William M. Kaegebein Elementary School
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1690 Love Road
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Kaegebein’s Viking Values Students of the Month - December 2023

Larry Austin photo.
Kaegebein Elementary School has recognized its monthly Viking Values character award recipients. For the month of November, the Viking Values character trait of the month at Kaegebein Elementary School was kindness. On Friday, Dec. 1, the school had its Viking Values pep rally where the following students were congratulated for showing kindness in the month of November: Second grade: Bobby Donnelly, Riley Battaglia, and Andrew Caffray Third grade: Future Miller, Carson Faulkner, and Lennon Lucas Fourth grade: Brianna Cope, Rodney Hutchings, and Alexandra Cestero Mercado Fifth grade: Geo Clody, Joey Kopf, and Charlie Scott "As we walked throughout the hallways, into the classrooms and lunchroom, on the buses, and throughout the other areas of the school, kindness sparkled," said Kaegebein teacher Melissa Aldridge. "We are so proud of all of our Kaegebein students for showing this character trait each and every day. For the month of December, Kaegebein is focusing on the character trait of fairness. Keep up the hard work, Kaegebein students."Kaegebein’s November Artist of the Month - November 2023

Introducing Kaegebein’s November Artist of the Month: Rory McCaul, 5th grade.
Rory was chosen as the Artist of the Month because of his attention to detail and originality when creating! Rory always puts in his best effort and makes sure every artwork is a masterpiece! Rory has a positive attitude and always roots for every artist in the room to do their best! Great job Rory!!
Kaegebein Artists Create Larry Loudmouf - December 2023

Every artist at Kaegebein came together to spread joy and positive vibes throughout the halls of Kaegebein by creating this giant colorful and joyous mural inspired by street artist Greg Mike. We focused on his colorful and silly Larry Loudmouf character who was designed to make people smile! Amazing job artists!
Kaegebein Character Trait of the Month - October 2023

Each month, Kaegebein Elementary School will highlight a character trait of the month, and students will receive Viking Value tickets when they are "caught" demonstrating that character trait. At the end of the month, Viking Value tickets are chosen at random for each grade level, and the students win a prize.
For the month of September, Kaegebein celebrated the character trait of being respectful. There was a big kickoff assembly the first week of school, and throughout the month respect was shown in classrooms, the lunch room, hallways, the playground, buses, and more. Congratulations to the following students pictured who were recognized for being respectful: Second grade – Carter Giddings; Third grade – Alexa Ovanda and Dakota Ogden; Fourth grade – Sofia Barr; Fifth grade – Lea Martino. We are so proud of all of our Kaegebein students for showing this character trait each and every day. For the month of October, Kaegebein is focusing on the character trait of responsibility.
Kaegebein First Day of School - September 2023

Mary Stewart Photos.
The Grand Island School District first day of school was Thursday, September 7th. These photos are from the Kaegebein neighborhood.Kaegebein June Artist of the Month - June 2023

Alice Newton, 5th grade.
Alice was chose as Kaegebein’s artist of the month for June because she is truly amazing!! Alice is very creative, always looking for different solutions for her artwork. Alice is kind and inclusive to her classmates, and she works so hard on her artwork, and always creates to the best of her ability. We will all miss Alice tons when she goes onto the middle school next year! Stay creative, Alice!Kaegebein March Artist of the Month - March 2023

Alexis Young, 5th grade.
Alexis Young was chosen as Kaegebein's Artist of the Month for March for so many reasons! She is kind and inclusive to all of her classmates and always willing to help out in the art room. Alexis is a stellar art helper and often helps out during 2nd grade art classes! She also is extremely careful and precise in her creating, always putting her best effort forward in art class. Congrats Lexi!!Kaegebein February Artist of the Month - February 2023

Maxwell Benns, 4th grade.
Introducing Maxwell Benns as Kaegebein's February Artist of the Month! Max is an amazing member of our art classroom community here at Kaegebein! He is always kind and supportive to everyone around him. Max tries his hardest with every project we create and he always has an enormous smile!Kaegebein January Artist of the Month - January 2023

Dexter Klutkowski, grade 3
Congratulations to Dexter Klutkowski for being chosen as Kaegebein’s January artist of the month! Dexter always creates to the best of his ability in art class and participates regularly! He is kind to everyone in our classroom community and loves learning new art techniques.Kaegebein December Artist of the Month - December 2022

Pyper Wheeling, grade 5
Kaegebein would like to introduce 5th grader Pyper Wheeling as our December Artist of the Month! Pyper is new to our district this year and we are so happy to have her in our art room. She always tries her absolute best, she is kind and inclusive to everyone in her class, and she is creative in her artistic endeavors!Kaegebein November Artist of the Month - November 2022

Jake Donnelly, grade 4
Congratulations to Jake Donnelly for being chosen as the November Artist of the Month for Kaegebein! Jake was an easy choice because he is an art all star! He is creative, hard working and an active member of our art classroom community!Kaegebein October Artist of the Month - October 2022

Korbin Newton has been chosen as Kaegebein’s Artist of the Month for October!! He earned this accolade for being a creative thinker in art class. He is always thoughtful, kind, and helpful, too! Amazing job, Korbin!!