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American Legion #1346

Previous American Legion News

The American Legion
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American Legion Meetings are held 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of the month
In the meeting room of the Loyal Order of Moose #180
2524 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072

Rick Schmitz, Commander - 998-2303

1st Vice Commander Ray DeGlopper, 2nd Vice Commander Bill Caldwell
Adjudant George DeGlopper, Finance Officer Peter Kuszczak,
Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski, Sgt-at-Arms Rick Bonarek
3rd Vice commander Mark Gosden, Chaplain Joe Mesmer
Service Officer Bo Pikas, Past Commander Fred Wornick

Mission: Service to veterans. Information for various benefits due veterans of all services, national and community affairs
Help: Help in recruiting recently discharged veterans and those veterans who do not belong to at least one veterans organization
Strengths: Largest veterans organization in the world.
Ideas: The many veterans living on Grand Island are a great untapped source of community involvement. They should be encouraged to help the various programs in the town.

National Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day - December 2015

Supervisor Mary Cooke and VFW Commander Christian Eshelman

   A service for National Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day was held at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 on Monday, December 7th. VFW Commander Christian Eshelman was master of ceremonies, Dan McMahon gave the benediction and Supervisor Mary Cooke spoke of stories of survivors. The ceremony was followed by a luncheon for veterans in the Post.

First Ever WNY Watchfire Ceremony - November 2015

Eagle Scout candidate William Soos organized the first WNY Watchfire event on Veteran's Day, November 11th, at Martin's Fantasy Island as part of his Eagle Scout project. Over 500 damaged or retired flags were placed on 80 wood pallets, which were then lit by members of the Grand Island Fire Company. Williams's dad, Lt. Col Patrick Soos (ret.) and the American Legion, Boys Scouts and VFW Post 9249 also helped with the project. The Soos family had traveled to Syracuse and witnessed a Watchfire that has been held for almost 30 years. They would like to make this an annual event on Veteran's Day.

American Legion Membership Month Proclamation - November 2015

From left: Councilman Gary Roesch, Supervisor Mary Cooke, American Legion Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski, Councilmen Chris Aronica and Ray Billica

A Town of Grand Island Proclamation was presented to Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski at the Town Board meeting on Monday, November 2nd.

Watch Fire American Flag Retirement Ceremony - October 2015

The GI American Legion Post #1346, Boy Scouts of America and Veterans of Foreign Wars are having a Watch Fire Ceremony on Wednesday, November 11th at 5:00 p.m. at Martin's Fantasy Island parking lot. This is a tribute to Veterans and the United States Flag. You will learn what the American flag represents and how to correctly retire a flag. Hundreds of flags will be retired. If you have a flag to be retired, please bring to the VFW Post prior to November 11th. See flyer

To All Veterans and Members - October 2015

The GI American Legion Post #1346 meeting is Wednesday, October 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge 2524 Grand Island Blvd. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

To All Veterans and Members - September 2015

The GI American Legion Post #1346 meeting is Wednesday, September 30th at 7:00 p.m. at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge 2524 Grand Island Blvd. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

Patriot Day Poppy Drive Volunteers - September 2015

   The annual Poppy Drive needs volunteers to distribute Poppies on Friday the 11th and Saturday the 12th of September. Members are asked to help this fundraiser be a success. There are a few hours open on Friday afternoon Sept. 11th and Saturday afternoon Sept. 12th. If you would like to help for an hour or two it would greatly appreciated. Funds are used for your Veterans and Local Community Charities. Call Joe Synakowski at 773-4180 or Fred Wornick at 773 9394 for more information. Thank you for helping your Veterans and the Grand Island Community Charities.

Patriot Day Poppy Drive - September 2015

    The Grand Island Post 1346 American Legion will hold its annual Patriot Day Poppy Drive on September 11th and 12th at various locations on the Island. The Veterans of the Grand Island Post 1346, sponsor many Veterans and community activities with the funds raised. We remind the Community of the Terrorist Attacks on the Twin Towers (New York City), the Pentagon (Washington, DC) and Flight 93, in Shanksville, PA., September 11th, 2001. Pray for the victims of this terrorist attack and the Service Men and Women who served and gave their lives in the Iraq War. Your support is appreciated, thank you. American Legion Members and Friends will distribute the poppies.

Independence Day Parade Photos - July 2015

Legion Donates to Veterans Hospital - July 2015

Judge Advocate; Joe Synakowski, 1st Vice Commander; Ray DeGlopper, Associate Director; Jason Petti, Commander; Rick Schmitz, Past Commander; Fred Wornick, Service Officer; Bo Pikas

   The Grand Island Post 1346, American Legion has made a sizeable donation to the Buffalo Veterans Administration Medical Center. The donation is to provide television sets in the emergency and admittance areas. The TV's are specially equipped for hospital use and will provide the Veterans some comfort while waiting for their appointments. Post 1346 recognizes the need to help our Veterans who are hospitalized and are in need for comfort items during their stay. The Voluntary Services provide the services that are vital to our Veterans. We urge support for our fund raisers during the year to help our Vet's and our community projects, join us to continue helping those in need.

Legion Scholarships Awarded - June 2015

From left: Maura, Kevin & Margaret Rustowicz, Bo Pikas, Alex and Diane Garey.

    The Grand Island American Legion Post 1346 presented its yearly Scholarship Awards to Margaret M. Rustowicz and Alexander M. Garey. The Grand Island Post is proud to award the Scholarships to Alex and Margaret for their excellence in their studies. We are sure they will continue to excel in their future studies.

Legion Installation of Officers - June 2015

From left: Peter Kuszczak; Finance Officer, William Colwell; 2nd Vice Commander, Ray DeGlopper; 1st Vice Commander, Rick Schmitz; Commander, Joseph Mesmer; Chaplain, George DeGlopper; Adjutant, Fred Wornick outgoing Commander, Installing Officer.

   Installation of Officers, Grand Island Post 1346 American Legion has installed Officers for 2015-2016. The installation took place May 27th, 2015 at the general monthly meeting.

Adam Dryfhout Chosen For Leadership Program - June 2015

From left, mom Yvonne Dryfhout, Adam Dryfhout, LTC(Ret) Patrick Soos, Post 1346 Boys State Chairman.

   GIHS junior Adam Dryfhout has been selected to represent American Legion Post 1346 at New York's Boys' State during the last week of June at Morrisville College. Nearly 1,000 boys from across NY will attend this year's event. The program was developed from the concept that youth should be offered a better perspective of the practical operation of government; that the individual is an integral part and commensurately responsible for the character and success of his government . As such, it is and activity of high educational value, borne of a need for youth training in a practical citizenship.
   Boys' State is a leadership Action Program where qualified male high school juniors take part in a practical government course. This course is designed to develop in the young citizens a working knowledge of the structure of government, and to impress upon them the fact that their government is what THEY make it. Boys' State is an objective citizenship training program which inculcates individual responsibility to the community, state, and nation. It is operated on the basis of the political government organization existing in New York State, including all levels from municipality to the state.

To All Veterans and Members - April 2015

The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its April meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 29th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

Thank You For Your Support - May 2015

Click above photo for larger view.

   The Officers and Members of the Grand Island Post 1346 American Legion, wishes to "THANK" the many supporters of the Mother's Day Hanging Basket Sale. This event is our Annual Fund Raiser which enables the Post to continue supporting our needy Veterans, Scholarships, the Boy Scouts and various other projects around the community when needed. We hope you all enjoy your plants and will support us next year. The Veterans of Grand Island are urging all who VOTE in the coming School Elections on May 19th, will cast a yes vote on proposition #3, the School Tax Exemption for Veterans. A nice way to say "Thank You For Your Service".

Hanging Basket Flower Sale - April 2015

Click for larger view.

   The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion is hosting its "Annual Mothers Day Hanging Basket Flower Sale" on Friday and Saturday, May 8th and 9th, 2015, at the parking lot of The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249. Flowers are locally grown and are very hardy. This Annual Event is held to acquire funds to maintain programs to help our Veterans and support Community Projects. The Grand Island Post 1346, appreciates the support of the Community in past years and are looking to having a successful fundraiser this year. Please support your local Veterans of The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and other Veteran Organizations.
   The American Legion is asking members to help out. Legion personnel are there to help people carry baskets to their cars and are provided with refreshments during the day.

To All Veterans and Members - April 2015

The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its April meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 29th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

To All Veterans and Members - February 2015

The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its February meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 25th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

To All Veterans and Members - March 2015

The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its March meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 25th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.

DeGlopper Air Assault School Dedication - January 2015

From left: Command SGM Isaia Vimoto, Raymond DeGlopper, R. Charles DeGlopper,General Joseph Anderson (Commander of XVIII Corps )

Group Picture of the DeGlopper Family and friends at Iron Mike Statue at Airborne and Special Ops Museum, Fayetteville, NC From left: seated, Joann Dinsmore, Marilyn Synakowski, Anita DeGlopper, Elaine DeGlopper, Jeanne Ensminger.
Standing: Eugene Dinsmore, Peter Dinsmore, Henry Ensminger, Ray DeGlopper, Tim DeGlopper, R. Charles DeGlopper, Joe Synakowski - Click above photo for larger view

.    Family and friends of the WWII MoH Recipient Charles N. DeGlopper joined Lieutenant General Joseph Anderson, the XVIII Airborne Corps Commanding General, and Command Sergeant Major Isaia T. Vimoto, the XVIII Airborne Corps Command Sergeant Major, for the DeGlopper Air Assault School's renaming ceremony on Thursday, January 22nd in North Carolina. During the ceremony, the school's archway and a shadow box displaying the awards and the MoH citation of Charles N. DeGlopper were unveiled. The School would like to thank everyone, especially the family and friends of Charles N. DeGlopper, for attending the ceremony. The school trains soldiers in Combat Assault Operations, Sling load Operations, and Rappelling.

Fort Bragg to rename Air Assault School for Islander - January 2015

Fort Bragg Press Center

   Fort Bragg's recently established Air Assault School is scheduled to be renamed for Medal of Honor recipient Pfc. Charles DeGlopper, at 3 p.m., Jan. 22nd. Charles N. DeGlopper was a private first class in the 82nd Airborne Division's C Company, 1st Battalion, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment when they landed in France as part of the D-Day invasion. In the battle of the La Fiere Bridge over the Merderet River, DeGlopper stood up firing his Browning Automatic Rifle in order to distract the Germans from seeing the rest of his company, who were crossing the river at a different point. DeGlopper continued firing even after being hit numerous times. DeGlopper died as a result of his actions but the unit was able to secure the bridge which allowed the regiment to continue to attack Chef du Pont. Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson, Commanding General of the XVIII Airborne Corps, will host the ceremony.

To All Veterans and Members - January 2015

The Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion will hold its first regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 28th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge #180. All members are requested and urged to attend and start the New Year on a positive note. Your ideas to help make the Post stronger and better to help our Veterans in need and be of service to the Community are needed. You are an important part of the American Legion. Please get in the habit of attending the monthly meetings. Meetings usually last about an hour or so. See you there.