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American Legion #1346

Previous American Legion News

The American Legion
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American Legion Meetings are held 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of the month
In the meeting room of the Loyal Order of Moose #180
2524 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072

Fred Wornick, Commander - 773-9394

Official phone number - 775-1346

1st Vice Commander Rick Schmitz,
2nd Vice Commander Ray DeGlopper, Adjudant George DeGlopper,
Finance Officer Peter Kuszczak,
Chaplain Joe Mesmer

Mission: Service to veterans. Information for various benefits due veterans of all services, national and community affairs
Help: Help in recruiting recently discharged veterans and those veterans who do not belong to at least one veterans organization
Strengths: Largest veterans organization in the world
Ideas: The many veterans living on Grand Island are a great untapped source of community involvement. They should be encouraged to help the various programs in the town.

American Legion Christmas "Get Together" - November 2014

    The annual American Legion Christmas "Get Together" will be held on Sunday, December 7th at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Members are requested to sign up at the regular monthly meeting on November 26th, or call Sr. Vice Commander: Rick Schmitz at 773-2780 for reservations and a head count to order meals. All members and family are invited. See you there !!!!

American Legion Meeting - November 2014

    The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 26th, 2014, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend.

VA Retail Immunization Care Coordination Program - October 2014

   There is a national immunization initiative to provide Veterans more options, easier access, and seamless records. Sponsored by the VHA Office of Informatics and Analytics and the VA Center for Innovation. Flu season is here again, and we have great news about how we are making it more convenient for Veterans to get their annual flu shot! The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is launching a national program with Walgreens to make it easier than ever for Veterans to stay healthy. Now, protecting a Veteran's health with a flu shot is as close as their local VA or neighborhood Walgreens! By getting their flu shot from either their local VA health care facility or neighborhood Walgreens, they don’t have to complete VA forms or carry around paper records. Now that’'s seamless service!

American Legion Thanks Community - September 2014

    The Officers and Members of Grand Island American Legion Post #1346 wish to thank the folks of our community for their generosity in support of the Patriot Day, 9/11 Poppy Drive. Thanks go to Tops Friendly Markets, First Niagara and M&T Banks and 7/11. The Poppy Drive serves two purposes, #1 - We will never forget the men and women who were lost on 9/11, #2 - the funds derived from the Poppy Distribution will be used for various Veteran and Community projects.
    We also would like to thank The Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper (MOH) Post #9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Grand Island Post #1346 American Legion for sponsoring the Patriot Day 9/11 Memorial Service at the Post Flag on September 11th, 2014. Attending the services were the Honor Guard of Post #9249 VFW, the Color Guard of Post #1346 American Legion, Grand Island Fire Company, Town Board Members and Supervisor Mary Cooke, Boy Scout Troops #510 and #630, the Grand Island High School Trumpeters Eric Riederer and Max Verost and many concerned Citizens. "WE WILL NEVER FORGET"

Annual Patriots Day/911 Memorial Poppy Drive - August 2014

    The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its Annual Patriots Day/911 Memorial Poppy Drive on Friday, September 5th and Saturday, September 6th. The Poppy Drive is in honor of the Men and Women who were lost on 9/11/01 at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA. Funds will aid the Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Campaigns and the Wounded Warriors and Vet's Hospital.
   Members of the Post are urged to help with this important project, an hour or two of your time will make a successful drive. Come to the monthly Meeting at 7:00 pm in the meeting room of the Moose Lodge # 180 on August 27, 2014. Help your fellow Veterans with your participation, we need your help. Friends and neighbors of the Post are welcome to help. Support Our Troops !!! Contact: Commander, Fred Wornick 773-9394, Joe Synakowski 773-4180 or George DeGlopper 773- 5333.

Co-Hosting WWII Veteran's Appreciation Picnic - July 2014

    The Moose Lodge #180 and the GI American Legion Post #1346 are hosting an appreciation picnic for WWII veterans and their families on Saturday August 2nd, from 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. It will take place at the Moose Lodge, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. Any interested Grand Island WWII veterans that would like to attend can call Erik Anderson at 263-0149 or Fred Wornick at 773-9394.

Legion Presents Excellent Achievement Award - July 2014

From left: Paul Dansereau, Patrick Dansereau & Joe Synakowski

   The American Legion Grand Island Post 1346, presented an Excellent Achievement Award to Patrick E. Dansereau of St. Stephen's Boy Scout Troop 630. The project for an Eagle Scout Badge was the resetting of the flagpole at the Assumption Cemetery on Whitehaven Rd. Patrick led his fellow Scouts to completion of the project before Memorial Day May 26, 2014. A job well done.

Thanks For Your Support - May 2014

Adrian Figliotti picking up her baskets. Mary Stewart Photo

   The Grand Island Post 1346, American Legion, wishes to thank the Grand Island citizens for their support on Friday and Saturday May 9th and 10th, 2014. The Annual Mothers Day Plant Sale was a huge success . The 1/2 Barrel Raffle to support the Patients Wish List at the Buffalo Veterans Hospital also went well and was won by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linenfelser of Grand Island. We hope your plants give you much pleasure and we will see you next year.
The Officers and Members of The Grand Island Post 1346, American Legion
PS: At the beginning of the week there were still some baskets left at West Island Trucking, 2449 Whitehaven Road.

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Dansereau 2014 Legionnaire of the Year - May 2014

From left Commander Fred Wornick and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Dansereau.

    The Grand Island American Legion Post #1346 has awarded Lieutenant Colonel Paul Dansereau as 2014 Legionnaire of the Year for the Post. The qualifications for the honor include being a member in good standing, having shown outstanding service within the Post and community involvement and exemplifying the Motto for God and Country. Commander Fred Wornick noted that Paul's hard work and service really stood out.

Hanging Basket Flower Sale - May 2014

   The Grand Island Post # 1346, American Legion is hosting its "Annual Mothers Day Hanging Basket Flower Sale" on Friday and Saturday, May 9th and 10th, 2014, at the parking lot of The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249. Flowers are locally grown and are very hardy. This Annual Event is held to acquire funds to maintain programs to help our Veterans and support Community Projects. The Grand Island Post 1346, appreciates the support of the Community in past years and are looking to have a successful Fund Raiser this year. Please support your local Veterans of The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and other Veteran Organizations. Veterans are urged to join a Veterans Organization.
   A 1/2 Barrel Planter will also be Raffled Off on Saturday after the Plant Sale. Tickets will be sold at this Event to support the Veterans Hospital Wish List. Items not supplied by the VA are needed to make the Veteran patient stay at the Hospital more pleasant, such as Commissary tickets (for coffee and snack, VCR's. Computer Games and many other items to help pass the long days. "Support Our Veterans".

American Legion Meeting - April 2014

    The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 30th, 2014, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend.

American Legion Meeting - March 2014

    The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 26th, 2014, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend.

National Salute to Veteran Patients Open House - February 2014

   VA Western New York Healthcare System invites Veterans and the public to participate in an open-house at the Buffalo site, 3495 Bailey Avenue, on Friday, February 14th during the National Salute to Veteran Patients. Observed annually during the week of Valentine's Day, it is a day of caring and sharing which underscore the Salute's expression of honor and appreciation to inpatient and outpatient Veterans. All Veterans are encouraged to attend the special ceremony to introduce local celebrities in Freedom Hall, room 301 at 1 p.m.
   For the thirty-sixth consecutive year, the nationally syndicated column started by Ann Landers, now called "Annie's Mailbox" has devoted a column to the National Salute, asking readers to send Valentine cards and letters to hospitalized Veterans at VA medical centers. "The colorful Valentine cards made by school children will be displayed and distributed to Veterans," said VA Medical Center Director Brian G. Stiller. "The messages written in them show Veterans they are thought of. You can show some very special people at VA Western New York Healthcare System how much you care by visiting them during the National Salute to Veteran Patients" said Stiller.
    Local celebrities and civic officials and groups will be here to show their support, including UB Bulls Football Players and Coach Jeff Quinn, Erie County Sheriff, Tim Howard, Erie County Legislator, Lynne Dixon, WIVB-TV Meteorologist, Don Paul, WKBW-TV Anchor, Tiffany Lundberg, WYRK Personality, Clay Moden, and local Veterans Service Officers. Stiller said he encourages Veterans who may be visiting for the first time to know we are here to serve their health care needs and to stop in to the Veterans Service Center to enroll in VA health care. In addition, the public can learn about volunteer opportunities at this special event. "Our medical center's volunteers are an important part of our health care team and the National Salute program is a great way for people to learn more about helping the Veterans we serve here at the medical center," Stiller said.

To All Veterans and Members - January 2014

The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its first regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 29th, 2014, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend and start the New Year on a positive note.Your ideas to help make the Post stronger and better to help our Veterans in need and be of service to the Community are needed. You are an important part of the American Legion. Please get in the habit of attending the monthly meetings. Meetings usually last about an hour or so. See you there.