N I A G A R A G A Z E T T E - Sunday, September 28, 2008
OGNIBENE: 'This has been one wild ride'
By Joe OgnibeneIt has been said that all things must end — and that includes outdoor
columns, namely this one, which ends with today’s publication. I did not come
to this conclusion lightly.
Let me explain why it is time for me to bow out. My right knee, which I have
used, misused and abused over the years, needs replacing. Later this week that
will be done and then I enter a period of rehabilitation during which time we
will be teaching the new knee how to walk. This means I will be on the shelf, so
to speak, and unable to be out and about to gather information to write an
informative column.
Another reason is now that Mary is gone I don’t want to spend the winter
rattling around by myself in this big, lonely house. There are too many memories
in every room. I have decided as soon as I am allowed to drive the fishing rods
will be packed and I will be heading south to chase large-mouth bass. I’ll
send back periodic reports from Florida and maybe mention any Niagara Falls
snowbirds I run across.
Leaving something that has been a very important part of my life for the past
51-plus years is not the easiest thing I have ever done, but I look back with
pride and satisfaction knowing I did my best. Not everyone agreed with some of
the stances I took and that is understandable, but I like to think I told it
like it is.
The New York Bowhunters will not be inviting me to their social functions and
will no doubt be happy to see me fade away. This column may fade away, but the
drive to legalize the crossbow will not, and sooner or later it will come about.
Their argument against the crossbow is the same argument presented by longbow
and re-curve enthusiasts when the compound was introduced.
I enjoyed writing articles that exposed PETA for the bunch of hypocrites and
weirdos they are. Another thing that I am quite proud of is my plunking down $5
to become the first charter member of the Niagara River Anglers Association when
Mark and Joan Daul told me about it. This is an organization that did what many
said could not be done, restocking the Niagara River with walleye that many are
catching today. Thanks to the late John Long, who donated land for rearing
ponds. NRAA became the model for other clubs throughout the state to do the
same. Now the club has fallen victim to the curse that has befallen other
organizations, cliques have formed and dissension is rampant within the group.
We can only hope that common sense among the members eventually prevails and
NRAA once again becomes the grand and proud organization it once was.
It has long been my belief an outdoor column should do more than tell readers
how to catch a fish or bag a deer. There are too many problems involving
hunting, fishing, trapping and, most important, gun ownership that must be
brought out into the open. I have tried to alert my readers when legislation
needed either support or opposition on subjects involving our outdoor
activities. I make no apologies for the political toes I stepped on over the
years. They needed stepping on. The column fulfilled its obligation when it drew
attention to the sad shape some area launch ramps were in. A few were repaired
and others replaced. If this column were to continue it would still thump the
drum for blaze orange for all deer hunters. No, I do not advocate mandatory
wearing of blaze orange, but I sure do recommend it. Movement, not blaze orange,
is what spooks deer. Now that rifles are allowed in our Southern Tier someone
wearing camo and crawling through the brush could be spotted over the sights of
a 30:06 and that might not turn out well.
The column sometimes sounded like the town scold when telling everyone to be
careful of guns, ladder stands, wading unfamiliar streams, climbing over fences,
careless use of a bow and any other blockhead stunts many of us have all pulled
at one time or another. It is heartening to see others have taken up the cry for
signs to be erected in the lower Niagara River Gorge warning everyone of the
deadly danger that rushing water presents. The average tourist has probably
never seen water raging as it does in the gorge and the temptation to get close
can be tragic.
This column joined many others in calling for adoption of the Great Lakes
Compact by our federal government to assure the waters of our Great Lakes are
not exploited and sold to the highest bidder. Earlier last week, the U. S.
Congress voted to approve the compact and was given assurance the president
would sign it. The Great Lakes are now safe from diversion, but still need
protecting from our own stupidity by ignoring conservation efforts and not
halting pollution. In the years to come there is no doubt efforts will be made
to undo the compact and vigilance is needed by all the states bordering the
Great Lakes as well as Canada.
There are many problems in our outdoor world at present and in the future that
calls for a voice that refuses to be stilled. Let’s hope someone comes along
with a “fire in their belly” to point out what needs attention, correction
or elimination and screams to high heaven about it.
That’s what I think I’ll miss most, no longer rocking the boat.
To all my readers — thank you, it was one “helluva ride.”
Joe Ognibene is a local sportsman who has covered the outdoor scene since 1957.