Previous American Legion News
The American Legion
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American Legion Meetings are held 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of the month
In the meeting room of the Loyal Order of Moose #180
2524 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072
We welcome all veterans that would like to become members.
Commander Raymond DeGlopper, rayd2198@aol.com, 716-863-6256
1st Vice Commander Joseph Mesmer, gijoebred@yahoo.com, 716-578-2315
2nd Vice Commander Mark Manthie, mmthei@roadrunner.com, 716-368-1019
3rd Vice Commander Patrick Soos, patricksoos@mckesson.com, 716-258-1509
Adjutant Al Devlin, 845-520-8555
Finance Officer Peter Kuszczak, pkuszczak@gmail.com, 716-773-6459
Judge Advocate Gary Roesch, 716-583-7969
Chaplain Joe Mesmer
Service Officer Jim Sharpe, 716-553-1100
Mission: Service to veterans. Information for various benefits due veterans of all services, national and community affairs
Help: Help in recruiting recently discharged veterans and those veterans who do not belong to at least one veterans organization
Strengths: Largest veterans organization in the world.
Ideas: The many veterans living on Grand Island are a great untapped source of community involvement. They are encouraged to help the various programs in the town.
American Legion DeGlopper Statue Maintenance - September 2023

Alice Gerard photo.
The statue honoring Grand Island's Medal of Honor winner Charles N. DeGlopper at the DeGlopper Memorial was cleaned and waxed on Sept. 23rd. The annual maintenance of bronze statues ensures that they will stay in good condition for many years to come, said sculptor Susan Geissler. Volunteers for the project included Geissler, her husband Peter Henderson, as well as Chris Banks, Kris DeGlopper-Banks, Ray DeGlopper, and Earl DeGlopper.American Legion #1346 Flower Fundraiser - May 2023

Mary Stewart Photos
A very successfull fundraiser, in picture perfect weather!American Legion #1346 Flower Fundraiser - May 2023

FLYER The American Legion will be holding its annual Mother’s Day Flower Fundraiser on Friday and Saturday, May 12th and 13th at the DeGlopper Memorial Park, Baseline & Grand Island Blvd, from 7:00 a.m., - 6:00 p.m. Flowers are $17.00 and tomato plants are $6.00. For further information contact Ray DeGlopper at 716-863-6256 or Gary Roesch at 716-583-7969.