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Huth Road Elementary School News Web Page - 2012

1773 Huth Road - 716.773.8850

Huth Road Elementary School District's Website.

Previous News Page

Principal - Kerri Nowak

Huth Road Holiday Project - Dec. 2012

    The third graders in Mrs. Lipp's class at Huth Road School have been very busy working on a holiday project! They have been frosting and decorating cut-out sugar cookies to sell to the teachers and students at their school. The cookies were made by parents, teachers, and Mrs. Fonte's students at Connor Middle School. The third graders worked very hard to frost, decorate, and sell the cookies. Each student was able to help sell the cookies to very eager students. They practiced communicating with their customers and money skills. All the money earned will be donated to the Huth Road Playground and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Any community member who would like to make a donation to the community playground or the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, can send a check made out to either Huth Road Playground or Cystic Fibrosis. All checks can be sent in care of Mrs. Lipp's class, 1773 Huth Road, Grand Island. The third graders had a wonderful experience participating in the 10th annual Huth Road Cookie Sale!

"Pinwheels for Peace" at Huth Elementary - September 2012

Click photo for larger view

Imagine…“Whirled Peace”
September 21, 2012
   In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2012, the students at Huth Road Elementary took part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace in the front lawn of the school as a public statement and art exhibit/installation. It was an amazing sight to view almost 500 pinwheels alternately blowing in the wind when the students were dismissed from school.
   Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers from Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Three years later, in 2008, over 2.3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America.
    This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.” Students at Huth Road created pinwheels – as part of the creation process, the students wrote their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" or used lines, shape and color to visually express their feelings.
    On September 21, 2012, International Day of Peace – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout Grand Island, our country and the entire world! For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com.

Carrie Meaney Awarded PTA Honorary Life Membership - Aug. 2012

   Huth Road PTA president Trish Eichel (left) presented a PTA Honorary Life Membership to Carrie Meaney for her outstanding volunteer work on behalf of children and youth. In addition to her many volunteer hours at Huth Road Elementary, she is active at her church as an educator, and in the community where she volunteers for Miles for Smiles, which raises money to help families of children born with facial deformities. At Huth her many activities include being a room mother, room-parent liaison, committee chairperson and a reliable volunteer wherever help was needed.

Retiring Huth Road Teacher Mary Kopf Surprised - June 2012

Bob Kopf photo - Click for larger view.

   Mary Kopf was surprised today (Tues., June 12) when Mrs. Lipp and Mrs. Percival’s classes joined in wishing her a “happy retirement.” Also attending were many of Mrs. Kopf’s students from past years at Huth Road School. The students presented her with a book of letters written by her past and current students highlighting memorable moments with her over her career at Huth Road. Many “tears of joy” were shed as the students all gave her big hugs at the conclusion of the party. Thank you Mrs. Kopf for all of your years of service to our children at Huth Road School.

Huth Road Third Grade Play - May 2012

Bob Kopf photo - Click for larger view.

   Third graders in Mrs. Lipp, Mrs. Kopf, and Mrs. Dickinson's class at Huth Road Elementary School have been busy practicing for their play. "Our Favorite Stories from Wayside School" is its title and it is based on a popular children's book by Louis Sacher. The students have worked hard to learn their lines and how to perform. We are so proud of them for this accomplishment!

Annual Huth Road School Spelling Bee - May 2012


Left to right: Grace LoHouse-3rd, Sara Gorton-2nd, Clarice McCaffery-1st, Principal Kerry Nowak
Right: photo of all participants.
Click photos for larger view.

   The Huth Road School annual spelling bee was held on Friday, May 4th. Twenty-one students were chosen to particpate based on spelling performance in individual classrooms. The winners were as follows: 3rd place, Grace LoHouse; 2nd place, Sara Gorton; and 1st place, Clarice McCaffery.

Huth Road School Concert Band Takes High Marks At Festival - May 2012

The Huth Road Elementary Concert Band, under the direction of Mr. Craig Poissant, traveled to Williamsville North High School on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 for the New York State School Music Associations' (NYSSMA) Major Organization Festival. School bands, orchestras, and choruses from across the state prepare three selections and perform these works for two NYSSMA certified judges. These judges then make comments and rate the groups across several evaluative categories on the following scale: Festival Rating, Certificate of Participation, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Gold with Distinction. The Huth Road band received the organization's highest rating: Gold with Distinction. This rating is described on the official score sheet as follows: 'awarded to organizations that have demonstrated an outstanding level of technical and artistic skill in each of the evaluative categories... while having achieved a standard of performance deemed exceptional in all three selections.'

Magician Christian Augustine Presents Math Magic at Huth Road School - Jan. 2012

Click photo for larger view.

Huth Road Elementary students were treated to an assembly full of math and magic on Monday, January 9. Magician Christian Augustine amazed the students with fun tricks and showed that there’s really more to math than numbers. He demonstrated through magic how math applies to our everyday lives. During the show, he gave students clues as to how the math makes some of the tricks work, and then he challenged the students to try to figure out some of his tricks and email him if they do. His final trick included a floating table. Christian Augustine Magic has visited schools all over the continental U.S. performing 800-900 shows per year.