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William M. Kaegebein Elementary School
News Page 2012

1690 Love Road

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Mary E. Haggerty

Thanksgiving Celebration at Kaegebein - Nov. 2012

Mrs. Booker upper left - Click for larger view

   The second grade students of Mrs. Cyndi Booker recently enjoyed a Thanksgiving celebration featuring numerous fun learning activities with a Thanksgiving theme. Mrs. Booker provided most of the wardrobe items including collars for the boys and bonnets for the girls. A wonderful time was had by all!

Kaegebein 60th Anniversary - Nov. 2012

   It was a very well attended celebration of the William Kaegebein Elementary School's 60th anniversary on Monday evening, February 19, 2012. Boy Scouts from Troop 510 led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mrs. Mary Haggerty, principal, welcomed attendees. Miss Magdalyn Chauby, an eleventh grade student at the high school, sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Speakers included Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Robert Christmann; Town Historian Mrs. Teddy Linenfelser; and Mr. Jon Albertsson (grandson of Building Contractor).
   The 1952 time capsule contents were revealed by Ms. Linda Zimmerman. Mrs. Rhonda Taylor presented "What Kaegebein Means to Me," several students' thoughts on the subject. "The Kaegebein Alma Matter" was led by Mrs. Renee Michki, followed by the grades 4 and 5 chorus accompanied by Miss Chauby. A slide show of old and newer photos was the creation of Mr. Mark Gorton. A similar program was held on Monday morning.
   Committee members for the occasion are Ms. Linda Zimmerman, Mrs. Amy Schomber, Mrs. Susan Skrabacz and Mrs. Rhonda Taylor.
   Coffee and cake were served in Cafe' II at the conclusion of the ceremony.

"Colonial Day" at Kaegebein - Nov. 2012


Left: Girls making mashed potatoes. Right: Boys with Mr. Jim Linenfelser and teacher Mrs. Katherine Chadwick at "school". - Click for larger view

   Mrs. Katherine Chadwick’s 4th grade class at Kaegebein Elementary celebrated “Colonial Day” on Tuesday, November 20, 2012. This day is based on a class novel the students read called "Felicity Learns a Lesson." The girls prepare the dinner meal. They make applesauce, butter, and peel and mash potatoes, and prepare the stuffing. The boys learn lessons from hornbooks. The girls learn how to cross stitch and have a tea party. The boys learn about Colonial occupations and construct a sign to go with an occupation they are interested in. Both the boys and girls make soap, carve soap, write with a quill feather and ink, and stencil. This year Mr. Rizzuto, an Old Fort Niagara re-enactor, taught the students Colonial games. All the boys and the girls enjoyed this authentic experience of Colonial times.

Kaegebein PTA Reflections Assembly - Nov. 2012

    Reflections is a National PTA competition to promote participation in the arts. The Kaegebein PTA held its annual Reflections Assembly on Friday, November 16th. The Kaegebein PTA is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Reflections competition. The theme this year was “The Magic of a Moment”. Over 50 students participated this year. Congratulations to all! See Kaegebein’s winners who are moving on to regional PTA competition and honorable mention students.

Kaegebein Celebrates 60 Year Anniversary - Nov. 2012

(left) left to right are winners of the essay contest: Samantha Buckingham, Jack Faso, Madison Piggot, and Isabel Buckingham.
(right) Time capsule "helpers" from left to right: Giavanni Panepinto, Andrew Burke, Zachari Guess, and Alexandrea Caudill. Grand Island Central School District Building and Grounds employees Clyde Hickock and Keith Dodge are in the background.

Winners of the invitation contest are left to right: Suha Taffal, Thomas Shemik, Raquel Gagliardi, Isabel Buckingham, and Rebecca Schultz.

Student body forms the 60 - Click for larger view

   This year will mark 60 years of educating Grand Island students at William Kaegebein Elementary School! Many activities have been planned including an invitation design contest and an essay contest, "What Kaegebein Mean To Me." Samantha Buckingham, Jack Faso, Madison Piggot, and Isabel Buckingham were selected as essay winners. Suha Taffal, Thomas Shemik, Raquel Gagliardi, Isabel Buckingham, and Rebecca Schultz were chosen as the winners of the invitation contest.
   Students uncovered Kaegebein Elementary School's Time Capsule from the 1952 cornerstone. District employees, Keith Dodge and Clyde Hickock chipped away at the mortar and when they lifted the cornerstone, the copper capsule fell out. Contents included hand written notes on the history of schooling on Grand Island up to 1952. Also, articles from local papers on the dedication of the school in 1952, a one dollar bill, half dollar, nickel, several pennies, a six cent postage stamp, various pictures, and a copy of Sidway's year book were uncovered.
   Former students, principals and teachers will join in a grand celebration to be held on Nov. 19. One celebration will take place at 9:30 a.m. for all Kaegebein students to attend and one celebration is scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

Kaegebein Newspaper Staff Interviews Town Historian - Nov. 2012

Mrs. Linenfelser is shown with Jack Faso (left) and Aleks Tirone (right) after the students finished their interview for the "Kaegebein Chronicle."
   William M. Kaegebein students and teachers are looking forward to the celebration of their school's 60th birthday. Photos and memorabilia are being collected and excitement is high. Jack Faso and Aleks Tirone, students of 5th grade teacher Mrs. Sue Skrabacz and members of the "Kaegebein Chronicle" staff, conducted an interview of Town Historian Teddy Linenfelser on Friday morning, November 2, 2012. Jack and Aleks took turns asking numerous questions that included the naming of the school, the reason for the school to be built on Love Road, and the Island's population back in 1952. Mrs. Linenfelser explained that the naming of the school after "Bill" Kaegebein was due to the fact that he had been chairman of Board of Education for 14 years, and completed his 41st year as a School Board member; the location was due to the growing population in that area; and that the Island's population was over 4000 at the time.
   Mrs. Skrabacz is the club moderator of the "Kaegebein Chronicle." Members meet every Wednesday after school with a staff of seven this year. Their goal is to publish two to three editions this year, and hopefully, with the first one going out before Christmas. "With the help of Layout Editor, Kristin Jordan, we print a copy for all students in the school, and teachers, of course," Mrs. Skrabacz said.
   For the 60th anniversary, the "Kaegebein Chronicle" will include the children's interview with Mrs. Linenfelser, and pictures and an article on the assembly that will take place on Monday, November 19th from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Back To School At Kaegebein Elementary - 2012

Click photos for larger view

Mary Stewart Photos
   For Grand Island school students, the summer vacation ended and it was back to "reading, writing and arithmetic" as the start of another school year began Wednesday, August 29th. Students were all geared up to meet their teachers and new classmates although some of those heading to kindergarten weren't so sure they wanted to go.

"Vacation on Mars" - June 2012

Joey Cali and Gabriella Bergstrom
    Cast Photos, Left: Teachers Kathy Chadwick at left and Kathy Andress at right
Click photos for larger view

   The students of third grade teacher Mrs. Kathy Andress and fourth grade teacher Mrs. Kathy Chadwick presented the play "Vacation on Mars" on Thursday, June 7th. The play tells the story of a family of four taking a vacation trip to Mars and running into mechanical difficulties in their travels. Because of those difficulties, a stop was made at each of the planets in our solar system and the actors sang a song with lots of facts about the planets. The play was very humorous and the students did a great job with their acting and singing. This will be the last official play for Mrs. Andress as a teacher, she is retiring this year. Mrs. Chadwick made Mrs. Andress promise to come back to help with next years play.

"A Bully's Tale" - May 2012


Left: Cast Photo, Right: Bully Mack Hudson (Jacob Przystal) and Spirit of Principal Present/Principal Mary Haggerty (Aubrey Nitsche) - Click photos for larger view

   The Kaegebein students of Mrs. Tricia McDonald, Mrs. Lynn Ackendorf, Mrs. Ellen Lewis and Miss Dana Santospirito performed "A Bully's Tale" on Thursday, May 17th. A book on bullying, "One" by Kathryn Otoshi had been read to the students and after a discussion in class, the play was written by Mrs. McDonald. In the play a bully named Mack Hudson has encounters with the spirits of principals past, present and future. In the past, Mack sees his mother and father as bullied students and doesn't like it one bit. In the present, Mack overhears his so called friends and how they don't like his behavior. In the future, students discuss that bullying no longer exists and Mack hears old friends remark that he is now in prison. That's all he had to hear to change his tune. The students and teachers did a wonderful job on their production that included songs, humor and lessons on taking a stand against bullying.

Author Steve Swinburne Visits Schools - April 2012

   Kaegebein and Huth Road Elementary Schools hosted children’s author Steve Swinburne on March 20-21, 2012. Steve Swinburne is the author of more than 25 nonfiction books and one novel for kids. While here, Steve shared with the students about his lifelong love of nature and wildlife. He talked about how he finds ideas for his writing by keeping “his eyes open and ears on,” looking for ideas no matter where he goes. He talked about how important it is to complete each step of the writing process, especially revision. He played a song on his ukulele and inspired children to be good readers and writers through his humor and storytelling. This program was a joint venture between the schools’ PTAs and the Grand Island Central School District.

Kaegebein Community Playground Committee Espresses Thanks - April 2012

(left photo) William and Dorothy Worrall, present a framed certificate to Village Inn Staff, Mike Carr and Sarah Mallare in appreciation of all of the hard work to help prepare for the spaghetti dinner fundraising event.
(right photo) William Worrall, student at Kaegebein and Dorothy Worrall, Treasure of the Kaegebein Community Playground Committee presented a framed certificate to Danielle St. Onge, owner of Island Deli & Meat Market in appreciation of her generosity.

   April 4, 2012 . . .Kaegebein Community Playground Committee Treasure, Dorothy Worrall, and her son, William, who is a Kaegebein School 3rd grader, visited the Island Deli & Meat Market along with The Village Inn to express on behalf of the committee, their heartfelt thanks. Both businesses stepped up to help with the latest fund-raising event, a spaghetti dinner held at the school hosted by the Kaegebein Playground Committee. The Island Deli donated over 15 pounds of ground beef and the Village Inn staff took that meat and made over 250 meatballs and all of the sauce for the dinner which was held on March 16th. That fundraiser brought in just over $1,000 to go towards the new community playground that will be located next to the school on Love Road.
   “Playgrounds are very expensive and we have a ways to go with raising enough money”, explained Co-Chair of the Kaegebein Community Playground Committee, Carolyn Konopski. The Committee has been working very hard for the last two years and has raised just over $11,000 with different fundraising events all held at the school. A new playground will cost around $80,000.
   Recently the Committee has joined the non-profit 501(c)3 organization, The Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo and Western NY. Now that the committee has this tax status, they will be able to offer receipts to donors for tax deduction purposes. The committee is now hoping to start a pledge campaign and look for significant donations to come from our local Grand Island businesses, and community members, and will be applying for grants to help in reaching their goal of $80,000 soon. Anyone who would like to inquire about making a donation towards the new community playground which is badly needed are asked to contact Co-Chairs Carolyn Konopski at 207-0470 or Jody Chadima at 998-6092.

PARP Guest Reader Day at Kaegebein - March 2012

Supervisor Mary Cooke reads to Mrs. Susan Skrabacz's 5th graders. - Click photo for larger view

   PARP is a statewide program designed to encourage children to read at home with their parent/guardian, grandparents or siblings for 15 minutes each day. Learning to read is the single most important activity in a child's education. Founded in 1987, the New York State PTA has been the official sponsor and administrator for the Parents As Reading Partners (PARP) Program.
   Studies show that children who read at home are better prepared to succeed in formal education. PARP asks parents/guardians to encourage their children to read, impressing upon them the fact that reading can be fun as well as informative. Guest reader Supervisor Mary Cooke read "Thank You Mr. Faulkner" and "The Wednesday Surprise" to Mrs. Susan Skrabacz's 5th grade class on Monday, March 12th. Supervisor Cooke also spoke of the importance of the local library to the community, and a history of the library.
   Other guest readers included school district administrators and local politicians Marc Poloncarz, Erie County Executive and Kevin Hardwick, Erie County Legislator.

Kaegebein Playground Fundraiser- March 2012

From Left: Dick Crawford, David Brand, Carolyn Konopski and Jody Chadima

   A spaghetti dinner fundraiser will be held on Friday, March 16th at Kaegebein Elementary School, 1690 Love Road from 5pm - 8pm. There will also be fun, family activities. All proceeds from this dinner will go towards a new community playground located next to Kaegebein Elementary School. To pre order $5.00 dinner tickets call Carolyn at 207-0470 or email Carolkonop@roadrunner.com by March 14th. It’s not just dinner that is included in this night – it’s also some family fun! After you and the kids enjoy a nice spaghetti dinner (that you didn’t have to prepare) the kids can have time to play in the gym or the family can sign up for a round of Family Feud in the auditorium. Hope to see you there!

Kaegebein Reflections Competition Winners - January 2012

Click photo for larger view

   Reflections is a National PTA competition to promote participation in the arts. The Kaegebein PTA held its annual Reflections Assembly on November 10, 2011. The theme was “Diversity Means…”. The winners went on to compete at the next level and the Niagara Region PTA Reflections’ results have been released. The Niagara Region PTA consists of 16 school districts (including Grand Island) and 37 units in Niagara, Orleans, and Northern Erie County. Congratulations to the following Kaegebein School students who received awards at the regional PTA competition level:
Primary:  Preschool-grade 2 (State entry) – Katelyn Giambra

Visual Art
Intermediate: Grades 3-5- (State entry) – Sydney Mazur                        

Intermediate:  Grades 3-5- (State entry) - Caitlin Kleinschmidt

Intermediate: Grades 3-5- (State entry) - Jack Faso

Primary: Preschool-grade 2- Kaylee Boyle                          
Intermediate: Grades 3-5- Haylee Kuhn                           

Intermediate: Grades 3-5- Joy VanderMey

Film Production
Intermediate:  Grades 3-5- Ryan Wellence

Intermediate:  Grades 3-5- Benjamin DeFranks 

Visual Art
Intermediate:  Grades 3-5- Emily Kwiecinski                   

Visual Art
Primary: Preschool-Grade 2: Graham Zorich
   The first place winners’ entries (Katelyn Giambra, Sydney Mazur, Caitlin Kleinschmidt, and Jack Faso) will advance to the NY State PTA level competition. The state level judging results will be known in mid-March.