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Grand Island Historical Society
Grand Island, NY
Since 1962

News Page 2014

PO Box 135
Grand Island, NY 14072


Previous Historical Society News Page

River Lea
The Grand Island Historical Society restored and maintains the farm house
known as River Lea and located in Beaver Island State Park.
It was built on Lewis F. Allen's property, Allenton Farms,
by his son, W. Cleveland Allen. Today it is owned by New York State.

Fall Calendar of Events
Membership Form - Please Join       Directions To River Lea       Society Officers 2014       Mission Statement       Meetings
Grand Island Historical Society & River Lea History
Grand Island History - Published 1898 By Truman C. White
Jim Fisher's Avocational Archaeology & Lithic Technology Web Site
Grand Island History and Photos (Update 9/20/09)
River Lea Artists - Photos - Paintings
- Artists James Edward Montanari - Eugene Matthew Dyczkowski ("Dick")

Holiday Decorations and Luncheon at River Lea - December 2014

Mary Stewart Photos - Decorations Slideshow

   The Grand Island Historical Society decorated River Lea for the holiday season and had a three day schedule of holiday luncheons, the first week of December. This year's program was "Vintage Costume Jewelry" presented by Mary Sue Bauer. This is a very popular event, which sells out every year.

Historical Society Christmas Luncheon - November 2014

   Come to see River Lea draped in white, silver and pearls for the Holiday Season.There are tickets available for the Tuesday, December 2nd Historical Society Christmas Luncheon at River Lea at 12 noon, cost is $24. This year's program is "Vintage Costume Jewelry" presented by Mary Sue Bauer. The other dates are sold out. For reservations, Call Carol Moore at 773-3817.

Historical Society Meeting - November 2014

    The November meeting of the Grand Island Historical Society will be held at River Lea Farmhouse on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 7:30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Steve Cichon presenting a program called "The History of Buffalo Radio" covering the early days to present. A business meeting and refreshments will follow the presentation.

River Lea Open House & New Exhibit - October 2014

    The Grand Island Historical Society is having a FREE Open House at River Lea (home of Lewis Allen, uncle of Grover Cleveland) in Beaver Island State Park on Sunday, October 19th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Come see the unveiling of the Historic Outdoor Exhibit, gift of Grand Island resident and an Eagle Scout project of Ricky Hoover at 2:00 p.m. See previous Millstone Story. Light refreshments will be served. All free and open to the public.

Historical Society Meeting - October 2014

    The October meeting of the Grand Island Historical Society will be held at River Lea Farmhouse on Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 7:30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Jackie Albarella with a power point presentation on the restoration of the Lafayette Hotel. A business meeting and refreshments will follow the presentation.

Historical Society Meeting - August 2014

    The Historical Society's September meeting at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, September 4th at River Lea is a potluck followed by speaker Gregoroy Kinal (European immigration at turn of century (1900). Please bring a dish to pass and your own place setting.

Millstone Donated to River Lea - June 2014

From left: Kurt Nestark, Erik Carlson, Ricky Hoover, Joe Mesmer and Jason Kubanek - Mary Stewart Photos

    Another piece of Grand Island history will be coming to the Historical Society's home at River Lea. A millstone, dating back to the old Stamler farm on Whitehaven Road, has been donated by Kathy Bridgeman, who is the present owner of the portion of the farm where the millstone has been for a number of years. Historical Society member Helen Black found out Ricky Hoover of Boy Scout Troop 630 was looking for a project to do toward his Eagle Scout badge. She contacted Ricky and he and three of his fellow scouts, along with Historical Society president Curt Nestark, made a date and began digging. After what seemed like hours, they were able to remove the millstone. The millstone was taken to Ricky's home where he will be working on making a platform/base for the stone and also work up a historical interpretation. When this is done, the millstone will be on display at River Lea. A special thank you to Kathy Bridgeman for donating the millstone and to her grandson Caleb Armbuster, who had spent hours digging around the stone prior to the scouts, giving them a head start in removing the millstone.

River Lea Installation Dinner - June 2014

From left: Barbara Birt, Teddy Linenfelser and Adel Upton

From left: Mary Ann Reisdorf and Adel Upton - Mary Stewart Photos

    The Grand Island Historical Society held its annual installation dinner this past Thursday evening, June 5th, at River Lea. Those who attended had the pleasure of hearing Mary Ann Reisdorf portray Francis Folsom Cleveland, wife of President Grover Cleveland. It was a step back in time as "Mrs. Cleveland" spoke about her family and President Cleveland. The presentation was very interesting and included some amusing antidotes about the Cleveland family. Mrs. Cleveland turned 105 this month.

River Lea Open House - May 2014

    The Grand Island Historical Society is having a FREE Open House at River Lea (home of Lewis Allen, uncle of Grover Cleveland) in Beaver Island State Park on Sunday, May 18th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Join us to learn more about this interesting place in history. Delicious refreshments, too.

Historical Society Meeting - May 2014

   The Grand Island Historical Society May meeting will take place on Thursday, May 1st at 7:30 p.m. at River Lea. Guest Speaker is Terry Winslow Lasher who will do a power point presentation on LaSalle history, architecture and waterways Free and open to the public. Join us for this informative session and enjoy refreshments, too.

River Lea Open House - April 2014

    The Grand Island Historical Society is having a FREE Open House at River Lea (home of Lewis Allen, uncle of Grover Cleveland) in Beaver Island State Park on Sunday, April 27th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Join us to learn more about this interesting place in history.

Historical Society Meeting - April 2014

   The Grand Island Historical Society April meeting will take place on Thursday, April 3rd at 7:30 p.m. at River Lea. The evenings program will be "Changes in the Kitchen", by guest speaker Jean Neff, formerly with the Amherst Museum. The public is welcome to attend and enjoy the program and free refreshments.

Historical Society Spring Tea - March 2014


   The Grand Island Historical Society invites you to welcome Spring and see River Lea in full daffodil splendor. Join Eleanor Roosevelt for our annual Spring tea at River Lea on Saturday, April 26th at 1:00 p.m. for a three course High Tea. Denise Reichard will delight us with her dramatic portrayal of Eleanor. Tickets are $25. For reservations call Carol Moore, 773-3817.

Historical Society Events - February 2014

   The Grand Island Historical Society has announced their early 2014 schedule. The first meeting of 2014 will take place on Thursday, March 6th at 7:30 p.m. at River Lea. A program by member June Crawford will be about Buffalo grain elevators. Meetings are held the first Thursday from March - June and then again September - November. The public is welcome to attend and enjoy the programs and free refreshments.
   The first Open House at River Lea will be on Sunday, April 27th from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and also Sunday, May 18th. All events are planned when the State Park is not collecting entrance fees.