Grand Island Relay For Life
A.C.S. Grand Island Relay Site
Relay For Life Page - 2019
Purple Post Newsletter - Grand Island Relay Events
Relay Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - October 2020

Mallwitz's Island Lanes is having a drive-thru Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 18th from 9am - noon, to benefit Grand Island Relay For Life. Adults - $10.00, children $5. Pres-sale tickets available. See flyer for details.
Light the Town Purple - May 2020

Friday, June 12th should have been the Grand Island Relay For Life event and even though we can't gather at Veteran's Park we can still show cancer survivors #HOPEnotCancelled.
  Join Relay For Life of Grand Island in lighting the Town purple in honor and in memory of Cancer Survivors on Friday, June 12th by picking up a lumi kit (luminaria & purple glow stick) for a $5 donation per kit (if possible) to decorate and display on your porch, by your mailbox, in the window, etc. at Dusk.
  4 easy ways to take part... - Pick up a lumi kit at 2225 Second Street or at 42 Flanigen Lane (plastic bin on the front porch) and make your own luminaria. - Get lumi kits delivered (on the Island) by sending a message Lynn Dingey with your address and how many you'd like. - If you live out of Town or don't think anybody will see it at your house...Order online and it will be displayed in the Town Commons June 12th at Dusk. Last day to order - Thursday, June 11th. A.C.S. Grand Island Relay Site - Want to decorate your own luminaria but would rather we display it in the Town Commons, feel free to return the decorated luminaria to the box at 2225 Second Street or 42 Flanigen Lane and we'll take it from there.
  Three ways to make a donation...- cash, - check made out to the American Cancer Society, - online at A.C.S. Grand Island Relay Site and follow the steps to order a luminaria. The important part is going to be where it asks who you are dedicating it to.. if you're picking up a lumi kit put PICKUP, it you're having it delivered put DELIVERED, if you want us to make it and display it in the Town Commons put the name of the person you are dedicating the luminaria to and we'll be sure it's there. Let's Light our Town Purple!! **Rain Date - Saturday, June 13th.
Purple Post Relay For Life Newsletter - April 2020
Purple Post Relay Newsletter - April 2020.4th Annual Relay For Life Zumbathon - March 2020
Postponed - The 4th Annual Relay For Life Zumbathon will take place on Sunday, May 3rd at the Radisson Hotel, 100 Whitehaven Road. See flyer.Relay For Life Band & Baskets - March 2020
Postponed - Wide Right Band and Basket Raffle is on Saturday, March 28th at Mallwitz's Island Lanes. Basket Raffle 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Music 8:00 p.m. - midnight. See flyer.15th Annual Bowl For A Cure - March 2020
Postponed - A Bowlathon & Basket Raffle will take place at Mallwitz's Island Lanes on Friday, March 27th starting at 6:00 p.m. $20.00 donation includes two games, shoes, pizza & pop. See Flyer.Relay For Life Kickoff, Cruisin' For A Cure - March 2020
Postponed - The 2020 Relay For Life event "Cruisin' For A Cure" will take place on Friday, June 12th. The kickoff will take place on Tuesday, March 24th at Ellden's at River Oaks, 201 Whitehaven Road. at 7:00 p.m. Bring a crock-pot of your favorite "dish" and a $5 donation to enter the cook off. You don't need to cook to join the fun. See flyer for details.Relay For Life Billy's Buddies TV Trivia Night - March 2020
The Billy's Buddies Relay team is hosting a TV Trivia Night fundraiser at TC's Bar & Grill on Saturday, March 21st at 7:00 p.m. See flyer.Thank You Pinto Sanitation - January 2020

Relay For Life Co-Chair Lynn Dingey accepts $2000 check from Giorgio Penepinto.
Donated garbage totes for the annual Father's Day Lawnmower Race.
In 2019, Pinto Sanitation held a Pink Tote sale, $25 from each tote was donated to the American Cancer Society...$5 directly to Making Strides from Cascade (the tote manufacturer) and $20 to Relay For Life of Grand Island from Pinto Sanitation. Giorgio Panepinto, owner of Pinto Sanitation, recently presented Lynn Dingey, co-chair of Relay For Life of Grand Island with a $2,000 check and the news that they plan to hold another Pink Tote sale in the spring, Watch for more information and help us turn the Island pink, one pink tote at a time.A big thank you from Relay For Life to Pinto Sanitation for the$2000 donation and for being a sponsor at several different Relay events over the past year. This includes supplying outhouses for the Purple Ribbon Warrior 5K and totes for trash collection at the Father’s Day Lawnmower Races. Without the support of the Grand Island businesses and all the great residents of Grand Island, our Relay wouldn’t be the successful event that it is.