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Mary E. Haggerty

Chadwick's Class Celebrates Colonial Days - November 2017

Top: Group photo with Mrs. Chadwick. Middle: Girls having tea. Bottom: Boys playing chess.
Click top photo for larger view.

    The 4th grade class of Mrs. Kathy Chadwick at Kaegebein Elementary celebrated "Colonial Day" on Monday, November 20th. This day is based on a class novel the students read titled "Felicity Learns a Lesson". The girls prepare the dinner meal, they make applesauce, butter and peel and mash potatoes. The boys learn lessons from hornbooks. The girls learn how to cross stitch. The boys learn about Colonial occupations and construct a sign to go with an occupation they are interested in. Both the boys and girls make soap, carve soap, write with a quill feather and ink and stencil. After lunch the girls enjoy a tea party and the boys play checkers and chess. Each year the students enjoy the authentic experience of Colonial ways.

Kaegebein Artist of the Month, Cole Zorich - November 2017


Cole Zorich and Stitch Art Project.

    The Art Department of the Grand Island schools would like to recognize 5th grade Kaegebein Elementary student, Cole Zorich, as an outstanding artistic achiever! Cole was a perfect candidate for Artist of the Month because of his meticulous and creative solutions to all artistic problems. Cole not only enjoys creating art in school, but also at home, and he is always bringing in amazing artwork to share with his teacher and classmates. Cole takes pride in his artwork and only settles for awesome! Cole's teacher, Mrs. Schlageter, is proud to have him in her art room, and his thoughtful insight throughout each project is welcomed. The art department would like to congratulate Cole and wish him well on his artistic journey through Middle School next year! Cole's stictch art project will be on display at the Grand Island Memortial Library throughout December.

First Day of School - September 2017


Mary Stewart Photos. .

    The first day of school was Tuesday, September 5th and Mary Stewart was out and about in her neighborhood taking pictures of the students.

Kaegebein PTA Awards Two Honorary Life Memberships - June 2017

From left: Christie Lesser, Kaebegein PTA president; honorees Stephanie Pritchard, Renee Mitchki .

    Kaegebein librarian Stephanie Pritchard and music teacher Renee Mitchki are this year's recipients of PTA Honorary Life memberships in recognition of their dedication to and support of children and youth. The awards were presented by Kaebegein PTA president Christie Lesser at the PTA Council Installation Dinner.
   To quote Mrs Lesser: "Mrs. Pritchard's official school role is as librarian, but she is active in so many other ways that impact our students, families and communities. She is very active in the Kaegebein PTA. She attends meetings, runs the cake walk on Family Fun Night, and is the lead coordinator for PARP and the author visit. Additionally, she leads the EarlyAct club, which benefits the school and community. She is always friendly and greets families by name at dismissal ttime. My daughter did not like to read and Mrs. Pritchard took time to help her find books that interest her. Her inteerst in reading immediately took off. Mrs. Pritchard impacts children every day and as a parent I am thankful she works with parents to enhance children's school experience in so many ways."
   Renee Mitchki's devotion and dedication to students is apparent the moment she enters the building until she leaves at the end of the day. Her door is always open before and after school and her classroom is a haven to those who enter. She is an inspirational teacher. By the end of third grade her students are proficient in a new language: they are able to read and write music. All her students learn how to play the recorder, which establishes a foundation for mastering any future instruments they opt to play. She makes new students from abroad feel welcome by introducing music and instruments from their native country in their class. She motivates students by providing them with meaningful lessons that connect the music curriculum to the core program using poetry, history and biographies. She collaborates with the art teacher to create a school-wide theme for the curriculum and reaches out to classroom teachers by helping with their plays as well as working with the librarian to fulfill research project requirements. In addition she has made wonderful contributions to the community by honoring veterans, by receiving grands to provide school-wide musicals , and by assisting community theater directing or conducting choral ensembles. She is truly worthy of receiving a PTA Honorary Life Membership.

Kaegebein Family Fun Night Thank You - May 2017

   Kaegebein PTA would like to say a heartfelt "Thank you" to all the business, families, teachers, and staff that made donations of product, services and time to our Family Fun Night (Held April 21,st 2017). Without your support we would not be able to reach our goals and provide such enriching programs and services to our Children here at Kaegebein Elementary. Thank you to all listed here and everyone who came out to have a fun night with our children and community!

Kaegebein Spelling Bee Champs - May 2017

Fifth Grade Winners - Kristina Potenza, Jacob Joseph & Tessa DeMartin with event chair Cyndy Montana.

Fourth Grade Winners - from left Hayden Garey, Drew Birtz, Lorelei Popp with event chair Cyndy Montana.

   Kaegebein Spelling Bee for 4th and 5th grade students was held on Friday, April 28th in the Kaegebein Auditorium. Each class held their own spelling bees, with the top three competing for the Kaegebein crown. The top three from each grade are headed to Huth Road Elementary on Saturday, May 13th for the Niagara Regional finals. Cyndy Montana organized the event and Principal Mary Haggerty was the pronouncer. Congratulations to finalists: Grade 4 Winners: Lorelei Popp, Drew Birtz & Hayden Garey. Grade 5 Winners: Jacob Joseph, Kristina Potenza & Tessa DeMartin.

Kaegebein Family Fun Night - May 2017

Mary Stewart Photos

    Kaegebein School held their Family Fun Night on Friday, April 21st. There were various games for the kids and dinner and other refreshments for all the family to enjoy. Every child received a "bag of prizes" to take home.

Kaegebein Family Fun Night & Basket Raffle - April 2017

    Kaegebein PTA Family Fun Night is on Friday, April 21st from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Enjoy family activities, a basket raffle and a cake walk. Dinner will be available. Donations to the basket raffle are being accepted now.

Kaegebein Automated Wax Museum - March 2017

   Written by: Jeff Lipinczyk
    Step Right Up, Step Right Up! The second grade team at Kaegebein Elementary held an Automated Wax Museum on Wednesday, February 15th. The Wax Museum was a culmination of a research based project, utilizing many of the tools that our school has to offer.
   Our second graders were tasked with choosing an important figure and delving into their lives. They discovered many aspects about each person's life through the use of IPads, PebbleGo, World Encyclopedia, and print. Our students wrote reports, created Tagxedos, formed a Pic Collage, and transformed themselves into the person they were researching.
   After completing the written and technology projects, the students memorized three facts about their important figure, and brought their figure to life in our Automated Wax Museum. The students dressed up as their figure, posed like them, and with the push of a button, came to life to tell a fact about them.
   All grade levels were invited, as well as parents, teachers, and administrators. Visitors were asked to complete a compliment card as payment for their visit. Channel 7 News stopped by to record our students in the act! In the end, students walked away from this event with a taste of what true research looks like, an understanding of how hard work pays off, and an everlasting memory of their time here at Kaegebein.

"Alice's Adventures with Idioms" - February 2017

   The 4th grade classes of Kathy Chadwick and Carilyn Gallagher presented a play called "Alice's Adventures with Idioms" on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 in the Kaegebein auditorium. This very clever play was selected because it teaches students about figurative language including idioms, similes, and metaphors. The play aligns with the grade 4 common Core Learning Standards of Language including L.4.5-students, will demonstrate understanding of figurative language. Over the course of the play, a dozen songs were sung. Great job by all students!