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Veronica E. Connor Middle School
2010 page 2

Mr. Bruce F. Benson
Veronica Connor Middle School District's Web Page.

Connor Middle
School News - Dec. 2010

Click photos for larger view

    This year, for a special holiday treat, the Veronica E. Connor Middle School PTA graciously funded the production of Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” presented by the Hampstead Stage Theatre Company of New Hampshire. This two-actor traveling show portrayed the traditional story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his interaction with the Crachit family, as well as the ghosts that change Scrooge’s views on others one Christmas Eve. After the performance, the 762 middle school students were inspired to become more appreciative of those who give so much to our school each and everyday. Each student chose one or more bus drivers, office staff, hall monitors, library aide, cafeteria workers, teacher aides, nurse, SRO, or day/night custodian to which to write. These School Related Personnel received a specially decorated card and envelope from the VCMS Positive Intervention Behavioral Services team filled with letters from the students. One recipient was tearful, explaining that the messages reminded her that taking the time to be patient and to listen to adolescent concerns is so necessary and is much appreciated. The idea was spurred by “Rachel’s Challenge”, a middle school and high school initiative to promote a positive school culture of kindness and compassion, in remembrance of the first victim of the Columbine High School disaster, Rachel Scott. Pictured are Lunch Monitors: Mrs. Mucci, Mrs. Liesenfeld and Mrs. Kemp as well as Lunch Servers: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jakubowski, Mrs. O’Keefe, Mrs. Fanara, Mrs. Senn and Mrs. Ali with their pouches of gratitude.

Connor Middle School Honor Roll - Dec. 2010

The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the honor roll for the first quarter, 2010-2011 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 6 - Giana Aiello, Jordan Anthony, Kristen Atkinson, Genna Baldassarre, Theresa Baughman, Joseph Boyko, Julia Buscaglia, Sophia Castillo, Savannah Cramer, Jacob Dollendorf, Narmeen Durrani, Samuel Eichel, Simon Estenoz, Gabrielle Gagliardi, Kelsey Harrigan, Marilyn Hess, Richard Hoover, Robert Jankowiak, Amanda Jordan, Maxwell Keller, Sydney Khreis, Matthew Kowalski, Genavieve Koyn, Justin Kozlowski, Adam Krathaus, Jason Kubanek, Hayley Latvala, Julianna Major, Kristopher Masiello, Ryan McDonald, Catherine Merletti, Kristiana Morell, Owen Morrish, Kayli Nelson, Claire O'Connor, Jennalise Olson, Charles Pratt, Emily Prawel, Lindsay Proctor, Sean Pufpaff, Nicholas Rallo, Thomas Riniolo, Alexa Rogers, MaryElisabeth Rustowicz, Brandon Schoener, Emma Schultz, Shelby Seese, Jessica Surace, Sarah Swagler, Nicholas Szabo, Ryan Tetreault, Kaitlynn Tuohy, Olivia Turck, Marianthi Vasiliadis, Jenna VeRost, Cameron Watt, Madelyn Webb, Aruran Wigneswaran, Marina Wittmann, Dakota Wolf, Sophia Zacher
Grade 7 - Jill Anderson, Tori Aronica, Narmeen Asif, Cailin Atkins, Emily Augugliaro, Adam Bahgat, Leora Bellia, Sarah Bellinger, Adam Bevilacqua, Austin Blair, Natalie Braun, Madison Brown, Caitlyn Bykowicz, Alexander Cancilla, Justine Cardone, Andrew Carlson, Taylor Cecere, Cameron Colan, Madeline Dallessandro, Adam, Dryfhout, Emily Dudziak, Emily Eberhard, Mohamed Eltagouri, Benjamin Freedman, Marissa Freedman, Ashley Giambra, Sabrina Giordano, Olivia Goc, Alexa Graff, Daniel Grinchishin, Victoria Gruber, Maya Harper, Samara Johnson, Lovepreet Kaur, Jacob Kawecki, Sydney Keane, Joseph Kulikowski, Hannah Lamarco, Julia Lawley, Brianna Little, Hope LoHouse, Holly Lutnick, Chad Martin, Aubrey McCoy, Haley Melisz, Sarah Moseley, James Niland, Emily Nobumoto, Jake Nowak, Nathaniel Nowocien, Michael Oldman, Carissa Parsons, Maria Ramsperger, Hailey Randle, Sarah Rennells, Sammantha Reynolds, Gabrielle Robinson, Mikayla Rosati, Emelie-jo Scheffler, Christina Serianni, Brendan Sheehan, Cassie Shickluna, Cameron Smith, Emma Smith, Laura Szczepankiewicz, Taylor Vanderzell, Maxwell VeRost, Camille Watt, Alex Whetham, Kassidy Wozniak
Grade 8 - Jessica Ackendorf, Joshua Barrett, Carly Bernatovicz, Giuseppe Campanella, Robert Carroll, Marissa Catanzaro, Natalia Christiano, Caitlin Conlon, Kayla Conway, Nancy Dahlquist, Isabel Dengos, Katherine Diefenbach, Shannon Driess, Eric Dudley, Robert Ellegate, Katherine Fonte, Ashley Franz, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Kathryn Gentz, Carly Hand, Christian Hilts, Grey Johnson, Jack Kennedy, Marah Killian, Khristian Kline, Kurt Laschinger, Taylor Latvala, Nathan Marino, Michaela McMahon, Nolan Miles, Robin Neary, Alyssa Pelosi, Andrew Riederer, Kaitlyn Rudney, Joseph Santa Lucia, Pushpinder Singh, Amelia Stepnoski, Laura Taylor, Melissa Ullrich, Corey Wilkinson, Bennett Wright
Honor Roll
Grade 6 - Liam Atkins, Devin Brandon, Karli Burford, Sarina Buscaglia, Conner Buzby, Roman Cacciatore, Vincent Cancilla, Jesus Cisneros Vilchis, Julia Diehl, Nicholas Dingey, Todd Domowicz, Cole Ellsworth, Louis Fabiano, Shaye Fermoile, James Franz, Angelica Marie Garcia, Lenin Harper, Timothy Howard, William Hughes, Britney Hughes, Olivia Johnson, Brennen Joslyn, Madelyn Konopczynski, Julia Koprevich, Katherine Kovacs, Lily Anna Leffler, Kelsey Mahoney, Alexa Mallare, Faith Martell, Emily Martinez, Jacob Masucci, Alyssa Maxwell, Gracie McNamara, Joseph Mesmer, Mason Michels, Tyler Moskala, Kassie Moss, Tyler Muggli, Lindsay Nitsche, David Pachla, Simon Pannullo, Brandon Phillips, Ryon Pietrzak, Connor Pignatora, Kaylee Richard, Jeremy Saunders, Kelly Schlifke, Alexia Shivers, Cassandra Shores, Brianna Smith, Samuel Sommer, Andrew Szolnoky, Joseph Tamsen, Collin Tolsma, Marie Tomasula, Jacob Tucker, Mary Valle, Sarah Wellence, Gillian Worrall, Abraham Zherebilov
Grade 7 - Benjamin Abbott, Clare Ahne, Eric Albrecht, Jesse Arch, Kiera Beadles, Aaron Bobeck, Jarod Brandon, Dominique Capizzi, Alexis Conway, Patrick Cramer, Matthew Crist, Sari Dickinson, Daniel Dinsmore, Jayson Endozo, Ian Estenoz, Chloe Evans, Cydney Fairbairn, Bridget Federico, Nicholas Gioeli, Benjamin Graziano, Madison Green, Kali Hausrath, Haylee Heitman, Rebecca Hennessy, Briana Hollfelder, Nicole Hollfelder, Shannon Holt, Kaitlin Hoy, Alexander Jackson, Leah Jasek, Michaela Kozek, Sarah Kustich, Samantha Lesinski, Caitlyn Less, Kady Liesenfeld, Liana Lombardo, Michaela Malesky, Loveleen Mangat, Michael Mankowski, Madison McNamara, Tiffany Melendez, Jason Miller, Auston Niemann, Ryan O'Neil, Zachery O'Neill, Daniel Otto, Eric Pease, Chelsea Robillard, Heather Robinson, Chelsea Schmidt, Rohan Alexi Smith, Lindsey Spencer, Robert Stolfo, Angelia Strzalkowski, Lindsey Supparits, Brandon Surdi, Christina Sutton, Melanie Sweeney, Matthew Tollner, Samantha Violino, Eric Watt, Hannah Wessner, Hannah Wiktorowski, Douglas Yockey, Michael Ziehm
Grade 8 - Ryan Allen, Devan Aponte, Nicholas Bonora, Bradley Boreali, Alyse Borelli, Brianna Brandon, Nicole Burley, Alexa Calandra, Dennis Chatkhan, Sara Cichon, Mariah Ciffa, Andrew Colautto, Sara Colon, Lillian Cultrara, Enrico D'Abate, Abigail Dallessandro, Genevieve Davis, Rajveer Dhaliwall, Julia Drozdowsky, Jared Eichel, McLain Erhard, Joseph Farrell, Morgan Finn, Austin Fisher, Halle FitzGerald, Andrew Fred, Leah Geis, Kyle Graves, Marissa Gress, Balraj Grewal, Nikolai Harper, Connor Harrigan, Sabrina Hausrath, Natalie Henderson, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Kimberly Huffnagle, Jacqueline Kehoe, Leah Killian, Jonathan Link, Thomas Major, Ryan Marlin, Colton McGraw, Devlin McMaster, Matthew McNaughton, Alexandra Miller, Madeline Mitchell, Jazmine Nijjar, Meaghan O'Leary, Colin Osborn, Nicholas Paolini, Kelsey Percival, Devon Perri, Emilie Phinney, Anne Pilie, Michael Podgorny, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Eric Riederer, Lauren Rogoza, Raymond Rott, Margaret Rustowicz, Benjamin Shaw, Alexandra Sponn, Emily Szabo, Jordan VeRost, Scarlett Whitman, Apelasan Wigneswaran, James Wilson, Timothy Winder, Jessica Wing, Emily Wolcott, Bethany Wynne, Brenna Young, Taylor Zoldowski, Jessica Zoldowski

Connor Middle School Merit Roll - Dec. 2010

The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the merit roll for the first quarter, 2010-2011 school year:
Grade 6 - Ayah Abdelal, Megan Adamczyk, Mason Akers, Marcella Barberic, Jordan Blanchard, Mennefer Blue, Amanda Brodie, Cassandra Brooks, Liam Bryan, Erik Carlson, Joseph Chadima, Mikayla Claus, Andrea Colan, Alexandra Colucci, Kaylee Conta, Adam Crist, Jessica Culbert, Mallory DelSignore, Megan DiBerardino, Madison Finn, Joseph Frailey, Meghan Frisch, Jessica Harvey, Elizabeth Houser, Bryce Jellinick, Abigail Jones, Natasha Keller, Alexis Kowalak, Rachel Kullerkupp, Harrison Mangat, Heather Michki, Juleeann Nyitrai, Trevor Palamuso, Madisyn Pezzino, Madison Phillips, Dilshawn Randhawa, William Scalzo, Jack Slazyk, Jack Stieringer, Anthony Stolfo, Alexis Studley, Lauryn Swanson, Noah Teator, Randy Thomas, James Thorpe, Zachary Valvo, Madison VeRost, Cassidy Wilkinson, Kyle York
Grade 7 - Hayley Becker, Alexis Belstadt, Destiny Benjamin, Troy Brady, Zachary Breeden, Kyle Burns, Drew Callen, Vincent Chiarenza, Jenna Corrao, Frank Cotroneo, Danielle Duck, Michael Duda, Brenton Fischer, Jordyn Fisher, Nicholas Giancola, Jacob Gilcart, Matthew Hays, Joshua HusVar, Shelby Ishmael, Julia Kavanagh, Bailey Kephart, Derek Konopski, Samantha Krause, Sara Kwarciak, Edward Logel, James Martin, Cameron Mastykarz, Kiana McQuestion, Tanner Morrow, Anthony Ormsby, Xavier Ramadan, Jakob Ramallo, Mikayla Reading, Margaret Rennells, Brandon Rivers, Maximilian Russell, Jake Schmidt, Micah Schuerholz, Maggie Schultz, Amber Schwinn, Smeen Shah, Cassidy Siebert, Thomas Stedman, Matthew Studley, Katherine Verso, Kurt Villani, Joseph Wagner, Chancellor Warmus, Brianna Wik, Ryan Wilton, Kevin Zhang, Spencer-Jon Zukic
Grade 8 - Alwareed Abdellatif, Michelle Adams, Abigail Armitage, Michaela Bailes, Elaina Bolles, Brian Brennan, Nicholas Brink, Sierra Brooks, Vincent Bruno, Colin Carey, Julia Culbert, Alexandra Cutting, Colton Czajka, Anna DeMartin, Karli Deuser, Andrew Dyet, Daniel Edel, Joseph Egloff, Ian Eisenberger, Logan Ellsworth, Joyce Endozo, Jessica Foote, Jacob Foote, Emily Fuoco, Patrick Gallagher, Graciana Giambra, Nicolette Golden, Albert Grupp, Scott Holmes, Joshua Horvath, Grant Johnson, Travis Kelley, Ryan Kennedy, Christian Mason, Mark McKenna, Alanna Mergel, Thomas Morgan, Anthony Mosher, Jocelyn Mueller, Jacob Neumann, Timothy Newbould, Ashley Niemann, Miranda Phillips, Jordan Piershalski, Drew Pitts, Michael Podlucky, Amanda Proctor, Michael Rugg, Olivia Slahta, Colin Smith, Meghan Sonnenberg, Emilie Stinner, Armand Swanson, Mark Valle, Brian Verso, Jillian Wohlfehrt, Jordan Yamonaco, Alexander Zimmermann

Fall Interview Day at Connor Middle School - Fall 2010

See Photo
How old were you when you went on your first job interview, because it is never too early to learn good interview skills. Eighth grade Family and Consumer Science students in Mary Jane Fonte's classes were given mock job interviews by Cheryl Chamberlain's Internship and DECA students during Fall Interview Day. This authentic experience is part of an on-going partnership between the Middle and High School's Career focused departments to help students prepare for the demands of the future world of work. Pictured are Senior Shelbi Milkas and 8th grader Kimberly Huffnagle. Eighth grader Jasmine Nijjar and senior Courtney Weiser are in the background.

Middle School PTA Poinsettia & Wreath Sale - Nov. 2010

   The Veronica E. Connor Middle School PTA Poinsettia & Holiday Wreath Sale is now under way. Poinsettias are available in 4", 6", 10" and 10" hanging plants, along with 12" and 16" wreaths. Prepaid orders must be received by Tuesday, November 16th and pick up is Monday, November 29th. See the order form for more information.

VCMS Artists Recognized - Oct. 2010

Eighth grade artists Amelia Stepnoski and Kurt Laschinger with two recently completed artworks
Click photos for larger view

   Eighth grade artists Amelia Stepnoski and Kurt Laschinger, students at Veronica E. Connor Middle School, have been selected as the “K-12 Artist of the Month” and as “Connor’s Monthly Master” respectively. Both students are the first recipients of these two art awards for the new school year.
   Amelia and Kurt are both outstanding young middle school artists who have distinguished themselves by consistently producing sensitive, high quality artworks to the best of their abilities. Both students display attention to detail, creative problem solving, positive work ethic and a high degree of control over their chosen media, allowing them to lucidly use the visual arts as a language and as a personal form of self-expression. Amelia and Kurt are enrolled in Studio In Art, an eighth grade art acceleration, allowing them to earn high school credit while still in middle school.
   The “K-12 Artist of the Month” award was established four years ago by the art department of the Grand Island schools as a way to collectively honor district-wide artistic achievers; students who consistently use the visual arts in a positive manner and as a vehicle for self-expression and exploration. The award honors students in each of the district’s five schools, and ten students are selected annually for this special honor and recognition. Amelia’s selection is the first this year.
   “Connor’s Monthly Master” is recognition exclusive to the middle school. Kurt’s selection for September is the first of ten VCMS artists in grades 6,7 and 8 whose abilities and work will be highlighted during the 2010-2011 school year.

Cyber-Bullying Assembly - Oct. 2010

   On Tuesday October 12, Special Agent Jeffrey Tricoli from the FBI will be doing an assembly presentation to the middle school students on the issue of 'Cyber-Bullying.' He will also be presenting to the parents and community in the evening, Tuesday, October 12th, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Island High School Auditorium.

Connor Middle School Honor Roll - July 2010

The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the honor roll for the fourth quarter, 2009-2010 school year:
High Honor Roll
Grade 6 - Benjamin Abbott, Jill Anderson, Tori Aronica, Cailin Atkins, Emily Augugliaro, Leora Bellia, Sarah Bellinger, Adam Bevilacqua, Thomas Botticello, Jarod Brandon, Natalie Braun, Madison Brown, Caitlyn Bykowicz, Alexander Cancilla, Justine Cardone, Adam Dryfhout, Emily Eberhard, Mohamed Eltagouri, Bridget Federico, Benjamin Freedman, Marissa Freedman, Ashley Giambra, Olivia Goc, Alexa Graff, Victoria Gruber, Maya Harper, Samara Johnson, Lovepreet Kaur, Joseph Kulikowski, Hannah Lamarco, Julia Lawley, Brianna Little, Hope LoHouse, Holly Lutnick, Haley Melisz, Jason Miller, Sarah Moseley, Emily Nobumoto, Ryan O'Neil, Joel Peppers, Maria Ramsperger, Hailey Randle, Gabrielle Robinson, Mikayla Rosati, Emelie-jo Scheffler, Christina Serianni, Cassie Shickluna, Cameron Smith, Lindsey Supparits, Laura Szczepankiewicz, Taylor Vanderzell, Camille Watt, Alex Whetham, Kassidy Wozniak
Grade 7 - Jessica Ackendorf, Ryan Allen, Joshua Barrett, Hannah Bastian, Carly Bernatovicz, Bradley Boreali, Brianna Brandon, Sierra Brooks, Giuseppe Campanella, Robert Carroll, Marissa Catanzaro, Natalia Christiano, Sara Cichon, Andrew Colautto, Kayla Conway, Nancy Dahlquist, Isabel Dengos, Katherine Diefenbach, Shannon Driess, Eric Dudley, Robert Ellegate, Katherine Fonte, Ashley Franz, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Kathryn Gentz, Marissa Gress, Kasandra Guyette, Carly Hand, Christian Hilts, Grey Johnson, Jacqueline Kehoe, Jack Kennedy, Marah Killian, Leah Killian, Kurt Laschinger, Taylor Latvala, Colton McGraw, Michaela McMahon, Nolan Miles, Alexandra Miller, Robin Neary, Alyssa Pelosi, Kelsey Percival, Michael Podgorny, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Andrew Riederer, Eric Riederer, Kaitlyn Rudney, Joseph Santa Lucia, Benjamin Shaw, Pushpinder Singh, Amelia Stepnoski, Emily Szabo, Laura Taylor, Melissa Ullrich, Apelasan Wigneswaran, Corey Wilkinson, Jessica Wing, Emily Wolcott, Bennett Wright
Grade 8 - Natalie Argy, Kali Aronica, Michael Battaglia, Magdalyn Chauby, Sarah Dollendorf, Jenell Duxbury, Kevin Freedman, Emily Glose, Benjamin Goc, Ashley Gugino, Henry Huang, Amanda Jelonek, Zachary Jones, Kristina Kasprzycki, Emily Kernin, Ashley Kroetsch, Justin Lavis, Brittany Little, Emma MacIntyre, Griffin McGuire, Brentyn Mendel, Anna Nicolia, Jenna Paternostro, Michael Paternostro, James Pufpaff, Jillian Sheehan, Lindsey Spiker, Tara Stewart, Timothy Utz, Christian Wallinder, Jackeline Wilson, Brigid Wilton
Honor Roll
Grade 6 - Clare Ahne, Eric Albrecht, Adam Bahgat, Austin Blair, Aaron Bobeck, Troy Brady, Andrew Carlson, Taylor Cecere, Cameron Colan, Alexis Conway, Madeline Dallessandro, Sari Dickinson, Michael Duda, Emily Dudziak, Jayson Endozo, Ian Estenoz, Cydney Fairbairn, Nicholas Giancola, Sabrina Giordano, Benjamin Graziano, Madison Green, Daniel Grinchishin, Kali Hausrath, Haylee Heitman, Rebecca Hennessy, Briana Hollfelder, Nicole Hollfelder, Shannon Holt, Kaitlin Hoy, Leah Jasek, Julia Kavanagh, Sydney Keane, Michaela Kozek, Samantha Krause, Sarah Kustich, Samantha Lesinski, Caitlyn Less, Liana Lombardo, Michael Mankowski, Cameron Mastykarz, Aubrey McCoy, James Niland, Jake Nowak, Nathaniel Nowocien, Michael Oldman, Zachery O'Neill, Chad Orsi, Carissa Parsons, Eric Pease, Jakob Ramallo, Sammantha Reynolds, Brandon Rivers, Chelsea Robillard, Heather Robinson, Jake Schmidt, Maggie Schultz, Amber Schwinn, Brendan Sheehan, Emma Smith, Lindsey Spencer, Angelia Strzalkowski, Brandon Surdi, Christina Sutton, Melanie Sweeney, Samantha Violino, Hannah Wessner, Spencer-Jon Zukic
Grade 7 - Nicholas Bonora, Alyse Borelli, Nicole Burley, Sara Colon, Caitlin Conlon, Julia Culbert, Lillian Cultrara, Enrico D'Abate, Abigail Dallessandro, Genevieve Davis, Joseph Egloff, McLain Erhard, Joseph Farrell, Morgan Finn, Austin Fisher, Halle FitzGerald, Andrew Fred, Leah Geis, Graciana Giambra, Kyle Graves, Albert Grupp, Nikolai Harper, Connor Harrigan, Sabrina Hausrath, Natalie Henderson, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Khristian Kline, Jonathan Link, Thomas Major, Nathan Marino, Ryan Marlin, Devlin McMaster, Matthew McNaughton, Jazmine Nijjar, Meaghan O'Leary, Colin Osborn, Devon Perri, Emilie Phinney, Jordan Piershalski, Michael Podlucky, Raymond Rott, Margaret Rustowicz, Alexandra Sponn, Jordan VeRost, Scarlett Whitman, James Wilson, Timothy Winder, Bethany Wynne, Taylor Zoldowski, Jessica Zoldowski
Grade 8 - Brian Ailinger, Jacob Athoe, Marisa Atkinson, Griffin Atkinson, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Natalie Baldassarre, Alicia Bianco, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Jacob Burford, Liana Buscaglia, Emily Certo, June Chadima, Aaron Cook, Quinton Corrao, Brian DeRubes, Sean DeRubes, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Matthew DiMura, Thomas Doctor, Ashley Dragonette, Heavyn Dreher, Yousuf Eltagouri, Elizabeth Figler, Tyler Ford, Emma Garten, Joseph Gioeli, Andrew Grinchishin, Ryan Held, Christine Herman, Nicolas Hernandez-Rojas, Steven Howard, Ciara, Howley, Addison Joslyn, Brad Kaminski, Julia Kelly, Mary Frances Koch, Kathryn Lamarco, John Lillian, Elizabeth LoBrutto, M Matthew Madigan, Alexandria Makowski, Johnna Marinello, Justin McCarthy, Austin McCoy, Benjamin Morrish, Anna Niland, Aaron Noyes, James Osborn, Zoann Pittman, Alessandra Price, Marissa Ruffolo, Grace Scherrer, Kyle Schoener, Derrick Schutrum, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Jeremy Smith, Tanner Speer, Christopher Swagler, Brock Tetreault, Emily Valint, Lillian von Reyn, Stephanie Voyzey, Jadon Wegrzyn, Brandon York, Nicholas Young, Matthew Zabaldo

Connor Middle School Merit Roll - July 2010

The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the merit roll for the fourth quarter, 2009-2010 school year:
Grade 6 - Jesse Arch, Christopher Aronica, Kiera Beadles, Adam Beiter, Alexis Belstadt, Destiny Benjamin, Emily Bognar, April Booker, Zachary Breeden, Dominique Capizzi, Vincent Chiarenza, Jenna Corrao, Patrick Cramer, Allison DeMartin, Colten Deuser, Daniel Dinsmore, Danielle Duck, Chloe Evans, Rachael Farmer, Brenton Fischer, Jordyn Fisher, Taj Harris, Joshua HusVar, Taylor Internicola, Jacob Kawecki, Brendan Kenney, Derek Konopski, Sara Kwarciak, Sabrina Lemme, Kady Liesenfeld, James Martin, Daryana Martinez, James Mazur, Madison McNamara, Tiffany Melendez, Nathan Newell, Auston Niemann, Eric O'Brien, Julia Pino, Michael Pyzynski, Xavier Ramadan, Mikayla Reading, Page Regan, Margaret Rennells, Chelsea Schmidt, Cassidy Siebert, Robert Stolfo, Matthew Studley, Matthew Tollner, Kurt Villani, Chancellor Warmus, Eric Watt, Brianna Wik, Hannah Wiktorowski, Ryan Wilton, Douglas Yockey, Kevin Zhang
Grade 7 - Alwareed Abdellatif, Abigail Armitage, Elaina Bolles, Brian Brennan, Vincent Bruno, Alexa Calandra, Dennis Chatkhan, Mariah Ciffa, Alexandra Cutting, Anna DeMartin, Karli Deuser, Jared Eichel, Jacob Foote, Nicolette Golden, Balraj Grewal, Keegan Hirtreiter, James Hodan, Kimberly Huffnagle, Benjamin Jensen, Ryan Kennedy, Alanna Mergel, Madeline Mitchell, Jacob Neumann, Ashley Niemann, Nicholas Paolini, Miranda Phillips, Anne Pilie, Lauren Rogoza, Colin Smith, Meghan Sonnenberg, Armand Swanson, Brian Verso, Jordan Yamonaco, Caitlyn Yensan, Brenna Young, Alexander Zimmermann
Grade 8 - Michele Aronica, Robert Augugliaro, Alexander Baker, Samantha Bartolotta, Sierra Besl, Grace Bolton, Jon Busch, Ashley Butler, Bryce Callen, Amanda Cancilla, Qian Chen, David Cich, Jason Cichon, Brian Cooper, Thomas Corrao, Nicholas DeMita, Frank DeRubes, Michael Diletti, Jensen Dorey, Alexandra Dzielski, Michael Dzielski, Kai Ellsworth, Shawn Fermoile, Alex Gormady, Jack Gorman, Bianca Gowanny, Anthony Grana, Joseph Halpin, Andrew Hannah, Alyssa Heitman, April Hippert, Madeline Jackson, Kurtis Johnson, Shamus Johnson, Alexa Kalinowski, Kristin Kalman, Alyssa Karb, Michael Kleinschmidt, Stephanie Kowalak, Kyle Krueger, Julianne Lavallee, Gabriella Liberatore, Austin Loveric, William Madigan, Vincent Malpica, Andrew Masiello, Jacob McMahon, Elliott Michki, Wyatt Mock, Catherine Navagh, Gregory Nicolia, Shane Paul, Macey Porter, Angela Pozantides, Dominic Prine, Daniel Ray, Maren Russell, Natalie Schultz, Chelsea Sinicki, Jacob Stromberg, Jenna Stufkosky, Raymond Tafelski, Mia Villani, Ashley Weiser, Madalyn Wright

Becky Symon, Cartoon Contest Winner - June 2010

Pictured are Mrs. Dawn Hayes and Becky Symon

   Becky Symon, an eighth grader at Connor Middle School, has won second place in the middle school division of The Buffalo News' 2010 Editorial Cartoon Contest. Becky completed her editorial cartoon as part of an eighth grade social studies assignment. Becky's editorial cartoon was chosen from over 1,500 entries by nationally syndicated cartoonist Adam Zyglis. Becky and her teacher, Mrs. Dawn Hayes, recently attended a special reception held for the contest winners, where Becky was presented with $150 in prizes.
   A slideshow of this year's contest winners can be found at: http://galleries.buffalonews.com/photo.php?gname=gallery_1274891728.txt&item=1

Middle School Moving Up Day - June 2010

See "2010 Moving Up Day".