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"Grand Island Pictures from the Past"
Volume 15

by Teddy Linenfelser

Previous Pictures From The Past

Teddy's Islettes Photos (webpage)

Allegany State Park - 1959

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   Marge Mitten Rancudo, my sister Mary Ellen Klingel Stewart, MaryLou Kohlhagen, Barbara Wilson Kennedy and Karen Hawks Kirk are shown in front of our Alleghany State Park cabin in the summer of 1959. The group of five teenagers including myself, invited Mrs. Kohlhagen to join us for the week as a chaperone was necessary due to our age.

Sidway School Glee Club - 1951

Click for larger photo with names
   The Charlotte Sidway School Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Carol Thompson, consisted of members from 7th, 8th, and 9th grades. Shown are
(front left) row 1 - Leona MacDonald, Virginia Thomas, Joan Dietzer, unknown, Marilyn Ekiss, ? Meyer, D. L. Cobado, Evelyn Saroko, Gail Burgstahler, Doris Harding.
row 2 - Joan Hanna, Marsha Traun, Vera Jo Mote, Deanna Glasgow, Carol Kingston, Judy Nailor, Lynn Cullen, Lorraine Noras, Marilyn Dinsmore, Sharon Williams, Nancy Staley
row 3 - Mrs. Carol Thompson, Sybil Butcher, Mary Ann Benns, unknown, Elizabeth Roth, unknown, unknown, Pat Fellenz, unknown, unknown
row 4 - Norene Zuchowski, Barbara DeGlopper, Joan Benton, Joan Lafferty, Marilyn Harper, unknown, Shirley Wohlfehrt, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Gail Jacobs, Joan Anderson, Ann Wietan and Nancy Seifert
row 5 - Gerald Mayer, Glenn Smith, Mike Costin, Bob DeGlopper, Carl Miller, unknown, Bill Linton, unknown, Scott Mayer, unknown, Charles Heimbach.
   During the year 1951 the Glee Club, along with its accompanist, Daniel Heimbach, participated in many activities. During the Christmas season they sang at the Christman Play. On March 2, 1951, they sang at the Kindergarten Fashion Show, and in April assisted in an operetta given at school, and at the Buffalo Veterans' Hospital. The Glee Club also has a double trio, made up of six ninth grade girls.
    Email to teddy@giecom.net if you can identify anyone else.

Historical Society Quilt Winner - 1991

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    Shown in this December 1991 Barbi Lare photo are Veronica Connor, Kay Long, Town Historian Marion Klingel and Historical Society President Betty Barrett. The occasion was the Society's 2nd Chrismas Open House of the year at River Lea. Members raffled a handmade quilt that they had been working on for the past year. The winner of the "Thistlefink" Quilt was long-time member, Mrs. Long.

Huth Road School Talent Show - 1968

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    Shown in this photo are the participants in the Huth Road Elementary School's annual talent show held in 1968.
    1st row: Lenny Giocovelli (superman), Jackie Robinson, Carol Smith, Sheila Rumrich, unknown, unknown, Lori Erickson, Lorraine (Lorrie) Allen, Debbie Smith (clown), unknown, Kennedy Sedler
   2nd row: Patty Oakey (sitting), Ivy Dodge (peeking) Dave Tyron, Renee Penta (tiger), Ken Homa?, Eddie Colan? Terry Crowe (eyes closed), 2nd last Edith Trianda.
   3rd row: unknown, George Watt, Steve Fritchi? Betty Haefner, Lisa Samrany, unknown, Pat Amato, Tom Xanthos, Pam Hughes?, unknown, Jeff Hamm, Jon Hasselbeck.
   Last "2" rows: unknown, unknown, Dave Wilson (tall), Peter Farrell, Loretta LaClaire, Lynn Tetrault, Paula Robinson, unknown, Susan Waldron, Julie Emery, unknown, Tammy Long, unknown, unknown, unknown, Cathy Benns, unknown, unknown.
Ellwood Meyers, with the whiskers, is behind Lorrain Allen
   Thanks Jackie Robinson Steckelberg and Emily Dahlstrom for their help in providing some of the names.
Email to teddy@giecom.net if you can identify anyone else.

#9 School House - 1921

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   Shown are the girls who were attending School #9 on Baseline Road in 1921. Missing is a similar photo of the boys that went to school with them. The girls are standing at the entry of the building that became the Grand Island Town Hall in 1938.

Girl Scout Troop 958 - 1991

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   The Girl Scouts of Troop 958 held their Christmas party on December 3, 1991 and shared in the true spirit of Christmas by helping others. Troop 958 helped kick off the Neighbors Foundation Christmas collection to assist families on the Island by contributing various non-perishable food, paper and soap products and new unwrapped gifts. Those who participated included Janelle Becher, Jaclyn Cadle, Marie Casey, Jamie DiSarno, Danielle Dodge, Mackenzie Hassan, Amanda James, Heather Keller, Kathryn Kendall, Kathleen Krause, Stephanie Kunze, Nicole Lasut, Michelle LeClair, Barbara Parrino, Rachel Parrino, Jessica Riscili, Katherine Yaksich and Alisa Evans. Leaders were Arleen Yaksich, Janet LaClair, Debbie Keller and Donna James.

Teachers Association Honors Teachers - 1991

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   The Grand Island Teachers Association hosted a party on October 31, 1991 to honor all teachers who had completed 25 years in NY public education. The party was held at River Oaks. Honored were John Goodfellow (middle school), Toby Jewett (high school), Pat Muffoletto (middle school), Barb Naradowski (high school), Mary Panagoulacos (Huth Road), Jim Ratel (high school), Elizabeth Reimann (Huth Road), Camille Starck (Huth Road) and Bob Wakefield (high school).

Jr. Football Honors Participants - 1986

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   Grand Island Junior Football, Inc. held its annual banquet Sunday, November 16, 1986 at the Holiday Inn. Award winners pictured are (back row) Steve Piershalski, Brendon Staub, Scott Harper; (middle) Paul Dalfanso, Jay Moran, Jim Criddle, Paul Prior, Brian Koch, Jed Bernardoni, Jeff Millar, Scott McDonnell, Justin Bridenbaker, John Hannibal, Tom Feeney, Bob McDonnell; (front) David Amato, Kyle Bridenbaker, Jerry Bartolotta, John Mondoux, Richard Darnley, Joel Moran, Jim Bull, Andrew Pate, James Havens, Mark Pearce and Sean McDonnell.
   The Al Schoenle Award winners in 1986 were Steve Piershalski (120 lb. team), Scott McDonnell (100 lb. team) and Sean McDonnell (80 lb. team)

St. Stephen Fashion Show - 1986

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   St. Stephen's Home School Association held its annual fshion show on November 10, 1986 at the Holiday Inn. The event included a dinner before the show. Shown are some of the committee and models: Kelly Quinn (in front), Emily Smith, School Principal Sister Fredricka, Betty DeFeo and Co-chairman Vikki Smith; standing are Chairman Denise Prast, Maria DeFeo and Heather Prast.

Sidway School's First Band - 1951

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   The Charlotte Sidway School band was formed under the direction of Mr. William Pinkow in November 1951 with instrumental lessons at first held in the evening, and later during the school day on a rotating schedule. Band members shown are (front) Roger Webster, Eric Reimann, Frank Miller, Betsy Kinsey (Sims), Carol MacDonald (Ganster), Teddy Klingel (Linenfelser), Penny Pedlow (Fischer), Kathy MacDonald (McKenzie), Susan Turnbull, Libby Smith (Vorgeose); (middle) David Ames, Carlton Schutt, Alan Howland, Bil Loth, Mike Costin, Ronald Schutt, Nancy Braddell (Gorrell), Jack Boehm, John Grycel, Sharon Bauer, Jim O'Dea; (top) Roy Campbell, Douglas Kutzbach, David Dusenbury, Lee Thomas, Charles Pinkow, Daralene Meyers (Jones), John Fontana, Martin O'Dea, Myron Ortolano and Mr. Pinkow.

Varsity Vikings - 1991

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    The Varsity Viking Football Team won their third straight division title, however, ended a 10-0 season with a loss to Batavia Blue Devils. Members of the 1991-92 Varsity Viking, not in order of the photo were David Amato, Ed Argy, Phillip Arida, Bob Backlund, David Backlund, Jed Bernardoni, Justin Bridenbaker, Mark Bruno, Jim Criddle, Kevin Erker, Kyle Greene, Justin Inscore, Kevin Isenhart, Tom Feeney, Bob McDonnell, Scott McDonnell, Jeff Millaar, Jay Moran, Steven Moudy, MarkNowicki, Paul Prior, Adam Peters, B.M. Revell, Anthony Scott, John Sirianni, Jim Slaiman, Troy Thomas, Andy Tranter, Brett VeRost, Matt Linsnfelser, Mike Waz and Shane Yensan.

Keppler-Wolf Residents - 1942-45

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    These photos taken on Grand Island in the early 1940s, were submitted by Allison Moulin, great granddaughter of Alice Wolf who, with her family, moved into a brand new Sears Roebuck house on Love Road in Grandyle Village in 1942. Allison is also the granddaughter of Norine Keppler Haug. Norine is shown in the first two photos. The cement driveway hadn't been poured yet and the neighbor across the road has laundry hanging in the front yard.
   Alice is shown on the right with a friend and in a farm wagon somewhere on the Island.
   Allison Moulin wrote that not much is known about her grandmother, Norine's life before her mother's death "but from what we do know her years on the island were her happiest." Norine, born in 1928, no doubt, attended Tonawanda High School in 1942 when the family arrived on Grand Island.
   Norine's sister, Carol Keppler Sugg, attended Sidway School from March 1942 through June 1944 when she graduated from 8th grade. Carol attended and graduated from Tonawanda High School in 1948 and is living in Florida.
   Albert Keppler, brother of Norine and Carol, was killed in the Korean War.

Cub Scout Pack 425 - 1991

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   Special prizes were awarded to individuals and pack winners of Cub Pack 425, who had the highest sales in the 1991-1992 fund raiser in November 1991. Recognized for high sales were (standing) Justin Schaber (wolf-highest sales); Joe Dann, Mike Karnath, Jordan Becher, Scott Wallace and Jim Neely (in den with highest total sales); (kneeling) Jim Maurer (second highest sales in pack); Steve Sirianni (Webelo - highest sales); Jason Stiner (highest sales); Matt Wallace (third highest) and John Ochtyun (bear-highest sales).

New Year's Eve - 1978

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    Sandi Cunningham submitted this New Year's Eve celebration at Z's Island Inn on East River and North Colony Road, now the Riverstone Grill. Shown in the 1978 photo from left are Jack Senn, Alma Senn, Norma Senn Cowan, and June Senn Abernathy.

John Gast's Mercury - 1959

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    (left) The year was approximately 1959 and the photo shows Tom Long and Mark Long and Johnny Gast in Johnny's Mercury on the front lawn of the Sam Long Farm, on Long Road.

Ball Team - 1956

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    This group of kids lived mostly in the West River/West Wood Drive area of the Island and organized their own baseball team. The year was around 1958 and the kids are (top) Mark Long, Tim Gross on Don Tranter's shoulders, MaryAnne Gross, Tom Long on Charlie (Pinky) Pinkow's shoulders and beneath them are Bob (Rudz) Tranter and Dave Pinkow. Shown Front are David and Jimmy Schaffer, Bob Wetmore, Christine Pinkow and Gary Westmore. Thanks to Tom Long for the photo.

Staley Road Farmhouse - 1960s

2075 Staley Road then and now
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    These mid 1960s photos were submitted by Jean (White) Benson. The house, originally owned by the Mesmer family, is located at 2075 Staley Road, Grand Island, NY and the pictures show her five children in the 1960s.
   Jean writes, "In front is Robert White, Kenneth White on the bench, Colleen White towards the back and on the porch is the youngest and liveliest, Jimmy. Jack was off with his new found friends. We loved it there." Robert White is also shown in the second photo. Be sure to click photos for larger view.

GIHS Varsity Golf Team - 1986

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    The Grand Island High School Varsity Golf Team members in alphabetical order, posing for this October 1986 photo are Dave Andrews, James Andrews, John Brand, Marty Camardella, Darryl Chapin, John Conta, Mike DelSignore, Dave Gazda, Lou Genovese, Ralph Genovese, Matt Goodfellow, James Goulah, Greg Hans, Greg Krasinski, Karl Kreutz, Kevin Miller, Jason Nizalek, Mark Richel, Dennis Ringler, Thomas Robinson, Bob Suffoletto, Garrett Tommasulo, Steve Tommasulo, Rob Tranter, John Voelker, John Wendel, John Zahner and Keith Zahner. The top golfers are in bold and also included Greg Krasinski. At the time of the photo the team was in third place with five wins and three losses.

Magic Square - 1971

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    (left) Peter Dinsmore, Supervisor Ray Griffin and Paul Kaegebein posed in front of heavy equipment used at the site of the proposed Magic Square, a recreation facility that was to be constructed on Grand Island Blvd.
   Funds were raised through the Lions Club's yearly spaghetti dinner in the Beaver Island Casino. Lions Club officers who attended a lease signing for the Lions' Magic Square included Chair of Construction Art Wade, President Henry Butler, and Treasure Paul Mann. Supervisor Griffin was invited by members of Art Wade's Magic Square Committee, Paul Buell, Joe Gordon, and Louis Niro, to the formal ground breaking ceremonies for the recreation facility. The site development was started through the donation of equipment and labor by Mr. Niro. Work began on the Magic Square October 18, 1971. According to Joe Czora, work was underway however inflation took it out of the hands of those who did their all to have this happen.

Junior Varsity Cheerleaders - 1986

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    Grand Island High School Junior Varsity Cheerleaders are pictured in this September 1986 photo. They are (front) Tricia Leahy, Deanne Monti, Maria Bruno; (second row) Jody Bruno, Erica Lundin, Donna Gold, Jennifer Swidergal; (back) Gina Calamita, Tena DiMartile, Kristin Adamczak, Tracy Adams, and Lynn Kleinschmidt.

St. Angelo Champs - 1986

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    St. Angelo's ladies softball team in the "A" division won nine games to take the division championship, then took straight victories in the playoffs. Team members shown are (front) Shelly Biscaro, Donna Krehl (manager), Gail Click; (middle) Diane Figatelli, Fran Walgate, Arlene Yaksick, Cheryl Friday; (rear) Clark Nesbit (coach) Darlene Figatelli, Kelly Valone, Jennifer Nesbit, Karen Learman, Nancy Yore, Bernadette Horton and Lance Friday (coach). The year was 1986.

Huth Elementary Fifth Grade - 1964-65

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   Huth Road Elementary School fifth graders posed for their class picture in 1964-65. Shown with their fifth grade teacher Mrs. Jean Cudmore, are (front) Diane Schnitzer, Nancy Killian, Adele Vacanti Sommer, Jane Niland, Christine Ferguson, Sue Schaffer, Helen Kunkle, Virginia Crea, Mary Eileen Gill, Sheila Sipanski, unidentified, Paulette Sterner; (top) Mike Brett, Mike Jeffries, Paul Linenfelser, Dennis McGinnis, Steve Bissett, Fred Bidell, Chuck Knowle, unidentified, Ron McClurg, Bruce Kaiser, Tom Colley and Mike McCaffery.

Sidway School Band - 1953

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   The SidwaySchool band, under the direction of Bill Pinkow, was only two years old when this photo was taken in 1953. Shown are (front) Teddy Klingel Linenfelser, MaryAnn Gross Bishara, Kathy MacDonald McKenzie, Betsy Kinsey Simms, Roger Webster, David Ames, Carlton Schutt, John Grycel, Sharon, Bauer, Tom Duncan, Jim O'Dea; (2nd row) Bob Smith (with horn), Peggy Boettcher Fuller, Corky Lewis, Barb Luippold Baker, Mike Senf, Ron Webb, Dick Prange, John Hall, Clyde Mayer; (3rd row) Ron Schutt, Bil Loth, GaryCorbett, Judy Campbell, Carol MacDonald Ganster, Bob House, Mary Olsen Becker, Libby Smith Borgese, Margaret Lapine Webb, Martin O'Dea, Peter McMahon; (top) John Fontana, Charles Pinkow, Sue Turnbull, Myron Ortolano, Dave Dusenbury, Dick Titterington, Roy Campbell and Doug Kutzbach.

New Brownie Troop - 1968

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   Brownies of a new Brownie Troop and their leader Mrs. Leroy Pressley posed for this photo in April 1968. Mrs. Pressley is shown "pinning" Lynn Barry. The girls are (left) Kelly Fitzgerald, Eileen Conboy Kathy Drexelius, Michele Collins, Lynn Barry, Kathy O'Dea, Diane Nugent and Deborah Russell. Not shown is Mary Ellen Hobb. The troop met in St. Stephen's Hall.

Daddy-O Drive-In - 1960s

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   The Town's Historic Preservation Advisory Board will unveil a photo display at River Lea on Saturday, July 30, 2011 titled Now and Then. The display will include this 1960s photo of Daddy-O Drive-In, run by Jack Senn and located in the Senn Trading Post in Ferry Village. The building is now part of Blue Water Marina, operated by Dan Stedman. A brochure with details of the display will be available and includes more details of all of the photos.

Christian School Grads - 1991

Mary Stewart Photo - Click photo for larger view
   "We Know Our Stuff" was the theme of the 1991 GI Christian School K-5 graduation held June 10, 1991 at Bible Presbyterian Church. Kindergarten graduates shown are (seated) Christina Basta, Amanda Boss, Rita Calabrese, Marcella Ford, Jennifer McLeod; (standing) Robert D'Amico, Kyle Nix, Patrick Kaufman, Joshua Bernardoni, Joshua Sexton, Davin Wages and Nicholas Freda. Not pictured is Dominique Williams-Jenkins.

Perfect Attendance - 1991

Barbi Lare Photo - Click photo for larger view
   These high schoolers were recognized for perfect attendance in 1991. Shown standing is Gerald Hale, 11-12 House Principal and in front are Danielle Tsikalas, Joel Moran and Eric Hardman; (standing) Lynn Schroeder, Jennifer Arida, Joe Kerszcsak, Karen Schiffhauer, Kristin Watts, Kristin Adamczyk, Trisha Anderson, Jill-Marie Johnson, Kyle Bridenbaker and Ron Wynne. Others honored but not pictured were Christopher Beckage, Jennifer Moretti, Stacey Schroeder, Paul Swain, Sarah Walck, Takovas Volanis, Jill Johnson and Rebecca Wilson.

Blue Collar Workers - 1968

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   Shown are the new officers for the Grand Island Blue Collar Workers who had just voted unanimously in May 1968 to join Local 1026, State, County and Municiapl Employees (AFL-Cio) Union. They are (seated left) Earl Eastman, Henry Gardner, with Frank J. Stahl, special representative and spokesman for the Local 1026; (back) Mike Ford, Bruce Trautman, and Henry Gardner.

Republican Party - 1975

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   Republicans were geering up for a town election around 1975. (left photo) Bob Ryan is shown on the left and Morley Townsend, former legislator and Erie County Republican Chair is on the right. (Right) Gerald and Paula Youngs are standing between unidentified partiers. Thanks to John Elwell for sharing these photos. Email to teddy@giecom.net if you can identify the others.

Graduation Class of 1981

Barbi Lare Photo - Click photos for complete view
    The Grand Island High School Class of 1981 posed for this photo shortly before graduation. For 30th reunion information, see Class of 1981 or email Maura McCowan Rustowicz macorust@roadrunner.com

Teddy's Islettes Drum Corps - 1979

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    Alyssa Miller Kolat, playing the glockenspiel in front, sent me this photo of the Teddy's Islettes Drum Corps taking during the July 4, 1979 parade on Grand Island Blvd. Shown from left are Kevin H. Miller, unknown, Nancy and Brian Swick, Gregg Roesch, Todd Roesch, and Alyssa. Hidden behind Alyssa is tamborine player Julie Linenfelser Dee.

Independence Day Bell Ringing - 1976

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    In 1976, special activities were planned for the Bicentennial Celebration, here and across the country. The Mt. Morris Freedom Bell rang on July 3rd to help commemorate the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty and the re­lighting of the Statue of Liberty torch. July 3rd was proclaimed "Let Freedom Ring Day." Shown in the photo ready to ring their bells at 2 p.m. are Carol Burridge, Alyssa Miller Kolat, Kevin H. Miller, Stacey Burridge Ford and Diane Zawadzki Miller (back). Kevin is dressed for the day and Stacey and Alyssa are wearing their Teddy's Islettes uniforms, ready for the town's Independence Day parade being held that day.

Town Officials - 1956

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    Town Board members in July 1956 met with State officials of the water commission in the town hall (formerly School House #9). Shown seated from left are Town Justice Harold L. Long, Water Superintendent Kenneth Winters, a state official, Justice Frank Schutt, state official, Town Supervisor George J. Burgstahler, state official, Justice F. Donald Hawley; (standing) Ray Murray of Nussbaumer & Clarke (engineering and land surveying corporation) and Town Attorney Walter Merwin.

"Oliver" - 1991

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    Oliver and The Odd Couple were running alternating performances at the Grand Island High School just 20 years ago this week. Shown in rehearsal for "Oliver" are Mike Bongiovani, Dan Fraiman, Jeana Viola, Kaegebein School fifth grader Jennifer Gagliano as Oliver, Heather Robert as Nancy and Karl Neuhaus as Fabin.

Boy Scout Canoe Trip - 1976

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Photos are of Tom Zarbo, Scoutmaster for Troop 510, arriving back on Grand Island in August 1976 with his Scout Troop after completing a ten-day Canoe trip on the Erie Canal. Bruce Kaiser of WBEN is shown talking to Tom with Ellie Zarbo in background on right

    The Holiday Inn’s Bavarian Band began to play and 250 friends, parents and interested spectators were filled with excitement watching Troop 510’s 15 canoes coming to shore from their Canal trip. The trip included 38 scouts, five adults and troop leader, Tom Zarbo. Other adults were Peter Myers, John Polizzi, Bruce Gentz, Al Emery and Dave Birt. guy with microphone Bruce Kaiser of WBEN talking to Tom with Ellie in background on right.)
    Scouts were Todd Bailey, Kevin Birt, Pete Boerschig, Tim Boerschig, Warren Card, Ed Chase, Steve Chase, Raj Chopra, Stephen Costanzo, Mark Coughlin, Mark DeBole, Jack Dally, Doug Deet, Bernie DeLong, Greg Elms, Scott Emery, Joe Gangemi, John Gentz, Glen Ginsburg, Bill Gondeck, Chuck Guarino, Chuck Huff, Bob Ihle, Mike Landen, Greg Long, Fred Myers, Sjohn Polizzi Jr. Steve Polizzi, Andy Posluszny, Brian Russell, Joe Santa Lucia, Sal Santa Lucia, Buddy Sedler, Kent Venton, Keith Wakefield, Gil Witschard, Bill Witschard, and Jeff Wroblewski. Photos of the scouts who took this trip would be appreciated. Send to Email to teddy@giecom.net

Lawn Mower Race - 1986

Shown left in 1986 are Lawn Mower Race organizers Bill Berger (publicity), Patrick Murphy (former winner), Floyd Doring (chairman), Hank Pyrciak (former winner) and pace car driver Paul Butler (WHLD) and Jerry Robinson (co chairman)
Click photo for larger view.
The 9th annual Lawn Mower Race committee was gearing up for its June 22, 1986 event. Originally a Father's Day race, the reved up mower race was held for many years before taking a lengthy break from the sport. The race was brought back three years ago and will be held on Sunday, June 19, 2011. For complete information, see Lawn Mower Race 2011

1950s and 1960s - 1950-60s

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(left) Chris Kinsey, Lee Tiffany, Pete Sloan, Dale Millar, Larry Werth, George Marin, Ron Holmes and in front is Mike O'Dea. Be sure to click the photo for several other photos taken in the mid 1950s and 1960s and submitted by Lee Tiffany.
The group photos (1964) are members of Explorer Post 510.
The picture of the three boys was taken at Fort George, Canada. Left is Mike O'Dea with Lee Tiffany is on the right and center is Kim Winship of Kenmore.
Lee also wrote: "The picture of Mike in the wagon was taken in my back yard. Mike and I had turned my wagon into a 'soap box derby car' and then pushed it around the yard."
"The last picture is of Mike and I enjoying a cold winter day at my house after plowing out the walkway." Thanks, Lee.

Beer Bellies Volleyball Champs - 1986

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    The T.C.'s Beer Bellies Volleyball Team became the regular season and playoff champs of the Thursday night Green Division at Huth Road School on April 17, 1986. Pictured (left) are Jim Ray, Dennis McGinn, Wayne Benton, Terry Swain, Bob Stamler and Scott Kalman. Missing from the photo is Ralph Nusstein who was injured halfway through the season while playing.

Kaegebein School PTA Fashion Show - 1991

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   This photo was taken just before the Kaegebein School PTA fashion show held April 14, 1991 in the Holiday Inn. The event featured a luncheon and fashions specific to all age groups. Models pictured are (rear) Sherry Walsh, Claudia Schmitz, Mandy Malaney, Mike and Kathy Chadwick, Cyndi Booker and Patti Kalal; (front) Brian High, Michael Grisanti, Kyle Goss, Heather Wilhelm and Karen Koller.

Eagle Park - 1908

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    This photo was posted in the Buffalo News around 1994 with the following caption. The photo taken in 1908 captures the congregation of the old German Jerusalem Church, now merged with Epiphany United Church of Christ, taking a break in the action in Grand Island's Eagle Park to pose for the photographer.
   Eagle Park was located on West River midway between Staley and Whitehaven roads. It was founded in 1889 by Henry Cook. Ellis Dilliot, one of the oldest Island residents, built the wooden dock in 1890. It is a well-known tradgedy that the dock full of men, women and children collapsed in June 1912 killing approximately 39 people.

VFW Firing Squad - 1968

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    This photo shows the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post's first firing squad at DeGlopper Park at the center of the Island. The photo was taken in 1968 by Andrew J. Susty. Norm Mallon is shown third from the left. Email to teddy@giecom.net if you can identify anyone else. Thanks to MaryJo Gill for identifying the bugle player, Jim DeCillis, Class of '70 and her father, Frank X. Gill on the far right.

Volleyball Champs - 1991

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    Carey's Gang was both the league and playoff champs of Thursday Men's Volleyball Gold Division for the 1990-91 season. Pictured in this March 1991 photo are team members Scott Kalman, Tom Kippley, Andy Pacioni, Kevin Kippley, Tom McInerney and Mark Restey.

Bicycle Built For Four - 1971

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    Buffalo Evening News photographer Roy Russell was in the Ferry Village area in June of 1971 when he took this picture. Shown from left are Julie Anne Linenfelser (Dee), eight months, me (Teddy Linenfelser) and my husband, Jim and young Jimmy Linenfelser, two. Jim and I bought the bike when we were 17 and 18 years old and dating. We were just past the Bedell House (burned in 1988) heading towards Cox Road. The tots' seats would, of course, be considered illegal and unsafe today.

Sidway Yearbook Staff - 1951

Click photo for larger view     The Charlotte Sidway School's student yearbook staff in 1951 posed with their teacher, Mrs. Gladys Wellen. Shown front: Assistant Manager Barbara Soch, Production Manager Wanda Sugier, Elizabeth Browning, Marilyn Dinsmore (advertising); (back) Gail Jacobs (art staff), Carol Kaegebein (art staff), Mrs. Wellen, Business Manager Leona MacDonald, and Ann Wietan (art staff). Students sold eight full pages of advertising that included Schutt Trucking, Fix Brothers, Carlines Grocery, J. Dale Janes Realtor, Mesmer's Tavern, Mooney's Snack Bar, The Sandy Beach Service Station and Wayside Furniture Co.

Old Fire Hall - 1954

Click photo for larger view     This photo of Grand Island's first fire hall is from the Harold Long collection, donated to the Grand Island Historical Society. Originally built as the town hall in 1875, it was the scene of many community and civic activities including home bureau, political rallies, scout meetings, dances, card parties, drum corps practice, nursery school, and wedding receptions. It was replaced with a new building officially opened in 1953 and shown left (white building). In the foreground is the truck house that the volunteer firemen built themselves in the early 1940s. The Grand Island Fire Company has been located on Baseline Road between Whitehaven Road and Grand Island Blvd. since its inception in 1938. Dispatching volunteer firemen and equipment was done from the homes of the firemen and handled by several of their wives. After receiving a fire or first aid call, a truck driver was alerted by the lead dispatcher who then notified the other dispatchers around the Island who would write the location on their chalk board, put it in front their home and blow their siren by hand. Marion E. Klingel handled most calls from 1945 until 1963 when first home receivers were distributed to the men, and paid dispatchers took over the job. Email to teddy@giecom.net if you can identify the children.

Coach Dave Meyers and 1952 Basketball Team

(left) James Pierson, Bill Linton, Bill House, Keith Vanthoff, Rodney Alt, John Fisher, Ernie Hoefner, Stanley Ziomek, Bob Buzby, George Mayer
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   Dave Meyers could be named the most popular gym teacher to teach on Grand Island. He started out at Charlotte Sidway School and was also part of the Jr./Sr. High School. This team from 1952, played against off-Island team just before the Saturday night dances in the Sidway gym. Bob Buzby and Bill Linton were among top players.

Grandyle Marina - 1950s

(left) a back view in the 1950s; (right) view from the East River Road, 1950s
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    The Standard Oil dock, even before the bridges were built, became the site of The Grandyle Marina Boat Club Inc., a supper club opened in June 1949. Located on East River Road at what is now Broadway, it was operated by Rod Beck . Later it was known as the Figurehead and then Starvin' Marvins. Badly damaged by fire in March 1979, the building was renovated but never reopened. Island Marine at that location is a popular place for boat storage and docking.

Sidway 9th Grade - 1951

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   Shown are members of Sidway School's first 9th grade graduating class. The school held grades first through eighth, two grades to a classroom, in the beginning (1937). In 1947 a kindergarten class room and second floor were added, and in 1950-1951 the school was doubled with the addition of junior high classrooms for grades 7th through 9th, a cafeteria, a home economics room, industrial arts shop a second kindergarten room and a science room. Shown are (first row left) Leona MacDonald, Ann Wietan, Patricia Groffenberg, Gail Jacobs, Barbara Soch, Shirley Wohlfehrt and Sandra Fleming; (2nd row) Wanda Sugier, Carol Kaegebein, Loretta Groffenberg, Elizabeth Roth, Elizabeth Browning, Marilyn Dinsmore; (top row) teacher Reva Kohn, Clinton Webb, Richard Meyers, Willaim Fleming, Bob Robinson, Charles (Danny) Heimbach, Harry Staley, Don Bartlett, Scott Mayer. Missing from the photo is James Fuller.

First Islettes - 1961


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   The original Islettes baton twirlers are shown in the Grand Island Fire Hall where their very first practices took place in 1961. Those 7th, 8th and 9th graders who joined in January of that year are Barbara Barnes, Sheila Bilson, Mary Bradich, Kathy Butler, Cheryl Cutonelli, Caryl Denler, Barbara Fox Smith, Cathy Haller, Kathy Hickman, Janet Huff, Mary Linenfelser, Sonja Miller, Kathy Pedlow, Donna Pollack, Debbi Robinson, Rita Satterlee, Cathy Trautman, JoAnn Trautman, Sue Trautman, Pam Thorne, Delorous Watkins, Kathy Williams. The twirlers marched in many area parades under the direction of Teddy Linenfelser. The name changed to Teddy's Islettes a few years later and the corps continued to practice in the Fire Hall until Teddy's retirement in 1987.

Charity Ball Committee - 1977

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   For many years the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation held a Charity Ball, most often in the Buffalo Launch Club. Shown are the 1977 committee members; (left) Elizabeth Reimann, Shirley Runions, Leo and Carol Allen, and the late Larry Runions.

New Fire Truck - 1950

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   This new 1950 Chevrolet Young Fire Truck (ladder truck), the second truck to be acquired by the Grand Island Fire Company, is shown with the Carlton Alt family's house in background. Carl was the #1 driver to be called when there was a fire on the Island.

Teddy's Islettes - 1976

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   The Bicentennial of our nation was being celebrated in 1976 and the members of Teddy's Islettes were all decked out in red, white and blue. Shown front left are Rifle carriers Sandy Lare, Tom Dzielski, Mark Affuso and Patrick O'Hara; girls in red behind them are Karen Kohlhagen and Sharon Wright; tots in front row, Jean Willer, Wendy Warmus, unknown, Kim Harris, unknown, Sarah (Morrisey) Gooch, Deanne Monti, Chris Nowak, Becky Nowak, unknown, Julie Linenfelser (Dee), Todd Roesch, Bob Willer, Allen Gracie and Jimmy Linenfelser; (2nd row) unknown, unknown, Sue Bors, unknown, unknown, Amy Patmos, unknown, unknown, ?Armenia, unknown, unknown, Tracy Kammerer, unknown; (3rd row) unknown, unknown, Laurie Pownall, unknown, unknown, Michelle O'Hara, Debbie Bleich, Marcia Witte, unknown, Sheila Gracie, Kim Duermeyer, unknown; (4th row) Dawn Russell, unknown, Sue Simmons, unknown, Doug Gress, Tracy Turner and Dawn Harris. for photos of that summer's activities see "Summer of '76"

American Field Service - 1971

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   This photo is from the Venture Yearbook, 1971 and is a group of GIHS American Field Service members. Shown front are Kathy Babowicz, David Ziehm, M. Hall; (row 2) Kathleen Meosky, Mrs. Patricia Kuriscak (business teacher, Cindy Webb, American Abroad; President Joanne Austin, Wolfgang Herzog (AFS Austria), Mrs. Elizabeth Zwierschke (language teacher), Darlene Runions; (row 3) Louise Dietz, Deborah Haines, Barb Brown, Gwen Grosenbaugh, Linda Sharon and A. Giles. AFS member Dan Brown is missing from the photo.
   Barbara Brown Feige, GIHS Class of 1972, is currently living in Denver and writes that she was the AFS exchange student to Tupa,Brazil in the summer of 1971 and also attended the senior prom with Wolfgang Herzog, the AFS exchange student from Austria, identified in the photo. His host "sister" was Aileen Giles, also in the photo. "Thanks for sharing the photo - it brought back some great memories, including my years in French Class with Ms. Zwierschke," Barbara wrote. Email to teddy@giecom.net if you can help with the missing names.

East Park Garden Club - 1957

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   "Beautifying Town Hall" was the caption for this picture when it was published in 1957. Pictured are members of the East Park Garden Club working on the grounds of the old town hall. From left are Lucy Stephenson, Ann Dunn, Adele Adams and Barbara Study.