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Huth Road Elementary School News Web Page - 2010

1773 Huth Road - 716.773.8850

Huth Road Elementary School District's Website.

Previous News Pages

Principal - Kerri Nowak

Schools Work Together - Dec. 2010

See "Schools work together" to benefit the Huth Road Playground and the American Cancer Society.

Huth Road Students Learn About Caring - Dec. 2010

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   As a part of the Character Counts program at Huth Road Elementary School, students learned about the trait of caring. They learned to think about the needs of others; also to be helpful, kind and to forgive others. The following students were selected as best exemplifying the character trait of caring.
From second grade: Samantha Czubaj, Alec Konopczynski, Quinn Volk, Carolyn Ginsburg, and Mike Valle.
From third grade: Julia Mysliwiec, Joseph Steinagel, Emma Dickinson, Emily Reynolds, and Sean Christian Rustowicz.
From fourth grade: Jacob Corrao, Emily Czubaj, Grace Thorpe, Ryann Colan, Alyssa Jaenecke, and Brandon Beiter.
From fifth grade: Ryan Frost, Jason Held, Jenette DiLaura, Caitlin Watt, Richard Little, and Abigail Fay.
    Please help us in congratulating our students!

Huth Welcomes the African Dance and Drum Troupe - Nov. 2010

Click For Photo On Friday, November 12, 2010, Huth Road Elementary students were enriched by the African dance and drum troupe from Senegal, Africa. Their invigorating presentation filled with their traditional folk drumming, dancing, acrobatics, stilt walking, and stories captivated the students. The thunderous cheers from the crowd of students reflect the pleasure of what was seen and heard by all. Students as well as teachers had the opportunity to learn the traditional African dance. Thank you to the Huth Road PTA for bringing this fantastic presentation to our school!

Huth Road Students Learn About Tolerance - Fall 2010

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   As part of the Character Counts program at Huth Road Elementary School, students learned about the trait of tolerance - to treat others the way you want to be treated and to respect everyone’s differences. The following students were selected as best exemplifying the character trait of tolerance.
From second grade: Kaylin Frost, Ryan Pinzel, Billy Weiberg, Eric Latvala, and Anthony Buscgalia
From third grade: Carmela Bartolomeo, Dominic Justus, Vanessa VanNorman, Rebecca Rebmann and Sarah Moore.
From fourth grade: Zachary Reading, Dalton Nyitrai, Alexa Chiarenza, Annaliese DiCarlo, and Bradley VeRost.
From fifth grade: Nick Payan, Eliza Dudziak, Evan Bender, Maddison Burke, Madison Senger, Matt Giordano and Jordan Eckrote.
Please help us in congratulating our students!

Author, Tom Colson Visits Huth Road Elementary School - Fall 2010

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   As part of the “Bald for Bucks” contest to benefit Roswell Park last year Huth Road Elementary School won a visit from Author, Tom Colson! He has written five books about a character, A Girl Named Pants. Mr. Colson explained about how his daughters inspired him to become an author. He teaches his kids that they can “DO ANYTHING” and shared that same value with the students. For more information on his books and activities, visit his website http://www.agirlnamedpants.com/ for more of the great fun he shared with everyone at Huth Road Elementary! A big Thank You, to Mr. Tom Colson from all of the students and teachers at Huth.

Kids on the Block visit Huth Road Elementary School - Fall 2010

(left) Bailey Warmus, Kyle Schneider, Melina Aceti, and Elisabeth Lupp with a couple of the Kids on the Block puppets from the show!
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    To kick off this year’s assemblies, Huth Road Elementary School welcomed Kids on the Block. The program consisting of puppets and puppeteers is presented by the museum of disability history, a project of People Inc. Our third and fourth grade classes enjoyed the puppets and presentation. The mission of the Kids on the Block is to use the power of puppetry to inspire children to appreciate differences, say no to all forms of prejudice, and develop skills to grow up healthy and safe. This is knowledge that will not only serve them well now, but throughout their lives, making children - and our whole community - stronger. The children at Huth Road Elementary now truly have a better understanding and acceptance of other children regardless of disabilities.

New Swings At Huth Road Playground - Sept. 2010

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   Members of the Huth Road Playground Committee are happy to announce the installation of their recently purchased addition for the playground. It is a new swing set with four swings along with an adaptive swing. The community is invited to come check out the Huth Road Playground with their kids and grand kids!" Pictured are Mrs. Diane Lipp’s third grade students excited to use the newly added swings. A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Lipp and the Huth Road Playground Committee on making a difference in our community!

Huth Road School Volunteers - Sept. 2010

   Shown are just some of the young volunteers who helped pass out the Huth Road pta schools kits early this week. The first photo is the Middle school: Katie Gentz, Maggie Rustowicz, Maryelisabeth Rustowicz, and Griffin Stone; next is High school: Sam Colao, James Rustowicz, and Nick Soos. The third picture shows Nick Soos(GIHS), Nick Szabo (VCMS), Will Soos (Huth), MaryElisabeth Rustowicz (VCMS), Sean Christian Rustowicz (Huth), and James Rustowicz and Sam Colao in the back (GIHS). Griffin Stone of St. Stephen School also assisted.

Welcome Back To School! - Sept. 2010

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   Huth Road Elementary School’s teachers and staff welcomed students back to school this past Wednesday, September 1st. Pictured are students arriving to school. We all want to wish everyone at Huth a very happy, successful and enriching new school year!

Huth Road Elementary:
H-Pin, Presidential Award Recipients - June 2010

(left) H Pin Recipients; (right) Presidential Award Winners
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See "H-Pin Recipients"
See "Presidential Award Winners 2009-2010."

Character Counts Program Reinforces Viking Values - June 2010

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   For the month of June, students at Huth Road Elementary School learned about the Character Trait of Perseverance. Perseverance is not giving up on a task. Doing your very best, giving it you’re all. The following students have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of Perseverance.
From second grade: Arthur Chatkhan, Emily Phillips, Patrick Dworak, Matthew Newbould, Anthony Surace, and Austin Haak
From third grade: Margaret Kubanek, Frankie McNamara, Maria Sciortino, Megan Kennedy, and Sydney Dworak
From fourth grade: Andrew Gradolph, John Blando, Courtney Wendling, Joshua Hoy, Abby Fay and Patrick Harper
From fifth grade: Madelyn Konopczynski, David Pachla, Jenna VeRost, Emily Jelonek, Katelyn Newbould, and Sarah Swagler.
Please help us in congratulating our Perseverance award winners!

Huth Road Elementary School:
Box-Tops, Campbell’s Soup Labels Collection for Education - June 2010

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    A contest was recently held at Huth Road Elementary School for the grade level that collected the most Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels. The winning classrooms were: Miss Heidi Mesmer’s 2nd grade class, Mrs. Diane Lipp’s 3rd grade class, Mrs. Maryann D’Avolio’s 4th grade class and Mrs. Courtney Gormley’s 5th grade class. They received a large basket of Box Top sponsored “goodies” to celebrate their efforts! Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels are collected at Sidway, Kaegebein, Huth and Connor Middle schools. The community is asked to collect them and drop them off in the main office at each school building to earn money for our schools. The year-round Box-Top and Cambell’s Soup Label program is sponsored by the individual school’s PTA. Thank you in advance for your help and support in earning money for our schools.

Huth Spelling Bee Winners - June 2010

Shown (left) - Liam Atkins, Arthur Meaney, and Katherine Gibbons
    The annual Huth Road Elementary School Spelling Bee is open to students in fourth and fifth grades. Two students as well as an alternate are chosen from each class. This year Huth Road Elementary School is proud to announce the following students as finalists in this year’s spelling bee, Katherine Gibbons, and Liam Atkins. Center, holding the first place and winning certificate is the 2010 Spelling Bee winner, Arthur Meaney IV, who is a fourth grade student.

Science at Its BEST - June 2010

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    Nine students from the Chemistry Department at Canisius College presented chemistry magic to the students at Huth Road Elementary School on Thursday, June 3. They delighted the kids with demonstrations of rainbow colored fire, golden pennies, cryogenically frozen bananas, and other amazing tricks. The Huth Road students loved to see the amazing science tricks and offered their observations and thoughts about what they saw. The Canisius students, representing their Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society (SCACS), travel to local schools to help foster an interest in science. Dr. Steven Szczepankiewicz and his team of chemistry students presented a lively and engaging demonstration of chemistry for all of the students. “The more we can help young students see how exciting science can be, the more students we will have entering into the field,” said Dr. Szczepankiewicz. The students certainly had a lot of fun. Lots of spontaneous applause and plenty of “oohs” and “aahs” filled the gym. Canisius College is also sponsoring a Summer Science Camp for students entering 5th through 8th grade, August 2-6, 9am-3pm, with lunch included for $100.00. The camp website is: http://www3.canisius.edu/~szczepas/Camp/ssc.html.

Readers are Leaders at Huth - June 2010

(left) Ashley Peresie, Maddison Burke, Louis Fabiano, Ryan Frost, Daniel Fabiano, Anna Ungaro, David Lesinski, and Tyler Myszka
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    Throughout the school year, the students at Huth Road Elementary School received books on behalf of the Readers are Leaders program through the Huth Road School PTA. For the last distribution for the school year, the students were asked to bring in a gently used book to donate to Project Flight. Project Flight is a not-for-profit organization devoted to promoting literacy in children and caregivers, through school and family literacy initiatives. While the students get a book, they are also “giving back” the books they have already read! It is important that parents encourage their children to read over the summer. Here are some reasons why reading to, or with, your children every day will help them become leaders.
• Because when you hold them and give them this attention, they know you love them.
• Because reading to your children will encourage them to become readers for life.
• Because children's books today are so good, they are even fun for adults.
• Because illustrations in children's books often rank among the best, giving children a life long feeling for good art.
• Books will enable your child's imagination to soar.
• Because every teacher and librarian they encounter will thank you.
   Here are some more ideas that may be helpful to you and your family over the summer on how to raise a bookworm: Make regular trips to the Grand Island Memorial Library. Help each child acquire their very own library card. Keep a special place at home especially for library books, so they are easy to find on the due date! Set up a bookshelf in your child’s room or in a corner of another room to keep their own books. Play Scrabble and Boggle and other word games. Model yourself as a reader. Curl up with a good book today. Remember the TV has an off button too. Give books as gifts for Birthdays, Christmas and other holidays. Plan a trip together -- read maps and travel brochures etc. Have your child keep a diary of the trip. Read aloud a lot and encourage quiet alone reading time every day. Discuss the books you and your child read. "Would you like to live during those times?" "Would you have chosen him as a friend?" "How do you think she felt when...?" "What would you have done?" Provide an unlimited amount of reading material... Magazines, newspapers, comic books, paperback books, encyclopedias, story books etc. Just remember to encourage your child to have fun and READ!

Character Counts Program Reinforces Viking Values - May 2010

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   During the month of April, students at Huth Road Elementary school learned about the Character Trait of Sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is best defined as the practice of participating in sports or a sport. Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing are the ways to show good sportsmanship. The following students have won the Sportsmanship character trait award for April:
From 2nd grade: Michael Marino, Mackenzie Heyden, Abigail Blair, Rhianna Enright, and Cassidy Jensen
From 3rd grade: Max Gojmerac, Bradley VeRost, Brandon Bruner, Alex Laschinger, and Paul Singh.
From 4th grade: Bryce Wolf, Maria Schnettler, Tori Appoloney, John Kwarciak, Jaynie Decker, Kelsey Mankowski, and Joe Stolfo.
From 5th grade: Louis Fabiano, Anthony Stolfo, MaryElisabeth Rustowicz, Hayley Latvala and Madisyn Pezzino. Please help us in congratulating our Sportsmanship award winners!

Mike Randall Visits Huth Road Elementary School For Enriching Reading Program - May 2010

Pictured are Mike Randall, and Huth Road Students: Grace LoHouse, Alexa Chiarenza and Jacob Corrao
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   There’s no better way to start a presentation for students than with a magic trick to captivate their attention. Mike Randall from the Channel 7 News weather team entertained Huth Road students with stories, magic and a puppet show. He reinforced the value of reading and how it helps you get ahead in life. The presentation was brought to the students by the Huth Road PTA and its Enrichment Committee. More “enriching” presentations and shows are in the works for the next school year. "Many THANKS to our PTA."

Huth Road Elementary - Our Favorite Stories from Wayside School - May 2010

Pictured are the students from Mrs. Lipp, Mrs. Kopf, Mrs. Schmitt, Mrs. Leahy and Mrs. Dickinson’s 3rd Grade class at Huth Road Elementary.
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   The students from Mrs. Diane Lipp’s , Mrs. Mary Kopf’s, Mrs. Penny Schmitt’s, Mrs. Leahy’s and Mrs. Dickinson’s 3rd grade classes at Huth Road Elementary are putting on a play called Our Favorite Stories From Wayside School and YOU’RE invited to join us! This is the 6th annual production of the play and can be seen on Friday, June 4th at 1 p.m. at Huth Road Elementary School. The students have worked for six weeks on character development, stage presence, voice inflection and memorization of lines. The play was written by the teachers and adapted from the popular children’s book series Wayside School by Louis Sachar. Mrs. Carol Horrigan, accompanist and Huth’s music teacher, provided the music, and brought the play to life! This is the only play at Huth Road Elementary school and is shared and enjoyed by all the students each year with new characters from Mrs. Lipp’s third grade classroom. Hard work, rehearsals, and practice both at home and school help to make many lasting memories for all the students, teachers and parents here at Huth. Thank you to everyone for your help in making this year’s play a great success! Don’t forget to mark your calendar to join us on Friday, the 4th of June! We’ll see you at the play!

Huth Road Student was selected for Scholastic’s “If I were President” Essay Contest - May 2010

MaryElizabeth Rustowicz
    Scholastic Publishing Company each month holds a student essay contest. Mr. Steven Steck’s 5th grade class at Huth Road Elementary School had all his students write an essay for the "If I Were President" theme for class. If a student wanted, Mr. Steck would sumbit his or her essay to the contest for them. Nation-wide, 7,000 students submitted their essays to Scholastic and MaryElisabeth Rustowicz was one of the 10 winners selected. She received a 25-book "All-American" themed library as a prize for her submission. Her essay touched on the many different things that she would want to improve for Americans. Healthcare, Education, Economy, War, and Worldly issues were her focus of making change. In closing her essay, MaryElisabeth writes “I would love to be President of the United States. I would love to lead the best country in the world! I would work hard to make changes I feel would make our great country even better!” Huth Road Elementary School is honored to have a student with a great vision for our future!

Kelsey Mahoney, Grand Island’s K-12 “Artist of the Month” - April 2010

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   The Grand Island art department proudly announces Kelsey Mahoney as the K-12 “Artist of the Month”. She is a 5th grade student at Huth Road Elementary and a current member of the after school art club. Kelsey loves to sketch and create crafts in her free time. Her favorite subject to draw or paint is animals. A local artist, Kathy, who gave her private art lessons when she was younger, inspires Kelsey. She also enjoys the mysterious faces in the portraits created by the Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci. This year Kelsey has created wonderful works of art in various mediums. She not only works wonders with clay, but also created a beautiful seascape with a lighthouse, dolphins and one-point perspective. One of her clay pieces has been donated to the Buffalo State College “Empty Bowls” event for auction, which will help benefit the Food Bank of WNY and Friends of Night People. The art department congratulates her hard work and wishes her great success as a future artist.

Huth Rd. Elementary
Miss Marciszewski's 3rd Graders are out of this world! - April 2010

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   Miss Melissa Marciszewski's 3rd grade class at Huth Road Elementary completed research projects on the different planets in our solar system. As a culminating project, many of the students completed 3-D images of their planet of study. One student, Gabi Sciortino, said "I enjoyed learning about different planets. I liked the idea of picking my own planet and designing it!" Tony Serra, who researched Jupiter, enjoyed all of the fun facts that he learned from the projects.

Huth Rd. Elementary
Character Counts Program Reinforces Viking Values - April 2010

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   For the month of March, students at Huth Road Elementary school learned about the Character Trait of Cooperation. The students learned about how to effectively listen and share, to do their part as a team, and take turns. They also learned to encourage other students to do their very best. The students learned that working with others and making them feel welcome and needed is important. The following students have won the Cooperation character trait award for March:
2nd grade: Brett Shickluna, Mia Belstadt, Rebecca Rebmann, Lydia Sweeney, Emily Reynolds, and Bryce Wolf
3rd grade: Kaitlyn Hollederer, Anthony Seifert, Lydia Pratt, Justin Gorrell, and Alyssa Jaenecke.
4th grade: Caitlyn Watt, Matthew Logel, Rosemarie Boyko, Jessica Gonda, Katelyn Simpson, and Joseph Kilian
5th grade: Jacob Tucker, Carson Suffoletta, Bradley Stevenson, Thomas Riniolo, and Mason Akers.

Please help us in congratulating our Cooperation award winners!

Huth Road Elementary Staff Shows Their Spirit and Support! - April 2010

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   Team Huth once again demonstrated its support for a good cause. The whole staff came to work on Friday, April 2 wearing their “Fight Like a Girl” tee shirts and sweatshirts. The money raised from the purchase of these shirts is being donated in support of the Grand Island Relay for Life, “Moose-kateers Team.” Huth staff member, Linda McGinn, is a very active member of the Moose-kateers Team. This Team is trying to raise money as well as awareness of the need for more research to fight cancer, especially breast cancer. Huth staff will also be showing their support when they walk in the Mother’s Day Canal Walk being held in Lockport. Team Huth will be a proud sponsor in this Walk to fight breast cancer.

Huth Road Service Club Presents Check To American Red Cross For Those in Need In Haiti - March 2010

Pictured are: Kathryn Mori (American Red Cross), Huth Road Elementary Principal Mrs. Kerri Nowak, The Huth Road Service Club and Advisors Mrs. Robinson & Mrs. Lipp (Not Pictured)
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   Since the tsunami struck Haiti, the students at Huth Road Elementary school have been collecting money to help the country devastated by the destruction. Last month the students participated in "Hats for Haiti," where students were able to wear a hat in school when making a donation. After the donations were collected, the service club sorted, rolled and counted all the money. Thanks to the cooperation of everyone at Huth Road Elementary, a total of $1078.70 was collected! Kathryn Mori, a representative from the American Red Cross, graciously accepted the check and congratulated the students and the school for their efforts. The success of this project proved that kids can make a difference!

Kenn Nesbitt, Author & Poet Visits Huth Road Elementary School - March 2010

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   The following students had the honor of having lunch with the Author and Poet Kenn Nesbitt during his visit to Huth Road Elementary School on March 9, 2010.
   From second grade: Cassidy Jensen, Emily Phillips, Lauren Merletti, Nicholas Ratajczak, and Ronald Appoloney
   From third grade: Abby Siebert, Jacob Corrao, LeeAnn Wright, Natalie Turck, and Nicole Paolini
   From fourth grade: Robert Hodan, McKenna David, Joelle Scheffler, Matthew Logel, Rosemarie Boyko and Marrissa Hovey
   From fifth grade: Hayley Latvala, Catherine Merletti, Owen Morrish, Savanah Cramer, and Brianna Weissman.
   At the luncheon, the students were able to have the opportunity to ask questions and share in the fun as shown in the picture. Fun was had by all of the Huth Road students as they all enjoyed the opportunity to see him at their assembly.

Character Counts Program Reinforces Viking Values & Creativity - March 2010

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   For the month of February, the students at Huth Road Elementary School learned about the Character Trait of Creativity. Students learned about how to be original, to use their imagination, to add detail, to do their VERY best, and to take pride in their work. The following students have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of creativity.
Second grade: Anna Thompson, Ella Gorrell, Jack Pratt, Tyler Hunt, and Madison MacNeil
Third grade: Jose Neyra, Libby Koyn, James Worrall, Allison McDonald, LeeAnn Wright and Gregory Simonian
Fourth grade: Arthur Meaney, Richard Little, Claire Brandon, Tess Lariviere and Ethan Lynch
Fifth grade: Katie Kovacs, Alexa Rogers, Simon Estenoz, Alyssa Maxwell, and Kelsey Mahoney.
   Please help us in congratulating our creativity ~ award winners!

Character Counts Program Reinforces Viking Values - Feb. 2010

   See Character Counts Photo    For the month of January, students at Huth Road Elementary school learned about the Character Trait of Responsibility. The students learned about doing what they are supposed to do. Being responsible is thinking before you act. It’s also about accepting the consequences of your words and actions. Following rules is being responsible. And lastly, to always do your best and keep on trying are all ways of showing others that you are responsible. The following students have won the Responsibility character trait award for January:
2nd grade: Lauren Merletti, Cayden Dahlberg, Alexa Fox, Carmela Bartolomeo, and Allison Fay
3rd grade: Emma Sullivan, Nicole Paolini, Grace Thorpe, Samantha Bailey, and Faith Gworek
4th grade: Hailey Geyer, Joshua Saunders, Jack Steinagel, Megan Urbaniak, Zack Schmidt, Elizabeth Ishmael, and Maddison Burke
5th grade: Madelyn Webb, Aruran Wigneswaran, Justin Kozlowski, Julia Buscaglia, and Samuel Eichel
Please help us in congratulating our Responsibility award winners!

Huth Road Elementary National PTA Reflections Program - 2010

    Huth Road recently participated in the national PTA Reflections Program. The theme for 2009-2010 was "beauty is" . Entrants included Sarah Swagler, Simon Estenoz, John Griffin, Andrew Thompson, Mark Giancola, Anna Thompson, and Natalie O'Brien. At the Niagara regional judging, Huth Rd. had several honors. John Griffin received an honorable mention for his beautiful underwater photograph. Andrew Thompson's poem, "Beautiful Wonderous Rocks" received third place honors in the literature category. Simon Estenoz placed first in the film production with a film on butterflies entitled " Beauty Flies". The film will now go on state judging. The Huth Rd. PTA would like to thank all the entrants for their hard work and creativity. Click for "photo."

Huth Road Elementary Character Counts when it comes to Perseverance - 2009

   The following students have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of perseverance. They were selected because they demonstrate what it looks like to never give up and always try their very best. These students are leaders when it comes to encouraging others as well.

Second grade: Emma Halpin, Bradley VeRost, Brandon Bruner, Wyatt Tollner, and Ashley Hurley

Third grade: Sydney Hoerner, Jacob Weise, Ricky Little, Nathan Steggs, Nicole Hoy, and Kaitlyn Grybel

Fourth grade: Braden Hawley, Chris Sharp, Ayah Abdelal, Madelyn Konopczynski, and Olivia Turck.

Congratulations to these “Perseverance” student leaders at Huth Road Elementary School!