Previous American Legion News
The American Legion
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American Legion Meetings are held 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of the month
In the meeting room of the Loyal Order of Moose #180
2524 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072
We welcome all veterans that would like to become members.
Documentary - Charles N. DeGlopper: An American Hero
Commander Raymond DeGlopper, rayd2198@aol.com, 716-863-6256
1st Vice Commander Joseph Mesmer, gijoebred@yahoo.com, 716-578-2315
2nd Vice Commander Mark Manthie, mmthei@roadrunner.com, 716-368-1019
3rd Vice Commander Patrick Soos, patricksoos@mckesson.com, 716-258-1509
Adjutant Al Devlin, 845-520-8555
Finance Officer Peter Kuszczak, pkuszczak@gmail.com, 716-773-6459
Judge Advocate Gary Roesch, 716-583-7969
Chaplain Joe Mesmer
Service Officer Jim Sharpe, 716-553-1100
Mission: Service to veterans. Information for various benefits due veterans of all services, national and community affairs
Help: Help in recruiting recently discharged veterans and those veterans who do not belong to at least one veterans organization
Strengths: Largest veterans organization in the world.
Ideas: The many veterans living on Grand Island are a great untapped source of community involvement. They are encouraged to help the various programs in the town.
American Legion #1346 Flower Fundraiser - May 2024

FLYER The American Legion will be holding its annual Mother’s Day Flower Fundraiser on Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th at the DeGlopper Memorial Park, Baseline & Grand Island Blvd, from 7:00 a.m., - 6:00 p.m. Flowers are $18.00 and tomato plants are $6.00. For further information contact Ray DeGlopper at 716-863-6256 or Gary Roesch at 716-583-7969.