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The American Legion
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American Legion Meetings are held 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of the month
In the meeting room of the Loyal Order of Moose #180
2524 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072
We welcome all veterans that would like to become members.
Commander Ray DeGlopper, rayd2198@aol.com, 773-4479
1st Vice Commander Joseph Mesmer, gijoebred@yahoo.com, 773-5651
2nd Vice Commander Patrick Soos, patricksoos@mckesson.com, 258-1509
3rd Vice Commander Mark Manthie, mmthei@roadrunner.com, 368-1019
Adjudant George DeGlopper, 773-5333
Finance Officer Peter Kuszczak, pkuszczak@roadrunner.com, 773-6459
Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski
Sgt-at-Arms Garry Duetschlander, Chaplain Joe Mesmer
Service Officer Patrick Soos, Recording Secretary Amy Garten
Mission: Service to veterans. Information for various benefits due veterans of all services, national and community affairs
Help: Help in recruiting recently discharged veterans and those veterans who do not belong to at least one veterans organization
Strengths: Largest veterans organization in the world.
Ideas: The many veterans living on Grand Island are a great untapped source of community involvement. They are encouraged to help the various programs in the town.
To All Veterans and Members - November 2019
The American Legion, Grand Island Post #1346 general meeting is Wednesday, November 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.Your input is important. The American Legion is the largest Veteran Organization in the world and welcomes all eligible veterans to join and help keep benefits you have earned while serving your country. Help US help you and your Community,To All Veterans and Members - October 2019
The American Legion, Grand Island Post #1346 general meeting is Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00 p.m. at the Loyal Order of The Moose Lodge, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. All members are requested and urged to attend, you are an important part of the American Legion.Your input is important. The American Legion is the largest Veteran Organization in the world and welcomes all eligible veterans to join and help keep benefits you have earned while serving your country. Help US help you and your Community,American Legion Donates to Pink Bag Project - September 2019

Seated: Pink Bag Co-Chair Nancy Hayes & American Legion Commander Ray DeGlopper.

After recent stories in Isledegrande and the Dispatch regarding the Trinity United Methodist Women's Pink Bag project, the American Legion got interested. The 11 year old project makes decorated gift bags filled with healthcare & beauty items for lady veterans. Over 1500 bags have been made over the course of that time.
On Tuesday, September 10th, many American Legion members and Pink Bag volunteers and donators gathered at Trinity Church to accept a check for $500. As a special thank you, in the future, the ladies will be making an equal amount of bags for gentlemen veterans. Missing from photo is Pink Bag co-chair Pat Shaw.
American Legion Donates Coffee at GAC - September 2019

From left: Garry Deutschlander, Ray DeGlopper, Earl DeGlopper Jr. (standing), Robert Haag & Joe Synakowski..
The Grand Island American Legion donated to the Golden Age Center and it will provide coffee to everyone for the month of September. Recently, some Legion members gathered to enjoy a cup.National Airborne Day Proclamation - August 2019

Supervisor Nathan McMurray presents proclamation to American Legion member Joe Synakowski.
Robert Haag photo.
The Town Board gave Grand Island members of the 82nd Airborne Division a proclamation at the Monday, August 5th Town Board Meeting, marking August 16, 2019, National Airborne Day, Two Island residents died in service of the 82nd Airborne. They are Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper (MOH), at La Fiere, France on June 9, 1944 and Lt. Col. Terrance K. Crowe, at Tal Afar, Iraq on June 7 2005. You can find commemorative markers at the newly expanded Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park at Baseline Road and Grand Island Blvd.Juniors Attend Leadership Action Program - August 2019

LTC,Ret Patrick Soos, Sean Rustowicz, Kenny Carter & Ray DeGlopper.
Robert Haag photo.
Recently, Kenny Carter and Sean Rustowicz attended the New York State Boys State Program at SUNY Morrisville, representing the Grand Island American Legion Post #1346. Boys State is a leadership action program where qualified male high school juniors take part in a practical government course. This course is designed to develop in the young citizens, a working knowledge of the structure of government, and to impress upon them the fact that their government is what they make it.American Legion Scholarship Winners - June 2019

Robert Haag photo. - Click for larger view.
The Grand Island American Legion Post 1346 presented its yearly Scholarship Awards to GIHS seniors Elizabeth Koyn and William Soos. The Grand Island Post is proud to award the Scholarships to Elizabeth and William for their excellence in their studies. Thirty-five students applied for the scholarships and these two stood out above the rest in fulfilling the ideals of the American Legion through academic achievement, ongoing community service, individual achievement and a commitment to serving the nation after graduation from college.Elizabeth will be attending Mercyhurst College, majoring in Intelligence Studies. William plans on seeking an ROTC slot while attending college and serving in the Army upon graduation.
American Legion Flower Sale - April 2019

The Grand Island American Legion Post 1346 is hosting its annual flower fundraiser on Friday & Saturday, May 10 & 11, from 7:00 a.m. - sold out, at the VFW Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Baskets are $15.00 each. See flyer.