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"Grand Island Pictures from the Past"
Volume 16

by Teddy Linenfelser

Previous Pictures From The Past

DeMartin Family Christmas 2002

Lack of snow on Christmas Eve 2002 was all the reason Santa needed to hitch a ride around the Island on a fire truck with the Grand Island firefighters. Children in the picture were gathered at Karen and Firefighter Mike DeMartin's home on Marilyn Drive. Their children are Allison shown in front of Santa, and Collin Michael to her right. Their cousins are Jackson, Eric, Noah and Laura
Fred Claus Photo

Christmas 1945 - Butcher Kids

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   This photo was taken on December 25, 1945. Shown are (left) David Butcher, Melvin Butcher and Sybil Butcher Corrigan. They, plus a few more who would soon to be added to the family, are the children of the late Frank and Nora Butcher who moved to East River Road on the Island in in 1936.

Beaver Island Casino - Blizzard of '77

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   Thanks to Stan Gibbs for this 1977 photo.
The weather for weeks before the Blizzard of ’77 was record-breaking to say the very least. Snowfall records were broken in November and December ’76 and again in January 1977 when snowfall here surpassed the record of 50.6 inches, established in 1955. That was two days before the Blizzard of ’77 came roaring into town about noon, on January 28th accompanied by bitter cold temperatures and high winds. For a feature story, see Blizzard of '77 Feature Story.

Christmas Cotillion - 1987

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   A Christmas Cotillion was held at Grand Island High School on Saturday, December 19, 1987 with proceeds going in part to the Special Olympics and to the Neighbors Foundation. Food Collectors (first row); Mrs. Rossow-Adverser to the Class of 1990, Mrs. Lamon-Advisor to the Class of 1991, Rich Briand, Donna LoPresti, Mary Brand. (Second row): Miss Sabolinski-Advisor to Class of 1989, Bryan Castellani, Kevin Thompson, Dana Anello, Amy Pelcynski, Alison Smith. (Third row); John Krebs, Matt Goodfellow, Dave Pelcynski, Josh Fischer, Greg Krasinski, Sheila McGowan, AnnMarie Buscaglia, Mr. Mazza-Advisor to the class of 1988, Lisa Wrench.

GIHS Student Patrol - 1967

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    The Grand Island High School Student Patrol was formed in November 1966 with the purpose of keeping order between classes at intersections. Although debates ensued, students quickly realized its effectiveness. Members shown in 1967 are (top) J. Schaefer, M. Kelly, L. Gagley, P. Stovall, D. Carrolol; (middle) G. Philps, R. White, R. Martini, M. Simpson, Advisor Mr. Skinner; (bottom) Wayne Benton, Frank Budwey, M. Burl, John Lexo.

Members of Class of 1973 - Class Reunion Being Planned

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   The photos, all 1973 GIHS graduates, are from the GIHS 1972 yearbook. Shirley Lewien-Reitebach is spearheading a Class of 1973 reunion and looking for help with names, addresses and email information for the event next year. Contact Shirley at josieandmaddie@aol.com or sirpwd@gmail.com.

Birthday Party - 1954

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   Terry Swain was celebrating his fifth birthday in June 1954. Shown in front is Paul Swain. Second row left are Pat Decillis, Terry, and Cathy Trautman (Kaegebein). At the top of the photo are Dave Schaefer and Bob Doetch.

Mothers Safety Patrol - 1953

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   This photo appeared in a September 1953 edition of the Buffalo Evening News. Mothers of children attending the new William Kaegebein Elementary School started a volunteer safety patrol in September 1953. From left are Gladys Benzing of 61 Love Road, Helen Ball of 25 Love Road, and Marion Roberson of 44 Love Road. Deputy William B. Lewis, a member of Sheriff Britt's motorcycle squad, is shown giving advice to the women. More than 20 women volunteered for traffic duty while children were walking to and from school.

Silver Tea - 1978

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   The Grand Island Historical Society, as a way of highlighting the descendents of the Island, held a Silver Tea on Sunday, October 15, 1978 in River Lea, the Society's headquarters located in Beaver Island State Park. Silver Tea chairman Marion Steffen (right) is shown serving tea to some of the honored descendents of Grand Island's founders. They are (left) Artist Jim Montenari, George Williams and Sharon (Long) Nichols.

Field Trip to Train Station - 1951

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   May 8, 1951 - Courier-Express
Headline: Tots Study Transportation at First Hand
Before children of Charlotte Sidway School, Grand Island took a New York Central train for a trip to the Falls, Engineer James S. Danis explained a locomotive to them to aid in the study of transportation. Pupils shown are (front) Gail Kirby, (rear) Norene Miller, Corson Lewis, Peter Fahrer and David Ames. Seven of the 33 students who made the trip had never been on a train before. Thanks to Corson "Corky" Lewis for submitting this photo.

Library Reading Club - 1964

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    This photo was taken in September `64 in front of the town hall, and shows a group of smiling youngsters who were among the 99 children who participated in the Grand Island Memorial Library Vacation Reading Club during the that summer. All received Reading Certificates from Mrs. Ethel Kaiser, town library, shown at right.

Beaver Island Casino Fire 1992

Click for larger view - James E. Linenfelser Photos.

   Early morning smoke in the Ferry Village neighborhood on Thursday, October 29, 1992 alerted residents there to contact the Grand Island Fire Company. No location could be given at the time of the alarm, except that there was a considerable amount of heavy smoke in that area. Firefighters who immediately checked the nearby State Park area, alerted the Fire Dispatcher Barbara Anderson around 7 a.m. to the Beaver Island Casino fire which was fully involved.
   GIFC called in assistance from six other off-Island Fire Companies, but the building, opened in 1939, was beyond saving. Estimated damage was set at $3 million.
   A replacement, The Beaver Island Club, was completed in 2003.

Middle School Skating Party - 1978

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   Youngsters in the sixth grade at Grand Island Middle School (now Connon Middle School) nearly filled Skate Country for a skate party in 1978 and sponsored by the Middle School PTA. More than 130 skaters enjoyed the music, games and all the fun. The 7th and 8th graders had their skating party later in the week.

Giants Are '92 Little League Senior Champs - 1992

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   The Little League Senior Giants Team, sponsored by Century 21 - McCarthy Realty, came up with enought wins totake first place for the '92 season. Team members are (front) Coach Daryl Dodge, Joe Banko, Mike Mondoux, Dave Catherine, Doug Dodge, Coach Joe Catherine; (rear) Bob Meyer, Dan Norba, Jim Balcom, Greg Bielec and Tom Flaherty. Not pictured are Mike Bubb, Mike McInery and Joe Petruso.

TC's Champs - 1987

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   After finishing the 1987 season in fourth place with a 1-5 win-loss record, TC's ended the season as the Men's Thursday "B" League Champs after defeating Z's 1 (first place co-champs) 11-9 in the semi-final round and Z's 11 (above) first place co-champs) 5-4 in the final round. Team members picture are (1st row) Jim Zoldowski, Charlie McDonough, Duffy McGuire; (2nd row) Jack Walker, Dave Wunsch, Craig Walker, Manager Bill Aydelotte; (3rd row) Dale Berger, Gill Clarke, Dave Zeigler, Les Smith, Kevin Kinney and Mike Ficorilli. Not pictured is Bob McDonnell.

7th Graders - 1966

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   These students were in seventh grade at the Grand Island Jr./Sr. High School in 1966. Shown front row left are S. Adams, S. Alberti, M. Alliger, J. Anderson, J. Austin; (row 2) K. Babowicz, J. Barnes, J. Barth, K. Beck, R. Becker, B. Bedell; (row 3) J. Beich, Dale Berger, Fred Bidell, M. Bishop, S. Bissot, J. Board; (row 4) S. Bookhagen, N. Boss, S. Brant, M. Britt, D. Brice and W. Britt.

U16 Tigers - 1982

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    Shown are the 1982 U16 Tigers Soccer Team, part of the Grand Island Soccer Club and coached by Frank Bihler. The club was championed by Clive Roughsedge in the late 1970s. This team won their division title. Not in order are the members of the team: Mark Bihler, David Brick, Jeffrey Chamberlain, Daniel D'Angelo, David Dusenbury, Donald Ehinger, Michael Geiger, Andrew Harbison, John Hartrick, Robert Helenbrook, Scott Kalman, Heath Mazenauer, Kevin McGuire, James Pullano, Brian Rotterman, Eric Stone and Thomas Whetham. The Grand Island Soccer Club is still going strong in 2012.

Pet-I-Care Champs - 1987

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   Ending the division as co-champions, PEt I Care secured the overall Friday A Softball championship in the playoffs. Members of the team pictured are (row 1) Mary McDonough, Ron Link; (row 2) Tina Gnann, Ann Marie Russell, Debbie Gesl, Betsy Borden, Carrie Dinino; (3rd row) Rene Mohn, Sharon C. Vicki Harnden, Lynn Akenbauer, Ellen Milkas and Betty Hall.

American Field Service - 1972

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   American Field Service (AFS), an exchange student program at the high school, gave opportunity to a Grand Island student to spend a summer or year abroad, or the opportunity to have a foreign student spend a year in a Grand Island home. In 1972 Ana Mariani from Argentina was living with the Lipp family. Shown are members of the high school's 1972 American Field Service: (front) J. Constantio, A. Giles, B. Brown; (back) M. McGraw, W. Chase, A. Mariani, R. Albing; (top) Mrs. Elizabeth Zwierschke, G. Person, R. Fahning, E. Hansen.

Teddy's Islettes - July 4, 1973

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   Teddy's Islettes Baton & Drum Corps was a participant in the annual Independence Day Parade on Grand Island Blvd. since its inception. Shown leading the younger group of twirlers in 1973 are Lynn Gaydica (Wuertzer) and Jackie Sullivan (Kane).

Landel's First Milk Truck - 1920s

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   This photo of Henry and Isabelle Landel is marked "first milk truck." Mr. Landel, a Grand Island farmer, was one of the first Islanders to haul his milk to Buffalo (by ferryboat). He died in 1937. Mrs. Landel was born on July 10, 1861 and considered the oldest pioneer resident on Grand Island when she celebrated her 93rd birthday in 1954. Born in Germany, she moved to the US in a sailing vessel at age 6, married at 22 and came to Grand Island. The Landels resided on Love Road west of Baseline Road.

GIHS Madrigals - 1990

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   The Madrigal Singers in 1990, presented over 50 concerts throughout the Niagara Frontier. In the front row (left) are T. Varney, H. Knisley, K. Fergen, S. Ehde, M. Miller, H. Robert, M. Capollupo; (back row, M. Peters, C. Wright, M Watz, J. Wiegand, K. Knisely and J. Caffarella. Email to jodi@giecom.net if you can provide the first names.

Democratic Candidates - 1973

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   Shown from left are Bob Ludwig, Tom Butler, Ted Filosofos, Ray Griffin, Joanne Carr and unknown.
Election night counts in November 1973 listed Highway Superintendent candidates Norman J. Mrkall (R) and Carl John (D), a Republican endorsed by the Democratic party, in a tie vote of 2470 each. On Thursday, November 8, 1973 both parties met at the Erie County Board of Elections for a re-count. At the end of the meeting each had garnered one more vote. On Friday, after many hours, it was determined that Mr. Mrkall had received an additional vote at the polls in District 4 making the official count 2472/Mrkall and 2471/John. Norm appointed Carl as his deputy, a post Mr. John was serving at the time under Highway Superintendent Joe Roe who was retiring. Email to jodi@giecom.net if you can provide the missing name.

International Club - 1990

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   The Grand Island High School International Club members in 1990 were (row 1) Christa Holka, Stacy Geldin, Jamie Sawyers, Carla Rader, Lisa Koch; (row 2) Cathy Lane, Christina George, Kon Ying, Jennifer Sugar, Heather Robert, Mike Peters and Latham Srinivasan. Thank you to Lisa Koch Mrkall for supplying the names

Dillemuth/Moher - 1977

   Islanders help celebrate Naval Park dedication was the headline in the July 20, 1977 Island Dispatch. The story by Melody Cooke follows.
   Sailors marched, bagpipers piped, and jets flew overhead in festive formation. The mayor congratulated the admiral and the admiral congratulated the crew. The Grand Island High School Band played the National Anthem.
   It was a day of celebration - for the safe arrival of the USS Little Rock and for the official establishment of the Buffalo Naval and Servicemen's Park.
   The Little Rock which arrived safe under tow last Friday from Philadelphia via the Welland Canal is the second ship in the Naval Museum. After Joseph Gordon, head of the Island Bluewater Marine Construction finishes reassembling it, her tower will top the nearby Skyway.
   Eventually, the park will include a servicemen's park and museum with exhibits from different stages of U. S. naval history "from Perry on," Dorothy Bitner, an Island resident and member of the Mayor's Committee for the park, explained.
   Three Islanders had a lot to do with getting the Little Rock here and will have a lot to do with reconditioning her for public viewing.
   One is Gordon who designed a method for cutting the 174 foot tower down to 65' for shipment through the Welland locks. "We clamped each segment as we went so as not to damage the tower," he explained. "Then we lifted the whole top off and shipped it on the missile deck."
   In the next few days, Gordon will supervise putting it back together again. He will use an advanced system of welding called Heli-arc necessitated by the tower's aluminum titanium alloy (hardened aluminum).
   Chet Moher, 18, Gordon's stepson, also helped ready the ship for towing. While working on the ship's preparation, he asked whether he and his cousin, Michael Dillemuth, 17, could join the all volunteer maintenance crew which would ride the ship as she followed a tug along the St. Lawrence Seaway. The boys were signed on.
   The cousins agreed that they'd do it over again if they could. It was exciting and "made us aware of what other people's life is like."
   There was no hot water. Dishes were wiped, not washed. Baths were a bucket of sea water except for the luxurious night of June 28, when an old bilge pump was hooked to a fire hose. Sometimes the crew of eight got only four hours of sleep. "I'd be exhausted, but I'd just have to keep going anyway," Chet explained. "It wasn't like that at home."
   The night of July 1, the ship almost collided with a navy ship, Chet was on watch in the dense fog. The tug, invisible in the fog, radioed that the Little Rock was on a collision course with another vessel.
   Then radio communications ceased. The emergency flares aboard turned out to be faulty.
   The whole crew directed flashlight beams toward the other ship and sounded fog horns. Finally, the other vessel spied the Little Rock and veered away.
   "I thought it was interesting and a challenge," Chet summarized, "and I want to give special thanks to the harbormaster, the captain and my stepfather." They were "well organized" and stayed "cool and calm" throughout, he said.
   Both boys plan to continue to help with the ship's restoration in the Buffalo Harbor.
   Going back a few years, two other Island boys were associated with the Little Rock. William Frampton, 20, of 26 Alan Court, and Donald F. Baldwin, 21, of 81 Jenell served on the Little Rock while she was in active service.
   In 1975 and 1976 when the Little Rock was the Commanding Staff Ship of the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, both boys were aboard. The two are still serving in the U. S. Navy but were unable to return for the ceremonies.

Fire Co. Auxiliary Officers - 1968

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   The occasion was possibly the Grand Island Fire Company's Installation of Officers or an Auxiliary Christmas party held in the Buffalo Launch Club on December 23, 1968. Shown from from lower left are Ladies Auxiliary officers Barbara Anderson, Fay Wood, Mary McMahon, Barbara Peck, Sue Kohn, Joan Hoag and Mary Stewart.

School #5 - 1932

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   The year was 1932 (or thereabouts). School No. 5 was located at Bush and Baseline roads and Mrs. Lucy Stamler was the teacher of these 17 students. Shown in the first row (left) Rose Marie Spencer, Harry Stamler, Robert Spencer, Alex Santo, Edward Tucker, James Carter and Franklin Yensan; (2nd row) Viola Spencer, Irene Santo, Doris Tucker (Gettings), Victor Santo, Arnold Stamler, James Williams and Charles DeGlopper (WWII hero); (third row) Arthur Spencer, Herbert Ashley and Ossian Williams.

Lions Picnic - 1972

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   Shown in this Lions Club handicap picnic in July 1972 are (left) Fire Chief Don Barth, Art Wade, an unidentified child holding the fire hose nozzle and Assistant Fire Chief Gary Roesch.

Pinewood Derby Winners - 1977

   The Cub Scouts are not identified but they were the winners of their Pack's Pinewood Derby in 1977. Email to jodi@giecom.net if you can provide the names.

Varsity Vikings - 1973


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    Pictured are members of the undefeated 1973 Varsity Vikings Football Team. The Vikings ended the season 8 - 0 with shutouts against Tonawanda, LaSalle, Depew, Iroquois, J.F.K., East Aurora and Lockport.
   Row 1: Assistant Coach Riffel, Frank Eldridge, Mike Walker, Jim Breier, Mike McQuaid, Pete Hayes, Tim Roswell, Craig Hettinger, Mike Rayhill, Dave Bagdy, Mike McNamee, Dan Cap, Head Coach Masters; Row 2: Manager John Kirsch, Wayne Nowak, JT Tomkins, Kevin McInerney, Bill Mancuso, Mike Beyer, Glynn Lipp, Mike Filosofos, Mike Rodriguez, Terry McDonell, John Elie, Jim Rodriguez, Greg Barker, Art Harper, John Pozluzney, Jim Hobby, Assistant Coach Wise.

Boys Track - 1967

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   The 1966-67 Grand Island High School track season started out lacking in enthusiasm but closed in an uproar. The Vikings went on to place fifth in the Section VI, Class A finals. Shown after clinching the championship, Viking track members hoist their triumphant coach, Bill Russo. The two boys in front are Roland Vogel and Frank Budwey. The boy in glasses is unknown. In front of him are Mike Weidemer, Colin Smith and Joe Weber.

Sidway Classes - 1963

Mrs. Orson's 9th grade class, June 1963

Mr. Perno's 9th grade class, June 1963

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   Shown are the 9th grade classes who graduated from Charlotte Sidway Jr. High in June of 1963. These students became the first graduating class of the Grand Island High School in 1966.

GIHS Prom Committee - 1967

Photo courtesy of Christine Maier Phillips - Click for larger view

   Shown are members of the Grand Island High School Class of 1967 prom committee: (seated) Jackie Pritchard (Mordaunt), Marsha Jasper (Weinzierl); (standing) Phyllis Killian (Johnson), Marion Guz, John Lexo, Robert White and Thomas Walsh.

1920s-30s Photos - Grand Island

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   The Seigres home, located between Staley and Whitehaven roads (still there) is shown in this 1938 photo of Marion Long Young and Helen Harrington

Fred and Eva Long's store on Baseline across from St. Stephen's Church shows the Trinity Sunday School class on the roof. Eva Long is shown in the window. The store eventually became Carline's Store

This 1920 photo of No. 9 school on Baseline near Whitehaven road shows the children with their teacher, Pearl Clarke. In the second row, far right is Karl Long (father of Sharon Nichols).

This skiier , Roland Young, is on the West River between Staley and Whitehaven roads. The William Price house (Sharon Nichols' great grandparents' home) is shown behind the tree.

This No. 2 school photo taken around 1912 shows Marion Long Young in the first roll with her hair parted in the middle.

Lions' Spaghetti Dinner - 1992

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   The Lions Club's annual spaghetti dinner in April 1992 was attended by approximately 800. Kitchen workers included Adrian Pollock, John McCarthy, Mike Smith, Bob White, Larry Furnia, Joe Czora, Henry Butler, Art Ellsworth and Renee Gerber. All proceeds were to be used for the Lions annual picnic for the handicapped in July 1992. Groups assisting the Lions were St. Martin's Youth Group, Cub and Boy Scouts from Troop 630 and Cub Scouts from Pack 425.

GIHS Class Officers - 1967

   Officers for the 1967 graduating class of Grand Island High School are shown (seated left) Vice President Sheila B. Kelley, Secretary Phyllis E. Killian, Corresponding Secretary Marian A. Cornwell; (standing) Student Council President Peter Stovall, Treasurer David R. Miller and Class President John C. Lexo.

Long Cousins - 1952

   This 1952 photo was taken at the Sam Long Farm on Long Road. Shown from left are the Long cousins, Sam, Mark, Paul, Patty, Gary and Tom.

Sidway School Class of 1962 - 1962

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   Officers of the 140-member Sidway School Jr. High's 9th grade graduating class of 1962 were President Mike Walker, Vice President Nancy Collins, Secretary Cindy Theiss and Treasurers Joyce Brown (Yensan) and Tom Assenza. 34% of the class attained honor roll status. The class motto was Our Destiny is in Our Hands. Jane Holcombe and Rori Fadum (Petros) wrote the class song, Give Our Regards To Sidway.
   The girls in the class were dazzling in '62 with teased hair and beehive hairstyles, usually with a strategically placed bow. Styles were tight, straight skirts and white sneakers and stockings for the girls, and button vests and skinny ties for the boys. The school regulations prevented the boys from wearing sneakers. Gearjammer, Gearjammer II, and Road Knight record hops with the music of the Isletones (Carl Weilenbeck, Jerry Cahill, Lowell Anderson and Greg Yensan) were followed by a stop at Richard Rays Restaurant in the plaza.
   Radios were tuned in to Mike Melody on WNIA and many memories were made while listening to Big Girls Don't Cry, Walk On By and The Loco-Motion. The class enjoyed roller skating parties at Rainbow Rink (by school bus) and field days on the school grounds.
   Corey's Clown House sold 10-cent custard, and Katrein's Edgewater Park Hotel served a 75-cent fish fry in 1962.
   The Class of 1962 was the final class to be bused off the Island for high school. The new high school was 15% complete in June '62. LaSalle and Tonawanda high schools no longer had the room for Grand Island students, therefore, this class had a choice of attending Riverside, Kenmore East, Kenmore West, Trott or Buffalo Vocational high schools.

DeMolay Installation - 1987

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   The Isle Chapter Order of DeMolay installed officers in April 1987. Shown are Senior Councilor Daniel Pilon, Master Councilor Richard Susfalk, Junior Councilor Robert Januchkowski, and DeMolay Sweetheart Kim Harris (Staub). DeMolay was a youth group for young men ages 13-21.

GIHS Presents "Mame" - 1987

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   The Grand Island High School Music Department presented the musical, "Mame," in April 1987. Featured in the show were Jennifer Shubert (Johnson) as Mame, Tracie Moreau (Groves) as Vera, Sue Rogers (Wolcott) as Gooch, Jerry Crawford as Older Patrick, Jason Smith as Younger Patrick, Mike Goff as Beau, David LaDuca as Dwight and Jason Caffarella as Ito.

Ferry Village - 1920s

This group of ladies were attending one of many parties given at Marion Staley's house on Orchard Road in Ferry Village in the 1920s.

Capt. Frank Fix is shown at the Bedell House Park in the 1920s. Click for larger size

Capt. Fix is shown in front of his home in Ferry Village.

Photos courtesy of Sharon Nichols.

Cougars Soccer Team - 1978

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   Supervisor Ray Griffin is shown officially congratulating the Grand Island Cougars, the league-leading, undefeated soccer team coached by Clive Rougesedge. The youngsters in the under-10 level combined a record of 13-0 for the regular season, scoring 10 shutouts with 84 goals scored and only 5 goals against. The team's lead goalie was Todd Moses. High scorers for the season were Todd Roughsedge (23), David Squires (21), David Donn (15), and Jonathan Pyc (10). The other boys who contributing the team effort were Joseph Cane, Marc Castellani, Scott Smith, Kevin Fisher, Noel Blair, Joseph Bruno, Morey Cohen, Paul Gerspach, Kerry Finn and Derek Staub.

Cross Country Skiing - 1982

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   Grand Island's Bill Koch Cross-Country Ski Team won all trophies in the race from the 15-year-old age group on down. Members included (front) Kevin Krajewski, Brian DeGlopper, Derek Wright, Kevin Cipolla; (back) Coach Roger Wright, Todd Krajewski, Billy DeGlopper, Damon Wright, Todd Moses and John Brighton. Led by science teacher Roger Wright, the boys comprised the Island's first Nordic ski team. The team, organized through his efforts, was a developmental program sponsored by the United States Ski Association. Named after Olympic medalist Bill Koch, the program was set up to introduce young people 13 years of age and younger to cross-country skiing and ski jumping.

GIHS Future Nurses Club - 1967

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   Members of the Future Nurses Club at the high school in 1967 are shown above. They are (top) Rachel Butler, S. DeVaux, Lois Conn, G. Depew, Elaine Forti; (middle) MaryJo Gill, B. Miller, Cindy Funk, Bridget McMahon, Susan Haen; (bottom) Linda Downs, L. Rumsey, D. Cochran, Diane Depew, Miss Neubauer, nurse advisor. Email to jodi@giecom.net if you can provide first names.

Soccer Eagles - 1982

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   The Grand Island Eagles Under-12 Winter SISL champions are shown above. They are (front left) Bruce Burns, Ricky Lechner, Scott Harper, K.C. Hemmer, Brendan Vaganek, Eric Lavid, Rich Rocchio; (back) Mike Cavanaugh, Jean Tassy, Brian DeGlopper, Mike Macumber, Gary Martin, Mickey Alexander, David Valenzuela, Randy Begole and Ron Begole. The Eagles beat St. Catharines, 9-8. The win was, in part, attributed to Brian DeGlopper's three-goal hat trick. Soccer Coach for the Eagles was Gary Alexander.

Huth Road Prize Winners - 1987

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   The Huth Road PTA fundraiser, Holiday Gift Gallery was attended by over 250 students and their families in January 1987. The eight lucky winners were Alexandia Andros, Jennifer Arena, Jill Masters and Jason Schmidt (Casio Keyboards), Peter Cuneo, Marcus Vacanti and Julie Castiglia (Huffy bicycles) and Michael Brand (small TV). Chairman of the event that raised $1700 was Gail Tablis.
   Scroll down to the photo of the three children walking for their names etc.

Barge In the Ice - 1982

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   Heavy ice near the Grand Island shore put this barge in danger of sinking in February 1982. Moored off Blue Water Marina (with Motor Island in the background), the barge was owned by Islander Jack Senn. Cables were run to it to hold the steel craft in place until the ice retreated.

Varsity Football Team - 1971

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   Varsity Viking Mike McDonnell, a senior at Grand Island High School in 1971, was named the football team's Most Valuable Player. Team members shown above are (front) Bob Stewart, R. Seeley, Co-Captain Mike McDonnell, Co-Captain John Stickl, Bill Ward, Michael Dowd; (2nd row) Michael Brier, Daryl Smith, Bob Guenther, Joe Martini, Ted Filosofos, Gilman Clarke, P. Wiedemer, David Ziehm, Bob Lewis, Bob Bascomb, Doug Bullock, and Coach Gene Masters; (3rd row) Chuck Bagdy, Jim Havens, R. Consolo, John Podlucky, Ron Sepanski, Jim Juzysta, J. Watkins, Coach Roger Wise, Coach Goodfello.

Walking To School - 1930

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   School #9 was located on Baseline Road where the town hall now stands. The students are (left) Bud Long, Shirley Kreger Luther and Ralph Kreger who walked from their homes on Baseline at Bedell Road to No. 9 School where the town hall is located today. The picture was taken about 1930 and labeled "school lunches and school transportation system." See School House for a 1920s photo of the building.