River Lea Quilters Guild
Grand Island, NY
c/o 617 Alt Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072
River Lea Quilt Guild Officers 2022-2023:
President: Jane O'Brien
1st Vice President of Programs: Susan Miles & Carol Borden
2nd Vice President of Membership: Sandie Nethero
Secretary: Christine Aiduk
Treasurer: Kimberly Hall
Newsletter: Janet Jackman
Contacts: Kimberly Hall - kahall69@gmail.com
"Our purposes are to enhance our skills in quilting by sharing of ideas, expertise and fellowship among guild members and to serve the community through charitable donations of time, money and talents."
Monthly meetings are held in the Grand Island High School Senior Cafeteria Sept - June on the third Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 p.m. Changes to time & place are posted in isledegrande.com, Grand Island PennySaver and in the Island Dispatch. The guild's strengths are in the talent and artistry of the quilters. Presently, there are 40 members of varying age and level of quilting expertise. New members are always welcome! If interested in more information call Susan at 716-207-8332
River Lea Quilters Donate Proceeds - October 2022

Marcy Bryant of Family Justice Center and Quilt Show Chairwoman Kimberly Hall.

GI Fire Company President Sean O'Donnell and Deputy Chief Omar Sortino with Kimberly Hall.
On Tuesday, October 18th, the River Lea Quilters Guild presented checks to two local organizations. The donation was made possible with proceeds from the guilds quilt show, which was held in April. Checks for $635 each were presented to the Grand Island Volunteer Fire Company and the Family Justice Center. April Quilt Show - April 2022

The River Lea Quilters Guild of Grand Island, NY presents, "Stars Over the River" Quilt Show on Saturday & Sunday, April 23 & 24, 2022, at the Gratwick Fire Hall, 110 Ward Rd., N. Tonawanda, NY. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be quilts displayed, vendors, a raffle quilt, basket raffle, door prize, members boutique and scrap pool. Cost $5.00 - Children 12 and under Free.
Mask Making by River Lea Quilt Guild - April 2020

Sue Miles.

Hollis Busch.
In February, the members of the River Lea Quilt Guild were busy making and quilting quilts for our tri annual Quilt show in April. Then the Pandemic hit and we were told to stay home and self isolate. Since most things were being cancelled, our quilt show was too.As quilters, we all have a stash of cotton fabric that most of you could not even imagine. And we soon found that the need for cotton fabric masks was escalating. Sue Miles, our Vice President has always been one to contribute and she put it out there that she was making masks. As of Day 30 of social distancing, she has made over 500 masks and still has orders for more. Many people offer to pay for the masks but Sue has asked them to buy raffle tickets for our beautiful raffle quilt that will be drawn this weekend. We now have sold all of the raffle tickets we had printed and some lucky person will be the winner on Sunday, April 19th.
Sue is not the only one making masks, Robbin Mancuso, Betsy Tranter, Hollis Busch and many others are making them for anyone who asks. Our Quilt Guild members, on their own or in groups, have now made over 2000 masks and distributed them to many organizations and families, Roswell Park, People Inc., nursing homes, hospitals, and businesses are all in need and we have been fulfilling that one mask at a time. If you or your organization need masks, contact judybuzy@gmail.com, or any other member of the Guild, and we will make sure your order is filled.
After this is all over, we will get back to our quilting and we will look forward to our Quilt Show in April of 2021. It just means that we will have more beautiful quilts to display and maybe even another quilt to raffle off. Stay safe and let us know what you need.
River Lea Quilters Quilt Show - April 2020
The River Lea Quilters' Guild Presents: "River of Color" Quilt Show. It will take place Saturday & Sunday, April 18 & 19, 2020, at the Gratwick Fire Hall, 110 Ward Rd., North Tonawanda, NY, 14120 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Enjoy the following at the show: Quilts, Vendors, Raffle Quilt, Basket Raffle, Door Prizes, Members Boutique and a Fabric Pool. Admission will be $5.00 at the door, $4.00 for all NYS Quilt Passport holders. A portion of the proceeds from out show will be donated to charity. Contact Judy Buzby at: judybuzby@gmail.com for more information.River Lea Quilters Quilt Show - March 2017
The River Lea Quilters' Guild Presents: "Waves of Change" Quilt Show. It will take place Saturday & Sunday, April 1 & 2, 2017, at the Gratwick Fire Hall, 110 Ward Rd., North Tonawanda, NY, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Enjoy the following at the show: Quilts, Vendors, Raffle Quilt, Basket Raffle, Door Prizes, Members Boutique, Fabric Pool and a Silent Auction. Admission will be $5.00 at the door, $4.00 with a non-perishable food donation for the Food Bank of WNY and $3.00 for all NYS Quilt Passport holders. A portion of the proceeds will benefit, Friends of the Night People and Stone's Buddies.River Lea Quilters Donate to Carolyn's House - February 2016

From left: Hollis Busch, President of River Lea Quilters Guild, Ms. Suzan Ben, and Robbin Mancuso, VP of River Lea Quilters Guild with one of the donated quilts.
The River Lea Quilters Guild hosted J. Suzan Ben, Director of Carolyn's House in Niagara Falls on January 19, 2016. The guild members presented Ms. Ben with 16 quilts and numerous personal hygiene items to distribute to the clients at Carolyn's House. Ms. Ben described Carolyn's House as a 19-unit transitional housing complex that gives permanent residence to homeless women and homeless women and children who otherwise may end up on the streets or living with folks who continuously take advantage of them. As residents of Carolyn's House, the women are given the support and programs they need, right at the facility, so they can one day achieve self sufficiency. The Guild members were very impressed with the work being done at Carolyn's House and have initiated a Sewing class for the residents and older children. They appreciated what Carolyn's House and the YWCA does for women and children in Western NY.River Lea Quilters 2014 "Inspirations" Quilt Show - 2014

Lynne Hagmeier with charity quilt.
The River Lea Quilters are having their annual Quilt Show titled "Inspirations" on Saturday and Sunday, October 25 & 26, 2014. The show will take place at Byblos Niagara Resort & Spa (Former Holiday Inn), 100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Admission is $5 and proceeds will be donated to Carolyn's House and the Grand Island Fire Company The show will feature over 130 quilts made by our members as well as local quilt shop vendors, door prizes, a gift boutique, raffle baskets and a queen size Raffle Quilt entitled "Pinwheels in my Garden". This years Charity raffle quilt design is the creation of Lynne Hagmeier, noted fabric and quilt designer and owner of Kansas Troubles Quilt shop. See flyer.River Lea Quilters 2014 Quilt Show - 2014
The River Lea Quilters 2014 Quilt Show will be at Byblos Niagara Resort & Spa on Saturday & Sunday, October 25th & 26th from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The show will feature quilts made by our members as well as local quilt shop vendors, a boutique, raffle baskets and a Charity Raffle Quilt. See flyer. This years Charity quilt design is the creation of Lynne Hagmeier, noted fabric and quilt designer and owner of Kansas Troubles Quilt shop. Visit Lynne's website for more information atwww.ktquilts.com.Two Day Workshop - 2013

Story & Photos by Joe Menter
Recently members of the River Lea Quilters' Guild held a very enjoyable and successful two day workshop at the Grand Island Community Center. The guest teacher was Peg Oppenheimer from the Rochester area who taught a unique quilting technique called "Square in a Square" created by Jodi Barrows. Using a special ruler and efficient sewing techniques, participants were able to construct a quilt top in a unique way. Although many members are already accomplished quilters, they are always interested in learning new approaches, ideas and techniques through workshops and guild meetings. For more information regarding the River Lea Quilters' Guild please contact Adele Upton at 773-5847.Quilt Presented to Supervisor - 2012

From left: Supervisor Mary Cooke and Phyllis Champion Hall
A quilt by River Lea Quilters Guild member, Phyllis Champion Hall, was recently presented to Town Supervisor Mary Cooke. The “I Love Grand Island #6” quilt shows the major roads, and locations of schools, churches, State Parks, and Town Hall. The quilt may be viewed in the Assistant-to-the-Supervisor Liz Wilbert’s office. Everyone is invited to atten the Guild’s 2012 Show, “Quilts By The River”, on Saturday, October 13 and Sunday, October 14th at the Grand Island Holiday Inn, 100 Whitehaven Road.River Lea Quilters 2012 Quilt Show 'Quilts by the River' - 2012

Click photo for larger view
The 2012 Quilt Show 'Quilts by the River' will be held Saturday, October 13th and Sunday, October 14th, from 10am to 5pm at the Grand Island Holiday Inn, 100 Whithaven Road, Grand Island, NY.Events include: Boutique with handmade items for sale "Tranquility" Raffle Quilt - Queen Size Basket Raffle Quilt Shop Vendors Door Prizes Apron RaffleTickets are $5.00 and a portion of the proceeds will benefit MENDED HEARTS OF BUFFALO and THE MATTHEW FOSTER FOUNDATION.
For more info contact Susan Miles 773-4304 or Colleen Eddy 773-8972.
River Lea Quilters Announce Quilt Raffle - 2012

Click photo for larger view
Members of the River Lea Quilters Guild have announced that this queen size quilt will be raffled at the Guild show, "Quilts by the River," being held at the Holiday Inn on October 13-14, 2012. Contact any member of the Quilt Guild for tickets.River Lea Quilters Community Service Project For Christmas - 2011

From left: Phyllis Hall and Anna Topolski - Click photo for larger view
Each year the Grand Island River Lea Quilters Guild chooses a community service project at Christmas time. This year the quilters donated 39 quilts and 32 Christmas pillows to the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation.River Lea Quilters 2011 Meeting Dates
Feb 15 - Round RobinMarch 15 - Quilt Embellishments
April 12 - Quilter's Garage Sale
May 17 - Presentation by Threads of Time on "How to choose a quilting design for your quilt top"
June 21 - Year End Picnic & Challenge Quilt presentation
Workshops - 2011
Feb - Broken StarApril - Quilt Embellishments
May - Color with Kit Willey
October 8-9, 2011 at Stella Niagara
River Lea Quilters Charity Quilt Show - 2010
"Quilts That Warm Our Hearts" - 2010 Charity Quilt Show:Date: April 30 - May 1, 2010
Location: Whitehaven Road Baptist Church, 1290 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY
Time: 10am - 5pm each day
Admission: $5.00
The River Lea Quilt Guild held a quilt show on April 30th and May 1st at the Whitehaven Road Baptist Church. Proceeds were to support Hospice of WNY, the WNY Food Bank and the Grand Island Memorial Library. The River Lea Quilt Guild is doing a Quilting 101 class in July and August - information coming.

Left: Welcome display gave those attending an idea about the wonderful quilts inside.
right: Anna Topolski, the new River Lea Quilters Guild president, poses with her winning

Right: One of the award winners! - Click photos for larger view
River Lea Quilters Share Their Hobby - Dec. 2008

Click photo for larger view
Several members of River Lea Quilt Guild met at the Grand Island High School in December for a Saturday Work Day. There they made over 30 lap quilts to be donated to the residents at Riverwood Nursing Home. The quilts were displayed at the December Christmas Party held at the High School. The Guild members welcomes any person interested in the art of quiltmaking and invite them to Guild meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in the Grand Island High School Senior Cafeteria at 7 p.m. when a short business meeting takes place followed by a program related to quilting. "Hope to see you there!"River Lea Quilters Community Service Project - 2007

Click photo for larger view
The members of River Lea Quilt Guild made and donated 90 quilts to Project Linus for the 2007-08 year. All the quilts were sent to hospitals and other service organizations in WNY for children in need.Project Linus is a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization that provides children with new, homemade, washable blankets, quilts and afghans. Blankets are collected locally and distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might be in need of a big hug. See http://www.projectlinus.org/
River Lea Quilters Guild Show "The Work of Our Hands" - 2008

Quilt Raffle - Tree of Life Medallion pattern. Be sure to click photo for larger view!

The Work of Our Hands Quilt Show photos - Click for larger view!
The River Lea Quilters Guild will present The Work of Our Hands Quilt Show, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 18 and Saturday, April 19 at Whitehaven Road Baptist Church, 1290 Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island, NY. Admission is $5.00. Featured will be a Chinese auction for 50 baskets and a raffle for a beautiful, king size quilt with a Tree of Life Medallion pattern. There will also be door prizes, vendors, and light refreshments. The River Lea Quilters Guild is a not for profit organization that holds a quilt show every two years. All proceeds will go to local charities. This year's recipients are: Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, Haven House of Buffalo (for battered and abused women and their children) and the Western New York Food Bank.River Lea Quilters Guild Picnic and Challenge Contest - 2007

(left photo) New officers Jane Bedore, Judi Drozdowski,
Hollis Busch, Adele Upton, and Sandie Nethro
Sharon Drumm, 3rd place winner
Sandy Nethero, 2nd place winner and Hollis Busch, 1st place
Click photos for larger view!

The rain did not dampen the annual River Lea Quilter’s Guild picnic on June 19th as it was moved to the Connor Middle School cafeteria and everyone enjoyed the good food that was organized by Marilyn Randolph. President Judi Drozdowski inducted the new Officers for the 2007-2008 year. Adele Upton will serve as 1st vice president (programs); Sandy Nethero, 2nd vice president (membership); and Jane Bedore as recording secretary. Hollis Busch will remain as treasurer. There were 13 exquisite quilts entered in the Challenge contest and it was a difficult task for the membership to vote for the top three choices. The field of quilts was narrowed down to six and then the top three were chosen with first place going to Hollis Busch, 2nd to Sandy Nethero and third to newer member, Sharon Drumm. "There were a few tears shed when we bid a fond farewell to Diane Doane, one of our hard working and prolific quilters," a Quilters Guild member said. Diane and her family are relocating to Florida. Judi Drozdowski designed and artfully pieced a quilt from squares that the members had put together for Diane. With this quilt, she will always have something to remind her of her friends and fellow quilt-makers on Grand Island.
The River Lea Quilt Guild is open to all men and women who enjoy the art of quilting. The Guild encourages the novice quilter to increase skills and the more advanced quilt maker to add to his/her expertise. Meetings are held in the Grand Island High School small cafeteria on the third Tuesday of the month. There is usually a program and also time for “Show and Tell.” "It is always exciting to see what our members have created and this gives us all the impetus to go home and work on our many projects," Guild member Judy Buzby said. "If you have never quilted but would like to see what it’s all about, we would love to see you at our first meeting on September 18th at 7 p.m."
"Pieces of Out Lives" Is River Lea Quilters Guild Show - 2006

Queen-size Quilt to be raffled at River Lea Quilters May 20-21 show. Be sure to click photos for larger view!
The River Lea Quilters Guild will present "Blooms and Bows," a charity quilt show from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 20, 2006 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, 2006 in the Senate Room of the Holiday Inn Grand Island, 100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY. Admission is $5 and the show will feature basket auction, Door Prizes and Vendors, and a Raffle Quilt.The queen-size quilt in a bow tie pattern, is machine pieced, and hand and machine quilted. The work was done by the members of the River Lea Quilters Guild with Judi Drozdowski and Diane Doan chairing the project. Tickets will be available at the show.
River Lea Quilters Donate to Hurricane Katrina Victims - 200

Quilt made by River Lea Quilters will be raffled at the May 1-2 show. Be sure to click photo for larger view!
River Lea Quilters Guild President, Judy Buzby (right) is shown presenting a quilt to Denise DeMarco (left) of Auntie’s Attic Quilt Shop. The quilt was one of eight quilts made by members of River Lea Quilters and donated to victims of hurricane Katrina. River Lea Quilters Guild members have also donated placemats to Meals on Wheels, quilted Christmas stockings for Riverwood Health Care Center as well as assisting the Grand Island Historical Society with the annual Christmas at River Lea. Guild members are busy preparing for their bi-annual quilt show in May.River Lea Quilt Guild Hosts National Quilt Speaker - 2005

Patricia Knoechel (left) is shown with Quilters Guild members Sandie Nethero,
Hollis Busch and Maire Machens.
Mary Stewart
Knoechel, nationally known quilter from California gave a 1 1/2 hour trunk show
and quilting demonstration at Veronica E. Connor Middle School on Wednesday, May
25, 2005. She presented 40 exquisite quilts that she had made over the last 20
years and demonstrated some new time-saving techniques for today's quilter.
Patricia has been involved in quilting, quilt book publication and development
of quilting rulers and tools since the early 1980's. She has worked closely with
her sister, nationally know quilter Eleanor Burns, on various 'Quilt In A Day'
books and also as a public relations person for both her company and Eleanor's
company by traveling the country giving
demonstrations.Approximately 85 people attended from four local quilt guilds - River Lea Quilt Guild, Amherst Quilt Guild, Twin Cities Quilt Guild and the Kenmore Quilter's Patch Guild. There was lively discussion, book and ruler sales and an autograph session.
River Lea Quilters Guild Announces Fantasy In Bloom Quilt Show - 2004

Quilt made by River Lea Quilters will be raffled at the May 1-2 show. Be sure to click photo for larger view!
"Fantasy In Bloom," a Quilt Show, is being presented by the River Lea Quilters Guild on Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2 in the Veronica Connor Middle School, 1100 Ransom Road. Proceeds from the raffle benefit local charities.A quilt, created by the Quilters Guild, has been designed by Bernadette Keitz and machine pieced by many of the members. The binding was made and sewn on by Lee Wroblewski and machine quilted by Joan Staub. Raffle tickets to win the queen/dbl size quilt will be available at the show.
The Guild's 6th biennial quilt show will feature a Chinese auction, lunch, door prizes, vendors and snacks.
Sesquicentennial "Quilts in Bloom II" Quilt Show - 2002
The River Lea Quilters Guild, in conjunction with the Sesquicentennial celebration, will present "Quilts in Bloom II" on April 19-21, 2002 in Historic Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. The show will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 and from noon to 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 21.This show feature members' quilts, a raffle and a Redwork Quilt showing Grand Island scenes that will be donated to the town for public display. A boutique and outside vendors will be featured.