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Grand Island Lions Club

Grand Island Lions Club Official Website

Previous News Pages

Local people with a concern for helping others
are the people who join the Lions Club.

Lions Club March Newsletter - March 2025

   March Newsletter

Lions Club February Newsletter - February 2025

   February Newsletter

Vision Screening for GI Children - January 2025

    The Grand Island Lions, in conjunction with the Grand Island Central School District and the Kidsight USA and Lions S.E.E. program, will be performing vision screenings in the public schools and St. Stephen's January 15 through 17. Nearly 750 pre-K to second-grade children will be screened. Other childcare centers on the island will be scheduled at a later date once approval is obtained. There is also an unknown population of island children who do not attend any school or childcare program. Arrangements will be made to screen these children in the conference room at the Grand Island Memorial Library on a date to be selected. This information will be published shortly. The goal of the Grand Island Lions Club is to screen every child who lives here, attends school or a childcare facility here.
    Why is screening so important? Children need to see well to learn well. Since July 1, 2024, 11,626 children have been screened across Western New York resulting in 2,314 children, nearly 1 out of 5 children screened, exhibiting some form of amblyopia therefore needing to be referred for medical follow up. The Lions S.E.E. (Screening Eyes Early) program uses trained volunteers to operate state-of-the-art "cameras" to take digital images of children's eyes. More commonly referred to as a "screener", an onboard computer analyzes the images for potential amblyopic ("lazy-eye") conditions that, if left untreated in some cases, may cause irreversible vision blindness in one eye by the time the child reaches seven years of age. Milder forms of amblyopia, such as near- and far-sightedness, can be treated with corrective eyeglasses. Other conditions screened for include anisometropia (differing refractive powers), strabismus or gaze (misaligned eyes), astigmatism (blurred vision) and anisocoria (unequal pupil size). Advantages of using these screeners are that there is no contact with the child and that a dimly lit room serves to dilate the children's eyes without use of drops. Further, screening can be readily performed within the children's classroom with minimal disruption of the curriculum. Typically, an individual screening takes less than thirty seconds to perform. Moreover, the screenings are free. The data is downloaded to the school nurse's or the center owner's computer with a printout available to be given to the children's parents and/or guardians for follow-up. The screening, with an 80-90% accuracy rate, serves as an adjunct to other vision measurement methods but does not replace a comprehensive eye exam by a qualified pediatric ophthalmologist or optometrist. In the event that there are financial needs, assistance is available to those families that qualify.
    For further information, please contact Grand Island Lions Sight Chair Tom Witkowski at 716-909-1862 or email at liontom20n@roadrunner.com. Information on Lions S.E.E. is available at www.lionsseeny.org. Kidsight USA's website is https://www.lionskidsightusa.org.

Lions Club January Newsletter - January 2025

   January Newsletter

Lions Club December Newsletter - December 2024

   December Newsletter

Lions Club November Newsletter - November 2024

   November Newsletter

Lions Club October Newsletter - October 2024

   October Newsletter

Lions Club September Newsletter - September 2024

   September Newsletter

Lions Club Successful White Cane Day Fundraiser - August 2024

Shown in the photo are Lions Jose Garcia and Annie Carlson, newest members of the Grand Island Lions, holding the unique white canes used in the drive.

    Over a two-day period this past weekend, the Grand Island Lions "hit the road" and also were the smiling faces greeting everyone at the Grand Island Tops while holding out their oversized white canes for donations in one of their annual fundraisers. Invented in England in 1921, Lions Clubs International introduced the concept of the white cane into the United States in 1930 when a Lions Club member saw a blind man attempting to cross a busy street with a black cane.
   The proceeds from our White Cane Day fundraiser, our annual Spaghetti Dinner and numerous donations have provided nearly $90,000 in funding over the past ten years alone for numerous causes and needs in the Grand Island community as well as humanitarian projects throughout the world. Scholarships to uniquely qualified students, the 60-year old plus annual Kids Picnic, the playgrounds at Sidway Elementary and Miracle League Field and the counseling and playroom at the Family Justice Center are a few of the nearly forty charities benefiting from the largess of the Grand Island community.
    With deepest appreciation, we thank all who contributed. The needs are ever present. By visiting our website, www.gilions.com, or our Facebook page at Grand Island (NY) Lions Club (https://www.facebook.com/groups/308831672464154), you can make donations via Venmo that will help our community and the world become better places to live and work in. Additionally, you can also use those sites to learn of the value of membership opportunities as a Lion. We have a world awaiting your desire to serve.

Lions Club Kids Special Picnic - July 2024

    On July 17, 2024 the Grand Island Lions Club hosted its 66th annual Kids Special Picnic. Around 560 kids with special needs and their aides were treated to a day of fun that included boat rides, pony rides, a petting zoo, face painting, and lunch, that included hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks. Clown volunteers worked the crowd while a DJ encouraged the kids to participate in Karaoke.
   The Lions are thankful for all the help from many areas, with the Buffalo Launch Club kindly donating their grounds and personnel without which we would not be able to do this. There were many donations; Tops Markets with drinks, Dunkin Doughnuts with coffee and doughnuts for the volunteers from the community, including Troop 104 Boy Scouts, Rotary Club, and Lions from our sister club from Merritton, Ontario.
   Special thanks to the Erie County Sherriff's department for sending deputies and horses from their mounted reserve division and for members of the US Coast Guard, to interact with the kids. Also, special thanks to the many boat captains, donating their time and vessels, including Excalibur Leisure Skills, Collins Marine, and the Niagara Frontier Antique and Classic Boat Club to name a few. Finally, thanks to the businesses and people who live and work in our community for their support on our White Cane Days, Spaghetti Dinner, and other fundraisers. Without their continued support, we would never be able to pay for this project.

Lions Club Summer Newsletter - July 2024

   Summer Newsletter

Lions Club June Newsletter - June 2024

   June Newsletter

Lions Club May Newsletter - May 2024

   May Newsletter

Lions Club April Newsletter - April 2024

   April Newsletter

TOPS Donates to Lions Club - March 2024

Lion Dick Crawford, Lion Tom Rusert, TOPS Manager Mike Maio and Lion Jim Ryan.

    Lions club members at the grand re-opening of TOPS receiving a gift card for $1,000.00, that will help them with their humanitarian efforts to assist those in need.

Clean UP Grand Island 2024 - April 2024

    Volunteers needed as solo, groups and clubs to come out to clear trash and debris all over Grand Island. We are returning to centrally hand out bags and collect trash at the Town Hall Parking lot, 2255 Baseline Rd, Grand Island, NY 14072 is where it begins and ends.
   WHEN: Saturday, April 20th. 8am -9 am: Pick Up Bags & Assignment Location Maps, as well as free coffee, hot cocoa and donuts. 8am - 12pm: Clean up your assigned area and return trash to the dumpster at Town Hall, or have it picked up from your location if it’s too big/heavy.
   Clean UP Grand Island is an event organized by the Town of Grand Island, Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, Grand Island Rotary, Niagara River Greenway & Grand Island Lions Club to encourage the local community to come together and spruce up our beautiful Island. With the snow melted away and the foliage not yet in bloom, it's easy to identify areas where trash & debris have accumulated over winter and are in need of removal. All that's needed is a few hours of your time, a little passion to keep nature clean and a heart of service. You can put a team together or attend as an individual. Either way, please join us and help Clean UP Grand Island! Check Out These Important Links: To Register to Participate: https://form.jotform.com/240805109844052 To View The Current Locations Targeted For Cleaning List: https://shorturl.at/bjLR4 To Request A New Area To Be Added To The Map/List: https://form.jotform.com/240801001949045 To View The Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/3mawslJLq
    Event Day Contact Info: Eric Fiebelkorn 716-319-7292 (mobile) or Dick Crawford 716-818-6992 (mobile) Underage volunteers must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to stay hydrated and to wear proper attire (gloves, work/rain boots) and insect repellent. Additionally, groups wishing to work along heavily trafficked roads should speak with Dick Crawford to be aware of regulations and safety practices required.
    Share your cleanup photos on social media and to cleanup@gichamber.org if you are ok with your photos being shared to showcase this wonderful community event. If you would like to do even more to support the environment, we are requesting people to download the Ocean Conservancy's Clean Swell app and track the litter they collect. Use Grand Island.yourname as the group name. This data is tracked on the Tides Marine database and is useful in supporting new environmentally friendly laws. For more information about CleanSwell go to https://oceanconservancy.org/trash-free-seas/international-coastal-cleanup/clean-swell-app/ If you or your group would be interested in adopting a Grand Island trail or road on an ongoing basis please contact: For adopt a road information email Dick Crawfor at dcrawford@grand-island.ny.us For adopt a trail information email Niagara Greenway at https://www.niagararivergreenway.com/adopt-a-trail.

QR Code to Register

Lions Club February Newsletter - March 2024

   March Newsletter

Lions Club February Newsletter - February 2024

   February Newsletter

Lions Club January Newsletter - January 2024

   January Newsletter

Lions Club December Newsletter - December 2023

   December Newsletter

Lions Club November Newsletter - November 2023

   November Newsletter

Lions Club October Newsletter - October 2023

   October Newsletter

Lions Club September Newsletter - September 2023

   September Newsletter

Grand Island Lions Scholarship Winners - July 2023

Left to right, Jahzary Thomas, Natalyn Cordero, Sydney Knight, and Elizabeth Carpenter.

    Grand Island Lions have announced the Adrian Pollack - Bruce Kaiser Scholarship winners for 2023. They are Jahzary Thomas, Natalyn Cordero, Sydney Knight, and Elizabeth Carpenter. Jahzary will be attending Nova Southeastern in Fort Lauderdale. Natalyn will major in electrical and computer engineering at University of Alabama. Sydney will be attending Syracuse University for a degree in finance. Elizabeth Carpenter will decide her major at Houghton University. Congratulations to our scholarship winners!

Grand Island Lions Exceptional Kids Picnic - July 2023


    After a horrendous thunderstorm, followed by two years of Covid, the Grand Island Lions continued their work at providing a day of fun, food and adventure for 681 disabled kids and their counselors at their 62nd rebranded Special Kids Picnic at the Buffalo Launch Club on Grand Island. Excited children from Niagara County, Sweet Home, Grand Island, Maryvale and West Seneca were bussed in and enjoyed the boat rides, face painting, popcorn, and music. Alex and Billy provided the four-footed equine rides the kids always, and sometimes nervously, enjoy.
    Clowns Corabell and Dilly Dally and our own Lion were there to add to the fun. Of course, a picnic isn't a picnic without expertly grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, popcorn and refreshments on the menu for the day. Our thanks go to the 75 volunteers who participated in providing a day filled with memories for sure: Buffalo Launch Club members, private boat owners, Excalibur, members of Niagara Frontier Antique and Classic Boats, Inc., Boy Scout Troop 104, Grand Island Rotary, our twin club the Merritton Lions from our neighbors across the ditch and community members. Next year's plans include contacting more schools where disabled children will be invited to enjoy a fun-filled day built all around them.

Lions Club Summer Newsletter - July 2023

   Summer Newsletter

Lions Club Annual Kids' Picnic Planned - July 2023

    The Grand Island Lions will host its Annual Kids' Picnic on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at the Buffalo Launch Club on Grand Island from 10 am to 2 pm. The area's children with disabilities, their parents, counselors, and teachers will enjoy a day of boat rides, pony rides, farm animal zoo, face painting, entertainment, fun, food and refreshments. For 62 years the Grand Island Lions have hosted this function and was nominated for the International Special Heroes Award by Lions International, the largest service organization in the world. Lion Shelia Ferrentino, Grand Island, is Chair of the event and can be contacted at 716-863-9592.

Lions Club Peace Poster Contest Winners - June 2023

Pictured left to right, Esther Dulak, Hadley Dahlgren, Gabriel Scibilia, Lion Paul Bassette Peace Poster Chair.

    The Grand Island Lions Club held its annual Peace poster Contest last fall and honored its winners at its May 24 Lions Club meeting held at the Bridgeview Tavern, Grand Island. The Peace Poster Contest is a Lions Club International project that allows young people ages 11-13 to think about and express their thoughts of peace thru artistic interpretation. These expressions of peace should help these young people with greater tolerance for others and for better international understanding. Their creative art work expresses what peace means to them.
   The theme of this Peace Poster Contest was "Lead with Compassion." The posters are judged on expression of theme, artistic merit, and originality. The 1st place winner was Hadley Dahlgren who received a $100 cash award. The 2nd place winner was Gabriel Scibilia who received a $50 cash award. Esther Dulak who was one of our four honorable mentioned received a $25 cash award. All three young people are from the Veronica Connor Middle School, Grand Island. There were 48 students participating in the contest. Each of the three young people gave a show and tell of their Peace Posters at the Lions Club meeting and explained what peace means to them.

Pictured are left to right; Lion President Dick Crawford, Andrew "Drew" Dulak, Esther Dulak, and Lion Paul Bassette.

Presentation of Robert J Uplinger Distinguished Service Award    After the Peace Poster Contest winners did their talks on their Peace Posters, the Grand Island Lions Club presented a Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award to Andrew "Drew" Dulak. This award was established in l993 that honors outstanding Lions and non-Lions or organizations who perform exemplary service to a Lions Club, Lions Club district or community. The award is named in honor of Past Lions Club International President Robert J. Uplinger serving in l971. The award is presented as a recognition of the recipient's service. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service. This award is the highest award available in the Lions Multiple District 20. The Grand Island Lions Club presented this award to Andrew "Drew" Dulak for his outstanding contribution of having young people ages 11-13 to participate in the Peace Poster Contest. "Drew" Dulak has given 20 years of Peace Poster service of his 23 years of teaching as an art teacher at the Grand Island Connor Middle School. The Grand Island Lions Club deeply appreciate his efforts year after year to make the Peace Poster Contest a successful learning experience for young people ages 11-13.

Lions Club News - June 2023

Outgoing Lions President Dick Crawford hands off the symbolic gavel to incoming President Kelly McGarvey while Lion Jim Ryan looks on.

   The Grand Island Lions Club held their Installation and Awards Dinner at the Bridgeview Tavern on Wednesday June 14th. Officers Inducted are: Kelly McGarvey-President, Tom Rusert-1st Vice President, Tom Witkowski-Treasurer, Jim Ryan-Corresponding Secretary, Donna Lavallee-Recording Secretary, Ashley and Tom Digati-Lion Tamer/Tail Twister, Paul Bassette-Director, Susan Standora-Director, Anne Fahning-Director, Shelia Ferrentino-Mambership chair, Dave Chervinsky-Publicity Chair, and Dick Crawford-Immediate Past President.

From left are Paul Bassette, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee, Kevin Kulikowski, and Dick Crawford.

   Three Melvin Jones Awards were given at the Grand Island Lions Installation and Awards dinner on Wednesday June 14th. Lion Paul Bassette Committee Chairman, gave background on the Melvin Jones. The Melvin Jones awards can be given to a Lion or a non-Lion. The Melvin Jones Fellowship was established as the Lions Club International Foundation's highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual's dedication to humanitarian service. This is a person who puts people and human needs first.Outgoing Lion President Dick Crawford presented the first award to Kevin Kulikowski of Young Life for ministering to young adults in our community for many years. Lion Anne Fahning presented the second Melvin Jones award to Shelia Ferrentino, a 20-year member serving in every capacity in our club incuding chairing the Exceptionl Kids Picnic. Lion Paul Bassette presented the 3rd Melvin Jones award to Lion Donna Lavallee who has been our Recording Secretary for thirteen years, is the clubs Hearing Chairman and works tirelessly behind the scenes on many committees and projects for the Lions and Trinity United Methodist Church.

From left: Rocky Nagel, Lion Tom Rusert, Sharon Dickenson, Lions Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, and Shelia Ferrentino.

   The Antique Boat Club presented a check to the Grand Island Lions Club in support of the Exceptional Kids Picnic. Several members of the Antique Boat Club have participated in the picnic by donating their time with the boat rides and support in other areas. Sharon Dickinson, President of the Club, along with Rocky Nagel, presented a check of $1000 in support of the Exceptional Kids Picnic.

From left: First Mate Barbara Graham, David Bunis, Lions Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, and Shelia Ferrentino.

    Lion Anne Fahning, Boat Chairman of the Lions Exceptional Picnic, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to David Bunis for his service of donating his time and boat during the Kids Picnic for the past 40 years!

Lions Club Newsletter - June 2023

   June Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - May 2023

   May Newsletter

Lions Club 54th Annual Spaghetti Dinner - April 2023

    The Grand Island Lions will be hosting their 54th Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, April 24th from 5 PM until 8 PM at Ellden's Grill and Banquet, 201 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. All dinners include spaghetti and meatballs, dinner salad and bread. Dine-in or takeout service is available. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 7 years old and younger. The restaurant's bar will be open for drinks and beverages. The dinner will also feature two 50/50 draws and a basket raffle with two featured baskets: a lottery tree and a wine and spirit basket, each valued at over $250.00.
    Tickets for are available at the restaurant, from any Lion member or they can be ordered from Lion Dick Crawford at 716-818-6992. Tickets are also available online at the Lions' Facebook page at facebook.com/groups/GILIONSCLUB. The unique features of the page include tickets can be ordered for either-sized dinners, the club's lottery tree raffle and wine and spirit basket raffle and also each 50/50 raffle. Donations to the club's charitable endeavors can also be made.
    The Lions are also accepting non-perishable food and baby diapers and wipes for the benefit of the island's Neighbors Foundation. Used eyeglasses and hearing aids can also be donated at the event.
    The Lions wish to thank the community for their welcomed and continued support for the many projects that have benefitted so many: Miracle League Baseball/Beep Ball Field and associated playground, our annual Special Kids Picnic, the children's playroom and client living room at the new Family Justice Center satellite, the new Sidway playground, Lions Scholarship Program plus over 50 other organizations that have provided for the needs of so many of our families, neighbors and friends. Should you have a passion and a humanitarian project that could use some help, the Lions stand ready to assist in whatever capacity is available to them. Where there is a need, there is a Lion. Thank you!

Lions Club Newsletter - April 2023

   April Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - March 2023

   March Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - February 2023

   February Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - January 2023

   January Newsletter

Lions Club Holiday Party and Award - December 2022

Seen here from the left are Mike and Marie Maio, Stu and Lion Donna Lavallee, Jim and Lion Kelly McGarvey, Lion Jenny Bagen, Lion Shelia Ferretino, Lion Paul Krupa, Peggy and Lion Tom Rusert, Ed and Lion Susan Standora, and Marla and Lion President Dick Crawford.

Pictured from the left are Lions Club President Dick Crawford, holding a Tops Market Bag, Lions Sponsor Tom Rusert and Mike Maio.

    The Grand Island Lions held their annual Christmas Party on Wednesday December 14th at the Buffalo Launch Club. During the event The Lions awarded Mike Maio with an Uplinger distinguished service Award. Established in 1993, the award honors outstanding Lions and non-Lions or organizations who perform exemplary service to a Club, District, or community. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service. Maio, who is the Manager at the Grand Island Tops Market has never turned down the Lions requests, providing space for fundraising or donations for our Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser and the Special Picnic for Kids held each summer on Grand Island.

Lions Club Newsletter - December 2022

   December Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - November 2022

   November Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - October 2022

   October Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - September 2022

   September Newsletter

Lions Club Offers Medical Equipment - September 2022

From left: Lion President Dick Crawford and Lion Tim Rusert prepare to deliver a hospital bed and wheelchair to someone in need.

    The Grand Island Lions Club continues to serve the community by offering durable medical equipment, free of charge, to those in need. Items include wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and shower chairs. Anyone interested in obtaining an item can call Lions Dick Crawford 716-818-6992, Dave Chervinsky 716-773-7185, Tom Rusert 716-704-9644 or Sarah Sweeney 716-909-8767. We also accept donations through the above members, or items can be dropped off at the Recreation Department office at 3278 Whitehaven Road during normal business hours.

64th Annual "Kids Picnic" - July 2022

    The Grand Island Lions Club is presenting its 64th Annual "Kids Picnic" on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at the Buffalo Launch Club, 503 East River Road, from 10:00 a.m., - 12:30 p.m. On this day, the GI Lions Club along with many other volunteers will serve children with disabilities. Joy and laughter will be brought to the hearts of over 600 children from Western New York. The children will enjoy boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, face painting, tours of the GI Fire Company fire truck, Shriner kart rides, pony rides and more. There will be popcorn and soft drinks, along with plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers being serveed at the event.

Lions Club Newsletter - July 2022

   July / August Newsletter

Lions Club Installation & Awards Dinner - June 2022

Pictured from the left, are Lions Jeff Jarvis, Dick Crawford (President), Anne Fahning and Tom Rusert (Directors), Jim Ryan (corresponding secretary), Paul Bassette (director), Tom Witkowski (Treasurer), Donna Lavallee (Recording Secretary), and Kelly McGarvey (First Vice President). Not present were Lions Second Vice President Shelia Ferrentino, Director Henry Lobl, and Lion Tamer/ Tail Twisters Ashley and Tom Digati.

Mary Cooke displays her Melvin Jones Award. Seen with her are Lion Paul Bassette (left) and Lion Tom Witkowski.

Awards Chairman Lion Paul Bassette (left) and Lion Dave Chervinsky stand with Robert J. Uplinger recipient, Lion Paul Krupa at the Lions June 8th Installation Dinner.

Lion Tom Rusert holds his Melvin Jones Award. Past recipients with him are Lion Paul Bassette and Lion Anne Fahning.

    The Grand Island Lions Club held their Installation and awards Banquet at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday June 8, 2022. Past District Governor, Lion Jeff Jarvis installed the Board of Directors for the 2022/23 year.
    The Lions also gave out various awards. Lions outgoing President, Paul Krupa, received The Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award. Established in 1993, the award honors outstanding Lions and non-Lions or organizations who perform exemplary service to a Club, District, or community. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service. Over his 25-year career Lion Paul served two clubs in New York State, was Grand Island Club President twice, and served on many committees and programs.
    Lion Tom Rusert and Community leader and former Grand Island Town Supervisor, Mary Cooke received The Lions Club International Foundation Melvin Jones Award. The award is the LCIF's highest honor and is given to a lion's member or citizen for outstanding humanitarian service. Lion Tom is a long time Club member and former Club President who has, during his 24 years of service, spearheaded Lions donations to the Neighbors Foundation, collecting many thousands of dollars' worth of food and donations over the years. He is instrumental in growing the Club as Membership Chairman, bringing in new members on a regular basis. He has maintained a key role with the Lions Special Kids Picnic, using his boat to give children the thrill of a boat ride, and is one of the chief cooks at the Lions Spaghetti Dinner.
    Mary Cooke is a longtime community leader who has taught Life and Careers to many students, served as President of the Library Board, Relay for Life, and the Grand Island Historical Society. She is a former Grand Island Councilwoman and Town Supervisor. She is a lector at St Stephens Church and has volunteered at Trinity United Methodist Church's Clothing store and helps with many clothing drives.

Lions Club Newsletter - June 2022

   June Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - May 2022

   May Newsletter

Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - April 2022

    The Grand Island Lions will be hosting their 53rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner that has funded numerous projects and services benefitting the citizens of the Grand Island community and the world we all share. It will be held Monday, April 25th from 5 PM until 8 PM at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1841 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. It will be a drive-through only event and dinners must be prepaid and will be delivered to your vehicle. All dinners will include spaghetti and meatballs, a dinner salad and bread.
    Tickets for the clubs lottery tree, spirit and wine basket and gift card raffles can be ordered also. Each basket is valued at $250 minimum. Likewise, our 50/50 raffle can also be ordered online. We also graciously accept donations to the Lions' charitable endeavors - all money goes for humanitarian causes. No internet? No credit card? Not computer savvy? No problem! Dinner tickets can be obtained from any Lion or can be ordered from Lion Dick Crawford at 716-818-6992. Tickets for the raffles can also be obtained at the event.
   The Lions wish to thank the community for their welcomed and continued support for the many projects that have benefitted so many: Miracle League Baseball/Beep Ball Field and associated playground, Special Kids Picnic, the children's playroom/client living room at the new Family Justice Center satellite, the new Sidway playground, Lions Scholarship Program plus over 50 other organizations that have provided for the needs of so many of our families, neighbors and friends. Should you have a passion and a humanitarian project that could use some help, the Lions stand ready to assist in whatever capacity is available to them. Where there is a need, there is a Lion. Thank you! TICKETS.

Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - April 2022

   Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner is Monday, April 25th from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1841 Whitehaven Road. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children.

Lions Club Diaper Drive - April 2022

   Diaper need is a silent crisis in America, one that cannot be addressed by private diaper banks alone. One in three families struggles to provide clean diapers for their baby. Children in low-income families are at greatest risk of suffering the effects of diaper need because many families simply can't afford enough diapers. Current public support programs help some, but young children have additional needs necessary to build a strong foundation for healthy growth and to reach their full potential. It requires the support of citizens and humanitarian organizations dedicated to correcting these conditions.
   Because of our strong emphasis on helping children, the Grand Island Lions are sponsoring what will become an annual event in support of FeedMore of WNY formerly known as The Food Bank of WNY. The Diaper Drive will take place over a two-week period between April 3rd and April 16th, 2022. A number of locations will be sites for collecting all types of disposable diapers and baby wipes for dispersal throughout the FeedMore of WNY service area. The Grand Island sites are: Town Hall (lower entrance); Howard Hanna Realty; St. Stephens Catholic Church; Island Family Eye Care; Trinity United Methodist Church; Trilogy/MOG Physical Therapy. We're also collecting baby wipes too. Can you help make our area a better place by donating? Thank you! For more information, contact Tom Witkowski, 716-909-1862, liontom20n@roadrunner.com.

Lions Club Newsletter - April 2022

   April Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - March 2022

   March Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - February 2022

   February Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - January 2022

   January Newsletter

Lions Club Thanksgiving Food Drive - November 2021

    The Lions Club is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive on Wednesday, November 17th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes, 1887 Whitehaven Road from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. They will be collecting frozen turkeys, canned good and gift cards to benefit the GI Neighbors Foundation. After you donate you can enjoy a free game of bowling. FLYER.

Lions Club Newsletter - November 2021

   November Newsletter

Medical Equipment Available - October 2021

Posing with some equipment from left to right are Lions Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky, and Dick Crawford. Honorary member Charlie Crawford is front and center.

    The Grand Island Lions Club has an abundance of durable medical equipment for anyone in need. Items are free for the asking and include wheelchairs, walkers, canes, commodes, bath seats, etc. Anyone interested in obtaining an item can call Lions Dick Crawford 716-818-6992, Dave Chervinsky 716-773-7185, Tom Rusert 716-704-9644 or Sarah Sweeney 716-909-8767. We also accept donations through the above members, or items can be dropped off at the Recreation Department office at 3278 Whitehaven Road during normal business hours.

Lions Club Newsletter - October 2021

   October Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - September 2021

   September Newsletter

Lions Club White Cane Drive - September 2021

From left: Lions Norm Hahn and Anne Fahning with collection canes that were made by past member Earl DeGlopper.

    The Grand Island Lions were out in force on August 27-28th with their annual "White Cane Drive". The funds collected are earmarked for helping the vision impaired and blind. Our White Cane Chairman, Lion Anne Fahning reported that we brought in $3352 for the cause. The Lions would like to thank everyone in the community who generously contributed. Also, a big thank you to Tops Markets manager Mike Maio for allowing us to set up in front of their store. The Lions Club partnership with TOPS markets for 60 years has greatly benefited our community and the programs that we are able to fund. The annual spaghetti dinner and special kids picnic highlight our mission of serving and TOPS has been an integral part of our success.


Lions Club Summer Newsletter - August/July 2021

   July - August Newsletter

Lions Club June Newsletter - June 2021

   June Newsletter

Lions Club May Newsletter - May 2021

   May Newsletter

Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - April 2021

From left: Dick Crawford - Paul Krupa - Anne Fahning - Tom Rusert - Kelly McGarvey.

    The Grand Island Lions are proud to host our 52nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, April 26th at the Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road. This fundraiser has funded numerous projects and services benefitting the citizens of our community and the world, helping to make it a better place to live and work in.
   To keep our servers safe, all dinners must be prepaid and will be delivered to your vehicle. Just click on the "Get Tickets" button and select the dinner size you want and what time it is convenient for you to pick it up. All dinners come with spaghetti and meatballs, bread and a salad. We also have two raffles, one a lottery ticket tree and the other a wine and spirits basket. Also available for you is a 50/50 raffle if you're feeling extra lucky. All raffle tickets are also available at the event.
    Credit card purchase not for you? You can obtain tickets from Chairman Lion Dick Crawford at 716-818-6992. If you have any questions, simply click on the "Contact Organizer" button. Lions Club Facebook Page - Tickets Page     Not in the mood for pasta but still would like to help us help others? Please consider making a donation by clicking on the "Donate" button. All money is leveraged through various grants and foundations to increase the power of your generosity. And we thank you from the bottom of our Lions hearts! We truly serve, making a difference every day!

Lions Club April Newsletter - April 2021

   April Newsletter

Lions Club March Newsletter - March 2021

   March Newsletter

Lions Club February Newsletter - February 2021

   February Newsletter

Lions Club January Newsletter - January 2021

   January Newsletter

Lions Club December Newsletter - December 2020

   December Newsletter

Lions Club November Newsletter - November 2020

   November Newsletter

Lions Club October Newsletter - October 2020

   October Newsletter

Lions Club September Newsletter - September 2020

   September Newsletter

Lions Club White Cane Drive - October - September - August 2020

   We are the Grand Island Lions Club and for more than 65 years we have embraced our mission to help the vision and hearing impaired. Children in need is also a cause we are dedicated to.
    A white cane is a devise that many people who are blind or visually impaired use to scan their surroundings for obstacles or orientation marks, but it also helpful for onlookers in identifying the user as blind so as to take appropriate care.
    This year you won't see us with the symbolic white cane on the street or outside of Tops or the banks. We will miss our interaction with you, but we must all stay safe. Because of Covid 19, we have been unable to engage in person to raise funds for this and other causes. We are so proud of, and grateful to our community and their unfaltering support over the years. We thank you for any help you can provide and look forward to the time when we can again be face to face. The Grand Island Lions Club is a registered 501(c) (4) Charity. Make a donation at the Go Fund Me Page. Donations can also be sent to PO Box 71, Grand Island, NY 14072.

Lions Club July/August Newsletter - July 2020

   July - August Newsletter

Lions Club Helps GI Clean Up 2020 - June 2019

   Twelve members of the Grand Island Lions Club participated in Saturdays town wide clean-up. The Lions cleaned a stretch of Grand Island Blvd from Webb Road to the Viking Diner and Baseline road at Rite-Aid and the Grand Island Plaza.

Lions Club June Newsletter - June 2020

   June Newsletter

Lions Club Cancels Special Kids Picnic - May 2020

    Because of the inability to maintain the safety of all involved, the Grand Island Lions have cancelled the Special Kids Picnic scheduled for July 15th of this year. The picnic serves children with special needs with a day of fun including pony rides, boat rides, Shriner go cart rides, along with music, hot dogs, hamburgers, face painting and a variety of entertainment. The annual event is one of the highlights of the summer for these kids. Our Lions Club looks forward to serving our community in a safe manner in the coming months.

Lions Club Receives Grant for Family Justice Center - May 2020

   The Grand Island Lions Club has received a grant for the Grand Island Justice Center. The club has been approved as the sponsor for the Children's Room of the newest Family Justice Center satellite located in the former parsonage of Trinity United Methodist Church on Whitehaven Road. They have secured a $1,500 matching grant from the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation that provides grants for Lions-sponsored projects across New York State that demonstrate focus for helping children in need.
    With contributions from the community through their fundraisers and the foundation, the funds will provide the means for children to have a welcome respite from the trauma that accompanies domestic violence cases. Marcey Bryant, FJC's Marketing, Events & Fundraising Specialist stated: "Similar to other FJC locations, the Grand Island satellite will host a room for children, stocked with toys, games, books, and more; that allows children to do what they do best - play! Rather than join their parent and re-live the trauma of the verbal, emotional and physical abuse going on at home, children can play under the supervision of trained staff and volunteers, while their parent or guardian receives services with our domestic violence advocates...We are so happy and thankful that the Grand Island Lions Club, and Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation, has committed to sponsoring the Children's Room at our new Grand Island site!"
    The Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation has also provided past matching grants to the Lions for the Miracle League playground, the annual Special Kids Picnic held at the Buffalo Launch Club, and the new playground at Sidway Elementary. All told, $13,000 obtained from the generous donations of local citizens to the club and matching grants from the Foundation have made life better for all kids who live and visit here. Once safe to do so (hopefully in June), work will commence to complete the rehabilitation of the center. At that time, the $3,000 funding will be released to the center.

Lions Club May Newsletter - May 2020

   May Newsletter

Lions Club April Newsletter - April 2020

   April Newsletter

Lions Club March Newsletter - March 2020

   March Newsletter
   The March General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, March 11th at WNY Welcome Center at 7:00 p.m.

Lions Club February Newsletter - February 2020

   February Newsletter
   The February General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, February 26th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes.

Lions Club January Newsletter - January 2020

   January Newsletter

Lions Club December Newsletter - December 2019

   December Newsletter
   The December General Meeting and Christmas party of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, December 11th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club November Newsletter - November 2019

   November Newsletter
   The November General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, November 13th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club October Newsletter - October 2019

   October Newsletter
   The October General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, October 9th at Radisson Hotel.

Lions Club Seeking Donations to Loan Closet - October 2019

From the left, Lions Dave Chervinsky, Paul Bassette, Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford and Fred Ruocco.

    The Grand Island Lions Club would like to ask anyone who has a used wheelchair that is no longer needed to consider donating it to the Club. The Lions maintain a loan closet and lend out durable medical goods including wheelchairs, walkers, canes, portable commodes, and shower chairs. There currently is a shortage of wheelchairs. Anyone in need of equipment or who wants to donate items can call Lions Dave Chervinsky 773-7185, Dick Crawford 818-6992, Tom Rusert 773-2439, or Sarah Sweeney 909-8767 to have equipment picked up or dropped off.

Lions Club September Newsletter - September 2019

   September Newsletter
   The September General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, September 11th at Radisson Hotel.

Grand Island Lions Club Special Kids Picnic - Smiles Are Priceless - July 2019

   Cancelled due to weather.
The Grand Island Lions Club is presenting its 64th Annual "Special Kids Picnic" on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at the Buffalo Launch Club, Grand Island, New York, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. On this day, the Grand Island Lions Club along with many other volunteers will bring joy and laughter to the hearts of over 1000 special needs children from all over Western New York. The children will enjoy boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, face painting, tours of the Grand Island Fire Department's fire truck, Shriner Kar rides, pony rides and more. There will be popcorn and soft drinks along with plenty of hotdogs and hamburgers being served at the event. To watch one child smile and laugh is definitely the gift that keeps on giving; now multiply that by 1000. For more information please contact Annette Boies-Lobl at 716.773.3530.

Lions Club Summer Newsletter - July 2019

   Summer Newsletter

Lions Club News - June 2019

Pictured from left are Lions Tom Witkowski, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, and Shelia Ferrentino.

   The Grand Island Lions were out in force to support the Relay for Life at the annual Lawn Mower Race held on Sunday June 16th. Lions sold hot dogs at the event and raised $370 for the cause. Others helping out were Lions Donna Lavallee, Paul Bassette, Henry Lobl, Annette Boies-Lobl, and Tom Digati.

Pictured from left are past Uplinger winners, Lions Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Shelia Ferrentino and Henry Lobl.

    Lion Henry Lobl received The Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award at the Grand Island Lion Installation and Awards Dinner held on June 12th at The Radisson Inn. Established in 1993, the award honors outstanding Lions and non-Lions or organizations who perform exemplary service to a Club, District, or community. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service. .

Pictured from left: Tom Witkowski, Amanda Martinez, Molly Ehlenfield and Jeff Jarvis.

   Lion Tom Witkowski and Lions District Governor Jeff Jarvis. presentated a check of $2000 to Molly Ehlenfield and Amanda Martinez for the Sidway Playground Project. Molly accepted the award on behalf of Sidway school. The donation by the Grand Island Lions of $1000 was matched by a grant submitted to the Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation. The Foundation supports Lions projects in District 20, encompasing all of New York State and Bermuda.

Shown at the Lions Installation and Awards Dinner are from the left, Lion Paul Bassette, Calvin Vandermey, Lions Dick Crawford, and Shelia Ferrentino.

   Lion Dick Crawford presented the Melvin Jones Award to Calvin Vandermey, Calvin is Pastor at Bible Fellowship Center on Baseline Road and is recognized for his work in the community. He has reached out to people in need, plowing driveways, shoveling walkways and cutting grass, at no cost, as well as other community service acts. Pastor Calvin makes no distinction of parisoner or not, only that the person needs support. The Melvin Jones award is the Lions Club International Foundations highest honor and is given to a Lions member or citizen for outstanding humanitarian service.

    Lion Dick Crawford, on behalf of the Lions, presented Tony Dragonette with a plaque for his annual support of the spaghetti dinner. Tony has been invaluable over the years helping the Lions in the kitchen of the Radisson and its previous managements.

Pictured during the ceremony, are from left: new member Kim Pressley, sponser and Grandfather Bob Goulding, new member Tom Digati, sponser Dick Crawford, new member Ashley Digati, and performing the ceremony, Lions District 20 Governor Jeff Jarvis.

    Lion District 20 Governor Jeff Jarvis inducted three new members into the Grand Island Lions Club at their annual Installation and Awards Banquet held at the Radisson Inn Grand Island on Wednesday June 12th.

Lions Club June Newsletter - June 2019

   June Newsletter
   The Installation Dinner of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, June 12th at the Radisson Hotel.

Lions Club May Newsletter - May 2019

   May Newsletter
   The May General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, May 8th at the Radisson Hotel.

Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner Thank You 2019

   The Grand Island Lions Club would like to thank the Grand Island community and participating businesses that made our 2019 Spaghetti Dinner a success - Thank You!!!.

Lions Club April Newsletter - April 2019

   April Newsletter
   The April General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, April 10th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club March Newsletter - March 2019

   March Newsletter

Lions Club February Newsletter - February 2019

   February Newsletter
   The February General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, February 27th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes.

Lions Club January Newsletter - January 2019

   January Newsletter
   The January General Meeting of the Lions Club is on Wednesday, January 23rd at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club December Newsletter - December 2018

   December Newsletter
   The Lions Club Christmas party is on Wednesday, December 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club November Newsletter - November 2018

   November Newsletter
   The November General Meeting is on Wednesday, November 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club Welcomes New Members - November 2018

From left: new members Mike Kelly, General Manager of the Fucillo Group on Grand Island and Samantha Miller, Sales Associate at Fucillo and Lions club President and new member sponsor Shelia Ferrentino

   On October 24, 2018, the Grand Island Lions hosted a joint meeting with their Sister Lions Club of Merritton, Ontario. The meeting was held at the Moose Lodge on Grand Island Blvd. Guest speaker was Ontario District A-2 Governor Zoltan Dohar who spoke to both clubs about service to their communities and on an international level. Lion Amber Bell, President of the Merritton Lions Accepted a Certificate of Congratulations presented by Governor Dohar on behalf of her Club's 80th Charter Anniversary. The Grand Island Lions inducted two new members into their Club. The new Lions members are Mike Kelly, General Manager of the Fucillo Group on Grand Island and Samantha Miller, Sales Associate at Fucillo.

Lions Club Health & Wellness Fair - October 2018

    The Grand Island Lions Club is hosting a Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, November 10th at Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. Hours are 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and it is free. See flyer for list of participants.

Lions Club Hosts Joint Service Club Meeting - October 2018

From left Keynote Speaker Mary Travers Murphy and Lions Club President Shelia Ferrentino.

Peter Kuszezak of the Knights of Columbus Council 4752 presents a $200 check to Grand Island Lions President Shelia Ferrentino for the Lions "Special Kids Picnic." Moneys were collected at the Knights Chicken Barbeque held in July.

   On Wednesday, October 10th, the Grand Island Lions hosted a joint service club meeting at the Buffalo Launch Club. Participating clubs included the Rotary, Kiwanis, Zonta, American Legion, Women of the Moose, and the Grand Island Lions Club. Each club discussed their service projects and activities in the community and talked about joint service projects the clubs could be involved in. Mary Travers Murphy from the Family Justice Center was Keynote Speaker and gave a compelling talk about Domestic Violence and what the Justice Center is doing to combat it. Mary also talked about the satellite Justice Center location at the MOG on Grand Island. Brian Mohr of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Erie County Sheriff's Office, and Bill Long from the Anti-Bullying Project, added to the discussion.

Lions Club Donates Medical Equipment - October 2018

Pictured with equipment in the background is Lion Tom Rusert on the left, along with Patrick Mellody, Purchasing Manager of the Jericho Road Health Center.

    On September 25, 2018, the Grand Island Lions donated excess durable medical equipment to the Jericho Road Community Health Center in Buffalo. The Health Center provides a culturally sensitive medical home, especially for refugees and low income community members, facilitating wellness and self sufficiency by addressing health, education, economic and spiritual barriers in order to demonstrate Jesus' unconditional love for the whole person.
   The Center has two locations in Buffalo as well as a health center in Sierra Leone and a medical clinic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Grand Island Lions Club has durable medical equipment for anyone in need. Equipment includes wheelchairs, walkers, canes, commodes, bath seats, etc. Anyone interested in obtaining an item can call Fred Ruocco 445-9233, Dick Crawford 818-6992, Dave Chervinsky 773-7185, or Sarah Sweeney 909-8767. We also accept donations through the above members, or items can be dropped off at the Recreation Department office at 3278 Whitehaven Road during normal business hours.

Lions Club October Newsletter - October 2018

   October Newsletter
   The October General Meeting is on Wednesday, October 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club September Newsletter - September 2018

   September Newsletter
   The September General Meeting is on Wednesday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club Special Kids Picnic - July 2018

Sabretooth and Shelia Ferentino.

Facepainting booth.

Petting Zoo.
Lions Club Photos.

    On July 18, 2018, the Grand Island Lions Club held their 60th annual "Special Kids Picnic" at the Buffalo Launch Club. 1006 kids with special needs and their chaperones enjoyed a variety of entertainment including boat rides, pony rides, Shiner mini kar rides, face painting and entertainment by Step in Time Baton Dancers. Sabretooth and the Lions mascot, magicians and Pringles the Clown, milled through the crowd and engaged the children. Lunch included hot dogs, hamburgers, soda and popcorn. Lion Annette Boies-Lobl, picnic chairman, gave credit to the 96 volunteers who helped the club carry this out. Volunteers included Lions from our sister Club of Merritton Ontario, Canada as well as members of the, the Knights of Columbus, and the Kenmore Boy Scout Troop 104.
   Special thanks goes to the Buffalo Launch Club for donating their facilities for the 58th year, to the boat captains and Collins Marine who donated their boats, to the crew of the Excalibur Boat, and to Tops Markets, Tim Horton’s and Dunkin Donuts, for their donations.

Lions Club Summer Newsletter - July 2018

   July-August Newsletter
   The Lions Club Special Kids Picnic is at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday, July 18th.

Lions Club Installation & Awards Banquet - June 2018

Board of Directors: Installed officers for the 2018-19 year are shown left to right Lions Paul Krupa, First Vice President; Tom Witkowski, Treasurer; Tom Rusert, Membership Chairman; Henry Lobl, Immediate Past President; Donna Lavallee, Recording Secretary; Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Directors; Anne Fahning, Second Vice President, Cindy Sharpe, Brooks Rimes, Directors; Shelia Ferrentino, President; Fred Ruocco, Tail Twister/Lion Tamer; and Kelly McGarvey, Corresponding Secretary.

    The Grand Island Lions held their Installation and Awards Banquet at the Grand Island Radisson Inn on June 13, 2018. In addition to the Installation of officers, the club presented a Melvin Jones Award to John Harbison and an Uplinger Award to Lion Shelia Ferrentino. Certificates of appreciation were given to Tops Markets and The Radisson for their continuous support of our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. Two new members were inducted into our club Adrienne Cassata, an Optometrist on the Island and Grand Island Councilman Beverly Kinney.

From left: Sponsor Dave Chervinsky, new members Adrienne Cassata & Beverly Kinney, Sponsor Cindy Sharpe.
   New Members: The Grand Island Lions inducted two new members into their Club at their annual Installation Dinner. Adrienne Cassata is a Optometrist living on Grand Island and Grand Island Councilman Beverly Kinney.

John Harbison was presented the award by past award recipients Lions Dick Crawford (left) and Paul Bassette.

   Melvin Jones Award: The award is the LCIF's highest honor and is given to a Lions member or citizen for outstanding humanitarian service.
   John Harbison grew up in Buffalo and earned his engineering degree, as well as an MBA at Michigan State University. After working for 5 years for General Electric, out of town, he moved back to Buffalo and spent the next 24 years working for Westinghouse. It was back in 1968 that John and his wife were looking for a place to build their home. As fate would have it, they bought 35 acres on Grand lsland, and John decided to subdivide the property into a park-like setting. He developed it into Amberwood Estates, with 57 home sites on Amberwood and Autumnwood Drive; He personally designed 9 of the homes, one of which is where he lives today.
   John has felt totally blessed his whole life, with a great family and exciting career. He took on many new projects, working after hours. One of which was taking on the chairmanship of the building of the education wing at Trinity United Methodist Church on Whitehaven Road. In 1993 John volunteered to help Refugees. It lasted for 23 years' and he became the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Journey's End Resettlement Services. They settled 50 refugees per year when he started. When he retired from the board, they settled 581 refugees that year. The Buffalo region gained approximately 15,000 persons and reoccupied many of the vacant homes in Buffalo.
    When John retired from Westinghouse, he was invited to join the Grand Island Rotary. He has often said that Rotary "changed his life" after a great career, he wanted to be able to give back. He became aware of the needs in developing parts of the world. Some examples of this included projects in Bolivia:
    1. John partnered with Food for the Hungry and with the help of Rotary Foundation Grants, they raised $30,000 to rebuild a school in Bolivia, adding bathrooms with showers. In addition they taught people to build greenhouses to grow vitamin-rich vegetables.
    2. The next project in Bolivia was educating people about Chagas Disease, a parasitic disease, that was 100% fatal if the parasites get into your body, and 3 million people were at risk in Bolivia.
    3. John wrote a grant request to Rotary International Services for $300,000. It was a two year effort and it was granted. This money allowed them to educate 150,000 people about this parasitic disease, plus build 221 new brick homes to replace homes infected with beetles and parasites. Clean water springs were tapped and water was connected to all houses in ten different villages in Bolivia. The Bolivian Government brought power to the edge of ten different villages. Food for the Hungry and Rotary connected power to all the houses in each village. This project established a pattern that was duplicated throughout Bolivia. The standard of living moved 300 years forward from that, as a result.
    After Bolivia, John's efforts turned to helping in Haiti. John's son, Dr. Andrew Harbison, was asked to go to Haiti to help meet the medical needs in Haiti. The lack of clean water and great shortages of medical personnel have created medical problems that we cannot comprehend. John joined Andy and 10 to 15 groups of nurses and volunteers to help meet the medical needs. They went to Haiti for a week every year, for l0 years, and provided medicine and medical care for up to 900 patients each trip. John raised money from his church, Rotary clubs, and applied for a matching grant from Rotary, and built a medical clinic at a cost $80,000 in a remote town of Maniche, Haiti.

Lion Shelia Ferrentino, seen here flanked by past Uplinger winners Lions Anne Fahning and Paul Bassette.

    Uplinger Award: This years Robert J. Uplinger recipient is Lion Shelia Ferrentino. Established in 1993, the award honors outstanding Lions and non-Lions or organizations who perform exemplary service to a Club, District, or community. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service.
    Shelia has been involved in The Lions White Cane Drive, The Bon Ton fundraiser, the Spaghetti Dinner, The Special Kids Picnic, Buffalo News Kids Day, maintenance of the Lions loan closet and other activities. While juggling her full time career with Lions events she seems to find the time to be fully involved in both. Shelia is chairing a Health clinic this fall on Grand Island during Diabetes awareness month. She was the first female President of the Grand Island Lions Club and will serve as president again this coming year.
    Special recognition certificates: Certificates of appreciation were given to Tops Markets and the Radisson Inn for their continued support of the Lions Spaghetti Dinner. The dinner is a fundraiser held every spring to help fund the Lions Special Kids Picnic held in July for Western NY children with special needs.

Lions Club June Newsletter - June 2018

   June Newsletter
   The Lions Club Installation Dinner is on Wednesday, June 13th, at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club Booster Night at Dick & Jenny's - May 2018

   The Grand Island Lions Club would like to invite everyone to our Booster night fundraiser at Dick and Jenny's restaurant on Tuesday, May 15th. The restaurant will donate 20% of the food proceeds to our club. Just print out the coupon and bring to Dick and Jenny's!

Lions Club May Newsletter - May 2018

   May Newsletter
   The Lions Club general meeting is on Wednesday, May 9th, at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club April Newsletter - April 2018

   April Newsletter
   The Lions Club general meeting is on Wednesday, April 11th, at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club March Newsletter - March 2018

   March Newsletter
   The Lions Club general meeting is on Wednesday, March 14th, at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club Hosts Free Vision Screenings - February 2018

   The Grand Island Lions Club, in conjunction with Lions S.E.E. and Lions Kidsight USA, is hosting free vision screenings for children six months to six years old. Screenings will be held in the Conference Room at the Grand Island Memorial Library on Thursday, March 1, 2018 between the hours of 11 AM and 2 PM and from 4 PM to 7 PM.
   These screenings are primarily for those children who have not been checked in the recent Lions screenings in the Grand Island public and parochial schools or at three of the island's child care facilities (Island Kids, Kiddo's Korner, and St. Timothy's). The goal includes screening those children who attend other educational facilities or who are home-schooled.
    The screenings use the latest technology to detect amblyopic conditions, more commonly known as "lazy eye". Those conditions include far- and near-sightedness, unequal refractive power or pupil size, misaligned eyes, blurry vision, and blockages to light entering the eye such as cataract. The trained volunteer screeners do not contact children nor are drops used to dilate the eyes. It takes less than 30 seconds to perform a screening with instant results. The SPOT™ automated screeners, manufactured by Welch-Allyn, are 80-95% effective in detecting vision problems. It must be noted here that the screenings do not take the place of an eye exam performed by a qualified pediatric ophthalmologist or optometrist.
    Vision experts agree that 80% of a child's learning is through vision. Therefore, if a child can't see well, he or she cannot learn well. The six month to six year age bracket is the best time to correct vision anomalies before any conditions become permanent resulting in more expensive, and possibly ineffective, treatment modalities possibly resulting in a lifetime of poor vision for the child. For more information, go to www.lionsseeny.org.
    The Lions highly recommend pre-registration for the screenings in order to facilitate the process. Please contact Lion Thomas Witkowski at 909-1862 or via email at liontom20n@roadrunner.com to register or for more information.

Lions Club February Newsletter - February 2018

   February Newsletter
   The Lions Club Valentine's party is on Wednesday, February 28th, at Mallwitz's Island Lanes.

Lions Club December Newsletter - December 2017

   December Newsletter
   The Lions Club Christmas party is on Wednesday, December 13th, at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club Donates School Supplies - November 2017

Director of Buffalo's "The Teacher’s Desk" John Mika and Lion Tom Witkowski.

From left: Lions Dave Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, and Annette Boies-Lobl.

   The Grand Island Lions collected school supplies and personal items for kids who continue to arrive in the Buffalo area from the catastrophic devastation caused by the recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. The children are being temporarily housed with relatives while their homes and lands rebuild. Most of the children are arriving from Puerto Rico where their entire island remains in so much need. Some of these kids have come here with nothing much more than the clothes they left with. Faced with the potential of accommodating over 300 kids in the Buffalo area, Teacher’s Desk is in need of school and personal items to stem the trauma the children continue to face. Teacher’s Desk, fueled by a donation from Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, is a store where teachers shop free, obtaining free school supplies for students in need. The Lions donations have been coordinated by Lion Tom Witkowski. Island residents Marcela Hernandez, Ashley Digati, Kelly Thorn Lynch, and Judy and Tony Colucci delivered donated items.

Lions Club November Newsletter - November 2017

   November Newsletter
   The Lions Club November dinner meeting is on Wednesday, November 8th, at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club Donates $500 to Library - October 2017

Treasurer Tom Witkowski, President Henry Lobl, Library Director Pat Covley & Library Trustee and Lions Past President Dick Crawford.

    The Lions Club presented a check for $500 to the Grand Island Memorial Library on Friday, October 13th. The check is their annual donation to the large print library, which they have been doing for over 25 years. Library Director Pat mentioned she already has an order in for 25 books to add to the collection.

Lions Club Joint Meeting - October 2017

Click photo for larger view. Photo courtesy Glenn Connell of Merritton.

    On Wednesday, October 11th, the Grand Island Lions Club held their annual joint meeting with their Lions Sister Club from Merritton Ontario. The meeting was held at the Moose Lodge on Grand Island Boulevard, arranged by Lions Past President Dick Crawford, and catered by McMahon’s Restaurant.

Lions Club Donates Loan Closet Excess - October 2017

Pictured with one of two truckloads of equipment, are from the left: Dave Chervinsky, Dan Morabito. Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Olivia Corcoran, Norm Hahn, Danielle Rose, Kelley McGarvey, Donna Lavallee, Shelia Ferrentino, and Dick Crawford.

   On Saturday, September 30, 2017, the Grand Island Lions packed up excess durable medical equipment from their loan closet and donated it to St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy in Buffalo. The Lions donate free of charge to anyone in need, medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, shower seats, commodes, crutches and canes. See the Lions website, www.gilions.com, for contact information. Excess equipment is often shipped out to other communities in need.

Lions Club October Newsletter - October 2017

   October Newsletter
   The Lions Club October dinner meeting is on Wednesday, October 11th, location TBA.

Lions Club September Newsletter - August 2017

   September Newsletter
   The Lions Club September general meeting is on Wednesday, September 13th at the Radisson Inn. See newsletter for details.

Certificates of Recognition - September 2017

Annette Lobl, Picnic Chairman, Dunkin Manager Morgan Gillboy, Henry Lobl, Lions Club President.

Annette Lobl, Picnic Chairman, Top's Manager Mike Maio, Henry Lobl, Lions Club President.

Annette Lobl, Picnic Chairman, Tim Horton's Manager Eric Steward, Henry Lobl, Lions Club President.

   The Grand Island Lions Club presented Certificates of Recognition to Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons and Tops Markets for their on-going support of the Lions Club Picnic for kids with special needs.

Lions Club White Cane Days - August 2017

White Cane Chairmen Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl pose with the White Collection Canes made by former Lions member Earl DeGlopper.

   The Grand Island Lions Club will be doing their annual "White Cane Days" on Friday and Saturday, August 18th and 19th. This is a major fundraiser for Lions Clubs around the world. Monies collected are used to support programs and services for people who are blind or visually impaired as well as for sight conservation. Our Lions Club helps with a number of sight programs in our community including supporting the Library large print book section, screening preschool children for eye disease, vision correction for people in need, and support of the Ira Ross Eye Institute. Look for Lions collecting donations in front of Tops Market, at local bank entrances and on local streets on the above dates.

59th Annual Special Kids Picnic - July 2017

    On July 19, 2017, the Grand Island Lions Club held their 59th annual "Special Kids Picnic" at the Buffalo Launch Club. Over 1000 kids with special needs and their chaperones enjoyed a variety of entertainment including boat rides, pony rides, Shriner mini kar rides, face painting and entertainment by Step in Time Baton Dancers. Sabretooth and the Lions mascot, magicians and Pringles the Clown, milled through the crowd and engaged the children.
   Lunch included hot dogs, hamburgers, soda and popcorn. Lion Annette Boies-Lobl, picnic chairman, gave credit to the 90 volunteers who helped the club carry this out. Volunteers included Lions from the sister Club of Merritton Ontario, Canada, as well as members of the Knights of Columbus, and Kenmore Boy Scout Troop 104. Special thanks goes to Mount St. Mary's Hospital as a sponsor for the donation of $1000, to the Buffalo Launch Club for donating their facilities, to the boat captains and Collins Marine who donated their boats, to the crew of the Excalibur Boat, and to Tops Markets, Tim Horton's and Dunkin Donuts for their donations.

Lions Club Special Kids Photos - July 2017

Mary Stewart Photos.

    The Grand Island Lions Club 59th Annual "Special Kids Picnic" was on Wednesday, July 19th at the Buffalo Launch Club, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The Grand Island Lions Club amd many volunteers entertained 800 special needs children from all over Western New York. There were boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, face painting, tours of the Grand Island Fire Department's fire truck, Shriner Kar rides and pony rides. The kids also enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch.

Lions Club Special Kids Picnic - July 2017

   Smiles Are Priceless
   The Grand Island Lions Club is presenting its 59th Annual "Special Kids Picnic" on Wednesday, July 19th at the Buffalo Launch Club, Grand Island, New York, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. On this day, the Grand Island Lions Club along with many other volunteers will bring joy and laughter to the hearts of over 800 special needs children from all over Western New York. The children will enjoy boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, face painting, tours of the Grand Island Fire Department's fire truck, Shriner Kar rides, pony rides and more. There will be popcorn and soft drinks along with plenty of hotdogs and hamburgers being served at the event. To watch one child smile and laugh is definitely the gift that keeps on giving; now multiply that by 800. For more information please contact Annette Boies-Lobl at 716.773.3530.

Lions Club Summer Newsletter - July 2017

   Summer Newsletter
   The Lions Club is hosting a Chicken BBQ and Basket Raffle at the Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road on Saturday, July 15th from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Pre-sale tickets are $11 and $12 at door. Call Bill Gworek (773-1338) or Chris Beyer (583-8564).

Lions Club Donates to Meals On Wheels- June 2017

Left to Right: Lion Treasurer Tom Witkowski, GAC Director Barb Gannon, outgoing Lion President Dick Crawford and incoming Lion President Henry Lobl.

    The Grand Island Lions participated in a "Booster Night" fundraiser with Dick and Jenny's Restaurant and raised $275. The Clubs Board of Directors predetermined that the funds would be donated to the Golden Age Center for the Meals on Wheels Program. Lions have been volunteering to deliver Meal on Wheels on a regular basis and the donation fits with the Lions Mission to help serve our community.

Lions Club Installation Dinner - June 2017

Pictured from left to right are: Directors Brooks Rimes, Bob Goulding, Recording Secretary Donna Lavallee, President Henry Lobl, Immediate Past President Dick Crawford, Vice president Shelia Ferrentino, Treasurer Tom Witkowski, Corresponding Secretary Kelly McGarvey, Directors Paul Krupa, Anne Fahning, and Lion Tamer/Tail Twister Fred Ruocco.
Left photo, from left: Paul Bassette, Thomas Rusert & Dick Crawford.
Right photo, from left: Dick Crawford, Gary Tucker & Annette Lobl.

From left: Dick Crawford, Annette Lobl, John & Dorothy Zimdahl.

   The Grand Island Lions held their 2017 Installation Dinner on Wednesday, June 14th at the Buffalo Launch Club. Past District Governor Clancey Burkwit Installed the Officers. St Mary’s Hospital was recognized as a major sponsor for the "Special Kids Picnic," and Lion & St. Mary's Hospital CEO Gary Tucker presented a $1,000 check. The Lions presented a plaque of appreciation and recognition to Collins Marine Manager John Zimdahl for Collins Marine continued support of the Lions Special Kids Picnic. Collins Marine supplies several boats each year to give the children boat rides during the picnic.
   Lion Thomas E. Rusert received The Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award. The award honors outstanding Lions who perform exemplary service to a Club, District, or community. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service.

Lions Club Newsletter - June 2017

   June Newsletter
   The next Lions Club meeting is the Installation Dinner at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday, June 14th.

Lions Club Receives Hearing Aids Donation - May 2017

Left to Right: Lion Dick Crawford,president; Nonnie Carroll, San Juan Island Lion Jim Carroll; Lion Tom Witkowski, treasurer.

    Recently, Jim Carroll was in town from San Juan Island, Washington, visiting his mother Nonnie. He brought hearing aids from his Lions Club in San Juan to be donated for re-use. Although his club collects used eyeglasses, there isn't a hearing aid re-use collection program. Grand Island Lions Club President Dick Crawford and Treasurer Tom Witkowski would like to remind community residents that the Lions have collection points at the Town Hall, Golden Age Center, Grand Island Optical, Elderwood, Dr. Fred Ruocco's practice, and the MOG (Medical Oriented Gym) for eyeglasses and hearing aids. The club also accepts durable medical goods such as, but not limited to, wheelchairs, walkers, canes and commodes.

Lions Club Newsletter - May 2017

   May Newsletter
   The next Lions Club meeting is at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday, May 10th.

Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - April 2017

    The Lions Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner is at the Radisson Resort, 100 Whitehaven on Monday, April 24th from 5:00 p.m,. - 8:00 p.m.. Adults are $8, and under 12 is $5. Dinner includes: spaghetti, meatballs, salad, Italian bread and beverage. Desserts, basket raffle and 50/50 will be available for purchase.

Lions Club Newsletter - April 2017

   April Newsletter
   The next Lions Club meeting is at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday, April 12th. Club Elections/Nominations from the Floor– Board Meeting following the Regular Scheduled Meeting.

Lions Club Newsletter - March 2017

   March Newsletter
   The next Lions Club meeting is at the Radisson Inn on Wednesday, March 8th.

Lions Club Newsletter - February 2017

   February Newsletter
   The next Lions Club meeting is a bowling party at Mallwitz Island Lanes on Wednesday, February 8th at 7:00 p.m.

Lions Club January 2017 Newsletter - December 2016

   January 2017 Newsletter
   The Lions Club Dinner meeting is on Wednesday, January 11th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club Christmas Party - December 2016

From left: Eva Hassett, Executive Director of The Institute, Lion Fred Ruocco.

    Grand Island Lions members brought donations for the Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island and the International Institute of Buffalo when they attended their annual Christmas Party on December 14th at the Buffalo Launch Club. The International Institute seeks to strengthen Western New York by assisting refugees and immigrants to become independent, informed and contributing members of the community. Donations are always welcome.

Lions Club Newsletter - December 2016

   December Newsletter
   The Lions Club Christmas Party is on Wednesday, December 14th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Grand Island Lions Club 60th Anniversary - November 2016

Group picture - Click photo for larger view.

Lion Donna Lavallee presents Lion Bob Goulding with the 60 Year Service Award.

November Newsletter
    The Grand Island Lions celebrated their 60th Anniversary with a dinner at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday October 26th. Guests included community members; Lions from other clubs, including Grand Island's Sister Club of Merritton Ontario and officials from District 20N of which Grand Island is a part. District Governor John Haak was the keynote speaker and awards given out included a Robert J. Uplinger Award for the Buffalo Launch Club. The Uplinger Award is the highest award given by the Lions District 20, encompassing all of New York State and Bermuda, and was given to the Launch Club for their dedication and service in hosting the Lions Special Kids Picnic on their grounds for the past 56 years. Also awarded was Lion Bob Goulding who received the Lions 60 Year Service Award for his service with the Riverside Lions and the Grand Island Club.

Lions Club Newsletter - October 2016

   October Newsletter
   The Lions Club 60th Anniversary Dinner meeting is on Wednesday, October 26th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club Newsletter - September 2016

   September Newsletter
   The next Lions Club meeting is on Wednesday, September 14th at the Radisson Inn.

Lions Club Donates to St. Luke's Mission - August 2016

From left: Lion Tom Witkowski and Henry Lobl.

   Grand Island Lions Treasurer Tom Witkowski and Vice President Henry Lobl pose with a truckload of durable medical equipment that the Grand Island Lions Club donated to St Luke's Mission in Buffalo. The Lions Club serves the Grand Island Community by supplying free of charge, donated medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, canes, crutches, bathroom commodes and shower seats to anyone in need. Excess medical goods are periodically donated to other organizations. St Luke’s Mission serves the needs of Buffalo’s inner city residents.

Grand Island Lions Club Special Kids Picnic - July 2016

Click photo for larger view.

    On July 20, 2016, the Grand Island Lions Club held their 58th annual "Special Kids Picnic" on the grounds of the Buffalo Launch Club. More than one thousand children with special needs and their caregivers were treated to a day of fun that included pony rides, boat rides, Shriner Mini Kar rides, face painting and entertainment by Step in Time Baton Dancers. The Grand Island Fire Company had two vehicles on display. Sabretooth from the Buffalo Sabres, the Grand Island Lions Mascot, magicians and Pringles the Clown, milled through the crowd and engaged the children. Lunch included hot dogs, hamburgers, soda and popcorn. Lion Annette Boies-Lobl, picnic chairman, gave credit to the volunteers who helped the club carry this out. Volunteers included Lions from other clubs in the district and sister Club of Merritton Ontario, Canada, as well as members of the Knights of Columbus, the High School Football Team, Kenmore Boy Scout Troop 104 and the Schnettler Face Painters. Special thanks goes to the Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation for the grant of $2000, to the Buffalo Launch Club for donating their facilities, to the boat captains and Collins Marine who donated their boats and time including the Excalibur Boat and to Tops Markets, Tim Horton’s and Dunkin Donuts for their donations.

Lions Club Scholarship Winners - July 2016

From left: Lion Tom Witkowski, Sammantha Reynolds, Yaling Chen, Lion Paul Bassette, Holly Lutnick, Amber Schwinn, Lion President Dick Crawford.
Missing from photo Melanie Sweeney.

   The Grand Island Lions Club 2016 Adrian Pollock-Bruce Kaiser Service Scholarship has been awarded to Yaling Chen (Canisius College), Holly Lutnick (University of Buffalo), Sammantha Reynolds (Niagara University), Amber Schwimm (St. John Fisher College) and Melanie Sweeney (Niagara University). All winning candidates will receive a $500 scholarship to the college they are attending.
   The scholarship primarily focuses on the student's community service and volunteer activities, but other important criteria are academic excellence, school activities, written formal recommendations a 300 word essay on how community service strengthens our society. The Grand Island Lions Scholarship Committee believes that these students characterize the Lions motto "We Serve". The Grand Island Lions Club wishes to extend congratulations to these enthusiastic community serving young people.

Lions Club Newsletter - July 2016

   July Newsletter
   The Lions Club Annual Special Kids picnic is on Wednesday, July 20th at the Buffalo Launch Club. The Lions Members Picnic is on Sunday, July 24th and a golf outing is planned for Wednesday, August 17th.

Lions Club 60th Annual Officer Installation - June 2016

    The Grand Island Lions held their 60th annual Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet on Wednesday June 8th at the Radisson Inn on Grand Island. Past District Governor Jim Muscoreil installed the Officers and Directors, presented awards, and inducted new member Tom DiJohn who is the CEO of Elderwood Nursing Home on Grand Island.

   New Officers and Directors of the Grand Island Lions Club: Pictured left to right are Brooks Rimes, Director; Tom Witkowski, Treasurer; Donna Lavallee, Recording Secretary; Anne Fahning and Paul Krupa, Directors; Dick Crawford, President; Fred Ruocco, Lion Tamer/Tail Twister; Henry Lobl, 1st Vice President; Bob Goulding, Director; Shelia Ferrentino, 2nd Vice President; Past District Governor Jim Muscoreil; and Immediate Past President Tom Rusert. Not shown is Corresponding Secretary Kelly McGarvey.

    Melvin Jones: Lion Annette Boies-Lobl received a Melvin Jones Fellowship at the Grand Island Lions Installation and Awards Banquet held at the Radisson Inn Grand Island on Wednesday June 8th. The Award is the highest honor given by The Lions Club International Foundation for exemplary service to Lions and Community. Lion Annette has single handedly chaired and organized our Lions “Special Kids Picnic” for ten years. She has served as our Corresponding Secretary for eight years, worked on many Lions Committees, is active with the Bereavement Committee and Altar Society of St. Stephen’s Church and is a member of the St. Francis Guild of St Mary’s Hospital where she has served on the Board and chaired a major fundraising event. Shown with Lion Annette receiving the award is past Melvin Jones recipient Lion Dan Morabito on the right and Committee Chairman Lion Paul Bassette, also a past Melvin Jones recipient.

    Lion Donna Lavallee received the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award at The Grand Island Lions Installation and Awards Banquet on June 8th. Lion Donna is a past president of our club, has been recording secretary for many years. She is our Hearing Chairperson, our Garage Sale Chairperson and has worked tirelessly on many projects. Pictured with Lion Donna is Lion Bob Goulding who presented the award and also is a past award recipient.

    Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation Award: Grand Island Lion Treasurer Tom Witkowski (left) was instrumental in obtaining funding for our “Special Kids Picnic” from the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation, a Lions supported organization providing matching grants for youth-related projects in New York State and Bermuda. Lion Past District Governor Jim Muscoreil (second from left) presents the grant of $2000 to Lion Outgoing President Tom Rusert. Also in the photo is Lion Annette Boies-Lobl holding a patch for our club winning the District 20N Club contest.

   Past District Governor Lion Jim Muscoreil (left) performs the Induction Ceremony of new member Tom DiJohn (center). Sponsoring Lion Henry Lobl looks on. Lion Tom DiJohn is the CEO of the Elderwood Health Care Facility on Grand Island.

Lions Club Newsletter - June 2016

   June Newsletter
   The Lions Club June Installation Dinner is on Wednesday, June 8th at the Radisson Hotel (Byblos Resort).

Lions Club Newsletter - May 2016

   May Newsletter
   The Lions Club May meeting is on Wednesday, May 11th and May 25th at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Newsletter - April 2016

   April Newsletter
   The Lions Club April meeting is on Wednesday, April 13th at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Newsletter - March 2016

   March Newsletter
   The Lions Club March meeting is on Wednesday, March 23rd at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Newsletter - February 2016

   February Newsletter
   The Lions Club February meeting is on Wednesday, February 24th at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Newsletter - January 2016

   January Newsletter
   The Lions Club January meeting is on Wednesday, January 27th at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Annual Library Donation - December 2015

From Left: Lions Vice President Dick Crawford and Lion Tamer Anne Fahning, Library Director Lynn alan Konovitz and Lions Club Treasurer Tom Witkowski.

   As one of his last official functions, retiring Library Director Lynn Alan Konovitz is seen here receiving a check for $500.00 from Lions Club Treasurer Tom Witkowski. As part of the Lions ongoing mission, the Grand Island Lions Club annually donates to the Grand Island Library for the purchase large prints books for the sight impaired. To date over $10,000 has been donated for this purpose.

Lions Club Christmas Party - December 2015

   The Grand Island Lions held their annual Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 9th at Byblos Resort and Spa. Lion Fred Ruocco and his wife Tammy hosted the party and entertained everyone with holiday games, song and good cheer. The Club collected donations for the Neighbors Foundation as well as gifts for the Erie County SPCA and many bags of clothing for Journeys End, a refugee resettlement organization.

Lions Club Newsletter - December 2015

   December Newsletter
   The Lions Club Christmas party is on Wednesday, December 9th at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Donates Medical Equipment- November 2015

Pictured with the equipment at the Health Center are from left, Lions Paul Krupa, Dave Chervinsky and Henry Lobl.

   On November 3rd, the Grand Island Lions donated durable medical equipment to the Tuscorora Health Center in Lewiston. The Lions maintain an active loan closet at the Nike Base on Whitehaven Road and donate, free of charge, to anyone in need, medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, shower seats, commodes, crutches and canes. Anyone interested in obtaining an item can call Fred Ruocco 773-5937, Dick Crawford 818-6992. or Dave Chervinsky 773-7185. Excess equipment is often shipped out to other communities in need.

Lions Club Newsletter - November 2015

   November Newsletter
   The Lions Club will have a meeting on Wednesday, November 11th at the BLC.

Lions Club Helps Vets Program- November 2015

From left: holding donated items, are Lion Mike, Lions Paul Bassette, President Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco, and Zone Chair and Pendleton Lion Jeff Jarvis.
Photo by Tom Witkowski.

    Red Cross Super Volunteer and Town of Niagara Lion Mike Hoplight was the guest speaker at the Grand Island Lions dinner meeting held on October 28th at the Buffalo Launch Club. Lion Mike described the plight of the over 6000 homeless veterans in our area and how the program he is a part of helps make their lives a little bit more comfortable. The GI Lions Club responded by donating bags of health care items for the Red Cross Program.

Lions Club Newsletter - October 2015

   October Newsletter
   The Lions Club will have a joint meeting with the Merritton chapter on Wednesday, October 14th at Byblos Resort.

Lions Club Eyeglass Collection - October 2015

   The Grand Island Lions collect used eyeglasses to help individuals in need of sight correction all over the world. They can use any complete pair of eyeglasses and in addition, all types of sunglasses including non-prescription and post surgical glasses. Collection boxes can be found at Town Hall, Knights of Columbus Hall, G.I. Optical, Trinity United Methodist Church, The Golden Age Center, The Grand Island Library, Elderwood Care (2850 G.I. Blvd.), Realty USA (2139 G.I. Blvd.) and the office of Dr. Fred Ruocco (2896 G.I. Blvd.) .

Lions Club Joint Meeting - September 2015

Guest speaker Gareth Lema, MD, PhD

    On September 23rd the Grand Island Lions Club will host a joint Dinner meeting with the Grand Island Rotary and Zonta at the Buffalo Launch Club. Guest speaker at the event will be Gareth Lema, MD, PhD of the Ross Eye Institute, who will discuss retina diseases including macular degeneration. The Public is invited to attend.
    Dr. Lema is a retina specialist board certified in ophthalmology. He was raised in Buffalo and attended medical school at the University at Buffalo. He also completed a PhD in Biophysics as part of the Medical Scientist Training Program. After an internship at the University of Pennsylvania, he returned for residency training in ophthalmology at the Ross Eye Institute. He received fellowship training in retina surgery from University of Rochester. Dr. Lema specializes in diseases of the retina and posterior uveitis, including diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and ocular trauma. He has presented research in ocular trauma at national meetings. He was awarded the Deans Award at the completion of medical school, and was inducted into the Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Honor Society. He was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa as an undergraduate at College of the Holy Cross. He is an active member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Retina Specialists.
    The Meeting is open to the public with dinner at 7PM and the lecture to follow. Cost of dinner is $20 and needs to be reserved by Sunday September 20th. To reserve for dinner, or for more information, contact Dick Crawford 818-6992 or Tom Rusert 704-9644.

Lions Club Newsletter - September 2015

   September Newsletter
   The Lions Club General Membership meetings are September 9th & 23rd.

Lions Club Special Kids Picnic - July 2015

    On Wednesday, July 15th the Grand Island Lions Club held their 57th annual "Special Kids Picnic" at the Buffalo Launch Club. Over 840 kids with special needs and their chaperones enjoyed a variety of entertainment including boat rides, pony rides, Shriner mini kar rides, face painting and entertainment by Step in Time Baton Dancers. Sabretooth and the Lions mascot, magicians and Pringles the Clown, milled through the crowd and engaged the children. Lunch included hot dogs, hamburgers, soda and popcorn. Lion Annette Boies-Lobl, picnic chairman, gave credit to the 90 volunteers who helped the club carry this out. Volunteers included Lions from other clubs in the district including Gasport, and sister club of Merritton Ontario, Canada, as well as members of the Knights of Columbus, the High School Football Team, Kenmore Boy Scout Troop 104 and the Schnettler Face Painters. Special thanks goes to the Buffalo Launch Club for donating their facilities, to Island Prescription Center as the lead sponsor, to the boat captains and Collins Marine who donated their boats and time including the Excalibur Boat and to Tops Markets, Tim Hortons and Dunkin Donuts for their donations.

Lions Club Special Kids Picnic - July 2015

    The Grand Island Lions Club 54th Annual Special Kids Picnic was held on Wednesday, July 15th at the Buffalo Launch Club. Over 840 kids and volunteers were on hand to enjoy the activities that included; pony rides, boat rides, volleyball, face painting, dancing, Shriners Mini Car rides, magicians, clowns, and a visit from Sabretooth and the Grand Island Fire Department. Business sponsors included; Island Prescription Center, Dunkin Donuts, Tim Horton's, Grand Island Top's, Niagara Falls Wegman's. Thanks also to Joe Menter and the Town of Grand Isalnd Recreation Department for the use of tables, chairs and benches. Volunteers included; Boy Scout Troop 104 from Kenmore, members of the Grand Island High School football team and Lions from Merritton, Ontario.

Grand Island Lions Club Special Kids Picnic...Smiles Are Priceless - July 2015

   Press Release...The Grand Island Lions Club is presenting its 57th Annual "Special Kids Picnic" on Wednesday, July 15th at the Buffalo Launch Club, Grand Island from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. On this day, the Grand Island Lions Club along with many other volunteers will bring joy and laughter to the hearts of over 700 special needs children from all over Western New York. The children will enjoy boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, face painting, tours of the Grand Island Fire Department's fire truck, Shriner Kar rides, pony rides and more. There will be popcorn and soft drinks along with plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers being served at the event. To watch one child smile and laugh is definitely the gift that keeps on giving; now multiply that by 700. For more information please contact Annette Boies-Lobl at 716.773.3530.

Lions Club Newsletter- July 2015

   July Newsletter
   The Lions Club will have its annual Special Kids Picnic on Wednesday, July 15th at the Buffalo Launch Club and will have their members picnic on Saturday, July 18th.

Lions Club Garage Sale Fundraiser - June 2015

From left: Anne Fahning and Donna Lavallee

   On Saturday June 20th the Grand Island Lions held their first annual garage sale fundraiser on the West River median. The Club would like to thank all in the community who donated items for sale and who came out and purchased items. The Club made $263.70 which will go towards Lions programs.

Lions Club Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet - June 2015

From left, past and present award winners: Paul Bassette, Annette Boies-Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco, and Dick Crawford.

From left, past and present award winners: Dick Crawford, Mary Dunbar-Daluisio, Dave Chervinsky, Dan Morabito, and Paul Bassette.

From left: Director Paul Krupa, Third Vice President Henry Lobl, Corresponding Secretary Annette Boies-Lobl, Director Dave Chervinsky, Lion Twister Fred Ruocco, Second Vice President Dick Crawford, President Tom E. Rusert, and Director Brooks Rimes. Not present were First Vice President Mike Steinagel, Treasurer Tom Witkowski, Recording Secretary Donna Lavallee, Director Norm Hahn, and Lion Tamer Anne Fahning.

   The Grand Island Lions held their Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet for the 2015-16 year on June 10th at Byblos Resort and Spa. The Lions International Foundation Melvin Jones Awards were given to Mary Dunbar-Daluisio and Lion Dan Morabito while Lion Fred Ruocco received a Robert Uplinger Distinguished Service Award. Lions Dick Crawford and Paul Bassette performed the Installation Ceremony of Officers.
   The Lions Club International Foundation Melvin Jones Award is the LCIF's highest honor and is given to a lion's member or citizen for outstanding humanitarian service. Mary Dubar-Daluisio has been instrumental in the Grand Island Relay for Life since its inception in 2003 and served as co-chairman from 2004 to 2012. During that time the fundraiser has brought in over one million dollars for cancer research. Lion Dan Morabito a past president of the Grand Island Lions Club has served the Grand Island Lions actively for the twenty years and he has worked tirelessly on our fundraisers and the Grand Island Lions "Special Kids Picnic." Lion Dan has also been a Scout leader for many years and was instrumental in setting up scouting at School 84 for children with special needs.
   Lion Fred Ruocco received The Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award. Established in 1993, the award honors outstanding Lions and non-Lions or organizations who perform exemplary service to a club, district, or community. These honorees possess the highest examples of Lionistic character, ideals, purpose, and service.

Lions Club News & Meeting Information - June 2015

   June Newsletter
   The Lions Club Installation and Awards Banquet will be held on Wednesday, June 10th at Byblos Resort. A fundraiser garage sale will take place at the Nike Base Community room on Saturday, June 20th.

Lions Club News & Meeting Information - May 2015

   May Newsletter
   Lions Club dinner meetings are scheduled for two Wednesdays, May 13th at Byblos Resort and May 27th at Buffalo Launch Club at 6:30 p.m. May 13th program: Paul Yeager - GI Environmental Issues. May 27th program: Peace Poster Awards.

Lions Club News & Meeting Information - April 2015

   April Newsletter
   The GI Lions Club will meet jointly with the Merritton, Ontario Lions on Wednesday, April 8th. The Lions Club Spaghetti dinner will be held on Monday, April 27th at the GIHS Cafeteria from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Dinner includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad, Italian bread and beverages. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. There will be a basket raffle and 50/50 drawing.

Lions Club Newsletter - March 2015

   The Lions Club March Newsletter.
The March Lions Club meeting will be on Wednesday, March 25th at the Buffalo Launch Club, see newsletter for details.

Lions Club Newsletter - February 2015

   The Lions Club February Newsletter
The February Lions Club meeting will be on Wednesday, February 25th at the Buffalo Launch Club, see newsletter for details.

Lions Club Newsletter - January 2015

   The Lions Club January Newsletter
The January Lions Club meeting will be on Wednesday, January 28th at the Buffalo Launch Club, see newsletter for details.

Lions Club Christmas Party - December 2014

Pictured in a "tree" decorating contest, from left: Diana Witkowski, Jane Chervinsky, Lion Dave Chervinsky, Brenda Rimes and Lion Brooks Rimes.

    The Grand Island Lions held their annual Christmas Party on December 10th at the Buffalo Launch Club. It had an ugly sweater theme and Lion Fred Ruocco and Wife Tammy provided the entertainment with holiday songs, games and cheer. Gifts were dropped off for the Erie County SPCA and donations were collected for the Neighbors Foundation. One hundred dollars was also collected when the hat was passed for a Grand Island Veteran in need.

Lions Club Donates to Neighbors Foundation - December 2014

Neighbors Foundation President Henry Kammerer and Lion Dick Crawford with members of the Lions and Neighbors Foundation.

    Lions Club members Henry Lobl, Tom Witkowski, Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning and Dick Crawford presented a check for $315 from the members of the Lions Club to Henry Kammerer on Thursday, December 18th at the Knight's of Columbus. It was the annual distribution of the Neighbors Foundation "Share Your Happiness" campaign.

Lions Club Newsletter - December 2014

   The Lions Club December Newsletter
The Holiday Party is on Wednesday, December 10th at the Buffalo Launch Club, see newsletter for details. There is no general meeting in December.

Lions Club Newsletter - November 2014

   The Lions Club November Newsletter
Next meeting is Wednesday, November 12th at McMahon's.

Grand Island Lions Club Donates Medical Equipment - October 2014

Lion Henry Lobl with a truckload of equipment.

   The Grand Island Lions Club recently donated durable medical equipment to the Tuscarora Nation Health Center. The items included walkers, wheelchairs, canes, shower seats and commodes.
   The Lions Club maintains an active loan closet at the Recreation Department on Whitehaven Road. Anyone in need of medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, commodes and shower seats may contact Lion Fred Ruocco 773-5937, Dave Chervinsky 773-7185 or Dick Crawford 818-6992.

Grand Island Lions Club Dinner Meeting - October 2014

Bottom photo: Lion Paul Peters demonstrates photoscreening camera. - Click photos for larger view.

    The Grand Island Lions Club held a joint dinner meeting with their Sister Club of Merritton, Ontario on Wednesday, October 8th at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Whitehaven Road. Guest Speakers at the event were Past District Governor Bob Shively and Island resident Paul Peters, both of the Town of Niagara Lions Club. Shively and Peters demonstrated a new Digital Photo-screening Camera that can accurately detect eye disease in preschool children providing opportunity to detect and treat eye disease before permanent damage is done.

Grand Island Lions Club Picnic - July 2014

Bottom photo: Lion Paul Peters demonstrates photoscreening camera. - Click photos for larger view.

    The Grand Island Lions Club held a joint dinner meeting with their Sister Club of Merritton, Ontario on Wednesday, October 8th at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Whitehaven Road. Guest Speakers at the event were Past District Governor Bob Shively and Island resident Paul Peters, both of the Town of Niagara Lions Club. Shively and Peters demonstrated a new Digital Photo-screening Camera that can accurately detect eye disease in preschool children providing opportunity to detect and treat eye disease before permanent damage is done.

Lions Club Newsletter - October 2014

    The Lions Club October Newsletter
    The Lions Joint Meeting with Merritton Lions is a dinner meeting at the Knight’s of Columbus, on Wednesday, October 8th. The Lions October general meeting is on Wednesday, October 22nd at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club Newsletter - September 2014

   The Lions Club September Newsletter

Grand Island Lions White Cane Days - August 2014

Lion Fred Ruocco donning the Lions costume at Tops.

    The Grand Island Lions White Cane Days were a huge success on August 15 and 16th. The Grand Island Community once again supported the Lions Club with donations totaling over $2500. These funds are used to support eyesight and hearing projects. The Lion members want to thank all those individuals who contributed money and the management of Tops and 1st Niagara Bank who participated.

Grand Island Lions Club Picnic - July 2014

   The Grand Island Lions Club hosted its 56th Annual “Special Kids Picnic” on Wednesday, July 16th at the Buffalo Launch Club. Over 900 children attended the event and got to enjoy all the hot dogs and hamburgers they could eat, along with popcorn and beverages. Music was provided by Lions Club members Mary & Pat Paterson of "Island Music", they had everyone dancing to "Happy" and were taking requests throughout the picnic. The kids lined up for the horseback rides, Shriners mini truck rides around the parking lot, face painting and boat rides on the Niagara River. Many volunteers from the community helped the Lions make this a great event.

From left: Excaliber founder Jim Catalano, Lions Club President Donna La vallee and Captain Will Stachowski.

   A plaque was presented to Excalibur Services for 25 years of service, taking picnickers out on the Niagara River. The Excalibur program is a private, non-profit all volunteer, charitable organization dedicated to providing adaptive boating and fishing opportunities for developmentally challenged and disadvantaged persons. Excalibur

GI Lions Club Special Kids Picnic…Smiles Are Priceless - July 2014

Press Release
The Grand Island Lions Club is presenting its 56th Annual “Special Kids Picnic” on Wednesday, July 16th at the Buffalo Launch Club from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. On this day, the GI Lions Club along with many other volunteers will bring joy and laughter to the hearts of over 900 special needs children from all over Western New York. The children will enjoy boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, fave painting, tours of the GI Fire Department’s fire tuck, Shriner Kar rides, pony rides and more. There will be popcorn and soft drinks along with plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers at the event. To watch one child smile and laugh is definitely the gift that keeps on giving; now multiply that by 900. For more information, contact Annette Boies-Lobl at 716-773-3530.

Lions Club Newsletter - July 2014

   The Lions Club July/August Newsletter

Lions Club Collecting Eyeglasses & Hearing Aids - July 2014

    The Grand Island Lions Club is collecting used eyeglasses and hearing aids at the Parade on July 4th. Watch for purple and yellow balloons that signal members of the club are approaching, and hand in your donations. The eyeglasses will be shipped to the New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center where they will be processed then donated to those in need. An average of 153 million eyeglasses are needed each year. The hearing aids are processed at the Finger Lakes Region Hearing Foundation. They are then returned to WNY and donated for those in need, with the Lions Clubs paying for costs associated with the program. If you would like further information contact Lion Tom Witkowski at 909-1862 or liontom20@roadrunner.com.

Grand Island Lions Installation - June 2014

Pictured from left to right: Lion Tamer Al Ackerman, Tail Twister Fred Ruocco, Corresponding Secretary Annette Boies-Lobl, First Vice –President Tom Rusert, Director Norm Hahn, President Donna Lavallee, Treasurer Dick Crawford, Recording Secretary Tom Witkowski, Director Anne Fahning, Director Dave Chervinsky, Immediate Past President brooks Rimes, Director Paul Bassette and District Governor Elect Mike Lawkowski. Missing from picture picture is Second Vice-President Mike Steinagel.

   The Grand Island Lions Club held their annual Installation Dinner at Byblos Niagara Resort and Spa on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A number of members were recognized for perfect attendance and years of service. Most notably Lion Paul Bassette was recognized for 40 years of service and Lion Dick Crawford for 25 years. District 20N Governor Elect Lion Mike Lawkowski installed the Officers and Directors for the 2014-15 year.

Past Melvin Jones Award recipients from left to right: Al Ackerman, Dick Crawford, Dan Drexelius (new), Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Paul Bassette, and Mike Lawkowski.

   On Wednesday June 11th, The Grand Island Lions Club awarded Dan Drexelius with the Lions Club International Foundation Melvin Jones Award at their annual Installation Dinner held at Byblos Niagara Resort and Spa. The award is the LCIF’s highest honor and is given to a lions member or citizen for outstanding humanitarian service. Dan is a local contractor on Grand Island and was instrumental in building the Miracle League Field on the Island. Lion Dick Crawford in presenting the award noted that because of Drexelius, the field was completed in less than half the time it would ordinarily take.

Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - April 2014

   The Grand Island Lions Club is having its 45th Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, April 28th at the Byblos Niagara Ballroom from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children (5 - 12). There will be basket raffles . Call Lion Dick Crawford at 818-6992 for tickets. Proceeds benefit the annual Special Kids Picnic to be held on July 17th at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lions Club Newsletter - April 2014

   The Lions Club April Newsletter
The general meeting is Wednesday, April 23rd at the Buffalo LaunchClub. Cocktails 6:30 p.m., Dinner 7:00 p.m., Speaker: Sheri Shaw - Ross Eye clinic. The annual Spaghetti Dinner is Monday, April 28th at Byblos Resort from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Lions Club Newsletter - March 2014

   The Lions Club March Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - January 2014

   The Lions Club January Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - December 2013

   The Lions Club December Newsletter

Lions Club Newsletter - October 2013

   The Lions Club October Newsletter

Women Members Welcome - October 2013

   The Grand Island Lions welcomes women members. For more information, contact board member Lion Anne Fahning 440-0841.
We Serve" is the Lions' Motto. The mission of the Grand Island Lions Club is to help those in need in our community with special emphasis on the vision and hearing impaired, and children with disabilities. Major fundraisers include a spaghetti dinner in the spring and a "White Cane" drive in August. Our major event is the "Special Kids Picnic" in July when over seven hundred special needs children from the Erie-Niagara area are treated to a picnic that includes a lunch along with boat rides, pony rides, and other entertainment. We also perform MTI Photo-screening of children's eyes (for early detection of eye disease) coordinated through the local school systems. In addition we collect eyeglasses and hearing aids for the disadvantaged and have a "loan closet" for distribution of walkers, wheelchairs and other durable goods. Our Club is also active in a number of drives both locally and internationally to help the vision impaired. Our Club also recognizes the importance of youth in our community. We participate annually in a Peace Poster Contest, which encourages our middle-school age children to creatively express their concept of world peace. We award scholarships to high school graduates, based on their community involvement, scholastic achievements and other criteria.

Lions Club Newsletter - September 2013

   The Lions Club September Newsletter
There are two meetings in September, Wednesday, September 11th at Byblos Resort and Spa. Cocktails 6:30 Dinner 7PM, Speaker: Lion Donna Lavallee Topic TBA.
Wednesday, September 25th at the Buffalo Launch Club. Cocktails 6:30 Dinner 7PM.

Grand Island Lions 55th Annual Special Kids Picnic - August 2013

   Lions Club Press Release...On July 17,2013 at the Buffalo Launch Club Grounds over 800 children and staff were treated to boat rides, pony rides, Shriner Mini Kar rides, face painting, popcorn, soda, hot dogs and hamburgers. The Niagara Experience Players, a group of young people from Niagara Falls and North Tonawanda entertained the children with singing and dancing. Sabretooth, Pringles the Clown, Danny the Magician, and Ms. Lion added to the festivities. Over 100 volunteers worked to make the day a special summer experience for kids with special needs. Groups volunteering included the Grand Island, Ransomville, Kenmore, and Merritton Ontario, Lions Clubs; the Excalibur boat, Knights of Columbus, Grand Island High School cheerleaders, Grand Island High School football team, as well as, Rotary Club members, Boy Scout Troop 104 and individual community people. Participating schools were Erie 1 BOCES from Williamsville, Clarence and West Seneca West school sites, Autistic Services, Heritage Education Centers, Sweet Home Schools, and People Inc. and Baker Victory Services.
   For more photos, see story below.

55th Annual Lions Club Picnic - July 2013

Jodi Robinson Photos

Slide Show.
   The 55th Annual Lions Club Special Kids Picnic was held on Wednesday, July 18, 2012. Over 800 special kids enjoyed themselves despite the oppressive heat at the Buffalo Launch Club grounds. The temperature was reported as 85 degrees but with the 70% humidity it felt like 90's. New this year was a petting zoo with small goats, a baby cow, llama and lamb. The kids loved petting the animals and after a pop-up tent was placed over the pen, the animals were much happier. As always great food, boat rides, Niagara Experience dance group, pony rides, face painting and the Shriners fast truck rides were available to enjoy.

Lions Club News - July 2013

   The Lions Club July Newsletter
   The Lions Club "Special Kids Picnic" will be held on Wednesday, July 17th at the Buffalo Launch Club. It is a great day for many hundreds of WNY children to enjoy Boat Rides, Pony Rides, Shriner Kar Rides, Clowns & Magicians and Face Painting. Entertainment includes a visit by Sabretooth, the Grand Island Fire Company and the Niagara Experience Players. A picnic lunch is served. Responsible volunteers are needed from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please call Chairperson Annette (773- 3530) and she will help you find an assignment.

Lions Club Installation Dinner - June 2013

From left: Dave Chervinsky, Al Ackerman, Dick Crawford, Teresa Hooper, Tom Witkowski and Paul Bassette, all past Melvin Jones Award winners.

From left:Officers Lions Tom Witkowski (Immediate Past President), Paul Bassette (Director), Donna Lavallee (First Vice President, Recording Secretary), Annette Boies-Lobl (Corresponding Secretary), brooks Rimes (President), Al Ackerman (Lion Tamer), Tom Rusert (Second Vice President), Dave Chervinsky and Anne Fahning (Directors), Fred Ruocco, (Tail Twister), and Dick Crawford (Treasurer).
Click photo for larger view.

   The Grand Island Lions Club held their annual Installation Dinner on June 12th at the Grand Island Holiday Inn. In addition to Officer installation, the club gave out milestone awards for years of service: Tom Rusert (15 years), Fred Ruocco and Tom Witkowski (20 years), Tom DeCarlo, Pat Patterson, and Earl DeGlopper (35 years). The Lions Club also awarded the "International Foundation Melvin Jones Award" to Teresa Hooper. The award is the LCIF’s highest honor. Hooper is the Past President of the Miracle League of Grand Island and was the driving force behind the successful completion of the Miracle League Field on the Island.

Lions Club News - June 2013

   The Lions Club June Newsletter
   The Lions Club has scheduled the next general meeting at 6:30 on Wednesday, June 12th, Grand Island Holiday Inn for the Installation Dinner. Check the newsletter for details.

Lions Club Christmas Tree Proceeds - May 2013

From left: Sean Kelly and Tom Witkowski.

   Lion Sean Kelly from Kelly's Country Store presented a check for $2800.00 to Lion President Tom Witkowski of the Grand Island Lions at their regular dinner meeting held at the Holiday Inn on May 8th. The money, earmarked for the Special Kids Picnic to be held on July 17th of this year, represents all profits from the annual sale of Christmas trees at Kelly's Store. The sale in its third year has progressively improved with Sean noting they have added 100 tree stands this year to make it easier to pick out a tree. Supporting the Special Kids picnic is a rewarding tradition for Kelly's started by Sean's Father Mike Kelly who was a long-standing member of the Lions and for many years donated his time and store resources for the benefit of kids with special needs.

Lions Club News - May 2013

   The Lions Club May Newsletter
   The Lions Club has scheduled the next general meeting at 6:30 on Wednesday, May 8th, Grand Island Holiday Inn. Check the newsletter for details.

44th Annual Lions Spaghetti Dinner - April 2013

   Members of the Grand Island Lions Club will host their 44th annual spaghetti dinner from 5-8 p.m. Monday, April 22, 2013 in the Holiday Inn Ballroom. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children between the ages of 4 and 12. Dinner includes spaghetti & meatballs, salad, Italian bread, soft drinks, milk and coffee. Take out available. A bake sale will be available and a door prize drawing is included with your ticket. Basket Raffles will be featured and proceeds will benefit the Special Kids Picnic at the Buffalo Launch Club this summer.

Lions Club News - March 2013

   The Lions Club March Newsletter
   The Lions Club has scheduled the next general meeting at 6:30 on Wednesday, March 13th, Grand Island Holiday Inn.

Lions Club News - Feb. 2013

   The Lions Club February Newsletter
   The Lions Club has scheduled the next general meeting at noon on Wednesday, February 27th, Say Cheese Pizza, 1771 Love Road.

Lions Club News - Jan. 2013

   The Lions Club January Newsletter
   The Lions Club has scheduled the first meeting of 2013 at noon on Wednesday, January 9th, Say Cheese Pizza, 1771 Love Road. The early time is to hopefully attract new members who may not be able to attend the evening meetings. The first regular meeting will be held at the Buffalo Launch Club on Wednesday, January 23rd at 6:30 p.m.

Lions Club Christmas Party - Dec. 2012

Click photo for complete view.

   The Grand Island Lions Club held their annual Christmas Party at the Grand Island Holiday Inn on December 12th. Lion Fred Ruocco was the Master of Ceremonies and entertained the Club with seasonal songs and much merriment. During the party the Lions raised $500 to be donated to the Neighbors Foundation for annual holiday fund drive.

Lions Club Sponsors Joint Organization Meeting - Nov. 2012

   The Grand Island Lions Club invites representatives from all of the Island service organizations to a joint meeting at the Buffalo Launch Club at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 28, 2012. The meeting will be the springboard for a community-wide needs assessment initiative whose outcome will be to determine what kinds of volunteer services our community needs, which projects and programs are important to the people in our town, whether current service projects are still needed by the community, and to determine if other organizations in our community are providing similar services that could be consolidated or require additional support. Civic, religious, educational, and other leaders, who have their fingers on the pulse of our community, will be interviewed or provided a survey to complete. The citizens of the Grand Island will also be able to participate. The surveys will then be analyzed and prioritized by volunteer members of the service organizations involved. Any necessary funding, materials, and volunteers will then be obtained to effectively complete the projects. Notices of the assessment results will be published in order to keep everyone up-to-date. Dinner will accompany the meeting at a cost of $15.00 per person. Reservations are recommended and must be made no later than November 25, 2012. For more information and to place a reservation, contact Grand Island Lions President Tom Witkowski at 909-1862 or via email at liontom20n@roadrunner.com.

Lions Club - Nov. 2012

Click photo for complete view.

   (above) Lions fellowship was at its finest on October 24th at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Lions from our Sister Club of Merritton, Ontario joined us for our Joint Dinner Meeting on Grand Island. Steaks were on the grill, prizes were drawn, and everyone enjoyed the laughter, fun and camaraderie.
   Grand Island Lions Club volunteers pose with Lewiston Historical Society volunteers at the Bicentennial Reenactment of the War of 1812 held on October 11-14th. in Lewiston, NY. As part of Lions community outreach programs, our Lions Club helped prepare and serve a pig roast dinner for Reenactment Members.
   See Lions' Nov. 2012 Newsletter.

Special Spaces Buffalo Visits Island - Sept. 2012

    Special Spaces Buffalo will be making a presentation at 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 26 at the Buffalo Launch Club, 503 East River Road, Grand Island. Individuals who have or know children with life-threatening health issues are cordially invited to attend. Volunteers who are looking to help renovate these kids' rooms to the child's wishes are also encouraged to attend. The Grand Island Lions Club is hosting the event in keeping with their commitment to helping children exemplified by their work with Miracle League, pre-school eye screening, the worldwide Peace Poster Contest, Special Kids' Picnic, Sight Night, and scholarships. Come join us and make a child's dreams come true! For more information, go to www.specialspacesbuffalo.org.

Lions Club - Medical Equipment for Those In Need

The Grand Island Lions Club has durable medical equipment for anyone in need. Equipment includes wheelchairs, motorized scooters. walkers, canes, commodes, bath seats, etc. Anyone interested in obtaining an item can call Fred Ruocco 773-5937, Dick Crawford 773-4121 or Dave Chervinsky 773.7185.

Annual Lions Club "White Cane Days" - August 2012

    The Grand Island Lions Club will be doing its annual "White Cane Days" on Friday and Saturday, August 24th and 25th. This is a major fundraiser for Lions clubs around the world. Monies collected are used to support programs and services for people who are blind or visually impaired as well as for sight conservation. Our Lions Club helps with a number of sight programs in our community including supporting the Library large print book section, screening preschool children for eye disease, vision correction for people in need, and support of the Ira Ross Eye Institute.
   White Cane Chairman Henry Lobl along with Annette Boies-Lobl pose with our White Collection Canes made by Lions member Earl DeGlopper. Look for Lions collecting donations in front of Tops Market, at local bank entrances and on local streets on the above dates.

54th Annual Lions Club Picnic - Buffalo Launch Club

Jodi Robinson Photos

Slide Show.
   The 54th Annual Lions Club Special Kids Picnic was held on Wednesday, July 18, 2012. Chairman Annette Lobl reported that over 650 special kids were on hand to enjoy the festivities. Schools and organizations in attendance included Autistic Services of WNY, Erie 1 BOCES from Clarence Middle School, Williamsville Casey Middle School, West Seneca West School, Heritage Education Centers, People Inc. and Sweet Home Schools. The numbers have been way down the last three years as the Buffalo Public Schools no longer participate due to union/school issues. Back in the day, 1200 - 1500 special kids would enjoy the picnic. As always, the line was long to take a boat ride in the Niagara River and for the popular pony rides. The Shriners were giving fast truck rides in the parking lot and the Grand Island Fire Company brought a fire engine for the kids to explore. The Niagara Experience dance group entertained the crowd. The Grand Island Lions Club was the official sponsor of the event. They had a lot of help from the Lions of Ransomville, Wheatfield and Kenmore and members of the Grand Island High School football team and cheerleading squad, Scout Troop 150, and many members of the community.

Lions 54th "Special Kids Picnic" - July 2012

   Grand Island Lions Club Special Kids Picnic … Smiles Are Priceless
   The Grand Island Lions Club is presenting its 54th Annual “Special Kids Picnic” on Wednesday, July 18th at the Buffalo Launch Club, Grand Island, New York, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. On this day, the Grand Island Lions Club along with many other volunteers will bring joy and laughter to the hearts of over 900 special needs children from all over Western New York. The children will enjoy boat rides, magic acts, musical entertainment, clowns, face painting, tours of the Grand Island Fire Company’s fire truck, Shriner Kar rides, pony rides and more. There will be popcorn and soft drinks along with plenty of hotdogs and hamburgers being served at the event. To watch one child smile and laugh is definitely the gift that keeps on giving; now multiply that by 900. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Annette Boies-Lobl at 716.773.3530.

Lions Club's 43rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner - April 2012

Left photo, from left: Lions Club member Donna LaVallee, daughter Julie and niece brianna Hays. - Click photos for larger view.

   The Grand Island Lions Club held its 43rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, April 16th in the Ballroom of the Grand Island Holiday Inn. Over 375 spaghetti and meatball dinners were served during the event. Proceeds from this event help the Lions fund their "Special Kids Picnic" held at the Buffalo Launch Club scheduled for July 18, 2012. Thanks go to the many volunteers, including Young Life students, GIHS students, St. Stephens religious education students, cub scouts, staff from the Holiday Inn and Lions Club members. Special thanks to Tops Markets and the many Grand Island businesses for donations of gift certificates and baskets for the raffle.

Lions Spaghetti Dinner - Feb. 2012

   Members of the Grand Island Lions Club will host their 43rd annual spaghetti dinner from 5-8 p.m. Monday, April 16, 2012 in the Holiday Inn Ballroom. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children between the ages of 5 and 12. Basket Raffles will be featured and proceeds will benefit the Special Kids Picnic at the Buffalo Launch Club July 18, 2012.

Christmas Trees For Sale - December 2011

   For the second year, Kelly's Country Store, 3121 Grand Island Boulevard, is selling Christmas trees and wreaths with proceeds going to the Lions Club. The trees will be on sale until Christmas Eve or as long as supplies last. This year, live reindeer will be visiting on the weekend of December 10th & 11th. This fundraiser is in honor of longtime Lions Club member and store owner Mike Kelly, who passed away in 2009.

School Is Open Reminder - August 2011

From left: Lions Treasurer Dick Crawford, Lions President Anne Fahning, GISD Transportation Director Jack Burns and Town Board Liasion to Traffic Safety Board Ray Billica.

   The Lions Club has donated an illuminated sign, placed on Grand Island Blvd., reminding residents that school is opening Wednesday, August 31st. Please obey speed limits in and around the schools.

Lions Club's 53rd Annual Special Kids Picnic - July 2011

See: slideshow
   The Grand Island Lions Club held its 53rd Annual Special Kids Picnic on Wednesday, July 20, 2011. Over 800 kids, caregivers and family members enjoyed the grounds of the Buffalo Launch Club on a very warm and sunny day. An estimated 1000 hamburgers and 1000 hot dogs were cooked for lunch by the Lions Club members and volunteers from the community. Music was provided by Lions Club members Mary & Pat Paterson of "Island Music" and had many kids up on their feet dancing. Every year there are horseback rides, Shriners mini truck rides around the parking lot, face painting and especially enjoyable, boat rides on the Niagara River. Thanks to all the volunteers who make a wonderful day for the kids happen.

Lions Club's 42nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner - April 2011

   The Grand Island Lions Club held its 42nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, April 11th in the Ballroom of the Grand Island Holiday Inn. Hundreds of hungry people enjoyed the spaghetti and meatball dinner. Proceeds from this event help the Lions fund their "Special Kids Picnic" held at the Buffalo Launch Club each summer. Thanks go to the many volunteers, including cub scouts, high school students and Lions Club members.

Christmas Tree Sale - Dec. 2010

The Grand Island Lions Club will be offering Christmas Trees at Kelly's Country Store on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. and also Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5-9 p.m. Why leave the Island for your tree this year?

Lions Club Sponsors Community Needs Assessment Survey - Nov. 2010

Members of the Grand Island Lions are conducting a survey. The objective of the survey is to gain input from the community on the existing efforts of service organizations and suggestions on areas to focus in the future. The Lions Club is conducting this survey hoping to get many of the residents, community leaders and those with related expertise to participate. They are very willing to share any of the results they can gather so that not only the Lions Club but other organizations can utilize the information to improve their programs. The survey is posted on Survey Monkey and can be accessed via the following link: Click here to take survey.

Lions Club Promotes Free Diabetes Testing - Nov. 2010

The Grand Island Lions Club, Mount St. Mary’s Hospital and the Knights of Columbus, will be sponsoring Free Diabetes testing on November 14th at the Knights of Columbus hall, 1841 Whitehaven Road from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mount St Mary’s will be doing finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. If these levels are not within the normal range, blood may be drawn to check A1C Levels. Please bring your prescriptions for review by the Pharmacist from Island Prescription to discuss your current drug therapy. MOG will be there providing physical fitness information. Representing MTI Photo Screening for Children under the age of 5, Diane Fortin, Podiatrist will be on hand. A diabetes educator will be available to answer questions and educate about diabetes and appropriate nutrition. Our goal is to raise awareness in our community and to identify undiagnosed cases. There are 23.6 million children and adults in the United States, or 8% of the population, who have diabetes. The total prevalence of diabetes increased 13.5% from 2005 to 2007. There are 17.9 million people with diagnosed cases and 5.7 million people who are undiagnosed, 57 million people have pre-diabetes, 1.6 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people aged 20 years or older in 2007. Please call Lion Shelia Ferrentino at 716.863.9592 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are Welcome.

Lions Club Picnic - July 2010

The Lions Club 52nd annual Special Kids Picnic was held on Wednesday, July 21 at the Buffalo Launch Club. Children, parents and caregivers from Niagara Orleans BOCES, Erie 1 and 2 BOCES, Heritage, Aspire, Autistic Services, Baker Victory, People Inc. and HANCI in Niagara Falls attended. Over 1,000 attendees enjoyed boat rides, pony rides, Shriners mini-truck rides, face painting and crafts. The grill was fired up and Lions Club members cooked hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch.

Successful Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - March 2010

From left: Joe Piazza, Tyler Cooney, Mark Frentzel and Kevin Kulikowski
Click photos for larger view

Members of the Grand Island Lions Club held their 41st annual Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, March 22nd at the Holiday Inn Grand Island. The crowd was a bit smaller than usual due to the cold and rainy weather, but still a nice turn-out. The Lions were helped by many volunteers including members of the Grand Island Young Life Club.