Grand Island Lions Club Official Website
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Local people with a concern for helping others
are the people who join the Lions Club.
Christmas Tree Sale - Dec. 2010
The Grand Island Lions Club will be offering Christmas Trees at Kelly's Country Store on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. and also Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5-9 p.m. Why leave the Island for your tree this year?Lions Club Sponsors Community Needs Assessment Survey - Nov. 2010
Members of the Grand Island Lions are conducting a survey. The objective of the survey is to gain input from the community on the existing efforts of service organizations and suggestions on areas to focus in the future. The Lions Club is conducting this survey hoping to get many of the residents, community leaders and those with related expertise to participate. They are very willing to share any of the results they can gather so that not only the Lions Club but other organizations can utilize the information to improve their programs. The survey is posted on Survey Monkey and can be accessed via the following link: Click here to take survey.Lions Club Promotes Free Diabetes Testing - Nov. 2010
The Grand Island Lions Club, Mount St. Mary’s Hospital and the Knights of Columbus, will be sponsoring Free Diabetes testing on November 14th at the Knights of Columbus hall, 1841 Whitehaven Road from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mount St Mary’s will be doing finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. If these levels are not within the normal range, blood may be drawn to check A1C Levels. Please bring your prescriptions for review by the Pharmacist from Island Prescription to discuss your current drug therapy. MOG will be there providing physical fitness information. Representing MTI Photo Screening for Children under the age of 5, Diane Fortin, Podiatrist will be on hand. A diabetes educator will be available to answer questions and educate about diabetes and appropriate nutrition. Our goal is to raise awareness in our community and to identify undiagnosed cases. There are 23.6 million children and adults in the United States, or 8% of the population, who have diabetes. The total prevalence of diabetes increased 13.5% from 2005 to 2007. There are 17.9 million people with diagnosed cases and 5.7 million people who are undiagnosed, 57 million people have pre-diabetes, 1.6 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people aged 20 years or older in 2007. Please call Lion Shelia Ferrentino at 716.863.9592 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are Welcome.Lions Club Picnic - July 2010
The Lions Club 52nd annual Special Kids Picnic was held on Wednesday, July 21 at the Buffalo Launch Club. Children, parents and caregivers from Niagara Orleans BOCES, Erie 1 and 2 BOCES, Heritage, Aspire, Autistic Services, Baker Victory, People Inc. and HANCI in Niagara Falls attended. Over 1,000 attendees enjoyed boat rides, pony rides, Shriners mini-truck rides, face painting and crafts. The grill was fired up and Lions Club members cooked hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch.
Successful Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner - March 2010