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WNY/Grand Island Miracle League

Miracle League Registration - March 2018

    It is finally Spring so just a quick reminder that the 2018 Miracle League Season Registration is open. Due to the need to order uniforms, after April 1st the registration fee will increase so please register soon. Please go to the registration page at www.miracleleaguewny.org. Once you have paid your fee via pay pal you will receive a registration confirmation. More information will be sent to those registered as we approach the season. If you have any questions please feel free to email Executive Director Scott McManigle smcmanigle@miracleleaguewny.org at your convenience.

Law Enforcement Day at WNY Miracle League - June 2016

Photos by Mary Stewart

    As a way to expose the Miracle League baseball players and their families to Emergency First Responders, members of Law Enforcement units are invited to spend a fun-filled day at the park. The event took place on Saturday, June 18th at the field on Bedell Road. Officers from various agencies attended.

Miracle League Kick Off - June 2016

   The Miracle League of Western New York kicked off its fifth year at Veterans Park on Grand Island. Over 350 players will utilize the field this season. The Buffalo Sabres and the Buffalo Sabres Alumni were instrumental in providing financial support for the building of the field. The concept for the Miracle League of Western New York began in June of 2010. By the summer or 2011 the field was constructed and in the spring of 2012 the first league was started. The Miracle League helps disabled children and adults fulfill their dream of playing the game of baseball.
    A field with a specialized rubber surface helps those with mobility disabilities and/or those using wheelchairs or walkers that can't move safely over dirt, grass, and bases. The Miracle League has special rules, too. Every player bats and scores once each inning, players get a "buddy" helper, and both teams win. The Miracle League began in the 1990s in Georgia as a baseball league for children with disabilities. The kids play on accessible fields and have special rules. The league now serves 200,000 children and young adults in 250 affiliate organizations throughout the world. "We appreciate the continued generosity of many WNY businesses, individuals and families. This continued support will allow the Miracle League to expand and allow for more individuals to participate," said Scott McManigle, executive director, The Miracle League of Western New York.

Law Enforcement Day at WNY Miracle League - June 2016

    As a way to expose the Miracle League baseball players and their families to Emergency First Responders, members of Law Enforcement units are invited to spend a fun-filled day at the park. The event takes place on Saturday, June 18th at 1:30 p.m. at 1717 Bedell Road, behind the Grand Island Memorial Library in Veterans Park. For more information contact Mike Hilliker at 716-435-1070. See flyer.

Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Sabres Alumni Close Out the Season - December 2015

Buffalo Sabres Alumni, Derek Smith gives a high five to Tommy Kilminster of the Miracle League.

    Current and former Buffalo Sabres volunteered at the Miracle League of WNY this year to play baseball. "This is a wonderful organization that allows everyone a chance to play a sport they love,"said former Buffalo Sabre Rob Ray. The Buffalo Sabres and the Buffalo Sabres Alumni were instrumental in providing financial support for the building of the field. The Miracle League helps disabled children and young adults fulfill their dream of playing the game of baseball. The league began in the 1990s in Georgia as a baseball league for children with disabilities. The kids play on a rubberized field. The league now serves 200,000 children and young adults in 250 affiliate organizations throughout the world. An accessible field is an absolute must. Kids with mobility disabilities and/or those using wheelchairs or walkers can't move safely over dirt, grass, and bases. The Miracle League has special rules, too. Every player bats and scores once each inning, the players are always safe, each player gets a "buddy" helper, and both teams win.
   "We appreciate the continued generosity of many WNY businesses, individuals and families. This continued support will allow the Miracle League to expand and allow for more individuals to participate,"said Scott McManigle, executive director, The Miracle League of Western New York. The Miracle League of Western New York is a 501c3 organization that was founded in 2010 and has its mission to give every child in Western New York a chance to play baseball. For more information or to donate, visit www.miracleleaguewny.org.

Miracle League Opening Day - June 2015


Mary Stewart photos.

   The Miracle League of WNY kicked off its fourth year at Veterans Park, Grand Island, on Sunday, June 6th. The league began in Georgia in the 1990's and gives children and adults with disabilities a chance to play baseball. Each player has a "buddy" who is there to help the player he or she is assigned to. The league now serves 200,000 children and adults throughout the world.

Rotary members Gary Roesch, Hank Kammerer, Christine Learman, League President R.J. Wynne, Angelo Palamuso.

   Members of the Rotary Club of Grand Island presented the Miracle League with a check for $2500 on opening day. The Rotary donated $25,000 for the initial building of the diamond, and committed to donate $2,500 each year, for ten years for maintenance.

Law Enforcement Day at WNY Miracle League - June 2015

    As a way to expose the Miracle League baseball players and their families to Emergency First Responders, members of Law Enforcement units are invited to spend a fun-filled day at the park. The event takes place on Saturday, June 13th at 1:30 p.m. at 1717 Bedell Road, behind the Grand Island Memorial Library in Veterans Park. For more information contact Mike Hilliker at 716-435-1070.

Miracle League Bowling Christmas Party - December 2014

   The second annual Miracle League Bowling Christmas Party was held on Saturday, December 7th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes. The Miracle League would like to give a BIG thank you to Jeff & Judy Dinsmore for organizing the party and Mary & Art Mallowitz for hosting it. It was a great day for the kids to hang out with their friends and catch up on what they have been doing since the season ended. If anyone is interested in playing baseball or becoming a volunteer go to the Miracle League website: miracleleaguewny.org for more info. We are always looking for players, volunteers and donations!

Buffalo Sabres and Sabres Alumni Night at the Ball Park - October 2014

From left: Tyler Ennis, Gale Podsiadlo and Rene Robert

   The Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Sabres Alumni Night at the Miracle League of WNY was on Wednesday, September 24th. Current and former Sabres volunteered at the baseball game for disabled children and adults. A special presentation of a Sabres jersey was made to Gale Podsiadlo. Gale's daughter Ellie was the inspiration for the building of the Miracle League field and an enthusiastic player. Sadly, Ellie passed away in August at the age of 13. "This is a wonderful organization that allows everyone a chance to play a sport they love," said former Buffalo Sabre Rob Ray. The Buffalo Sabres and the Buffalo Sabres Alumni were instrumental in providing financial support for the building of the field.
   The Miracle League helps disabled children and young adults fulfill their dream of playing the game of baseball. The league began in the 1990s in Georgia as a baseball league for children with disabilities. The kids play on a rubberized field. The league now serves 200,000 children and young adults in 250 affiliate organizations throughout the world. An accessible field is an absolute must. Kids with mobility disabilities and/or those using wheelchairs or walkers can't move safely over dirt, grass, and bases. The Miracle League has special rules, too. Every player bats and scores once each inning, the players are always safe, each player gets a "buddy" helper, and both teams win.
   "We appreciate the continued generosity of many WNY businesses, individuals and families. This continued support will allow the Miracle League to expand and allow for more individuals to participate," said Scott McManigle, executive director, The Miracle League of Western New York. The Miracle League of Western New York is a 501c3 organization that was founded in 2010 and has its mission to give every child in Western New York a chance to play baseball. For more information or to donate, visit www.miracleleaguewny.org.

Univera Hits Homerun With The Miracle League - September 2014

Univera Healthcare buddies help at Miracle League game.

    "To see them play baseball…well, it’s a miracle!" That's what one Univera Healthcare employee said after a group of volunteers from the health plan suited up as player "buddies," and "Angels in the Outfield," for a baseball game with The Miracle League of Grand Island on July 24th. The volunteers gave each individual as much freedom as possible to play his/her own game while protecting them at all times. In January 2011, the local Miracle League chapter was formed under the national organization which has over 250 Miracle League organizations across the country. The organization was designed for children and young adults with disabilities to have the opportunity to participate in baseball games.

Miracle League Playground Dedication - August 2014

Judi Dinsmore and son Michael Dinsmore.

Standing: Gail Sander, Teresa Hooper, seated: Kim McMahon and Fran McMahon

Tree dedicated to Joan Droit.
Mary Stewart Photos

   The Miracle League of WNY dedicated their new playground on Saturday, August 16th. At the event a tree was dedicated "in Loving Memory of Joan A. Droit, One of the Founders of the Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY for her lifelong commitment to all Children and Young Adults."

Miracle League Playground Addition - June 2014

Click for larger view

   Many volunteers came out on Father's Day weekend to build the newest addition to the Miracle League Complex at Veterans Park. The playground is special needs accessible and should be open for play in the near future after the safety surface is applied. Thanks to the GI Lions Club, the GIHS Rugby team, the GI Rotary Club and many local contractors and residents. The playground official dedication is on Saturday, August 16th.

The Miracle League of Western New York Kicks off its Third Year - June 2014

Sabre alumni Derek Smith, player Ian Cameron and Sabre alumni Darryl Shannon

    The Miracle League of WNY held opening day on Sunday, June 1st at Veterans Park on Grand Island. Buffalo Sabres Alumn, Derek Smith and Darryl Shannon were in attendance to throw out the first pitch. The Buffalo Sabres and the Buffalo Sabres Alumni have been instrumental in providing financial support for the building of the field.
   The Miracle League began in the 1990s in Georgia as a baseball league for children with disabilities. The kids play on accessible fields and have special rules. The league now serves 200,000 children and young adults in 250 affiliate organizations throughout the world. An accessible field is an absolute must. Kids with mobility disabilities and/or those using wheelchairs or walkers can't move safely over dirt, grass, and bases. The Miracle League has special rules, too. Every player bats and scores once each inning, the players are always safe, each player gets a "buddy" helper, and both teams win.
    The Miracle League helps disabled children and young adults fulfill their dream of playing the game of baseball. "We appreciate the continued generosity of many WNY businesses, individuals and families. This continued support will allow the Miracle League to expand and allow for more individuals to participate," said Scott McManigle, executive director, The Miracle League of Western New York. The Miracle League of Western New York is a 501c3 organization that was founded in 2010 and has its mission to give every child in Western New York a chance to play baseball. For more information or to donate, visit www.miracleleaguewny.org

Opening Day at Miracle League Park - June 2014

Buffalo Sabre Darryl Shannon, Coach Jeff Hocatt and Buffalo Sabre Derek Smith. Miracle League player is Danie Hocatt.

"Buddy" Grace Fredricks with Javie Solis.

Mary Stewart Photos

   There was a lot of enthusiasm among the players and spectators as the Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY held its first game of the season. Special guests at this year's kickoff were Darryl Shannon and Derek Smith of the Buffalo Sabres Alumni. Each Miracle player had his or her "buddy" to help them around the bases and give them encouragement.

Opening Day at Miracle League Park - May 2014

   Miracle League Opening Day is Sunday, June 1st from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. You are invited to come watch baseball played by players who love the game. There will be pizza, hot dogs, snacks and beverages at the snack stand that day.

Town Local AFSCME Donates Gear - May 2014

    The Town of Grand Island local 1738-A AFSCME union recently donated ten new batting helmets and a dozen balls to Miracle League for the start of the 2014 season. Pictured from left to right are players Ian Cameron, Dan Holcutt, and Mike Dinsmore. Behind right to left is Coach Jeff Dinsmore and Coach Bill Stanley who also works for the town and represented the union for the donation.

Volunteers Needed For Play Ground Assembly - May 2014

    The Miracle League is looking for volunteers to help with the assembly of the new playground at the field located on Bedell Road in Veterans Park. On Saturday, June 14th and Sunday, June 15th starting at 8:00 a.m., a team of volunteers will begin. Everyone is welcome to help. The following week on Saturday, June 21st, another large section, with many pieces, will be assembled starting at 8:00 a.m. These dates are rain or shine. After the playground is complete, the rubber surface will be installed sometime in July. The plan is to have the playground ready for a Grand Opening on Saturday, August 16th. The playground is designed to be used by everyone and is handicapped accessible.

Giant Pumpkin Raffle - October 2013

   The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY would like to thank John Sobieski for donating a 150 lbs plus & growing pumpkin. The pumpkin is being raffled to benefit the Miracle League. Tickets are available at McMahon's Restaurant, the Moose Lodge, VFW and Island Ship Center on Grand Island. Tickets are 1 for $1 or 7 for $5 and the drawing is Oct 27th at 3:00 p.m. at Miracle Field, Bedell Rd, Grand Island, NY. Pumpkin Can Be Delivered To Winner! Questions Please Call Dona Cameron 392-6606.

WOW!! What a great Carnival! - August 2013

    We would like to say “Thank you” to our Grand community for coming out and supporting the Miracle League of WNY Carnival benefiting the playground project.
    We would also like to thank the following people, companies and organizations for their very generous donations which were essential to the success of the carnival. Martins Fantasy Island, Life Technologies Corp, American Douglas Metals, Leisure Living/Island Pools. Proctor Signs, Councilman Chris Aronica, Carpenters Local 276, McMahon’s Family Restaurant, Sparks Trading Post, Rockwood Collision, West Island Trucking, TOPS markets, MOG, Printcraft Marking Devices, Branches of Niagara Campground, Town of Grand Island Recreation, Highway Dept. & our Town officials, Rock Bottom Farms, Clown Alley, Niagara Frontier Skydivers, Buffalo Sabres, Buffalo Bison’s, Niagara Frontier Publications, Isledegrande, Rotary Club of Grand Island, Lions Club of WNY and Grand Island, WGRZ, Metro News Bee, Bobballoos BBQ, and Our Generous Anonymous Challenge Donor.
And lastly, our deepest thanks to all of the hardworking volunteers who provided what seemed to be an endless supply of spirit, enthusiasm, and heart.
Thank you,
Dan Drexelius
Dan Robillard
Carnival Organizers

Miracle League Carnival Slideshow - August 2013

Mary Stewart Photos
See Slideshow

   This past Saturday, August 10th, the Miracle League held it's carnival that included games, rides, basket raffle, skydivers and Buffalo Sabres alumni to sign Sabres items. The carnival was a great success and a fun time for all.

Everyone Invited To Miracle League Carnival - August 2013

Update: Pre-sale tickets are available at Rockwood Collision and McMahon’s Family Restaurant until Friday, August 9th at 3pm.

   From Tina Chaudhry...The Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY will hold it’s first “Miracle League Carnival” on Saturday, August 10th from 12pm to 5pm at the Miracle League Field inside Veteran’s Park to raise much needed funds and awareness as we begin a capital campaign to build a handicap accessible playground adjacent to the Miracle League Field. We have been given a ‘$25,000 Challenge Match” and every dollar raised will be matched up to $25,000 the only catch is we must raise $25,000 to receive this incredible donation!
   Don’t miss our Buffalo Sabres autograph session starting at 2pm and featuring Rene Robert, Danny Gare, Don Lever, Harry Neale, Marcus Faligno and Larry Playfair with a special guest appearance by Sabretooth!
   The Carnival will feature creative carnival games, basket raffles, skydivers, food, drink and fun! Pre-sale tickets are available at The Miracle League Field (Sundays only 2-4pm), Rockwood Collision and McMahon’s Family Restaurant.
Ticket pricing is as follows and all proceeds will benefit the Miracle League.
  • Pre-Sale Individual Tickets - $15 per person (includes admission, a hot dog, pop and a sheet of tickets.)
  • Pre-Sale Family Package - $40 per family (includes admission for (4), (4) hot dogs, (4) pops and (4) sheets of tickets.)
  • Day of Event Individual Tickets - $20 per person (includes admission, a hot dog, pop and a sheet of tickets)
  • Day of Family Package - $50 per family (includes admission for (4), (4) hot dogs, (4) pops and (4) sheets of tickets.)
       Please come out and support the Miracle League Carnival so that we may continue to fulfill our mission to provide opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball, regardless of their abilities. We believe, “every child deserves a chance to play baseball.” For more information on how you can get involved, please visit www.miracleleaguewny.org or call Dan at (716) 913-1567.

    Business/Organizations Wanted For Carnival Booths - July 2013

       Is your Business or Organization looking for a fun and meaningful way to give back to the community this summer? Why not consider creating a fun carnival game to run at the Miracle League Carnival on Saturday, August 10th at Veteran’s Park from 12noon – 5:00 p.m. or volunteer to man one we have already set up. The first Miracle League Carnival will feature creative carnival games, a Sabres autograph session, basket raffles, skydivers, food, drink and fun!
       Join the Buffalo Sabres, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Double D Construction, All-State Insurance, Island Ship Center, the Moose Lodge, Sheridan Transit Rod & Gun, Theodore’s Original Red Hots and other wonderful community minded organizations, as we create a fun family friendly event that will help further the mission of the Miracle League; to provide opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball regardless of their abilities. For more information on how you can get involved, please visit www.miracleleaguewny.org or call Dan at (716) 913-1567.

    Kaegebein School Donates To Miracle League - June 2013

    From Left: Tina Chaudhry (ML, Director), Carol Pizur (WKE, Administration), Daniel Hocutt (ML, Player), R.J. Wynne (ML, Board President) and Lynn Ackendorf (WKE, Teacher).
    Click photo for larger view.

       A huge thank you to Ann Marie Stewart, Carol Pizur, Lynn Ackendorf and the faculty and staff of William Kaegebein Elementary for donating the proceeds from their February 2013 Dress Down Day to the Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY.

    Opening Day Ceremonies - May 2013


    Bottom right: Buffalo Sabres Alumni Derek Smith and Fred Stanfield
    Photos by Mary Stewart

    The Miracle League of Grand Island and Western New York kicked off its third baseball season at Veteran’s Park on Sunday, May 19th at 2pm. The Miracle League’s mission is to provide opportunities for people within our community to enjoy America’s favorite past time, regardless of their ability or disability. This year’s Opening Day ceremonial pitch to our Celebrity Catcher Sabretooth was thrown out by Sabres Alumni Fred Stanfield and Derek Smith! Volunteer “Buddies” are paired with Miracle League Players on the diamond as they enjoy the full experience of playing baseball with family and friends cheering them from the sidelines. Our next game is Sunday, June 2nd at 1:00pm. For more information on how you can be a part of the Miracle League or register to play, volunteer or make a donation, please visit: www.miracleleaguewny.org, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. Everyone child deserves a chance to play baseball!

    Join the Carnival, Organizations/Companies Wanted - May 2013

    Planned Handicap Playground

        Help support The Miracle League of WNY build a handicap playground by becoming a carnival vendor/volunteer. The "2013 Carnival" will be held at Veterans Park on Saturday, August 10th from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. There will be Midway Booths, Basket Raffles, Dunk Tank, Skydivers, Games of Chance, Food and Hay Rides.
       Your company or organization is invited to:
  • Staff a game.
  • Design a game or booth.
  • Advertise your company/organization on a booth.
  • Help raise funds for a Special Needs Playground.
  • Awards for best design, best game and best dressed clown.

       By donating your time and talents you receive; printed advertising acknowledgement, website acknowledgement, on site exposure. There are other volunteer opportunities including; set up, take down, park help, guides, ticket sellers and more.
    Contact Dan Drexelius at drexeliusdoubled@verizon.net or Dan Robilard at dantlc@roadrunner.com. Carnival form, website.

    Miracle League Carnival Sponsors Needed - May 2013

    Planned Handicap Playground

        Help support The Miracle League of WNY build a handicap playground by becoming a carnival sponsor. The "2013 Carnival" will be held at Veterans Park on Saturday, August 10th from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. There will be Midway Booths, Basket Raffles, Dunk Tank, Skydivers, Games of Chance, Food and Hay Rides. Sponsorships are available as follows;
    $5000 Sponsor - Prominent sign at the Carnival, listing on advertising, listing on Miracle League website.
    $2500 Sponsor - Sign at the Carnival, lising on Miracle League website.
    $1000 Sponsor - Listing on website.
    $100 sponsorships are available. Contact Chris Aronica, 716.510.8302 or Tina Chaudhry, 716.903.8462. Check out the playground plan.

    Miracle League Clean Up 2013

    Click photo for larger view.

       Volunteers took part in the Miracle League field clean up on April 21, 2013. The field is ready for the Opening Day Ceremonies on May 19, 2013, at 2:00 p.m.!

    Miracle League News - Sept. 2012

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012 
    7:00pm at Theodores 
    Wednesday, September 12, 2012 
    6:30pm - Under the Lights 
    Miracle League Field 
    Hope to see Everyone Next Week!
    PO BOX 833 / GRAND ISLAND, NY 14072

    Miracle League Salutes Amy Stewart - Bison Baseball Day - August 2012

    Pictured from left are Teresa Hooper, Mike Hilliker, Nancy Samrany, Amy Stewart, Ann Marie Stewart and Bob Stewart. Click photo for larger view.

    Pictured from left are Matt Den Dekker, Garrett Olson, Collin McHugh, Matt Tuiasosopo.
    Click photo for larger view. Mary Stewart Photos

       On Saturday, August 4th, Miracle League President Teresa Hooper and committee member Mike Hilliker presented a plaque to Amy Stewart for her generous donation of $8000 raised at the "Strides for Stewart" fundraiser last fall. On hand were Amy's grandmother Nancy Samrany and parents Ann Marie and Bob Stewart. Buffalo Bisons players Matt Den Dekker, Garrett Olson, Collin McHugh, Matt Tuiasosopo and Buster Bison spent the afternoon playing ball with 35+ special kids. Upcoming events at the Miracle League field include a night game on August 17th and Grand Island Fireman's Day on August 26th.

    Miracle League Recognizes Eric Ackerman - Law Inforcement Day - July 2012

    Pictured from left are Ron Stanke, Joe Fredricks, Sue Oldman from the Miracle League presenting a plaque to Eric Ackerman in appreciation of his generous donation of ALL of the plumbing materials and labor for the Miracle League concession stand and rest rooms at the field on Bedell Road.
       "We are extremely GREATFUL to Eric for all of his generosity. We were able to build the field and buildings because of generous donations from people like Eric," League President Teresa Hooper said this week.
       Miracle League ball games are every Sunday at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the park, 1715 Bedell Road.
       Special events are: law enforcement day Sunday, July 22 at 2 p.m. There will be 13 agencies involved including local, state and federal agencies. They will be bringing their equipment for everyone to see and doing demonstrations.
       8/4/12 the Buffalo Bisons will be coming to the field to play ball.
       8/17/12 a night game
       8/26/12 GI Firemen's day at the field
       9/12/12 Buffalo Sabres and Sabres Alumni at the field (evening game)
       More info on the website: www.miracleleaguewny.org

    Parade to Feature Miracle League Ball Players - June 2012

       The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY provides a safe and fulfilling environment for handicapped children and young adults. For the information of players and Buddies:
       Ball players of the Miracle League of Grand Island will participate in the Independence Parade on Grand Island Blvd. Sign-up sheets will be at the Field during every game. Be sure to wear your uniforms and Buddy shirts to participate in the parade. You may walk the parade route or ride on the float. Bring Water. Meeting Place is Dunkin Donuts at 8:30am.

    KeyBank Foundation, KeyBank Presents $10,000 to Miracle League - June 2012

       KeyBank Foundation, and KeyBank of Grand Island presented the Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY $10,000. KeyBank is pleased to provide charitable support to organizations such as the Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY that serve the public interest and address critical needs within the community. Key has a giving focus of economic self-sufficiency, rooted in the belief that economically self-sufficient individuals are empowered to face the challenges they encounter as they aspire to achieve their dreams.
       The Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY would like to thank KeyBank for their generous support and Joseph Philippone for all of his hard work and energy at making this gift such a success!

    Miracle League Opens Season - May 2012

       The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY had a beautiful opening day on May 20th, 2012 at the unique and specialized ball park in Vet's Park on Bedell Road. The Miracle League Field and complex provides a safe and inclusive environment for young athletes with disabilities to have the opportunity to play baseball and participate in team sports. Pictured is Joey Bonora with Sabretooth at the opening game.
       Miracle League President Teresa Hooper thanks all of the volunteers and buddies who helped make it a fun day for the players and everyone cheering them on.

    Miracle League Ball Game Registration - Opening Day - April 2012

       The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY provids a safe and fulfilling environment for handicapped children and young adults. The League announces Opening Day, 2 p.m. Sunday, May 20, 2012 at the field in Vets Park, Bedell Road.
       For information regarding the following see
    www.miracleleaguewny.com The forms are all under the League Pages, then drop down to League Forms.
    Player registration
    Sponsor a Team
    Make a donation

    Miracle League Receives $5000 from M&T Charitable Foundation - Feb. 2012

    Pictured from left are Diane Thompson (advisory board member), Joshua Heim (Foundation representative) and Joan Droit (advisory board member).
       The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY is pleased to announce that the organization has received a $5,000 donation from the M&T Charitable Foundation to support the building of the Miracle League Field and complex at Veteran’s Park on Grand Island, which provides a safe and inclusive environment for young athletes with disabilities to have the opportunity to play baseball and participate in team sports. The not-for-profit organization recently opened a specially designed baseball diamond with a synthetic, cushioned surface with inlaid instead of raised bases. Uneven dirt, turf and raised bases can be dangerous obstacles for players who are visually or physically challenged. The synthetic field is much easier and safer to navigate for athletes using walkers and wheelchairs. The complex will include the fully-accessible field, concession stand, pavilion and a playground when completed. The first full season of play is scheduled for the summer of 2012.
       M&T Bank believes that it is its responsibility as a corporate citizen to add value to the communities in which it operates. As part of that philosophy, the bank contributes to local organizations which focus on improving the quality of life for its customers, its employees and its community. The bank is proud to partner with community projects, events, and organizations by committing to grants and donations as well as through in-kind donated services and employee involvement in community organizations, boards, and committees. Charitable contributions are made though The M&T Charitable Foundation, the philanthropic arm of M&T Bank. In 2011 the Foundation contributed over $17.1 million to over 4,100 not-for-profit organizations, focusing on programs that directly impact education, arts/sciences, civic, and health and youth services.

    Miracle League Thanksgiving Day Game - November 2011

    The Miracle League invites everyone to come to the Thanksgiving Day Game to give thanks for the Miracle of Miracle Field. Players, Buddies, and fans are welcome to participate in an informal game being held at 10 a.m. Thursday, November 24th. Bring snacks to pass, dress for the weather, and enjoy a game while the Turkey is cookin’. Miracle League Field is in Veterans Park, 1751 Bedell Road, Grand Island, NY. For information, contact:

    Miracle League Photos - Sept. 2011

    Buddies and ball team friends!
        See Slide Show
    Diane Hassan/Carol Roesch photos

    The Miracle League committee held its drawing for a 2011 Chevrolet Aveo at the September 11, 2011, grand opening of the Sabres Miracle League Field. Winners of the prize donated by Fuccillo Chevrolet are Arlene and Bob Swan of East River Road.

    Miracle League Meeting - September 2011

    The Miracle League will host a general meeting 6 p.m. Wednesday September 21, 2011 at the Grand Island Town Hall. The meeting is open to everyone interested. See
    Miracle League for details.

    Miracle League Celebrates Field Completion - 2011

    Jodi Robinson Photo
       The Miracle League of Grand Island and WNY celebrated the completion of its playing field on Tuesday, August 30, 2011. Players from the Buffalo Sabres Foundation and Sabres Alumni were on hand to play a one- inning game for the first time with the eager children and young adults with disabilities. Hundreds of volunteers and families of the players were on hand to cheer the teams on. The official Grand Opening will be on Sunday, September 11th at 2:00 p.m.
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    Miracle League Press Release

    The Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY and Miracle League Field on Grand Island - What's it all about?

       It's about providing a safe and fulfilling environment for handicapped children and young adults. It's about saying "yes - you can play here" when all these children have heard "no" so many times.
       Miracle League's goal is to build a Miracle League Baseball Field on Grand Island for individuals with disabilities. The field provides a dream come true for the participants - most who were never able to join a little league or other baseball program before because they couldn't navigate the field in a wheelchair or walker or they couldn't overcome any of the other many obstacles a person with a disability faces on a standard ball diamond. The Miracle League Field is smaller in size and is made up of a completely rubberized surface allowing safe and easy access for those with disabilities.
       So far, the community has come forward with donations for the project and recently announced is the Buffalo Sabres $150K donation toward the field. The hope of the League directors is to have the majority of the $225,000 by March 20, so contracts may be signed for the ground breaking as soon as the ground thaws. The committee's dream is to have the field installed and ready for Reunion Weekend in July. It would be a Grand Day to have Veteran's Park filled with grateful, supportive alumni.
        Donations may be sent to Miracle League Field, PO Box 833, Grand Island, NY 14072 by March 20. Additional information about the Miracle League of Grand Island & WNY, see www.miracleleaguewny.com or call Teresa Hooper at 773-9398 or Fran McMahon at 773-9707.