd Quarter Honor Roll - February 2016

Noemi Bekteshi, Sarah Berlinger, Brianna Beyer, Joseph Botticello, Nicholas Carey, Zachary Caughill, Justin Chadima, Alexa Chiarenza, Ryann Colan, Hannah Cool, Joseph Coughlin, Samin Durrani, Cameron Fairbairn, Allison Fluker, Trevor Hauer, Kaitlyn Hollederer, William Hoover, Diamond Jones, Nicholas Kawecki, Elizabeth Koyn, Emily Kurtzhalts, Amanda Lawrence, Nicolas Lindaman, Elisabeth Lupp, Allison McDonald, Bridget Neeson, Dalton Nyitrai, Jordan Pachla, William Person, McKenna Prochaska, Nathan Reichel, Rhett Robinson, Dylan Russo, Ciara Scalzo, Cameron Sionko, Julia Slazyk, William Soos, Easton Speer, Benjamin Szabo, Joshua Tamsen, Grace Thorpe, Wyatt Tollner, Natalie Turck, Hannah Ullrich, Joy VanderMey, Konstantinos Vasiliadis, Marie Wagar, Kaitlyn Warakomski, Bryce Wolf, LeeAnn Wright, Amanda Ziehm

Sama Abdelal, Bayan Abdellatif, Ruby Benz, Victoria Botticello, Rosemarie Boyko, Claire Brandon, Jason Breeden, Madilynn Brydalski, Victoria Busch, Alyssa Butcher, Sarah Bykowicz, Gionna Cafarella, Nathan Canazzi, Matthew Carlson, Emily Cordero, Aleece Cruz, Gabriel D’Addario, Jaynie Decker, Isabel Dickinson, Alexander Dodge, Eliza Dudziak, Michael Ellegate, Alana Enright, Abigail Fay, Grace Federico, Emily Fred, Ryan Frost, Mark Giancola, John Glose, James Grinchishin, Alicia Haak, Joshua Hannibal, Charles Hegarty, Madelyn Heyden, Madeline Hjalmarson, Sydney Hoerner, Joshua Hoy, Anna Hupperten, Conner Hutton, Ryan Kernin, Joseph Killian, Angelina Koloshuk, Brendan Larsen, David Lesinski, Laura Link, Jason Lupp, Sierra Maras, Chloe McQuestion, Arthur Meaney, Jason Messing, Nathan Miller, Brian Minton, Elizabeth Mitchell, Angelina Morales, Tyler Myszka, Domini Nappo, Nicholas Nowocien, Edward Payan, Collin Payne, Steven Pufpaff, Samantha Pusatier, Katherine Riederer, Kate Riniolo, Alyssa Ruminski, Laurel Salvaggio, Maria Schnettler, Megan Shickluna, Emma Sickles, Katelyn Simpson, Allison Sorri, Breanna Stedman-Pate, Joseph Stolfo, Dominic Tagliarino, Gracie Tompkins, Luke Traina, Jacob VeRost, Olivia VeRost, Michelle Wadell, Theresa West, Sulamita Zherebilov

Ayah Abdelal, Jordan Anthony, Julia Buscaglia, Conner Buzby, Nicholas Capizzi, Erik Carlson, Nicole Castiglione, Raymond Cleveland, Jessica Culbert, Julia Diehl, Nicholas Dingey, Jacob Dollendorf, Todd Domowicz, Samuel Eichel, Cole Ellsworth, Anthony Emmi, Meghan Frisch, Alexis Gallup, Angelica Marie Garcia, Kelsey Harrigan, Jessica Harvey, Alexis Hofmeyer, Richard Hoover, William Hughes, Robert Jankowiak, Bryce Jellinick, Maxwell Keller, Sheila Kelly, Sydney Khreis, Madelyn Konopczynski, Julia Koprevich, Justin Kozlowski, Adam Krathaus, Jason Kubanek, Hayley Latvala, Kelsey Mahoney, Julianna Major, Jacob Masucci, Alyssa Maxwell, Ryan McDonald , Gracie McNamara, Catherine Merletti, Heather Michki, Zachary Morano, Tyler Moskala, Tyler Muggli, Kayli Nelson, Katelyn Newbould, Claire O'Donnor, Jennalise Olson, Trevor Palamuso, Connor Pignatora, Lindsay Proctor, Sean Pufpaff, Thomas Riniolo, Garrett Robinson, Lucas Robinson, Emma Schultz, Brianna Smith, Jacob Spencer, Anthony Stolfo, Alexis Studley, Kristine Sutton, Sarah Swagler, Lauryn Swanson, Nicholas Szabo, James Thorpe, Olivia Turck, Jenna VeRost, Samantha Wakefield, Jamie Warren, Dakota Wolf, Wesley Wolf, Gillian Worrall, Caitlin Young

Benjamin Abbott, Jill Anderson, Tori Aronica, Narmeen Asif, Cailin Atkins, Emily Augugliaro, Adam Bahgat, Samantha Bartolotta, Destiny Benjamin, Adam Bevilacqua, Austin Blair, April Booker, Zachary Breeden, Dominique Capizzi, Justine Cardone, Jesus Cisneros Vilchis, Cameron Colan, Colten Deuser, Adam Dryfhout, Danielle Duck, Michael Duda, Erin Dugan, Jayson Endozo, Cydney Fairbairn, Ashley Giambra, Olivia Goc, Madison Green, Victoria Gruber, Maya Harper, Jacob Hauer, Kaitlynd Howell, Marianthi Katholos, Lovepreet Kaur, Michaela Kozek, Joseph Kulikowski, Julia Lawley, Sabrina Lemme, Brianna Little, Liana Lombardo, Anna Martinez, Sabrina Mistriner, Nathan Newell, Jake Nowak, Michael Pyzynski, Maria Ramsperger, Hailey Randle, Sarah Rennells, Gabrielle Robinson, Heather Robinson, Emelie-jo Scheffler, Amber Schwinn, Christina Serianni, Cassidy Siebert, Cameron Smith, Rohan Alexi Smith, Lindsey Spencer, Melanie Sweeney, Nicholas Terlecky, Matthew Tollner, Bryce Turri, Evan Valint, Taylor Vanderzell, Samantha Violino, Alex Whetham, Hannah Wiktorowski, Kassidy Wozniak, Spencer-Jon Zukic

GIHS 2nd Quarter Merit Roll - February 2016

Ava Ackerman, Jack Anthony, Brianna Bachman, Hayden Backlund, Alexander Castillo, Hannah Chorey, Jagger Click, Jacob Corrao, Jasmin Dhillon, Anna DiBello, Annaliese DiCarlo, Lindsey Diehl, Jacob Doebler, Elissa Dojka, Allison Dragonette, Julia Eichel, Linda Eichler, Justin Gorrell, Henry Grunzweig, Faith Gworek, Liam Hart, Brady Hofmeyer, Austin Hogan, Ashley Hurley, Alyssa Jaenecke, Ryan Jellinick, Brandon Kinney, Sebastian Koschuk, Madison Liss, Emma Mahoney, Clarice McCaffery, Jacob Nelson, Christopher O'Connor, Joseph Parker, Olivia Pino, Lydia Pratt, Zachary Reading, Tyler Russell, Michael Sadkowski, Allyson Schoener, Anthony Seifert, Jordan Simon, Jada Sokody, Shay Sommer, Samantha Terrana, Nicholas Tillett, Sean Tuohy, Bailey Warmus, Brienne Westfall, Kelsey Wilson, Olivia Wright

Luke Ailinger, Naushairwan Asif, Jackson Besl, Evan Bobeck, Kiana Bracero, Breonah Brown, Sarah Burns, Derek Callen, Thomas Cecere, Lauren Chadwick, Abigail Czerwonka, McKenna Davis, Dylan DeGlopper, Daniel Fabiano, Joseph Figliola, Mariana Floro, Samantha Garcia, Matthew Giordano, Taylor Gojmerac, Kaitlyn Grybel, Molly Hammer, Jason Held, Robert Hodan, Ivy Hoyt, Jerry Huang, JaQuan Johnson, Zane Johnson, Nicholas Kam, Shannon Klein, Hanna Kurek, Tess Lariviere, Nicholas Lenz, Nathan Lindaman, Kelsey Mankowski, Anastasia Mascaro, Kayla McCauley, Spencer Mitchell, Justin Mock, Nathaniel Ontiveros, Shane Pfohl, Kyle Podgorny, Julie Pusateri, Joshua Schaefer, Joelle-Yvette Scheffler, Zack Schmidt, Cora Schuerholz, Mark Seibert, Madison Senger, Kayla Staub, Kobe Swain-Bruyere, Zachary Vanderzell, Spencer Wiktorowski

Victoria Aronica, Genna Baldassarre, Marcella Barberic, Joseph Boyko, Devin Brandon, Cassandra Brooks, Liam Bryan, Virgil Castner, Lauryn Clark, Andrea Colan, Rachel Colan, Alexandra Colucci, Mallory DelSignore, Narmeen Durrani, Simon Estenoz, Louis Estrella, Louis Fabiano, Joseph Frailey, James Franz, Gabrielle Gagliardi, Chloe Groff, Lenin Harper, Marilyn Hess, Timothy Howard, Natalie Kaminski, George Katholos, Julie Klein, Katherine Kovacs, Matthew Kowalski, Lily Leffler, Sean McFarland, Joseph Mesmer, Matthew Mosher, Juleeann Nyitrai, Kevin O’Leary, David Pachla, Simon Pannullo, Arjun Patel, Madison Phillips, Robert Sadkowski, Varinder Sandhu, Jamie Saucier, Brandon Schoener, Ryan Schwinn, Dariene Seifert, Alexia Shivers, Cassandra Shores, Joseph Shumate, Angela Smith, Samuel Sommer, Noah Teator, Ryan Tetreault, Randy Thomas, Collin Tolsma, Marie Tomasula, Alex Turner, Mary Valle, Aruran Wigneswaran, Cassidy Wilkinson, Kyle York, Nicholas Yung

Clare Ahne, Jesse Arch, Christopher Aronica, Aaron Bobeck, Emily Bognar, Caitlyn Bykowicz, Joseph Calabrese, Drew Callen, Andrew Carlson, Catherine Carver, Yaling Chen, Tyrone Chillis, Alexis Conway, Jenna Corrao, Frank Cotroneo, Matthew Crist, Allison DeMartin, Sari Dickinson, Emily Dudziak, Aprill Edwards, Ian Estenoz, Bridget Federico, Jordyn Fisher, Nicholas Giancola, Nicholas Gioeli, Sabrina Giordano, Daniel Grinchishin, Haylee Heitman, Gavin Hendrix, Rebecca Hennessy, Briana Hollfelder, Nicole Hollfelder, Julia Kavanagh, Jacob Kawecki, Brendan Kenney, Victoria Krull, Sarah Kustich, Zachary Lenz, Kady Liensenfeld, Edward Logel, Holly Lutnick, Kiana McQuestion, James Niland, Kalista Nizialek, Ryan O’Neil, Michael Oldman, Miranda Patterson, Julia Pino, Jakob Ramallo, Joshua Rizzo, Mikayla Rosati, Haley Rowe, Arhum Shaheen, Christina Sutton, Xavier Vazquez, Brianna Wik, Dakaylah Winfield, Amber Woodard

Rugby Club Spaghetti Dinner - February 2016

    The GIHS Rugby Club is hosting a spaghetti dinner on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. This will include a basket raffle and will coincide with the music departments Kaleidoscope concert. Tickets are $5 per person presale (can be purchased at the school or from your friendly local rugby player) and $7 at the door. Everyone is welcome. There will be a spaghetti eating contest at 6:30 pm including representatives from both school administration and teachers, current players and alumni.

Ready, Set, Job Search! - February 2016

From left, top: Marie Tomasula, Tiffany Melendez, and Josh Shaefer.
bottom: Emily Jalonek, McKenna Collingnon, Mary Elisabeth Rustowicz, and Emma Sickles.

    Byblos Niagara Resort was the setting on Thursday, February 11th for the annual Job Search Seminar hosted by Cheryl Chamberlain and the Business Department at Grand Island High School. This year over 75 students assembled with resumes in hand, to participate in interviews with local businesses such as the Harbor Center and Dick and Jenny's. The importance of feedback was at the forefront of the event and the interviewers helped students realize what they can improve on during their job hunting process. The generosity of Island Ship Center, Grand Island Optical, Flower a Day, and GISBA helped make this event a huge success. Job Search is one of the programs students remember from high school as an authentic experience which enables them to participate and understand the interview process. For more information on programs like Job Search contact the business department at 773-8820.

Grand Island Students Learn Life-Saving Skills - February 2016

    NYS Board of Regents Requires Hands-Only CPR Training Before Graduation.
    This February, Grand Island students in grades 9 -12 are being trained in bystander CPR and use of automated external defibrillators (AED) through the American Heart Association's Hands-Only CPR program. Since spring 2014, the Grand Island Central School District annually trains all high school students in these life-saving skills.
   In October 2014, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a measure directing the state's commissioner of education to come up with a CPR training curriculum. New York is the 26th state to pass such a law. In September 2015, the New York State Board of Regents approved a regulation requiring all students be taught Hands-Only CPR training before graduating from high school. This mandate was the final step in a 15-year American Heart Association (AHA) grassroots effort to get CPR training in high schools in New York State. The AHA were among many groups pushing to make the training mandatory, citing cases in which lives were saved by someone performing CPR.
   "We were prepared," said Dr. Teresa Lawrence, superintendent of Grand Island Central School District. "Our district implemented a Hands-only CPR training course for high school students two years ago, the first classes were conducted in the spring of 2014. We continue to teach approximately 1,000 students this life-saving skill each year."
   The Grand Island Fire Company, under the direction of EMS Captain Scott McCormick, was on hand to present information to the students along with the Grand Island High School (GIHS) physical education staff. GIHS physical education teachers have the skills and training to maintain and implement the Hands-Only CPR training into the curriculum year after year. Hands-Only CPR can be taught in 30 minutes or less, so it easily fits into physical education class time. " In previous years our district experienced first-hand the life-saving benefits that knowing CPR can have,” said Lawrence. "Safety continues to remain our top priority. Our district supports the opportunity to provide our students and staff these valuable skills." Hands-only CPR training provides students and staff members with a valuable, life-saving skill. The annual practice is critical to reinforce knowledge and proficiency.

Sports Briefs - February 2016

Click "Sports Briefs 2/11/2016"

GIHS Girls Hockey Lose at State Final - February 2016

Buffalo News Story
   The girls hockey team of Kenmore/Grand Island lost to Alexandria Bay in the state final on Saturday, February 6th by a score of 3-2 at Albany Academy. The girls beat Canton on Friday in the semi-final by a score of 4-3. This is the first year that Grand Island girls have participated in NYSPHSAA hockey. Congratulations on making it to the finals.

Girls Hockey Wins Section VI Championship - February 2016

   The girls hockey team of Kenmore/Grand Island beat Frontier/Orchard Park on Wednesday, February 3rd by a score of 4-2 and are now headed to the state semifinals. They were the number four seed coming into sectionals and will take on Canton in the semifinals on Friday.

Sports Briefs - February 2016

Click "Sports Briefs 2/4/2016"

Girls Hockey in Section VI Championship - February 2016

   The girls hockey team of Kenmore/Grand Island beat top-seeded Williamsville, 4-1 at the Northtown Center on Monday, February 1st. Grand Island rookie eight-grader Abigail Blair scored twice in the win. The team will play for the Section VI title on Wednesday, February 3rd against second-seeded Frontier/Orchard Park, who beat Amherst/Sweet Home/Clarence Monday. The title game is at 5 p.m. at Northtown Center. See Kenton Bee story by Levi Trimble.

Frailey Breaks Own GIHS Records - January 2016

Joe Frailey

   GIHS junior Joe Frailey broke two school Track & Field records last weekend at Houghton College, that he broke last year. The records are 300m Dash - 36.77 and 600m Dash - 1:24:74. He's hoping to go to the state meet in Ithaca, NY on March 5th. Congratulations Joe!

GIHS Students Debate Organ Transplants - January 2016

From left: Camille Lockwood of Hamburg; Adam Dryfhout of Grand Island; Cameron Caputi from Cardinal O'Hara; and Madison Green of Grand Island.

Madison Green debates.

   Buffalo General Hospital was chock-full of debate as local high school students digested and demonstrated their knowledge about organ transplantation. Grand Island students enrolled in an academically competitive Connections program, which is offered in conjunction with Erie 1 BOCES, debated whether the US government should allow the sale of organs for transplantation. Fourteen seniors from Lancaster, Depew, Grand Island, Hamburg and Cardinal O'Hara high schools participated in the annual event.
   The Connections program, which is part of Erie 1 BOCES' honors-level track called New Visions, is a four-credit program where students spend three hours each day at a designated hospital site taking course work and observing all aspects of health careers. In addition to Buffalo General Hospital, other classes take place at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital and Veterans Affairs Hospital. Students who apply are required to demonstrate strong English and communication skills, have completed three years of science, be academically prepared with a proven attendance record and be responsible for their own transportation. Applications are now being accepted for the 2016-17 school year. Students interested should visit www.e1b.org/cte and speak with their high school counselor.

Sports Briefs - January 2016

Click "Sports Briefs 1/28/2016"

Sports Briefs - January 2016

Click "Sports Briefs 1/21/2016"

Internship at Cannon Design is "Sweet!" - January 2016

Sammantha Reynolds is second from left with the team at Cannon Design.

   Sammantha Reynolds, a senior at GIHS, recently completed an internship with Cannon Design on Grand Island where she planned and constructed with computer software a unique business idea, "Sweet Treats Bakery." Sammantha, under the tutelage of Stephanie Vito and many others at Cannon, took an idea and built an entire complex complete with lighting, electric, and interior design with the assistance of some unique computer rendering. A presentation was given on Friday, January 15th at Cannon with all departments in attendance. Sammantha brought goodies made by the inspiration of the idea, her sister who loves to bake, and everyone enjoyed seeing Sammantha's work come full circle. Sammantha plans to attend Niagara University in the fall and was very excited to intern for Cannon, a world renowned architectural company. for more information on internships at the high school level, contact cherylchamberlain@grandislandschools.org.

Gregory Hurley, Young Marine - January 2016

   On January 9, 2016, Grand Island High School student, Gregory Hurley, graduated after completion of a nine week recruit boot camp training to become a Young Marine. The training consisted of instruction on basic close order drill for the Young Marines as well as Marine Corp. history, traditions and values. The recruiters learned military and civilian courtesies, patriotism, as well as physical fitness training.
   Gregory has completed and has earned the right to be a Young Marine. In addition, Gregory was also awarded the Top Drill Award for his Platoon. He scored a 10 of a possible 10 points. He also received the Honor Recruit Award of his platoon for his Leadership and Dedication and overall attention to detail. The Marine Corp League also recognized him with a Certificate of Honor Recruit stating that he developed and executed many of the leadership traits sought by the Marine Corps, Marine Corps League, and the Young Marines. Gregory was also pinned by a retired Marine with his PFC stripe which is a rare occurrence as a Platoon graduation.
    If you know Gregory, please congratulate him on his outstanding honors with the Young Marines. Greg's family which consists of Dad, Mom, Grandparents and many Aunts, Uncles and cousins are extremely proud of his accomplishments. Gregory is the son of Andrew and Heather Hurley of Grand Island. He is the grandson of Richard and Geraldine Princess of Grand Island and Andrew and Jackie Hurley of Kenmore.

GIHS Life Skills Class Teams Up - January 2016

    On December 8th & 9th, Miss. Silvestri and Mrs. Kosmoski's High School Life Skills class, teamed up with Miss Nowak's Food and Nutrition classes. Together the students made 3 different types of cookie dough, baked, and decorated cookies for their Holiday Cookie Tray Fundraiser. The Cookie Trays were then sold to teachers in the High School and Middle School to raise money for a family the Life Skills Class adopted this holiday season through the Salvation Army in Tonawanda. The Life Skills class was able to raise over $300. See photos.

Grand Island High School Hosts DECA Regionals - January 2016

From left: DECA Advisors: Amy Boutet, Cheryl Chamberlain, Mary Jane Fonte, Christopher Simpson.

   When 600 students show up to school on a Sunday dressed in business attire it could only mean one thing, DECA Regional competition. Grand Island High School hosted this event on January 10th and the community couldn't be more proud of the students and staff who made this such a successful conference. Organizers Cheryl Chamberlain and Amy Boutet, business teachers at Grand Island, planned a day filled with business, food and fun! It was an incredible feat to get 15 WNY schools and over 30 different business events up and running for the day long affair.
   Among the 65 judges in attendance, Grand Island judges included Mrs. Mary Cooke, Mr. Fahim Mojawalla, Kaitlyn Czerwonka, Andrew Czerwonka, and Corey McGowan. "It is so wonderful to see former GI DECA alum give back to our chapter as judges for competition and to help with the event," Chamberlain remarked. Many former GI DECA students were at the high school assisting with everything from events to serving lunches. "This event ran smoothly due, in large part, to the parents and students who volunteered," Boutet added.
   The generous sponsors of the event included: Tops on Grand Island, Dunkin Donuts, Island Ship Center and the Beyer Family. Overall, 50 students qualified to move onto the New York State DECA Career Conference this coming March in Rochester, NY. The Grand Island DECA chapter was proud to host this event and would like to thank everyone who participated for their hard work and support. For more information on DECA at the middle and high school levels contact Chamberlain at 716-773-8820.

Sports Briefs - January 2016

Click "Sports Briefs 1/14/2016"

Sports Briefs - January 2016

Click "Sports Briefs 1/7/2016"