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Grand Island Relay For Life

Saturday, June 8 - Sunday, June 9, 2013
Veterans Park
A.C.S. Grand Island Relay Site

Relay For Life Page - 2012

Relay For Life Planning Meeting - September 2013

   The Relay For Life of Grand Island Planning Committee is hoping to plan an even better Relay for 2014…. Are you interested in helping to plan the 2014 Grand Island Relay For Life?? The first committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, September 23rd at 6PM at the Grand Island Memorial Library. Everybody is welcome. We love new faces with new ideas and suggestions!!! The date for Relay 2014 is scheduled for Saturday May 31st at Grand Island's own beautiful Veteran's Park. Hope to see you there!

Father's Day Lawnmower Race, Car Show & Kevin Doring 5k Walk - June 2013

See Slide Show - Photos by K & D Action Photo

   The weather was a bit dicey on Sunday morning, June 16th but that didn't keep walkers from walking. It did keep the classic cars away, with only a few braving the raindrops to be on display. But the main event went off without a hitch. A total of 30 entrants signed up to participate in the lawn mower race. In the walk behind division, the youngest entrant ever and son of a popular committee member and past race winner, Pete Marston, five year-old Pete Marston III won.
Vintage Class: Jim Mazza
Stock Class: Floyd Doring 16mph
Super Stock (single cylinder): Pete Marston 37mph
Super Stock (two cylinder): Bryan Zulawski 42 mph
Modified Class: Rob Schooping 63 mph
   The event raised close to $5000 for the Relay For Life.

Relay For Life 2013 Slideshow

Jodi Robinson Photos

Aaron Bobeck Photos

Grand Island Relay For Life - Saturday, June 8 - May 2013

   The Relay For Life of Grand Island is Saturday-Sunday, June 8-9th at Veterans Park, 1715 Bedell Road and begins at 2:00 p.m. There are 41 teams and 480 participants who have already raised $91,612.55! Survivors and handicapped attendees are invited to use the Bedell Road entrance (Library) to park. All others are asked to enter from Baseline, either through Island Park or Woodstream. Parking is limited and the committee STRONGLY encourage people to carpool!!
See schedule of events.

Kaegebein Relay Team Hot Dog & Bake Good Sale - May 2013

   The Kaegebein School Relay for Life team will have a hot dog and baked good sale on Saturday, June 1st at the VFW Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. from 11am - 3pm. Please consider stopping by to grab some lunch and support our team.

Relay For Life "Cut-A-Thon" - May 2013

    Hair Envy Salon will be having a "Cut-A-Thon" on Sunday, June 2nd from noon-3:30pm at 2421 Grand Island Blvd., in the plaza. There is a $10.00 donation for a haircut and 100% of the proceeds go to Relay for Life.

Chicken BBQ Fundraiser Fun - May 2013

Decklan Burke enjoys his hot dog.

Left: John Thurnherr and Jonathan Dingey (sorry Jon!) package dinners.
Right: Mary Dunbar-Daluisio and Jim Daluisio enjoy bbq.
Mary Stewart photos - Click photos for larger view

    Grand Island Relay For Life Team "Mallwitz Cancer Crew" didn’t let the cool temps and a little wind stop them from doing their part in the fight to find a cure for cancer at the Relay For Life Chicken BBQ on May 11th. BW’s BBQ grilled up some tasty chicken that was served up by the Cancer Crew while a basket raffle, silent auction, and music provided by DJ Deno rounded out the day. Mallwitz’s Cancer Crew wants to thank everybody that supported this event and help make it so successful. Over $4,500 was raised for the Grand Island Relay For Life.

Tricia's 7th Annual Bootcamp Relay Fundraiser - May 2013

   The "Record Breakers featuring The Polka Dot Chix” fundraiser will take place on Saturday, May 25th at the Hive Lifespan Center, 9570 Transit Road, East Amherst. It begins at 8:30 a.m. and there will be a basket raffle and 50/50 drawing along with the four exercise classes. See flyer for details.

"Kickin Grass" Lawnmower Race, Classic Car Show and 5k Kevin Doring Walk - May 2013

   The "Kickin Grass" Lawnmower Race, Classic Car Show and 5k Kevin Doring Walk is planned for Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th. The event is located on West River Parkway between Long Road and Sunset Drive. There will be face painting and activities for the kids, souvenir t-shirts, prizes for best decorated lawn mower and live music by "The U.S.A." See flyer for 5k Kevin Doring Walk form and event registration information. Go to www.gilawnmowerraces.webs.com for race and car show info. All proceeds benefit Relay For Life.

"Spike Out Cancer" Volleyball Tournament - May 2013

   A "mixed" volleyball tournament will be held on Saturday, June 8th at Veteran's Park Courts starting at 1:00 p.m. Teams of four (one girl on court at all times), ages 13-18 are invited to sign up. The entry fee is $25 and is limited to the first 16 teams registered. See flyer for information.

"Bowl For A Cure" - May 2013

   The 8th Annual "Bowl for a Cure" Bowl-A-Thon, Silent Auction and Basket Raffle will be held on Friday, May 31st at 6:00 p.m. at Mallwitz Island Lanes. Relay for Life teams are invited to collect donations from sponsors (family, friends, etc.) to add to your team fundraising. There is a $10 donation for students and $15 for adults to participate. The fee includes 2 games of cosmic bowling, shoe rental, pizza and pop. See flyer for sponsor form.

Grand Island "Great Kids" on WGRZ - May 2013

Emily and Caralyn Reynolds

   Be sure to tune into Channel 2 (WGRZ) news this Monday, May 6, 2013 between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. to view Kevin O'Neill's "Great Kids" segment featuring the Grand Island Relay for Life Honorary Caregiver, this year Huth Road 5th Grader Emily Reynolds, and her sister 3rd Grader Caralyn, who is courageously battling cancer. You will also see AnnMarie Salviski the 2013 Relay for Life Honorary Survivor along with other familiar GI Relay faces. The segment may only be 2 minutes or so long, but it will surely be amazing and inspiring! Relay for Life is Saturday, June 8th, at 2:00 p.m. until Sunday, June 9th at 6:00 a.m. New this year, there will be a race the morning of Relay, June 8th at Veterans Park. "Race for a Cure" has a 8:00 a.m. start time and you can register online at www.score-this.com or download a registration form at buffalorunners.com. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society!

Paint the Town Purple Events - April 2013

    The commitee for Relay For Life of Grand Island will be decorating the Town Commons on Saturday, April 27th, in preparation for the annual Paint the Town Purple event, Wednesday, May 1st. Bows will be available for purchase at the First Niagara branch on Grand Island Boulevard from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m on April 27th. Bows are $5.00 and will be available while supplies last. Be creative and spread the word. When someone asks you why you dressed up your front door purple, be sure to tell them May 1st is May Day for Relay. They are encouraging all Grand Islanders to follow their lead as well as inspiring others to follow. It’s easy and fun. Just hang up some purple decorations, wear your favorite purple tie or plant purple flowers in your front yard. Whether you do it yourself, or with a group of Relay friends, show your support for those who have fought or continue their battle with cancer.
   This year we will be sponsoring a Paint the Town Purple Fight Back Bowling Event, May 1st at 6:00 p.m. at Mallwitz Island Lanes. $5 includes two games of bowling, shoes & pop. This is not a fundraiser - just a chance to have some fun with your Relay friends so grab a group and join us!! For more information, please call Becky Sommer-Stufkosky at 774-8978.

Volunteers Needed For Lawnmower Race Activities - April 2013

    The June 16th, Father's Day Lawmower Race/Classic Car show is looking for volunteers to staff a kid zone at the event The "kid zone" will be free for the kids. Lisa Hodge is looking for volunteers to do face painting, temporary tattoos, nail polish applications, balloon twisting, blowing up balloons and/or any other kid friendly activities. All she is asking is for an hour of people's time, not the whole event. If you have some time that day to voluneer please conatct Lisa at her email.

Paint the Town Purple Fight Back Bowling Party - April 2013

   The GI Relay For Life Committee is having a Bowling Party on Wednesday, May 1st, at 6:00 p.m. to celebrate "Paint the Town Purple". This is not a fundraiser but a fun night out with your fellow Relay Friends. Cost is $5.00 and includes 2 games of bowling, shoes and pop. Relay Store will have a sneak peak set up!!

BBQ Fundraiser - April 2013

   Team Mallwitz Cancer Crew is having a Chicken BBQ by BW's Barbecue on Saturday, May 11th from 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road. Tickets are $9 presale and $10 at the door. There will be raffles and music, take out is available. See flyer for complete details.

Team Fearless Leader Fundraiser - April 2013

   Team Fearless Leader (aka Mary Dunbar Daluisio) is having a Tupperware and Jewelry Fundraiser on Wednesday, April 24th from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. See flyer for complete details.

Inviting All Cancer Survivors - April 2013

    Inviting all Cancer Survivors from the Northtowns, the Southtowns and anywhere in between. You are wanted and you are needed. Why you ask...because we want to honor you at the 11th Annual Relay For Life of Grand Island to be held on June 8th-9th at Veteran's Park on beautiful Grand Island. A cancer survivor is anyone who has ever heard the words "you have cancer." All cancer survivors are guests of honor at our Relay For Life event. You are living proof that cancer can be defeated. I personally invite you and one guest to enjoy a delicious dinner with fellow survivors followed by the big event of the evening; The time to "Honor You" with the Survivors Lap. Survivors lead the way around the track while being honored and applauded by all participants. Being a part of the Survivors Lap allows survivors to celebrate what they've overcome, while at the same time inspiring and motivating their community to fight. For more information, please visit our website at www.RelayForLife.org/GrandIslandNY. To register, click the sign up button and register on the walk the survivor lap. There is no charge to do this. If you have any questions, please call Co-Chair of the event, Becky Sommer-Stufkosky at 774-8978.

Letter From Becky Stufkosky - 2013

   This year as well as being co-chair of the Relay For Life event, I am also the chair of the Survivor Tent. Over the years, I have asked for so many donations to support my cause and yes, once again I am doing that very same thing. This year, I would like to reinvent the wheel with our survivor tent and really, really give these special people a night to remember. Of course, this takes money and that is where all of you come in. I am asking for donations of any size...$1.00, $5.00, $10.00 or more or gift cards to Sams Club/BJ's, plates, silverware, serving gloves, napkins, jugs of hand sanitizers, etc. All money and items I collect will go towards making this night something to remember for all of our survivors. The beverages have already been donated from our friends at Pepsi and I am so truly thankful for that. To each of you, I thank you for whatever you can do and know that my efforts in this fight will continue with all my heart. Contact stufkosky@verizon.net.

Cosmic Bowl-A-Thon April 14th - 2013

   Mallwitz Cancer Crew is sponsoring a bowlathon on Sunday, April 14th starting at 3:00 p.m. The $7.00 fee includes two games, shoe rental, pizza and soda and a chance to win prizes. See flyer for complete details.

Handcrafted Quilt Raffle - March 2013

Click photo for larger view

   A large and beautiful quilt handcrafted by Sue Miles, Kelly London and Colleen Eddy is being raffled off to benefit Grand Island 's Relay For Life. The quilt is made up of t-shirt squares donated by former Relay Chair Mary Dunbar Daluisio. Raffle tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Tickets can be purchased from Becky Stufkosky at 774-8978 or Lynn Dingey at 773-5305 or any Relay For Life participant. Drawing will be held at this years Relay on June 8th at Veteran's Park.

Kickin Grass Lawn Mower Race Classes and Rules - March 2013

   The Grand Island Lawn Mower Race and Classic Car Show "Kickin Grass" is scheduled for Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th. Proceeds of this event benefit the GI Relay for Life each year. This is a family event - sportsmanship and courtesy to your fellow contestants is the main objective of the event. There are seven classes including walk behind, vintage and kids classes. See flyer for details.

Band & Baskets For Relay - March 2013

   Relay For Life Team Mallwitz Cancer Crew is hosting "Band & Baskets" for the American Cancer Society at Mallwitz's Island Lanes, Saturday, March 23rd from 6:00 p.m. - midnight. A basket raffle will be held from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Music by "Wide Right" from 8:00 - midnight. See flyer for details.

Team Captain Meeting - March 2013

   The first Team Informational Meeting is Monday, March 11th at 7PM at the Grand Island Memorial Library (1715 Bedell Road). Team informational meetings are for team captains, team members, or any individual interested in joining.

Flower Sale Fundraiser - March 2013

   Team Fresenius Kabi, 3159 Staley Road is having a flower sale fundraiser this month. Flowers are available by the flat, mostly for $13.00. There are also hanging baskets and tomatoes. Orders must be returned by March 29, 2013, with a delivery in May. See order form for details.

2013 Relay For Life Kickoff - February 2013

   The 2013 Relay For Life Kickoff is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the GIHS Senior cafeteria, 1100 Ransom Rd. The kickoff is always very exciting and includes the naming of the honorary survivor, honorary caregiver, presentation of awards from Relay 2012 and the theme for this years Relay. The Relay For Life has switched venues due to the upcoming improvements to the high school track and field. This year the Relay will be located at Veterans Park on Bedell Road on Saturday, June 8th - Sunday, June 9th. Co-chairs of the event are Lynn Dingey and Becky Stufkosky. Kickoff invite.