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In The Service - 2012

Previous In The Service Page

This page is for the purpose of posting news and addresses of Island
residents who are serving our country in the military.
See previous "In The Service" pages above
To add news and photos to this new page, email to teddy@giecom.net

or drop off at the Isledegrande.com office, 1871 Whitehaven Road (between Hairitage Hair Salon and DeSignet Jewelry)

Service Persons from Grand Island, New York - 193 Names - Update Dec. 17, 2012

By Rank, Name, Service Branch - November 2001 to Dec. 2012
Ranks will be updated as submitted.
Submit Island service people or corrections to teddy@giecom.net.
[note: Nov 01- troops went into Afghanistan, starting this round]
Click for Service Persons From Grand Island, New York

Tyler S. Hinaman - In The Service - Dec. 2012

    Tyler S. Hinaman of Grand Island, NY graduated from Great Lakes Illinois United States Recruiting Training Command on November 9, 2012. He was in Division 371 and has been promoted to an E-2 Seaman Apprentice. Tyler is a 2011 graduate of Grand Island High School. He is currently in school at the Dam Neck Navy Training Center near Virginia Beach studying for his future assignment with the United States Navy.

Welcome Home SSG Timmerman - In The Service - Dec. 2012

   SSG Ryan Timmerman, deployed to Afghanistan for nine months, was welcomed home by his wife, Anne, and three-year-old daughter, Chloe. The Welcome Home Ceremony was held on December 3rd in Fort Drumm. Mrs. Timmerman and Chloe ran to jump into SSG Timmerman's arms as shown in the photo. The family will be stationed in Fort Drumm.

Pvt Eric J. Sander - In The Service - Dec. 2012

   Pvt Eric J. Sander, a Grand Island High School graduate, Class of 2012, graduated from Marine Corps book camp at Parris Island, SC on December 7, 2012. He is the son of Christine and Dana Iser and Timothy Sander, and the grandson of Richard and Joanne Lozo and Dan and Donna Sander.

Maj. Gen. David J. Conboy - Nov. 2012

    Lt. Gen. John D. Johnson, Eighth Army commanding general congratulates newly promoted Eighth Army deputy commanding general of sustainment Maj. Gen. David J. Conboy, his wife Karen and his daughter Claire after his promotion ceremony Nov. 2, 2012 on Knight Field on U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan. Conboy turned over reesponsibility as the Eighth Army deputy commanding general of sustainment to Brig. Gen. Chris R. Gentry in a change-of responsibility ceremony Nov. 2nd on Knight Field at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan.

LCpl Thomas Shanor - In The Service - Oct. 2012

   LCpl Thomas Shanor recently deployed on September 17, 2012 embarking on a nine-month West Pacific Cruise. Shanor deployed out of Camp Pendleton where he has been stationed for the past year. "We wish him well and a safe return home."

Brandon Robinson - In The Service - Sept. 2012

   Brandon Robinson of Grand Island graduated with honors on August 17, 2012 from Fort Sam Houston 68W Healthcare Specialist Advanced Individual Training as an Army Combat Medic with Bravo Company 232d Medical Battalion. He also received certification in the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

Michael Magaris - In The Service - June 2012

   Michael Magaris was meritoriously promoted to the rank of Sergeant on May 2, 2012. As a Non-commissioned Officer, he represents the first link in the chain of leadership, which is the hallmark of our Marine Corps.
   This promotion was not automatic and each non-commissioned officer must work hard to develop the ability to lead their fellow Marines. The reputation of the Corps as a force-in-readiness depends upon the Marine NCO, the professional who knows what must be done and how to do it. Michael was carefully selected for promotion based on his past performance, self-confidence, determination, and discipline. More importantly, he has the ability and willingness to meet the increased leadership responsibilities this rank demands.

SFC Michael Zaremski Jr. - May 2012

Sergeant First Class Michael Zaremski Jr.
Click for larger view

   Sergeant First Class Michael Zaremski Jr. of Grand Island is currently serving his 2nd tour of duty in Afghanistan. SFC Zaremski is the Non Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) of Base Closure Assistance Team, Electronic Warfare Specialist and Signal Chief. SFC Zaremski has 18 years of service with the United States Army and Army National Guard.

Nick Lovetro - April 2011

   April 26, 2012 . . .Nick Lovetro entered Army Bootcamp on March 13, 2012 for nine weeks of basic training at Fort Benning, GA. He will graduate on May 24, 2012 and then move to A.I.T. (Advanced individual Training) at Ft. Gordon, GA. Nick is a 2009 graduate of Grand Island High School.

Airman Patricia A. Philpot - March 2011

   March 15, 2012 . . . Patricia A. (VeRost) Philpot, A1C, USAF was promoted to A1C (Airman First Class) in November 2011. A1C Philpot and her husband, Jonathan, are the proud parents of a son, Jackson Brantley Philpot, born on December 29, 2011. The Airman just received her notification of a new stationing and will be headed to Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. She will be stationed there for four years as part of an Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency.
   Airman Philpot signed for the United States Air Force in April 2010 and began basic training in July following her Grand Island High School graduation. Jonathan Philpot is also a member of the United States Air Force.

SSG Ryan Timmerman - March 2012

(left) Anne, SSG Ryan Timmerman and daughter Chloe
Click for larger view

   SSG Ryan Timmerman - E6 has been inlisted in the United States Army for 17 years. He lives with his wife, Anne and daughter Chloe, 3, in Fort Drum, NY. SSG Timmerman was recently deployed to Afghanistan for his third tour of duty.

Ensign Brendan Conway - March 2012

In the photo, Surrounded with US Navy Admirals, Ensign Brendan Conway of Grand Island, NY is seen cutting the cake with Rear Admiral Don "Smoke" Hickman, the event’s honoree. Also in the photo are: Rear Admiral Mark F. Heinrich, Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command: VADM Harnitchek, VADM Straw, VADM Lippert, Mr. John Kizer among others.
Click for larger view

    U.S. Navy Supply Corps Foundation, Washington Area Chapter held its Spring Ball on March 3, 2012 commemorating the 217th Anniversary of the United States Navy Supply Corps. The Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA was the venue. The 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Rear Admiral Don "Smoke" Hickman. Rear Admiral Hickman was commissioned in March 1963 and he served in the Navy for more than 37 years. He served in a variety of operational and policy leadership positions prior to his selection as the 40th Chief of Supply Corps and Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command. He retired from Active Duty in 1999. Admiral Hickman served as the President of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation from 2000 until 2010. During his decade of leadership he significantly enhanced the outreach and depth of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation. He developed a "Supply Corps for Life" ethos throughout our community and dramatically improved the Foundation's ability to support the Supply Corps community.

E-2 Airman Apprentice Ian Charles Rogers - Dec. 2011

   December 8, 2011 . . .See update below. E-2 Airman Apprentice Ian Charles Rogers graduated from Great Lakes United States Naval Recruiting Station in Illinois on October 28, 2011. He is presently at the Naval Air Base in Pensacola, Florida where he will graduate from his training on December 9th. Ian will then be deployed on board the USS Carl Vinson, which is presently on its Pacific Ocean tour. A 2010 graduate of Grand Island High School, Ian is the son of James Rogers of Grand Island and Carol Rogers of Kenmore. Ian's grandfather, Charles Rogers of Buffalo, is also very proud of Ian's accomplishment as he also served in the US Navy!
   February 9, 2012 . . .Airman Apprentice Ian C. Rogers flew to Behrain on January 17th and was then flown out to the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier which will be stationed in the Persian Gulf until the summer 2012.