Historical Society Meeting Information

President - Curt Nestark
Vice President - Programs - Adel Upton
Recording Secretary - Robin Shipman
Corres. Sec./Newsletter - Mary Cooke
Treasurer - Arlene Ehde

From left: Mary Cooke, Adel Upton, Curt Nestark, Arlene Ehde and Robin Shipman.

DIRECTIONS TO RIVER LEA: Beaver Island State Park is located at the south end of Grand Island. Use South Parkway to enter the Park, continue through the Park to the circle at the southern-most tip of Grand Island.

The Historical Society meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM (except for Jan., Feb., July, Aug., & Dec.) at River Lea in Beaver Island Park.
The September meeting is generally a potluck at 6:30 p.m.

All programs are free and open to the public, so feel free to come, learn and enjoy some refreshments while visiting historic River Lea farmhouse in Beaver Island State Park.

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