1715 Bedell Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
Buffalo & Erie County Library Website - Grand Island
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Library News - 2021
Material donations (books, DVDs, CDs) will be accepted after November 1st.
Please drop off your donations any time the library is open.
Monetary donations are always accepted...thank you for supporting your library!
Curbside service is still available. Please call 773-7124 during open hours for more information.
Holiday Hours - The Library will be closed
Saturday, December 24th, Monday, December 26th, Monday, January 2nd (county observance)
The Library will be open Saturday, December 31st.
Monday 9:30 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 8:00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday 9:30-5
Saturday, January 21st, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmAges 12-17 The term 'Outsider Art' refers to art created by people who have not received formal training, but create awesome stuff! The instructor will lead participants through 3 hands on projects which are outside the box and fun! About the instructor: Marsha Mis has a BFA from UB and has worked as an Art Park Artist. She has shared similar projects with WNY Alzheimer's Association groups. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
FEELINGS ROCK - January 2023
Tuesday, January 17, 10:00 amAges 0-5 with a caregiver Feelings Rock is a fun, interactive music and movement class for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Instructors use music to teach developmental skills with an emphasis on social and emotional skills, laying the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Be ready to dance, jump, spin, and more through guided activities! Registration is required and begins December 13. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
READ TO A DOG - January 2022
Saturday, January 14th from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws for Love Program. Sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! Registration is required and begins December 10. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
LEGO CLUB - January 2022
Saturday, January 7, Ages 5-12Join us each month for a LEGO Free Build. LEGOs are provided. Just bring your imagination! Registration is required and begins December 3. Stop in or call 773-7124 to register.
KIDS CAN SEW! - December 2022
Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Ages 6-15Beginners welcome! Limited machines provided; please bring your own. Free lessons, material cost per project or you provide materials. Limited number of seats for smaller classes. Please call the instructor directly to register or with questions. Dannelle (208) 514-9067 or uniquetimedesigns@gmail.com.
Read To A Dog - December 2022
Saturday, December 10th from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws for Love Program. Sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! Registration is required and begins November 12. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Anime/Manga Drawing Workshop - December 2022
Saturday, December 3 at 3:00 pm Session 1: Action Figures - Rescheduled EventInterested in learning how to draw Manga? You won't want to miss this workshop! Draw along with award-winning cartoonist and picture book illustrator, Tom Paul Fox. Ages 9-17 Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
Preschool Story Time - December 2022
Wednesdays from 10:00am-10:45amNovember 30, December 7, 14,21 Ages 3 to 5, with or without a caregiver Join Miss Carly for stories, music, dancing, crafts and MORE! Registration is required and begins September 6. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Joseph Ellicott: An Historical Portrayal - December 2022
Thursday, December 1st at 6:00 pm - Rescheduled DatePresenter: Dennis Upton, Stage Performer and Retired Teacher Most of us are acquainted with places with the Ellicott name: Ellicottville, Ellicott Creek, the town of Ellicott, the Ellicott Building, various Ellicott Roads, etc. There is so much more to learn about this man who was a key figure in WNY in the late 1700's and early 1800's. Join us for this first-person historical presentation on his life. Funding for this program provided by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library.
Adult Book Club - December 2022
December 19 -The Vanishing Half by Brit BennetBook Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
GI Library Board of Trustees Vacancy - November 2022
The Board of Trustees of the Grand Island Memorial Library (GIML) has an opening for a Trustee to fulfill a one year term. The Board meets approximately six times a year. The Board provides support to the Library Director and oversight of the library operations and finances. Trustees must be residents of Grand Island. Candidates who would like to be considered for this position should submit a letter of interest to the Board, care of GIML, by December 2, 2022 to: Board of Trustees, Grand Island Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Rd., Grand Island, NY 14072.Book a Technology Trainer - November 2022
Tuesday, November 22 between 11:00 am and 5:00 pmAvailable topics include: Android Basics, Email, Cloud Services, Internet Basics, iPhone/iPad Basics, Microsoft Office Basics (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Files and Folders, Simple Digital Editing Online (audio & photos), Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), Using Google, Windows Basics. Register for a 45-minute, one-on-one, session with a Tech Trainer. Free and Open to Library Patrons 17 & above. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Read to a Dog - November 2022
Saturday, November 12 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws for Love Program. Sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! Registration is required and begins October 8. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Anime/Manga Drawing Workshop - November 2022
Saturday, November 12 at 3:00 pm Session 1: Action FiguresSaturday, November 19 at 3:00 pm Session 2: Manga Faces & Figures
Interested in learning how to draw Manga? You won't want to miss these workshops! Draw along with award-winning cartoonist and picture book illustrator, Tom Paul Fox. Ages 9-17. Registration is required and begins October 15. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Joseph Ellicott: An Historical Portrayal - November 2022
Thursday, November 17 at 6:00 pmPresenter: Dennis Upton, Stage Performer and Retired Teacher Most of us are acquainted with places with the Ellicott name: Ellicottville, Ellicott Creek, the town of Ellicott, the Ellicott Building, various Ellicott Roads, etc. There is so much more to learn about this man who was a key figure in WNY in the late 1700's and early 1800's. Join us for this first-person historical presentation on his life. Funding for this program provided by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library.
HEAP Outreach On-Site - November 2022
Monday, November 14 from 10:00 am - 4:30 pmApplicants should bring: Identification for all household members; Proof of all household resources; Proof of all income received within the last 30 days; Current shut off notice (if applicable).
French & Sicilian Cookery - November 2022
Monday, November 7 at 6:00 pmRecipes from our mother's apron strings featuring Linda & Sal. Enjoy a cooking demo, recipes, stories...and a little something to take home! Menu: Swiss Chard and potato stew, panini 2 ways (turkey & veggie), creamy cheesy potato soup 2 ways (regular and dairy-free vegan) Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
Accidental Art - Part Deux - November 2022
Thursday, November 3 at 6:00 pm, Adults 18 and overNew projects for those who like non-traditional art forms (experimental sculptures, temporary art forms and some other craziness). This class is also useful to those who have kids, grandkids, homeschool, scout troops or just for themselves. You do not have to have attended the first session in order to join this one. About the instructor: Marsha Mis has a BFA from UB and has worked as an Art Park Artist. She has shared similar projects with WNY Alzheimer's Association groups. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
USS The Sullivan: Moving Forward After Her Sinking - October 2022
Thursday, October 27 at 6:00 pmGuest Speaker: Shane Stephenson, Director of Museum Collections, Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park Come learn about the theories behind the historic WWII destroyer's sinking threat and the extraordinary team assembled to save her. You'll also learn what future plans are for the Fletcher Class Destroyer.
Adult Book Club - November 2022
Book Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.November 21 - American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
GI Library Long Range Plan Survey - October 2022
You are invited to participate in a Grand Island Memorial Library Long Range Plan Survey, for years 2023-2027. You can either scan a QR code from the flyer, clicking HERE or by visiting the library for a paper copy. FLYER. Survey is open October 1-31st.Discard Book Sale - October 2022
Friday, October 21, 5:00pm-7:00 pmGeneral Sale Day: priced as marked Saturday, October 22, 10:00am-3:00pm Bag Sale: $3 per bag.
Adult Book Club - October 2022
Book Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.October 17 - Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
Mindfulness Groups - October 2022
Fridays at 11:00 amOctober 14th, October 28th, November 4th, November 18th, December 2nd.
Feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, anxious during COVID? Here to talk - Here to listen - Here to support Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
What Am I Looking At? - October 2022
Saturday, October 15 at 3:00pm - Presenter Jean SerusaWhat do you know about Mastodon Mania or Modern Art? Come along on this entertaining and informative art appreciation journey with a certified NYS Art Educator. We cover the History of American Museums far away from the European scene, through 21st Century Design using ART ELEMENTS as these apply to your needs. Do you want to understand MORE ABOUT ART before your next museum trip? Or tap into a new interest? The content of this program is suitable for ages 16 & over. Jean has over 35 years of classroom teaching experience along with creating presentations on a variety of ART EDUCATION topics both locally and in Florida. She welcomes questions following this presentation and hopes it expands your enjoyment of the arts! Funding for this program has been provided by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library.
Get Ready for HEAP - October 2022
Saturday, October 22nd, 12:00pm - 2:00 pmPlease join us for our Pre-HEAP Season Tabling Even. We will provide information for: Home Enery Assistance Program (HEAP), Heating Equipment Repair & Replacement (HERR, Weatherization, Senior Services ....And more! *Erie County Department of Social Services.
Local Author Visit - Julianna Woite - October 2022
Monday, October 24th at 6:00pmBuffalo, 1957 - It was the year that Buffalo hosted it's 125th anniversary and World Port Celebration, and the year Elvis Presley rocked Memorial Auditorium. It is also the backdrop for the novel "Our Invisible String". Through stories, photographs and artifacts, spend some time exploring the real life people and places discussed in the book and fully immerse yourself in the world of Josie and Jack. Copies will be available for sale at the event. Visit juliannawoite.com for more information. Funding for this program has been provided by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library.
Grand Island Memorial Library Trunk or Treat - October 2022
Saturday, October 29, 12:00 - 2:00 pmGrand Island Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Road will host a Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 29th from 12 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. See FLYER.
Read to a Dog - September 2022
Saturday, October 8, 1:00 - 3:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws for Love program. Sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! Registration is required. Registration begins September 10. Please call the Library at 716-773-7124 to register.
Lego Club - September 2022
Saturday, October 1, 1:00pm-2:00pmAges 5-12 Join us each month for a new LEGO Free Build! The LEGOs are provided. Just bring your imaginations! Registration is required and begins September 2. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Preschool Story Time - September 2022
Wednesdays from 10:00am-10:45amOctober 5, 12, 19, 26 Ages 3 to 5, with or without a caregiver Join Miss Carly for stories, music, dancing, crafts and MORE! Registration is required and begins September 6. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Donated Book Sale - September 2022
Friday, September 16, 5:00pm-7:00 pm - Friends of the Library Members Night Individual Friends memberships will be available at the door for $5.00Saturday, September 17, 10:00am-3:00pm - General Sale 10am-1pm: fill a bag for $5.00 1pm-3pm: fill a bag for $3.00 Bags will be provided.
Managing Money: A Caregiver's Guide to Finances - September 2022
Thursday, September 22 at 6:00 pmIf you or someone you know is facing Alzheimer's disease, dementia or another chronic illness, it's never too early to put financial plans in place. Join us to learn tips for managing someone else's finances, how to prepare for future care costs and the benefits of early planning. Registration is required. Visit http://tinyurl.com/MMGIL or call 800.272.3900 to register. Visit alz.org/CRF to register online and explore additional education programs in your area.
Book a Technology Trainer - September 2022
Saturday, September 10, between 11:00 - 5:00 pmThursday, October 6, between 12:00 - 6:00 pm
Register for a 45-minute, one-on-one session with a Tech Trainer. Available Topics include: Android Basics, Email, Cloud Services, Internet Basics, iPhone/iPad Basics, Microsoft Office Basics (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Files and Folders, Simple Digital Editing Online (audio & photos), Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), Using Google, Windows Basics. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
Accidental Art - September 2022
Monday, September 26 at 6:00 pmAbout the instructor: Marsha Mis has a BFA from UB and has worked as an Art Park Artist. She has shared similar projects with WNY Alzheimer's Association groups. Accidental Art will lead you through various Experimental Design Projects so you can learn to think like an artist. The creative process may also result in some art! (And it's fun!) This is about abstract art - no hearts and flowers - leave that for a different course. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
Read to a Dog - September 2022
Saturday, September 10, 1:00 - 3:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws for Love program. Sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! Registration is required. Registration begins August 12. Please call the Library at 716-773-7124 to register.
Feelings Rock! - September 2022
Tuesday, September 20, 10:00 amAges 0-5 with caregiver. Feelings rock is a fun, interactive music and movement class for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Instructors use music to teach developmental skills with an emphasis on social and emotianal skills, laying the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Be ready to dance, jump, spin and more through guided activites! Registration is required. Registration begins August 23. Pleade cll the Library at 716-773-7124.
Adult Book Club - September 2022
September 19 - Unbroken by Lauren HillenbrandBook Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
End of Summer Family Event - August 2022
Friday, August 12th at 11:00 amFamily event for all ages. Stop by the Library for an ice cream social sponsored by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library. Craft tables will be provided as well (we had leftovers, so it'll be a mystery mish-mosh of randomness). Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
Mindfulness Groups Including Chair Yoga - August 2022
Friday, September 2 at 11:00 am
Feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, anxious during COVID? Here to talk. Here to listen. Here to support. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
Technology Training: Hoopla - August 2022
Monday, August 22 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pmHoopla is the newest streaming app available free to library card holders through the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System. Learn how to download and use the app in this class. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot. Please bring your device (phone, iPad, tablet, etc.) and your library card to the class. Free and open to Library Patrons age 17 & above. For more computer training and other events visit www.BuffaloLib.org.
Adult Book Club - August 2022
August 15 - Quiet by Susan CainBook Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
Dori Klaaren Art Show - August 2022

Monday, August 1st at 6:00 pm
"Have Brush-Must Travel-The Art of Dori Klaaren opens on Monday August 1st at 6:00 p.m. and will be on display through August 12th. A celebration showcasing the talent of late artist and former Grand Island resident, Dori Klaaren. See FLYER.
Brain Dance For Seniors - July 2022
Friday, August 26 at 2:30 pmIn this 45-minute program, Buffalo-based teaching artist Benjamin Berry will share his Brain Dance knowledge in a fully accessible environment geared towards elders and adults with limited mobility. What is BrainDance? BrainDance is an excellent full body and brain warm-up that can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of ability. Practicing BrainDance weekly or daily can help rewire and enhance connections within the sensori-motor system. Registration is required Please call 716-773-7124.
Water, Water Everywhere Nan Hoffman & Joe Tumino - July 2022
Thursday, August 11 at 6:30 pmA family concert for the Summer Reading Program celebrating our connections to the gifts of water! All Ages! Everyone Welcome! Free Concert! Registration is required. Registration begins July 8. Stop in or call 716-773-7124.
Guest Speaker - Pati Aine Guzinski - July 2022
Monday, July 25, at 6:00 pmGuest Speaker - Pati Aine Guzinski, Master Gardener Program Cornell Cooperative Extension, The Folklore of Trees. Tree folklore helped our ancestors understand their connection to the natural world - to this day, it reinforces the connection we have to trees as living, breathing organisms. No registration required.
GO FISH! - Fishing Rod Lending Program- July 2022
Use your library card to borrow a fishing rod!Extra hooks and bobbers are provided with each rod. Never been fishing? No problem! Instructions on casting a fishing rod are included. We'll also throw in some information on local fishing spots. Need bait? worms can be purchased at bait shops and most gas stations. Poles may be loaned out for one week. Everyone over the age of 16 must possess a valid NYS Freshwater Fishing License. (Sold at most sporting goods stores, town/county clerks, DEC offices, over the phone 1-866-933-2257 or online by visiting www.dec.ny.gov.) Don't forget! We lend Disc Golf Kits as well!
Crafternoon: Tie Die Party - July 2022
Monday, July 25 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pmJoin us for an afternoon of tie dyeing! Please bring ONE ITEM to dye. Ages 5-12. Registration is required. Registration begins June 24 Stop in or call 716-773-7124 to register.
Buffalo Museum of Science Super Scientist Program - July 2022
Friday, July 22 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pmIntrigued by messy fun and crazy concoctions? Let's throw on lab coats and goggles and experiment with slimy science, static electricity, chemical reactions and more! Ages 5-12. Registration is required. Registration begins June 21. Stop in or call 716-773-7124 to register.
Explore & More: Invention Exchange: Game Day! - July 2022
Monday, July 18 at 1:00 pmIn the Invention Exchange series, the museum will explore the different steps in the invention process all while inventing new things. For this class, kids will have the opportunity to build their own board game! Registration is required. Registration begins June 17. Stop in or call 716-773-7124 to register.
Kidding Around Family Yoga - July 2022
Friday, July 15 and July 29 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pmThis summer, join Donna Baia from Kidding Around Yoga for some fun-filled outdoor family yoga classes for you and your children ages 4-11. There will be music, games on your mats, storytelling with yoga poses, partner poses, and lots of joy and laughter as we practice yoga together! No prior yoga experience is needed. All are welcome! Ages 4-11 with a caregiver. Registration is required. Registration begins June 13. Stop in or call 716-773-7124 to register.
Read To A Dog - July 2022
Wednesday, July 13 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws For Love program! Sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! Registration is required. Registration begins June 6. Stop in or call 773-7124 to register.
Circus For All with Benjamin Berry - July 2022
Summer Kickoff Event - Circus For All with Benjamin BerryTuesday, July 5 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
In this 45 minute performance-based program, professional circus artist Benjamin Berry will share his expertise of prop-based circus arts, highlighting the accessibility and inclusivity of the the circus community. Ages 6 to 12. Registration is required. Registration begins June 6. Stop in or call 773-7124 to register.
Guest Speaker: Pati Aine Guzinski - July 2022
Guest Speaker: Pati Aine Guzinski, Master Gardener Program Cornell Cooperative Extension "The Folklore of Trees".Monday, July 25 at 6:00 pm Tree folklore helped our ancestors understand their connection to the natural world - to this day, it reinforces the connection we have to trees as living, breathing organisms.
Adult Book Club - July 2022
July 18- The Nickel boys by Colson WhiteheadBook Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
Get Out and Do Something Raffle - June 2022
Next time you come to visit, put your name in and you could win one of the following: A 2 pack of general admission tickets to the Penn Dixie Fossil Park and Nature Preserve (passes good through 10/22/23). A 4 pack of children's passes to the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum (passes good through 11/30/22). Winners will be notified on June 30th.Adult Paint Night - June 2022
Monday, June 27 at 6:00 pmRegistration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to register. ** Alcohol free...but you can bring snacks!**
Albright-Knox Art Truck - June 2022
Thursday, June 30, 2022 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pmJoin us for a family-friendly program featuring free hands-on art activities for children of all ages and skill levels.
Guest Speaker: Lee Coppola - June 2022
Guest Speaker: Lee CoppolaThursday, July 7 at 6:00 pm Veteran Newspaper & Television Reporter; Retired Dean of St. Bonaventure University Journalism School Lee Coppola discusses the stories he's covered and the people he's met in his 25-year career as a newspaper and television reporter.
Battle of the Books - June 2022
**Must be entering grades 6 - 9**Zoom informational meeting is June 23. Details will be emailed to the participants. Battle meetings will take place Thursdays at 1:00 pm starting in late June through late July. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Technology Trainer - July 2022
Register for a 45-minute, one-on-one, session with a Tech Trainer. Thursday, June 16 between 11:00 and 5:00 pm. Monday, July 18 between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm.Available topics include: Android Basics, Email, Cloud Services, Internet Basics, iPhone/iPad Basics, Microsoft Office Basics (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Files and Folders, Simple Digital Editing Online (audio & photos), Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), Using Google, Windows Basics. Sessions are available.
Lego Club - June 2022
Friday, July 1, 2022 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pmJoin us each month for a LEGO Free Build. LEGOs are provided. Just bring your imagination! Registration is required. Stop in or call 773-7124 to register. Registration begins June 1.
Summer Bike Raffle - June 2022
Runs from June 20 to August 12.Play our Children's Summer Reading Bingo for a chance to win a bicycle or other summer reading prizes! Stop in to grab a bingo sheet and enter as many times as you'd like. Open to ages 5 to 12. Drawing will be held on August 12. Prizes generously provided by the Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library.
Summer Ball Pit Raffle - June 2022
Runs from June 20 to August 12.Play our Children's Summer Reading Bingo for a chance to win a ball pit or other summer reading prizes! Stop in to grab a bingo sheet and enter as many times as you'd like. Open to ages 0 to 5. Drawing will be held on August 12.
Llama Raffle - June 2022
Read a book, get a chance to win our Llama Raffle! Prizes include a gigantic stuffed llama and llama-themed books. Enter as many times as you'd like. Raffle runs from June 1 to June 30. Winners will be drawn June 30.Putin's Invasion of Ukraine - June 2022
Tuesday, June 14 @ 6:00 p.m.Guest Speaker: Dr. Mustafa Gokcek, Professor; Director, M.A. - Interdisciplinary Studies History Department Niagara University Dr. Gokcek will discuss the historical background and state of affairs of Russia's occupation of Ukraine and Putin's motivations behind it.
Feelings Rock! - June 2022
Tuesday, June 14 @ 10:00 amFeelings Rock is a fun, interactive music and movement class for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Instructors use music to teach developmental skills with an emphasis on social and emotional skills, laying the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Be ready to dance, jump, spin, and more through guided activities! Ages 0 to 5 with a caregiver. Registration is required. Stop in or call 773-7124 to register. Registration begins May 13.
Battle of the Books - June 2022
Zoom informational meeting is June 23.**Must be entering grades 6 - 9** Details will be emailed to the participants. Battle meetings will take place Thursdays at 1:00 pm starting in late June through late July. Please call 716-773-7124 to register.
Adult Book Club - June 2022
Book Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
Mindfulness Group Including Chair Yoga - May 2022
Now running Thursdays, May 5 - June 9 at 2:45 pmSession extended! Feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, anxious during COVID? Here to talk. Here to listen. Here to support. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
Spring Appetizers - May 2022
Thursday, May 26, 6:30 pmLiz Bauld, The Storybook Cook, will demo various springtime appetizers. Prosciutto wrapped asparagus, lemon pasta salad and more. Samples and recipes included! Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
Star Wars Raffle - May 2022
Between May 2 and May 31.Stop in to enter to win one of our out-of-this-world Star Wars-themed raffle baskets! Basket #1 includes: a Little Bits Droid Kit, Star Wars books and coloring sheets. Basket #2 includes: a Star Wars Remote Control, Star Wars books and coloring sheets. For every ONE book you read, you get ONE chance to enter to win ONE prize basket. Enter as many times as you'd like.
Library Fine FREE - April 2022
The Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries are excited to announce the elimination of overdue fines to ensure equitable access to library resources to the residents of Erie County. Overdue fines create a barrier to library access because when patrons are unable to pay fines, they are less likely to visit the library. The fine free initiative will allow more residents the ability to experience and enjoy everything our 37 libraries and two bookmobiles have to offer. To kick off a fine free future, every library cardholder will notice their account has been cleared of past overdue fines and hold fees.Book Pillow Raffle - April 2022
BOOK PILLOW RAFFLE For every FIVE books you read, you get ONE chance to enter! There are 15 different book pillows, so enter as many times as you'd like! April 1 to April 30. Winners will be drawn April 30. The pillows are on display at the Library.Itty Bitty Story Time - April 2022
ITTY BITTY STORY TIME - Join Miss Carly for a baby and toddler storytime filled with stories, songs and fun activities geared towards our littlest friends! Ages 0-24 months with a caregiver. Tuesdays, 10:00 am - 10:30 am; May 3, May 10, May 17, and May 24 Call 716-773-7124 to register your child. Please register for each session separately.Pre School Storytime - April 2022
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME - Join Miss Carly for stories, music, dancing, crafts and more. Ages 3-5 without a caregiver. Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 10:45 am; May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25. Call 716-773-7124 to register your child. Please register for each session seprately.LEGO CLUB - April 2022
Join us each month for a new LEGO Free Build. The Legos are provided, just bring your imagination! Ages 5-12, Saturday, May 7, 1 pm - 2 pm.Grand Island Knitters - April 2022
Meet at the Library on the Last Monday of the month from 1:00-4:00 pmJoin the group for help with a project, knitting company, or to knit for charity. Free and open to the public. For more information, visit the library or call 716-773-7124.
Adult Book Club - April 2022
April 18 - Faithful Place by Tana FrenchBook Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 716-773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy.
Feelings Rock - April 2022
Tuesday, April 19, 10 amFEELINGS ROCK! - HELPING KIDS MOVE, LEARN AND GROW. Ages 0-5 with a caregiver.
Feelings rock is a fun, interactive music and movement class for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Instructors use music to teach developmental skills with an emphasis on social and emotional skills, laying the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Be ready to dance, jump, spin, and more through guided activities! Registration is required. Please call the Library at 716-773-7124.
Local Author Visit - February 2022
Thursday, April 28th at 6pmJohn Loss - Retired Educator and Founder/President of Help and Hope for Homelessness, Inc. will talk about his book and experiences writing "...Not Always Homeless: A Christian Approach to Helping the Homeless" All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to support Help and Hope for the Homeless, Inc.
SUSHI 101 - April 2022
Thursday, April 21, 6:30pmLiz Bauld, The Storybook Cook, will demo different sushi recipes. Learn how to make Sushi Rice, how to make/roll Sushi Rolls, learn the difference between Sushi and Sushimi, and an easy way to keep your Rolling Mat clean/dry Samples and recipes included! Registration is required. Please call the Library at 716-773-7124.
Technology Training - April 2022
Monday, April 4th, 2pm - 3-pmTECHNOLOGY TRAINING: Downloadables: Libby App
Topics covered: Installing and setting up the Libby App; Searching for items; Borrowing or placing a hold; Managing a loan; Setting Preferences; Menu Options; ** Be sure to bring your smart device for use in the class.
Mindfulness Groups - April 2022
Now running Thursdays, February 3rd - April 28th at 2:45 pmMINDFULNESS GROUPS INCLUDING CHAIR YOGA - Session extended! Feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, anxious during COVID? Here to talk. Here to listen. Here to support. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.
Friends of the Library Raffle - March 2022
Attention all Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library! Show your Friends' membership card each time you come into the library and get a free raffle ticket for a gift basket containing a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card, book pillow and book. Don't have a Friends membership (or membership expired)? Fill out an application at the circulation desk and get your first free raffle ticket. An annual Friends membership is only $5! Winners to be drawn on Thursday, March 31st at 6 pm.Adult Book Club - March 2022
Book Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy. - March 21, 2022 - The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.Diamonds in the Ruff Family Event - February 2022
Saturday, February 26th, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pmDIAMONDS IN THE RUFF FAMILY EVENT
Stop in to see what DITR animal rescue has to offer: Applications being accepted for pet adoption and foster families. Pet supply donations will be accepted at the event: food (special request for cat/kitten food), bedding, toys, pads/litter, monetary support A few of the DITR sponsored animals will be in attendance to meet! For more information about Diamonds in the Ruff please visit: HERE.
LEGO Club - February 2022
Saturday, March 5, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pmLEGO CLUB Join us each month for a new LEGO Free Build. The LEGOs are provided. Just bring your imagination! Ages 5-12. Registration is required and begins on February 5th. Please call 716-773-7124.
Adult Book Club - February 2022
Book Club meets monthly on various Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call the library at 773-7124 if you would like to join the meeting. Physical copies of the books will be available for check out, please call the library to reserve a copy. - February 28, 2022 - The Four Winds by Kristen HannahLocal Author Event - March 2022
Thursday, March 24th at 6:30 pmRick Falkowski - Buffalo Music Hall of Fame Founder offers a 1 hour power point presentation from his latest Released Title: "Profiles Volume II: Historic & Influential People from Buffalo & WNY in the Early 1900s" Due to the original date's snowstorm an encore presentation!
Local Author Event - March 2022
Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 pmBuffalo Spree Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Licata, will lead a discussion about her latest book Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure. Copies will be available for sale at the event.
Local Author Event - February 2022
Thursday, February 3rd at 6:30 pm.Buffalo Music Hall of Fame founder Rick Falkowski will host a 1 hour presentation on his latest book Profiles Volume II: Historic & Influential People from Buffalo & WNY, the Early 1900s Free and open to the public. For more information, visit the library or call 716-773-7124.
Mindfullness Groups including Chair Yoga - February 2022
Thursdays, January 20th - March 31st at 5:00 pm (no meeting March 10th). Feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, anxious during COVID? Here to talk. Here to listen. Here to support. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124 to reserve your spot.Grand Island Knitters - January 2022
Meet at the Library on the Last Monday of the month from 1:00-4:00 pm Join the group for help with a project, knitting company, or to knit for charity. Free and open to the public. For more information, visit the library or call 716-773-7124.Itty Bitty Story Time - January 2022
POSTPONED UNTIL MARCHTuesdays, March 8 - March 29, 10:00 am - 10:30 am
Join Miss Carly for a baby & toddler storytime filled with stories, songs, and fun activities geared towards our littlest friends! Ages 0-24 months, with caregiver. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
Preschool Story Time - January 2022
POSTPONED UNTIL MARCHWednesdays, March 9- March 30, 10:00 am - 10:45 am
Join Miss Carly for stories, music, dancing, crafts and MORE! Ages 3 - 5, without a caregiver. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
Brain Games - January 2022
**Rescheduled** Saturday, January 22 at 3:30pmTheresa Waiter will present engaging logic puzzles and games to keep your brain sharp. Ages 8 and up. Adults, Seniors, Teens, Families...All Participants will need toothpicks and 10 pennies to play the games. Registration is required. Please call 716-773-7124.
Read to a Dog - January 2022
Saturday, January 15, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmPick out a book and practice reading out loud to a good listener at the Grand Island Memorial Library. All our furry friends are therapy dogs certified through the SPCA's Paws For Love program! Call 773-7124 to sign up for your personal 20 minute reading session! REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Masks are required for individuals 2 & up.