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Grand Island PTSA

Grand Island High School PTSA Pierogi Fundraiser - November 2023

   See FLYER. Order by November 22, December 9 Pick Up.

PTSA Plant Sale Form - April 2017

   The Grand Island High School PTSA 33rd Annual Geranium Sale is now accepting orders. Plants include geraniums, assorted greens and grasses, and hanging baskets. Orders must be placed by Friday, May 3, 2017. 100% of funds raised support the PTSA Scholarship Program. Orders must be in by Friday, May 3rd. See order form for complete details.

PTSA Plant Sale - April 2016

   The Grand Island High School PTSA 32nd Annual Geranium Sale is now accepting orders. 100% of funds raised support the PTSA Scholarship Program. Orders must be in by Tuesday, April 26th. See order form for complete details.

PTSA Plant Sale - April 2015

   The Grand Island High School PTSA 31st Annual Geranium Sale is now accepting orders. 100% of funds raised support the PTSA Scholarship Program. Orders must be in by Tuesday, April 28th.

PTSA Plant Pick Up & Sale - May 2014

   Don't forget to pick up your plants on Friday, May 9th, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the GI Bus Garage behind Sidway School on Baseline. If you didn't order, there will plenty of extras available for sale...geraniums, grasses, herbs, hanging baskets!

PTSA Plant Sale - April 2014

   The Grand Island High School PTSA 30th Annual Geranium Sale is now accepting orders. 100% of funds raised support the PTSA Scholarship Program. Orders must be in by Monday, April 28th.

PTSA Academic Awards List - May 2013

   The Grand Island High School PTSA celebrated its annual Academic Awards Night on Tuesday, May 28th in the school auditorium. See list of honorees and college awards.

PTSA Academic Awards - May 2013

   The Grand Island High School PTSA will celebrate its annual Academic Awards Night on Tuesday, May 28th in the school auditorium. Guest speaker this year is Dr. Andrew Harbison, a GIHS class of 1985 alumnus. Dr. Harbison attended undergraduate school at Miami of Ohio and medical school at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, graduating in 1994. Dr. Harbison is in private practice in WNY. He was honored as "Distinguished Alumni in 2008 and is involved in mission work.
    The PTSA honors high school students who have maintained high scholastic averages. The requirement for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors to receive an Academic Excellence Certificate is to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods in one year.
   For sophomores, juniors and seniors to receive an Academic Excellence Pin they need to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods, for two cumulative years. For juniors or seniors to receive an Academic Letter they need to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods, for three cumulative years. For a senior to receive an Academic Gold Bar, they need to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods, for four cumulative years.

PTSA Plant Sale - April 2013

   The Grand Island High School PTSA 29th Annual Geranium Sale is now accepting orders. 100% of funds raised support the PTSA Scolarship Program. Orders must be in by Tuesday, April 30th. See order form for complete details.

PTSA Academic Awards List - May 2012

   The Grand Island High School PTSA celebrated its annual Academic Awards Night on Thursday, May 24th in the school auditorium. The PTSA honors high school students who have maintained high scholastic averages. The requirement for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors to receive an Academic Excellence Certificate is to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods in one year.
   For sophomores, juniors and seniors to receive an Academic Excellence Pin they need to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods, for two cumulative years. For juniors or seniors to receive an Academic Letter they need to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods, for three cumulative years. For a senior to receive an Academic Gold Bar, they need to successfully achieve honor roll (3.3 average or higher) 2 out of 3 marking periods, for four cumulative years.
Academic Awards List

PTSA Academic Awards Night - May 2012

   The Grand Island High School PTSA will be celebrating its annual Academic Awards Night on Thursday, May 24th at 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. This year the guest speaker will be Mr. Alan Elia Jr., vice president of Sevenson Environmental Services. More than 450 students who have maintained high scholastic averages will be honored at the event.

PTSA Academic Awards Night Honorees - June 2011

   The Grand Island PTSA hosted its annual Academic Awards Night at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26th in the high school auditorium. Click on the Awards Program to see the list of honorees.

PTSA Hosting Academic Awards Night - May 2011

   The Grand Island PTSA will host its annual Academic Awards Night at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26th in the high school auditorium. Each year the PTSA honors our students who have maintained high scholastic averages. Guest speaker for this event is Antonia B. Knight of Niagara University.
   Antonia Knight is the Director for Office of CASE - The Career Academic & Service Experience at Niagara University. In her role, she is responsible for the university’s Academic Exploration Program, Career Services and Learn & Serve Niagara. In addition to her role as the director of the office, Knight serves on numerous committees at Niagara, providing her knowledge and expertise in a number of areas. Knight first joined NU in January 1999 as the Director of Academic Exploration Program. During her tenure as the director, the program was awarded by NACADA, National Academic Advising Association for an outstanding program award and she was the recipient of the Outstanding Advising Administrator Award.
   Before coming to Niagara, Knight worked at D’Youville College as an Academic Counselor and an adjunct faculty member in its Career Discovery Program and Freshman Focus Seminar. She is a native of Elmira, NY. She earned her A.S from Corning Community College, and her B.S and M.S. degrees from Buffalo State College. Antonia resides in Grand Island with her husband, Tom Knight, and they are both very active in the sports and activities of their two children, Trevor, 9 and Sydney, 6.

PTSA Hosting Academic Awards Night - May 2010

Dr. Nancy E. McGlen

   The Grand Island PTSA will be hosting its annual Academic Awards Night on Thursday, May 27th at 7:30 p.m., in the high school auditorium. Each year the PTSA honors high school students who have maintained high scholastic averages. The guest speaker is Grand Island resident, Dr. Nancy McGlen, the dean of Arts & Sciences at Niagara University. Dr. McGlen has written and spoke extensively on women in politics and the academic profession. In the community, Dr. McGlen has been president of the GI Business & Professional Women's Club, and is currently serving as the co-president and board member for the YWCA of Niagara.