William M. Kaegebein Elementary School
News Page 2019
1690 Love Road
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Mary E. Haggerty
Colonial Day Celebrated at Kaegebein 4th Grade Class - November 2019

Class photo with Mrs Kathy Chadwick at right
Class photo, part II.
Boys working on occupation signs.

Seated for lunch.
Mrs. Kathy Chadwick's 4th grade class at Kaegebein Elementary celebrated "Colonial Day" on Monday, November 25th. The day is based on a class novel the students read called "Felicity Learns a Lesson." The girls prepare the dinner meal, making applesauce, butter and peeling and mashing potatoes. They also learn how to do cross stich and have a tea party. The boys learn lessons from hornbooks and learn about Colonial occupations, constructing a sign to go with the occupation they are interested in. Both the boys and girls make and carve soap, write with a quill feather and ink, and stencil. Many parents help with the day, dressed in costume.Artist of the Month, Abby Toth - November 2019

Abby Toth, 5th grade, was chosen as Kaegebein’s artist of the month for November. Not only is Abby a creative and innovative artist, she is always available to help a friend and willing to assist in the art room in any way she can. Abby’s creativity is inspiring and she is a shining member of her art class community. Congratulations Abby – you earned it!!
Opening Day of School at Kaegebein Elementary - September 2019

Mary Stewart photos.
Mary Stewart took photos of the first day of school at Kaegebein Elementary on a beautiful, sunny morning, Thursday, September 5th.
Kaegebein 5th Grade Moving Up Day - July 2019
The 5th Grade Students of Kaegebein Elementary in Grand Island, New York officially complete their elementary years and embark to the middle school during the Moving Up Day Ceremony back on Monday June 24, 2019 in the Grand Viking Theater of GIHS. See video.Niagara Region PTA Spelling Bee - May 2019

From Left: 1 - Brianna Schiffmacher from William Kaegebein, 2 - Lucas Rowe from George M. Southard, 3 - Victoria Richards from Roy B. Kelly.
The Niagara Region PTA Spelling Bee was held on May 18th at Lyndonville Central School. All of the contestants did such an amazing job! Congratulations to our winners! 4th Grade 1st place winner was Brianna Schiffmacher from Kaegebein Elementary.Kaegebein Reflections Winners - April 2019

From left: Elizabeth Frisbie, Elianna Higuera, Evan Crockett.
The National PTA Reflections program gives students the chance to be creative and express themselves through dance, film, music, literature, photography, and visual arts. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the program, and students created original art to interpret the Reflections theme, "Heroes Around Me.""Make a Difference" Character Play - March 2019

Mrs. Chadwick's 4th grade performers.
Click for larger view.
The 4th grade class of Mrs. Kathy Chadwick entertained their fellow classmates with a play titled "Make a Difference", on Friday, March 22nd. The play was a celebration of good will and positive character traits through a half dozen songs, with the last accompanied by a slideshow of students family photos. The class goal is to "be kind and work hard".Music & Art Fest at Kaegebein - March 2019
Come along on a journey through music and art at Kaegebein Elementary on Wednesday March 20th at 7pm. Enjoy a choral, string, and band chamber recital as well as art work from all students at Kaegebein. See flyer.Six Kaegebein Students to Participate in ECMEA Concert - February 2019